Thursday, December 18, 2014

No 825 "En mi opinion" Diciembre 18, 2014

 No 825 “En mi opinión”  Diciembre 18, 2014

“IN GOD WE TRUST” Lázaro R González Miño   EDITOR
 Cortesía del canal 23 de televisión y de You Tube.
Primeras reacciones después del discurso del presidente
Barack Hussein Obama,  donde reafirmó su traición al pueblo democrático de Cuba, doblegándose al pedido de los tiranos Fidel y Raúl Castro.
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 de aviones de "Hermanos al Rescate" 24/02/1996

Jesús Angulo
Periodista , Presentador del programa ENTÉRESE, 
WLRN TV 17, domingo 6:00 PM y
Productor y Director de TV PARA CUBA

“En mi opinión” Discúlpenme mi falta de educación diplomática pero si este personero actúa como presidente como yo soy cosmonauta:
Todo lo que ha hecho es un supremo disparate, que no tiene nada que ver con las relaciones diplomática con un país terrorista este país que respeta las leyes el otro es una nación secuestrada y sus ciudadanos desprovistos de derechos y sometidos por  56 años a una férrea dictadura que les ha quitado los derechos a todos sus ciudadanos.  O este es un individuo muy mal intencionado o es miembro de las fuerzas del mal, o es un super-invecil-estupidupilo-comeM.                                           Lázaro R González Miño

Nombran un basurero de Dakota del Norte en honor al Presidente Barack Obama

• “Creo que la pila de basura es un gran homenaje para el Presidente”, declaró el patrocinador de la ley

Basurero ND 2 Nombran un basurero de Dakota del Norte en honor al Presidente Barack ObamaMIAMI 18 DE DICIEMBRE DEL 2014,—El estado de North Dakota ha nombrado un basurero público, Presidente Barack Obama.
Durante una abrumadora votación de 35 a 10, el Senado Estatal pasó una ley nombrando al sitio ubicado en 650 hectáreas y que se encuentra aun bajo construcción en honor al Presidente número 44, se espera que el gobernador Jack Dalrymple firme en cuanto antes la medida para convertirla en ley.
Cuando se terminen las obras, “El Basurero Barak Obama” será el sitio más grande donde se botara basura en Dakota del Norte y el numero 17 en Estados Unidos. Sera especialmente rico en materiales tóxicos para la industria médica y petrolera local.
“Queríamos hacer algo para honrar al Presidente”, dijo el senador del estado republicano Doug Perlman, quien fue el patrocinador principal del proyecto de ley. “Creo que una pila de basura es un merecido homenaje a la Presidencia de Obama”, dijo.
Primero se planeaba nombrarlo similar al de una montana cercana al basurero, pero sin embargo se cambio la idea después que alguien sugirió el nombre en broma.
“Creíamos que nunca iría a pasar en el Senado, pero me sorprendió gratamente el apoyo que recibió”, dijo el senador Perlman.
El Presidente Obama no es muy popular en Dakota del Norte, una encuesta reciente de Diciembre del pasado año, encontró con que Obama solo tenía el 35% de aprobación en todo el estado, aunque en el 2014, esa cifra seguramente ha caído aun más.
La gran sorpresa en la votación, es que varios senadores demócratas votaron por la aprobación de la ley.
Esta fuera una buena idea para que los gobiernos locales de Miami Dade imiten la decisión del Senado de Dakota del Norte y nombren nuestros basureros en honor al Presidente Barack Obama.

Amenper: Lo que sale de la Boca.
Leyendo la biblia, en el evangelio de San Mateo, hay una confrontación de Jesús con los fariseos legalistas que criticaban las cosas que Jesús y algunos de sus seguidores comían y que se suponían por la ley mosaica que no debían de hacerlo.  Y lo que Jesús le contestó fue “No lo que entra en la boca contamina al hombre; mas lo que sale de la boca, esto contamina al hombre”
Y últimamente me siento contaminado por lo que sale de la boca de ciertos líderes, no me luce bien, no me sabe bien, no me huele bien.
Nuestro querido presidente Barack Hussein Obama, también conocido en algunos círculos como “Cara de Concreto”, se nos presentó en la televisión ayer anunciando entre otras cosas que los Estados Unidos iban a terminar el “fallido” sistema aislacionista reanudando las relaciones con cuba, y que esperaba que el arcaico embargo también fuese eliminado por el Congreso.
Bueno lo de “fallido” del aislacionismo, es verdad, porque el embargo y el aislacionismo siempre fueron fallidos, sencillamente porque no se implementaron.
 ¿De qué embargo estamos hablando? Cuando Cuba puede comprar Medicinas y Alimentos de Estados Unidos, y cualquier otra cosa de otros países, no existe tal embargo. 
La miseria de los cubanos se debe al embargo comunista interno.
Un Embargo es el que se hizo en África del Sur, y pudimos ver el resultado.  Si se hubiera hecho un embargo así a Cuba, hoy no tendríamos a ningún Castro en Cuba ni a Obama derramandonos su verborrea contaminante al respecto.
Pero vemos hablar a líderes mundiales, a personas que debieran tener algún respeto por la racionalidad, decir cosas como estas.
En el caso del petróleo hemos visto también algo parecido.
Arabia Saudita redujo los precios a sus principales clientes, el movimiento señaló que el mayor exportador del mundo prefería defender su cuota de mercado que apuntalar los precios. Cómo es lógico todo el mundo para vender tuvo que ajustar los precios, para poder competir y como es usual comenzó una guerra de precios. Con las consecuencias que vemos en todo el mundo y en los países que dependen del petróleo.
Es algo evidente, hay que estar sordo, ciego y mudo para no verlo, oírlo o decirlo.
Pero con una cara de cemento, el Secretario General de la OPEP, Abdalla el-Badri, negó la existencia de una guerra de precios. "Nuestros países están siguiendo el mercado", dijo en una conferencia esta semana en Londres. "Se está vendiendo de acuerdo con el precio de mercado".
Las dos noticias de los dos líderes son concurrentemente irracionales o quizás lo que es peor diabólicamente entrelazadas.
Porque Cuba, con este problema petrolero en Venezuela, se la estaba sintiendo, y este salvavidas que le tira Obama, es sospechosamente conveniente en el tiempo y lugar.
Lo que estamos viendo parece un derrame de petróleo incontenible, de la boca de estos líderes que nos contamina. 
Quizás no sea propiamente petróleo, aunque se parezca en el color pero no en el olor, lo que se derrama de la boca de estos líderes.

Sen. Ted Cruz: I’m Not Trying to Play the Washington Rules, I’m Trying to Change the Rules

Amenper: U.S., Cuba to Restore Diplomatic Relations after 50 Years

President Barack Obama announced a move to normalize relations between the United States and Cuba on Wednesday, saying it is time to "cut loose the shackles of the past." 
Bueno nada me sorprende de esta noticia.
 Entre las cosas que ustedes hubieran podido considerar estupideces que yo he dicho, estaba esta posibilidad durante el período del Pato Cojo. No sé si lo recuerdan, pero cuando hablaba de la necesidad de ir a las urnas, primero a las parciales, les dije que no esperaran nada espectacular, pero al menos la posibilidad de frenar parcialmente  a Obama por los dos años que faltaban, pero siempre después de este período de agresividad extrema de Obama durante el período del Pato Cojo.. 
También le dije que no esperaran durante el  mandato objetivos definitivos, porque Obama tenía el veto, o sea que el Obamacare no puede ser completamente desmantelado hasta una nueva presidencia.  También le dije que esperaran lo inesperado durante el Pato Cojo, después de las elecciones. Y mencioné dos puntos principales,  inmigración y Cuba, aunque me refería al cambio de Alan Gross por los espías, no pensé que se pudiera llegar a establecer relaciones.
 Faltan unos días para terminar  el Pato Cojo, ya tuvimos la ley de inmigración, tuvimos el chivatazo al mundo de las torturas, ahora tenemos el asunto de Cuba. 
No quiero mencionar nada más de lo que dije,  no lo quiero mencionar por miedo, como algo de superstición, para que no pase.
Porque hace 55 años, cuando en Cuba, mis palabras fueron tildadas de estúpidas por mis amigos, se cumplieron, unos años atrás algunos amigos me miraron con una sonrisa de sorna cuando dije que no creía que Obama era simplemente de ideas socialistas, que yo creía que era Marxista-leninista y ahora se vuelven a cumplir, no creo que ya quede duda, estas estupideces, que no son mías pero de un razonamiento objetivo, se han cumplido a través de los años, y no quisiera que mis palabras estúpidas se sigan cumpliendo. 
No quiero que mis hijos y nietos puedan ver a Raúl Castro como Grand Marshall de la parada de los reyes magos en la calle 8.
No quiero que en un estado de emergencia por la inestabilidad social nacionalmente, con motines y protestas, las elecciones del 2016 se pospongan y Obama extienda su presidencia. "porque eso no puede pasar aquí, eso nunca ha pasado aquí"
No quiero seguir hablando estupideces.  
Pero me voy a permitir decir una última estupidez.  Obama no tiene la culpa, los que tienen la culpa son los que votaron por él, los que le dieron el poder ejecutivo para que dentro de la legalidad de su tenencia como presidente tuviera la autoridad para hacer esto.
O sea, que protestar en las calles como negros, lamentarse en las estaciones de radio, o llorar por los que no supimos conservar, no resuelve el problema, los gritos se tienen que oir en el silencio de las urnas, en la actividad electoral, en escoger candidatos que sepamos que cumplan una agenda de acuerdo con nuestros valores.  Todavía estamos en un período democrático, no se por cuanto tiempo más, pero hay que aprovechar el tiempo que queda para que no se acabe para siempre.

Esta es la lista de los probables candidatos a la presidencia por el Partido Republicano>
¿Tienes otro candidato que no está en la lista?
Por favor explica porque escojes es tu candidato. Gracias.
Gov. Bobby Jindal
Gov. Chris Christie
Gov. Jeb Bush
Gov. John Kasich
Sen. Marco Rubio
Gov. Mike Huckabee
Gov. Mitt Romney
Dr. Ben Carson
Sen. Rand Paul
Gov. Rick Perry
Gov. Sarah Palin
Gov. Scott Walker
Sen. Ted Cruz
Donald Trump
Sen. Rick Santorum
Para empezar la lista yo escojo para presidente de los USA a Sen. Ted Cruz.
Gracias Lázaro R González Miño.

Rubio: Obama 'Worst Negotiator' in Cuban Prisoner Swap

By Wanda Carruthers
Florida Republican Sen. Marco Rubio blasted President Barack Obama as the "worst negotiator" and "naïve" for the manner in which he brokered the release of an American who had been held captive in Cuba since 2009.
U.S. aid worker Alan Gross, held in a Cuban prison for five years, was released Wednesday in exchange for three Cubans imprisoned in the United States. Obama also announced Wednesday a shift in diplomatic policy between the U.S. and Cuba, easing an embargo that's lasted more than 50 years.
"Barack Obama is the worst negotiator that we've had as president since, at least, [former President] Jimmy Carter, and, maybe, in the modern history of this country," Rubio told Fox News' "America's Newsroom" on Wednesday. "His foreign policy is, at a minimum, naïve, and, perhaps, even truly, truly counterproductive to the future of democracy in the region."

Rubio, a son of Cuban immigrants, said the swap sent the wrong message to tyrants around the world that "the U.S. can be had, that it's a pretty easy deal," adding the action "puts a price on every American abroad."
"I'm not in favor of the process by which his release was acquired, because I think it does set a very dangerous precedent," Rubio said. "Governments now know that if they can take an American hostage, they can get very significant concessions from the United States."
Should Obama announce an intent to normalize diplomatic relations with Cuba, Rubio explained, nothing he said would "further that goal," adding that the issue was an example of the administration's inclination to negotiate with oppressive regimes.
"It's absurd, and it's part of a long record of coddling dictators and tyrants that this administration has established.
"It is par for the course with an administration that is constantly giving away unilateral concessions, whether it's Iran, or, in this case, Cuba, in exchange for nothing. And that's what's happening here," he said.
A major problem in the agreement was that Cuba would benefit from a new U.S. policy without offering any human-rights concessions, he said.
"They're creating no economic openings, no concessions on freedom of speech, no concessions on elections, no concessions on the freedom to have alternative political parties, no concessions on ever having elections, or anything of that matter.
"This notion somehow being able to travel more to Cuba and send more money to Cuba and sell more consumer products in Cuba, the idea that that is going to lead to some democratic opening is absurd," he said.

Rubio maintained he was pleased that Gross would be released from captivity, but stressed he never should have been arrested.

"He never did anything wrong. He was not a spy. He was not a criminal. He was a hostage, and it's unfortunate that the Cuban government held him for five years, and, basically, almost killed him in captivity," Rubio said.

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MUCKED UP: Obama Trades 3 Cuban Criminals and Lifts Embargo for 1 Prisoner in Cuban Jail

This is absolutely appalling. Here is what Florida State Senator Miguel Diaz de la Portilla has to say about this:
Raul Castro is a communist dictator and an enemy of the United States. At a time when so many of our fellow Americans are giving their lives for freedom and liberty on foreign lands, our President has sided with tyranny and human rights violators. While it is great that Alan Gross will be home with his family for the Holidays, it is outrageous that the perpetrators of his illegal incarceration have been rewarded for their illegal and inhumane actions toward Mr. Gross.
The ransom for this innocent hostage has been paid with 3 convicted criminals who were responsible for the deaths of Americans. This administration has negotiated unilaterally with a terrorist nation and its dictator and betrayed every promise it has made to freedom loving Americans. 
The United States will restore full diplomatic relations with Cuba and open an embassy in Havana for the first time in more than a half-century after the release of an American contractor held in prison for five years, President Obama announced on Wednesday.
In a deal negotiated during 18 months of secret talks hosted largely by Canada and encouraged by Pope Francis, who hosted a final meeting at the Vatican, Mr. Obama and President Raúl Castro of Cuba agreed in a telephone call to put aside decades of hostility to find a new relationship between the United States and the island nation just 90 miles off the American coast.
“We will end an outdated approach that for decades has failed to advance our interests and instead we will begin to normalize relations between our two countries,” Mr. Obama said in a nationally televised statement from the White House. The deal will “begin a new chapter among the nations of the Americas” and move beyond a “rigid policy that is rooted in events that took place before most of us were born.”
The surprise announcement represented a dramatic turning point in more than five decades of hostility born in the depths of the Cold War and yet frozen in time long after the fall of the Berlin Wall and the collapse of the Soviet Union.
Once a geopolitical flash point, the Cuba-America relationship has been a thorn in the side of multiple presidents and even now generated fierce criticism from those who equated a diplomatic thaw to appeasement of the hemisphere’s leading dictatorship.
Mr. Obama has long expressed hope of transforming relations with the island nation, an aspiration that remained untenable as long as Cuba held Alan P. Gross, the American government contractor arrested in 2009 and sentenced to 15 years in a Cuban prison. In agreeing to free him, Cuba cleared the way for Mr. Obama to take a political risk with the last national election of his presidency behind him.
Mr. Gross traveled on an American government plane back to the United States late Wednesday morning, and the United States sent back three Cuban spies who had been in an American prison since 2001. American officials said the Cuban spies were swapped for a United States intelligence agent who had been in a Cuban prison for nearly 20 years, and said Mr. Gross was not technically part of the swap, but was released separately on “humanitarian grounds.”
In addition, the United States will ease restrictions on remittances, travel and banking relations, and Cuba will release 53 Cuban prisoners identified as political prisoners by the United States government. Although the decades-old American embargo on Cuba will remain in place for now, the president called for an “honest and serious debate about lifting” it, which would require an act of Congress.
“These 50 years have shown that isolation has not worked,” Mr. Obama said. “It’s time for a new approach.”

[Jorge Alberto Villalon]  The United States and Cuba Begin Restoring Relations
December 17, 2014

The United States and Cuba on Dec. 17 took their most assertive step in several decades toward normalizing relations. The most important announcements concerned the resumption of high-level political discussions focused on renewing formal diplomatic ties between the countries, which have been nonexistent since 1961. Cuban and U.S. officials will hold high-level meetings in the coming months, and the two countries will work toward establishing embassies in Havana and Washington. The United States will also immediately relax some sanctions on trade and travel to Cuba. President Barack Obama announced that the United States would loosen certain restrictions on financial transactions with Cuba, remove some restrictions on U.S. citizens traveling to Cuba, and authorize the export of certain goods to the Cuban private sector. The U.S. State Department will also review Cuba's designation as a state sponsor of terrorism. Obama has the legal authority to immediately implement the measures he announced, but he left the issue of formally lifting the trade embargo up to Congress. Together, the announcements signaled a gradual process of reopening Cuba to the United States.
Havana has much to gain from starting such a process, especially at a time when its regional partner, Venezuela, faces severe instability. Cuba fears that a declining Venezuelan economy will limit one of the island nation's sources of financing and low-cost petroleum shipments while it is attempting to transition toward a new leadership and economic model.
However, a formal end to the embargo is a long way off. The United States' Cuban Liberty and Democratic Solidarity Act of 1996 requires visible progress toward Cuban concessions such as liberalizing political activity, holding free elections and dissolving state security bodies. Nonetheless, the measures announced by Obama will allow the administration to deepen ties with Havana before it approaches Congress to request the lifting of sanctions. Talks between U.S. and Cuban officials will continue into the next year, with the April summit of the Organization of American States serving as the largest public forum at which the two sides can meet. Given Cuban President Raul Castro's advanced age, it is likely the talks will discuss an eventual political transition in the country.
A more immediate question is how the budding rapprochement between the United States and Cuba will affect the behavior of Venezuela, Cuba's most important ally in Latin America. Cuba shares intelligence with Venezuela, enabling Caracas to detect threats from within the country — though at the cost of fomenting discontent within the Venezuelan armed forces. While Cuba's rapprochement with the United States may not immediately change Caracas' relationship with Havana, Venezuela's mounting economic distress and potential for unrest may make it see Cuba's improved ties with the United States as a potential threat in the long run.
Ultimately, Venezuela's future will rely on global oil prices and Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro's ability to simultaneously manage unrest on the streets and from challengers within the government. The coming year will be a critical one for Maduro, and he is looking for any lifelines that could provide an economic reprieve. With Cuba openly engaging the United States, Maduro may have an additional incentive to seek his own rapprochement with the United States. In fact, several hours after the U.S.-Cuba prisoner swap was announced, Maduro publicly said Venezuela would be willing to improve its stagnant political ties with the United States.
Maduro would not be starting from scratch. Earlier this year, he designated an ambassadorial nominee to the United States and held discussions — albeit inconclusive ones — with Washington to restore normal diplomatic relations. Over the past year, several reports emerged that Caracas was negotiating the resumption of direct counternarcotic activities with the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, though no deal has been reached yet. These discussions could be renewed as a result of today's agreements between Cuba and the United States. 
Restoring relations with the United States will not solve all of Maduro's problems, however. Venezuela's plummeting economy and its negative impact on the ruling United Socialist Party of Venezuela is largely the result of long-term structural problems that cannot be easily reversed. It is highly unlikely that Maduro will be able to address these problems without incurring major political costs. Consequently, restoring political ties with the United States will depend more on domestic factors than moves from Obama or a subsequent U.S. president.
Regardless, today's developments signal the first step in a long process of reconciliation. While the details of the rapprochement have yet to be solidified, Obama's announcement sets a clear goal for U.S.-Cuban relations, one that could have broader implications throughout the region.
Is republished with permission of Stratfor."

Factbox: How Obama will relax U.S. Cuba policy

A car drives past the building of the the U.S. diplomatic mission in Cuba, The U.S. Interests Section, (USINT), in Havana, in this September 12, 2013 file picture. Cuba is shutting down nearly all of its consular services in the United States "until further notice" after it said it was unable to find a bank willing to handle its business, the government announced on November 26, 2013, blaming the situation on the longstanding U.S. economic embargo. The decision threatens to disrupt a recent surge in travel between the United States and Cuba on the eve of the upcoming busy holiday season. Picture taken September 12, 2013. REUTERS/Desmond Boylan/Files (CUBA - Tags: POLITICS TRANSPORT BUSINESS)
(Reuters) - President Barack Obama moved on Wednesday to normalize diplomatic relations with Cuba, a shift the White House said was needed because the long-standing U.S. embargo against the communist-ruled island has failed to promote democracy and has hurt the Cuban people.
Here are the key changes:
* The U.S. will open an embassy in Havana.
* During the next six months, Secretary of State John Kerry will review Cuba's designation as a state sponsor of terrorism.
* U.S. officials will hold high-level talks with Cuban counterparts on issues like migration, narcotics, environmental protections, human trafficking.
* U.S. officials will discuss maritime boundaries with Cuba and Mexico in the Gulf of Mexico.
* More Americans will be allowed to travel to Cuba.
* The overall travel ban can only be lifted by Congress, so tourism will not be allowed.
* Travel licenses will be available for family visits, journalists, professional research and professional meetings, educational activities, religious activities, performances and athletic competitions, humanitarian projects, and certain export activities.
* Trade will be authorized with Cuban private companies in building materials for private homes, goods for entrepreneurs, farm equipment for small farmers.
* Licensed travelers can bring back $400 in Cuban goods, including up to $100 in tobacco and alcohol for personal use.
* The overall trade ban can only be lifted by Congress.
* U.S. banks can open correspondent accounts at Cuban banks to help process authorized trade and remittances.
* Rules defining "cash in advance" will be revised to mean "cash before transfer of title" to help finance trade with Cuba.
* Travelers can use U.S. credit and debit cards.
* U.S.-owned entities in other countries will be allowed to provide services to Cuban people who are outside of Cuba.
* U.S. bank accounts of Cuban nationals who have moved outside of Cuba will be unblocked.
* Export of telecom devices and services will be authorized.
* Telecom providers will be allowed to provide commercial telecom and internet services.
* U.S. citizens can sent up to $2,000 per quarter to Cuban nationals and humanitarian projects, up from $500. Licenses will no longer be required.
(Reporting by Roberta Rampton; Editing by Tom Brown)

Jorge Alberto Villalón Y.    [Jorge Alberto Villalon]

Amenper: Cuba se abre al Mundo
Nuestro querido líder benévolo y misericordioso y Presidente extraordinario, Barack Hussein Obama [que en este día de Babalú Aye sus poderes desciendan sobre él] ha hecho la decisión ejecutiva  fantástica de apertura de la paradisíaca isla comunista de Cuba.
Mientras que es una noticia extraordinaria políticamente, también es una oportunidad de que toda la gente pueda descubrir el maravilloso estilo de vida en la sociedad de este mundo a apenas 90 millas de nuestras costas, y que los ciudadanos de los Estados Unidos podrán tener acceso a esta utopía secreta conocida por solo unos pocos.
¿Qué va a pasar cuando muchos descubran el cielo virtual en la tierra que ha sido lograda por  la agenda nacional sorprendentemente increíble del socialismo y quieran quedarse?
¿Tendremos un problema migratorio en Cuba parecido al de los Estados Unidos, cuando hayan balseros americanos tratando de entrar a Cuba?,
Ya McDonald abrió su primera franquicia en Cuba que pueden ver en la foto. Observen a la persona a la izquierda del edificio usando los modernos servicios sanitarios- (En la foto un hombre se orina en la pared de la parte de afuera del establecimiento. Que es casi un bohío con el símbolo de McDonald )
La Asamblea del Poder Popular ya está preparándose para esta eventualidad, y se están estableciendo nuevas leyes migratorias revolucionarias para evitar la inmigración masiva de Estados Unidos.
El secreto estará al descubierto, ya no será el éxito del socialismo ocultado al mundo, estará a la vista de todos los que  desean participar.

Amenper: Las Doctrinas del Islam
Se han cometido crímenes por las interpretaciones del cristianismo, también por las interpretaciones judaísmo y otras religiones. 
Pero lo importante es que esas interpretaciones son fácilmente refutables.
No hay nada en ninguna de las doctrina de las religiones tradicionales  de las sociedades establecidas en el mundo que de alguna manera justifique el asesinato de las personas que no compartan sus creencias.  Por eso las sectas que mal interpretan esas religiones son condenadas por la historia y pasan al basurero del olvido.
Muchos de los seguidores de Jesús creyeron que este era el Mesías guerrerista que iba a liberar al pueblo judío de la opresión Romana.
Pero Jesús les predicó una doctrina diferente, le predicó la doctrina del amor y el perdón, y no sólo no aprobaba la violencia, pero fue pasivamente a la cruz para morir por los pecados del mundo, que fue el objetivo de su ministerio durante la estancia en la tierra, y en cuya base fundó su iglesia y la religión cristiana.
Pero el Islam es diferente, Mahoma creó la llamada religión del Islam para la guerra, y en sus escritos que forman el Corán, específicamente aprueba la muerte de los infieles a su doctrina.
Por eso no hay justificación para los musulmanes “moderados”, ellos no son considerados musulmanes por los “radicales”. 
Y no son considerados musulmanes porque los radicales tienen la razón, los moderados no son seguidores de Mahoma, son personas que quieren justificar la religión de sus padres en una sociedad civilizada, pero no son creyentes ni seguidores del Corán, los radicales son los verdaderos musulmanes.
Cuando vemos los asesinatos de niños inocentes en una escuela de Pakistán, no es nada malo para un creyente del Islam, sólo está siguiendo lo que le predicó Mahoma, son religiosos que están cumpliendo con su “religión”. 
Por eso vemos que cuando ISIS toma una ciudad, lo primero que hace es ejecutar a los “infieles” que no se conviertan al Islam.
Cualquiera que se tome el tiempo de leer el Corán, puede apreciar esto, el Yihad y la ejecución de los infieles, se repite a través de todo el Corán.
Los que repiten complacientemente como nuestro presidente Obama que el Islam es una religión de paz, o son unos ignorantes que no han leído el Corán, o son unos mentirosos con una agenda ulterior como Obama.
Es tratar de separar a los musulmanes en “radicales extremistas” y que hay musulmanes “moderados” es una concepción equivocada del Islam. Todo buen musulmán es lo que llaman “extremista”.
El problema no son los radicales, el problema es el Islam, y mientras no se reconozca esto nunca se podrá terminar con el peligro musulmán que tiene como propósito principal el crear el califato mundial, para cumplir con el objetivo principal que motivó a Mahoma a inventar el movimiento guerrerista disfrazado de religión.
Mientras no hagamos como ellos que no permiten iglesias en los países donde el Islam es la religión del estado, mientras permitimos que ellos sigan construyendo mezquitas en nuestras ciudades para que adoctrinen a las personas desajustadas socialmente, no se podrá combatir efectivamente al terrorismo.
La libertad de religión no aplica al Islam, sencillamente porque el movimiento militar de Mahoma, no es una religión, es el enemigo que quiere destruirnos, y como enemigo combatiente hay que tratarlo.
Porque entre el hombre civilizado y el salvaje, hay que ayudar al hombre civilizado.

Boehner, GOP: Obama's Cuba Deal a "Mindless Concession"

House Speaker John Boehner slammed President Barack Obama's major policy shift on Cuba after more than 50 years, calling it "another in a long line of mindless concessions" to a brutal dictatorship.

"Relations with the Castro regime should not be revisited, let alone normalized, until the Cuban people enjoy freedom - and not one second sooner," Boehner said in a statement, according to Reuters. 
Boehner was among many Republicans, who condemned Obama’s announcement on Wednesday that the U.S. was moving towards 
normalizing diplomatic relations with the communist dictatorship, saying it is time to "cut loose the shackles of the past."
Republican Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen of Florida, chairman of the Middle East and North Africa Subcommittee, issued a statement, blasting the release of American aid worker Alan Gross from Cuba in exchange for three Cuban spies.

She said, “Although the freedom of Alan Gross is welcome news, it’s important to remember that Mr. Gross should have never been imprisoned in Cuba by the Castro regime in the first place.

“The manner in which the White House has negotiated this prisoner swap is a slap in the face to the families of the Brothers to the Rescue and poses a threat to our national security.

“President Obama has unilaterally released three convicted Cuban spies who were responsible for the deaths of three American citizens and one U.S. resident… whose planes were unjustly shot down over international waters on direct orders of the Castro brothers.

Ros-Lehtinen also attacked Obama’s plan to loosen the trade embargo and other sanctions against the U.S. neighbor.

“The liberalization policies aimed at easing trade and remittances to Cuba is another propaganda coup for the Castro brothers, who will now fill their coffers with more money at the expense of the Cuban people.”

“This misguided action by President Obama will embolden the Castro regime to continue its illicit activities, trample on fundamental freedoms, and disregard democratic principles.”

Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, the son of Cuban immigrants and a possible presidential contender in 2016, also 
ripped into Obama’s softening stance on Cuba.
 “It’s part of a long record of coddling dictators and tyrants that this administration has established,” Rubio said on Fox News, while noting that a loosening of the long-term economic sanctions against Cuba and opening an embassy in Havana will not lead to more freedom or democracy in the island nation.
“This notion that somehow being able to travel more to Cuba, to sell more consumer products, the idea that’s going to lead to some democratic opening is absurd,” Rubio said. “But it’s par for the course with this administration constantly giving away unilateral concessions…in exchange for nothing.”

Calling Obama the “Appeaser-in-Chief,” Florida Republican Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart said that the president’s decision “to allow the Castro regime to blackmail the United States and abandon our pro-democracy principles is an outrage.”

In a statement, he added, “These changes to policy will further embolden the Cuban dictatorship to continue brutalizing and oppressing its own people as well as other anti-American dictatorship and terrorist organizations.”

According to Politico, GOP Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina sent out a tweet saying that having an embassy in Cuba is “an incredibly bad idea.”

He added later: “I will do all in my power to block the use of funds to open an embassy in Cuba. Normalizing relations with Cuba is bad idea at a bad time.”
Incoming Rep. Carlos Curbelo, also of Florida, also denounced the idea of normalizing relations with Cuba, saying it was “reckless conduct that damages U.S. national security and benefits Cuba’s dictators.”
However, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and likely 2016 presidential candidate, said that he was “delighted” that Gross was being released, calling it “spectacular news for himself and his family.”

He added that he planned to comment later on Wednesday about the wider scope of Obama’s plans to ease the embargo on Cuba. 

Related Stories:
·         Cuba Frees US Prisoner Alan Gross

Michelle Obama Just Joined The Race-Baiting Frenzy, And It Couldn’t Be More Absurd

First Lady Michelle Obama recalled how they were once victims... JAMES BEATTIE  

In an interview published Wednesday, both President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama recalled how they were once victims of racism before moving into the White House.
“I think people forget that we’ve lived in the White House for six years,” the First Lady told People Magazine alongside her husband. “Before that, Barack Obama was a black man that lived on the South Side of Chicago, who had his share of troubles catching cabs.”
The First Lady even recounted her highly publicized trip to Target in 2011 where she was somewhat disguised; she said a woman asked her to take something off the shelf for her.
“I tell this story – I mean, even as the first lady – during that wonderfully publicized trip I took to Target, not highly disguised, the only person who came up to me in the store was a woman who asked me to help her take something off a shelf. Because she didn’t see me as the first lady, she saw me as someone who could help her. Those kinds of things happen in life. So it isn’t anything new.”
President Obama empathized with other black men who have struggled with race in the past. He tells People: “There’s no black male my age, who’s a professional, who hasn’t come out of a restaurant and is waiting for their car and somebody didn’t hand them their car keys.”
The First Lady illustrated a specific story: “He was wearing a tuxedo at a black-tie dinner, and somebody asked him to get coffee.”
However, the President acknowledged things are much better in this generation than in past generations. “The small irritations or indignities that we experience are nothing compared to what a previous generation experienced,” he said.
“It’s one thing for me to be mistaken for a waiter at a a gala. It’s another thing for my son to be mistaken for a robber and to be handcuffed, or worse, if he happens to be walking down the street and is dressed the way teenagers dress.”


Cuba Frees American Alan Gross, Held for Five Years

In a historic thaw of a relationship chilled since the early days of the Cold War, the United States announced plans Wednesday to restore diplomatic and economic ties with the communist island of Cuba.
The changes came with the abrupt release of a frail American government contractor, Alan Gross, who had been imprisoned in Cuba for five years. He stood when his plane cleared Cuban airspace and stepped off in the United States to hugs on the tarmac.
At the same time, the United States released three Cubans jailed for 15 years on spying charges, and Cuba released a U.S. spy held there for two decades.
President Barack Obama planned to announce at noon that he was asking Secretary of State John Kerry to review the U.S.-Cuban relationship, including the designation of Cuba as a state sponsor of terrorism, which has been in place since 1982.
Senior White House officials said that the United States would relax travel and banking restrictions and planned to open an embassy in Havana. A tourist travel ban can only be lifted by Congress, but other licensed travelers will be allowed to bring home Cuban cigars.
The United States and Cuba severed diplomatic relations in 1961, two years after forces led by Fidel Castro overthrew the Cuban government. The White House said that five decades of U.S. isolation of had failed to accomplish the goal of a democratic and prosperous Cuba.
"We cannot keep doing the same thing and expect a different result," the White House said in a statement. "It does not serve America's interests, or the Cuban people, to try to push Cuba toward collapse."
Obama and President Raul Castro of Cuba planned to address their respective nations at about noon ET.
The policy shift was the culmination of 18 months of talks between the United States and Cuba in Canada, and a pivotal meeting in the fall at the Vatican, senior administration officials said. Pope Francis personally sent letters to Castro and Obama, the officials said.
Cuba agreed to release Gross, 65, on humanitarian grounds, a senior Obama administration official said. Gross went on a hunger strike earlier this year, and his wife said this month that he was "literally wasting away" in confinement.
In a dramatic flight to freedom, he was escorted by his wife, Judy, three members of Congress and the Secret Service. Gross stepped off the plane late Wednesday morning at Andrews Air Force Base outside Washington.
From the plane, Gross called his sister and daughters and told them he was free. On the plane were bowls of popcorn, a food he had missed during his captivity, and a corned beef sandwich with mustard on rye. Gross planned to speak in Washington at 1:30 p.m. ET.
Judy Gross said earlier this month that her husband had lost more than 100 pounds and gone mostly blind in one eye. She has been critical of the Obama administration's handling of the ordeal. Gross has refused most visitors, although he did meet with two U.S. senators in November.
Gross was working as a contractor for the U.S. Agency for International Development, which works to promote democracy in Cuba, when he was detained in 2009. His family has said he was working to expand Internet access for Cuba's small Jewish community.
Gross was sentenced in 2011 to 15 years in prison for undermining Cuba. Castro called him a spy.
Senior U.S. officials took pains to say that Gross was not being released as part of a direct swap. Separately, senior U.S. officials said that the three Cubans were being released in exchange for what U.S. officials described as an "intelligence asset."
Bureau of Prisons records showed that the three Cubans — Ramón Labanino, Antonio Guerrero and Gerardo Hernandez — were released on Wednesday.
A lawyer for the three, Richard Klugh, said he had not spoken to his clients before they boarded a plane to Cuba. He told NBC News that he was certain they were relieved to have "an arduous experience" behind them.
"After 16 years of imprisonment, two years of solitary confinement and so much time spent in dangerous prisons, this is not a slap on the wrist," he said.
Labanino and Guerrero have received visits from family while they were jailed, but Hernandez has only seen his wife once in 17 years because she was deported after his arrest, Klugh said.
"There is no words to express how he must feel," the lawyer said.
They were part of a group known as the Cuban Five. The two other members, Rene and Fernando Gonzalez, were released in 2012. The five were arrested in 1998 and accused of belonging to a spy cabal called the Wasp Network that had infiltrated anti-Castro exile groups in Florida.
As it announced the policy changes, the White House called on Cuba to relax the political, social and economic restrictions on its own 11 million people.
There have been signs in recent months of a warming between the two countries. Obama and Castro will attend a summit in Panama in April, the first to include both leaders, and Secretary of State John Kerry has praised Cuba's efforts to fight Ebola.
Obama has eased travel restrictions in recent years, but he has left in place a decades-old economic embargo.
The announcement was certain to have repercussions throughout American politics and the emerging 2016 presidential campaign. Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla. and a potential candidate, said the policy change was "the latest in a long line of failed attempts by President Obama to appease rogue regimes at all cost."

US And Cuba To Normalize Relations.The US will soon open an embassy in Havana as part of the process of normalization of relations.F. PETER BROWN  

The US and Cuba have agreed to normalize relations and open economic and travel ties, American officials said Wednesday.
The US and Cuba have long had an adversarial relationship with each other, stretching back to the Cold War.
The announcement of the agreement came after the release of US prisoner Alan Gross and a US spy held in Cuba. Also, three Cubans held in US jails were released.
President Barack Obama and Cuban President Raul Castro spoke by phone for more than 45 minutes Tuesday, marking the first substantive presidential discussion between the two countries since 1961.
Obama and Castro both addressed their countries at noon EST.
The announcement Wednesday followed secret talks held for more than a year between the US and Cuba. The talks were held in Canada and the Vatican. Pope Francis is said to have been a key player in the talks and sent letters to both Obama and Castro, urging them to normalize relations.
The US will soon open an embassy in Havana as part of the process of normalization of relations. The US is easing travel bans to the country, allowing for family visits, educational activities, and US governmental business–although tourist travel remains banned.
Furthermore, licensed American travelers will be allowed to return with goods valued at $400 or less, including $100 or less for alcohol and tobacco products. This means the ban on Cuban cigars is over, although there is still the $100 limit.
Obama does not have full authority to lift the economic embargo on Cuba, due to that being enacted by Congress. Officials said that he would welcome Congress taking action on it, though.
Senator Marco Rubio (R-Fl.) criticized the deal, saying it did nothing to fix Cuba’s political system or human rights record. He stated: “But it potentially goes a long way in providing the economic lift that the Castro regime needs to become permanent fixtures in Cuba for generations to come.”
What do you think? Is the Obama decision on Cuba a positive or negative step forward?


Luis E. Guzman: WHOA! John Boehner’s Failures Can Get him Tossed Out if Trey Gowdy Supporters Get What They Want!

For years, conservatives have thought about how to replace House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH). In 2012, the right-leaning American Majority Action announced a #FireBoehner campaign in hopes of replacing him with someone who is more supportive of the conservative movement’s agenda.
“’Speaker Boehner has been an abysmal failure as speaker, and his latest purge is the nail in the coffin for conservatives.’
Ryun added, ‘Boehner has never won a negation battle with the White House or Senate—and he’s been nothing short of an embarrassing spokesman for the Conservative Movement. It’s time for him to go.’”
While the movement failed to remove Boehner, it helped remind Republicans that being a “conservative” is not the same as being a Republican, and the aggressive efforts of the conservative movement helped move the entire caucus’ policy agenda to the right.
Now it’s about to be 2015, and after a disastrous round of budget negotiation the conservative choice for Speaker of the House is Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC), the tough-talking former prosecutor who is investigating the Obama administration.
Conservatives have taken to Twitter to express their enthusiastic support:
Read more:

Estamos en las Pascuas en una temporada en que vemos a los ateos como en una cacería de esas en que con los caballos y perros persiguen a una liebre. 
La liebre es el cristianismo, no como ellos dicen la religión, porque no vemos esa persecución hacia las otras religiones, no vemos hablar a los ateos mal de otras creencias, los vemos atacando virulentamente, exclusivamente, a la fe cristiana.
La realidad es que esta vertiente de “ateísmo popular,” que está en su apogeo en estos últimos tiempos, tiene poco peso de argumentos en el área racional.
La respuesta ante la propuesta Cristiana tiende a ser de burla e insultos – son “refutaciones” emocionales y no intelectuales.
No ofrecen ningún argumento de peso intelectual, filosófico ni racional, ni científica, ni la ciencia ni la filosofía pueden probar que Dios no existe, sin embargo el intelecto si nos hace consciente que tenemos un espíritu, que existe algo más allá del materialismo, y quizás ese es su problema..
Sólo intentan de asociar emociones negativas con las posturas opuestas por medio de la técnica más cobarde en la retórica: La Burla.
Dicen que Dios es el bastón de los débiles, pero si somos débiles, si necesitamos un bastón, lo cual es verdad porque nos consideramos cojos por las bajas pasiones de nuestra humanidad y sabemos que no podemos caminar en la vida, con nuestra naturaleza, sin el bastón de alguien que nos ayude en cojera.
Pero si es realmente así ¿cómo pueden tratar de quitarnos el bastón?¿Por qué quieren quitarnos el bastón?.¿Por qué quieren echarnos a perder las tradicionales tradiciones de las fiestas de las pascuas? 
Se dicen humanistas, pero ¿qué humanidad hay en quitarle un bastón a un cojo para que se caiga?
¿Que humanidad es quitarle las fiestas a los que las quieren celebrr?
Entonces tenemos que aceptar la realidad de que ellos no son más que unos religiosos como esas religiones que asesinan a los que no piensan como ellos, son religiosos del odio.
Por eso es que Karl Marx atacó al cristianismo que era la religión de Rusia, porque sin implantar el odio al semejante no hubiera podido establecer el sistema comunista.
Por eso cada año vemos más fuerte el ateísmo, porque lo que ellos representan es el odio de clases.
Clasismo es el verdadero racismo, es el estimular el odio por un grupo no por el individuo.
Por eso hoy vemos las manifestaciones que gritan ¿Qué queremos? Y la turba responde “Matar a un policía”. No quieren matar a un individuo determinado que es cierto policía, eso fue la excusa inicial, ahora ya están declarando su objetivo, quieren destruir a la institución del orden, quieren asesinar a cualquier policía.
Quieren destruir el cristianismo, no por la fe cristiana en sí, pero porque la base de la democracia en este país se basa en los valores judeo-cristianos, en la individualidad de la persona, con sus derechos y su responsabilidad con instituciones establecidas para una sociedad en orden..
Y eso no es conveniente si quieres implantar el marxismo, para implantar el marxismo tienes que predicar el odio, es la única doctrina que se basa intrínsecamente en el odio, que solamente puede crecer abonada por el odio.
Vemos en la forma de burla y desprecio, el odio, diariamente rechazando la individualidad y cultivando la lucha entre los grupos por raza, origen o status económico.
Por eso, a pesar de que el sistema comunista fracasa en donde se implanta, no muere, sólo se esconde para salir en la primera oportunidad en que pueda hacer el proselitismo religioso utilizando las bajas pasiones del ser humano del odio y la envidia.
Lo vemos ahora, quizás sea un ciclo más, como lo hemos visto en la historia, o quizás sea el triunfo del objetivo final del odio que es la destrucción del sistema democrático.
Sólo el tiempo nos dará la respuesta, pero estamos viviendo en tiempos extraños.


Al Sharpton downplays claims he was an FBI informant

 John Bacon, USA TODAY 10:46 a.m. EDT April 8, 2014

The Rev. Al Sharpton(Photo: Pablo Martinez Monsivais, AP)
The Rev. Al Sharpton is denying claims made by The Smoking Gun website that he worked as an FBI mob informant in the 1980s.
Sort of.
The website, in a voluminous story published Monday, said eight federal judges signed wiretap directives based at least in part on information provided by the civil rights leader and MSNBC talk show host. One Genovese crime family member admitted speaking openly to Sharpton about extortion, death threats and other crimes while Sharpton's FBI-provided briefcase secretly recorded the conversation, the story says.
The website says its account of Sharpton's secret life as "CI-7" — confidential informant number 7 — was based on hundreds of pages of confidential FBI affidavits, documents released by the bureau in response to Freedom of Information Act requests, court records, and extensive interviews with six members of an FBI/NYPD "Genovese squad" and other law enforcement officials.
Sharpton, challenged by the website, denied being "flipped" by federal agents during an undercover operation — although Smoking Gun claims that when asked about recording of a Gambino crime family member, Sharpton was non-committal: "I'm not saying yes, I'm not saying no."
Sharpton told Smoking Gun his cooperation with FBI agents was limited to efforts to prompt investigations of drug dealing in minority communities and the swindling of black artists in the recording industry.
Sharpton told the New York Daily News that he reached out to authorities after receiving death threats over his efforts to get African Americans more work in the business end of the music industry.
"If you're a victim of a threat, you're not an informant — you're a victim trying to protect yourself," he told the paper.
He told the paper his subsequent conversations with organized crime figures were recorded, but denied using a bugged briefcase. He said he was never paid, but was occasionally reimbursed for travel.
Sharpton's explanation to rang of patriotism. He told the website he was just "trying to get bad guys out of the music industry, and that is offensive to the American flag."                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Amenper: Good is somebody who delivered and allowed the company to overcome obstacles, without leaving a profound impact on its culture. Great is somebody who leads his company to achievements and performance and value that nobody was expecting it had.

― Carlos Ghosn 

Luis Guzman: BOOM: Judge Jeanine Pirro DESTROYS a “NAMBY PAMBY” US Senator with This Strong Statement (VIDEO)

By Editor 
Judge Jeanine Pirro is a strong supporter of American exceptionalism and the American military. So when the outgoing Senate Democratic Majority spent millions on a report about torture and interrogation to embarrass the intelligence community, she unloaded on one far-left Senator from California.
“These are our enemies,” Judge Jeanine said. “Their mission is to kill us. So while their Allah says, ‘Kill the infidel,’ you and your Senate Democrats say we need to be kinder and gentler to them.”
“I, for one, am tired of American apologists like you trashing those assigned to protect us, those who put their lives on the line, like the CIA and law enforcement. They, and not you, have the high moral ground.”
via Fox News
Judge Pirro is willing to speak the hard truth that even many Republicans avoid. The world is full of evil, and terrorists don’t want to have friendly discussions. The only way to deal with evil is to confront and kill it.
Terrorists who are captured on the battlefield are not in uniform, and will do anything to protect themselves – They even use women and children as human shields. But they have information we need to keep America safe.
Do you support Judge Pirro? Please leave us a comment and tell us what you think.
Read more:

Judicial Watch Dismantles Another Benghazi Cover-Up

After seven months, the House Benghazi Select Committee held its second hearing recently. We monitor its proceedings closely. The Select Committee’s very existence is because of our uncovering of a key White House Benghazi scandal cover-up email.
Check it out:
Chairman Trey Gowdy (R-SC) got to the heart of the matter in his opening statement:
On September 11, 2012, at 9:45 p.m., twenty or more armed men assembled outside the U.S. Mission in Benghazi and breached the Mission gate. Several Ansar Al Sharia members have been identified among this group. The initial attackers were armed with AK-47-type rifles, handguns, and rocket-propelled grenade launchers. During this initial attack, buildings within the Mission were set on fire. The fires set during the attack led to the deaths of Ambassador Christopher Stevens and Sean Smith. The remaining State Department personnel escaped to a nearby U.S. facility, known as the Annex. It also came under attack, which continued throughout the early morning hours of September 12th, culminating in a mortar attack that killed Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty.



President limited 'to recommending laws he thinks wise and vetoing laws he thinks bad'

A federal judge in Pennsylvania has released an opinion in a case of a deported illegal alien who returned to the U.S. that appears to torpedo the amnesty plan President Obama announced Nov. 20 and implemented through memos to government officials, ruling it unconstitutional.
“President Obama’s unilateral legislative action violates the separation of powers provided for in the United States Constitution as well as the Take Care Clause, and therefore, is unconstitutional,” said U.S. District Judge Arthur J. Schwab.
The judge noted Obama “contended that although legislation is the most appropriate course of action to solve the immigration debate, his executive action was necessary because of Congress’s failure to pass legislation, acceptable to him, in this regard.”
“This proposition is arbitrary and does not negate the requirement that the November 20, 2014, executive action be lawfully within the president’s executive authority,” the judge wrote. “It is not.”
Quoting from a previous precedent, the judge said that in the “framework of our Constitution, the president’s power to see that the laws are faithfully executed refutes the idea that he is to be a lawmaker.”
“The Constitution limits his functions in the lawmaking process to the recommending of laws he thinks wise and the vetoing of laws he thinks bad,” Schwab said.
The judge said Obama’s contention that Congress had not worked in his time frame was largely irrelevant.
“Would it be permissible for a president, who was dissatisfied with a high tax rate on long term capital gains (as limiting economic growth), to instruct the IRS to only collect taxes at a rate of 15 percent rather than the legislative prescribed 20 percent rate, or defer prosecution of any taxpayer who pays at least 15 percent but not the full 20 percent, unless Congress ‘pass a bill’ lowering the rate within a specified time period? Both this IRS scenario and the executive action at issue in this case violate the separation of powers.”
The judge said Obama has stated that his orders no longer will be necessary when Congress passes a bill meeting his requirements.
However, the judge ruled, “presidential action may not serve as a stop-gap or a bargaining chip to be used against the legislative branch.”
“While ‘the power of executing the laws necessarily includes both authority and responsibility to resolve some questions left open by Congress that arise during the law’s administration,’ it does not include unilateral implementation of legislative policies,” he said.
And Obama’s own “belief” about his power also is not relevant.
“Obama’s belief that this executive action is within his executive authority is not dispositive because ‘the separation of powers does not depend on the views of individual presidents, nor on whether the encroached-upon branch approves the encroachment,’” said the judge.
Obama has claimed his move falls under “prosecutorial discretion,” but the judge batted down the argument.
“The executive action establishes threshold eligibility criteria before undocumented immigrants can apply for deferred action status. … The Office of Legal Counsel acknowledged that this class-based program and threshold criteria was problematic, but concluded that the program does not ‘in and of itself’ cross the line between executing the law and ‘rewriting it,’” the judge wrote.
But, he said, “such formulaic application of criteria, especially given the wide breadth of the program, in essence, substantively changes the statutory removal system ‘rather than simply adapting its application to individual circumstances.’”
Further, he noted, while the earlier deferred action program has a provision that it can be terminated at any point, Obama’s new order does not allow termination.
In the case before him, regarding the return to the U.S. of the illegal alien, Elionardo Juarez-Escobar, the judge said the defendant pleaded guilty to the felony of re-entry of a removed alien. But the judge said the facts of the case are complicated.
So he ordered that by Jan. 6, 2015, the defendant must file a motion and brief seeking to withdraw his guilty plea, continue to sentencing Jan. 22 to time served and pursue his rights, if any, under Obama’s order, or continue to sentencing, with instruction to the Marshal Service to deliver him to ICE.
Commentator Jonathan Adler wrote at the legal blog Volokh Conspiracy that this it “the first judicial opinion to address Obama’s decision to expand deferred action for some individuals unlawfully present in the United States.”
The opinion also notes that it reviews the law and actions as it applies to the particular case.
“This isn’t the only case challenging the lawfulness of the Obama’s immigration actions. Some two-dozen states have filed suit challenging Obama’s recent immigration policy reforms. Led by Texas, these states claim that the president has exceeded the scope of executive authority in this area,” Adler wrote. “As I’ve noted before, I’m skeptical of these arguments on the merits (as is Ilya), and wonder whether the states will be able to satisfy the requirements of Article III standing to bring their claims. Yet as this case shows, even if the states don’t have standing, the legality of the president’s actions could nonetheless be decided in federal court.”
Adler noted that it is unusual for a district court to “reach this sort of constitutional issue in this sort of case. Indeed, Judge Schwab appears to have reached out quite aggressively to engage the lawfulness of the president’s actions. Based upon the procedural history recounted in the opinion, it appears the court requested briefing on the applicability of the new immigration policies on its own order. That is, the issue was not initially raised by the defendant in his own defense. As a result of the court’s decision, however, the defendant now has the option of withdrawing his guilty plea and potentially seeking deferral of his deportation under the new policy.”
Adler said he didn’t agree with the judge’s conclusion that congressional action is not subject to presidential supervision.
The Justice Department said the ruling was “unfounded” and the judge didn’t have the authority to make such a decision.

Luis E. Guzman CIA Insider Warns: "25-Year Great Depression is About to Strike America"

You will want to remember this date June 17, 2015.
According to one of the top minds in the U.S. Intelligence Community, that is when the United States will enter the darkest economic period in our nation's history.
A 25-year Great Depression.
And alarmingly, he and his colleagues believe the evidence they've uncovered proves this outcome is impossible to avoid.
In an exclusive interview with Money Morning, Jim Rickards, the CIA's Financial Threat and Asymmetric Warfare Advisor, has stepped forward to warn the American people that time is running out to prepare for this $100 trillion meltdown.
"Everybody knows we have a dangerous level of debt. Everybody knows the Fed has recklessly printed trillions of dollars. These are secrets to no one," he said.
"But all signs are now flashing bright red that our chickens are about to come home to roost."
During the discussion, Rickards shared a series of dangerous signals he fears reveals an economy that has reached a super critical state.
One of the signals the CIA is most concerned with is the Misery Index.
Decades back this unique warning sign was created for determining how close our country was to a social collapse. It simply adds the true inflation rate with the true unemployment rate.
However, the Federal Reserve has repeatedly changed the way the Misery Index has been calculated over the years. Which Rickards believes is now being used to cover up the true scope of the problem.
"Today you rarely hear the government talk about the Misery Index with the public," Rickards said. "The reason is they may not want you to know the truth. And the truth is, the Misery Index has reached more dangerous levels than we saw prior to the Great Depression. This is a signal of a complex system that's about to collapse."
Frightening: Single chart reveals which banks could collapse (and how soon). If your life savings is in a major bank, please look at this now.
During the shocking interview Rickards revealed the 5 dangerous "flashpoints" the Intelligence Community is closely monitoring that they believe will unleash this catastrophe.
And he also described how it would all unfold.
"I expect the first phase will appear as a nearly instantaneous 70% stock market crash. From the outside, nobody will see it coming." Rickards explained.
"Once it becomes clear that it's not a flash crash - it's a systemic meltdown in the economy itself, that's when the gravity of the situation will sink in. And there will be no digging out from it.
"$100 trillion is a conservative estimate for the damage. A lot can happen over 25-years as our country struggles to recover from this."
Editor's Note: Money Morning has released their exclusive interview with Jim Rickards to the public. And it's a must-see for every American who is concerned about our country and their financial security. Click here to view it.
Along with his CIA responsibilities, Jim Rickards has spent more than 3 decades on Wall Street as a leading international investment banker, hedge fund manager, and as the architect behind the technology nicknamed “the brains” of the NASDAQ.
This unique skillset has placed him at the center of some of the most important events in recent history.
For instance, Rickards helped negotiate an end to the Iranian Hostage Crisis in the early 1980s.
Then, in the late 1990s, despite being one of its most outspoken critics, the Federal Reserve called on him to step in to prevent a $1.25 trillion Wall Street meltdown during the Long Term Capital Management crisis.
And after 9-11, the CIA tasked him with tracking down potential terrorist insider trading that took place prior to the attacks.
This led to him helping lead a sensitive operation called Project Prophecy.
The mission was to use the financial markets to predict pending national security threats from terrorists, rival nations, and from internal weaknesses lurking inside our economy.
The system he built through Project Prophecy proved its accuracy on August 7, 2006, when it detected the warning signs of an impending terrorist attack.
Three days later, in London, a plot to blow up 10 U.S. passenger jets was thwarted. And 24 Pakistani extremists were arrested.
However, Rickards now warns that the next attack is going to come from within. And he is not alone in his fears.
Recently, a sensitive report containing the consensus view of all 16 branches of the U.S. Intelligence Committee surfaced.
It revealed that these agencies have already begun to jointly estimate the impact of "The fall of the dollar as the global reserve currency."
And our reign as the leading superpower being annihilated in a way "equivalent to the end of the British Empire in the post-World War II period."
The nightmarish endgame presented in this report involved "a worldwide economic breakdown and an extended period of global anarchy."
And Jim Rickards believes we can no longer stop this, we can only prepare for it.
"Look at it this way. Americans are standing at the bottom of a very tall mountain - Mt. Everest, Mt. Kilimanjaro...they look up and see an avalanche barreling down.
Determining the one snowflake that started this chaos shouldn't be our focus. Recognizing the severity of the situation and moving to safety should be," Rickards explained.
The question we should all be asking ourselves now is "what if he's right?"
Editor's Note: For a limited time, you can view Rickards' interview and claim a free copy of his New York Times best selling book, The Death of Money. Click here to continue...

One in four Americans want their state to secede from the U.S., but why? By Jim Gaines

For the past few weeks, as Scotland debated the wisdom of independence, Reuters has been asking Americans how they would feel about declaring independence today, not from the United Kingdom, but from the mother country they left England to create. The exact wording of the question was, “Do you support or oppose the idea of your state peacefully withdrawing from the United States of America and the federal government?”
It was hard to imagine many people would support secession. Forget the fact that the cautionary lesson of the Civil War is top of mind for many people as we commemorate its 150th anniversary; just in terms of dollars and cents, who in their right minds would give up all the money they’ve already paid into the Social Security and Medicare systems? Besides, most states get more back from the federal government than they put in Then the results came in. You can see them for yourself here, and you can filter them any way you want—by age, region, income, party affiliation, etc. Any way you slice it, the data are startlingly clear: Almost a quarter (23.9 percent) of those surveyed said they were strongly or provisionally inclined to leave the United States, and take their states with them. Given the polling sample — about 9,000 people so far—the online survey’s credibility interval (which is digital for “margin of error”) was only 1.2 percentage points, so there is no question that that is what they said.
Secession got more support from Republicans than Democrats, more from right- than left-leaning independents, more from younger than older people, more from lower- than higher-income brackets, more from high school than college grads. But there was a surprising amount of support in every group and region, especially the Rocky Mountain states, the Southwest and the old Confederacy, but also in places like Illinois and Kansas. And of the people who said they identified with the Tea Party, supporters of secession were actually in the majority, with 53 percent.
The question is, what do results like this mean for the country?
First, it should be acknowledged that intramural conflict has been in character for Americans since the earliest settlements, when Puritan New England faced off against Royalist Virginia in the English Civil War. More than a century later, the Revolutionary War was barely won when the states, never quite friendly, were at each other’s throats, and the infant nation came close to being strangled in its crib. It was in part to avoid the danger that the colonies would break into competing regional confederacies that the founders plotted to hold the Constitutional Convention of 1787. But even when the new Constitution made secession illegal, the impulse to break up stayed strong. Serious state and regional threats of secession flared up in 1799, 1814 and 1828. Fifteen years before 11 Southern states did secede in 1860, sparking the Civil War, William Lloyd Garrison called for the North to secede under the banner of “No Union With Slaveholders.”
All told, secessionist feints and follies have produced notional movements for more than a hundred new states and nations in North America, from Absaroka to Yazoo. A book about such causes, Lost States, manages to be quite amusing.
Followup phone calls with a small, random sample of pro-secession respondents to the Reuters poll, however, suggest that while their wish to leave the union may not be quite what it appears, it is not amusing at all.
Those we spoke to seemed to have answered as they did as a form of protest that was neither red nor blue but a polychromatic riot — against a recovery that has yet to produce jobs, against jobs that don’t pay, against mistreatment of veterans, against war, against deficits, against hyper-partisanship, against political corruption, against illegal immigration, against the assault on marriage, against the assault on same-sex marriage, against government in the bedroom, against government in general — the president, Congress, the courts and both political parties.
By the evidence of the poll data as well as these anecdotal conversations, the sense of aggrievement is comprehensive, bipartisan, somewhat incoherent, but deeply felt.
This should be more than disconcerting; it’s a situation that could get dangerous. As the Princeton political scientist Mark Beissinger has shown, separatist movements can take hold around contempt for incumbents and the status quo even when protesters have no ideology in common.
The United States hardly seems to be on the verge of fracture, and the small secession movements in a handful of American states today represent a tiny percentage of those polled by Reuters. But any country where 60 million people declare themselves to be sincerely aggrieved — especially one that is fractious by nature — is a country inviting either the sophistry of a demagogue or a serious movement for reform.


En mi opinión
No 825  Diciembre 18, 2014
“IN GOD WE TRUST” Lázaro R González Miño   EDITOR

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