Wednesday, February 17, 2016

No 1157 "En mi opinion" Febrero 17, 2016

No 1157   “En mi opinión”   Febrero 17, 2016

“IN GOD WE TRUST” Lázaro R Gonzalez Miño  Editor
Lázaro R González Miño  para  Alcalde de Miami
AMENPER: Hablando de Mentirosos…
Estamos oyendo de acusaciones de mentirosos, y realmente creo que todos tienen razón.
La verdad es que en la política hay muchos mentirosos, pero es normal, fuera de la política también hay muchos mentirosos. 
¿Quién en un momento no ha dicho una mentira? 
Todos, en un momento difícil,  la mentira es una salida rápida y conveniente.
Lo que no es válido es poner en dudas la condición de cristiano de una persona porque dijo una mentira.
Cuando Trump acusa a Cruz de no ser cristiano porque dijo lo que él considera una mentira, se está acusando de no ser cristiano él mismo, porque las mentiras de Trump son evidentes y en mayor cuantía que cualquiera de los candidatos en la arena política de hoy .
Pero la fe de un cristiano no se mide por un pecado, el ser cristiano es completamente lo opuesto.
Un cristiano es alguien que acepta que es un pecador y va con humildad a la cruz de Cristo, que murió por los pecados de todos para borrar los pecados de los que aceptan por fe el regalo de la redención.
No por sus obras, para que nadie se gloríe.  Pero nadie en la arena política tiene menos humildad para reconocer sus pecados, ni hay nadie que se glorifique a sí mismo más que Donald Trump.
Si seguimos la logística de Trump, San Pedro el que Cristo dejó como cabeza de la iglesia, no es cristiano, porque no sólo mintió una vez pero tres veces cuando le preguntaron si era discípulo de Cristo, fue un mentiroso y seguro que esa no fue la última vez que Pedro dijo una mentira, porque era un hombre con las debilidades de la carne, y Cristo lo sabía cuándo lo escogió para fundar su iglesia.
Pero según Trump, me imagino que si Pedro estuviera entre nosotros, lo acusaría de no ser cristiano porque es un mentiroso.
Lo que demuestra Trump es que él no es un cristiano, porque no sabe lo que es ser cristiano, y la humildad de reconocer nuestros pecados es la primera condición de un cristiano.


AMENPER: Última Hora.- Obama escoge sustituto para Scalia…
Fuentes sin identificar me han asegurado que Barack Hussein Obama ha escogido a un candidato para llenar la posición vacante por la muerte de Scalia.
Ha escogido a un escolar de la constitución que será muy difícil de rechazar por el Senado.
La persona escogida según mi fuente informativa es el Senador Ted Cruz.
De esta manera Obama gana la trifecta. 
Se quita a Cruz de candidato, pone al senado en la disyuntiva de no poder rechazar a Cruz, y allana el camino a Trump para que sea el candidato republicano que es más fácil de derrotar.
Esta fuente sin identificar tiene un buen record en sus predicciones, fue la persona que me dijo el año pasado que los Marlins ganarían la serie mundial.

AMENPER: Mark Levin: Trump Como 'Code Pink, Radical Kook'

Conservador locutor de radio Mark Levin dijo presidencial favorito Donald Trump sonaba como un "chiflado radical" en el discusión del GOP del sábado por la cadena CBS después de que hizo comentarios culpar ex presidente George W. Bush por 9/11 y diciendo que mintió deliberadamente sobre armas de destrucción masiva la destrucción, la primicia derecho informes.
"Si George Bush fue a la guerra en Irak y estaba tumbado sobre las armas de destrucción masiva que no podía haber algo peor que un presidente de los Estados Unidos podría hacer, o ser humano, para el caso," dijo Levin en su programa de radio el lunes.
"No había armas de destrucción masiva en Irak. Y él no era responsable de 9/11", continuó Levin, defendiendo el tiempo del ex presidente como comandante en jefe. Añadió que Ronald Reagan nunca hubiera dicho las cosas Trump dijo en el debate.
"Para que el candidato republicano que conduce a la presidencia de los Estados Unidos hacer estas declaraciones ... Para que lo alabó por lo que dijo? Terrible. Absolutamente terrible. Usted y yo he vivido a través de este. Usted y yo he vivido a través de este. Esto no es 't historia lejana ".
Levin agregó que después del debate del sábado Trump obtuvo una aprobación por parte de Code Pink, una organización de base dirigida por mujeres que trabajan para poner fin a las guerras de Estados Unidos y el militarismo, el apoyo a las iniciativas de paz y de derechos humanos.
"Ha sido elogiado por Code Pink - Él debe ser alabado por Code Pink y cada organización chiflado por ahí y cada organización chiflado de izquierda que odia a Estados Unidos".
Mark Levin: Trump Like 'Code Pink, Radical Kook'…
Translate to English
Conservative talk radio host Mark Levin said presidential front-runner Donald Trump sounded like a "radical kook" at Saturday's GOP debate on CBS after he made comments blaming former president George W. Bush for 9/11 and saying he intentionally lied about weapons of mass destruction, The Right Scoop reports.
"If George Bush went to war in Iraq and was lying about weapons of mass destruction there could not be a worse thing a president of the United States could do, or human being for that matter," Levin said on his radio show Monday.
"There were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. And he was not responsible for 9/11," Levin continued, defending the former president's time as commander-in-chief. He added that Ronald Reagan would have never said the things Trump said at the debate.
"To have the leading Republican nominee for president of the United States make these statements … To have him praised for what he said? Terrible. Absolutely terrible. You and I've lived through this. You and I have lived through this. This isn't distant history."

Levin added that after Saturday's debate, Trump scored an endorsement by Code Pink, a women-led grassroots organization working to end U.S. wars and militarism, support peace and human rights initiatives.
"He's been praised by Code Pink — He should be praised by Code Pink and every kook organization out there and every left-wing kook organization that hates America."

Buscar más información en los libros y números de página citada si así lo desea.
1) "¿Dónde está la bandera maldita Dios? Quiero que la maldita puta bandera cada mañana a la salida del sol de mierda". Hillary para el personal en la mansión del gobernador de Arkansas, el Día del Trabajo de 1991. Del libro "Dentro de la Casa Blanca" por Ronald Kessler. p. 244
(2) "Fuck off, es lo suficientemente Tengo que verte Mierda-kickers cada día! No voy a hablar con usted, también! Simplemente haga su maldito trabajo y mantener la boca cerrada." Hillary a sus guardaespaldas Estado Trooper después de una de ellas la recibió con "Buenos días." Del libro "América Evita" de Christopher Anderson. p.90
(3) "Si quieres permanecer en este detalle, obtener su puto culo por aquí y agarrar las bolsas!" Hillary a un agente del Servicio Secreto que se mostró reacio a llevar su equipaje porque quería tener las manos libres en caso de un incidente. Del libro "El primer socio". p. 25
(4) "Stay la mierda de nuevo, pasar la mierda de nuevo lejos de mí! No vienen dentro de los diez yardas de mí, o bien! Solo eso haz lo que digo, bien !!?" Hillary gritando a su servicio secreto. Del libro "acceso ilimitado" por el agente del FBI a cargo de Clinton 's, Gary Aldridge. p.13
(5) "¿Dónde está el lechón del martillo miserable?" (También conocida como "Bill Clinton") Hillary gritando a un agente de servicio secreto. Del libro "La verdad sobre Hillary" por Edward Klein. p. 5
(6) "Usted idiota" Hillary a un policía estatal que fue su conducción a un evento. Del libro "Crossfire". pg. 84
(7) "Pon esto en el suelo! Dejé mis gafas de sol en la limusina. Necesito esos putos gafas de sol! Tenemos que volver! Hillary al Marine One piloto del helicóptero para dar marcha atrás, mientras que en el camino a la Fuerza Aérea Uno. Del libro "incumplimiento del deber". p. 71-72
(8) "Vamos Bill, poner su polla! No se puede coger su aquí !!" Hillary para el gobernador Bill Clinton cuando ella descubre que hable con una mujer atractiva. > Del libro "Dentro de la Casa Blanca" por Ronald Kessler. p. 243

No es ........ libro, capítulo y la página ....... la verdadera Hillary Clinton putrefacto!
Esto, fuerte violencia boca de mal genio, mujer de odio y abusivo quiere ser su próximo presidente, y tener un control total, como comandante en jefe de nuestras fuerzas armadas, el Ejército por la que ha mostrado desdén increíble durante toda su vida pública .
Recordar su comentario más vil sobre Bengasi: "Lo que diferencia a este punto hay?"
Ahora será claro por qué la tripulación del "Marine One" helicóptero apodado la nave, "palo de escoba UNO"


Millennial Wave Unsettles Presidential Race

Results in early contests show young voters are a concern for both Republicans and establishment DemocratsJOURNAL

Updated Feb. 15, 2016 9:51 p.m. ET
This year’s election cycle marks a generational turning point. For the first time, millennials will match baby boomers as a share of the electorate.
There are messages for both parties in polling data about the generation born after 1980. For Republicans who think millennials will outgrow their liberal tilt in the last two presidential contests: Don’t count on it. For establishment Democrats who hope Hillary Clinton can inherit Barack Obama’s young followers: Don’t take it for granted.
Those cautionary notes were clear in the results from Iowa and New Hampshire, and in interviews with voters like Alison Sanderlin, who was raised in a conservative town in rural Virginia. She says as a college student she was put off by GOP stands on social issues and cast her first vote for president for Mr. Obama. Now 26 years old, with a job in a photo lab and student debt to pay, she still thinks the GOP message falls flat.
But she isn’t enamored with Democratic front-runner Mrs. Clinton either, because of her shifting positions on important issues. So she is backing Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders.“He doesn’t seem to have ulterior motives,” she says.
Many like-minded millennials participated in the Iowa caucuses, where 17- to 29-year-olds favored Mr. Sanders over Mrs. Clinton by an overwhelming 84% to 14%. In New Hampshire, young voters favored Mr. Sanders by a nearly identical 83% to 16%.


Capital Journal is’s home for Election 2016 news.
About half of millennials—who like boomers account for 31% of eligible voters—don’t identify with either party, though polling data about them suggest they are more liberal than their parents are now, and more liberal than younger generations were just a few decades ago.
Yet any millennial advantage for Democrats will matter only if young people are motivated and turn out to vote, which may be easier said than done. A poll by Harvard’s Institute of Politics late last year found that young voters, who are always less inclined to vote than their elders, are more disengaged in politics than they were just four years ago.
For many, the ardor for Mr. Obama has cooled over his two terms, and it isn’t clear that Mrs. Clinton, if she is the nominee, can engender the enthusiasm among young people that Mr. Sanders has or Mr. Obama once did. Sensing an opening, Republican candidates are trying to move in.
In the Iowa caucuses, the two youngest candidates in the GOP field drew the most support from young voters. Entrance polls indicated that Sen. Ted Cruz, 45, pulled 27% of the under-30 vote, and Sen. Marco Rubio, 44, drew 24%, while businessman Donald Trump got 19%. In the New Hampshire GOP primary, the antiestablishment candidates did best with young voters, with Mr. Trump winning 37%, and Mr. Cruz, 16%.
The Democratic Party is facing the historically difficult task of holding the White House for a third term, something that has happened only once in the last seven decades.
Democrats are counting on young people as a key to help Mrs. Clinton overcome negative feelings many other voters—particularly older white males—have about her. According to the latest Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll, the only age group that views Mrs. Clinton more positively than negatively is 18- to 34-year old bracket.
In any case, millennials are distinctive on a variety of fronts, as seen in a 2014 Pew Research Center study. It found them:
• The most ethnically diverse generation in U.S. history. Some 43% are nonwhite, compared with 28% of baby boomers.
• Less religious than their elders. Some 35% aren’t religiously affiliated, compared with 17% of boomers.
• Slower to marry. Twenty-six percent were married between ages 18 to 33, down from 48% of that age bracket in 1980.
The Republican Party has traditionally drawn its greatest support from white, religious, married people with traditional values.
“The groups Republicans do well with, these are all demographic traits that are shrinking among millennials,” says Kristen Soltis Anderson, a Republican pollster who has been studying millennials for years and discusses them in her book, “The Selfie Vote.” “It spells bad news for Republicans.”
Not so long ago, young people voted differently.
In a South Carolina GOP debate rife with personal attacks, Donald Trump's remarks on Planned Parenthood and the Sept. 11 attacks caused a stir, while Sens. Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz traded barbs on immigration and Spanish language proficiency. Photo: Getty
In 1980, 18- to 29-year-olds divided almost equally between Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan. Four years later, they picked Mr. Reagan over Walter Mondale, and then George H.W. Bush over Michael Dukakis. When millennials first began voting, in 2000, 18- to 29-year-olds split almost evenly between Al Gore and George W. Bush.
But beginning in 2004, when they chose John Kerry over Mr. Bush, young people have tilted Democratic. In 2008, Mr. Obama won that age group by 34 percentage points, and in 2012, by 23 points.
For the coming election, 60% of 18- to 34-year-olds indicated that they preferred a Democrat to win the White House, and 27% indicated Republican, according to latest Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll.
In the 2014 midterm elections, the turnout among millennials didn’t match that of other age groups—a typical pattern with young voters. Moreover, Democrats didn’t win as large a percentage of them as two years earlier.
That points to the nagging question for Democrats: whether their recent advantage has been mostly a result of President Obama’s millennial appeal.
Democrats profess confidence that their edge among young voters will outlast Mr. Obama. Republicans see opportunity to make gains because millennials are far less attached to traditional political parties than their elders.
“Obama had this ability to mobilize young people. They bought into him as a person,” says Raffi Williams, a Republican National Committee official who is working on a program to expand the party’s outreach to millennials. “Without Obama there, we are coming onto equal ground trying to win over young voters.’’
Republican presidential candidates have several important dates ahead, where many delegates will be won or lost. WSJ's Jerry Seib explains why two days in March could make or break several contenders. Photo: AP
Both parties are watching millennials carefully because young people are seen as shaping debate on social issues such as gay marriage and racial diversity. 
“I kind of hate to say it,” says GOP pollster Bill McInturff, “but the millennial generation is now important. Their views are becoming the dominant public views. Their attitudes about gay marriage and social tolerance are radically different than the previous generations, and they are restructuring our views.”
The shift among young voters on social issues cuts across race and party. On gay rights, 64% of millennial Republicans believe homosexuality should be accepted in society, compared with 45% of baby boomer Republicans, according to the 2014 Pew Research Center survey. On immigration, 57% of millennial Republicans say immigrants strengthen the country, compared with 39% of baby boomer Republicans.
Overall, when millennial Republicans were asked to describe their views in general terms, 31% say they are mostly or consistently conservative, compared with nearly two-thirds of baby-boomer Republicans.
Economic issues don’t cut clearly in either party’s favor. Young voters have experienced an economy shadowed by debt—the government’s and their own.
Many millennials entered the workforce in the throes of the 2008 financial crisis and the slow-growth period that followed.
For Chase Hagaman, 27, of Portsmouth, N.H., the $250,000 debt he carries from college and law school is one factor in his and his wife’s decision to postpone having children. Mr. Hagaman works for the Concord Coalition, a group that advocates for federal-deficit reduction. He brought his concerns to a New Hampshire town hall meeting of Ohio Gov. John Kasich.
“We should be electing individuals willing to confront fiscal issues,” he said in an interview.
Pete Lashier, a 19-year-old marketing student at Iowa State University, says fiscal issues are a priority.
“We’re in a huge hole that could end up as something my generation has to be responsible for,’’ says Mr. Lasher, who says he is inclined to vote Republican. “I’m not super pumped up about that.”
College debt is a concern for many young voters.
“I have almost $20,000 in loans, and I’m only a sophomore,” says Zach Rodgers, 20, an Iowa State student who is working with the Clinton campaign and sees college affordability as a major issue among his peers. “Whether you are a Republican or a Democrat, students are trying to get candidates to talk about it.”
Some GOP presidential candidates have been looking for an opening in the economic pressures that millennials feel.
“The consequences of Obama’s agenda have really come home to roost” for young people, Mr. Cruz of Texas told a college audience in New Hampshire in January.
Mr. Rubio is the youngest major GOP candidate and the one most explicitly pitching his message to younger voters. He drops references to hip-hop artists and has held campaign events to focus on the millennial-driven “sharing economy.” He talks frequently about his own student loan debt. In January he launched a video ad targeted at millennial voters.
For the Republican front-runner, Mr. Trump, the growing millennial vote cuts two ways.
Some younger voters like his unscripted style. “He’s the most honest candidate we’ve ever had,” says Robbie Maass, 34, a Republican farmer from Ellsworth, Iowa. “His antics have garnered a younger audience to take a look at the Republican Party more than they normally would.”
But his anti-immigration stands pose a risk of alienating young voters and making it difficult in a general election to win the large cohort of Hispanic millennials. The latest Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll found that 69% of Hispanic voters overall viewed Mr. Trump negatively, and 22% positively. Among all ethnicities, the poll found that 18- to 34-year-olds are the least likely age group to view Mr. Trump favorably, with only 17% rating him positively.
The generation’s racial diversity has thus far helped the Democrats. Hispanics and blacks overwhelmingly favored Democrats and Mr. Obama in recent elections, while whites tilted Republican. In 2012, Hispanic millennials favored Mr. Obama by 74% to 23%, while white millennials broke for Mitt Romney 51% to 44%.
For Mrs. Clinton, the results in Iowa and New Hampshire reveal that she has much work to do to win over millennials. She has succeeded with Mikayla Bodey, 20, a student at Ohio State University. Ms. Bodey says she had been interested in Mr. Kasich, whose record as Ohio’s Republican governor she admired. Then she heard Mrs. Clinton speak at a Columbus rally about the importance of women’s rights. When she met the candidate on the rope line, Ms. Bodey says, she wept with emotion and left the event torn about whom to support.
She is now committed to Mrs. Clinton, she says, because of the tone and rightward tack of the GOP candidates. “I feel like they are not speaking to me anymore,” she says.
But as Iowa and New Hampshire revealed, Mr. Sanders is something of a campus phenom, even though, at 74, he is the oldest candidate on the campaign trail. Much of early Mr. Sanders’s fundraising success was the handiwork of a 24-year old who built a popular fan forum for him on Reddit.
Ms. Sanderlin, the 26-year-old from Richmond, Va., says she is supporting Mr. Sanders because he has been consistent on his positions through a long career in politics, while Mrs. Clinton shifted on issues such as gay marriage and the Iraq war. “I feel like she has changed her mind on things because that is what is popular for Democrats right now,” says Ms. Sanderlin.
John Della Volpe, who as director of polling at the Harvard Institute of Politics has been surveying millennials since 2000, says young voters generally seem less interested in politicians’ résumés than in their candor.
“Young people are really less interested in past accomplishments and more interested in today and the future,” he says. “They look for candidates who are focusing emotion, talking about the moment, being authentic.”

Mark Levin Unloads: Trump Is "Pretty Damn Close" to Soundinhg Like a 9/11 Truther Feb. 16, 2016

Quintin George

Mark Levin Unloads: Trump Is "Pretty Damn Close" to Soundinhg Like a 9/11 Truther

Feb. 16, 2016
Katy Pavlich
After the conclusion of the GOP presidential debate on Saturday, which was hosted by CBS News, I described Donald Trump's performance as unhinged, angry and liberal after he praised Planned Parenthood and accused President George W. Bush of lying about the Iraq war.  
Last night on his radio show, Mark Levin didn't mince words when describing Trump's debate performance. 
"The fact that Donald Trump attacked George W. Bush, not because of his liberal domestic policies, not because he expanded Medicare, not because he was weak on the First Amendment, not because of those things, expanded government, increased the debt, was for comprehensive immigration reform, but the fact that he attacked George Bush as a Commander-in-Chief...not because he disagreed with him but he attacked him as a liar who knew there were not weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and said he was responsible for 9/11 and he was responsible for those towers coming down," Levin said. "Ladies and gentlemen, this is why I posted on my Facebook page 'This guy sounds like CodePink!'"
"He sounds like a radical kook," Levin continued. "All the rest aside, I know too many gold star families who lost sons over there to hear this 9/11 truther crap which is pretty close to it. Pretty damn close to it."
You can listen to the segment here.  
Not only did Trump sound like CodePink over the weekend, the radical progressive group retweeted him yesterday. 
Radio host Rush Limbaugh also said Monday Trump sounded like a liberal Democrat during some of his answers at the CBS debate. 
"Here we are in a Republican primary, and Donald Trump, out of the blue, starts blaming the Bush family for 9/11, for knowing that the intelligence was made up, that there never were any weapons of mass destruction, and they knew it, Trump said," Limbaugh said on his radio program. "Michael Moore doesn’t even say that."

"On the stage at a Republican debate, Donald Trump defended Planned Parenthood. Not the abortion stuff, he said, but the fact that they do great things for women’s health," Limbaugh continued. "Folks, there were a number of occasions where Donald Trump sounded like the Daily Kos blog, where Donald Trump sounded like the Democrat Underground, sounded like any average host on MSNBC." 

Michael Savage: 'Was Scalia Murdered?'

Irmende Mendez

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Mad As Hell <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2016 1:05 PM
Subject: Michael Savage: 'Was Scalia Murdered?'

Breaking News From The Tea Party View Online

BREAKING NEWS! Michael Savage: 'Was Scalia Murdered?'... Read the latest now on
Dear fellow Patriot,
Tea Party research team has just discovered something TERRIFYING.
Obama is planning to use of a little-known legislative trick to appoint the next Supreme Court justice, and subsequently BYPASS Senate confirmation hearings.
Using an antiquated law, Obama will, with a stroke of a pen, use a 'Recess Appointment' to place anyone he wishes on to the Supreme Court… all without confirmation or approval of any kind by Congress!
However, appointments made in this matter expire at the end of the congressional session rather than continuing on to the lifetime of the post. This would not be the first time a President has appointed a Supreme Court justice without Congressional approval or confirmation of any type. The last President to do so was President Dwight D Eisenhower… the winning general World War II.
But the real threat is that there is NO limitation to how many times a President can reappoint the same seated Supreme Court justice! In Theory, the day of Senatorial confirmation of a Presidential appointee for the Supreme Court may be at its end!
That's why I'm asking you, right now, to SLAM WASHINGTON with a Fax Blast and tell Congress to SAY NO TO OBAMA'S SUPREME COURT RECESS APPOINTMENT!
Up until now, the practice of appointing and confirmation of a Supreme Court justice is nomination by the President and then confirmation by the U.S. Senate.  The confirmation, of course, is done in a series of hearings where the nominee is questioned and witnesses make statements as to the ability and character of the Supreme Court nominee.
Simply stated, the death of Justice Antonin Scalia has created a unique opportunity for lame duck Obama. Obama can wield the power of the 'Recess Appointment' and thereby trample ALL OVER the Constitution.
Here's what your Fax Blast will look like:

If this was just a simple appointment until the end of the Senatorial session, then the alarm may be muffled by simply waiting out the session, knowing the Constitution would once again take over. But it's not, and Obama's Recess Appointment could prove to be permanent!
To top it all off, the issues coming up before the Supreme Court are DAUNTING, to say the least.
The Supreme Court will soon decide on:
·  one person, one vote
·  affirmative action
·  public union dues
·  abortion
·  Obama care
If there ever was a time a liberal socialist President could have the deck stacked in his favor and drive important Supreme Court rulings left, it is now.  That's why it's so important that we tell Congress: HELL NO! BLOCK OBAMA'S UNCONSTITUTIONAL RECESS APPOINTMENT!
Up until this point, the balance of power in the Supreme Court have been divided with five justices appointed by Republicans and four by Democrats, with Scalia being a strong conservative that has been the counterbalance against aggressive socialist thinking.  Now, with his vitally counterbalance missing, Obama has a free hand to appoint whomever he wants!
Some people may be asking: 'will Obama do such a thing?' Think about this. Already, Harry Reid is pushing Obama to make a quick decision while most of the GOP candidates are saying; 'let's wait'. 
Still, one GOP candidate is saying "yes" to Obama.  Jeb Bush just came out and said "Obama has every right to nominate Scalia's successor and urges him to pick a consensus candidate"… and scary statement indeed!
Stand with the Tea Party and BLAST WASHINGTON today! Send a personalized FAX BLAST to ALL 100 members of the Senate and ALL 435 members of the House of Representatives saying WE THE PEOPLE DEMAND YOU STOP OBAMA NOW, BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!
So far Obama has accomplished the seemingly impossible, capturing alive many in the GOP establishment old guard and turning them into 'Yes Man'. With the help of the GOP establishment's old guard, it may be possible Obama will skirt Senatorial confirmation not just one time but continually until his last day of office.
In fact, Congress MUST ACT quickly to stop this Obama overreach or our beloved Constitution will be shredded once again!
It appears 'Recess Appointment' may be the silver bullet that not only can destroy the conservative movement, but will prove to be the death knoll for the Constitution as well!
Please, can I count on you?

God bless you and your family.

Steve Eichler,
CEO, Tea Party

Results: Should the US Senate block Obama’s nominees to the Supreme Court until after the election?

Poll Results

Should the US Senate block Obama’s nominees to the Supreme Court until after the election?
Yes   91%         2565
No    8%             216

“EMO” Después de todas estas noticias… algo para que te rías. LRGM
Un marido entra en Victoria's Secret para comprarle a su esposa un camisón transparente. Le enseñan muchos modelos que van desde 250 hasta 500 euros y cuanto más transparente, más caro es el precio.
Elige el más caro, paga los 500 euros y se lo lleva a casa. Se lo entrega a su mujer y le pide que suba al cuarto y que se lo ponga para él . 
Arriba, la esposa -que no es ninguna tonta- piensa: ​
"Se me ocurre una idea....
Hace su aparición desde arriba de la escalera, totalmente desnuda y se pone en una pose muy sensual. 
El marido exclama:  "¡¡Qué hijos de putas!​
Me costó 500 euros y ni siquiera lo plancharon !
.... El tipo nunca oyó el disparo.
El velorio será mañana al mediodía...

Elecciones en noviembre, 2016
Para Alcalde del Condado Miami 2016
Escriba el nombre de Lázaro R González en
el espacio de la boleta electoral en blanco
Quiere acabar el relajo, el robo, el abuso, el descaro, la mala administración y que el gobierno le responda a usted y no que sea un feudo de los políticos ladrones y descarados inescrupulosos, no permita más abusos.
Envie nuestros mensajes a sus amigos y conocidos.
 “No les pedimos donaciones de dinero”

En mi opinión

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