Thursday, June 18, 2015

No 979 "En mi opinion" Junio 18, 2015

No 979   “En mi opinión”  Junio 18, 2015

“IN GOD I TRUST” Lázaro R González Miño Editor
AMENPER: Negociando el Futuro de América…
Es muy evidente a cualquiera que presta algo de atención a las de “negociaciones” que se están jugando  en el Medio Oriente, en el disfraz de una charla sobre seguridad nuclear por parte de Irán, que no es nada sino una cortina de humo cuyo propósito es ganar tiempo.
Por lo tanto, el país que ha cambiado su nombre de Persia, en Irán como  "La nación superior"
El mismo principio de una raza superior que presentó Hitler en
la alemania Nazi es ahora adoptado por los líderes árabes militantes con el agravamiento del fanatismo religioso que los convierte en una teocracia asesina-
 Esas son las mismas personas con las que Obama está negociando, estas son las mismas personas que están presionando para obtener una bomba nuclear con el único propósito de destruir el diablo pequeño Israel y Diablo grande América.
Las mismas personas que gritan todos los días "¡muerte a Israel, muerte a América!" Las mismas personas que estamos combatiendo en el país próximo país y el país al lado para formar un Califato de Irán-Irak-Siria y eventualmente Israel y todo el medio oriente.  El mismo país que financia acciones terroristas en todo el mundo y que no oculta el objetivo de llevar el jihad a América.
Estas son las personas a las que Obama y que Kerry le quita las sanciones en vez de aumentárselas, que le da acceso al dinero para financiar nuestra destrucción.
La reunión toda es un chiste, para encubrir el hecho de que Irán todavía está enriqueciendo su arsenal nuclear. Las reuniones son para prolongar el tiempo para que  Irán pueda avanzar en su camino a convertirse en una potencia nuclear. Allí no habrá nunca cualquier negociación, que no sea Kerry vendiendo Ketchup a Irán y Obama adulando a la nación que nos aborrece y atacando a los que han sido nuestros aliados.
Las centrifugadoras están refinando más uranio cada día,  Israel grita más ruidosamente y más ruidosamente sobre los peligros muy reales e inminentes de Irán y este es un circo que nos está ofreciendo Obama con payasos y malabaristas, uno de los malabaristas John Kerry ya se cayó de una bicicleta y se partió una “pata”, como decimos los cubanos, y que en este caso se puede considerar adecuado
Se partió una pata, pero sigue metiendo la otra.
La nación odiosa de Irán está comprando tiempo y Obama lo está vendiendo con un descuento como una tienda en época de especiales. Nunca, nunca incluso lo vemos cuidando el costo de sus políticas, no le importa el costo de la misma manera que no le ha importado vender América a los chinos a través de toda su deuda que cada minuto aumenta. De la misma manera que no le importa la inquietud de la guerra racial que promueve con sus declaraciones, de la misma manera que no le importa el convertir a América en un estado de Welfare.
Estaba oyendo a Donald Trump, no creo que podemos considerar a Trump como un aspirante serio, creo que él lo sabe, pero todo lo que dice en cuanto a la situación económica, social y militar de Estados Unidos, es la realidad.
Creo que una persona de la inteligencia de Trump sepa que no tiene oportunidad para ser el candidato, pero quizás lo que quiere enviar es un mensaje satírico, que es una manera de decir la verdad con visos de humor para expresar una verdad-
Al exponer las verdades evidentes, fuerza a los otros candidatos a definir su posición con respecto a las medidas que el próximo candidato que sea electo en las primarias tenga que denunciar, sin paños calientes, la situación real de los Estados Unidos, domésticamente y en política exterior y cuál es su agenda para que los Estados Unidos vuelvan a ser la nación que era.



Obama and Boehner not giving up on free trade bill -- Urgent calls needed today!
Last week the House of Representatives rejected an expansion of Pres. Obama's executive authority over immigration by defeating TPA -- the fast track trade bill. This bill would give him full authority to negotiate America's trade policy with foreign countries, including increasing the flow of foreign workers into the United States to compete with American workers for jobs.
But House Speaker John Boehner isn't giving up and is doing everything in his power to help expand Pres. Obama's executive authority!
Today, the House will re-vote on a standalone TPA bill that, if passed, could have a devastating impact on American workers and their wages. The vote is expected to take place at NOON ET today, so please call this morning!
Call Congress NOW!
CAPITOL SWITCHBOARD -- (888) 995-2086
Please dial the toll-free number above that will connect you to the Capitol Switchboard. When the operator answers, ask to be connected to Representative Ros-Lehtinen's office. You can use the following talking points when talking to the staffer.
I strongly urge Representative Ros-Lehtinen to vote NO on TPA, H.R. 2146, when it comes to the House floor for a vote today!

This bill would expand Pres. Obama's authority over immigration by allowing him to negotiate changes to existing federal law in free trade agreements. Supporters of this bill have refused to include language to prevent trade agreements from allowing new foreign workers to take U.S. jobs.

Please vote NO on TPA, H.R.2146!
 Action Board



Boehner Trolls Hillary After Newly Discovered Benghazi Emails

After a House Benghazi Select Committee discovered either Hillary Clinton or the State Department withheld Benghazi emails, House Speaker John Boehner used the occasion to throw Bill Clinton’s infidelity in her face.
“When it comes to Hillary Clinton’s #Benghazi-related emails, it depends upon what the meaning of the word ‘all’ is,” Boehner tweeted Wednesday, linking to a post on his blog titled “It Depends Upon What the Meaning of the Word ‘All’ Is.”
Read more:


Luis E. Guzman

Western Journalism: Shocking New Report Exposes How The Obama Admin Has American Blood On Its Hands

"Illegal immigration is not a victimless crime."
The admission came in response to an inquiry by Sen. Charles Grassley to the head of Homeland Security, Jeh Johnson.


The Washington Times reports that Apolinar Altamirano is an example of someone who went through the Obama administration’s deportation system, and then was released, only to go on to commit major crimes.
Altamirano shot and killed a convenience store clerk in Mesa, Arizona, over a pack of cigarettes on January 22, 2015. He was charged with first degree murder, armed robbery, and related offenses. The illegal immigrant already had two injunctions against him for harassment of a woman, who he had placed in fear of her life.


In 2012, Altamirano also plead guilty to facilitation to commit burglary and was placed on two-years probation. He further was believed to have ties to the Mexican Mafia, according to AZCentral.
In a statement, Immigration, Customs and Enforcement (ICE) acknowledged that the Maricopa County Superior Court had informed the agency about Altamirano. He had, in fact, been taken into custody by ICE and was released pending the outcome of his case in immigration court.
“There’s no logical reason for ICE to let people like that out of custody instead of sending them home” said Jessica Vaughan, director of policy studies at the Center for Immigration Studies. “If they had kept him in custody they could have deported him much for efficiently.” By releasing convicted felons like Altamirano, “they are playing Russian roulette with public safety,” she said.
As reported by Western Journalism, the Obama administration announced new priorities for deportation last fall. The Priority 1 targets include those who threaten national security, criminal street gang members, convicted felons, and aggravated felons. Priority 2 targets are those who have convictions for three or more misdemeanors or convictions for significant misdemeanors, including DUIs.
ICE officials say they do not inform local law enforcement officials when illegal immigrants are released and don’t have a way of finding out from authorities if former detainees get into trouble with the law.
“When making custody determinations, ICE performs an individualized review of the individual’s immigration history and criminal history, pursuant to the Immigration and Naturalization Act (INA),” the agency said in statement. “In accordance with the requirements of the INA, not all criminals are subject to mandatory detention and thus may be eligible for bond.”
“Illegal immigration is not a victimless crime,” said Maria Espinoza, co-founder of the Remembrance Project, which advocates for victims of crimes committed by illegal immigrants. “This further supports what we have been fighting for. The safety and welfare of Americans must be the priority of the administration and the Republican-led Congress.”
Don Rosenberg, whose son was killed in a traffic accident by an illegal immigrant driving without a license, said: “These people can and should be deported. We have that option, and we don’t want to take it, and this is what happens. I guess until somebody who has the responsibility to make these decisions has one of their loved ones killed, it’s going to continue to happen.”

Philip Riggio…

The Editor The Miami Herald

His Holiness Pope Francis, Bishop of Rome and Supreme Pontiff of the Roman Catholic Church (for the congregants whereof he's the Vicar of Christ on earth), has added to his controversial repertoire advocacy of blaming humans and industry for what the ubiquitous soi-disant trendy call "climate change" (an earthly constant for more than four billion scientific years: to paraphrase President Obama re Cuba, "That was going on long before most of us were born") to the surprise of the faithful and all who hold common sense to a higher regard than cynical and counterproductive political agendas. Area mass-goers got this message Sunday from the pulpit. 

One waits to see if it will be as effective as the Brazilian National Conference of [Catholic] Bishops' (CNBB, popularly known since Vatican II's liberation theology came in vogue as "a bispada," which in Spanish would be "la obispada") recent fatuous attempt to have Brazil's remaining parishioners sign a document supporting the misleading, disastrous & openly thieving economic policies of the Castro/Maduro-aligned Dilma Rousseff government, a flatfooted misstep greeted with glee by Protestant denominations as they open the door for more millions fleeing what the risibly with-it hierarchy has forced upon them every Sunday for the last fifty years or so.
Changes to believe in?  Yeah, right...

Philip V. Riggio
2777 NE 183rd Street
Aventura, FL 33160

Al pie le incluimos, con mucho gusto, el enlace a una entrevista sobre las nuevas dictaduras y su relación con el capitalismo y la cultura en el programa “Alo buenas noches” de El Venezolano TV.
Julio M. Shiling


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Is Jeb Unelectable Because He Gave Hillary an Award?

·         Source: The Christian Science Monitor
·         by: Peter Grier
Jeb Bush once handed Hillary Rodham Clinton an award for “public service.” Does this disqualify him from the 2016 Republican presidential race?
At least one influential conservative group thinks it does. ForAmerica, an organization founded by the veteran Washington rightward figure L. Brent Bozell, released an ad-like video Wednesday attacking Mr. Bush as “unelectable” due to his presence onstage with the likely Democratic nominee at a Philadelphia ceremony about 18 months ago.
“It’s bad enough that Hillary Clinton will likely use footage from this event against any Republican nominee, but if Jeb Bush is her opponent she will make him look ridiculous,” Mr. Bozell said in a statement.
Here’s the background: Bush is chairman of the board of trustees of the National Constitution Center, a Philadelphia organization chartered by Congress to “disseminate information about the United States Constitution on a non-partisan basis.” Source:
 The Christian Science Monitor


En mi opinión

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