Tuesday, December 9, 2014

No 816 "En mi opinion" Diciembre 9, 2014

 No 816 “En mi opinión”  Diciembre 9, 2014

“IN GOD WE TRUST” Lázaro R González Miño   EDITORhttps://blu172.mail.live.com/ol/clear.gif
Amenper: Transición hacia la Revolución Socialista…
Lo que está ocurriendo con las protestas por los incidentes de  los delincuentes negros que murieron cuando resistieron arrestos, es un típico intento de un movimiento revolucionario organizado con el objetivo de cambio como lo vimos en Cuba, Venezuela y la Unión Soviética y en el pasado en la revolución francesa.
La revolución francesa, como las comunistas, era un ejercicio de cambio en la legislación de los derechos y las instituciones, diferentes a los que habían existido hasta el momento en Francia y en Europa.
Esto fue completamente diferente a la revolución americana en que lo que hicieron las colonias fueron reclamar los derechos que eran reconocidos por el derecho inglés pero que no se cumplían en América.
Aunque podríamos llamarla revolución en el sentido del cambio, fue realmente un cambio de poder y del tipo de gobierno sin cambiar el sistema básico del sistema judicial, el sistemas de leyes que constituían el orden establecido.
Lo que están pidiendo estos amotinados, es lo mismo que las revoluciones francesa y las socialistas. Es lo mismo que sucedió en Cuba y Venezuela, una transición de la democracia con "cucharitas" personas o instituciones que se neutralizaban hasta lograr que "ni pincharan ni cortaran" hasta la toma del poder total centralizado en el partido.  Estas “cucharitas” podían ser personas como Kerensky en Rusia,  Urrutia en Cuba, o los poderes de instituciones independientes, como en Venezuela y ahora en Estados Unidos.
Cada lugar es diferente, pero el objetivo es el mismo la toma de un poder socialista centralizado.
El poder ejecutivo como ahora en Estados Unidos y antes en Venezuela y Cuba puede estar bajo el control de la vertiente socialista, pero estaba limitado por factores remanentes de la democracia que hay que neutralizar, hay que convertirlos en “cucharitas” para la toma total del poder.
Por eso vimos a las turbas controladas en Cuba y Venezuela salir a la calle a pedir al ejecutivo socialista ya en el poder, que destituyera a las instituciones y las convirtiera en “cucharitas”, como antes vimos las turbas bolcheviques en Rusia destruir el intento de gobierno democrático de Alexander Kerensky  por eso vemos hoy a las turbas en los Estados Unidos pidiendo  “justicia” exigiendo, no que se cumpla la ley establecida, pero que se cambie la ley para satisfacer sus reclamos.
Lo que piden es convertir en “cucharitas” al poder judicial y a los agentes de la ley.  Lo que quieren es una policía revolucionaria al servicio del poder centralizado y un poder judicial de cucharita bajo las órdenes del ejecutivo socialista.
Si lo logran, lo que veremos después es que con un poder legislativo en manos de la oposición, el próximo paso de la transición por turbas, sería las demostraciones, con alguna excusa creada, para disolver las cámaras legislativas.  Vamos a ver como dirán que las cámaras legislativas están interfiriendo con el funcionamiento del poder ejecutivo y hay que disolverlas.
Es todo un proceso, es el sistema revolucionario en la historia moderna que conocemos bien los cubanos, revoluciones violentas que desembocan en abusos que comienzan con las promesas que pueden variar desde las desconomías moderadas de un estado de bienestar, pero que al final pasan  a la virtual esclavitud política de los regímenes comunistas que conocemos y hemos vivido los cubanos.
Lo que constituye el tipo de justicia que exigen las turbas de este momento en América, no puede ser lograda sin la destrucción de las instituciones establecidas ya sea la policía o el poder judicial, o preferiblemente ambos.
La historia de los Estados Unidos ha demostrado la eficacia del sistema estasblecido, mientras que la historia en casos similares con intentos de instituir un nuevo orden abruptamente y por la fuerza de la violencia han resultado en experimentos peligrosos que pueden fácilmente causar un daño inmenso, de hecho masacres, como la revolución francesa, y más tarde la revolución rusa y cubana.
Los socialistas de hoy se llaman a sí mismo liberales, pero el uso de la palabra liberal no se originó para definir el socialismo, todo lo contrario, el  uso de "liberal" fue primero usado para definir a los defensores de la libertad individual, como John Stuart Mill  en el siglo XIX, que se opuso al poder ilimitado del estado sobre el individuo.
Las complicaciones ocurren más tarde, el primer uso de la palabra liberal para esconder a las ideas socialistas cuándo el término “liberal” fue usado por Franklin Delano Roosevelt para defenderse de los que le llamaban socialista.
Los liberales de ahora no abogan por la libertad individual pero por la lucha de razas y clases y su objetivo es el poder centralizado aunque hasta ahora se habían mantenido limitados por las instituciones democráticas establecidas.
Cuando piden que se cambien las leyes para proteger a un grupo, en este caso los negros, están generalizando, porque cada negro es un individuo que debe ser juzgado por su conducta personal.
Cuando atacan a la policía como un grupo homogéneo, están atacando a una institución de orden con reglas establecidas, no están realmente hablando de la conducta individual de un policía.
En ambos casos están sacando al individuo de un grupo o clase para cambiar lo establecido atacando a una clase violando los derechos de cada uno de los individuos que constituyen la totalidad del grupo.
Cuando piden "justicia" lo que están pidiendo equivale exigir que proporcionen una justicia diferente a la establecida, no sólo para ellos mismos, sino para satisfacer las necesidades de los demás de su grupo, cuyos reclamos son ejecutados por medios revolucionarios violentos.
Porque, lo que van a hacer para promover la justicia depende de lo que constituye la verdadera justicia. Lo que piden y lo que ofrecen Holder y Obama son Innovaciones en el sistema policiaco y judicial es el convertir con las innovaciones a las instituciones en “cucharitas” del gobierno central.
Las innovaciones "pueden significar cualquier cosa" y fácilmente podría incluir el reinado del terror francés o el estado policial y asesinatos en masa de Castro, Lenin, Stalin o Hitler.
Innovación significa algo nuevo, no la ley establecida e Incluso si aceptamos la conclusión que hemos aprendido mucho de estos "experimentos", como nos dicen los socialistas del siglo XXI,  la idea de que sólo serían "experimentos" es bastante lamentable y peligrosa. "¡Uy, lo siento, cometí un error, metí la pata," o "Tales resultados aunque han fracasado son interesantes podemos aprender de ellos!"
Esto no lo que nos gustaría oír en este país después de los que vivimos en Cuba y la historia de
 los países que experimentaron el socialismo en el mundo.
Así podría verse como sumamente moderno, científico y progresivo, e incluso utilizar el lenguaje de la libertad para cambiar las leyes de este país que ha sido el ejemplo de democracia representativa y faro de libertad para el mundo-
Siempre a los que decíamos que esto podía suceder en los Estados Unidos, nos daban una sonrisa condescendiente.  Creo que con los acontecimientos como se están desarrollando, muchas de esas sonrisas paulatinamente las veo convertirse en muecas.
Hemos visto muchos experimentos fallidos, ya sabemos lo que nos espera, por eso creo que con sus virtudes y sus defectos, el conservadurismo está tomando vigencia en los Estados Unidos, no porque sea perfecto, pero porque es el último bastión que queda frente a la transición socialista.


“Drill, Baby, Drill!” Sarah Palin Vindicated Again!

 Mark Horne 
Barack Obama shows how Sarah Palin understood reality better than he does.  In 2012, candidate and President Barack Obama decided to argue against the Republicans on energy.
As the Daily Caller reports:
it was just two years ago that President Obama said “we can’t just drill our way to lower gas prices” in a speech bashing Republican calls for more drilling.
“Last week, the lead of one news story said, ‘Gasoline prices are on the rise, and Republicans are licking their chops,’” Obama said in a 2012 speech in Miami, Florida. “Only in politics do people greet bad news so enthusiastically.”
“And you can bet that since it’s an election year, they’re already dusting off their three-point plans for $2 gas,” Obama continued. “I’ll save you the suspense: Step one is drill, step two is drill, and step three is keep drilling. We heard the same thing in 2007, when I was running for president. We hear the same thing every year. We’ve heard the same thing for 30 years.”
“Well the American people aren’t stupid,” Obama said in a speech in Miami. “You know that’s not a plan — especially since we’re already drilling. … You know there are no quick fixes to this problem, and you know we can’t just drill our way to lower gas prices.”
No, Sarah Palin is not mentioned in the Daily Caller’s story, but she should be. When Obama claimed that “We heard the same thing in 2007,” you know he was recalling her slogan: “Drill, baby, drill!”
And what have people done? They have drilled. They have developed horizontal drilling. They have developed hydraulic fracturing technology. They have forced OPEC to keep production open and oil plentiful. As a result oil prices are plummeting.
And the government had exactly nothing to do with it except to delay this day with their own stupid plans.
Read the quotations from Obama again and meditate on their sheer ignorance. Drilling is “not a plan” for low gas prices. “We can’t just drill our way to lower gas prices.”
We just did.
Even while Barack Obama was posturing in Miami in 2012, an army of workers were coming together, according to the direction and funding of entrepreneurs, to drill their way to lower gas prices.
Did they mean to do it? Not exactly. They were probably hoping that gas would stay more expensive for the sake of their investments.
But that is not society’s problem. Society simply gets to reap the benefits of plentiful and cheap fuel brought to them by the spontaneous action of individuals striving to better themselves. It happened without a plan. It happened without anyone trying to devise a way to reduce gas prices. Each individual was simply pursuing his own interests.
And yet we now have what Barack Obama said we could never get. A common-sense conservative like Sarah Palin was far more in touch with reality.
Meanwhile, the government has been burning your money for Solyndra, useless wind farms, and encouraging electric cars that no one wants to buy. That’s how wise and powerful your government is.

Amenper: Empathy                                         Las palabras son la manera en que el hombre debe de haber descubierto en algún momento que era la mejor forma que podía expresar mejor su pensamiento y sus emociones.
 Aunque algunos que nos enseñan el dedo del medio en el tráfico cuando conducimos a una velocidad que no los satisface, crean lo contrario, pero eso son limitaciones de ciertos individuos en la raza humana, la mayoría de los seres humanos preferimos usar las palabras para comunicar nuestras emociones, aunque las veces las palabras son tan dolorosas como el dedo del medio, pero son más civilizadas..
Después, según la historia bíblica en Babel, vinieron las lenguas, o sea el uso de diferentes palabras por diferentes personas para expresar su pensamiento, y por consecuencia las traducciones de una lengua a otra.
Hay palabras que pierden la fuerza o lo que representan en la traducción.
“Empathy” es una de ellas.  No me produce el mismo efecto decir “empatía”, no es una palabra que haya usado en una conversación en mi vida, me suena extraña aunque existe en el idioma español.
Pero Empathy es una palabra que he usado muchas veces en inglés, que me gusta su sonido y es una palabra con la que puedo expresar lo que siento, que es la capacidad de reconocer e identificarme con las emociones de pena, dolor, angustia, temor, ira o lo que sea que tiene otro ser humano, es lo que decimos en otras palabras “ponernos en sus zapatos” o “Ponernos en su lugar”. 
Siempre trato de ponerme en los zapatos de los otros antes de juzgarlos y tratar de pensar como ellos están pensando.
Pero cuando Hillary Clinton dice que tenemos que tener “empathy” con nuestros enemigos, y cuando sabemos que es imposible ponerse en los zapatos de personas cuyo pensamiento se ha atrofiado por su fanatismo, no puedo ni siquiera tener “empathy” con el razonamiento de Hillary, mucho menos puedo sentir “empathy” cuando veo a alguien arrancarle la cabeza a otro ser humano y gozarse en ello frente una cámara.
No puedo sentir empathy cuando oigo la manea como tratan a sus semejantes nuestros enemigos musulmanes., Como tratan a sus mujeres, su propia existencia en su conducta hacia los que no piensan como ellos, a su sentimiento de un fanatismo extraño y criminal para con sus semejantes.
No quisiera que nuestro próximo comandante en jefe, pueda identificarse, pueda tener “empathy” con esos enemigos, que pueda  reconocer algún valor en esas emociones que se pueda sentir igual que esos criminales, porque entonces la únicas palabras que ustedes pudieran usar  para identificarse con mi sentimiento, las únicas palabras con que pudieran pudiera enfatizar mi “empathy” es ESTAMOS MUY JODIDOS. Unas palabras que describirían la situación del pueblo Americano bajo el mandato de Hillary, que sería una continuación del mandado del organizador comunitario.

Tiroteo entre vecinos de Liberty City dejan herida a una niña de 3 años

• Algunos se preguntan donde están Al Sharpton y Barack Obama en este caso

MIAMI 8 DE DICIEMBRE DEL 2014, nhr.com—Mientras ayer unas 200 personas protestaban contra “la violencia policial”, la barriada de Liberty City era de nuevo escenario de la violencia entre sus residentes, una niña de solo 3 añitos recibió un tiro en el tobillo, víctima de una disputa entre vecinos que concluyó con un tiroteo entre ambas familias y donde varios agentes de la policía de Miami que acudieron a la escena tuvieron que agacharse entre sus carros patrullas para que los disparos no le alcanzara.
Nadie protestaba por la violencia entre sus residentes en las barriadas negras.
“Y donde esta Al Sharpton y Barack Obama para que llamen la atención a lo que está ocurriendo en las barriadas negras de todo el país incluyendo lo que pasó hoy aquí”, nos dijo un funcionario de la ciudad de Miami que acudió también a la escena.
Agentes de la policía de Miami que respondieron a la escena, encontraron a la niña herida y los transportaron al hospital Jackson para ser atendido, de acuerdo con voceros de la policía, la pequeña quedo atrapada entre el fuego cruzado y rodeado y los patrulleros rodearon el edificio ubicado en la 12 avenida del Noroeste y la 62 calle, los agentes se cubrieron con sus carros y con pistolas en mano vigilaban en todos los alrededores mientras los tiros sonaban.
Los médicos en el Jackson dijeron que la niña está fuera de peligro y esperan que se recupere satisfactoriamente.
El vocero de la policía le dijo a nelsonhortareporta.com que la disputa ocurrió entre vecinos que comenzaron a discutir y sacaron pistolas comenzando el tiroteo, la policía tuvo que evacuar el complejo de edificios de un proyecto de personas de escasos recursos, los agentes procedieron anoche a revisar todas las viviendas en busca de las armas utilizadas en el intercambio de disparos, pero se desconoce si se recuperaron todas las armas, ni se ha encontrado a los que dispararon, mientras se realiza una investigación.
Estas zonas de Liberty City y Overtown han sido estremecidas por la violencia en los últimos meses, la policía dice que diariamente tiene que investigar algún tiroteo en esas zonas, mientras anoche un puñado de personas de la raza negra continuaron demostrando en contra de la decisión de los gran jurados en Ferguson y Nueva York, ninguno de los que protestaban dijo nada sobre la  violencia entre residentes de Liberty City.

Encuesta demuestra que la mayoría del pueblo americano está de acuerdo con las decisiones de los Gran Jurados

• La firma Bloomberg Politica, entrevistó a residentes de Ferguson y Staten Island

MIAMI 8 DE DICIEMBRE DE 2014, nhr.com—Cuando muchos esperaban que con la elección del primer presidente negro mejorarían las relaciones raciales en Estados Unidos, seis años después una encuesta demuestra que ha empeorado.
De acuerdo con la encuesta realizada por la firma Selzer & Company de Des Moines, Iowa para la empresa periodista, Bloomberg Politica, el 53 por ciento cree que las relaciones entre las razas han empeorado bajo el gobierno de Obama, el 36 por ciento cree que no han cambiado y solo un 9 por ciento cree que han mejorado.
De los interrogados el 45 por ciento de los negros dicen que las relaciones han empeorado, y el 56 por ciento de los blancos dicen lo mismo.
Sobre las reacciones a las dos decisiones recientes de Gran Jurados y que involucran a policías y sospechosos negros, demuestran una brecha más amplia.
En Ferguson se entrevistaron a miembros de esa comunidad y para sorpresa el 52 por ciento del público estuvo de acuerdo con la decisión del jurado de no encausar al oficial Darren Wilson en la muerte a tiros del joven de 18 años de Michael Brown.
A diferencia de los entrevistados en Staten Island, Nueva York, solo un 40 por ciento estuvo de acuerdo con el jurado que no encauso al oficial Daniel Pantaleo por la muerte del Eric Garner de 43 años, Garner murió de un ataque al corazón tras haber sido derribado por varios policías y a los que muchos acusaron al policía Pantaleo de haberlo asfixiado.
Al ser desglosada por raza la encuesta, un 64 por ciento de los blancos y un 4 por ciento de los negros estuvieron de acuerdo con la decisión de Ferguson, en el caso de Staten Island, solo el 32 por ciento de los blancos estuvieron fuertemente de acuerdo y solo un 6 por ciento de los negros.
Uno de los entrevistados un retirado de 80 años e identificados como Dale Griessel declaró que “confío en el gran jurado hasta que se pruebe que no fueron sinceros, ninguno de nosotros hemos visto las pruebas forenses, ellos si las vieron”, dijo.
Por su parte Delarno Wilson de 28 años quien es de la raza negra, dijo que ha estado destacado en el servicio de Guarda Costa y que le ha tocado estar en pueblos de blancos y constantemente tiene que preocuparse de cómo relacionarse con la gente, “esas son cosas que los blancos no tienen que preocuparse”, dijo.
La firma Selzer & Company de Des Moines, Iowa hizo la encuesta ordenada por la empresa periodística, Bloomberg Politico, y entrevistó a 1,001 adultos entre el 3 y 5 de diciembre, la encuesta tienen un margen de error de 4 por ciento porcentuales.

Amenper: ¿Tenemos que cambiar el sistema Judicial?
Estamos viendo cómo están protestando sobre el sistema americano de leyes, y acusaciones de que el sistema está “roto”. 
La alternativa sería en código Napoleónico, que es la base del sistema que teníamos en Cuba y los que existen en la mayoría de los países con la excepción de los Estados Unidos, el Reino Unido y sus antiguas colonias.
Sin lugar a dudas los policías en los casos que han hecho noticia, no hubieran tenido la ventaja del Gran Jurado, según la ley Napoleónica hubiera sido considerados culpables de asesinato y hubieran tenido que defender su culpabilidad ante las cortes. 
Pero los manifestantes no se dan cuenta que eso mismo se aplicaría a los acusados de delitos que pudieran ser de la raza negra si se cambia el sistema.
El Código Napoleónico fue el código francés establecido bajo Napoleón, según este código procesal los tribunales penales establecidos por la revolución fueron un sistema complejo e ineficaz, sometido a muchas presiones locales. La génesis de este código dio lugar a mucho debate. El Código fue criticado por la de facto presunción de culpabilidad, del sospechoso el cual es considerado culpable y tiene que demostrar su inocencia
Las normas de procedimiento judicial, dieron poder significativo a la Fiscalía
Con respecto a la familia, el código establece la supremacía del hombre sobre la mujer y los niños otra cosa que tienen que considerar los protestantes de hoy.
Por otro lado, Bonaparte se opuso al jurado de acusación ("gran jurado" en los países de common law) y prefirió dar esta tarea a la sección penal de la corte de Apelaciones. Algunos tribunales especiales fueron creados para el juicio de los criminales que podrían intimidar al jurado. Otro procedimiento que se presta a presiones sociales y políticas en muchos casos.
Por otro lado tenemos el “Common Law” ingles.
Inglaterra había exportado derecho común Inglés y sus estatutos a la mayor parte del imperio británico, y muchos aspectos del sistema han sobrevivido después de la independencia en América o al cese del gobierno británico.
La "Ley inglesa" de antes de las guerras revolucionarias americana (guerra de la independencia americana) sigue siendo una influencia en la legislación de Estados Unidos y proporciona la base para muchas tradiciones americanas jurídicas y políticas.
Los principales elementos de un delito son el actus reus (haciendo algo que está prohibido penalmente) y un mens rea (teniendo el estado criminal requerido de la mente, generalmente intención o imprudencia). Un fiscal debe demostrar que una persona ha causado la conducta ofensiva, o que el culpable tenía un deber preexistente que tome medidas para evitar una consecuencia penal.
Los tipos de rango de diversos crímenes de aquellos conocidos como homicidio involuntario, homicidio, hurto y robo a una plétora de infracciones reglamentarias y legales son estimados por la ley.
El acusado es considerado inocente hasta que se demuestre su culpabilidad por la fiscalía.
Me parece que los que quieren que se cambie el sistema de leyes del país, no saben lo que están pidiendo.

Amenper: Congress Clashes Over Release Of CIA Torture Report
Senate intelligence committee chairwoman Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., is again defending her report on CIA torture methods, which was set to be released this week.
This has created concerns about possible terrorist attacks by the Islamic incensed by the news.
Why do they want to do this?
Because they want to support Obama’s plan to close Guantanamo?
Or because they want to have attacks to create instability and establish a state of emergency with extraordinary executive powers?
J. Scott Applewhite/AP
Leaders on Capitol Hill are at odds regarding a report on CIA methods — including torture — used to extract information in the so-called war on terror.
Chairwoman of the Senate intelligence committee Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., has been fighting for the release of her 480-page executive summary of the report since April of this year, and it finally was scheduled for a reveal this week.
The reason for the request is a general fear from both sides of the political aisle that details in the report will put American personnel in danger overseas and incite further violence from extremists.
Feinstein's counterpart in the House, intelligence committee chairman Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Mich., appeared on CNN's State of the Union on Sunday to express his concerns about the release.
"I think this is a terrible idea," Rogers said. "Foreign partners are telling us this will cause violence and deaths. Our own intelligence community has assessed that this will cause violence and deaths."
Feinstein gave her own interview to The Los Angeles Times, published Sunday. The article pointed out that Kerry's phone call presented a unique struggle as Washington prepares for a change in political leadership and Sen. Richard Burr, R-N.C., takes over Feinstein's job:
"The request put Feinstein in an agonizingly difficult position — delay the release and run the risk that Burr and the Republicans will block the report after they take over in January, or go ahead and take the blame if Americans in foreign countries are harmed."
Still, Feinstein defended her position in the interview. "We have to get this report out," she said. "Anybody who reads this is going to never let this happen again."
NPR's Sam Sanders reported Sunday that "officials who've seen the report say it details sleep deprivation, confinement and waterboarding."
On Weekend Edition Sunday, NPR's Mara Liasson spoke with host Rachel Martin about the Obama administration's view of the release.
"The administration supports releasing the report. And the State Department says Kerry told Feinstein that the timing of the release was her choice. But the administration is concerned about how the report would affect ongoing efforts against ISIS, the Islamic State terrorist group, and the safety of Americans who are being held hostage around the world. And it wants those issues to be taken into account."
They noted that Feinstein has a number of supporters in her corner when it comes to releasing the report this week. Sen. Mark Udall, D-Colo. — who lost his bid for re-election in November — has threatened to read the report on the Senate floor. And Sam reported that several Democrats worry that time is running out to release the findings, since Republicans will soon gain control of Congress.
Amnesty International released a statement Friday calling for delivery of the report. It reads in part:
"The US government's international legal obligations on truth, accountability and remedy demand that any information that pertains to human rights violations, including the crimes under international law of torture and enforced disappearance, be made public. The United Nations, among others, has formally recognized the importance of respecting and ensuring the right to the truth so as to contribute to ending impunity and to promote and protect human rights."
Jose A. Rodriguez Jr., who was appointed chief of staff of the National Counterterrorism Center for the Bush administration after the Sept. 11attacks,defended the CIA interrogation program in
an op-ed in The Washington Post. He wrote:
"In the wake of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, lawmakers urged us to do everything possible to prevent another attack on our soil. Members of Congress and the administration were nearly unanimous in their desire that the CIA do all that it could to debilitate and destroy al-Qaeda. The CIA got the necessary approvals to do so and kept Congress briefed throughout. But as our successes grew, some lawmakers' recollections shrank in regard to the support they once offered."
The Times quotes from former CIA Director Leon Panetta's memoir, Worthy Fights, in which he refers to "enhanced interrogation":
"What we can't know, what we'll never know, is whether those were the only ways to elicit that information."
But I say:
What we can't know but we can imagine is how many American lives at home and abroad were saved for that information.

ON THE BORDER: Illegal Alien Bashes Border Patrol Agent in the Head with a Rock, Agent Gets 22 Stitches

Will this illegal alien be getting a work permit from Obama too?
By Brandon Darby, Breitbart
UPDATE: The suspect has been identified as Carlos Manuel Pena-Nieblas, a citizen of Mexico. He remains at large. The Border Patrol agent, who suffered lacerations to the face and a bone fracture, has now been released from the hospital. He had 22 stitches.
A Border Patrol agent is suffering multiple head fractures after an illegal alien attacked him and bashed his head in with a rock, according to several Border Patrol agents who spoke with Breitbart Texas on the condition of anonymity. The attack occurred near the Ajo Station of the Tucson Sector.
The agent was new to the U.S. Border Patrol agency. According to the sources, the illegal alien tackled the agent and used a rock to bash the agent’s head.

Amenper: Organización Racista con lazos con el KKK, Demanda a Obama
Hermanitas de los Pobres presentan demanda ante la Corte Suprema
Comentando sobre las protestas sobre minorías asesinadas por agentes de la policía, el presidente Obama dijo que el racismo está "profundamente arraigado" en los Estados Unidos y que los activistas deben seguir presionando constantemente en sus demandas de reforma.
"Esto es algo que está profundamente arraigado en nuestra sociedad, está profundamente arraigado en nuestra historia," el presidente Obama dijo en una entrevista a la cadena BET.
Una porción de la entrevista fue presentada este domingo.
Un caso evidente de racismo es una demanda presentada a la administración por un llamado negocio sin fines de lucro, que es realmente un acto de racismo contra el gobierno por ser un afroamericano el presidente.
Esta organización de mujeres supremacistas blancas, que tienen lazos con el KKK y que se llaman "Hermanitas de los Pobres", no cumple la definición de Obamacare como un empleador "religioso", y no está exenta de los anticonceptivos por el mandato en la ley de cuidado de la salud.
Eso significa que estos empleadores deben proporcionar cobertura anticonceptiva a sus empleados. Además estos empleadores contratan y tienden a personas de todas las procedencias étnicas y religiosas, sin tomar en cuenta la composición étnica según acción afirmativa.
Los partidarios de esta organización paramilitar y violenta, que son aliados del Tea Party y otros enemigos políticos del gobierno, dicen hipócritamente que las supremacistas ejemplifican servicio de cuidado a los ancianos pobres y aquellos considerados "inútiles" por la sociedad, y que tienen 30 casas donde cientos de sus empleados proporcionan enfermería y del cuidado de la vida final.
Esto también es algo indeseable, el cuidado de los pobres tiene que ser implementado por agencias de la administración, no por unas mujeres racistas que lo que quieren es adoctrinarlos contra las personas de color y tratar de inscribir a los enfermos en el partido republicano.
Si ustedes observan el uniforme de estas mujeres tienen un uniforme muy parecido a las túnicas del KKK.
Agencias de seguridad del gobierno, han detectado que de hecho algunas son miembros activas de esta criminal organización.  Son enemigas de los negros, como gran parte de la comunidad a la que pertenecen, esto es algo que no es permisible en nuestra sociedad y es lo que causa las legítimas protestas y la justa ira de nuestros jóvenes afroamericanos.
Esta es una administración para los pobres, y no se puede permitir que instituciones con agendas políticas como las Hermanitas de los Pobres cometan atrocidades como esta demanda a la administración.
La administración está considerando todas las opciones posibles para hacer cumplir el mandato de anticoncepción contra iglesias y organizaciones religiosas. Esto incluye el arresto por falta de cumplimiento de la ley de miembros de las Hermanitas de los Pobres


“The people of Pennsylvania have elected Kathleen Kane to defend the Commonwealth and executive agencies. This is now twice she has refused to do so and defend the people that put her into office,” Corbett spokesman Jay Pagni told ABC27.
With cities across the Keystone State lining up to challenge Pennsylvania’s new preemption law, State Attorney Gen. Kathleen Kane announced Friday she would not defend it.
A collection of lawmakers, allied with a state gun control group, is challenging the law — called the “strongest firearms preemption statute in the country” — signed by republican Gov. Corbett earlier this month. The measure, added as an amendment to a metal theft bill, had passed the state legislature in November by wide margins. It allows groups such as the National Rifle Association to stand in for local citizens in challenging gun city and county control ordinances stronger than the state’s own laws in court.
“The attorney general determined it would be more efficient and in the best interest of the commonwealth for the Office of General Counsel to handle this matter,” read a statement obtained by Reuters Friday.
The challenge is being brought by the cities of Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and Lancaster as well as five Democratic state legislators. Notably the three city leaders in the suit are members of Mayors Against Illegal Guns, which is part of former New York Mayor Micheal Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Safety organization. A state gun control group, Cease Fire PA, is likewise a supporter of the action.

The NSA Has Your Number

According to documents contained in the archive of material provided to The Intercept by whistleblower Edward Snowden, the NSA has spied on hundreds of companies and organizations internationally, including in countries closely allied to the United States, in an effort to find security weaknesses in cellphone technology that it can exploit for surveillance.
The documents also reveal how the NSA plans to secretly introduce new flaws into communication systems so that they can be tapped into—a controversial tactic that security experts say could be exposing the general population to criminal hackers.
Codenamed AURORAGOLD, the covert operation has monitored the content of messages sent and received by more than 1,200 email accounts associated with major cellphone network operators, intercepting confidential company planning papers that help the NSA hack into phone networks.
One high-profile surveillance target is the GSM Association, an influential U.K.-headquartered trade group that works closely with large U.S.-based firms including Microsoft, Facebook, AT&T, and Cisco, and is currently being funded by the U.S. government to develop privacy-enhancing technologies.
Karsten Nohl, a leading cellphone security expert and cryptographer who was consulted by The Intercept about details contained in the AURORAGOLD documents, said that the broad scope of information swept up in the operation appears aimed at ensuring virtually every cellphone network in the world is NSA accessible.
“Collecting an inventory [like this] on world networks has big ramifications,” Nohl said, because it allows the NSA to track and circumvent upgrades in encryption technology used by cellphone companies to shield calls and texts from eavesdropping. Evidence that the agency has deliberately plotted to weaken the security of communication infrastructure, he added, was particularly alarming.
“Even if you love the NSA and you say you have nothing to hide, you should be against a policy that introduces security vulnerabilities,” Nohl said, “because once NSA introduces a weakness, a vulnerability, it’s not only the NSA that can exploit it.”
(For the rest of the story, click the link.)

TED CRUZ TO HOME REPUBLICANS. BOX DEMOCRATS IN; STOP. EXECUTIVE ANNESTY. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) is backing up several other conservative senators in publicly calling on all House Republicans to band together to block funding for President Barack Obama’s executive amnesty. He advocates using a strategy that will hurt the Democrats politically—rather than House Speaker John Boehner's plan, which funds Obama’s amnesty.
“This November's election was a referendum on executive amnesty, and the American people overwhelmingly oppose President Obama's illegal amnesty,” Cruz said in a release on Wednesday. He also said:
Republicans in Congress should use every tool at our disposal—our constitutional checks and balances—to stop President Obama's amnesty. The Senate should use its constitutional authority to halt confirmations for non-national security positions, until the President stops this illegal amnesty. And both Houses should use the power of the purse, which the Framers understood to be the most potent tool Congress has to rein in an out-of-control Executive.
Cruz went on to specifically back a detailed plan from Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT), which Sens. Jeff Sessions (R-AL)—the incoming chairman of the Senate Budget Committee—and Sen. David Vitter (R-LA) have both backed. Lee’s plan is to have the House Republicans block funding for Obama’s amnesty now, and then force Reid to either shut down the government or take up the House bill blocking the funding for Obama’s amnesty and try to pull that language out. 
If Reid does have the votes to strip the language under Lee’s plan, the new Republican-controlled Congress can block the funding for Obama’s amnesty in early 2015. If Reid doesn’t have the votes, Obama can either veto the bill—as he has threatened to do—or sign it into law.
If Obama vetoes the bill, he will have, by himself, shut down the government in contravention of what several Democrats in the U.S. Senate voted for right before Christmas—something that would be a political disaster for a President still reeling from his party’s horrendous showing in the 2014 midterm elections.
“We should pass a short-term continuing resolution that includes language defunding the implementation of the President’s executive action on amnesty,” Cruz said in his statement.
Cruz argued the reason why all Republicans in the House should pursue this strategy, instead of Boehner’s efforts to work alongside Nancy Pelosi and outgoing Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid—who has endorsed Boehner’s strategy—is because the Democrats cannot legitimately defend Obama’s executive amnesty. Boehner does not have the votes to pass his plan to fund Obama's amnesty, and he may have to turn to Pelosi for help from her Democratic conference. 
“Nearly a dozen Senate Democrats have publicly expressed concerns about President Obama's executive amnesty,” Cruz said. “Support for the President's lawlessness decreases by the day, and House Republicans should provide Senate Democrats the opportunity to show voters whether or not they have heard the message the voters sent in the 2014 elections.”
Cruz’s office provided a list of statements from 11 Senate Democrats expressing opposition to Obama’s executive amnesty. Instead of funding it and allowing the Democrats off the hook like Boehner wants to do, the plan from Lee would offer Republicans several opportunities to politically beat up the Democrats—and there’s no threat of a government shutdown, unless the President or Reid decide to do so.
“We are all frustrated with our broken immigration system, but the way forward is not unilateral action by the President,” Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-LA) said. Landrieu is expected to lose to Rep. Bill Cassidy (R-LA) in the December 6 runoff election in Louisiana.
“I wish he wouldn't do it,” Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) added.
Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-MO) said most people in her state are “uncomfortable” with Obama’s actions.
“I have to be honest: how this is coming about makes me uncomfortable, I think it probably makes most Missourians uncomfortable,” McCaskill said.
“I am as frustrated as anyone that Congress is not doing its job, but the President shouldn’t make such significant policy changes on his own,” Sen. Joe Donnelly (D-IN)said.
“I don’t like government by executive order,” Sen. Mark Pryor (D-AR), who just lost his election to Senator-elect Tom Cotton, added. “I just don’t, generally, so I’d have to look and see specifically what he’s proposing and what he’s talking about. ... Overall, I don’t approve of that approach.”
“A big issue like immigration, the best way to get a comprehensive solution is to take this through the legislative process,” Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA) said.
“I think this is a congressional issue and I encourage Speaker [John] Boehner [R-OH] in the House to bring up a bill, to vote on a bill for immigration reform so that we can then put it into conference,” Sen. Kay Hagan (D-NC), who just lost her re-election bid to North Carolina House Speaker Thom Tillis, said. “And I do support congressional action over executive action.”
“I’m disappointed the President decided to use executive action at this time on this issue, as it could poison any hope of compromise or bipartisanship in the new Senate before it has even started,” Sen. Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND) said of Obama’s action.
“I have concerns about executive action,” Sen. Al Franken (D-MN) added.
“And I also frankly am concerned about the constitutional separation of powers,” Sen. Angus King (I-ME), an independent who caucuses with Democrats, said. “The Framers knew what they were doing, and it doesn't say if the president gets frustrated and Congress doesn't act, he gets to do, you know, what he thinks is important for the country.”
“I would prefer that Congress act, yes,” Sen. Jon Tester (D-MN) said when he was asked if he supports Obama’s actions.
It is unclear whether those Democrats will actually vote in line with what they have said; actually voting to block Obama's amnesty would be the logical next step for all 11 of those Democrats. But with the Democrats as weak as they are on this issue, it’s unclear why Boehner wants to help them by pushing a plan that even Reid can support—all while abandoning many conservative Republicans. As Sessions said in his statement on Wednesday, the pure political gains are massive for Republicans if they fight the Democrats here. Never mind the fact that policy-wise the right thing to do is block Obama’s amnesty funds.
“Polling shows voters believe that Americans should get preference for available jobs by almost a 10-1 margin,” Sessions said. “Republicans should not be timid or apologetic, but mount a bold defense of struggling Americans. Billions of dollars and countless hours have been spent advocating immigration policies that help everyone but the actual citizens of this country. Who will be their voice, if not us?”

VIDEO: Judge Jeanine ANNIHILATES Obama and Calls Him Out for His Obvious Racial Bias

·         OBAMA NATION
(TPNN) – On Saturday, Fox News’ Judge Jeanine Pirro slammed Barack Obama for his near-constant crusade to stoke the flames of racial tension and mistrust. The first black president had the opportunity to unite a nation and help bridge the division between black and white Americans.
Instead, President Obama has made it clear that he is unwilling to serve as a beacon of justice for all Americans, but is only willing to serve as a crusader for the left’s preferred concept of social justice that pits one group against another.
“Tonight, Americans once hopeful that after electing the first African-American president the issue of race would be a thing of the past are left with Barack Obama who stokes the flames of racial hatred, resentment and divisiveness. A man who instead of healing our nation, overcoming any racial divide, prefers to take sides based not on facts, but on color, to prejudge situations based not on sworn testimony and evidence, but on conjecture and on a one-size-fits-all resentment, to peddle the narrative of a national problem between law enforcement and young people of color.”
“Why is it that we only hear from him when the death is of a person of color?” Pirro questioned.
After playing several clips of Obama weighing-in on the shootings of Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown, Pirro noted that the death of James Foley at the hands of Islamic terrorists was “nothing more that a blip in the president’s golf game.”
Pirro laid-into the president and his obvious racial bias for several minutes in one of the most-scathing critiques ever lobbed at a sitting president.
Click below to watch; it is a truly brutal condemnation of our nation’s most-radical president.

Ann Compton: Irate Obama Cursed At Press for Scandals Coverage.

By Greg Richter
Former ABC News White House correspondent Ann Compton  told C-SPAN she saw President Barack Obama get so angry once that he went off the record to curse at the press corps.
She has seen Obama really angry twice in the last year, Compton told C-SPAN’s Brian Lamb on 
Sunday's "Q&A." One time, she said, was "profanity-laced, where he thought the press was making too much of scandals that he didn’t think were scandals."
In the other case, she said Obama took the media to task for not understanding the limits that he has with foreign policy "and the way he’s dealing with the Middle East and Iraq and Afghanistan."
Obama was not apologetic, Compton said, and he was "willing to stand up to the press and look them in the eye, even though it was off the record, and just give us hell."
Lamb asked the recently retired Compton if Obama had a point.
She said that he probably did from his point of view, but added that the press covers "what we are allowed to cover."
"When policy decisions and presidents are inaccessible and don’t take questions from the press on a regular basis, I think they reap what they sow," Compton said.
Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com http://www.Newsmax.com/US/Ann-Compton-Obama-media/2014/12/08/id/611806/#ixzz3LPRZKlaa 
Urgent: Should Obamacare Be Repealed? Vote Here Now!

Amenper: Ayn Rand
Ayn Rand, Zinov'yevna Rosenbaum was born in St. Petersburg Russia, on February 2 1905, died in the United States on March 6, 1982; she was a novelist, philosopher, playwright, and screenwriter.
She wrote based in her experience of the socialist collectivism ideas on her native Russia, and the right to the individual to the product of the work from his mind and the product of his creation.
Rand advocated reason as the only means of acquiring knowledge  
She supported rational and ethical egoism, and rejected altruism.
In politics, she condemned the initiation of force as immoral and opposed collectivism and statism as well as anarchism, instead supporting capitalism, which she defined as the system based on recognizing individual rights.
She defended that her personal belief that individualism trumps collectivism. What motivates a creative thinker?
Is it a selfless desire to benefit mankind? A hunger for fame, fortune, and accolades? The need to prove superiority? Or is it a self-sufficient drive to pursue a creative vision, independent of others’ needs or opinions?  Ayn Rand describes its purpose of a creative thinker as “a defense of egoism in its real meaning . . . a new definition of egoism and its living example.”
“Individualism versus collectivism is in man’s soul; it is the psychological motivations and the basic premises that produce the character of an individualist.”
Creators are great men who feed the world with their genius. They do this because it is man’s nature to seek truth and to create, not to serve their fellow man. This is the same concept of ambition that Adam Smith writes about in his books, when he tell us that a butcher do not sell us meat to feed us but to make money. But in doing so he serves you.
 Rand condemns “second-handers,” men who feed on the souls of creators.
He warns that altruism has even corrupted the great nation of the United States, a country built by brilliant men. She defends the right of the creator to the product of his effort. She argues that an individual is not a slave to society, and that society has a claim to a creator's work only on his own terms. She points out that, down through the ages; creative men have often developed beneficial new ideas and products, only to be rejected as an individual by their societies.
Despite social opposition, the creators move ahead, carrying the rest of mankind with them.
 If society wants it — as it does — justice requires that his asking price be paid to him, not taken from him.  
A creator is a man of independence, he is an egoist, and he is a creator, a paragon of productive achievement. These three concepts—independence, egoism, and achievement—are the key to understanding the moral sense
Real independence is a trait of mind. It is a commitment to one's own perception of reality as an absolute standard of thought and action. This is what disturbs most people about creators.
His primary connection is to the world, not to other people. His convictions, his artistic judgments, his commitment to his goal, are not filtered through any awareness of what other people thought or felt. It is not rebelliousness; it is indifference.
Enlightenment, moreover, courage and strength have been linked to independence, the mental strength to stand alone against the crowd. Rand was not the first writer to portray a man of integrity who fights for his ideals against popular opinion. But she was the first to affirm that independence is not a matter of whether one agrees with others. It's a matter of whether one's mental functioning agrees with reality, whether truth is one's goal and logic one's method. For an independent person, the sheer fact of what others believe or value is of no concern because it is not relevant to truth. Independence, in short, is a form of rationality. The concept of independence names the same phenomenon as the concept of rationality, with a special emphasis on the fact that reason is an attribute of the individual, a faculty that must be exercised and directed by one's own autonomous choice.

The Western Center for Journalism: Does John Boehner Think You're Stupid?... The House Just Voted To Castigate Barack Obama Over His Unlawful Amnesty Decree... But A Vote To FUND That Same Amnesty Decree Is Only Hours Away.

       And yes, Boehner and a number of GOP Elites are not only going to vote to FUND Obama's Executive Amnesty, they're actually whipping Democrats to vote with them to counter a rebellion from rank-and-file Republicans in Congress. 

       Call it the old 'I-Voted-For-It-Before-I-Voted-Against-It-Gambit' .... Really Mr. Boehner? ... Are you serious? ... Do you honestly believe that people are stupid enough to believe that this capitulation and total surrender is actually a plan to stop Barack Obama's unlawful amnesty decree? 

       And now, Boehner is waiting to see what kind of reaction his little maneuver will generate... 
if he hears little or no response to his latest deception, he'll assume that he has your consent to do Barack Obama's bidding, and we must not give him that consent. We need an avalanche of calls and faxes to Washington right now. 
The Truth That No One In Washington Dares To Speak!

       Why would John Boehner and GOP elites even bother to float a proposal to fund an unconstitutional, dictatorial and imperial executive decree through March and what would lead them to believe that Barack Obama would even accept such a proposal? 

       Here's the skinny: 

 John Boehner and a number of GOP elites desperately want amnesty and they are still under the delusion that they can trick the American people into allowing them to pass an amnesty bill in a couple of months. However, if they intend to pass legislation to legitimize Obama's executive amnesty decree, after the fact, cutting off the money spigot NOW would undermine and thwart those efforts. 

 Moreover, they underestimate you and rely upon your ignorance. You're supposed to assume that their offer to only fund Mr. Obama's decree into March is a guarantee that the decree will not be funded thereafter. IT'S NOT! Barack Obama knows it too. And yes, they believe that you're that stupid. 

       Rush Limbaugh cut to the chase during his Tuesday broadcast: 
"What this is about is the establishment concocting an excuse where they don't have to stop Obama because they don't want to, folks. That's the only logical interpretation for all of this." 

"They can't come, after all of this, and act like they are as eager for amnesty as Obama, but they are. We know it to be true. We know the Republican establishment, we know the Chamber of Commerce, we know that many of the donors want amnesty." 

       Limbaugh went on to say: 
"Republicans need to swallow hard and go all-in for amnesty, not just five million, but for all of them. ... They just won a landslide election, and the intention of the people that voted for 'em was to stop this. Well, the Republican establishment apparently doesn't want to." 

       Now... if you're feeling discouraged by the deceptions and the trickery... DON'T. The truth of the matter is that politicians only attempt to deceive you because THEY KNOW THEY NEED YOUR CONSENT. 

       And when you 
remain silent, you give them that consent. Don't give them that consent. 
The Cavalry Is Coming...

       Your faxes and calls are also giving rank-and-file Republicans the courage to stand up to the elites in the GOP Leadership. 

       According to the left-wing Politico: 
"Senate conservatives are beginning to badger House leaders over their plan to fund the government and symbolically disapprove of the president's immigration action. ... arguing that the House needs to block funding for implementation of Obama's executive action now, not later." 

       And here's what some rank-and-file Republicans are saying in reference to Boehner's latest amnesty scheme: 

 "The Chairman of the Republican Party made a promise to America on executive amnesty: 'We can't allow it to happen and we won't let it happen… everything we can do to stop it we will.' Unfortunately, the plan now being circulated in the House fails to meet that test. ... [it] does not reject the central tenets of the President's plan: work permits, Social Security and Medicare to 5 million illegal immigrants—reducing wages, jobs and benefits for Americans. ... The President's action erases the laws Congress has passed in order to implement laws Congress has refused to pass. Now the President demands Congress fund his imperial decree and declare its own irrelevance." - Senator Jeff Sessions 

 "Make no mistake, sending a bill to the Senate without first making an attempt to include defund language is telling the American people that you support Obama's executive amnesty. That would be a slap in the face to the voters who sent a message last month by electing Republican majorities in Congress." -Senator David Vitter 

 "The major proposals I'm hearing about would effectively fund Obama's amnesty program until March. We can't fund it at all. I agree with other conservatives who have stated that the president's amnesty scheme is illegal, which is why we should defund it specifically and immediately while funding the rest of the government. This can and should be done." - Congressman-elect David Brat, the man who defeated former House Majority Leader Eric Cantor 

 "It's impossible for us to tell the American people that we're serious about this when we're not doing anything that is serious." Congressman Raul Labrador 

       Republican elites may believe that the fix may be in... but nothing is fixed. Rank-and-file Republicans are standing up to Barack Obama and the GOP elites but 
these rank-and-file Republicans need your help. They need you to take their flank and they need you to flood Washington with your Blast Faxes right now. 
Floyd Brown  The  Western Center for Journalism is a 501©3 educational organization. Contributions are tax-deductible as allowed by IRS regulations. Personal and corporate contributions are allowed.

Legal Alternatives to Obamacare Enrollment
Not enrolling in the Obamacare Exchanges is perfectly legal.

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that it is unconstitutional to force any citizen to be insured. You have a constitutional right to be uninsured and to refuse to enroll in Obamacare exchange coverage. The "uninsured tax" penalty will only apply to non-exempt individuals that do not have health insurance or government coverage of any kind. That coverage need not be acquired through the government exchanges.

There are three legal ways to comply with Obamacare without enrolling in an exchange:

Obtain private health insurance.
Find a plan outside the government exchanges that meets the Affordable Care Act’s "minimum essential coverage" requirement. This could include the private individual purchase of health insurance, a health insurance policy available from a person’s employer or a policy purchased through a private health insurance exchange. 

                              Claim one or more of the nine exemptions to Obamacare. 

There are four exemptions from the individual mandate and five exemptions (including an additional list of hardship exemptions) from the "uninsured tax." The exempt include:
Exemptions from the payment
If you don’t have minimum essential coverage, you may qualify for an exemption from the penalty if:
·         You’re uninsured for less than 3 months of the year
·         The lowest-priced coverage available to you would cost more than 8% of your household income
·         You don’t have to file a tax return because your income is too low (Learn about the filing limit (PDF))
·         You’re a member of a federally recognized tribe or eligible for services through an Indian Health Services provider
·         You’re a member of a recognized health care sharing ministry
·         You’re a member of a recognized religious sect with religious objections to insurance, including Social Security and Medicare
·         You’re incarcerated (either detained or jailed), and not being held pending disposition of charges
·         You’re not lawfully present in the U.S.
·         You qualify for a hardship exemption

                                           Go uninsured and pay the "uninsured tax."
Penalties for adults without required coverage begin at $95 or up to 1% of your income in 2014, whichever is greater, and increase annually. Penalties for children under age 18 begin at $47.50.
                                                       Obtain private health insurance.
Find a plan outside the government exchanges that meets the Affordable Care Act’s "minimum essential coverage" requirement. This could include the private individual purchase of health insurance, a health insurance policy available from a person’s employer or a policy purchased through a private health insurance exchange.

Although exchange supporters encourage insured individuals and families to try to find lower-cost taxpayer-subsidized coverage on the government exchange, there is no reason to change coverage if an individual or family currently has private health insurance that meets federal requirements.
Complete list at:

More answers
·         If I’m unemployed, do I have to pay the fee for not having coverage?
Like other Americans, you must have minimum essential coverage or pay a fee. This is true regardless of your employment status.
There are several exemptions from the fee that may apply to people who have no income or very low incomes. If you have an exemption, you don’t need to pay the fee for being uncovered. Learn about exemptions from the fee.

© Citizens’ Council for Health Freedom 2013 (651) 646-8935 www.cchfreedom.org 

White House Rejects Petition Asking Government to Declare Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist Group

WASHINGTON – The White House has rejected a petition requesting that the government declare the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization.
The petition had been first created in July on the White House website, and obtained over 213,000 signatures in just a month. The Obama administration has stated that it will respond to any petition that reaches at least 100,000 signatures in a 30-day period.
“[The] Muslim Brotherhood has a long history of violent killings & terrorizing opponents. Also, MB has direct ties with most terrorist groups like Hamas,” it read. “A book by one of their prominent figures, Sayyid Qutb, called Ma’alim fi-l-Tariq, is the bible for many terrorist groups.”
“The Muslim Brotherhood has shown in the past few days that it is willing to engage in violence and killing of innocent civilians in order to invoke fear in the hearts of its opponents. This is terrorism,” the petition continued. “We ask the US government to declare MB as a terrorist group for a safer future for all of us.”
But in response to the petition, the White House replied recently that although it opposes violence in the name of religion, it does not view the Muslim Brotherhood as being a terrorist organization.
“We have not seen credible evidence that the Muslim Brotherhood has renounced its decades-long commitment to non-violence,” it wrote in its brief reply.
“The United States does not condone political violence of any kind and we continue to press actors of all viewpoints to peacefully engage in the political process,” the Obama administration continued. “The United States is committed to thwarting terrorist groups that pose a threat to U.S. interests and those of our partners.”
As previously reported, in 2012, the leader of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood organization denounced efforts to halt fighting in Gaza, stating that Palestinians should wage Jihad on the Holy Land.
Mohammed Badei urged Muslims to “back your brothers in Palestine. Supply them with what they need, seek victory for them in all international arenas.”
“The enemy knows nothing but the language of force,” he said. “Be aware of the game of grand deception with which they depict peace accords.”
That same year, the Muslim Brotherhood reportedly launched a widespread terror campaign to intimidate Egyptian Christians into avoiding participation in the final round of the presidential elections. Terrorists hit various regions of the country, targeting Christians in their homes, shops, farms and places of work, and strictly threatening them to refrain from participating in the presidential elections or voting for independent candidate Ahmad Shafik. Threats ranged from kidnapping, to burning of their homes, shops and possessions, to murder.
Then-presidential candidate Mohamed Morsi promised that his “Islamic institution, [referring to the Freedom and Justice Party of the Muslim Brotherhood] will trample with their shoes on the necks on anyone who should stand against us or our beliefs, because anyone who does must know they stand against Allah.”
Morsi was overthrown a year later, and United States Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham met with the Muslim Brotherhood in Cairo to discuss ways to move the country forward following civil unrest.
The Muslim Brotherhood was founded in Egypt in 1928, and carries the motto, “God is our objective; the Qur’an is the Constitution; the prophet is our leader; jihad is our way; death for the sake of God is our wish.” 

Rush Limbaugh: The President Taking Sides to Divide the Country Is “Reprehensible”

Chris Wallace interviewed Rush about Michael Brown, Eric Garner, illegal immigration and a number of other issues. As always, Rush was controversial – refreshingly so.
President Harry Truman was known as “Give ‘em Hell Harry.” The title comes from an incident that took place during the 1948 Presidential election campaign. In Bremerton, Washington, Truman delivered a speech attacking the Republicans. During the speech a supporter yelled out “Give ‘em Hell, Harry!”. Truman replied, “I don’t give them Hell. I just tell the truth about them and they think it’s Hell.” Subsequently, “Give ‘em Hell, Harry!” became a lifetime slogan for Truman supporters.
Rush could easily be known as “Give ‘em Hell Rush” and for much the same reasons.
Rush said these protests/riots are “tearing the country” apart and”it’s not based on real-world grievances”, “it’s made up”. In response to Obama’s and de Blasio’s reactions to the Michael Brown and Eric Garner incidents, he said it’s “absurd” to say race relations are no better. It’s “not perfect” but there is “no acknowledgment of progress.”
For the president to talk about things that did not happen…hands up, don’t shoot didn’t happen…truth is relative to these people and they are redefining the truth to further their agenda…The president taking sides in this in a way that further divides the country is “reprehensible,” Rush said.

TEXAS KICKS ASS: TX LAWMAKERS, ‘It’s OK to say ‘Merry Christmas’ in schools’

This is awesome, but it’s also crazy that we have to pass a law to make this legal.
AUSTIN, TX (KTRK) — Texas lawmakers are reminding people it’s OK to say Merry Christmas or Happy Hanukkah in school now.
Last year, the Merry Christmas bill was signed into law. It allows people to celebrate religious holidays on campus.
“That allows parents, teachers, students and school administrators to celebrate Christmas and Hanukkah in public schools without fear of censorship, litigation or persecution,” said Representative Dwayne Bohac, who co-authored the bill with State Rep Richard Raymond.

·         'Unconscionable': Top Republicans lash out ahead of release of CIA report
Published December 09, 2014.  FoxNews.com

Top Republicans are warning that the "unconscionable" release, by order of Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein, of a report on CIA interrogation techniques used on Al Qaeda suspects in the aftermath of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks could "endanger the lives of Americans" all over the world.
The report on the techniques, which some officials credit with helping track down Usama bin Laden and other terror leaders, is expected to be released late Tuesday morning. The White House and President Obama are backing the decision to release the report, despite warnings from lawmakers and some inside the administration that it could lead to a backlash against Americans.

Sens. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., and Jim Risch, R-Idaho, in a statement late Monday, called the move a “partisan effort” by Democrats on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. They said the report is not “serious or constructive.”
“We are concerned that this release could endanger the lives of Americans overseas, jeopardize U.S. relations with foreign partners, potentially incite violence, create political problems for our allies, and be used as a recruitment tool for our enemies,” the senators said. “Simply put, this release is reckless and irresponsible.”
The lawmakers spoke out as new details of the report began to emerge. The 480-page report, a summary of a still-classified 6,000 page study, amounts to the first public accounting of the CIA's alleged use of torture on suspected Al Qaeda detainees held in secret facilities in Europe and Asia in the years after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.
Reuters reported Monday night that the report contains graphic details about the techniques, including sexual threats made to detainees.
According to Reuters, the report describes how at least one detainee was threatened in a sexual manner with a broomstick. In another example, Reuters reported, a detained Al Qaeda operative was threatened with a buzzing power drill.
U.S. officials who have read the report say it includes disturbing new details about the CIA's use of such techniques as sleep deprivation, confinement in small spaces, humiliation and the simulated drowning process known as waterboarding.
A former CIA officer told Fox News on Monday that the agency's techniques led to helpful intelligence. The former officer noted that once accused Sept. 11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed's will was broken, he generated more than 2,000 intelligence reports.
In addition, three former CIA officers from the program told Fox News that they believe the Senate report seeks to minimize intelligence that led the U.S. to Abu Ahmed al-Kuwaiti-- Usama bin Laden's trusted courier.
Another former officer told Fox News that the CIA was encouraged by lawmakers "to do whatever it takes" to prevent another attack on the scale of Sept. 2001.  The former officer said that Hill leadership was briefed more than three dozen times before the program was shuttered.
The White House on Monday reiterated its support for the report’s release, despite the warnings it could provoke violence. Press Secretary Josh Earnest said the administration has been preparing "for months" for the report's release.
However, Secretary of State John Kerry last week asked the Senate Intelligence Committee to "consider" the timing of the release.
The administration's stance was criticized by GOP Sen. Richard Burr, the prospective new chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee. Burr, R-N.C., said that Kerry's suggestion that the report be delayed didn't jibe with Earnest's comments.
“It’s dumbfounding they can call and ask for it to be delayed and then say they want it out. You can’t have it both ways,” Burr told Fox News.
U.S. officials have confirmed to Fox News that an advisory has been sent urging U.S. personnel overseas to reassess security measures in anticipation of the release. The message directs all overseas posts, including those used by CIA personnel, to "review their security posture" for a "range of reactions that might occur."
A similar statement was being sent to military combatant commands to assess their readiness. Pentagon spokesman Col. Steve Warren said Monday the combatant commands have been urged to "take appropriate force protection measures within their areas of responsibility."
In Washington, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Mich., said America's allies are predicting "this will cause violence and deaths." He said U.S. intelligence agencies and foreign governments have said privately that the release of the Senate intelligence panel report on CIA interrogations a decade ago will be used by extremists to incite violence that is likely to cost lives.
Fox News' Catherine Herridge and Chad Pergram and The Associated Press contributed to this report.


En mi opinión
No 816  Diciembre 9, 2014
“IN GOD WE TRUST” Lázaro R González Miño   EDITOR

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