Saturday, May 16, 2015

No 950 "En mi opinion" Mayo 16, 2015

No 950   “En mi opinión”  Mayo 16, 2015

AMENPER: ¿Y quién le hará saber lo que después de él será?
Vanidad y orgullo son cosas distintas, aunque las palabras a menudo se utilizan como sinónimos.
Una persona puede ser o estar orgullosa sin ser vanidoso.
Orgullo refiere más a nuestra opinión de nosotros mismos; a la satisfacción de la labor que realizamos, al amor a la patria donde nacimos o vivimos a nuestra conducta con nuestros semejantes.
Vanidad se refiere a lo que quisiéramos que otras personas pensaran de nosotros, se refiere no como el orgullo a lo que somos, pero a lo que quisiéramos ser y que queremos aparentar que somos.
El orgullo se relaciona con una estima propia, la vanidad se relaciona con la envida.
El sabio rey de Israel Salomón escribió en su libro Eclesiastés, que se encuentra en el antiguo testamento de la Biblia
 ¡Que el hombre trabaje con sabiduría, y con ciencia y con rectitud, y que haya de dar su hacienda a hombre que nunca trabajó en ello! También es esto vanidad y mal grande.
Desde los tiempos de Salomón, la envidia vanidosa ha existido en el mundo, es una motivación opuesta al amor pero de la misma intensidad.
Por la vanidad y la envidia se mantiene vigente una filosofía como el socialismo, que ha fracasado donde se ha adoptado, que debía de haber sido relegada al basurero de la historia.  Pero persiste, y es posible por la vanidad de la envidia. Como bien decía el sabio Salomón, esto es vanidad y mal grande.
Tenemos como presidente de los Estados Unidos una persona que es extremadamente vanidosa.  La vanidad hay veces que surge de un complejo de inferioridad, con la vanidad el individuo trata de compensar sus deficiencias. Entonces se manifiesta como un tipo de arrogancia, engreimiento, una expresión exagerada de la soberbia.  Obama creció en un ambiente mixto y confuso, con un padre negro que abandonó a su madre blanca, creciendo mestizo en un medio blanco con abuelos blancos. Después con padrastros, todos musulmanes y comunistas. Cuando viene a estudiar al continente, se encuentra con la élite de una universidad prestigiosa, se tiene que sentir inferior, y esto sólo se supera con la fuerza que produce la envidia y la vanidad.
A Barack Hussein Obama no se le puede contradecir, no acepta críticas, cualquier persona que se atreva a criticarlo trata de destruirlo, no de discutir la posible validez de la crítica. 
Vanidoso es Fidel Castro, lo eran Napoleón, Hitler y todos los dictadores, compensan sus frustraciones personales oprimiendo a los demás.
Pero esto no es nada nuevo, ya Salomón nos lo dijo en Eclesiastés:
Me volví y vi todas las violencias que se hacen debajo del sol; y he aquí las lágrimas de los oprimidos, sin tener quien los consuele; y la fuerza estaba en la mano de sus opresores, y para ellos no había consolador.
4:2 Y alabé yo a los finados, los que ya murieron, más que a los vivientes, los que viven todavía.
4:3 Y tuve por más feliz que unos y otros al que no ha sido aún, que no ha visto las malas obras que debajo del sol se hacen.
4:4 He visto asimismo que todo trabajo y toda excelencia de obras despiertan la envidia del hombre contra su prójimo. También esto es vanidad y aflicción de espíritu.
Los tiranos son movidos por intereses pero el motor que los mantiene en su labor opresora es la vanidad.
Ellos en su vanidad consideran que la repartición de la riqueza que utilizan para justificar la opresión, es lo justo, creen que lo que decía el sabio Salomón estaba equivocado:
5:18 He aquí, pues, el bien que yo he visto: que lo bueno es comer y beber, y gozar uno del bien de todo su trabajo con que se fatiga debajo del sol, todos los días de su vida que Dios le ha dado; porque esta es su parte.
5:19 Asimismo, a todo hombre a quien Dios da riquezas y bienes, y le da también facultad para que coma de ellas, y tome su parte, y goce de su trabajo, esto es don de Dios.
6:1 Hay un mal que he visto debajo del cielo, y muy común entre los hombres:
6:2 El del hombre a quien Dios da riquezas y bienes y honra, y nada le falta de todo lo que su alma desea; pero Dios no le da facultad de disfrutar de ello, sino que lo disfrutan los extraños. Esto es vanidad, y mal doloroso.
Pero Salomón en su sabiduría reconoció lo que Dios quiere del hombre, y es que se gane el sustento con su trabajo, no que dependa de otros cuando es posible depender de él mismo.
Pero también Salomón dice… 7:29 He aquí, solamente esto he hallado: que Dios hizo al hombre recto, pero ellos buscaron muchas perversiones.
Así que tenemos que oír también el consejo de esperanza que nos ofrece Salomón:
9:4 Aún hay esperanza para todo aquel que está entre los vivos; porque mejor es perro vivo que león muerto.
9:5 Porque los que viven saben que han de morir; pero los muertos nada saben, ni tienen más paga; porque su memoria es puesta en olvido.
9:6 También su amor y su odio y su envidia fenecieron ya; y nunca más tendrán parte en todo lo que se hace debajo del sol.
9:7 Anda, y come tu pan con gozo, y bebe tu vino con alegre corazón; porque tus obras ya son agradables a Dios.
Después al final, todo pasa bajo el sol, todos los hombres pasan nada es eterno, todos los dictadores del pasado, pasaron al basurero de la historia menos los Castro, pero le queda poco, y ¿De qué le sirvió su minuto de vanidad?
Esto es lo que nos dice Salomón.. 10:12 Las palabras de la boca del sabio son llenas de gracia, más los labios del necio causan su propia ruina.
10:13 El principio de las palabras de su boca es necedad; y el fin de su charla, nocivo desvarío.
10:14 El necio multiplica palabras, aunque no sabe nadie lo que ha de ser;
¿Y quién le hará saber lo que después de él será?

House Won’t Allow ‘Dreamers’ To Enlist In Military

The lower chamber voted 221 to 202.
The House rejected a provision Thursday that would have allowed illegal immigrant “Dreamers” to enlist in the military.
The lower chamber voted 221 to 202 to not add the Dreamer language in a comprehensive defense spending bill. All of the ‘no’ votes came from the GOP, though 20 Republicans crossed the aisle to vote for the measure, The Washington Times reported.


“It makes no sense to me that, at the same time the Army is downsizing and issuing pink slips to American soldiers serving in Afghanistan, there are Congressmen who seek to help illegal aliens deprive American citizens and lawful immigrants of military service opportunities,” Rep. Mo Brooks, R-Ala., said in astatement after the vote. Brooks led the charge against against the language:
I’m pleased the House chose to stand up for American citizens and protect the Constitutional duty of Congress to set immigration law.
Today’s vote was the fourth rejection of the President’s unconstitutional DACA program, with Republicans overwhelmingly standing up for the will of the American people and the citizens and lawful immigrants who want to serve our country.


The language was presented by Rep. Ruben Gallego, D-Ariz., a former Marine who served in Iraq. While he acknowledged the measure had little chance of clearing the Republican-controlled House, he attacked his opponents in a press release Thursday:
DREAMers are talented and patriotic; they are Americans in every way except on paper, and our country would benefit from having them as part of our Armed Forces.
The strength of our military isn’t just measured by the size of our arsenal or by the sophistication of our weapons but by the quality of our people. I would have been proud to serve beside these young men and women.
“This is yet another example of an anti-immigrant attitude on the part of House Republicans,” said House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi,” D-Calif. The $612 billion defense bill was approved 269 to 151 Friday. The Hillbreaks down the details of the bill:
The bill keeps ceilings on defense spending in place under the 2011 budget deal that introduced sequestration spending limits, but would increase funding to the Pentagon’s war fund.
The legislation authorizes roughly $523 billion in base Defense Department spending. Another $90 billion is included in the war fund, formally known as the Overseas Contingency Operations fund.
It includes $38 billion more for the war fund than had been requested by the White House. The extra spending is not offset by spending cuts or tax hikes.
The White House also opposes language in the bill meant to prevent the closing of Guantanamo Bay.
Do you support Mo Brooks? Share your thoughts in the comments section.

AMENPER: Researchers discover world's first warm-blooded fish
Scientists at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration have discovered the world’s first warm-blooded fish – the opah.
Researchers discovered that the fish circulates heated blood through its body much like mammals and birds by constantly flapping its fins to move around. The fish is able to flap its winglike pectoral fins to move forward, unlike most fish. Its pectoral muscle is insulated from the cold water by a layer of fat.
The fish has genital organs similar of those of mammals as humans..
Live Science reports that during the NOAA’s study of the fish, researchers attached temperature sensors and satellite tags to the opah that allowed them to track its movements for eight months. The scientists monitored its body temperature as the fish dove down into cooler parts of the water.
Scientists found that no matter what temperature the fish was at, it stayed five degrees cooler than the surrounding water.
The fish is able to increase the temperature of its genital organ which helps to have sexual intercourse similar to humans.

De la canción "Y el dinero sigue rodando para dentro y para fuera"  del el musical "Evita" estrenado en el año 1978:

Y el dinero seguía rodando para cada lado
Y las bonitas manos de Evita lo buscaron y lo alcanzaron
Ahora usted puede sentir que debería haber sido una causa voluntaria
Pero ese no es el punto, mis amigos.
Cuando el dinero sigue entrando, no preguntes cómo
Creo que viene de todas las personas que garanticen un buen momento
Eva llama a los hambrientos a ella, abre la puerta!
Nunca hubo un fondo como la Fundación Eva Perón. . . .
Y el dinero seguía rodando hacia fuera en todas direcciones,
A los pobres, a los débiles, a los desposeídos de todas las clases
Ahora los cínicos reclamos de que  un poco del dinero ha perdido el rumbo
Pero ese no es el punto, mis amigos.
Cuando el dinero sigue saliendo, no te ocupes
Dices que has hecho bien por lo que la gente se ve feliz, agradecida
Contadores sólo hacen lenta las cosas, los números son un estorbo.
Nunca había sido una dama amada tanto como Eva Perón!

House Overwhelmingly Passes Bipartisan Bill To Hold Obama Accountable

Assuming the bill is signed into law, two-thirds of each chamber must vote against any deal put forth by the president to strike it down.
The House overwhelmingly passed a bill Thursday that would give Congress a say in nuclear negotiations between President Obama, Iran, and other world leaders.
The “Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act” was passed 400 to 25 by the House Thursday, with only 19 Republicans and six Democrats voting against the legislation. The Senate voted 98 to 1 in favor of the bill last week.                                                                              RELATED STORIES
The bill, which now heads to the White House for Obama’s signature, requires the president to submit any nuclear deal with Iran to Congress before any sanctions can be lifted. It has a veto-proof majority in both houses.
“Only a strong agreement that is verifiable and enforceable can truly hold Iran accountable and halt their nuclear ambitions,” said Sen. Bob Corker, R-Tenn., chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, after the vote. Corker, along with Sen. Bob Menendez, D-N.J., sponsored the bill in the Senate.
As the major world powers work toward a final agreement, it is important our negotiators remain clear-eyed. Enacting this bill into law will send a clear signal to Iran that Congress will play a role, which can give our negotiators an even stronger hand at the table and slow the administration from rushing headlong into a bad deal.


“This is why Congress must have a role in reviewing any potential deal the president cuts with Iran. The American people are worried – and America’s allies are worried – that the White House will do anything to get one. So my colleagues and I have one goal: stop a bad deal. The bipartisan legislation the House passed today is the only way Congress will have that opportunity,” said House Speaker John Boehner in a statementThursday.
As The Blaze points out, Obama did not want this bill passed at all, but relented once both parties came to terms in the Senate. Assuming the bill is signed into law, two-thirds of each chamber must vote against any deal put forth by the president to strike it down.

Boehner And McConnell Conspire With Obama To Sell Us Out To The UN 

Western Center for Journalism via 

"Congress, Led By Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) And Speaker John Boehner (R-OH), Is Preparing To Betray American Workers..." -Phyllis Schlafly

       Schlafly is talking about plans by Barack Obama, GOP elites, internationalists, globalists and corporate fat-cats to"fast-track" trade authority for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) through Congress - a scheme, as Schlafly puts it, to turn over "our authority as a sovereign nation to international authorities." 

       But TPP isn't simply a betrayal of American workers... it's the mother of all betrayals... a betrayal that touches us all and is full of secret provisions that will: 1) give Barack Obama unprecedented and extra-Constitutional powers, 2) kill millions of American jobs, 3) subvert our national sovereignty to international authorities, 4) open the floodgates to even more illegal aliens and 5) place the United States under the tyrannical thumb of the United Nations. 

       And... as hard as it may be to believe... a number of Republican sellouts, led by Mitch McConnell and John Boehner, have locked arms with Barack Obama and are secretly trying to railroad this trade authority through Congress in a matter of days... before you are any the wiser... before you have a chance to even raise an objection...
and we we're not about to let them get away with it... not without a fight. 

Welcome To The New World Order Brought To You By Mitch McConnell, John Boehner And Barack Hussein Obama... And It's All Being Done In Secret.

       If you've been following the news, you're probably under the false impression that TPP is dead because Senate Democrats staged a filibuster on the trade authority bill in order to force even more concessions on the American people. 

       But what you may not have heard is that 24 hours after the filibuster, Mitch McConnell and Harry Reid emerged from behind closed doors to announce that they have reached a "deal." 

       CNN reports: "Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and top Democrat Harry Reid announced the deal on the Senate floor on Wednesday afternoon ... Debate on the trade promotion authority bill is expected this week with a vote on final passage expected sometime next week, according to aides involved with the issue." 

       But here's the kicker. Few even know what is contained in the TPP provisions because it is LITERALLY being kept under lock and key. 

       Conservative icon Gary Bauer recently said: "[W]e have no idea what is in this deal. The American people cannot see it. It is classified, literally kept under lock and key in the basement of Capitol Hill. Members of Congress who want to read the bill cannot bring staff, must surrender their smartphones and cannot take notes when they leave Obama's chamber of trade secrets." 

       You read that right. In a matter of days, federal legislators will attempt to ramrod trade authority for Barack Obama on a secret international trade treaty, that few have bothered to read, through Congress. 

       If TPP is so good for America, then why is it a secret? ... If TPP is so good for America, why are the political elites trying to railroad trade authority through Congress before people realize that it is not dead? 

       Fortunately for us, some Members of Congress did take the time to go down to the vaulted-room in the Capitol Hill basement to read the provisions and they are sounding the alarm, 
and now, it's up to you to press our elected leaders to reject this idiocy.

Subverting Our Sovereignty For The Benefit Of Globalists Is Not Free Trade... It Is Tyranny.

       If you're having a hard time believing that TPP will cost Americans jobs and give Barack Obama unprecedented powers... if you're having a hard time believing that TPP is nothing more than a concession to a globalist and international oligarchy that will cost us our sovereignty, our freedom and millions of American jobs... don't take our word for it. 

       Here's more of what Phyllis Schlafly says about TPP: 

- The text of TPP emphasizes that it is a "living agreement." Translated out of bureaucratese code language, that means the text of TPP can be changed in major and minor ways by executive action after Congress passes the document. 

- TPP will facilitate the expanded movement of foreign workers into the United States. TPP opens the door to more waves of illegal immigrants and allows Obama to make future changes without any congressional oversight or expiration date. 

- Kevin L. Kearns of the U.S. Business and Industry Council calls this "another power grab" that will let Obama and his employees rule by executive action. By the device of not calling TPP a treaty (even though it involves 12 countries on three continents), the globalists induce the Senate to abandon the 67-vote threshold for treaty ratification and even the 60-vote threshold for important legislation. 

- Fast Track turns over some of our authority as a sovereign nation to international authorities, which is a major longtime goal of the internationalists, the so-called kingmakers and big business lobbyists. The code language that hides this in TPP is the statement that calls it a "living agreement." 

       Giving Barack Obama, a man who has repeatedly shown his hatred for this country and a willingness to subvert our Constitution, such broad powers is like giving an arsonist a book of matches and a can of gasoline. 

       Boehner, McConnell and their RINO cohorts are either delusional, corrupt or both. 

       One thing is certain. The American 
people did not give Republicans a majority in both House of Congress last November so that they could help Barack Obama destroy the United States as we know it... and it's high time that they got the message.

Schlafly Is Not Alone. Here's What Others Are Saying...

       Do you remember those futuristic sci-fi movies from years back that depicted what was once the United States (and the rest of the world) as being secretly ruled by an oligarchy of international corporations and political elites? 

       Well, what was once fiction could become fact in short order. Under the guise of"free trade," our elected officials are about to willingly cede their Constitutional authority and hand our national sovereignty over to Barack Obama and an oligarchy of international corporations. 

       And amazingly, the hard left, in many cases, actually agrees with patriotic Americans when it comes to TPP. 

       Here's what others, on both sides of the political divide, are saying: 

       - We don't create good jobs for Americans by entering into unbalanced trade deals that forgo congressional scrutiny and ignore the law only to import low-wage labor, undercut American workers, and drive wages lower than the Dead Sea. The Obama administration has fooled and failed the American people for far too long. I cannot support giving this administration trade promotion authority (TPA) for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). ... Personally, I wouldn't trust this administration to negotiate a deal on a secondhand Subaru. -Mike Huckabee 

- It is simply unbelievable that anybody — and most especially GOP lawmakers — would even contemplate giving this president so-called "Fast-Track Authority" on the TPP. His serial failures to negotiate fair prisoner swaps, sound arms control agreements or sensible diplomatic normalizations neither inspires confidence nor warrants Congress turning its check-and-balance role into a blank check. -Frank Gaffney 

- Such pacts used to be called "free-trade agreements"; in fact, they were managed trade agreements, tailored to corporate interests, largely in the U.S. and the European Union. -Joseph E. Stiglitz, MarketWatch, The Secret Corporate Takeover Hidden In The TPP 

- Free trade deals are about profits for corporate America — not bus drivers, hotel workers, teachers, firefighters — real working people. -Larry Hanley, international president of the Amalgamated Transit Union 

- The president has circumvented Congress on immigration with serial regularity. But the TPA would yield new power to the executive to alter admissions while subtracting Congressional checks against those actions.... The plain language of TPA provides avenues for Obama and trading partners to facilitate the expanded movement of foreign workers into the U.S. -Senator Jeff Sessions 

- I'm for free trade, but I am not for giving more authority to a president who ignores the Constitution, the separation of powers and will of the American people. This particular president must not be given any more power to do anything else to harm this country. He cannot be trusted. -Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal 

       Sadly, Barack Obama and political elites within the GOP have finally reached consensus on an issue: What is good for international globalists and multi-national corporations is good for them and they're willing to give their fat-cat friends lavish gifts even if they must violate the Constitution, give a wanna-be dictator even more power and surrender our sovereignty to make it happen. 

       We can't allow Mitch McConnell and John Boehner to give Barack Obama a blank check to destroy our great nation. They must be stopped and 
the only thing that can stop them is an avalanche of calls and faxes from Americans that lets them know - in no uncertain terms - that we are on to their little game. 

Floid Brown                                                                                                                                                  The  Western Center for Journalism is a 501©3 educational organization. Contributions are tax-deductible as allowed by IRS regulations. Personal and corporate contributions are allowed.


Refrescando la Historia: La Fortuna de Fidel Castro

15 de mayo, 2015

Fidel Castro, es el séptimo mandatario más adinerado del mundo, según reportó el último  ‘ranking’ realizado por la revista Forbes, que busca destacar a los 10 gobernantes más ricos del planeta.
Con una fortuna evaluada en U$ 900 millones, éste se ubica por encima las Reinas, Isabel de Inglaterra y Beatriz de Holanda.
Sin embargo, no supera a la riqueza del fallecido Rey de Arabia Saudita, Abdullah Bin Abdelaziz, quien se ubica en el primer lugar de la tabla con U$ 21 mil millones, seguido por el Sultán de Brunei, Hassanal Bolkiah, con U$ 20 mil millones; la del Presidente de Emiratos Árabes Unidos, Jalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan con U$ 19 mil millones; el Emir de Dubai, Mohamad bin Rachid con U$ 14 mil millones, la del Príncipe de Liechtenstein, Hans-Adam, con U$ 4 mil millones, ni la del Príncipe de Mónaco, Alberto II con mil millones de dólares.
A pesar de eso, lo asombroso del estudio es que Castro reune más dinero que el Presidente africano de Guinea Ecuatorial, Teodoro Obiang, quien alcanza los U$ 600 millones; la Reina Isabel II de Inglaterra, con U$ 500 millones y finalmente la Reina Beatriz de Holanda, con U$ 270 millones .¿Cómo se explica la riqueza de Castro?
Para los creadores del ‘ranking’, la fortuna de Fidel Castro ha crecido enormemente en los últimos años, dado que en 2003 tan sólo se le calculaba una riqueza de U$ 110 millones. Dos años después, llegó a tener U$ 550 millones (una suma cinco veces superior). Según Forbes, el patrimonio del dictador cubano casi se duplicó hasta llegar a los 900 millones de dólares.
“Suponemos que él tiene el control económico sobre una red de compañías estatales que incluye el Palacio de Convenciones, Cimex, tiendas al por menor y Medicuba, que vende vacunas y otros productos farmacéuticos producidos en Cuba”; pues según expertos, esta sería la única forma en la que el mandatario reuna dicha cifra.
La inclusión del nombre de Castro en la lista tuvo una dura respuesta por parte del Gobierno cubano, al afirmar que tomaría acciones legales contra lo que consideraba una “infamia”.
‘EMO’ Ami no me interesa quien heredara ese dinero robado por el su pájaro hermano y otros desagradable miembros de su cochina familia y otros atlateres. Lo que yo creo es que ese dinero debe ser devuelto al pueblo cubano en cuba, que es el que ha sido esquilmado por ese asesino  mentiroso, descarado e hijo de puta (literalmente) … Lázaro R González Miño

En mi opinión

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