Thursday, May 21, 2015

No 955 "En mi opinion" Mayo 21, 2015

No 955   “En mi opinión”  Mayo 21, 2015


 Feds Must Raise Taxes 14% to Avoid $40 Trillion Debt Disaster


AMENPER: Una Carta de Amor
Hoy recibí una carta de amor del Internal Renenue Service, poniéndome una multa de $600.00 dólares por no haber pagados mis impuestos de la manera como ellos arbitrariamente lo tiene estipulado. 
Yo pagué todos mis impuestos antes del 15 de Abril del 2015, pero ellos querían que lo hubiera pagado antes basado en un estimado de lo que gané en el 2013.  Siempre esto me ha parecido arbitrario, y me resbalo un poco, y hay veces que evado las consecuancias. Pero empezando el próximo Junio voy a tener que pagar el estimado mensual sobre una cantidad que no he ganado en el 2015 y que realmente no sé si ganaré, hasta a lo mejor me muero antes de diciembre.
Pero mejor lo pago como me dicen este año para no pagar más multas, voy a tener que mandarles carticas de amor con mi cariño todos los meses. 
A ellos lo que le importa, precisamente es tener el dinero por delante por si acaso. 
Pago una cantidad de impuestos exorbitantes a mi manera de pensar, y una cantidad inadecuadamente pequeña según la manera de pensar de Obama.  Pero sé que tengo que pagar impuestos, después de todo si los pocos que pagamos impuestos tampoco lo vamos a pagar, la nación está muy jodida.
Lo que me molesta es el uso que le dan a esos impuestos. Me molesta cuando veo en una botica a esa zángana haciendo un cambalache de la receta del medicaid por perfumes y aretes, me molesta cuando veo a un zángano haciendo cambalache en el mercado de alimentos por cerveza y cigarros, y me molestas ver esas leyes regulatorias absurdas que conjuntamente con el fraude crean un déficit presupuestal creciente y eterno.
Aquí les voy a mencionar un ejemplo típico de lo que estoy hablando.
Este es una parte del discurso del senador John McCain en el senado hablando sobre la proposición de conceder la autoridad al presidente para hacer efectiva una ley sobre el pez gato.
Pueden verlo en el Wall Street Journal de hoy.  Yo como dice McCain, no me opongo a la conservación y a la inspección del pez gato, aunque el consumo doméstico está limitado a los negros, y unos cuantos hicks, hay muy pocos blancos que comen pez gato, y la exportación como en los otros productos que se exportan, es suficiente con las inspecciones regulares del FDA
Esto es lo que dijo McCain en el senado sobre la nueva ley.
“Este programa del “Pez Gato... es uno de los más audaz y temerario programa proteccionista  que se ha presentado en el Senado de Estados Unidos. El propósito de la oficina del “Pez Gato USDA” supuestamente es asegurarme de que el pez gato es seguro para el consumo humano. Estoy a favor de garantizar que los consumidores estadounidenses disfruten de un pez gato saludable aunque sea una pequeña proporción de la nación la que gusta del pez gato. El problema es que el Food and Drug Administration ya inspecciona todos los mariscos, incluyendo el pez gago. El verdadero propósito del programa del pez gato es crear una barrera comercial para proteger a un puñado de granjeros de pez gato en dos o tres Estados meridionales.... Como resultado el USDA pronto contratará y entrenará a unos 95  inspectores de pez gato para trabajar junto a la FDA como inspectores en plantas procesadoras de pescados y mariscos en toda la nación. Expertos dicen que podría tomar tanto como cinco a siete años para los exportadores extranjeros de mariscos de toda clase para duplicar y ponerse al día del nuevo programa del USDA, que daría a los granjeros de pez gatos y de otros peces, moluscos y mariscos, un cierre de desventajoso para el mercado americano de mariscos global. Establecer estas nuevas regulaciones para el de gobierno tampoco es barato. Hasta la fecha el USDA ha gastado $ 20 millones para establecer una oficina de pez gato sin que todavía se haya  inspeccionado un solo pez gato”.

Yo desde antes he cooperado con la preservación el pez gato.  Cuando estoy pescando y se me pega un asqueroso pez gato, siempre lo boto de nuevo al agua, la verdad es que no me gusta ni verlos, mucho menos comerlos.
Voy este fin de semana del Memorial Day a Naples, bueno no propiamente Naples, pero a nuestro refugio familiar un poco más al oeste en el Rio Estero.  Si voy a pescar y se me pega un pez gato, lo vuelvo a tirar al agua, pero antes le voy a dar un martillazo en la cabeza, porque, cabrón, ya yo pagué por tu vida.
Ya que mi convicción cristiana no me permite hacer esto a los humanos que escriben las regulaciones al menos puedo descargar mi frustración el este pecado que no sabe el mismo que existe en el mundo. 


 Feds Must Raise Taxes 14% to Avoid $40 Trillion Debt Disaster

Decades of reckless government spending and Fed money-printing are reaching the breaking point.  According to new calculations by the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, the U.S. debt will more than double in the next 20 years – to a staggering $40 trillion!  So by the time today’s newborns enter college, the amount of debt held by the United States government will equal the entire U.S. economy!  And since this debt level is utterly unsustainable, the Feds must raise taxes a whopping 14% on every citizen in order to return to historical debt levels.  Regardless of whether they spike taxes or drown us in debt, you have only one option to keep your savings & retirement from vanishing.

The Road to National Insolvency

Driven by higher interest costs, Social Security and Medicare for baby boomers, as well as tax cuts in 2012, the federal debt held by the public is expected to hit $40 trillion in 2035, according to calculations by the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, which were based on Congressional Budget Office estimates.  This estimate is a staggering $7 trillion higher than the forecast in 2009 when Obama took office.  The debt is on pace to match the previous record, set in 1946, of 106 percent of gross domestic product.  In other words, our debt will be bigger than our entire economy!
The simple fact is, our economy isn’t growing fast enough to keep pace with the costs of caring for the soaring ranks of the elderly.  Plus, the discrepancy between spending and revenue is estimated to widen in the next few decades due to reckless government spending and the Fed’s easy money policy.  What does the government plan to do about this looming debt disaster?  Well, in truth, they have no plan.  All government estimates show that debt and spending will continue to increase – regardless of which party controls the White House or Congress!
Since we know they’re never going to cut spending, the only option is to raise taxes.  How much?  Brace yourself.  In order to bring the debt levels in line with the historical percentage of GDP, the Feds must raise taxes by 14% on every taxpayer in the nation!  And if you think the next election is going to change our course, think again.  All government debt & spending projections have been made regardless of which party controls our government!  Changes in party power never result in meaningful changes in economic policy.

Debt Has Doomed the Nation & the Dollar

In January of 2001, when Bush took office and Republicans controlled the Congress, the national debt stood at $5.7 trillion. Within 8 years, the national debt had ballooned to around $11 trillion – a doubling of U.S. debt in 8 years! Obama came into office in 2009 promising hope and change. But did he really change anything in terms of our debilitating national debt? Absolutely not. At the command of the Federal Reserve, our national debt will skyrocket to around $25 trillion by the time Obama leaves office. In short, the Fed will have increased the national debt 5 times in the span of two presidencies — regardless of which party was in power! The chart below shows the dramatic rise in U.S. debt since 2001:

Everyone knows you can’t stockpile $25 trillion in debt without serious consequences. What serious consequences? The chart below shows the alarming loss in value of the U.S. dollar versus other currencies since 2001:

As you can see, the U.S. Dollar lost 33% of its value versus other currencies since 2001!

Debt Has Skyrocketed Gold

As the Federal Reserve drove up debt to record numbers, what happened to gold?  The chart below shows the tremendous increase in gold’s value since 2001:

As you can see, gold increased over 5 TIMES in value since 2001! And this is including gold’s correction in 2013. So not only has gold increased 5 times since 2001, it’s once again a great value at these levels.

Where Are We Headed?

The U.S. Treasury tells us that the U.S. debt will reach $28 trillion by 2018, regardless of which party takes power in November or who wins the presidency in 2016! That’s a staggering 58% increase in U.S. debt from where we are today. Why will this happen? Because neither party has shown any serious commitment whatsoever to reduce government spending. And this will only result in further destruction of the U.S. dollar until the dollar finally collapses and ceases to be the world’s reserve currency, just as ALL global currencies have failed throughout history.
And based upon Treasury’s debt projections, here is where gold could be heading:
2015 US Debt = 21T | Gold = $1,640/oz.
2016 US Debt = 22.7T | Gold = $2,210/oz.
2017 US Debt = 25.5T | Gold = $2,560/oz.
2018 US Debt = 28T | Gold = $3,000/oz.
As the Fed rockets us to $28 trillion in debt, these projections put gold at nearly $3000/oz. by 2018!

Rescue Your Savings &  Retirement

We will be at $28 trillion in debt by 2018 according to the U.S. Treasury. And if we don’t change course, we will hit $40 trillion in debt by the time today’s infants enter college.  The Fed will keep printing money and rates will stay in the basement for as far as far the eye can see thanks to our massive debt and the need to service it. The writing is on the wall. Upcoming elections will have zero impact on the current trajectory of the price of gold, as gold is moving much higher as the debt skyrockets. Gold is math and mathematics is a science. Politics is not. So if you want a new party in government, vote. But if you want to protect your savings & retirement, buy gold & silver.
(Call 800-226-8106 to receive your free copy of Damon Geller’s popular book, “Defend Your Money against Gov't Confiscation,” or fill in the form below)

AMENPER: Entrevista a Snoop Dogg…
Estamos satisfechos por haber encontrado este video de una entrevista del “brother” Snoop Dogg en You tube. 
Cómo vemos a Hillary Clinton al frente de las encuestas, es interesante conocer las personas que la apoyan, y las razones intelectuales para su apoyo.
 Mucho se habló  en la entrevista, pero no pudimos lograrla conectar propiamente  hasta las últimas preguntas. . Abajo se encuentra una transcripción de la parte que pudimos ver hablando al brother Snoop rodeado de bailarinas blancas en bikini.
Reportero: ¿Por quién votarás ?
Brother Snoop: Hillary Clinton. Es una gran mujer negra y nosotros necesitamos negros en la casa blanca. Los negros tenemos una perspectiva diferente para la nación.
Reportero: ¿Sabes que Hillary no es negra?
Brother Snoop: Ella es negra, porque me lo dijeron ella y Bill. ¿Por qué mentirían a un hermano?
Reportero: Legalmente y biológicamente, tú no eres su hermano.
Brother Snoop: Estás empezando a molestarme.
Reportero: ¿Votará para camarada Sanders para las elecciones si los demócratas lo nominaban en su lugar?
¿Brother Snoop: ¿Me estás insultando?
Reportero: Pero Sanders es otro candidato para la Presidencia y ha declarado que es socialista.
Brother Snoop: ¿Qué me puede dar  Sanders a mí?
Reportero: Buena lógica. ¿Votarías por cualquier otro candidato?
Brother Snoop: La elección está preparada para tener a Hillary de ganadora. Necesito mi pago del gobierno, y no lo voy a [...]
No registramos el resto de la entrevista debido a mi computadora se congeló. 

AMENPER: Alto peligro de Cambio de Clima…

Es mi entendimiento que nuestro querido líder, Barack Hussein Obama, ha decretado que el calentamiento Global se ha convertido en el peligro más 'Grave' que amenaza nuestra su seguridad.
Obama advierte a cadetes de la guardia costera que la mayor 'amenaza' de seguridad nacional es el cambio climático.
Tango algunas preguntas.
¿Alguien me puede decir Cuántas tropas nuestro querido líder desplegará para atacar el calentamiento Global?
¿Podemos desplegar nuestro nuevo F-35 Strike Fighters contra él?
¿Fue el calentamiento Global lo que solía atacar a los rebeldes sirios? Parece que recuerdo mal, parece que nuestro querido líder dibujó una línea roja y ordenó a Assad que no siguiera usando el arma del calentamiento global para destruir los rebeldes y parece que ahora se ha dado cuenta que Assad está usando esta arma secreta, que también la está usando ISIS.
Pero parece que ahora Obama está usando su autoridad para combatir el arma del calentamiento Global que es la causa de todos los problemas del mundo
Nuestro líder usará  la autoridad de declarar las amenazas a nuestro colectivo, y el cambio de temperatura es un mal que debe ser removido. El cambio climático será el tema de los próximos días de odio el próximo enemigo que tenemos que derrotar.
Usted recibirá actualizaciones diarias en qué parte se debe tomar para normalizar el mundo.
En vez de poner anuncios del nivel de peligro del terrorismo, se pondrán avisos en todos los aeropuertos del nivel del peligro del calentamiento global.
También habrá un proyecto de ley para el tipo de ropa interior y prenda exterior caliente o fresca que tenemos que usar y a traer con usted cuando sale a la calle de acuerdo con el nivel de cambio climático. Si el congreso se opone nuestro máximo líder utilizará su pluma para firmarlo.
¡El gobierno está al mando, así que me siento a salvo!

AMENPER: Reporte de Cambio Climático

Aviso Confirmado de Cambio Climático
Hechos nunca visto causados por el Cambio Climático

Exodo Mayo 26, 3015 A.C.  Se están viendo plagas que están siendo sufridas por el cambio climático confirmando las palabras del profeta Obama, reportadas por la agencia noticiosa “Exodo”

1.-Aguas de los ríos  se están convirtiendo en sangre según la agencia noticiosa Exodus.(Ex. 7:19,20)
Esto es lo que demuestra la equivocación de los que negaban al cambio climático que decían que la sangre no llegaría al río.
2.-Ranas cubren la tierra de Egipto. (Ex. 8:5,6)  Esto es lo que demuestra que Israel ayudado por el cambio climático está invadiendo con ranas al pueblo Islámico.
3.-El polvo de la tierra se está convirtiendo en piojos. (Ex. 8:16,17) Mitigado en parte por un producto llamado Liendrex de Menper Distributors.
4.-Se nota un aumento en toda clase de moscas molestísimas. (Ex. 8:24, 29) A eso se refiere el máximo líder que hay que tomar medidas “por si las moscas”
5.-Epidemia de enfermedades y Peste sobre los caballos, asnos, camellos, vacas y ovejas. (Ex. 9:3)
Esto hace más grave el medio ambiento porque no se puede viajar en caballos, asnos o camellos y hay que usar vehículos que contaminan con sus emisiones el ambiente.
6--Epidemias y pestes  que a su vez, produce úlceras a los humanos(Ex. 9:8-10) Como ven si hay peste quiere decir que esto huele mal, hay que oír a nuestro profeta y obedecerle
7--Lluvias de Granizo mezclado con fuego. (Ex. 9:24) Ya saben si usan un paraguas no sirve porque se quema.
8--Plagas de Langostas. (Ex. 10:12)  se refiere a los insectos, que se comen las plantas no a las que comemos y son tan caras.
9--Se presentan tinieblas por tres días tan densas que pueden palparse. (Ex. 10:21) Y como debido al problema energético por el cambio climático no hay luz eléctrica no hay manera de ver.
10.--De pronto se ha visto la muerte de los primogénitos de toda casa que no estaba cubierta con la sangre de un cordero. (Ex. 11:4,5) El problema es que con la epidemia y la peste se acabaron los corderos.

Ahora a los retrógrados republicanos que niegan los peligros del cambio climático, con esta evidencia de estas 10 terribles plagas, nunca antes vista en el mundo por causas  del cambio climático,  no les quedarán más remedio que aceptar que estamos viviendo momento climático que si no tomamos medidas destruirá el mundo en un futuro cercano.

AMENPER: El Cambio Climático
Los militantes islámicos del ISIS capturan la antigua ciudad Siria de Palmira el miércoles- Funcionarios sirios evacuaron ciudadanos y trataron de impedir que caigan en manos terroristas invaluables antigüedades. Los observadores de derechos humanos dijeron a la prensa asociada que las fuerzas del gobierno se derrumbaron ante los ataques de ISIS y se retiraron de la ciudad el miércoles en la tarde. El Wall Street Journal informó que antes de huir, las fuerzas de defensa nacional evacuaron a civiles cuando militantes estaban tomando el control de las zonas residenciales y se establecieron en las ruinas cercanas de la ciudad.
Al tomar ISIS el control total de la ciudad, sería segunda gran victoria del grupo en una semana, a tan sólo unos días después de que militantes en Irak aseguraron la clave ciudad de Ramadi, capital de la provincia de Anbar, causando miles de refugiados a huir al vecino Bagdad a sólo 70 millas de distancia.
Según la organización internacional para las migraciones, más de 40.000 personas han sido desplazadas de Anbar desde el viernes cuando los militantes comenzaron su ofensiva final para la ciudad.
Athal al-Fahdawi, un concejal de Anbar, dijo que miles de refugiados que quedaron varados en tierra abierta por días, pudieron cruzar un puente colgante sobre el río Eufrates y entrar en Bagdad.
Un estimado de 500 soldados y civiles fueron asesinados en Ramadi después de ISIS tomó la ciudad con una onda bien coordinada de carros bombas que allanó el camino para los combatientes que lograron la victoria sobre las fuerzas iraquíes.
Palmyra también sería una captura estratégica clave para ISIS, permitiendo a los militantes avanzar a áreas controladas por el gobierno de Damasco y la costa de Siria hacia el sur y suroeste. Palmyra también se encuentra cerca de yacimientos de petróleo y gas importantes.
ISIS ha lanzado una serie de ataques  en sitios de importancia histórica y religiosa. A principios de este año ISIS publicó un video que muestra a los militantes usando martillos y Taladros para destruir los artefactos en el Museo de Mosul de Irak.
Expertos también han advertido que los militantes clandestinamente usan artefactos iraquíes invaluables para la venta en el mercado negro para financiar al ejército terrorista.
Mientras tanto, en Estados Unidos, el presidente habló en un acto de graduación de cadetes de la guardia costera. Obama elaboró en el  discurso  en New London, Connecticut, como tema principal los riesgos a la seguridad nacional que presenta el cambio climático, y que será su máxima prioridad de acción en los 19 meses que le quedan en el cargo.

Hillary Deliberately Caused Delay Of Email Release By Submitting Only Paper Copies.

Jorge A. Villalón

Hillary Deliberately Caused Delay of Email Release by Submitting Only Paper Copies
By Eileen McGann
Hillary Clinton ended her 37-day boycott of the press today when she spent a few minutes claiming she wants her emails released by the State Department ASAP.
But here’s the thing: the only reason that there’s been such a long delay is that Hillary deliberately delivered the 550,000 emails in hard copies, instead of in electronic files.
Why does that make a difference?
Because that meant every single one of the 550,000 pages has to be manually scanned. And, to make it even harder, Hillary made sure that some of the documents were copies on both sides. That took 5 weeks of 12 people working full time to complete.
And Hillary knew that would create just one more obstacle and cause an enormous delay.
She also knew that the paper files couldn’t be searched like electronic files. And she didn’t want to make it easy to connect the dots.
So her fervent wish for the release of the documents is as phone as her claims that she did nothing wrong when she set up her home-brew server and use it for her official State Department documents.
She thinks we are all stupid and that we don’t get it. But we do: Hillary set up her home server to circumvent the Freedom of Information Act, she did just that, and once caught, she wiped her server clean and got rid of everything she didn’t want us to see.

We get it Hillary.

Stonegate Bank in Florida opens bank account for Cuban govt

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A small bank is Florida has opened a bank account for the Cubangovernment. CNBC confirmed that Stonegate Bank has become the first U.S. bank to do so. (Tweet This)
In the past, the Cuban government has had to deal in cash when making payments in the U.S. The news could be a catalyst in thawing relations between Cuba and the U.S. 
The news came a day ahead of what is expected to be the final meeting between the State Department and representatives of the Cuban government. The meetings could lead to the announcement of a re-establishment of diplomatic ties between the two countries.
Shares of Stonegate were up more than 2 percent early Wednesday afternoon.
Reported by CNBC's Michelle Caruso-Cabrera, written by's Reem Nasr. 

Iran Just Slapped Obama In The Face With A Nuclear Move That Ruins His Entire Plan

Despite Obama's self-congratulatory rhetoric last month praising the framework...
So much for President Obama’s heralded “framework” for a negotiated nuclear deal with Iran. Only six weeks after Obama strode confidently into the Rose Garden to announce to the world what he called “a good deal” resulting from “many months of tough, principled diplomacy,” Iran has essentially blown up the president’s plan to keep the Islamic regime from obtaining a nuclear weapon.
Despite Obama’s self-congratulatory rhetoric last month praising the framework that included the assertionthat “Iran has also agreed to the most robust and intrusive inspections and transparency regime ever negotiated for any nuclear program in history,” the Muslim nation’s supreme leader has just firmly and flatly rejected that provision.


Fox News reports on the move by Ayatollah Ali Khamenei that basically cuts the legs out from under Obama’s shaky stick-figure of a deal to prevent Iran’s development of a nuke that could threaten Israel, Saudi Arabia, or even the United States itself.
“Iran’s supreme leader vowed Wednesday he will not allow international inspection of Iran’s military sites or access to Iranian scientists under any nuclear agreement with world powers,” reports Fox News.
This determined defiance by the most powerful man in Iran not only runs counter to what Obama announced in April; it also contradicts a fact sheet on the supposed accord presented by the State Department. Secretary of State John Kerry is, of course, one of the chief negotiators who have now launched yet another round of talks in Vienna aimed a reaching a final deal. With this wrench hurled into the works by Ayatollah Khamenei, the shape and substance of such a deal now appears to be very much in doubt.


The Fox News report quoted Khamenei as saying: “‘The impudent and brazen enemy expects that we allow them talk to our scientists and researchers about a fundamental local achievement but no such permission will be allowed…. No inspection of any military site or interview with nuclear scientists will be allowed.'”
Verification of Iran’s compliance with the requirements imposed by any negotiated nuclear deal has been a key sticking point for critics of the Obama administration who claim that the regime cannot be trusted. As Katie Pavlich observes in an article on Townhall:
Khamenei said today weapons inspectors will not be allowed to monitor or visit nuclear facilities to verify nuclear energy is being pursued for peaceful purposes. Further, Iranian nuclear scientists will not be available for interviews, or what he calls “foreign interrogation.”
Given the stunning disconnect between what President Obama told America and the world in his prepared statement on April 2nd, and the latest proclamation of “no inspections” by Iran’s supreme leader, it would seem reasonable to assume that one (or more) of the following is true:
1. In his Rose Garden victory dance, Obama was projecting what he wanted to believe in order to score political points,
2. Obama didn’t know what was really agreed to in the so-called “framework” for what he praised as “a good deal,”
3. The president’s naiveté about the true nature of the enemy was on full display, and/or
4. Obama lied.
Again, drawing from the text of his now-discredited Rose Garden speech: “International inspectors will have unprecedented access not only to Iranian nuclear facilities, but to the entire supply chain that supports Iran’s nuclear program — from uranium mills that provide the raw materials, to the centrifuge production and storage facilities that support the program.”


Operated for years without IRS authorization as 'tax exempt' non-profit


Hillary Clinton
NEW YORK – Why does the Clinton Health Access Initiative Inc., registered as an Arkansas non-profit corporation, continue to list its principal business address in Massachusetts, where its registration was revoked under a previous name, the Clinton Foundation HIV/AIDS Initiative?
While the foundation has provided no explanation, after meticulous examination, Wall Street financial analyst and investor Charles Ortel believes he can demonstrate material irregularities in the state registrations and federal filings of what today is known as the Clinton Health Access Initiative Inc., or CHAI.
“These irregularities are of sufficient magnitude that if any of the 50 state attorneys general should present the evidence to a federal district judge, I believe an injunction would be ordered, shutting down the Clinton Foundation and placing the organization in receivership,” he said.
Ortel has documented the Clinton Foundation used the initial IRS tax-exempt determination letter that was limited to raising funds for the Clinton presidential library to actively solicit tax-exempt charitable donations to combat HIV/AIDS for some eight years before applying for and receiving authorization for the new purpose.
Ortel says: “The public record of state and federal registrations are sufficient to justify a federal judge firing the current board of directors in order to prevent additional donors from being defrauded in what appears to an inurement scheme designed to divert charitable funds to personal financial gain.”
Inurement is the crime of personally enriching oneself from a non-profit organization, or taking more from it than is contributed.
Ortel found that the HIV/AIDS Initiative conducted “substantial and significant activities in numerous countries, operating from a headquarters in Massachusetts in close cooperation with at least one for-profit enterprise before it was officially approved by the IRS as a tax-exempt organization.”
Tom Fitton, president of Washington-based Judicial Watch told WND that Ortel is “raising questions that scream out for further investigation.”
“What Ortel is revealing has all the hallmarks of a shell game in which criminals structure financial transactions to shield assets and confuse both regulators and the general public regarding how they are getting money for charitable purposes but keeping it for themselves personally,” Fitton said.
Attorney Cleta Mitchell, a partner in the Washington-based law firm Foley & Lardner LLP, concurred.
“The research that Charles Ortel has conducted is extremely disturbing,” Mitchell told WND. “The irregularities and false statements he has documented evidence a consistent pattern of failure to comply with the laws that govern charitable organizations.”
Mitchell is well-known for representing several prominent tea party groups in their litigation against the IRS for denying or delaying their applications for tax-exempt status.
She said the problems with the Clinton Foundation raised by Ortel “are matters of black letter state and federal law.”
“I believe that one or more state attorneys general should actively review whether or not the Clinton Foundation in its various incarnations and filings has violated the laws of their state,” Mitchell said.
Ortel writes in his second report on the Clinton Foundation, an advance copy of which was shared with WND, that a preliminary review of the pre-2010 Clinton Foundation HIV/AIDS activities – before an application was filed with the IRS to create the Clinton Health Access Initiative as a corporate entity separate from the Clinton Foundation – indicates that for approximately 90 months Bill Clinton, Ira Magaziner, and other individuals associated with the Clintons were “engaged in numerous foreign countries soliciting charitable contributions and grants whose proceeds were supposed to flow into destitute nations ravaged by HIV/AIDS and by other structural as well as local afflictions.”
Ortel said activities of these individuals “under the mantle of the Clinton Foundation never were fully, fairly, and comprehensively disclosed in the public domain as was, and is, required by domestic and foreign laws.”
WND reported Monday that before Hillary Clinton completed her first year as President Obama’s secretary of state in 2010, Ortel calculates $17 million went missing from Clinton Foundation financial reports.
WND reported May 14 Ortel has concluded that while Hillary Clinton was appointed to the board of directors of the Clinton Foundation in 2013, after she had resigned as secretary of state, she is complicit in what he has described as systematic financial fraud warranting a criminal investigation. WND reported May 13 that Ortel found the Clinton Foundation’s explanation for why it was divided into three, legally separate tax-exempt organizations to be “misleading and false.” As WND reported May 12, based on Ortel’s findings, a prominent lawyer and a top government watchdog in the nation’s capital are calling for the Clinton Foundation to be shut down. In his first report, Ortel found what he characterizes as an elaborate system devised by the Clintons to enrich themselves through schemes such as skimming tens of millions of dollars from U.N. levies imposed on airline travelers.
‘Tax exempt’ HIV/AIDS donations solicited in 2002
As WND reported, the Clinton Foundation’s IRS determination letter dating back to the foundation’s creation in 2001 is not archived on the Clinton Foundation website. The Clinton Foundation’s 2002 IRS Form 990, Part III filing lists the organization’s “primary exempt purpose” in narrowly defined terms. It specifies the Clinton Foundation was created “to design, construct, and initially endow a presidential archival depository to house and preserve the books, correspondence, documents, papers, pictures, and other memorability of President Clinton.”
The Clinton Foundation website clearly documents that the HIV/AIDS charity began in 2002, noting: “When the Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI) was founded in 2002, only 200,000 people were receiving treatment for HIV/AIDS in low and middle income countries, with medicines that cost over $10,000 per person per year.”
The Clinton Foundation’s 2004 IRS Form 990, Part III expanded the organization’s “primary exempt purpose” to include HIV/AIDS fundraising:
President Clinton established the William J. Clinton Foundation (the foundation’s original name in 2001) with the dual missions of constructing and endowing the Clinton Presidential Center and Park in Little Rock, Arkansas and continuing the work of his presidency to strengthen the capacity of people in the United States and throughout the world to meet the challenges of global interdependence. To advance the mission the foundation has developed programs and partnerships in the following areas: economic empowerment; health security with an emphasis on HIV/AIDS; racial, ethnic and religious reconciliation; leadership development and citizen service.
Ortel traced the origin of the idea to create CHAI to a conversation Bill Clinton had with Nelson Mandela that Clinton relates in his 2007 bestselling book, “Giving: How Each of Us Can Change the World.”
There, Clinton wrote:
After Nelson Mandela and I closed the World AIDS conference in Barcelona in [July] 2002, Prime Minister Denzil Douglas of St. Kitts and Nevis asked me to help the Caribbean nations establish and fund systems for the prevention, care, and treatment of HIV/AIDS. I agreed to do what I could, but with limited staffing in Harlem and Little Rock and an already crowded list of commitments, I needed some help. I called Ira Magaziner, who had spearheaded our efforts in healthcare and e-commerce in the White House, and asked him to organize and lead the project.
In his second report, Ortel concluded the AIDS work wasn’t tax exempt.
“While clearly a laudable proposition, arresting lethal devastation of the scourge of HIV/AIDS was certainly not a legally authorized tax-exempt purpose of the Clinton Foundation by July 2002, according to public records that should tell the complete story regarding a public charity.”
Ortel was able to document that on Dec. 31, 2009, the Clinton Foundation filed with the IRS an application to form a new tax-exempt organization called Clinton Health Access Initiative Inc. that he terms “New CHAI” to distinguish it from the initiative formed within the Clinton Foundation in 2002, which he terms “Old CHAI.”
Ortel reported, however, that after extensive research on the Clinton Foundation website and various government websites, he was able only to find for the document dated Dec. 31, 2009, “an incomplete version of the application lacking attachments that should have amplified answers to key questions.”
In March 2010, the IRS apparently issued a new determination letter approving the New CHAI as a separate tax-exempt organization, giving for the first time the Clinton Foundation the authorization to extend tax-exempt status to donors to the charity to combat HIV/AIDS.
What appears clear is that the Clinton Foundation, despite lacking IRS authorization, told the public from July 2002 through March 2010 that donations to the charity to combat HIV/AIDS would be tax-exempt, in apparent disregard of IRS rules and regulations.
No documentation of flow of AIDS money
The first filing to incorporate the Clinton Foundation HIV/AIDS Initiative, as it was then known, occurred in 2004, at least two years after the Clinton Foundation began soliciting and potentially receiving donations and grants in the United States and from foreign sources for HIV/AIDS charitable work.
The documentation can be found in a registration for a foreign corporation certificate that the Clinton Foundation HIV/AIDS Initiative filed with Massachusetts on March 25, 2004, noting that the corporation was organized under the laws of Arkansas, two days earlier, on March 23, 2004.
The document said the resident Massachusetts agent for the Clinton Foundation HIV/AIDS Initiative was Ira Magaziner, listed as the corporation’s chairman, with his residence at 200 Dudley Lane in Milton, Massachusetts, and the corporation’s office at 225 Water Street in Quincy, Massachusetts.
In his second report, Ortel said that while there are “numerous press releases and other accounts of extensive global activity by the Clinton Foundation fighting HIV/AIDS from July 2002 onward, companion financial disclosures filed for 2002 and 2003 do not explicitly document related inflows and outflows of the HIV/AIDS initiatives.”
“Filings from 2004 through 2009 start to disclose some aspects of these activities but certainly do not constitute complete, full, and fair disclosure,” Ortel said. “Moreover, Clinton Foundation filings from 2002 through 2009 do not explain how Ira Magaziner and his for-profit business interests may have been compensated, or precisely how Magaziner and the Clinton Foundation may have collaborated anywhere in the world, at any time.”
From 1993 through 1998, Magaziner served as a senior advisor to President Clinton for policy development at the White House, where he worked with Hillary Clinton on the development of the President’s Health Reform Initiative that became popularly known as “HillaryCare.”
The address at 225 Water Street that Magaziner used as the principal business address of the Clinton Foundation HIV/AIDS Initiative when filing in Massachusetts in March 2004 as a foreign corporation is the same address he used as the principal office of Massachusetts-registered consulting firm, SJS Privacy Inc., which was registered in Massachusetts as a foreign corporation on Nov. 15, 2000.
In other words, the Clinton Foundation did not establish a separate corporate structure, CHAI, to solicit tax-exempt donations to combat HIV/AIDS until 2004, some two years after the Clinton Foundation launched the HIV/AIDS initiative.
Massachusetts shuts down Clinton non-profit
On March 31, 2008, Massachusetts issued an “involuntary revocation” of both the Clinton Foundation HIV/AIDS Initiative and Magaziner’s SJS Privacy Inc., effectively shutting down both corporations from doing business in Massachusetts.
Screen shots from the Massachusetts Corporate Division’s registry document the involuntary revocation of each corporation’s authorization to do business in the state.

The Darkest Clinton Connection Yet Just Exposed, And One Sentence Hillary Said Makes It Worse

Toward a breathtaking new height of hypocrisy...
Considering what a new report from Amnesty International has just revealed, one might say that Hillary Clinton and her family charity appear to be reaching toward a breathtaking new height of hypocrisy.
It wasn’t that long ago that the former secretary of state spoke out strongly, decisively, unequivocally against the use of torture by any government. Accepting an award from the Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice and Human Rights in December of last year, Mrs. Clinton declared, as ABC News reported: “Today we can say again in a loud and clear voice, the United States should never condone or practice torture anywhere in the world.”


However, what Hillary says, and what her Clinton Foundation does, are clearly not in sync. Writing for theWashington Free Beacon, Andrew Stiles reports that a major donor to the Clinton Foundation “regularly arrests dissidents and brutally tortures them.” That’s the startling conclusion of a new report from Amnesty International about the routine human rights abuses by the government of Morocco.
Amnesty International secretary general Salil Shetty blasted the Moroccan government in a statement, saying: “Morocco’s leaders portray the image of a liberal, human-rights-friendly country. But as long as the threat of torture hangs over detention and dissent that image will just be a mirage.”
Only last week, as The Washington Post reported, Bill Clinton hosted a lavish event for well-heeled world leaders in Morocco. Operating under the banner of the Clinton Global Initiative, the glitzy gathering brought together “foreign oligarchs and corporate titans,” some of whom have been associated with questionable human rights practices — and many of whom have been donors to Hillary’s presidential campaign.

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As the Post observed, “For the week’s biggest party, guests were chauffeured across the city to an opulent 56-room palace that boasts a private collection of Arabian horses, overlooks the snow-capped Atlas Mountains and serves a fine-dining menu of ‘biolight’ cuisine.”
So cash flows into the Clinton Foundation from a country accused of repeatedly subjecting dissidents to torture practices including what sounds much like the CIA water-boarding that Hillary Clinton condemned — the Amnesty International report refers to the Moroccan version as “simulated drowning.” And even though Hillary Clinton, in accepting the “Human Rights” award in 2014, proclaimed that “the United States should never condone torture,” it is apparently okay for the Democrat presidential contender to accept large sums of money from a country that practices it.

Watch: Obama Admin Spokesman Makes Absurd Ramadi Remark, Immediately Gets Shredded

"This is overall a success?"
During the White House press briefing Monday, Jonathan Karl of ABC News asked White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest a pointed question about the U.S. strategy in Iraq after news broke that the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) had captured Ramadi:
Karl: On the overall track record of military operations of the president’s strategy on this, you said, “We’ve seen periods of progress and success.” Would you say that overall the strategy has been a success?


Earnest: Well, Jon, yeah. Overall, yes. That doesn’t mean there haven’t been areas of setback, as we saw in Ramadi.
Karl: I mean, is the exporting of terror to Libya, taking over the capital of Iraq’s largest province, this is overall a success?
Earnest: Well, what we’ve also seen is we’ve also seen a coalition of 60 nations within the region and around the world join the United States in this fight. We’ve seen a new prime minister take office in Iraq and unite that country.


Ramadi, located 60 miles west of Baghdad, was taken by ISIS after four days of fighting. The skirmish killed 123 Syrian soldiers and their allies, 115 ISIS fighters, and 57 civilians.
The ISIS victory overshadows a successful mission by U.S. forces to kill Abu Sayyaf, who was in charge of financial operations for ISIS. Reports of the mission by the Delta Force team surfaced earlier this week.
“It was a real firefight,” a defense source told Fox News, “a no kidding, old school firefight.” The Delta Force team also killed 12 ISIS fighters and captured Sayyaf’s wife.

Watch: Michelle’s Race-Baiting Shredded By Black Guy Who Gives Her A Must-See History Lesson‏

Watch: Michelle’s Race-Baiting Shredded By Black Guy Who Gives Her A Must-See History Lesson

Elena Enriquez
Watch: Michelle’s Race-Baiting Shredded By Black Guy Who Gives Her A Must-See History Lesson


Alfonzo Rachel reacted to her recent commencement address at Tuskegee University.

B. Christopher Agee May 18, 2015 at 4:00pm
In a recent installment of Zonation, host Alfonzo Rachel reacted to Michelle Obama’s recent commencement address at Tuskegee University. As Western Journalism reported, the first lady used the forum to spread a message of victimhood among black graduates.

“I’m disappointed that the students at Tuskegee University didn’t get up and walk out on Michelle Obama’s speech,” Rachel said. “It’s like the graduates spent all that time at the college and didn’t learn anything worth a hard donut.”

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He explained that the university’s founder, Booker T. Washington, railed against the type of race-baiting used by Obama in her speech. Even in Washington’s day, the former slave was able to recognize that self-serving instigators hoped to profit by maintaining discord within the black community.


“The sad part is that despite your supposed pro-black mentality,” Rachel said directly to Obama, “the black community doesn’t prosper for it. The black community is growing in discontent; and this is what you want.”

Diagnosing what he sees as the true impetus behind such divisive language, the host declared that Michelle Obama and her ilk will not be satisfied until every American is as miserable as they are.
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“This is when we will have justice,” he said. “That is when America will be purified – when it is fully baptized in a lake of misery.”

Using his online program to share an alternate message with college graduates, Rachel explained what will actually help heal the racial divide currently plaguing the nation.

“What makes the tension die down,” he concluded, “is getting out there and using your God-given talent to be of good service to each other. That’s what gets respect.”

Urgent Message for Tea Party Loyalists… IT HAS BEGUN.
Tea Party Uprising Is Spreading!
Get on board or get the hell out of the way!
This is the moment we've been waiting for.
Everything we've been doing has led up to this.
It's time to get on board or get the hell out of the way!!!
Fellow Tea Party Loyalist,
You may want to sit down. What is inside this letter is shocking and appalling.
When I became the CEO of the Tea Party I promised my life, liberty and sacred honor in the fulfillment of my office. I must honor that promise, no matter what—even when it is excruciatingly painful.
My stomach knots up when I hear of Obama's vile, twisted plans. I am loathe to think what could become of America if the Tea Party doesn’t step in.
Obama is planning to commit atrocious acts against the people of our beloved nation now that he has nothing to lose and cannot be reelected.
Now, amidst every battle we are already fighting against him every day, now we have another one to add.
Obama is now hell-bent on destroying the U.S. using our tax dollars! The new Obama Global Tax Plot is frightening. So much of it has already been set into motion.
Key players are positioned and the final pieces are falling into place. We are the only obstacle in Obama’s way. 
Getting Washington's attention will require taking dramatic action. With your help WE CAN DO IT...but we must move fast.

Here's what we have planned:

The Tea Party has exposed the Obama Global Tax Plot
and is organizing an UPRISING!
Only one thing is holding us back...

Obama will wreak havoc from the stock market to the supermarket. His New World Order spells death to liberty and a complete conversion into a socialist fascist state.

Do it now, time is running out!
Here's our dire dilemma: Because of the fierce battle in the November elections our war chest is almost completely void of funds.
We have to meet our deadlines now, not tomorrow or the next day or next week. If we miss our deadlines we will be set back more than 1,000,000-fold.
A setback now will bring America to her knees, she will be in complete ruin—from our economic and financial systems to our social, welfare and education systems.
You won’t let that happen will you? I pledge to you that if you help...
I will personally make sure the voice of the Tea Party—
your voice—will be heard up and down that halls of Congress. We are done playing games. It is time for the Tea Party Uprising...time to rise from the ashes of what was once a Republic, one nation, under God, indivisible and with liberty and justice for all!
Look, I need to know today if you are with me. I can’t do it alone.

Full disclosure: I want you to know that it’s going to take some serious financial support to pull this off. We MUST build our Tea Party war chest now so we can double, even triple-up, on our faxes, letters, phone calls and emails.
We can organize rallies, demonstrations, and protests, get more boots on the ground in Washington, hold strategic meetings with fellow Tea Party Congressmen and train the new Tea Party Congressmen we just elected.
I am asking you to 
please sign the enclosed TEA PARTY UPRISING PLEDGE today. With it, please give your best possible donation to help us get this TEA PARTY UPRISING PLEDGE out across America. We are at code-red and I need your help today.

We've got to do it now. Here's why:
When I heard Congress teamed up with Obama I couldn't believe it—refused to. Immediately, I instructed our Tea Party intelligence team to investigate. What they discovered stopped me dead in my tracks. Patriot, this is going to make your blood boil.
Could it be that Dr. Michael Savage was right when he said, “The American people may have to adopt the extreme tactics of leftist activists if they wish to succeed.” Read this special report in its entirety...then you tell me.
I warn you: what I am about to reveal will seem too far-fetched to believe until   you let the truth sink in.
“The actions of Mr. Obama and the new Congress have proven to the America people our beloved nation is no longer a Republic but an oligarchy of power demanding the American people become obedient boot-licking minions of the State.” Steve Eichler – CEO Tea Party/


Our Intelligence Team had to dig deep...but they found it. Obama’s been harboring a secret plot for redistributing your wealth! You should fear what's next. His diabolical Global Tax Plot is already set into motion. We must move fast.
Obama and now his newly converted Republican puppets will bankrupt America using our own tax system to do it! Obama will then silence the Patriot outcry by eliminating our internet freedom of speech. But wait! There are even more hideous atrocities.
Under Obama's Global Tax Plot he will grab U.S. tax payers' money—and place it under the control of the U.N. Yes, his sinister plot will steal away the wealth of America and place it into the waiting, money-grubbing hands of the globalist masters.
The writing is on the wall. Obama’s plan to break America’s back is in play now. We must move quickly. What will he do that is so horrific?
Redirect our tax dollars: With the consent of Congress, Obama will create a tax scheme which will replace the IRS with the U.N.
This is nothing less than the ultimate redistribution of wealth. I call it the redistribution of poverty because that's exactly what's going to happen if the Obama Global Tax Plot succeeds!
The IRS may remain in name but the taxes collected will be under the authority of the United Nations. Why? The excuse is to help the third world and redistribute U.S. wealth paving the path for the globalization of the U.S. Mandatory levies will be imposed by treaty on U.S. citizens. Congress is alreadybeing brought on board.
Think about it: Global governance will override American self-rule and independence.
This is not hearsay. The Obama Global Tax Plot is about to become law! That is why it is critical that you become part of Tea Party Uprising and sign the PLEDGE today!
Keep reading and you will see Obama’s plot unfold.
 Wall Street will sour: Every time you buy or sell a stock or bond or exchange money while traveling, you’d be hit with a financial transactions tax—a percentage of your transaction. Where do you suppose that money goes? Why to the Obama Global Tax coffers, of course!

 Tobacco will become the "frenemy" of global business: You know that cash cow tobacco companies have been milking all those years? Now funds collected from tobacco companies will flow to the World Health Organization (WHO) in the name of fairness and welfare, of course. Typical Obama mind games: only heathens wouldn't want fairness for the greater good!

 Success will be rewarded with punishment: Obama's Global Tax will impose a tax on billionaires worldwide. Don't be delusional. Not only will this apply to the current slate of 1,600 current billionaires but once the precedent is set, it will also gradually take hold deeper, covering more and more Americans. Funds will go straight into the dirty hands of the globalists—not to U.S. citizens!

 International organizations will loot U.S. mineral/oil & gas reserves:Under the Law of the Sea Treaty, which is up for Senate ratification, offshore oil-and-gas wells would have to pay an enormous proportion of their revenues to the International Seabed Authority. Guess where the money would go? To the Third World, of course!

 Global warming will become a cash cow: All U.S. and foreign commercial or passenger aircraft flying to Europe will be slammed with a carbon tax. Hidden beneath the guise of fighting climate change, revenues would also go to the Third World to "feed the world!" Who dare say, "No, don't feed the world." Woe to those who do!

Still not convinced? Maybe this will convince you...

 Tax cuts will pave the way for tax redirect: U.S. House Democrat Chris Van Hollen has unveiled an aggressive agenda to boost worker paychecks by shifting significant tax breaks from the wealthiest Americans to the middle class. What's the catch? When inflation hits, every U.S. citizen will be a billionaire...but unable to buy bread!

 Cutting back now to take later: "Praise Obama," the masses will say, "Thank you oh savior for the "paycheck bonus"—a tax credit of $1,000 for individuals making less than $100,000 a year and $2,000 for married couples making less than $200,000 as well as a $250 bonus for people who save at l east $500 of this credit every year. The truth: They're priming the pump to install the Obama Global Tax Plot.

 Stripping corporations of profits: Under the plan for mass destruction,   corporate tax deductions of bonuses paid to executives in excess of $1 million would be limited—unless companies can show their workers are getting pay raises that reflect productivity and cost-of-living changes. The truth: Strip the rich so they can’t reinvest into America!

 Tax the rich and pave the way for the Obama Global Tax Plot: Van Hollen's plan cuts back tax breaks for the top 1 percent of earners in the United States. It also includes a 0.1 percent tax on stock trades, mostly from high-volume transactions. He said the tax would raise tens of billions of dollars each year. The truth: The tens of billions in tax dollars will flow to foreign entities not U.S. citizens!
When inflation hits every America will be considered a “high roller’ but can’t even buy bread and milk. Please do not sit there and think you will leave it to someone else to deal with. That's a cop-out.

 Kill internet speech and keep you uninformed: Recent Islamic attacks will lead to more draconian legislation over free speech and the right to communicate without interference by the state. Crushing free internet speech means silencing the Tea Party and Patriot voice just as Obama installs his global tax scheme! Freedom-loving U.S. citizens will have their voices silenced as they watch the Obama Global Tax Plot installed!

The jig is up! Obama is about to destroy America from the inside... and he is using the U.S. tax system to do it!
Obama is dead set on executing his Obama Global Tax Plot, complying with the U.N. money grabbing scheme and pushing his One World agenda. Congress will be forced to be his b*tch, carrying out his bidding. Think I’m kidding? How do you explain John Boehner’s sudden political left turn and the penalizing of Tea Party Congressmen?
Here’s the kicker: Obama and his newly converted, confused Republicans will continue with the evil Obama Global Tax Plot in spite of the pain and hardship it inflicts and even despite the mass destruction it brings.
Mr. Messiah has it all mapped out.
When Patriots speak up then it will be the fault of the Tea Party targeting Obama because he is "black" and "only trying to help the American people change." You and I both know that is the biggest crock of bull sh*t ever!

That is why the time has come for a...
No Holds Barred, B*lls to the Wall
If you're at all like me then you are probably mad as hell with this atrocious excuse of a president in the White House—a vile deranged man with a sinister plan who has gone mad, intoxicated on power.
Dr. Savage and other high ranking patriots are right when they say: ...this country is no longer a republic. It is an oligarchy: A government of the powerful, by the powerful, for the powerful.”

Patriots you MUST prepare now...or else!
Where will the uprising start? Who will be the Patriot that steps forward and demands: “This far and no further”? Will Patriots secretly infiltrate Republican and Democrat parties so they can take them over from the inside or just cause division within their ranks? These questions will be answered as history unfolds. What I can tell you is this:
Another Lexington and Concord is coming, but this time it’s going to be in your backyard!

Buckle up, it's going to get insane...
The uprising is imminent and we desperately need your help!
I'm going to share our plan with you and show you how you can be part of it. First...
Do you have my back? I have to know. You know all those rallies, protests, demonstrations, marches, letters, faxes, phone calls and clandestine operations that we have in place? All that was because of good Patriots like you. If you do nothing to help us you can kiss it all goodbye. It is more urgent than you realize because...

We recently discovered that the Democrats weren’t defeated in this last November. No, they converted the Republican Party to their socialist agenda!
Now Obama can take America out completely—he'll have NO opposition. His final phase is here.
So what are we doing? We've created a message so powerful it'll rock the Obama socialists—stop them dead in their tracks. The Tea Party conservative congressmen voted in this last election are in place, ready to protect America...but we need you.

Are you with me?
Please, say YES! We have a strategy that could stop the Obama Global Tax Plot cold. Although America has been torched, she will rise from the ashes to new glory through our Tea Party Uprising!
All of this scares the h#& out of me and it should you, too.
Tea Party caucus, millions of Tea Party members, true conservative Republicans, independents, Patriots, libertarians, retired military...we must come together to stop this madman in the White House and his Global Tax Plot.
The Tea Party strategy is bold and brazen and it has a shot at working’s going to take everything we've got to get it done.
Sitting back and expecting someone else to do it is for cowards. That's not an option! It is in your Patriot blood to fight!
I've lost massive amounts of sleep wondering if we're going too far, questioning myself whether to tell you the rest ... but I will. I owe it to you and to America: a downright dirty fight is coming. Obama started it, but by-damn the Tea Party will finish it.
Understand that our uprising could throw America into chaos. History may well show that this uprising sparked the next Revolutionary War!
Civil unrest, gun confiscation and fistfights on the floor of Congress could erupt.
Rivers of blood could run in the street.
Congress could be turned into a bar room brawl and all I can say is: They did it to themselves.
We are enlisting brave Patriots for the uprising now!
We will demand Obama Global Tax Plot be exposed for what it really is—
a wealth-stripping scam perpetrated upon the American people!
Let me ask you this:
Why would Obama want to reform our tax system?
Why would Obama give the U.N. the green light to start collecting international tax money?
Why would Obama build the Obama Global Tax system right under our noses?
Why would Obama refuse to appear concerned about a Tea Party Uprising?
Because the king is taking his last stand before he leaves office! This is his last chance to convert America into a 3rd world nation and redistribute our wealth!
We must stop the Obama Global Tax Plot at all costs! Can you help...please? I don't beg but today I am begging you. 
We will deliver it to all 100 senators and 435 members of the House of Representatives and tell them we refuse to let Obama take America from us!
Please, I pray to God that I can count on you in this dire time of need.
In case you do not understand the critical nature of this call to ranks let me tell you...
Massive numbers of letters, emails and faxes must go out in addition to hundreds of thousands of TEA PARTY UPRISING PLEDGES.
The number of phone calls we have to make around the country is astounding. It takes more than an army to get all of this done and a mind-boggling amount of money.

sign the TEA PARTY UPRISING PLEDGE without delay. I already signed it and I would like to see your name right next to mine. We have a lot of work to do and every day the fight grows more intense.
Just when you think it cannot possibly get any worse, Obama commits another egregious act more horrifying than the last.
Obama and his minion army are coming on strong even after the Tea Party wins in the last election. It will be tough but our strategy will work. Ready?
I knew I could count on you! God bless you. Remember, here is what I need you to do:
 Sign the TEA PARTY UPRISING PLEDGE now right here!
#2. Email the 
TEA PARTY UPRISING PLEDGE right away to your friends and family so they can sign it, too!
Donate whatever you can to help rebuild the Tea Party war chest so we can continue the fight to save America.

Be a part of the surge! Sign the TEA PARTY UPRISING PLEDGE right awayso we can unload them on all 100 Senators and all 435 members of the House of Representatives immediately. We are going to create a massive avalanche they can't ignore.
Hurry, time is running out! Stop the hemorrhaging of America, the people and whatever monetary resources we still have left. Look...
I have to raise $201,515 in the next 15 days and I need everyone’s help to do it
Every time we engage the enemy it siphons money out of our war chest. We been under attack by Obama’s socialist buddies, confused Republicans, the IRS—and now we face the new threat of Obama unleashed with nothing to lose.

What can you do?
Sit down and give the most generous donation you can to help me send this powerful Congressional Warning to all 100 Senators and 435 members of the House of Representatives.
Please. You, the grassroots—mom and pop America—are the heart and soul of this country. Help me 
rebuild the Tea Party war chest and get ready to win this next battle—just like we did in November.
Whatever you can send will be used in our Tea Party war chest to rescue America and turn back the vile forces of those who want to take over our government, destroy our Constitution and obliterate our freedom, liberty and justice.
Please sign the TEA PARTY UPRISING PLEDGE and give your best donation today without delay. Be part of this historic uprising!
Obama’s pulling out all the stops. He has nothing to lose in his final phase of destruction. I know we can do this together—prove me right!
We won many significant battles since the traitor came into office. It’s time to finish this war once and for all—take no prisoners.
Are you a brave warrior?
God bless you and your family.

Steve Eichler,
CEO, Tea Party

WATCH: When Democrat Focus Group is Asked What was Hillary Clinton’s Greatest Accomplishment as Sec. of State, This is What They Came up With

Posted on May 20, 2015
Freaking hilarious.
This isn’t some right-wing man on the street trying to make Democrats look bad. Rather this is Mark Halperin who went to Iowa and sat down with a focus group of Hillary Clinton supporters. And when he asked these supporters of Clinton what her accomplishments were as Secretary of State, they were all stumped.
But even more than that, listen to how they describer her. It’s all fluff. There’s nothing really substantive in their praise or her as a candidate and the guy at the end boils it all down for us.
Read more:

Al Qaeda-Benghazi link known day after attack according to new report

By FARS News Agency 
The day after the deadly Sept. 11, 2012, attack on the U.S. compound in Benghazi, Libya, the Defense Intelligence Agency concluded the assault had been planned 10 days earlier by an al-Qaeda affiliate, according to documents released by conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch.
"The attack on the American consulate in Benghazi was planned and executed by The Brigades of the Captive Omar Abdul Rahman," said a preliminary intelligence report by the Defense Intelligence Agency, obtained through a lawsuit following a Freedom of Information Act request.
The group, which also conducted attacks against the Red Cross in Benghazi, was established by Abdul Baset Azuz, a "violent radical" sent by al-Qaeda to set up bases in Libya, the defense agency report said. The attack was planned on Sept. 1, 2012, with the intent "to kill as many Americans as possible to seek revenge" for the killing of a militant in Pakistan and to memorialize the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, the report said. Four Americans were killed in the Benghazi attack, including U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens.
The incident became politically controversial because the White House initially described the attack as the result of a spontaneous protest. Republican critics said the White House intentionally played down that it was a terrorist attack, because it occurred so close to President Obama's re-election.
Then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who's now seeking the Democratic presidential nomination, was to appear this week before the House Select Committee on Benghazi, but the hearing was canceled after Clinton and the committee chairman, Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., failed to agree on whether all the documents Gowdy requested had been given to the panel.
Other documents released by Judicial Watch show that U.S. personnel in Libya had been monitoring weapons transfers from Benghazi to opposition forces in Syria, where al-Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood had taken the lead against Syrian PresidentBashar Assad in that country's civil war. In late August 2012, the weapons included 500 sniper rifles, 300 rocket-propelled grenades and 400 howitzer missiles sent to small Syrian ports that handle little cargo, according to one of the reports.
The documents also predicted "dire consequences" of the Syrian civil war: that al-Qaeda's well-established network in Syria, together with the ongoing conflict there and the influx of weapons and fighters, would lead to a resurgence for al-Qaeda in Iraq. That group, which had been defeated in Iraq by U.S. forces allied with Sunni tribes, did make a resurgence last year, when it broke with al-Qaeda, changed its name to the Islamic State and conquered huge swaths of Iraq and Syria.

Louisiana Governor Issues Executive Order Protecting Religious Liberty!

 by Onan Coca 
Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal (R-LA) is stepping out and taking a chance that he might stir up some controversy for himself. On Tuesday he announced that he was issuing an Executive Order to protect religious liberty in the state of Louisiana. On the heels of several legal attacks on Christian business owners, the conservative Governor chose to preempt any such issue in Louisiana to make it clear that religious liberty trumps a person’s desire to force someone to act against their closely held religious beliefs.
Is Gov. Jindal's Executive Order legitimate? Keep in mind that in 2004 the voters of Louisiana voted into law Louisiana Constitutional Amendment 1 as an amendment to the Louisiana Constitution that makes it unconstitutional for the state to recognize or perform same-sex marriages or civil unions.
The referendum was approved by 78% of the voters.
Here’s what Governor Jindal had to say about the Executive Order:
Following the House Civil Law and Procedure Committee’s decision to return the Louisiana Marriage and Conscience Act to the calendar, Governor Bobby Jindal issued an Executive Order to protect religious liberty and prevent the state from discriminating against those with deeply held religious beliefs.
Governor Jindal said, “In Louisiana, the state should not be able to take adverse action against a person for their belief in traditional marriage. 
"That’s why I’m issuing an Executive Order to prevent the state from discriminating against people, charities and family-owned businesses with deeply held religious beliefs that marriage is between one man and one woman.
"We don’t support discrimination in Louisiana and we do support religious liberty. These two values can be upheld at the same time.
"Indeed, we celebrate diversity of belief in Louisiana. Diversity of belief and religious liberty are the foundation of our law and Constitution and they should be protected. As long as I’m Governor, we will fight to protect religious liberty and not apologize for it."
Representative Mike Johnson said, "I applaud Governor Jindal for this Executive Order.  This Executive Order will go a long way to preserve the most fundamental freedom of all Louisianians which is our religious liberty.  As was just mentioned a few weeks ago in oral arguments at the U.S. Supreme Court, it is incumbent upon every state to address this important issue as soon as possible.  This is a good resolution for our state for now and we intend to bring this legislation again at the earliest opportunity."

En mi opinión

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