Friday, December 19, 2014

No 826 "En mi opinion" Diciembre 19, 2014

 No 826 “En mi opinión”  Diciembre 19, 2014

“IN GOD WE TRUST” Lázaro R González Miño   EDITOR
1821 S.W. 9 ST., MIAMI, FLORIDA 33135
PHONE 305-649-4719     FAX 305-649-9769

Comunicado de la Brigada de Asalto 2506
Miami, Diciembre 17, 2014
Al igual que aquel 17 de Abril en Bahía de Cochinos cuando fuimos abandonados, ahora el Presidente Obama nos traiciona otro día 17, esta vez de Diciembre, 53 años después, creando un precedente de intercambiar a un americano inocente, por tres espías convictos por los tribunales de esta nación, esto incentiva a los enemigos de esta nación a arrestar ciudadanos americanos inocentes e intercambiarlos por terroristas que han atacado este país.

Las decisiones anunciadas por Barack Hussein Obama no solamente constituyen una traición a la causa cubana y todos sus mártires, sino igualmente traicionan los principios de democracia y libertad sobre los que se fundó esta nación y las memorias de todos los ciudadanos americanos que han muerto en su defensa.

Culminando 18 meses de secretas conversaciones, la administración norteamericana, desconociendo el sentir de la mayoría del pueblo cubano, nos presenta este “paquete” pacifista colmado de concesiones a la dictadura militar de los Castro.

Hoy hemos escuchado un supuesto presidente demócrata y un dictador en sus respectivos discursos, proclamar sus deseos de restablecer la normalidad de relaciones diplomáticas y económicas entre la que ha sido llamada la primera democracia del mundo y la peor dictadura del hemisferio.

La dictadura de los Castro que no ha cesado en sus violaciones a los derechos humanos incluyendo asesinatos, maltratos, torturas desconociendo todo tipo de derechos, desde los sindicales hasta los de la libre empresa, desde la libertad de prensa hasta la libertad de expresión. Además, el intervencionismo en los asuntos internos de otros países contribuyendo a la toma de poder de la izquierda en América Latina.

Obama, ha estrechado su colaboración con los gobiernos y movimientos terroristas islámicos facilitándole su actividad de penetración y acciones terroristas.

Confiamos que los senadores y representantes federales se opondrán a la terminación del embargo  y a otras medidas que no benefician a la libertad del  pueblo cubano.

La Brigada de Asalto 2506, con Cuba siempre presente en nuestras vidas, se opone rotundamente  a esta negociación y exhorta a los cubanos de dentro y fuera a juntarnos, por encima de lógicas diferencias entre seres pensantes, y abrazando la causa de la libertad de la Patria, y condenamos enfáticamente esta macabra alianza.

Pensamiento de José Martí

Félix I. Rodríguez Mendigutía Secretario
Esteban L. Bovo Carás Presidente 


President Barack Obama unveiled a new U.S. policy toward Cuba on Wednesday as part of a deal that brought American Alan Gross home in exchange for three convicted Cuban spies. As he has done so often in the past, Obama tried to channel the perspective of America’s enemies and critics, as if his job were to act as a neutral mediator instead of defending U.S. interests and values. In the course of his address, Obama told American ten major lies, both of omission and commission.

Here they are, in order of appearance:
1. No mention of the Cuban missile crisis. “I was born in 1961 just over two years after Fidel Castro took power in Cuba….Over the next several decades, the relationship between our countries played out against the backdrop of the Cold War and America’s steadfast opposition to communism.” Cuba’s role in helping the Soviet Union project a direct threat to the U.S. mainland is carefully elided (though Obama, as he has done before, refers to his own birth as a kind of watershed.)
2. Suggesting that the president can establish a U.S. embassy on his own. “Going forward, the United States will reestablish an embassy in Havana and high ranking officials will visit Cuba.” An embassy needs to be funded by Congress, and needs an ambassador to be approved by the Senate. None of that is going to happen–nor should it, especially after the disastrous experiment in re-establishing an embassy in Syria, which Obama did in 2009, to no good effect whatsoever.
3. No mention of Cuba’s role in repressing democracy abroad. “Cuba has sent hundreds of healthcare workers to Africa to fight Ebola.” Yes, and Cuba has also sentexperts in repression to Venezuela, Bolivia and Ecuador. Cuban agents also allegedly beat and raped Venezuelan protestors earlier this year. For decades, Cuba assisted guerrilla armies abroad, fomenting bloody revolution in some countries and propping up communist regimes elsewhere. It continues to do so.
4. Suggesting that Cuba does not support terrorism. “At a time when we are focused on threats from al Qaeda to ISIL, a nation that meets our conditions and renounces the use of terrorism should not face this sanction.” Yet Cuba was caught, only last year, smuggling “missile equipment” to North Korea, the dictatorship that targeted America with a cyber-terror attack on the day Obama announced the new Cuba policy. Cuba continues to offer other kinds of support to terrorists.
5. False claim that the U.S. is to blame for lack of information in Cuba. “I believe in the free flow of information. Unfortunately, our sanctions on Cuba have denied Cubans access to technology that has empowered individuals around the globe.” This is perhaps the most offensive lie of all, since Gross was detained for trying to help Cubans access technology. The reason Cubans lack news and communication is because the regime censors them brutally, not because of the U.S. embargo.
6. False promise to consult Congress on Cuba, when his administration broke that promise. “As these changes unfold, I look forward to engaging Congress in an honest and serious debate about lifting the embargo.” And yet when Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) asked White House official Tony Blinken whether the administration planned any major Cuba policy changes, Blinken (now Deputy Secretary of State) lied and said any change would come in consultation with Congress.
7. False claim that Cuba agreed to release political prisoners as part of a deal with the U.S. “In addition to the return of Alan Gross and the release of our intelligence agent, we welcome Cuba’s decision to release a substantial number of prisoners whose cases were directly raised with the Cuban government by my team.” As the Washington Post noted, these political prisoners were already set to be released as the result of negotiations four years ago with the Vatican and Spain.
8. False commitment to principle of changing policies that do not work. “I do not believe we can keep doing the same thing for over five decades and expect a different result.” If that were really what Obama believed, we would not see the administration pursuing policies whose failure is already evident as a matter of historical record: high taxes, economic redistribution, socialized medicine, union-dominated schools, restrictive labor and environmental regulations, and so on.
9. Conflating the collapse of the Castro regime with the collapse of Cuba.“Moreover, it does not serve America’s interests or the Cuban people to try to push Cuba towards collapse.” A false “binary choice.” By failing to differentiate between the regime and the country, Obama signaled his intention to allow the Castros and their heirs to entrench their power–abandoning the cause of freedom and reform, just as he did with the mullahs in Iran during the 2009 uprising.
10. Falsely identifying the U.S. as a colonial power. “Others have seen us as a form of colonizer intent on controlling your future..…Let us leave behind the legacy of both colonization and communism, the tyranny of drug cartels, dictators and sham election.” America actually liberated Cuba from Spanish colonialism, and though the U.S. influenced the island heavily for decades afterward, Obama’s attempted moral equivalence between “colonization” and communist tyranny is a false one.
Obama borrowed a quote from the Cuban literary giant José Martí: “liberty is the right of every man to be honest.” Yet as my colleague Frances Martel has pointed out, Obamashortened that quote, leaving out the phrase ” and to think and to speak without hypocrisy.” Obama’s speech was both dishonest and hypocritical. It was an ominous introduction to a new policy that might have deserved a chance, were it not based on such evident disregard for American interests and Cuban freedom.
For more on the dishonesty of Obama’s speech, see Martel’s “Line by Line: Every Empty Promise in Obama’s Cuba Speech.”
Senior Editor-at-Large Joel B. Pollak edits Breitbart California and is the author of the new ebook, Wacko Birds: The Fall (and Rise) of the Tea Party, available for Amazon Kindle.
Follow Joel on Twitter: @joelpollak

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Pope Francis Is Credited With a Crucial Role in U.S.-Cuba Agreement.

ROME — Pope Francis had quite a 78th birthday. The pontiff began Wednesday with prayers and a birthday celebration with tango dancers near St. Peter’s Square. His day ended with a historic diplomatic breakthrough between Cuba and the United States — and the disclosure that the Argentine pope played a key role as broker.

Francis is being credited for helping bridge the divide by first sending letters to President Obama and President Raúl Castro of Cuba, and then having the Vatican host a diplomatic meeting between the two sides in October.

“The Holy Father wishes to express his warm congratulations for the historic decision,” Francis said in a statement issued Wednesday night by the Vatican.
Vatican spokesmen declined to provide any details about Francis’s letters, other than that he encouraged the two sides to resolve “humanitarian questions”; resolve the release of political prisoners, including an American held by Cuba, Alan P. Gross; and “initiate a new phase in relations.”
Continue reading the main story Video

Excerpts from a speech by President Raúl Castro of Cuba, following the release of Alan P. Gross and the announcement of a restoration of full diplomatic relations with the United States.
Video by AP on Publish Date December 17, 2014. Photo by Agence France-Presse — Getty Images.
The Vatican’s most senior official after the pope, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, the secretary of state, moderated the October meeting after the two countries sought out the Vatican as a trusted broker near the conclusion of their negotiations.

For Francis, the breakthrough on Wednesday burnished his efforts to reposition the Vatican as a broker in global diplomacy. He has already waded into Middle East protests, hosting a prayer summit meeting between the Israeli andPalestinian presidents that bore few tangible results. Soon afterward, Israel began its military assault against Hamas, the Palestinian militant group, in Gaza.

But Francis has quickly become one of the world’s leading figures, and his role in the United States-Cuba breakthrough undoubtedly is tied to his status as the first Latin American pope of the Roman Catholic Church.

“He knows the Cuban situation by heart,” said Gianni La Bella, a professor of contemporary history and an expert in Latin American Catholicism, as well as a member of the Community of Sant’Egidio, a liberal Catholic group active in international affairs. “He visited when he was a cardinal and has a strong relationship with the archbishop of Havana, who is obviously a strategic player in this.”

In April, the Vatican and Cuba celebrated 79 years of diplomatic relations as they jointly staged a photography exhibition at a church in Rome. Although the Vatican has had problems with Havana, it steadfastly opposes the American embargo and has kept diplomatic lines open.

Fidel Castro visited the Vatican in 1996 and met with Pope John Paul II. Two years later, John Paul visited Cuba, where he criticized the embargo as causing hardship for ordinary people and called for it to be rescinded. His successor, Pope Benedict XVI, also visited Cuba, in 2012.

“I was in Cuba for almost two years, and I understand what this news means to the island,” said Msgr. Angelo Becciu, once the Vatican’s ambassador to Cuba. “It opens new scenarios and gives great hope to all Cuban people. The cease of the embargo will encourage and revitalize the island’s perspectives, as well as its economy.”

After he became pope in 2013, Francis was expected to revitalize the church in the Southern Hemisphere. But his background has also helped the Vatican reposition itself as an independent actor in diplomacy, less tethered to European or American worldviews than in the past.

Francis’s appointment of Cardinal Parolin as secretary of state was also significant. Long considered one of the Vatican’s most talented diplomats, Cardinal Parolin served as apostolic nuncio in Venezuela, one of Cuba’s closest allies. From that perch, Cardinal Parolin gained a sophisticated understanding of regional dynamics and the Cuban predicament, Professor La Bella said.
“The Vatican’s knowledge of the Latin American situation is at a very high level, and very direct,” he said.

Monsignor Becciu, currently a member of the State Secretariat in the Vatican, added that Wednesday’s announcement, on Francis’s birthday, was certainly a “beautiful present for the Holy Father.”

Después de los 3 espías cubanos, sería bueno que también se le concediera la libertad a Eduardo Arocena

• Un perdón presidencial para el preso político del exilio cubano que ha cumplido ya 30 años de prisión

MIAMI 18 DE DICIEMBRE DEL 2014,—La decisión del presidente Barack Obama de darle un perdón presidencial a tres espías cubanos acusados de terroristas a cambio de la liberación del contratista Alan Gross, pudiera abrir el debate para  que también  uno de los presos del exilio cubano, Eduardo Arocena, sea perdonado por el presidente Obama.
El caso de Eduardo Arocena siempre ha sido un interés de los exiliados en Miami, más que recientemente se ha conocido el deterioro de su salud.
Su esposa Miriam Arocena, quien lo ha visitado en la cárcel de Indiana, ha dicho que afronta las consecuencias de una apoplejía.
Eduardo Arocena fue sentenciado a dos cadenas perpetuas el 22 de septiembre de 1984, pena que empezó a cumplir el 9 de noviembre de ese mismo año. Hasta sus partidarios reconocen que Arocena quiso atentar contra la vida del embajador de Cuba ante Naciones Unidas Raúl Roa Kourí y dañó propiedades con el uso de explosivos. Arocena mintió ante un Gran Jurado, fue encontrado culpable de 25 cargos que incluyen el asesinato del diplomático Félix García Rodríguez.
En este momento en que Barack Obama ha perdonado a los tres terroristas espías cubanos, sería una señal de humanidad ver que también le conceda el perdón a Eduardo Arocena.
No hay dudas de que Arocena fue encontrado culpable de crímenes muy graves contra la vida de otras personas y contra leyes federales de los Estados Unidos, también lo fueron los 5 espías cubanos que son responsables del derribo de las dos naves de Hermanos al Rescate donde murieron varios jóvenes cubanos americanos.
Eduardo Arocena, ha sido un prisionero político cubano por los últimos 30 años en cárceles estadounidenses por su lucha frontal contra el comunismo internacional, el pudiera ser liberado con un perdón presidencial, sería bueno que los amigos del Presidente Obama, aquí en Miami pudieran interceder por la vida de este patriota cubano cuyo único delito es el amor por su Patria.

¡Puñalada trapera!
17 de diciembre de 2014 Héctor Lemagne Sandó:. Union City, NJ. USA
El hábito de ceder embota la capacidad de osar.” José Martí
Ciertas figuras públicas, sin darse cuenta, dan señales de las canalladas de las que son capaces de hacer contra el pueblo que lo eligió mostrando sus verdaderos oscuros sentimientos. Y es nuestro deber estar informados y alertas para rechazar las futuras traiciones de estos personajes. ¿Recuerdan una de las primeras acciones ejecutivas de Obama, el “intercambio cultural”? ¿Recuerdan cuando Obama saludó al dictador Raul Castro durante el homenaje a Mandela? ¿Recuerdan cuando se le quedó el micrófono abierto y le envió un mensaje a Putín que “después de las elecciones iba a ser mas flexible”? ¿Recuerdan cuando hace poco Obama confesó que su administración estaba en “conversaciones” con el regimen castrista hace meses? ¿Recuerdan? ¡El presidente Barack Hussein Obama le ha dado una tremenda puñalada trapera al exilio historico, al pueblo de Cuba y a los opositores que dentro y fuera de Cuba luchan por la libertad!
A mí, particularmente, me enfurece que UD, Barack Obama, haya ensuciado el nombre de nuestro Apostol José Martí, cuando en su demagógico discurso lo incluyó en tamaña ignominia. Esta novela no ha terminado, al contrario recien empieza y hay que estar preparado para futuros golpes. No nos asombremos al ver cuantos, estaban involucrados en esta bajeza que hace tiempo se veia venir. Los cubanos dignos estamos en contra de todas y cada una de las medidas tomadas en contra del pueblo cubano dentro y fuera de la isla esclava. Creo que el Exilio historico debe juntarse y sus organizaciones convocar a una manifestación multitudinaria frente a la Casa Blanca y el Capitolio en Washington DC. Pero convocar a todos los cubanos del mundo, porque ahora no debemos ni podemos quedarnos de brazos cruzados. Todo esto se ha hecho a espaldas del exilio, a espaldas del pueblo de Cuba y a espaldas de la dignidad de nuestros heroes y mártires. ¡Basta ya!
Nosotros los cubanos respetamos las leyes de este pais al que amamos como nuestro segundo hogar porque nos ha acogido, pero tambien hemos hecho contribuciones extraordinarias en todos los ordenes.
Es decir que estamos agradecidos pero tambien, aparte de agradecernos, sobre todo deben respetarnos. ¡Obama nos ha faltado el respeto! Obama, con este bochornoso acto contribuye a que Cuba siga sojuzgada por dictadores que odian y atropellan a su pueblo ¡Y eso no se lo perdonaremos jamás!

Check out "Obama y Raul" Doblaje de Los Pichy Boys - YouTube

GOP Senators Vow to Block Obama's Actions on Cuba

By Melissa Clyne
Angry over President Barack Obama’s decision to re-establish diplomatic relations with Cuba, key Senate Republicans are promising to do everything in their power to keep it from happening.
According to Politico, members of the GOP are vowing to “deny Obama funds to reopen an embassy in Havana, stall the nomination of a potential ambassador, vote down a bill to open up travel more widely and ignore requests from the White House to lift a decades-old embargo.”
During a nationally televised speech on Wednesday, Obama told Americans that he is re-establishing, as soon as possible, an embassy in Havana. Travel restrictions will be rolled back and the U.S. will increase remittance levels, expand commercial sales and exports.
And Secretary of State John Kerry has been directed to “review Cuba’s place on a list of state sponsors of terrorism.”
Republican Sens. Lindsey Graham, John McCain, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz immediately derided Obama’s plans and vowed to keep them from coming to fruition.
“I will do all in my power to block the use of funds to open an embassy in Cuba. Normalizing relations with Cuba is bad idea at a bad time,” Graham wrote on Twitter, adding that it was “an incredibly bad idea.”
Rubio, a Cuban-American, said he finds Obama’s actions “inexplicable,” 
according to Time.
“Cuba, like Syria, Iran, and Sudan, remains a state sponsor of terrorism…Appeasing the Castro brothers will only cause other tyrants from Caracas to Tehran to Pyongyang to see that they can take advantage of President Obama’s naiveté during his final two years in office,” he said. “As a result, America will be less safe as a result of the President’s change in policy.”
Fellow Cuban-American Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas said President Obama has given the Castro brothers “international legitimacy and a badly-needed economic lifeline.”
“We have seen how previous Obama administration attempts at rapprochement with rogue regimes like Russia and Iran have worked out, with our influence diminished and our enemies emboldened,” said Cruz. “Now they are revisiting this same disastrous policy with the Castros, blind to the fact that they are being played by brutal dictators whose only goal is maintaining power. And if history be our guide, the Castros will exploit that power to undermine America and oppress the Cuban people.”
Even New Jersey Democrat Sen. Robert Menendez, the son of Cuban immigrants, is outraged, 
according to
“I think it stinks," said Menendez, the outgoing Senate Foreign Relations Committee chairman. "I think it's wrong. I am deeply disappointed in the president."
He added that "it’s a reward that a totalitarian regime does not deserve. I reject the notion that somehow it is the United States that has created hardship on the Cuban people."

Americans send $2 billion a year to Cuba - What you need to know about the Cuban embargo Jorge A. Villalón

My opinion, this is the embargo we think exist now. the exile is the second if not the first source of revenue to the Cuban regime I think this figures are not accurate, there is more to it and we all know it.
Trade with Cuba has been blocked for decades, but nearly $2 billion was sent to Cubans last year from within the United States.
Most of it came from Cuban-Americans sending money home to their families. But now, anyone in the U.S. can send up to $8,000 a year to just about anybody in Cuba, as the Obama Administration eases restrictions with the Communist country.
"You can really see the impact this money is having on the island," said Alana Tummino, director at the Americas Society and Council of the Americas.
The money is often going to small, private businesses.
Yes, even though Cuba is a Communist country, it has moved towards a more private economy in recent years.
There are now close to 500,000 people with state-issued private business licenses for everything from restaurants, to nail salons, to coffee shops and mechanics, Tummino said.
It remains difficult for these business owners to get loans, but that has been made easier with remittances from the U.S.
The Obama Administration has eased restrictions before.
In 2009, Cuban-Americans could begin sending as much money home as they wanted. Other Americans could begin sending money to Cubans they were not related to in 2011 -- but the amount was capped at $500 every three months.
The changes announced Wednesday raise the cap to $2,000 every three months.
At Western Union, a money transfer can be made from the U.S. to Cuba much like one to someone in any other country.
"I think you're going to see a lot more people sending money, bolstering the Cuban economy," Tummino said.
Jorge Alberto Villalón Y.

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) argued that the GOP should not listen to the “cabal” of consultants in the 2016 presidential race and should also not nominate another Bob Dole, John McCain, or Mitt Romney on Wednesday’s “Your World with Neil Cavuto” on the Fox News Channel.

Regarding a potential run by former Florida Governor Jeb Bush, Cruz stated “Jeb Bush is a good man, I think he was a good governor of the state of Florida.” And “in my view, Republicans should nominate whoever’s standing up and leading, whoever is taking on the great challenges of the day, whoever is standing up for free market principles, standing up and making the case that the Obama economy isn’t working, it’s a disaster…whoever is making the case that Obamacare is a trainwreck and we can do better [whoever’s] standing up and defending our Constitutional rights that are under assault from Washington, whoever’s standing up and defending rule of law…whoever is standing up and championing restoring America’s leadership in the world, getting back to peace through strength,” although he did not specify which candidates fit that description.
When asked about big GOP donors supporting candidates like Jeb or Chris Christie instead of Cruz, he responded “there’s this small cabal of consultants in Washington who keep running national campaigns, and they keep losing, they keep losing over and over again…what we’re doing isn’t working, and Neil, what seems clear to me is if we nominate another candidate in the mold of a Bob Dole, or a John McCain, or a Mitt Romney, and let me be clear, all three of them are good, honorable, principled men, but it isn’t working. And if we do it again, the same voters who stayed home in ’08 and ’12 will stay home in ’16 and Hillary Clinton’s the next president.”

ISIS, MEET US SPECIAL FORCES: Special Forces Inflict Major Damage to ISIS in First Battle

An American force has fought its actual first battle against the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria “ISIS” organization during a counter-attack that was carried out by tribal forces and other force of the Iraqi army near Ein al-Asad base, west of Anbar, in an attempt to remove them from the base of which includes about 100 US adviser in it.
A field commander of the Iraqi Army in Anbar province, said that “the US force equipped with light and medium weapons, supported by fighter force model” F-18 “, was able to inflict casualties against fighters of ISIS organization, and forced them to retreat from the al-Dolab area, which lies 10 kilometers from Ain al-Assad base .
US troops have entered with its Iraqi partner, according to Colonel , Salam Nazim in line against ISIS elements and clashed with them for more than two hours, to succeed in removing them from al-Dolab area, and causing losses in their ranks, at a time American fighter jets directed several strikes focused on ISIS gatherings that silenced their heavy sources of fire. “He points out that the clashes took place between 1 a.m. and 3 a.m. on Sunday night.

El senador Marco Rubio llama don extraordinario del presidente Obama de los hermanos Castro, y el acuerdo para "normalizar" las relacionesestadounidenses con Cuba, el trabajo de un hombre "voluntariamente ignorantes". Esperamos que sí. La ignorancia puede ser corregido. Tal vez,para poner el más generoso cara en ella, este acuerdo se originó en las entrañas de la Casa Blanca, la incompetencia que es la marca de esta administración. Pero Obama no puede ignorar en absoluto, intencional o de otro modo, pero de continuar con habilidad para radicalizar lugar de Estados Unidos en el mundo para adaptarse a los deseos y los sueños de la izquierda decidida y radical de la que el presidente saltó.

Como un
 comerciante de alfombras hábil tratando de mover bienes defectuosos, el Sr. Obama envolvió el acuerdo con algo atractivo, que él sabía que iba a tener un atractivo especial en la temporada de Navidad, la liberación de un estadounidense encarcelado injustamente en Cuba durante cinco años miserables. Alan Gross era un contratista privado que estaba en Cuba para instalar equipos que permitan el acceso a Internet. Nos alegramos por la libertad de un hombre inocente.

Pero a cambio, el presidente
 cedió tres espías cubanos que fueron responsables de la muerte de tres estadounidenses cuyo avión fue derribadosobre aguas internacionales. Un contrato de tres por uno es tristemente sobre par para un gobierno que negocia un desertor del Ejército sospechade militantes islámicos en un contrato de cinco por uno. Fidel y Raúl Castro reciben una embajada en La Habana y un embajador a vestir al estado policial totalitario con legitimidad y un sustento económico.

Este es un acuerdo
 lechón decreto judicial muy grande. No hay nada en él para justificar el estallido de botellas de champagne en la Casa Blanca,o en la apertura del humidor Casa Blanca para pasar alrededor de la Cohiba. Las celebraciones en La Habana están al menos lógico que Fidel y su hermano menor Raúl, que están recibiendo lo que han querido durante 50 años. Pero el acuerdo no va a cambiar la política en Cuba o provocar el fin a los abusos contra los derechos humanos que los hermanos Castro han hecho una forma de arte.

El presidente, que
 es un hombre inteligente, dijo cosas ayer al anunciar su notable alejamiento de la realidad que él debe saber que son falsas. El acuerdo, dice, dará poder al pueblo cubano. "El cambio es difícil", dijo, "en nuestras propias vidas y en las vidas de las naciones. Y el cambio es aún más difícil cuando llevamos el peso pesado de la historia en nuestros hombros." Lo que quiso decir con eso? Cuya historia? Cuyos hombros?No dijo.

 ha expuesto claramente a hacer cosas que él calcula que una vez no podía hacer y retener en el ojo público una apariencia deresponsabilidad presidencial. Con su presidencia se dirigió a las salidas, que se libera de hacer lo que es natural, para jugar a los bordes gastadosde izquierda del Partido Demócrata, para acercarse a su objetivo de convertir a los EE.UU., y poner en su lugar el mayor número de elementosdeformantes como pueda a la nación que heredó hace seis años. Se calcula que no tiene nada que perder, y puede que tenga razón. Pero la nación que le otorgó su honor supremo en el hombre, en dos ocasiones, tiene mucho que perder.

El Sr. Rubio, cuyo
 distrito electoral incluye la gran comunidad de cubanos que huyeron de su tierra natal con su vida y no mucho más, promete que los republicanos tratarán de bloquear el nombramiento de un embajador a Cuba con su nueva mayoría, y tal vez incluso la financiación de el establecimiento de una embajada. Pronto veremos qué cosas esta mayoría republicana, cuyos líderes frente a este gran discurso durante la últimacampaña, está hecho.

Copyright © 2014 The Washington Times, LLC.

Rush Limbaugh: Hillary And Jeb ‘Perfect Ticket’ For Establishment

...Rush Limbaugh argued that the “perfect ticket” for the...JAMES BEATTIE  

On his syndicated radio program Wednesday, Rush Limbaugh argued that the “perfect ticket” for the establishment of both the Republican and Democratic Parties would consist of former Governor Jeb Bush and former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, asserting that “both parties agree the Tea Party has got to be dealt with somehow, some way.”
Limbaugh said Wednesday that Clinton had “a little problem.” The former Secretary of State “has to run for the presidency away from Obama, because Obama is death politically to Democrats seeking office.
“I give you the 2014 elections. Every Democrat senator [who] voted for Obamacare [is] toast. They’re gone, one way or the other; defeated, quit, retired, or dead. Hillary Clinton, Benghazi, all kinds of controversies and scandals, Hillary Clinton was tied. She’s got to distance herself.
The syndicated radio host argued that Clinton needs to win in another fashion because the Democratic base belongs to Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, who Limbaugh claimed is playing coy about running for President. Limbaugh gave his perfect solution for 2016 for those in the establishment:
“The ideal perfect ticket for the 2016 election: Hillary Clinton, Jeb Bush. Now they can figure out who’s on top of the ticket on their own. But when you compare their positions, Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush, on the key important issues, they are two peas in the same pod.”
Limbaugh buttressed his argument by noting that both Bush and Clinton are pro-amnesty candidates. “Jeb Bush wants it; Hillary wants it. Both parties want to win the nomination, Hillary by running away from the Democrat base, Jeb by running away from the Republican base.” Read more at

Acuerdo Cuba-EUA. Un análisis
Jorge Hernández Fonseca. (Clemente Sánchez)
Finalmente se ha concretado de manera repentina lo que muchos habíamos deducido: Estados Unidos negociaba con la Cuba castrista desde hace más de año y medio, llegándose a acuerdos en los cuales los intereses de los demócratas cubanos no están reflejados.

El enunciado anterior nada tendría de raro si entendemos que la lógica de la negociación entre dos países se basa en la defensa exclusiva de los intereses de ambos, como ha sucedido en este caso. Sin embargo, el resultado asimétrico de los acuerdos, en los cuales la parte norteamericana ha hecho innumerables concesiones sin obtener nada a cambio, nos lleva a pensar en la posibilidad que teníamos los demócratas cubanos para haber influido en la esencia de la negociación y haber llegado así a un resultado más balanceado que el actual, considerado realmente como una victoria neta de la dictadura que oprime al pueblo cubano.

Hay que decir que EUA entregó sus mejores cartas de negociación con la dictadura castrista a cambio de prácticamente nada. Hubo, en paralelo a los acuerdos de tipo político, un intercambio de tres prisioneros cubanos convictos de espionaje en Estados Unidos por un contratista norteamericano hecho rehén en Cuba por los hermanos Castro y condenado a 15 años de prisión. Como era evidente el rechazo a semejante chapucería, se inventó la existencia de un supuesto “espía” cubano (del cual nadie tiene información, ni la tendrá en el futuro) que se cambió por Alán Gross, como si no hubiera “vida inteligente” fuera del grupo negociador.

Desde esta columna se ha levantado la voz en varias ocasiones para pedir, sugerir, proponer, que todo lo que actualmente el gobierno norteamericano ha concedido a los hermanos Castro, sólo se hiciera en el marco de una negociación donde no hubiera nada ‘unilateral” --en función de la importancia de las negociaciones-- y que los muchos puntos entregados por EUA a la dictadura cubana como “regalos de Navidad”, fueran negociados adecuadamente a cambio de una efectiva y comprobable democratización de la vida política cubana al interior de la isla.

Para que se tenga en cuenta las cartas de negociación que Estados Unidos entregó a la dictadura cubana sin pedir nada a cambio, hemos hecho una simulación de la valorización de semejantes cartas, si las conversaciones hubieran tenido como objetivo establecer un balance adecuado entre los deseos, necesidades y medidas mutuas a ser implementadas:

Un acuerdo de tres pasos para la normalización de los asuntos entre EUA y Cuba:

Primer Paso Simultáneamente se ejecutarían las medidas recíprocas siguientes:
·         EUA eliminaría a Cuba de la lista de países que apoyan el terrorismo, indultaría a los tres espías cubanos condenados en EUA, y al mismo tiempo restablecería las relaciones diplomáticas plenas entre EUA y Cuba;
·         Cuba por su parte autorizaría a todos los cubanos de dentro y fuera de la isla a entrar y salir libremente de su país conservando plenos derechos políticos, liberaría al norteamericano preso en la isla, Alán Gross, al mismo tiempo que autorizaría a los cubanos para crear nuevos partidos políticos.

Segundo Paso: Diez días después del Primer Paso, se ejecutarían las medidas simultáneas y recíprocas siguientes:
·         EUA autorizaría el comercio y los financiamientos a Cuba de forma amplia, pero condicionada al cumplimiento integral de todos los pasos acordados;
·         Cuba autorizaría la creación de nuevos medios de comunicación independientes;

Tercer paso: Treinta días después del Primer Paso, se ejecutarían las medidas simultáneas y recíprocas siguientes:
·         El Congreso de EUA autorizaría un levantamiento (condicionado) del embargo;
·         Cuba anunciaría elecciones supervisadas, directas, a todos los niveles, seis meses después de su anuncio, con toma de posesión un mes de transcurridos los comicios.

¿Por qué Estados Unidos actuó sin tener en cuenta el poder de las cartas de negociación en sus manos? es una pregunta que ahora pertenece al mundo de las conjeturas: Obama valoró el pasar a la historia como el presidente norteamericano que “resolvió” el diferendo con Cuba, más que resolver el “problema cubano”; Estados Unidos con estas medidas unilaterales y sin compensaciones complace a una Latinoamérica deseosa de ver resuelto este diferendo; los negociadores creen que es esta la manera como más se pudiera influir en el cambio hacia la democracia, a medio plazo y sin intervención externa; y en fin, muchas hipótesis adicionales.

Lo cierto es que el campo democrático cubano se ha visto de pronto sin el apoyo perspectivo de su principal aliado en la lucha contra la dictadura castrista, que ya en las palabras de Raúl Castro –simultáneas a las palabras de Obama-- cantó victoria en todos los campos en los que se negociaron acuerdos, cambio de espías, levantamiento unilateral de sanciones y reconocimiento del gobierno dictatorial castrista, al establecer relaciones diplomáticas plenas.

Claro que no es el fin del mundo, sobre todo para los que hemos tenido que vivir nuestro exilio en Latinoamérica, donde el sentimiento anti-norteamericano y la confusión de la opinión pública siempre fue del mismo tipo, del que ahora enfrenta el exilio de EUA con este “regalo” navideño de Obama a los demócratas cubanos de dentro y fuera de la isla. Este golpe quizá sea el “último aldabonazo” que la oposición política cubana necesitaba para madurar, y enfocar su futuro un poco más lejos del beneficio norteamericano o europeo y mucho más cerca de establecer nuestra propia estrategia, táctica y programa de luchas de todos los cubanos.

Los cubanos en Estados Unidos no podemos perder la perspectiva por estas decisiones. EUA es más que un gobierno, una voluntad específica de pasar a la historia, o de enfocar las relaciones con Cuba como simples negocios que “se les van de las manos”. La historia de Cuba ya pasó con EUA por episodio similar al final de la guerra de independencia y supo reponerse para convertirse en uno de los más pujantes países latinoamericanos, como lo seremos en el futuro, si conseguimos obtener de esta amarga derrota, la fuerza, la estrategia y la voluntad que nos lleve a la victoria interna más temprano que tarde, sin “compromisos con un vecino tan poderoso”.

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The Dictatorial President Has Been Hiding Behind Memos

  Mark Horne 
Barack Obama has tried to avoid executive orders in order to obscure how much of a dictatorial President he is.
Back in July, when President Obama was giving a speech in Austin, Texas, he defended himself from the charge that he was a dictatorial president:
The truth is, even with all the actions I’ve taken this year, I’m issuing executive orders at the lowest rate in more than 100 years. So it’s not clear how it is that Republicans didn’t seem to mind when President Bush took more executive actions than I did.
With that in mind, here is a civics quiz that might make it more “clear” to everyone:
Which of these has the force of law:
1.   Presidential executive orders
2.   Presidential memoranda
(Hint: There is no wrong answer.)  That’s right, memorandums issued by the President have just as much the force of law as executive orders.
As USA Today explains:
Like executive orders, presidential memoranda don’t require action by Congress. They have the same force of law as executive orders and often have consequences just as far-reaching. And some of the most significant actions of the Obama presidency have come not by executive order but by presidential memoranda. For example, Barack Obama recently banned oil companies from exploring Bristol Bay, Alaska, to find oil and gas. (Thankfully, this probably won’t matter until gas prices go up. I doubt oil companies want to invest much in oil exploration until their profit margins increase.)
Barack Obama has “used presidential memoranda to make policy on gun control, immigration and labor regulations.” What makes all of this especially important to consider is that Obama’s defenders have been claiming that he cannot be a dictatorial president because he has issued fewer executive orders than many other Presidents. Correct, he has been using Presidential memoranda as a subterfuge.
President Obama has issued a form of executive action known as the presidential memorandum more often than any other president in history — using it to take unilateral action even as he has signed fewer executive orders.
When these two forms of directives are taken together, Obama is on track to take more high-level executive actions than any president since Harry Truman battled the “Do Nothing Congress” almost seven decades ago, according to a USA TODAY review of presidential documents.Here’s a graphic that puts Obama’s productiveness in historical White House perspective: obama memos
And notice, that chart is comparing Barack Obama’s six years in office to George W. Bush’s eight.
USA Today quotes Harry Reid and Jay Carney both making the same argument that they tell us that Obama made in Austin last July: that the president has been restrained because he has used so few executive orders.


En mi opinión
No 826  Diciembre 19, 2014

“IN GOD WE TRUST” Lázaro R González Miño   EDITOR

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