Friday, August 2, 2013

No 447 "EN MI OPINION" AGOSTO 2, 2013

No 447  “En mi opinión” Agosto 2, 2013
Editor Lázaro R González Miño  ‘IN GOD WE TRUST” ,  
Para comentar o enviar artículos,

FIREARMS REFRESHER COURSE enviado por Margarita Sanchez.

 "A free people ought not only to be armed and disciplined, but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own government." -- George Washington 

 COURSE. E          

1. "Those who hammer their guns into plows will 
Plow for those who do not."  ~Thomas Jefferson 

2.  Those who trade liberty for security have 
Neither. ~John Adams

3.     Free men do not ask permission to bear arms. 

4.     An armed man is a citizen.   An unarmed man is a subject.          

5.  Only a government that is afraid of its citizens tries to control them.

6. Gun control is not about guns; it's about control. 

7.  You only have the rights you are willing to fight for. 

8.  Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.

9.  You don't shoot to kill; you shoot to stay alive. 

10. Assault is a behavior, not a device. 

11.  64,999,987 firearms owners killed no one yesterday. 

12.  The  United States Constitution (c) 1791. All Rights Reserved.

13.  The Second Amendment is in place in case the politicians ignore the others. 

14.  What part of 'shall not be infringed' do you NOT understand? 

15.  Guns have only two enemies; rust and politicians.

16.  When you remove the people's right to bear arms, you create slaves. 

17.  The American Revolution would never have happened with gun control.

142857 mailing list142857@cubacubana.net
 Alberto Perez: LA DESTRUCCIÓN DE DETROIT Después de décadas de empoderar a los ineptos, sinvergüenzas y delincuentes, y a los rapaces sindicados, los  liberales socialistas y la administración, niegan la responsabilidad por la quiebra de Detroit.
Sindicatos de trabajadores del gobierno y la industria automovilista ha vivido parasitariamente del peculio público y de la empresa privada en Detroit .
La pregunta es: ¿qué estaban pensando ellos? ¿Pensaban que sus casas de paja no colapsarían nunca?¿Pensaban que el guanajo de los huevos de oro tenía vida eterna? ¿Pensaban que  como pensaron en el caso de los bancos en la burbuja hipotecario, que las compañías de automóviles eran "demasiado grandes para quebrar"?.  
Hoy entre las coartadas exculpatorias que nos presentan, invocando para desviar la culpa de la clase política, es que Detroit es simplemente una víctima de “desindustrialización” que es algo como un desastre de la naturaleza, como un tornado o un ciclón.  Que hay que declararlo zona de desastre y darle ayuda federal.
Quieren ignorar el hecho de que los ejecutivos de la industria del automóvil, que a menudo eran mediocres invertebrados, continuamente compraban la paz laboral hipotecando el futuro de sus empresas rindiéndose a las exigencias sindicales.
También quieren ignorar que los funcionarios de la ciudad dieron sus empleados — que tiene 47sindicatos- escalas salariales comparables a los de trabajadores automovilísticos.
Así llevaron la disfunción de sector privado al sector público y al desastre total..
Detroit es como el avance de una película sobre lo que será  América.
En el  liberalismo y la administración de Obama  la responsabilidad, se niega.
Nadie es responsable de nada. La soberanía popular es una quimera porque fuerzas impersonales similar a los huracanes son las responsables  no es las responsabilidad de la política de la administración, vivimos víctimas de factores incontrolables ajenos al ser humano...
El Presidente Obama con la complicidad de los medios de comunicación complacientes utiliza el poder para eludir la responsabilidad promoviendo este comcepto de una culpa imponderable, e incluso llega a la aberración de culpar a los pocos que llaman los escándalos por su nombre.
La restauración de la vitalidad de los Estados Unidos, depende entre muchas otras cosas, evitar el agujero sin fondo que se crearía  si el gobernó federal sale al rescate con el dinero de los contribuyentes para tapar los errores del sistema socialista, o sea dádivas para cubir los gastos de las dádivas, que son la causa la quiebra de las ciudades y las industrias afines a la política de la administración y los sindicatos.


·         Ricardo Samitier: Que buscaban los "LADRONES" DE WATERGATE‏  ahora 41 años... y seguimos sin saberlo...

Nunca Se Publicó Que Buscaba El “Equipo De Ladrones” De Nixon Arrestados En WaterGate...
Qué documentación TAN IMPORTANTE buscaban para entrar
Una noche a una OFICINA que solamente tenía ARCHIVOS...

Buscaban y fueron sorprendidos ANTES de que encontraran
Las PRUEBAS de los 6 MILLONES DE DÓLARES entregados por
Fidel Castro en efectivo... COMO UNA CONTRIBUCIÓN AL
PARTIDO DEMÓCRATA... Para elegir a McGovern... (Quien
acaba de morir hace unos meses... )

Los equipos ocupados a los ladrones eran CÁMARAS ESPECIALES
DE FOTOGRAFIAR Documentos... pero cuando se comenta
WATERGATE... eso nunca se menciona... lo cual deja al gran
publico sin saber la peligrosidad de la subversión que desde
antes de la llegada de Wilson a la Presidencia en 1912 ha sido
realizada metódicamente por el Partido Demócrata...  




Former Homeland Security attorney exposes shrewd maneuver

Published: 11 hours ago
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Did Barack Obama win re-election by violating the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act?
This is the question posed by former Homeland Security attorney Stewart Baker, a blogger for The Volokh Conspiracy, a group blog organized by Eugene Volokh, a professor of American law at the UCLA School of Law.
·         Dental Implant WarningsWhat You Should Know Before Getting Dental Implants. Read Expert
·         Poll: You've been chosenTake a five question survey on Obama and the direction of the
Baker’s credentials make the question a serious one.
A partner in the Washington office of Steptoe & Johnson LLP, he returned to private law practice after serving for three and a half years as the assistant secretary for policy at the Department of Homeland Security, where he created and managed the 250-person DHS Policy Directorate responsible, among other duties, for relationships with law enforcement and public advisory committees.
The Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, enacted by Congress in 1986, is a broadly written law that in practice regulates virtually all computers and cellphones, largely because communications over the Internet tends to have implications for interstate commerce.
Baker argued that the Obama presidential campaign in 2012 possibly violated the act by an arrangement with Obama supporters posting on Facebook. It allowed the Obama campaign to search the person’s Facebook network for likely voters the campaign could identify as unmotivated or unregistered.
The likely voters would then get tailored messages from their Facebook friends urging them to register and turn out.
Baker’s appreciation for the creativity of the tactic was moderated by his conclusion the tactic might have been a criminal violation of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act.
“It’s clever. It’s the future,” Baker conceded. “And it’s a violation of the CFAA. Facebook doesn’t let users share access to their accounts, and anything Facebook doesn’t authorize is very likely a federal crime.”
Baker explained that Facebook’s customer service agreement was written to limit access to information, not just use of the information.
“Maybe the campaign never thought about the possibility that it was violating federal law,” Baker wrote. “That’s not a scandal, though it strikes me as unlikely that not one of these tech-savvy geeks failed to notice that they were breaching Facebook’s terms of service.”
Given the importance of turnout to the outcome of the 2012 presidential campaign, Baker argued President Obama arguably won re-election by violating federal law or by getting special treatment from Facebook, and maybe from federal prosecutors as well.
“I think this issue will go mainstream,” Baker insisted. “Half the country will want to know exactly how that happened. And I don’t see how the extraordinary discussion conferred by the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act can survive the storm that follows.”
Trolling for voters
WND senior staff reporter Jerome R. Corsi, author of the WND book “What Went Wrong: The Inside Story of the GOP Debacle of 2012 … And How It Can Be Avoided Next Time,” agrees.
“There is no doubt the Obama computer strategies and capabilities gave Obama an advantage in 2012,” Corsi said. “A major goal of the Obama voter intelligence campaign was to network from strong Obama supporters to find likely Obama voters that could be converted into Election Day votes.”
Corsi pointed out that despite Obama winning six of the seven swing states in play in 2012, many of the key states were very close, within reach for Romney had Republican turnout been higher.
In 2012, when all the precincts were counted, Obama won Ohio by only 103,481 votes, approximately 2 percent of all votes cast in the state, and he won Florida by 73,189 votes, approximately 1 percent of all the votes cast.
“Turnout was the key to victory in 2012,” Corsi pointed out. “Approximately 6.7 million fewer white voters voted in 2012 than voted in 2008. Romney got 59 percent of the white vote. The white voters who stayed home were the conservatives. Had Romney gotten the same numbers of white voters to the polls as McCain got in 2008, Romney could well have been president.”
Maximizing turnout in the Democratic Party base was a necessary strategy for Obama to be re-elected, Corsi pointed out, stressing that Obama got 4.5 million fewer votes in 2012 than in 2008.
“The Obama team had the social science studies that showed how you can increase turnout by telling a prospective voter how his or her neighbors plan to vote,” Corsi noted.
He said the Facebook strategy analyzed by Baker is “very powerful, when the Obama campaign accesses your friends to ask if they know you plan to vote for Obama.”
If Baker is correct, Corsi stressed, the Facebook strategy rapidly moves into the liability column if the Obama campaign did not adequately research the information-access restrictions of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act.
“The geeks in the ‘cave’ in Obama’s Chicago campaign headquarters were trolling for votes over the Internet wherever and however they could find them,” Corsi said. “It would not surprise me if Obama’s computer geniuses cut legal corners on the Internet, much like hackers couldn’t care less if they violate a few federal laws breaking through firewalls.” Read more at 
Efectos de los tratados de libre comercio 

  IRONÍA DE LAS Ironias de la ECONOMÍA NORTEAMERICANA Pregunta: ¿Por qué la economía norteamericana se desplomó?Respuesta: John Smith comenzó el día temprano al haber puesto su despertador(HECHO EN JAPÓN) para las 6  a.m.Mientras su cafetera eléc trica (HECHA EN CHINA) estaba haciendo café (IMPORTADO DE COLOMBIA), se afeitó con su máquina de afeitar eléctrica (HECHA EN HONG KONG).se bañó y se secó con su toalla (hecha en El Salvador) Se puso una camisa de vestir (HECHA EN SRI LANKA), pantalones vaqueros de marca (HECHOS EN SINGAPOORE) y zapatos tenis (HECHOS EN COREA). Después de preparar su desayuno en su nueva sartén eléctrica (HECHA EN LA INDIA)se sentó con su calculadora (HECHA EN MÉXICO) para ver cuánto podía gastar ese día.  Después de poner en hora su reloj (HECHO EN TAIWAN) con la radio (HECHA EN LA INDIA ) entró en su auto (HECHO EN ALEMANIA) lo abasteció con gasolina (DE ARABIA SAÚDITA) y continuó su búsqueda de un empleo norteamericano bien remunerado.Al final de otro infructuoso y desalentador día chequeando su computadora (HECHA EN MALAISIA), John decidió descansar un rato.Se puso sus sandalias (HECHAS EN BRASIL), se sirvió un vaso de vino (HECHO EN FRANCIA), encendió un puro, obtenido de contrabando (HECHO EN CUBA) y encendió su TV (HECHO EN INDONESIA), y entonces se preguntó por qué no podía encontrar un empleo bien remunerado en los Estados Unidos, pero ahora él está esperanzado con poder conseguir ayuda de su Presidente(HECHO EN KENYA).

CIA using polygraph tests to keep Benghazi secret

Posted on  by Cowboy Byte
The CIA allegedly had “dozens” of agency operatives on the ground at the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi during last year’s deadly terrorist attack that ended with the deaths of Ambassador Chris Stevens and four other Americans.
Langley is taking extreme measures to mask the agency’s operations in Benghazi and in northern Libya at the time of the strike, according to CNN.
Agency employees involved with CIA operations in the country are being subjected to monthly polygraph tests, among other counterintelligence measures, an unnamed source told CNN. Read more:

Homeland Security loses track of 1 million aliens

By Washington Times (DC) 
The Homeland Security Department has lost track of more than 1 million people who it knows arrived in the U.S. but who it cannot prove left the country, according to an audit Tuesday that also found the department probably won't meet its own goals for deploying an entry-exit system.
The findings were revealed as Congress debates an immigration bill, and the Government Accountability Office's report could throw up another hurdle because lawmakers in the House and Senate have said that any final deal must include a workable system to track entries and exits and cut down on so-called visa overstays.
The government does track arrivals, but is years overdue in setting up a system to track departures -- a goal set in a 1996 immigration law and reaffirmed in 2004, but which has eluded Republican and Democratic administrations.
"DHS has not yet fulfilled the 2004 statutory requirement to implement a biometric exit capability, but has planning efforts under way to report to Congress in time for the fiscal year 2016 budget cycle on the costs and benefits of such a capability at airports and seaports," GAO investigators wrote.
Outside business groups and Republican donors are trying to breathe life into the push for getting an immigration bill through Congress this year.
Nearly 100 top donors and former party officials signed a letter Tuesday pleading with House Republicans to pass a bill legalizing illegal immigrants, saying it could open the door to earning immigrants' political support.
"Doing nothing is de facto amnesty. We need to take control of whom we let in our country and we need to make sure everybody plays by the same rules," the donors said in their letter.
They aimed their pitch at House Republicans, who are trying to figure out a way forward and find themselves trapped between rank-and-file Republican voters who say legalizing illegal immigrants is an amnesty, and the party's elites and donors who say the party cannot survive nationally without embracing legalization as part of a strategy to win over Hispanic voters.
The donor letter was sent the same day that the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and 400 other businesses and umbrella groups fired off a letter to House leaders of both parties, urging them to pass something -- though the business leaders did not specifically call for legalizing illegal immigrants.
The business leaders and donors appeared to be sensing the momentum for immigration slipping away, little more than a month after the Senate passed its version on a bipartisan 68-32 vote.
How to handle visa overstays was a major part of the Senate bill debate when it came through the Judiciary Committee, though the issue received less attention on the Senate floor.
Under current law, the government is supposed to be developing a system to check every visitor's entry and departure from the country, using biometric identifiers such as fingerprints. The system is supposed to apply to air, land and sea ports of entry.
But members of both parties have said that is a giant task. The Senate bill waters down those requirements, saying only that there must be a biographic-based system, which means using a photo, and that it be limited to air and sea ports.
The GAO said most of the overstays came by airplane, but 32 percent came through land ports of entry, and 4 percent came by sea. The average length of overstay was 2.7 years.
The Congressional Budget Office, which analyzed the Senate bill, said it will cut out about half of all illegal immigration. CBO said stiffer border security will limit those crossing the border illegally but that the system would boost the chances for illegal immigrants to come to the U.S. under new guest-worker programs and stay beyond their visas.
The executive branch is supposed to report annually to Congress on how many people have overstayed their visas but has failed to do so for the past two decades, saying the information isn't reliable enough.
Homeland Security Secretary Janet A. Napolitano told the Senate this year that her department would begin to report in December, but the GAO said Homeland Security officials aren't sure what methodology they will use.
The department has repeatedly pushed back its deadlines for setting up an exit system at airports, telling GAO investigators this year that it will finalize plans in the near future. But GAO said the department is already behind its own schedule.
"For example, DHS had planned to begin scenario-based testing for biometric air exit options in August 2013; however, according to DHS officials, the department now plans to begin such testing in early 2014," the auditors said.
The total of 1 million potential overstays in the country is an improvement from two years ago, when the GAO found Homeland Security had lost track of 1.6 million people.
Homeland Security went back and looked at those names and found that more than half had either actually left the country unbeknownst to the government, or had gained legal status that allowed them to remain in the U.S.
Of the others, the department decided most were deemed not to be security risks and so there was no need to track them down. But 1,901 of them were deemed significant national security or public safety threats, and 266 of those were still unaccounted for as of March.
In its official response to the GAO report, the Homeland Security Department said it is creating a working group to try to improve its data, and pointed to its success in reducing the backlog of overstay cases from 1.6 million to 1 million.
"DHS remains committed to strengthening and building upon existing capabilities to better identify and report on potential overstays," said Jim H. Crumpacker, the department's liaison to GAO.

Obama’s Auto Industry Bailouts in 2009: Taxpayers Lose, Big Time

Posted on July 31, 2013
Despite surges in revenue and a catalog of new vehicles produced by the U.S. auto industry, taxpayers are still suffering from the 2009 bailouts, as General Motors (GM) would have to peddle their stock for $95.51 per share for taxpayers to break even, according to a government watchdog report published Wednesday. Even with a 25-percent spike in the price this year, that’s still well over twice what shares are selling for today, with the price currently lingering around $37 per share — meaning there’s little faith that taxpayers will break even on the nearly $50-billion GM bailout.
The inspector general for the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) asserts that taxpayers are still at least $18 billion in the hole, which government officials insisted GM needed, to endure its bankruptcy restructuring in 2009. Since its escape from bankruptcy, the automaker has earned about $17.2 billion, and in exchange for its federal endowment, the government secured a bulky portion of the company’s stock.
Over the past couple of years, the government has slowly been liquidating its stock, with a target to fully retire its investment by April 2014; it still owns about 189 million shares, or about 14 percent of the company. But according to many experts taxpayers will remain the ultimate losers.
“There’s no question that the Treasury, the taxpayers, are going to lose money on the GM investment,” Special Inspector General Christy Romero, who delivered the July quarterly report to Congress, noted in a recent interview.
If the government sells its remaining GM shares for its current stock price, it would take in only $7 billion, putting taxpayers on the hook for more than $11 billion on the overall bailout cost. In addition to GM’s bailout in 2008 and 2009, Romero’s report continues, domestic automaker Chrysler was bailed out for $12.5 billion, which cost taxpayers nearly $3 billion.

Read more:


Jesse Jackson calls Florida 'Selma of our time'

By Miami Herald (FL) 
TALLAHASSEE -- It didn't take long for Florida's Republican leaders to lash out following comments made Tuesday by the Rev. Jesse Jackson during his visit with the Dream Defenders protest group at the Capitol.
Gov. Rick Scott asked that Jackson apologize for calling Florida the "Selma of our time" and "the Apartheid State."
"Jesse Jackson owes every Floridian an apology for his reckless and divisive comments," Scott said in a statement Wednesday. "It is unfortunate that he would come to Florida to insult Floridians and divide our state at a time when we are striving for unity and healing. Floridians are a strong, resilient people. We are fortunate to live in a great state where all Floridians enjoy opportunities to get a great job and world-class education."
Jackson, like the Dream Defenders, wants Florida to revisit the "stand your ground" law that was passed in 2005. Scott has said he supports the law and won't call a special session to address it.
Jackson said Florida's post-Trayvon Martin environment is "toxic."
" 'Stand your ground' laws must end," Jackson told reporters. "The manipulation of African-Americans here is disgraceful."
"We've seen Southern governors before change their minds," Jackson said Tuesday. "Wallace said we couldn't go to the University of Alabama. He had to change his mind."
Wallace is a reference to former Alabama Gov. George Wallace, who in 1963 famously stood in the door of Foster Auditorium at the University of Alabama to block the entry of two black students. In the late 1970s, he apologized to black leaders for his stance on segregation. In his final term as governor in 1983-1987, Wallace made a record number of black appointments.
Florida House Speaker Will Weatherford reacted strongly as well. He objected to Jackson's comparison of Scott to Wallace. On Tuesday night, Weatherford tweeted: Rev. Jackson's latest comments about @FLGovScott went too far. I am embarrassed for him and his irresponsible statement.
It was retweeted 15 times, including once by Lenny Curry, chairman of the Republican Party of Florida.
Jackson, meanwhile, was gone by early Wednesday to catch a flight. He slept on the floor of the Capitol on Tuesday night as part of the Dream Defenders' sit-in.
"He was telling different stories and correlating what's going on right now in the movement that we're creating with movements and moments that he's been part of," said the Dream Defenders' Steve Parjett. "He's committed to continuing to help us and continuing to provide support."

Weiner Wars: Clinton Sex Tape Featuring Lewinsky's Dirty Talk Surfaces

Kyle Becker On July 31, 2013
The feud between disgraced former Congressman Anthony Weiner, who is stillrunning for New York City Mayor, and the Clintons is about to be taken to new heights.
The National Enquirer claims to be in the possession of a sex tape with some raunchy tidbits from Monica Lewinsky that shed a scurrilous light on what kind of relationship the illicit liaisons apparently had. The gossipy pub Radar had the distasteful details:
A sex tape that Monica Lewinsky recorded for Bill Clinton at the height of their scandalous affair has leaked, during which the former White House intern is heard planning a secret sexual rendezvous with the president and declaring she is “too cute and adorable” to be ignored.
On the audio tape obtained by The National Enquirer, Lewinsky at one point tries to seduce the commander in chief: “I could take my clothes off and start… well… I know you wouldn’t enjoy that? I hope to see you later and I hope you will follow my script and do what I want.”
Lewinsky, who turned 40 last week, made the three-minute, 47 second recording in November 1997 and addressed it to “handsome.”
Details of the sexually explicit tape are in the new issue of the Enquirer, which hits newsstands Thursday.
The tape was believed to have been destroyed long ago, but comes out at a very inauspicious moment for the Clintons. Anthony Weiner’s wife Huma Abedin, who has been a confidante of Hillary Clinton, has taken heat for ‘standing by her man’ in a fashion reminiscent of the presumed presidential candidate Hillary.
This tape, if authentic, would certainly add some heat to the pressure cooker that the Weiner story has become, because it showcases the duplicity of the mainstream media’s treatment of two Democrat politicians. As if the Weiner and Clinton sagas couldn’t get anymore scandalous — or gross.
  Enviado por Alberto Pérez. Este escrito de Roberto Luqie Ecalona es más que una radiografía del tema es una tomografía computarizada, un Cat Scan, del por qué los nuevos inmigrantes odian al país al que la incapacidad, incopetencia e ineptitudo sociales y económicas de sus países de origen los arrastraron a adoptar como residencia. Y como llegaron a esta manera de ser y de pensar.   
Escrito por Roberto Luque Escalona   
 ¿Quiénes son los nuevos  inmigrantes cubanos?
¿Quiénes son los nuevos inmigrantes Mejicanos?

Para empezar, ¿quiénes son los cubanos? Un millón, quizás algo más, de los doce millones que viven en la isla de Cuba; es lo queda, allá, de lo que fue nuestra nación. El resto son una nueva nacionalidad que se llaman a sí mismos cubanos, pero que  poco o nada tienen que ver con nosotros y con nuestros padres, abuelos y ancestros más lejanos. Son los  “hombres nuevos”, los chivatientes, los aserequevolás. Esa gente de nombres inverosímiles.
Como bien dijo el patán que los gobierna, carecen de principios morales y de ética; son vulgares, haraganes, propensos a delinquir e ignoran incluso el significado de la palabra “civismo”. Aunque todos saben leer y escribir, su hablar es apenas inteligible. Su único parecido con los cubanos-cubanos es la propensión a la envidia y la mitomanía. La laboriosidad se fue al diablo y el talento empresarial está limitado a los negocios sucios. En cambio, durante los masivos actos de repudio de 1980 demostraron un nivel de crueldad desconocido en Cuba.
No tienen el menor respeto por la propiedad ajena y violan la ley siempre que están seguros de no tener que pagar por ello. Eso lo aprendieron de la gentuza bajo cuyo gobierno han nacido y vivido, que los ha creado a su imagen y semejanza: para que un gobierno de ladrones produzca un pueblo de ladrones lo que se necesita es tiempo. Tres décadas son suficientes y los hijos de Lina Ruz han dispuesto de cinco.
La absoluta falta de moral de los aserequevolás se refleja en esa forma sui géneris de prostitución llamada jineterismo. Prostitutas siempre hubo, pero que una mujer con título universitario se prostituyera era algo inconcebible, tanto como que padres y esposos admitieran o promovieran la prostitución de sus hijas y esposas, y que las prostitutas tuvieran reconocimiento social; recuerden que “hijoeputa” es el peor de los insultos. Las que se prostituyen con extranjeros, ¿lo hacen para poder comer, para darle de comer a sus hijos? Pamplinas. En Cuba no se pasa hambre; se come mal, que no es lo mismo. Hambre se pasa en algunos países africanos o en Corea del Norte. Trate de recordar si alguna vez ha visto un aserequevolá famélico.
“Tenía la cabeza llena de locas ideas de negros”, dijo Truman Capote de uno de sus personajes. Hubiese sido más magnánimo con sus compatriotas de color de haber conocido a los aserequevolás, gente capaz de creer:
·        que Martí fue “el autor intelectual” del asalto al cuartel Moncada,
·        que Fidel Castro es un hombre valiente y “el Comandante de Mil Batallas”,
·        que bajo Batista hubo veinte mil muertos,
·        que Camilo Cienfuegos era un héroe,
·        que el Che Guevara se bañaba,
·        que en la Sierra Maestra hubo batallas,
·        que Cuba es un país bloqueado,
·        que la miseria la provoca el bloqueo imperialista,
·        que Silvio Rodríguez es un poeta,
·        que el equipo Industriales es el símbolo del béisbol cubano,
·        que las expediciones militares en África fueron “la gloria que se ha vivido”,
·        que los espías de la Red Avispa son víctimas del imperialismo,
·        que el G-2 no detiene a nadie sin motivo,
·        que el gobierno tiene derecho a negar la salida o a autorizar la entrada en
         Cuba de personas nacidas precisamente en Cuba,
         que confiscar propiedades no es un robo,
·        que fusilar sin juicio no es asesinar,
·        que la delación es un acto honorable,
·        que la Revolución es generosa.
En fin, que el cerebro de los aserequevolás, en vez de flotar en líquido cefalorraquídeo, está inmerso en una materia pastosa compuesta de sangre y porquería.
Como saben todos los que me leen, considero que la inmigración mexicana es perjudicial para este país debido a que a los niños en México  se les enseña a odiarlo. Que si Texas, que si los Niños Héroes, que si el bombardeo de Veracruz, que si Pershing persiguiendo a Pancho Villa. El rencor por la pérdida de territorios ocurrida hace 165 años sólo se explica por el constante recordatorio de ella que se les endilga a los niños mexicanos desde la primaria.
Pues bien, a los niños cubanos también se les ha enseñado a odiar a los Estados Unidos de América. Fue un proceso lento. Los sentimientos antiamericanos eran muy débiles en la desaparecida República de Cuba, como lo habían sido durante la época colonial; recuerden el fuerte movimiento anexionista, que nos dejó varios mártires y nuestra muy imitada bandera nacional. Además, los niños que comenzaron a recibir su dosis de veneno escolar a partir de 1959 tenían padres que estaban en condiciones de contrarrestarlo. En 1967, cuando la Olimpiada de Ajedrez, estallaban los aplausos en el lobby y el mezanine del hotel que le servía de sede cada vez que se anunciaba una victoria del americano  Bobby Fischer; el veneno aún no había hecho efecto. Los que nacieron después del éxodo del Mariel y llegaron a la adolescencia durante la miseria incrementada del llamado “Período Especial”, cuando el país se quedó sin el $ub$idio soviético, ya están totalmente envenenados. Con un agravante: a los chamacos mexicanos se les enseña a odiar a los Estados Unidos, no al capitalismo.
Otra: los inmigrantes mexicanos, en general, trabajan duro. Los aserequevolás, también en general, vienen aquí a defraudar al Medicare, a sembrar marihuana en hidropónicos, a sacar lo que puedan del “welfare”.
Por todas esa razones y otras que en este espacio no caben, debe derogarse la Ley de Ajuste Cubano, que los aserequevolás defraudan desvergonzadamente al declararse perseguidos y regresar al cabo de un año al escenario de la falsa persecución, esa ley que les da un trato preferencial sobre los nacos mexicanos, que no son palo que da tres yugos, que también tienen una nefasta inclinación por el gobierno todopoderoso, pero que al menos no odian al sistema que ha hecho grande, próspero y libre a este país en el que vivimos y en el que yo, al menos, moriré.

CNN: 'Dozens' of CIA Operatives in Benghazi During Attacks

Thursday, 01 Aug 2013 06:47 PM By Todd Beamon
There were allegedly "dozens" of CIA operatives on the ground during the attacks on the U.S. Consulate in Libya last Sept. 11, CNN reported Thursday.
And the spy agency is doing everything it can to conceal its involvement, the network reports.

According to sources cited by 
CNN, some CIA operatives who were involved in the Benghazi mission have been polygraphed every month since January to determine whether anyone might be talking to Congress or the media.

Latest: Is Benghazi a Cover Up? Is Obama at the Heart of It? Vote Here 

The sources described the efforts to CNN as pure intimidation — even threats to end the careers of unauthorized leakers.

"You have no idea the amount of pressure being brought to bear on anyone with knowledge of this operation," one source told CNN.

"You don't jeopardize yourself, you jeopardize your family as well," another told the network.

U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans died in the Benghazi attacks.

Many Capitol Hill Republicans – particularly Sens. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, John McCain of Arizona, and Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire – have repeatedly charged that the Obama White House, the State Department, and other federal agencies have barred those who worked in Benghazi during the attacks from testifying before Congress.

But CIA spokesman Dean Boyd told CNN in a statement that the agency "has worked closely with [Congress’s] oversight committees" and that "CIA employees are always free to speak to Congress if they want."

He added the agency was unaware of any retaliation against any employee, or of any employees being prevented from "sharing a concern with Congress about the Benghazi incident."

One source told CNN that 35 Americans were at the Benghazi mission, and as many as seven were wounded in the attack, some seriously.

Another said 21 were working in the "annex" building, which is believed to have been run by the CIA and to which Americans fled after the State Department's diplomatic installation was attacked.

The CIA also has declined to comment on speculation that U.S. agencies in Benghazi were moving portable surface-to-air missiles out of Libya, through Turkey, and into the hands of Syrian rebels.

The State Department has denied that any of its employees were involved in such an operation, saying they were only helping the new Libyan government to secure such weapons within the country, CNN reports

For the past few months, members of Congress and their staffs have been discussing behind closed doors the worrying proposition that they will be forced off their popular health insurance program and onto the federal insurance exchanges set up under Obamacare.

Those concerns 
reached a fevered pitch this week as President Obama, while making a rare visit to Capitol Hill, assured lawmakers that they and their staffs wouldn’t be foisted onto the same health exchange as millions of Americans. Then late last night, news broke that Obama had "solved" the problem, although no details were available.

Obama and many in Congress hope that the Office of Personnel Management can somehow find a way to legally continue paying for members’ health benefits after they lose their current Federal Employees Health Benefits Program (FEHBP) coverage and instead have to get coverage through the new exchanges.

But not so fast, say two Heritage Foundation health scholars and a former general counsel of the OPM. The three health benefit experts scoured Obamacare’s rules, along with other relevant statutes, and found nothing in the law that gives OPM the authority to pay the government' contributions to any health plan that is outside of the FEHBP.

Read the Full Report: No Easy Escape for Congress

In other words, members of Congress and their staff will lose the health insurance they like—breaking a big promise from Obama—unless Congress passes another law to preserve its own current coverage. That's something they have so far been unwilling to do for their constituents, millions of whom are also facing the prospect of losing their current coverage.

“There does not seem to be any way that OPM [and the Obama Administration] can rescue Members of Congress and their staffs,” Heritage’s new report concludes.

Lawmakers and their staffs could keep their coverage by repealing a section of Obamacare, but at what political price?

“Of course, Congress could enact legislative changes," the report notes. "The problem for Congress, however, is that adopting any possible legislative solution would be viewed by many of their constituents as an act of self-dealing special treatment.”

Why should the people’s representatives get special treatment? Maybe they should have read the health law more carefully before they voted for it. Regardless, it would be a disservice to millions of hard-working Americans and their families for the Administration or Congress to jam through special favors rather than repeal an unpopular, unworkable, and unaffordable law.

With less than two months left until enrollment opens for Obamacare's insurance exchanges, now is the time for Americans to 
speak out against the unfair political maneuverings and out-of-control spending within Obamacare.

Heritage’s sister organization 
Heritage Action will host town-hall meetings this month in nine cities across America. Learn more about the "Defund Obamacare Tour" and find out how you can make your voice heard.

Quick Hits:
·         The head of the IRS says he wants to keep his health plan, not switch to Obamacare.
·         Obamacare’s pro-abortion mandate marks its one-year anniversary.
·         Senator Marco Rubio explains why he wants to defund Obamacare.
·         A liberal TV commentator makes a passionate argument for school choice and merit pay.
·         Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid loses his cool.
·         Samantha Power was confirmed as U.N. ambassador on an 87-10 vote.
·         Five 5 border security concerns with the Senate immigration bill.
·         Progressive activists plan to disrupt Republican town-hall meetings.
·         This Tennessee newspaper editor was fired for a headline critical of President Obama
The Heritage Foundation | 214 Massachusetts Avenue, NE | Washington, D.C. 20002 | (800) 546-2843

9:20pm Aug 1
PINOCHO Y SUS RAICES INICIATICAS. Francisco Contreras enviado por Héctor Lemagne Sandó
La mayoría de los cuentos encierran mensajes ocultos, algunos de ellos inclusive, que aun no conocemos a total cabalidad, todas las implicaciones que encierran, sus enseñanzas si bien se encaminan a una moral o a una simple diversión, también implican enseñanzas psicológicas y esotéricas muy poderosas. El cuento de Pinocho no es la excepción a la regla, en este comunicado trataremos de decodificar muchos de sus rasgos secretos del cuento. Este cuento hoy es conocido por millones, y se ha adaptado fácilmente a casi todas las culturas. Y hoy está impreso en la formación psicológica de millones de seres humanos que desconocen que Pinocho fue una creación Masónica en su versión del rito forestal.
Para entender el cuento Masónico de Pinocho, inmortalizado en el cine por Disney, debemos remontarnos a la Italia del siglo 19 y dedicar unas líneas a su autor, Collodi.
Carlo Collodi , o Carlo Lorenzini nació en Florencia en 1826. Influido por los ideales políticos de Giusseppe Mazzini, Collodi plasmó en sus obras la doctrina liberal de este gran líder masónico de la Italia Unificada. La influencia de Mazzini en los literatos era evidente, ya que este insistía que debían influir filosóficamente en sus lectores, creando conciencias y educando al pueblo.
Al igual que muchos literatos, Collodi ingresó a la Masonería a mediados del siglo 19. Esta organización fue otra influencia importante en la obra de este autor, y en su obra más notable Pinocho encontramos interesantes simbolismos iniciáticos que son el objeto de estudio de este artículo.
La nueva Italia unificada al igual que el resto de Europa tenía una fuerte influencia masónica, dado que sus grandes líderes Garibaldi y Mazzini pertenecían a la Masonería. El Papa por fin había sido arrinconado en un rinconcito de Italia, el Vaticano que era lo poco que quedaba de los enormes Estados Pontificios. Sin embargo, aunque la Religión Católica estaba siendo atacada, el espíritu de Cristo seguía
vigente y como bien dijo un francmasón italiano en aquel tiempo de resurgimiento se sentía la necesidad de conciliar a Cristo y a la Masonería, la iglesia y la poderosa sociedad secreta masónica.
En este convulsionado contexto itálico, Collodi escribió “Le aventure di Pinochillo”, publicado en 1882. Un análisis superficial de la obra nos revela una apología de la educación del pueblo y una denuncia del vicio y la holgazanería.
Giepetto había pasado toda su vida deseando un hijo, que es un deseo real, y es por eso que al ver brillar en el cielo la Estrella Azul que era en realidad Sirio, pidió con todo fervor que su deseo le fuera concedido contactar con algo superior. Aquella noche, mientras Giepetto dormía, hizo su aparición el Hada Azul y dio la vida al muñeco advirtiéndole que debía portarse bien para llegar a ser un niño de verdad. Para que le aconsejase sobre su comportamiento nombró a Pepito Grillo conciencia de Pinocho.
El muñeco de madera que cobraba vida era amoral, tonto y estúpido, carecía de consciencia objetiva, y un personaje secundario Pepe Grillo intenta aconsejarlo y convertirse en la voz de su conciencia si bien externa. En la obra original, Pinocho se molesta con su compañero y lo aplasta y mata de un manotazo.
Detrás de la historia de Pinocho hay otra historia, con un profundo contenido iniciático y espiritual que Collodi al igual que otros escritores de cuentos clásicos- supo manejar con maestría.


Sabemos que Pinocho fue la creación del Maestro carpintero Giepetto, quien elaboró a partir del leño, que simboliza la materia prima de una obra de arte. El trabajo fue realizado con un amor tan profundo y que fue canalizado, logrando dar vida al muñeco de madera, un hombre de buena madera. La idea básica es independiente a si es piedra o madera. En el sentido alegórico la madera pertenece a un reino superior al mineral.
Pinocho tenía vida pero, sin embargo, carecía de libre albedrío pues estaba dormido. Desconocía el sendero de la virtud y la liberación, pues era un muerto viviente. Lamentablemente, la mayoría de los seres humanos son como Pinocho. Siguen el camino aparentemente más fácil y no saben que existe algo mejor, en este momento todos somos como Pinocho.
La verdad es que hay sólo dos clases de hombres en todo el mundo: los pocos que se han dado ya cuenta del poderoso esquema divino, y la inmensa masa que todavía no lo conoce. Los últimos viven para ellos mismos, y están muy esclavizados por sus pasiones; los primeros viven para Dios y para la evolución, que es Su Voluntad, ya sea que se llamen budistas o indos, musulmanes o cristianos, librepensadores o judíos. Pinocho es esclavo de sus agregados psicológicos sus yo es y sus mentiras hacen que le crezcan la nariz y más tarde orejas de burro. Es decir, la vida descarriada y la mentira lo lleva a un retroceso a lo involutivo, y se animaliza, donde la nariz que crece representa las ataduras terrenales, la materialidad, un agregado facial. Una y otra vez Pinocho recoge lo que siembra. Sus malas acciones lo llevan a una vida desgraciada, donde el muñeco paga con sufrimiento el karma generado. Cuando la vida de Pinocho no podía ser más insoportable, es tragado por una ballena. Este episodio nos recuerda a Jonás, que fue engullido por un pez gigantesco, morando en su interior tres días y tres noches.
El interior de la ballena representa la cámara de reflexiones masónica, el descenso al centro de la Tierra. VI TRI OL. Es importante recordar las palabras de Mateo capitulo 12 versículo 40: “Porque como estuvo Jonás en el vientre del gran pez tres días y tres noches, así estará el Hijo del Hombre en el corazón de la tierra tres días y tres noches. El Hijo del Hombre que también al igual que Pinocho-- era hijo de un MAESTRO carpintero.

LA MUERTE MÍSTICA. --A la luz de la vela, Pinocho medita sobre su suerte y decide cambiar, dejando atrás su pasado de inconsciencia. Finalmente el muñeco es expulsado por la ballena y sale al mar abierto, actuando el agua actúa como elemento purificador, limpiando interna y externamente a Pinocho. Sabemos que cuando alguien es sumergido en una corriente de agua, renace a una vida nueva. Esta costumbre es común a muchos cultos religiosos y sobrevive en nuestros países latinos en el sacramento católico del bautismo. El masónico mar de bronce. Pinocho no sobrevive a la furia del océano y finalmente se ahoga. Esta muerte del muñeco es la muerte mística del profano al ser iniciado. 
Este deceso se repite en otros cuentos infantiles Blanca nieves, la Bella Durmiente, etcétera y es el prólogo de un renacimiento: el nacimiento segundo del cual habla Cristo en Juan capitulo 3 versículos del 3 al 10: “De cierto te digo, que el que no naciere de nuevo, no puede ver el Reino de Dios el que no naciere de agua y del Espíritu, no puede entrar en el reino de Dios. Al volver a la vida, Pinocho pasa a un estado superior, el mismo que podemos apreciar en el relato del patito feo. Como hemos notado, en el relato de Pinocho se narran las desventuras del Muñeco Profano que no puede controlar su destino pues es esclavo de sus pasiones y su renacimiento como Humano Iniciado, luego de la muerte mística. La labor de adaptación del cuento de Carlo Collodi al cine fue realizada magistralmente por otro masón: Walt Disney. Éste respetó la esencia del cuento, pero transformó a Pinocho en un muñeco más querible que el descrito por su autor en 1882.
Vale la pena volver a ver o leer Pinocho y descubrir el maravilloso contenido espiritual masónico de sus locas aventuras. Muerto viviente, - hombre dormido es el adjetivo que utilizan algunos esoteristas como Blavatsky, Gurdjieff, Ouspensky, para denominar a los profanos que parecen vivos pero, en realidad, están dormidos. En la biblia Jonás en el capitulo uno versículo 17. Jonás significa Mensajero de Dios. Sobre el simbolismo de la ballena de Jonás, dice Blavatsky en Isis sin velo: A los animales que hoy los naturalistas llaman cetáceos los designaban los antiguos con el nombre genérico de Cetus, forma latinizada del griego Keto, equivalente a Dragón o Poseidón, cuyo elemento femenino era la Atargatis asiria, conocida también por Venus ascalonita Astarté, cuya imagen llevaban los buques en el mascaron de proa. Los cabalistas dicen que Jonás era un sacerdote escapado del templo donde se veneraba la paloma, por haber intentado abolir la idolatría y establecer el culto monoteísta. Que sus perseguidores le prendieron cerca de Jaffa y lo encerraron en una celda carcelaria del templo de Dagon, cuya figura de hombre-pez dio origen a la leyenda. Véase el evangelio apócrifo Historia árabe de José el carpintero. Esos tres días y tres noches son los que permaneció Cristo en el sepulcro y luego resucitó. Resucitar entre los muertos significa, pues, algunas veces simplemente reencarnar o recurrir, otras tomar la primera gran iniciación, según el rito.
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“En mi opiniónLázaro R González Miño Editor ‘IN GOD WE TRUST’  

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