Thursday, October 30, 2014

No 781 "En mi opinion" Octubre 30, 2014

No 781 “En mi opinión”  Octubre 30, 2014

“IN GOD WE TRUST” Lázaro R González Miño   EDITOR

Encuesta de CNN demuestra que el Partido Demócrata se precipita a una aplastante derrota

• Un 74 por ciento dicen que están  insatisfechos con el gobierno de Obama


MIAMI 28 DE OCTUBRE DE 2014,—Una señal de que el Partido Demócrata se podría estar precipitando hacia una derrota aplastante este 4 de noviembre es una nueva encuesta que demuestra que los votantes están enfadados por cómo va la situación del país.
Un 74 por ciento dicen que están insatisfechos con la forma que Estados Unidos está siendo gobernado, y un 53 por ciento dice que no está contento con el desempeño en el gobierno del Presidente Barack Obama.
La encuesta fue realizada por CNN/ORC Internacional, y señala que un 30 por ciento de los americanos están bien enojados de cómo se está dirigiendo a Estados Unidos, un 38 por ciento dice que están “algo enojados” y un 31 por ciento no opinaron.
Pero es ese segmento de los votantes que están muy enojados es lo que debe tener preocupados a los demócratas antes de la votación del próximo 4 de noviembre.
El encuestador Keating Holland está de acuerdo con esto y dice que este estado de ánimo de los estadounidenses coincide con el asumido en el año 2010 cuando los republicanos asumieron el control del Congreso.
Holland dijo que un 36 por ciento de los republicanos señalan que es extremadamente o muy entusiasmados con las elecciones de este año, aunque solo el 26 por ciento de los demócratas usaron palabras declararon lo mismo.
En los estados del sur, donde los demócratas están luchando para obtener la reelección de sus candidatos  en Arkansas, Luisiana, Carolina del norte  y en Georgia donde hay  una apretada carrera por un escaño vacante y donde el partido republicano está tratando de proteger a líder de la minoría del Senado Mitch McConnell de Kentucky, Obama tiene un índice de desaprobación de un 52 por ciento.
En los estados del oeste, donde los titulares demócratas  están luchando por reelección en  Alaska y Colorado, el índice de desaprobación para el presidente Obama es el 55 por ciento, según señala la encuesta.
Todos esos estados tienen zonas rurales con poblaciones considerables,  donde de acuerdo con los informes de CNN,  el índice de desaprobación para el Presidente, entre esos votantes rurales es de un asombroso 70 por ciento, según demuestra la encuesta.
Con los republicanos esperados arrebatar los escaños democráticos actuales en Montana, Dakota del sur y West Virginia, el partido republicano sólo necesitaría una ganancia neta de tres escaños más para recuperar la mayoría del Senado, dice la encuesta CNN.

Amenper: “Hallowing Conversation”
Red Pumpkin of Halloween and Socialism
(a parody) By Jeff Petermann

Dialogue between Liberty Larry and Barack (Barry) Obama
Barry: “Do you like government handouts and free healthcare?”
Liberty Larry:  “I do not like Obamacare, I do not want it anywhere. I do not like Obamacare, Socialism isn’t fair!”
Barry: “I can give you healthcare at a discounted rate, if you depend on the government your life will be great!”
Liberty Larry:  “You can keep your rate, and keep your plan, you can keep your food stamps and your social programs that you say are grand, I’d rather be free and make my own way, than to have you tell me what to do, buy and say.”
Barry: “I can give you a free phone, and extend your unemployment…taking from producers will give you more enjoyment!”
Liberty Larry:  “If I will make it, I will do it on my own, I do not want others money or your free phones. Socialism equals poverty, did you hear what I said? Barry LET ME BE!”
Barry: “If you work too much, others will agree, it will soon be a crime to be rich you see.”
Liberty Larry:  “The American dream is all I crave, to work hard, pay my own way, and not to be the governments’ slave.”
Barry: “The government doesn’t see you as a slave, we just want you to depend on us from cradle to grave!”
Liberty Larry:  “I do not want your socialism, free lunch at school or healthcare vision, if you look at the world when this has been tried before, it doesn’t end well, this you cannot ignore.”
Barry: “The Republicans, the Republicans! You should blame them for all of the ills of man!”
Liberty Larry:  “But YOU’VE been in charge, these have been YOUR policies, from lying about Fast and Furious, to Benghazi. Why would I want Obamacare, when liberals mouths are moving, I’ve learned to beware! When Barry and Nancy get involved, hard work is penalized and small business gets stalled.”
Barry: “I feel you are giving me and the Dems a really bad wrap, you’ve been listening to Rush, Glenn and all of their crap!”
Liberty Larry:  “A ditto head I am not, and conspiracy theories I shun, but your first four years have been anything but fun! This healthcare plan you say is grand, but you give yourselves an exemption, seems your better than common man?”
Barry: “So Cruz, Rand and Lee would have been a better bet? We’ve fundamentally transformed the nation…(let’s not discuss the growth in debt…)”
Liberty Larry:  “When all is said and done all we need it liberty, leave us alone, do you jobs and keep us the land of the free! At this point, Barry, you’ve done more damage than can be measured, but don’t worry, our relationship with the progressives in DC will soon be severed! Fortunately for us (and you seem to have forgot) the citizens are the boss, and most of us refuse to be bought.”
Barry: “I guess we will see come twenty fourteen…my bet is you are wrong, and soon it will be seen, that America in general votes for the most articulate and believes what we tell them, and with the media as our pet, we will continue to lie, cheat, steal and deceive, until one day you wake up and you won’t even believe that the country you see is the one that way back was founded, to give liberty, protect innocent life, and much sooner would have sounded, the warning trumpet at tyranny like my cronies have begun…you will see, they don’t care, unless they bitterly cling to Freedom, God and guns!
Liberty Larry:  “I pray that you are wrong, but I guess soon we will see, will it be the way of Reid, McCain, and Biden, or will we choose Liberty? Obamacare is the beginning, not the end of this madness, if you think this debacle is bad, get ready for more sadness as the progressives and libs take more of our freedom’s and guns are confiscated, (they will say “you don’t need ‘em!”)

It’s time to wake up…it’s time to stop sleepin’! The dems care only about power, they MUST BE defeated!

Our factions must cease, we must unite and stop bickering! Progressives in DC, you’re on notice we will not let liberties flame die while it’s flickering.

Amenper: Obama “Buena Gente” y El Anillo de Giges…
La leyenda mitológica del Anillo de Giges es mencionada por el filósofo ateniense Platón en el libro II de La república.
Narra la historia de Giges, un pastor que tras una tormenta y un terremoto encontró, en el fondo de un abismo, un caballo de bronce con un cuerpo sin vida en su interior. Este cuerpo tenía un anillo de oro y el pastor decidió quedarse con él. Lo que no sabía Giges es que era un anillo mágico, que cuando le daba la vuelta, le volvía invisible.
En cuanto hubo comprobado estas propiedades del anillo, Giges lo usó para seducir a la reina y, con ayuda de ella, matar al rey, para apoderarse de su reino.
Glaucón (hermano de Platón) hace referencia a esta leyenda para ejemplificar su teoría de que todas las personas por naturaleza son injustas. Sólo son justas por miedo al castigo de la ley o por obtener algún beneficio por ese buen comportamiento.
Lo que implica esta leyenda es que si fuéramos "invisibles" a la ley como Giges con el anillo, seríamos injustos por nuestra naturaleza.
Aunque es una realidad de que el poder corrompe, y que el poder totalitario corrompe totalmente, quizás esta leyenda sea un poco exagerada como todos los ejemplos filosóficos para enfatizar un punto.
Pero es una realidad y es ratificado en las religiones Judea-cristianas, las orientales y en los conceptos laicos, que el ser humano es por naturaleza lleno de vicios, tentaciones con flojedad material, egoísmo, mentiras y ambiciones desmedidas. 
Pero a diferencia de los animales, el hombre es un ser racional, y su naturaleza humana también le hace racionalizar que debe combatir y corregir los vicios de su naturaleza y ahí está la diferencia de los diferentes seres humanos en la sociedad ,
Hay quienes por convicciones de valores morales o por cumplimiento de las leyes, tratan y logran llevar un estado de vida con el que pueden vivir en paz con los demás y con ellos mismos.
Estos son los que llamamos coloquialmente “buena gente”
Pero los hay que prefieren dejarse llevar por su naturaleza, su egoísmo, y todo en la vida se centra en lo que quieren obtener sin importarle los demás.
Y hay otro tipo de personas que han sofisticado su maldad, inventando religiones como el Islam en que justifican su maldad bajo el manto religioso o el sistema comunista que es intrínsecamente perverso, y justifica su perversidad bajo el manto de justicia social, creando una casta superior que esclaviza a los que caen bajo poder totalitario, corrompiendo su poder totalmente.
La tiranía comunista es un ejemplo del Anillo de Giges, se invisibilizan bajo el anillo de su sistema con sus cómplices, se invisibilizan con la complicidad de los medios de comunicación que controlan, se invisibilizan con sus falsas doctrinas.
Pero como la invisibilidad que produce el anillo de Giges es un mito, una leyenda metafórica, no real, los podemos reconocer aunque se escondan bajo sus justificaciones políticas o religiosas.
Esto nos lleva a una persona de importancia en nuestra vida actual, nuestro presidente.
¿Es Obama “buena gente? ¿Es Obama un hombre justo?
El presidente Barack Obama no es un "buena gente", no importa que hasta algunos de sus enemigos nos lo repitan.
Esta percepción es una ilusión. Pero es una ilusión una invisibilidad de su persona como bajo el hechizo del anillo de Giges, una ilusión muy peligrosa,  porque ha permitido a nuestro presidente para hacer avanzar su agenda de militancia izquierdista.
Porque  si el hombre injusto es reconocido como tal, y luego otros podrán no sólo despojarlo de la posibilidad de tratarlos injustamente; así como él podría enfrentar castigo legal. 
Pero si no es reconocido como injusto entonces somos víctimas de su injusticia.
El verdadero punto de Glaucón es claro. Mientras una persona se considera por todos que es justo, su carácter injusto es esencialmente invisible. Entonces tiene la capacidad y la voluntad de perseguir su agenda a toda costa, tratando injustamente a los demás.
Así, la injusticia es mejor que la justicia, y la persona injusta es mejor que la persona justa, pero sólo--mientras dure la injusticia sin ser detectada.
Cuando Obama se convirtió en el primer presidente estadounidense negro, parecía que el planeta entero estalló en éxtasis.
Y los republicanos se fueron junto con él, a unirse a la celebración de esta elección "histórica".
La elección de Obama a la oficina de la Presidencia prometió redimir América de su accidentada historia racial. Iba a ser nuestro primer presidente "post racial", un político bipartidista que daría paso a un nuevo milenio lleno de esperanza y cambio."
Pero Obama enfáticamente no era ni es una buena gente. Algunos de nosotros, aquellos de nosotros que realmente estudiamos el pasado de Obama--siempre hemos sabido esto. 
Sabíamos que no es buena gente el que se junta con toda clase de antiamericanos, de terroristas domésticos impenitentes como Bill Ayers a autos declarados teólogos de la Liberación Negra, como Jeremiah Wright.
Y después de seis años desastrosos de gobierno, la invisibilidad se ha hecho material.
En otras palabras, está muy visible, una buena gente, no es una persona que es crónicamente engañosa, una buena gente, no  hace promesas, como la promesa de una administración "transparente"--que no lleva.
Un buena gente, no hace trampas, como cuando se postulaba de senador estatal en Illinois, que  elimina a tres de sus rivales de la boleta demócratas mientras invalida las legiones de firmas que se acumularon en las peticiones de los votantes.
Una buena gente no utiliza su posición de poder para intimidar a los empresarios y obliga a millones y millones de personas a consentir en la llamada " transformación fundamental"—que es el camino a la destrucción, de su patria, y de sus vidas.
Una buena gente no exacerba las tensiones raciales por hacer uso de injusticias "raciales" cuando conviene a sus propósitos para hacerlo.
Una buena gente no explota la tragedia de la muerte de una persona  acusando infundadamente a otra persona como convenga a su agenda racista.
Como Gyges, Obama ha logrado hasta ahora preservar la imagen invisible por la complicidad de los medios de comunicación.
Pero a diferencia de Gyges, esa fachada se está cayendo, el anillo ha perdido sus poderes.
Si sólo nos abrimos  nuestros ojos y conectamos  los puntos, fácilmente podemos ver por nosotros mismos que Obama no es un hombre justo en absoluto. Definitivamente no es “Buena Gente”



'President should find out who said this, and fire them immediately'

WASHINGTON – Mideast experts are dismayed, GOP and Jewish leaders are enraged and the White House is conducting damage control while not actually apologizing, after a pair of senior Obama administration officials used an obscenity to describe Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as cowardly.
This latest foreign policy crisis for the Obama administration was sparked when one White House aide anonymously told the Atlantic, using the prime minister’s nickname, “The thing about Bibi is, he’s a chickensh-t,” and another aide concurred.
Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, called the remarks “pitiful” and tweeted, “The president should find out who said this, and fire them immediately. Anything else would be … well, the unnamed official put it best.”
Middle East expert and Iran specialist Clare Lopez of the Center for Security Policy told WND, “Such personal attacks on the leader of one of America’s closest allies are petty and very much beneath the dignity of America’s senior leadership.”
“It is foolish of the Obama administration to so alienate an ally like Israel. The vicious personal attacks on Netanyahu are beyond the pale and frankly unseemly, if coming from an administration official as reported,” she added.
House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, was livid, releasing a lengthy and blistering statement that read, in part: “When the president discusses Israel and Iran, it is sometimes hard to tell who he thinks is America’s friend and who he thinks is America’s enemy … Over the last several months, I have watched the administration insult ally after ally. I am tired of the administration’s apology tour. The president sets the tone for his administration. He either condones the profanity and disrespect used by the most senior members of his administration, or he does not. ”
Netanyahu responded to the attack, saying, “When Israel is pressured to make concessions on its security, it is very easy to give in. There are ovations and ceremonies on lawns, and afterward come the missiles and tunnels. As prime minister, I am responsible for Israel’s security. I care about the lives of every citizen and soldier. I have been on the battlefield many times. I have risked my life for the country, and I am not prepared to make concessions that will endanger our state.”
He added, “It must be understood that our supreme interests, with security and the unity of Jerusalem first and foremost, are not among the top concerns of those anonymous elements that are attacking us and me personally because the attack on me comes because I am defending the state of Israel. … despite all the attacks against me, I will continue to defend our state. I will continue to defend the citizens of Israel. I respect and appreciate our deep ties with the U.S. Since the foundation of our state, we have had disagreements with the U.S., and we will yet have them. But this is not at the expense of the deep ties between our people and countries.”
The following is a video of Netanyahu’s response:
When given the opportunity Wednesday, neither the White House nor the State Department apologized for the aides’ remarks.
State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki simply answered “no” when asked if officials were trying to identify the sources of the Atlantic article. She rejected the suggestion the U.S. apologize to Netanyahu, saying, if the issue comes up, Secretary of State John Kerry would merely tell the prime minister, “[T]his isn’t the position of the administration.”
Employing ample diplomatic reserve, Psaki did acknowledge the president and Kerry did not see the remarks as “accurate or appropriate,” and that they were “not productive and not constructive.”
White House National Security council spokesman Alistair Baskey also stopped well short of an apology, calling the remarks “inappropriate and counter-productive,” while insisting the president and the prime minister have “forged an effective partnership.”
But it wasn’t just the crude obscenity that shocked many political observers. It was also the reasoning behind the insults, especially the depiction of Netanyahu as a coward.
In the interview, one official expressed a belief that, “The good thing about Netanyahu is that he’s scared to launch wars … The bad thing about him is that he won’t do anything to reach an accommodation with the Palestinians or with the Sunni Arab states. The only thing he’s interested in is protecting himself from political defeat. He’s not [Yitzhak] Rabin, he’s not [Ariel] Sharon, he’s certainly no [Menachem] Begin. He’s got no guts.”
Another anonymous senior White House official agreed with the “chickens–t” assessment of Netanyahu, calling him a “coward” who would not launch a preemptive strike on Iran to stop its nuclear threat, adding, “It’s too late for him to do anything. Two, three years ago, this was a possibility. But ultimately he couldn’t bring himself to pull the trigger. It was a combination of our pressure and his own unwillingness to do anything dramatic. Now it’s too late.”
The unnamed sources also accused Netanyahu of having more interest in keeping his office than reaching accords with Palestinians and Arab states. Additionally, the article’s author, Jeffrey Goldberg, claimed Obama had mentioned to him Netanyahu’s “lack of political courage.”
The comparison baffled some observers who noted Obama himself has come under heavy criticism for indecisiveness and lack of leadership by even his former secretary of state, Hillary Clinton, and former Defense Secretary and CIA Director Leon Panetta.
Netanyahu, on the other hand, who was wounded twice in battle and served in the Israeli forces elite unit Sayeret Matkal, has a reputation as someone willing to withstand intense international condemnation for pursuing what he believes to be Israel’s national security interests, including the recent military incursion into Gaza to stop rocket attacks and building Jewish housing in a disputed area of Jerusalem.
Two Israeli supporters questioned which leader really had political courage.
Jennifer Dekel of the Endowment for Middle East Truth told WND, “It is baffling that the administration would characterize the leader of the U.S.’ greatest ally in the Middle East using profanity, but refrains from speaking out against leaders who slaughter innocents and/or support terrorism such as (Iranian President Hassan) Rouhani, (Syrian President Bashar al-)Assad and (Turkish President Recep Tayyip ) Erdogan.”
Rabbi Marvin Hier, founder of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, called it “rather ironic that a senior American official is prepared to curse his friends, yet when it comes to the mortal enemies of the United States – as the Iranians discovered during the recent nuclear negotiation – praise is heaped on them.”
He also called on Obama to “name, apologize for, and repudiate” whoever made the remarks.
Despite Netanyahu’s reference to Israel’s deep ties with the U.S., Lopez told WND she thinks relations between the countries have never been so strained, and she indicated the source of that tension has come from the president.
Clare Lopez of the Center for Security Policy
“The Obama administration came into office with a strongly pro-Islamic and pro-Palestinian Authority perspective that backed Islamic uprisings everywhere but Iran, because that regime was already in the hands of jihadis.”
She bemoaned how “from the start” the administration “came down hard against longtime anti-jihad governments in Egypt, Libya and Israel that were actually fighting against the forces of Islamic jihad.”
Lopez called Israel the one and only thriving pro-West democracy and steadfast ally in the Mideast, standing between Western Europe and jihadist forces such as Hamas, Hezbollah and even ISIS.
But despite the profane comments toward the U.S. ally, Lopez told WND, “I think it worth noting that the majority of the American people and our congressional representatives do not at all share the White House antipathy for Israel and her leadership.”

Amenper: Alton Nolen: Religioso Negro baleado por Racista Blanco
 Como ustedes deben de haber oído, hubo una decapitación religiosa en Oklahoma y por alguna razón notamos que algunos están protestando contra la víctima del caso.  
Es simplemente un poco de sangre.  El público tiene que irse acostumbrando al hecho que los musulmanes tienen el derecho civil a practicar su religión.
Según la constitución en los Estados Unidos el ciudadano tiene el derecho a ejercer la libertad de culto de acuerdo con sus creencias y las de su religión. 
En el pasado cuando llegaron los primeros inmigrantes afro-cubanos practicantes de la santería africana, hubo personas que como ahora se escandalizaron del sacrificio por decapitación de animales. 
Hoy ya nadie ya se asombra como en el pasado, cuando vemos un pollo o un chivo decapitado por un acto de santería. 
Si la decapitación, ya sea humana o animal, es como un ritual religioso, el hecho está protegido por la constitución.
Hay cosas también importantes que están ocurriendo  en los Estados Unidos, igual que la violación del derecho de los musulmanes a la práctica la ley Sharia, y es el hecho de que los negros están siendo abatidos en grandes números por racistas blancos.
Hoy en día, el mundo está de luto las dobles violaciones de los derechos civiles (intolerante racismo y persecución religiosa) ocurridos en Oklahoma y Ferguson.
Muchos reportes del incidente de Oklahoma en cuestión involucran y deomonizan, a Alton Nolen, un hombre inocente, un hombre trabajador, un religioso y un musulmán practicante.
Nolen vino a la oficina de la fábrica de su antiguo empleador, buscando un lugar tranquilo para practicar su religión, libre de miedo o de persecución.  
Pero ahora tiene era una bala en la cabeza, después de que durante el ritual religioso cortó la cabeza de un infiel y estaba en proceso de sacrificar otro. 
En medio de la práctica de su religión, Nolen fue brutalmente agredido por un hombre blanco racista con un arma jurídica cuestionable que impidió el libre ejercicio de su religión.
Esta es la respuesta de un blanco racista a la práctica pacifica del Islam.
El reverendo Al Sharpton pide una investigación sobre el incidente; citando el hecho de que la víctima negra sólo tenía un cuchillo, mientras que el pistolero blanco uniformando tenía una pistola.
Plantea la cuestión de por qué se utilizó excesiva potencia de fuego contra un hombre que claramente no planteó ninguna amenaza a la comunidad.
Sharpton exige saber por qué la víctima fue perfilada racialmente durante la  práctica de su religión.
Dice que el ataque demuestra que  "Practicar la religión es peligroso si eres negro."
Además, hay llamados del sindicato de la unión de la fábrica de la víctima, cuestionando por qué la víctima fue despedida de su trabajo.
 La Unión insiste en que si la víctima hubiera recibido salarios justos, la víctima no se hubiera visto obligada a volver a la fábrica, con justa ira después de haber sido despedido injustamente.
La Unión también establece que si una sala de oración mirando hacia la Meca hubiera sido instalada en la fábrica, y se le hubieran ofrecido más oportunidades a la víctima para decir sus oraciones, la víctima puede no haber sentido la necesidad de expresar sus sentimientos hacia los infieles con el ritual de decapitación. Quejas adicionales incluyen el servicio de productos de cerdo en la cafetería y la existencia de las empleadas con escote bajo.
Los amigos de 
Nolen lo describen como "hombre gentil" que nunca haría daño ni a una mosca.
Un musulmán estadounidense orgullo de su comunidad.
Nolen fue voluntario como entrenador del equipo de béisbol juvenil local y pasa dos días a la semana sirviendo sopa a los desamparados en el comedor con las monjitas de la caridad, en una acción interreligiosa dada su condición de musulmán.
 Nolen es un miembro productivo de la comunidad, cuyas contribuciones extrañaremos, mientras se recupera de sus heridas.
A su salida d
el  hospital, el abogado de Nolen afirmó que explorará todas las opciones incluidas demandas en contra el asesino uniformado del agresor, por violar el derecho civil de Nolen a la práctica religiosa e intento de asesinato.
John Kerry dijo: "la verdadera cara del Islam es una religión pacífica basada en la dignidad de todos los seres humanos".
Es frustrante ver como la verdadera cara pacífica del Islam sigue tratando de aparecer en la comunidad, pero como los racistas blancos abaten esa cara asesinando a los musulmanes negros.
También hay que agradecer a nuestro  Presidente y hermano en la fe, Barack Hussein Obama, por su incansable contribución hacia la proliferación del Islam en Estados Unidos.
Estos rituales nos debieran recordar los principios que tenemos en común y el papel del Islam en el avance de la justicia, progreso, tolerancia y la dignidad de todos los seres humanos.
Esperemos que la víctima tenga una recuperación completa y pueda continuar su evangelismo islámico pacifista, sin trabas, en aras de la dignidad de todos los seres humanos. 


Georgina Lopez:   ESTRATEGIA DE PODER.  
Cómo China dominará al mundo! 
Por Luciano Pires

Quienes van a China regresan impresionados. Un producto del que Brasil fabrica un millón de unidades, allí en una sola fábrica se producen 40 millones.

La calidad es equivalente y la velocidad de distribución impresionante. Los chinos colocan cualquier producto en el mercado en cuestión de semanas, a precios que son una fracción de los brasileños.

Por estos días una de las industrias se está trasladando al interior porque los salarios de la región en que se halla instalada son demasiado altos: 100 dólares. Un obrero brasileño gana el equivalente a 300 dólares mínimo, que sumados a otros beneficios llega a 600 dólares. Cuando los comparamos con los 100 dólares que reciben los chinos sin prácticamente ningún otro beneficio… nos hallamos frente a una esclavitud amarilla, que alimentamos…

¿Horas extraordinarias? En la China … ¡Olvídelas! La gente allí está tan agradecida de tener un empleo que trabajan horas extras a cambio de nada…

Detrás de esta “situación” está 
la gran trampa china. No se trata de una estrategia comercial sino de una estrategia de “poder” para conquistar el mercado occidental. Los chinos están sacando provecho de la actitud de los “comerciantes” occidentales, que prefieren tercerizar la producción quedándose sólo con lo que le agrega valor: la marca.

Difícilmente podrá usted comprar en las grandes redes comerciales de los EEUU algún producto “made in USA”. Es todo “made in China” con una marca estadounidense. Las empresas ganan riadas de dinero comprando a los chinos por centavos y vendiendo luego por centenares de dólares. Sólo les interesa el lucro inmediato a cualquier precio. Aun al costo de cerrar sus fábricas y generar una brutal desocupación. Es lo que podría llamarse “estrategia del precio”.

Mientras los occidentales tercerizan sus empresas y ganan en el corto plazo, China aprovecha ese enfoque e instala unidades productivas de alto rendimiento para dominar en el largo plazo.

Mientras las grandes potencias mercantiles se quedan con sus marcas, con el diseño.. en sus garras, los chinos se quedan con la producción, asistiéndolos, estimulándolos y contribuyendo al desmantelamiento de los escasos parques industriales occidentales.

Muy pronto ya no habrá más fábricas de zapatillas deportivas o de calzados en el mundo occidental. Solo existirán en China.
De modo que en el futuro próximo veremos cómo los productos chinos aumentan sus precios produciendo un “shock manufacturero” como sucedió con el shock petrolero en los años 70. Y entonces ya será demasiado tarde. 

Entonces el mundo se dará cuenta de que levantar nuevas fábricas tendrá costos prohibitivos y deberá rendirse al poderío chino. Se dará cuenta de que alimentó a un enorme dragón y se convirtió en su rehén. Un dragón que aumentará gradualmente sus precios, puesto que será quién dicte las nuevas leyes del mercado y será luego quién mande pues tendrá el monopolio de la producción. 

Ya que será también el dueño de las fábricas, de los stocks y de los empleos y regulará los precios.

Nosotros, nuestros hijos y nuestros nietos asistiremos a una inversión de las reglas de juego actuales, lo que producirá en las economías occidentales el impacto de una bomba atómica… china. 

En ese momento cuando el mundo occidental se dé cuenta será demasiado tarde. 

Ese día los ejecutivos occidentales mirarán tristemente las ruinas de sus antiguas fábricas, sus técnicos jubilados jugando a las cartas en las plazas y llorarán sobre la chatarra de sus parques fabriles destruidos. Y se acordarán entonces, con mucha nostalgia, del tiempo en que ganaban dinero comprando “fardos de mercaderías de los esclavos” y vendiendo caras sus “marcas registradas” a sus coterráneos. 

Y entonces, entristecidos, abrirán sus despensas y se comerán sus marcas que ya estarán pasadas de moda y que por tanto habrán dejado de ser poderosas, porque todas habrán sido copiadas… 

¡Estamos hoy alimentando a la cobra que nos morderá en el futuro!

Escalofriante ¿no?  

Ya lo había dicho Napoleón: A China, déjenlo dormir.



Shocking: NY Woman Beheaded, Body Dragged Into Street

“I didn’t expect to see something like this..."

The second beheading on American soil in as many months took place Tuesday night on Long Island, N.Y., according to police. Believed to be the victim’s son, the suspect in this grisly murder subsequently ensured his own death by leaping in front of a speeding commuter train.
The New York Post reported that witnesses of the bloody, public spectacle initially thought it was some sort of Halloween display. After a number of concerned citizens responded to the lifeless body, however, it became clear the tragedy was all too real.
“There was blood all over the floor,” one local said, noting the trail appeared “as if someone were pulling a body.”
The victim, a woman believed to be in her 60s, was left lying, headless, in the street. According to onlookers, the approximately 30-year-old suspect was seen kicking her head about 20 feet down the street before committing suicide.
“I saw the lady laying right in front,” the neighbor explained; “and her head was across the street, close to the corner. I thought ‘Holy s—t!’”
One witness confirmed the neighbor’s description of the scene, explaining it was unlike anything he had ever seen.
“I didn’t expect to see something like this,” he said. “Especially not out here.”
The suspect’s body was found about a mile from the apartment and scene of the crime. Police believe he jumped in front of the eastbound train less than a half hour after brutally beheading his mother.
Though a previous public beheading was ultimately attributed to a radicalized Muslim assailant, authorities have not suggested a motive behind this attack. The suspect, who reportedly moved to Long Island with his mother recently, was believed to have been struggling with drug addiction.
The vicious attack came just days after New York police were targeted by a hatchet-wielding man in Queens.


Say What? Ebola Quarantine Ordered For U.S. Military While Obama Opposes It For Everyone Else

The troops facing the 3-week isolation period...

Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel has just ordered a 21-day isolation and observation period for all members of the Armed Services who’ve been in countries hard-hit by the deadly Ebola virus.
This comes as President Obama has taken a strong stand against similar quarantines for anyone other than military personnel returning from those same West African nations.
The apparent contradiction in Obama administration policies — one rule for the military, another rule for non-military health workers — has many administration critics saying that confusion still reigns over how to handle the Ebola crisis.
As USA Today reports:
U.S. troops returning from Ebola-stricken nations will be isolated for 21 days, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel announced Wednesday, a day after the White House raised concerns about states imposing strict quarantines of health care workers returning from West Africa.
The troops facing the 3-week isolation period are returning from deployment to West Africa. Their responsibilities there have reportedly included building clinics and training health workers, as well as testing blood samples for the presence of the virus.
Supposedly, American military personnel have not been involved in directly treating Ebola patients.
As for President Obama’s criticism of states that have imposed or are considering quarantine for Ebola health workers, notes Obama’s intense opposition…again, in apparent discord with the military isolation policy just announced.
President Barack Obama delivered an implicit rebuke to states that have imposed strict Ebola quarantine rules Tuesday, warning they could undermine American efforts to counteract the spread of the virus.
Obama said the quarantine rules would provide a disincentive for American health workers to volunteer in West Africa where they are sorely needed.
The administration clearly views the military in a different light than civilian health workers — U.S. service personnel can be ordered into Ebola hot zones…even though they volunteered to join the military in the first place.
The change in the Defense Department’s rule on the 21-day isolation period comes just as a major new poll shows that the vast majority of Americans favor quarantines:
Seventy percent (70%) of Likely U.S. Voters favor quarantining for up to 21 days all health workers who return to this country after having contact with Ebola patients in Africa, according to the latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.


SHOCK POLL: Obama & The Dems Just Got Rejected Big Time By A Group They Used To Count On

...the political pulse of more than 2,000 respondents...

If the results of this stunning new poll are reflected in next week’s midterm elections, the extent of the Republican victory could be more than a wave…it could be a tsunami.
The so-called “millennials” — America’s largest generation, consisting of 18-29-year-olds — are no longer a lock for the Democrats, according to a just-released national poll.
Harvard University’s Institute of Politics (IOP) conducted the survey that finds a dramatic shift in political preferences among active voters in the younger generation:
…slightly more than half (51%) of young Americans who say they will “definitely be voting” in November prefer a Republican-run Congress with 47 percent favoring Democrat control – a significant departure from IOP polling findings before the last midterm elections (Sept. 2010 – 55%: prefer Democrat control; 43%: prefer Republican control).
The IOC poll took the political pulse of more than 2,000 respondents in the critically important age group. As the Washington Examiner observes, the results are indeed “shocking”:
Harvard University on Wednesday provided new proof that the Democrats are going to be broadsided in Tuesday’s national elections as millennial voters, in a shocking shift, now prefer a Republican-controlled Congress and give President Obama his second lowest grade ever.
Among the more significant finding of this new Harvard poll are:
* In contrast to four years ago, slightly more than half of “likely” young voters prefer a Republican-controlled Congress;
* Millennial interest in midterm voting is similar to 2010 levels with conservatives seeming more enthusiastic than liberals;
* Hispanic support for President Obama is weakening.
“The IOP’s fall polling shows that young Americans care deeply about their country and are politically up-for-grabs,” said Harvard Institute of Politics Director Maggie Williams.
“Millennials could be a critical swing vote. Candidates for office: ignore millennial voters at your peril.” finds clear and disturbing evidence in the poll results that younger voters have lost trust in a number of government institutions, with some trust numbers at historically low levels.
Of all the institutions tracked by the poll, the President and the military lost the most trust among young Americans with a seven point drop.
Overall, the pollsters said the level of trust millennials have in “most American institutions tested in our survey” had dropped below even “last year’s historically low numbers.”


Watch: More Voter Fraud Allegations In Illinois

“His name and his box went away and it was just blank..."

A video has surfaced in Rock Island County, Illinois, of a voter trying to cast a ballot for a Republican candidate but having the machine instead choose the Democrat candidate due to a “calibration error.” Several voters have already complained publicly about the machines.
The video shows a voter at the public library in Moline, Illinois, attempting to vote for Republican state Senate candidate Neil Anderson for the 36th District, but the machine registers a vote for the incumbent, Democrat state Senator Mike Jacobs, instead. It also shows the voter trying to select Republican congressional candidate Bobby Schilling, but the machine switches the vote to incumbent Cheri Bustos, a Democrat.
One Rock Island County voter, Christina Kirik, substantiated the claims asserted in the video, telling KWQC she had a hard time voting for the Republican candidate.
“When I went to cast my vote and touch the screen for my Republican candidate, the Democrat candidate was the one that would pop up with my ‘x,’ even though I pressed the Republican candidate. The Democrat candidate is the one it looked like I was voting for.”
Another voter, Joyce Glassner, details a similar situation when she tried to vote.
“Everything was fine until I came to the one candidate that I wanted to vote for and I voted for him and the ‘x’ went in the box and then two seconds later his name and his box went away and it was just blank and it showed up in his opponent’s box.”
Western Journalism reported last week about a similar incident where Jim Moynihan, an Illinois Republican state representative candidate in Cook County, was unable to vote for himself due to a technical glitch.
“I tried to cast a vote for myself and instead it cast the vote for my opponent. You could imagine my surprise as the same thing happened with a number of races when I tried to vote for a Republican and the machine registered a vote for a Democrat.”

Florida School District Decimates Michelle’s Nutrition ‘Absurdity’

"...federal overreach at its worst."

During a recent Pasco County School Board meeting, members lamented the toll strict nutrition mandates are taking on the district’s ability to raise money for school programs and extracurricular activities.
Including restrictions endorsed by Michelle Obama, a set of guidelines known as Smart Snacks in Schools has effectively tied the hands of local schools hoping to sell food items for additional funding. The standards are part of the sweeping Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act signed into law early in Barack Obama’s first term.
One board member, Joanne Hurley, called the regulations “federal overreach at its worst” as the board attempted to work out a solution to the issue.
Instead of selling candy, baked goods, and other popular fundraising items, schools in the Florida district as well as in communities across the country are being forced to shift their attention to selling items other than food to supplement existing budgets for important programs.
The one-size-fits-all mentality of this law also falls short in another important area, Board Chairwoman Alison Crumbley explained. While the ostensible intention of the guidelines is to ensure kids receive the proper nutrition, the same calorie and fat restrictions are placed on all students, regardless of size or activity level.
“This is absurdity,” she said. “It is unbelievable.”
Julie Hedine, the district’s food and nutrition services director, joined in the conversation by excoriating the effect these restrictions have had in cafeterias. Popular a la carte choices, including Cuban sandwiches and other lunch tray alternatives, are now strictly forbidden under the federal calorie limitations.
“No way can we fit Cubans on the menu anymore,” she said, noting that lunchroom revenue has dropped precipitously as a result.
As of the end of last month, Hedine confirmed that cafeteria sales of a la carte items fell by a whopping $1,300 per day compared to the same period one year earlier. While the lost revenue is disconcerting, the federal government effectively forces poorer districts to abide by the guidelines by providing funding that, if taken away, would create an even greater budget crunch.

Watch: USA Today Washington Bureau Chief Rips Obama’s Destruction Of Free Press

...she believes Barack Obama has done irreparable harm to her profession

During a recent panel discussion, USA Today’s Susan Page detailed the reasons she believes Barack Obama has done irreparable harm to her profession.
“This administration has been more restrictive and more challenging to the press, more dangerous to the press, really,” she said, “than any administration in American history in terms of legal investigations and so on.”
Not only has White House access “gotten worse and worse” over the past six years; the former White House correspondent went on to predict that the precedents set under Obama will stand during future administrations.
“I’m worried that whatever happens with this administration,” she continued, “that’s the new floor for the next administration; and that we’ll never regain access, ability to do reporting, ability to do our job unless we constantly fight the battle.”
She noted the integral role of the free press in the U.S., noting that this White House is preventing reporters from providing unadulterated facts.
“We have a role in our democracy,” she concluded, “and we can’t do it if the president and his administration don’t recognize it.”
White House photographer Brooks Kraft echoed Page’s concerns, lambasting the disproven claim that the Obama administration would be the most transparent in American history.
“It’s not transparent for you guys to provide the content,” he asserted.
Page and Brooks are just the latest in a line of reporters to criticize the Obama administration’s censorship despite the relatively favorable coverage mainstream media outlets have provided.
As Western Journalism reported this summer, dozens of journalist organizations joined forces to send a pointed letter of disapproval to the White House citing the administration’s “politically driven suppression of the news” and its desire to “control what information journalists – and the audience they serve – have access to.”

Wasserman Schultz Makes Bold Prediction About Midterms For Democrats

"Because the voters have one main choice..."

The Democratic National Committee chairwoman, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, stuck to the outdated liberal playbook by predicting that the Democrats would “hold the Senate” and “defeat more Republican governors than we lose Democratic senators,” because the Republicans are to blame for everything. At least that’s what Wasserman Schultz believes or is told to say.
“I think we’re going to hold the Senate. And we’re going to hold the Senate for a lot of reasons,” she began. “Not the least of which, we’ve had 55 straight months of job growth in the private sector. And we’ve created more than 10 million jobs under President Obama’s leadership and congressional Democrats’ efforts.”
“Unfortunately, no thanks to the Republicans, because they’ve really focused on obstruction. But the reason we’re going to hold the Senate, and I think we’ll actually win; we’ll actually defeat more Republican governors than we lose Democratic senators next Tuesday. So, that’s a prediction, is because the voters have one main choice,” the DNC said.
What choice is that Debbie? Vote for Democrats who backed Obama’s healthcare plan that is robbing people everyday of their doctors and hospitals? That is raising their premiums? Who do the Dems and Obama care about Debbie? 55 straight months of job growth? How, when Donald Trump reveals the true record highs of unemployment?
“They’re going to ask themselves, ‘Who has my back,'” she continued. “‘Who is focused on the things I care about: creating jobs, getting the economy into an even more robust posture, investing in health care and education.'”
“No one talks to me on the campaign trail about how many more times we’re going to investigate Benghazi or accept a complaint about it, shutting the government down, which the Republicans did a year ago to deny people access to health care. And that’s the priorities they’re focused on. It’s an extreme agenda that voters don’t support.”
So voters don’t care that the Obama Administration is trying to cover up what happened at Benghazi? People don’t care that Obama’s health care is actually crippling families, not helping them?
What do you think? Is Wasserman Schultz correct about what Americans are concerned about? Is she right that the Dems are going to win?
h/t Breitbart
Share this article if you would take the bet that the Dems are going to lose.

Black activists need a cop to shoot them

Where is a cop when black people need one to shoot us?!

The Life Education and Resource Network, LEARN should have staged a cop shooting of one of them, so MAYBE black Liberals and the media would be outraged at the largest killer of black children in America. Liberalism! By Liberalism, I mean the liberalization of black women (you know, the most religious of all ethnic groups).

The most dangerous place for a black child is in his mother’s womb. That situation should create outrage, however Leftists give awards for this type of murder, and the media covers that. But what they don’t cover is the other side of this issue.

That’s why the Say So March held on October October 11,12,13 by pro-life blacks  in cities nationwide to draw attention to the large numbers of blacks targeted for abortion was not covered.
1786 black babies killed DAILY by their mothers, and not a peep from the Left. However let one cop shoot a black teen, even legitimately and all hell breaks loose.
The group Marched in DC to the steps of the Supreme Court with a message, “Stop Funding Racism from Abortion.”
Here are the sobering stats: Black women are 12 percent of the population, and 37 percent of abortions.

Clemente Sanchez: Grecia fue la cuna de la democracia, y los filósofos griegos fueron los genios que estudiaron este nuevo fenómeno en el mundo.  Dedicaron su vida solamente para este propósito.

Como humanos no fueron perfectos, pero de su estudio podemos aprender un pensamiento razonado de cómo funcionan los diferentes tipos de gobierno. 
Y no hay mejor legado que el que nos dejó Platón en su tratado “La República”.
La república de Platón no es en primer término la construcción ideal de una sociedad perfecta de hombres perfectos, sino, como justamente el mismo dijo, un remedio, un tratado de medicina política con aplicación a los regímenes existentes en su tiempo, pero que nos enseña como básicamente es el mismo remedio que necesitamos en nuestros días.
El autor mismo lo confiesa así y en algún pasaje manifiesta su propósito de buscar aquel mínimo cambio de cosas por el cual esos Estados enfermos puedan recobrar su salud; porque enfermos, en mayor o menor grado, están todos los Estados. Y cuando habla de la tiranía como cuarta y extrema enfermedad de la política reconoce que son también enfermedades los tres regímenes que le preceden o sea la monarquía, la oligarquía y la democracia.
Y hay que ver que de la democracia surge la tiranía, eso lo vimos en Cuba, en Venezuela como antes en la Alemania de Hitler y donde quiera que hayan surgido tiranos.
Porque de lo que habla Platón es «acerca de la justicia»; y en efecto, con una discusión sobre la justicia empieza el tratado. En esa discusión, como en cualquier otra que trate de precisar un concepto, es indispensable que esté presente en la mente de los que discuten la representación de un
objeto común cuya naturaleza se investiga; este objeto es aquí «el principio de la vida social», esto es, el vínculo que liga a los individuos y forma el Estado.
De lo que trata Platón es de lo que hoy llamamos la democracia representativa, o sea que el poder no quede limitado a una persona como en la monarquía, o a un grupo dominante una oligarquía, que en el pasado era una clase privilegiada, o una democracia donde elpoder del presidente sea quasi-monarquico.
Una democracia que no sea representativa de todas las clases sociales en la forma de las cámaras legislativas, es el preámbulo a la tiranía.
Y de eso se tratan las elecciones de la próxima semana, se trata de aprender de la filosofía platónica que estamos en una encrucijada que nos puede llevar a la tiranía.
Lo que estamos escogiendo es o seguir el camino de la doctrina Marxista, impulsando el populismo de la lucha de clases en una democracia tiránica con cuerpos legislativos y un poder judicial que son marionetas del poder ejecutivo, o recuperar el poder por medio de la legislación para poder controlar al poder ejecutivo y al nuevo poder legislativo judicial en su camino hacia la tiranía.
Pueden los populistas tratar de confundir a las clases desposeídas, como hacen siempre, aumentando la pobreza para tener más pobres que voten por ellos por las limosnas que le ofrecen, pero cuando se estudia la historia vemos que esto no es más que la creación de una nueva oligarquía de una clase social, en una democracia que no quiere representación de todas las clases, para poder ejercer la tiranía.
Por eso hay que votar la próxima semana, se trata de votar para mantener la mejor democracia representativa que ha existido en la historia, y que está a punto de desaparecer

Georgia Man Ordered to Remove NRA Hat When Voting

 by Dave Jolly Filed
If I were to show you a hat or t-shirt that had that NRA logo on it or said ‘NRA’, would you automatically assume that I was associated with and promoting the Republican Party?
Evidently there are some folks in Douglasville, Georgia that think so. The Atlanta suburb of 31,000 is located about 20 miles west of the state’s largest city. Like Atlanta, Douglasville must have their fair share of liberal Democrats.
Last week, a man went in to the Douglas County Courthouse to vote early. He was wearing an NRA hat and another voter got offended and complained. The man was asked to remove his hat while voting and he complied. Then on Friday, Bundy Cobb went to the courthouse to vote early. He is a certified NRA instructor and wears a hat that reads ‘NRA Instructor.’ After the incident earlier in the week, Cobb was asked to take his hat off while voting.
Cobb told The Daily Caller:
“I went by the first two ladies, and they didn’t say anything. And then the next lady, she said ‘sir, you’re going to have to take off your hat.’”
He responded:
“What are you talking about?”
Cobb said he saw another man wearing a hat and asked what the difference was between that hat and his. He says that he has worn that hat when voting at the courthouse in the past and no one has ever said anything about it, but according to Douglas County Board of Elections Supervisor Laurie Fulton:
“The courts have found that anything that suggests associated with the NRA in many people’s perceptions is associated with the Republican Party. So in an overabundance of caution Mr. Cobb was asked to remove the hat so that no one could interpret that we were playing any favoritism over one party versus the other.”
Fulton went to explain that she contacted a contemporary in another county and the two of them concluded that the NRA hat fell into a grey area of things that could be barred at the polling stations. It’s the same grey area that was used to bar someone from wearing a ‘Don’t Tread on Me’ t-shirt.
Cobb said that his hat only advertises his job as an NRA instructor and has nothing to do with the Republican Party. He doesn’t buy Fulton’s response and feels that his rights were infringed upon and frankly so do I. Cobb also points out that he knows some Democrats who belong to the NRA.

More Voting Machines Have ‘Calibration Issues’ (i.e. Rigged for Democrats)

A number of voting machines in Maryland and Illinois are electronically switching Republican votes to the Democrats, raising suspicions that fraud could be at the root of the alleged malfunction.
According to, election officials in both states have characterized the problem as a “calibration issue,” but a software developer and expert on touch screens used by U.S. intelligence agencies told Newsmax that the explanation was bogus.
“It’s a software issue, and it’s incredibly suspicious that a bug like that could slip through accidentally. It defies belief,” said Tony Heller.
He said that any expert trained in the technology could figure out within minutes whether the problem with the software was accidental and deliberate.
“This is being used by the public for voting. Public trust is essential,” he said. “It’s completely unacceptable that an official waved it off as a calibration issue. It’s something that can be easily verified and should be.”

CDC: Ebola Spreads Like Flu

Amazing the lies that liberals have told about this. And to what purpose.
Check it out:
Ebola spreads through coughing and sneezing much like influenza, which most experts agree is spread “mainly by droplets made when people with flu cough, sneeze or talk,” according to documents by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
A new CDC flyer describing the “droplet spread” of Ebola, which “happens when germs traveling inside droplets that are coughed or sneezed from a sick person,” is nearly identical to the CDC’s description of influenza which states “most experts think that flu viruses are spread mainly by droplets made when people with flu cough, sneeze or talk.”
“Droplet spread happens when germs traveling inside droplets that are coughed or sneezed from a sick person enter the eyes, nose, or mouth of another person,” the CDC Ebola flyer states, which was released on Monday. “Droplets travel short distances, less than 3 feet (1 meter) from one person to another. A person might also get infected by touching a surface or object that has germs on it and then touching their mouth or nose.”
“Droplet spread diseases include: plague, Ebola.”

Obamacare an Economic Failure for the Middle Class - USA Today

  Mark Horne 
Naturally the newspaper did not admit that they were telling us that Obamacare is an economic failure. They didn’t mention Obamacare at all. But that is what they ended up saying anyway.
The (hidden) admission occurred under the depressing headline: “7 things the middle class can’t afford anymore.”
The middle class has certainly changed. We’ve ranked a list of things the middle class can no longer really afford. We’re not talking about lavish luxuries, like private jets and yachts. The items on this list are a bit more basic, and some of them are even necessities. The ranking of this list is based on affordability and necessity. Therefore, items that are necessity ranked higher, as did items that a larger percentage of people have trouble paying for.
The seven items on the list are:Here is what is written about medical care:
Medical care is a basic necessity and something we’d think would be affordable for someone earning a middle income. A Forbes article published data indicating that workers in large companies — many of whom are members of the middle class — “face nearly $5,000 in premiums, co-payments, deductibles and other forms of co-insurance.”
During the past few years, these costs have had a large impact on working Americans. A report by Feeding America found that a shocking 66% of households say they’ve had to choose between paying for food and paying for medical care — 31% say they have to make that choice each and every month.
I suppose someone will point out that there is no mention of Obamacare, but isn’t that the point?
We are now in the second year of the most dramatic Federal intervention in the economy in living memory. This was presented to us as a necessary move to save healthcare and “provide access.”
So why report on medical expenses for the middle class without mentioning the Affordable Care Act?
Obviously, it hasn’t made a positive difference. At the very least, all that legislation is not doing a thing to make medical care more affordable to the Middle Class. (In fact, it is really making medical care more expensive for consumers and causing new fees to be imposed on them.)
So USA Today reports on medical expenses as if Obamacare never happened because, if defined by its promises, it never did happen.
Of course, the other amazing thing about this article is that it reports all this economic bad news without bringing up the current White House regime at all. If a Republican was President right now, I doubt such a report would fail to mention his responsibility. I am sure Obama supporters are still blaming Bush. That excuse is getting old.

Clemente Sanchez: 10 pensamietos de Abraham Lincoln. Reconocido, venerado y admirado por el mundo entero como uno de los grandes presidentes que ha tenido un pais y el mundo:

1. Usted no puede crear prosperidad desalentando la Iniciativa Privada.
2. Usted no puede fortalecer al débil, debilitando al fuerte.
3. Usted no puede ayudar a los pequeños, aplastando a los grandes.
4. Usted no puede ayudar al pobre, destruyendo al rico.
5. Usted no puede elevar al asalariado, presionando a quien paga el salario.
6. Usted no puede resolver sus problemas mientras gaste más de lo que gana.
7. Usted no puede promover la fraternidad de la humanidad, admitiendo e incitando el odio de las clases (Martí dijo lo mismo en su artículo sobre Marx, que está en sus obras completes).
8, Usted no puede garantizar una adecuada seguridad con dinero prestado( le aplica a los gobernantes de Cuba perfectamente, primero el castrismo vivio de la URSS y los países del campo socialista de Europa del Este hasta su desaparición en 1989, 30 años, y cuando termino no teníamos ni que comer, hasta tal punto que tuvieron que declarar un periodo especial y posteriormente desde 1998 hasta hoy de Venezuela).
9. Usted no puede formar el carácter y el valor del hombre quitándole su independencia (libertad) e iniciativa.
10. Usted no puede ayudar a los hombres realizando por ellos toda la vida lo que ellos pueden y deben hacer por sí mismos.

Más pruebas de las bandidos robándose los votos con las maquinas truqueadas


A number of voting machines in Maryland and Illinois are electronically switching Republican votes to the Democrats, raising suspicions that the fraud could be at t...
Preview by Yahoo

 Luis E. Guzman

INDEED: ABLOW, ‘It’s Time for an American Jihad’

I’m with Dr. Keith on this one. You?
By Dr. Keith Ablow
Among the many definitions of jihad are a “war or struggle against unbelievers” and “a crusade for a principle or belief.” Given those definitions, I believe it’s time for an American jihad.
An American jihad would reawaken in American citizens the certain knowledge that our Constitution is a sacred document that better defines and preserves the liberty and autonomy of human beings than the charter of any other nation on earth.
The Constitution, along with the miracle of our nation’s founding and the providential history of America fighting and winning war after war against oppressive regimes, proves our manifest destiny not only to preserve our borders and safety and national character at home, but to spread around the world our love of individual freedom and insist on its reflection in every government.
An American jihad would embrace the correct belief that if every nation on earth were governed by freely elected leaders and by our Constitution, the world would be a far better place. And an American jihad would not only hope for this outcome, but work toward it.

FL Muslim Teacher: Raped Kids So Badly One Needed Surgery To Repair Her Genitals

This is absolutely gut wrenching. This man needs to be hung. Parents, teach your kids how to fight!
Police are hunting the former head teacher of a private Islamic school accused of the sexual abuse and rape of two middle school female students.
Tariq Ahmad, 35, who worked at Nur-Ul-Islam Academy, Florida, has been charged with five first degree counts after the alleged abuse which left one student needing ‘substantial surgical repair’.
The girls were aged 14 and 15 when Ahmad allegedly forced them into sexual relationships, according to a lawsuit.
Their attorneys said Ahmed would use text messages, social media and even code on the chalk boards in the classroom to set up meetings with the girls.
They also claim the Academy officials knew of Ahmed’s illegal conduct for years and did nothing until now.
Pembroke Pines police said the alleged incidents occurred between 2006 and 2008, but the pupils only came forward after years of therapy.

President Obama audience walks out again - this time in Milwaukee (Por lo menos es consistente en hacer que la gente lo dejen plantado LOL)

President Obama: Milwaukee audience leaves as he speaks at Mary Burke rally on Oct. 28, 2014. 

For the second time in as many weeks, persons have walked out during a campaign speech given by President Barack Obama. Last week, it happened as the president spoke in Maryland – and this week, it happened in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, according to a WND report on Tuesday. It was apparent that the president was still delivering his speech as people were marching out of the venue where he was campaigning for Mary Burke, the Democratic Wisconsin gubernatorial candidate who is trying to take incumbent Gov. Scott Walker’s job away from him in the midterm election next week.

Photo by Darren Hauck/Getty Images
Ironically, just as Obama was telling people not to let anybody stand in their way, they could be seen exiting the event. He said, “Don’t let anybody stand in your way. Unless you’re registering on Election Day, you can vote even if you don’t have a photo I.D.” He continued, “Don’t let anybody mislead you.”
The first notion that things were heading south for an Obama appearance again came in a social media message from Mike Lowe who reports for Channel 6 in Milwaukee and uses the Twitter platform as @MikeLoweReports. Around 8 p.m., he tweeted that some people – not many, but some - were leaving the high school where the president was speaking. Just an hour before that, he tweeted a positive message stating that there was a big overflow crowd in the North Division High School gym awaiting the president and candidate Burke. Apparently, what a difference an hour makes.
Lowe posted other tweets about other politicians who were present but who were not scheduled to speak. In addition, he posted an array of photos of the event. Some were prior to the president’s arrival while others were taken and posted during the event. The Daily Caller was also quick to post a video which clearly shows persons filing out as Obama was speaking on Tuesday in Milwaukee.
Regarding the content of Obama’s speech in Milwaukee, The State – out of South Carolina - reported that the president tried to make Republican Gov. Scott Walker appear to be outdated. Obama claimed that Walker is holding down Wisconsin’s economy. Contrarily, he praised Democrat contender Mary Burke as being a skilled businesswoman who will be an asset to the middle class. Ironically, though he gives a business person high marks in Wisconsin, Obama bashed businessman Bruce Rauner just last week in Chicago. Rauner is a Republican trying to unseat Democrat Gov. Pat Quinn in Illinois.
Putting Obama’s campaigning in a negative light, Fox News headlined its take on the Milwaukee event with “’Campaigner’-in-Chief: President Barack Obama stops in Milwaukee to stump for Mary Burke.” A variety of sources commented that the president has been kept away from many Democrats who are campaigning for next week’s midterm elections. While many Democrats are distancing themselves from the president, his low approval rating, and his policies which are not very popular with Americans – such as Obamacare, foreign affairs, and open border concerns – the Republicans are taking delight in linking the long list of Democratic candidates who have supported the president over and over again in the past.
Prior to the Milwaukee event in which persons exited during Obama’s speech, Reuters and a host of other media outlets reported last week that many persons walked out on Obama. That incident occurred in Upper Marlboro, Maryland as the president made one of his rare campaign appearances to support Maryland’s Democratic Lieutenant Governor Anthony Brown. Brown is running for governor in the state. Though Obama has been shunned by his political party’s campaigners for the most part, he has been making numerous appearances throughout the country to raise funds for his Democratic Party.

Park-gate: Biden vacation at National Park cabin prompts investigation

Vice President Biden speaks to students, faculty and staff at Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government in Cambridge, Mass. Thursday, Oct. 2, 2014. (AP Photo/Winslow Townson)
(This post has been updated.)
Vice President Biden and several top White House officials have vacationed with their families at the same log cabin in Grand Teton National Park. Located on Jackson Lake, the rustic getaway is the perfect escape from the fast-paced Washington grind.
The cabin also happens to be owned by the federal government, and was banned 20-some years ago by the National Park Service for anything other than “official use.”
Some great reporting by Time’s Zeke Miller has prompted the Interior Department to ask for an investigation into Biden’s stay, as well as uses of the cabin by several Obama cabinet secretaries, such as Education Secretary Arne Duncan and former transportation secretary Ray LaHood.
Government officials, including Biden, who use the Brinkerhoff lodge are often given briefings and tours that satisfy the “official use” requirement, Jackie Skaggs, a Grand Teton National Park spokeswoman, told Miller. At issue is whether those officials should reimburse the government for extended stays, and for bringing friends and family along.
(Like how members of Congress and their spouses get free rides to Europe, so they can feast on steak tartare at Paris’s La Coupole … and meet with foreign leaders.)
Biden, according to Time, had 11 family members with him for a four-night vacation in August. A public daily guidance announced he was traveling to the National Park in Wyoming for four days with his wife, but did not include any public events or further details.
LaHood and Duncan also stayed for several nights on separate occasions and brought their families along. But those non-government guests are supposed to pay their own way.
But Time’s review of documents obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request revealed that the park service never billed the officials or kept official records of their visits.
After being asked about their free family vacations, Biden, LaHood and Duncan each claim they will pay whatever they owe if the parks department sends them a bill. Biden is readying a check for $1,200, his office told Miller. Biden’s office also said, and reiterated to the Loop, that it had asked about the cost of renting the lodge for personal use before going and was quoted the per diem rate for Teton County plus $10 per guest.
April Slayton, National Parks Service spokeswoman, confirmed that the agency is “conducting a review of compliance with the policy and related record keeping at the Brinkerhoff, and the park is seeking reimbursement, where appropriate, for use of the Brinkerhoff.”
In 1992, the Park Service sent a memo that the “public interest will be better served” if so-called “VIP accomodations” be used only for official use.
But the policy hasn’t been strictly enforced and federal officials have been able to use the cabin as a family retreat. Something tells us that’s likely to change.
(Correction: An earlier version of this post said Biden’s trip was not on the public schedule. A guidance went out that he and wife Dr. Jill Biden would in Grand Teton National Park from August 7 – August 11.)

Report: Man Brutally Beheads Woman in New York Before Jumping in Front of Train

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The community in Farmingdale, New York, is shocked after an unidentified man reportedly jumped in front of a moving train shortly after viciously beheading a woman nearby.
Citing unidentified sources, WPIX-TV reported the body of a beheaded woman was discovered in Faramingdale near the Long Island Rail Road station.
Image source: WPIX-TV
Police in Nassau County confirmed the potential suicide on the LIRR tracks, but did not confirm that the death is connected to the beheading.
There was no clear connection between the deadly incident and terrorism as of Tuesday night.
However, law enforcement sources told NBC New York that police are investigating the incident as a murder-suicide. The sources confirmed a woman in her 60s was found with her head severed outside a Farmingdale apartment.
Officials reportedly believe the man found dead on the LIRR tracks could be the deceased woman’s son.
LIRR also confirmed on Twitter that an “unauthorized person” was struck by a train, delaying the Ronkonkoma line.

“En mi opinión” Sugerimos que usted vote así en La Elección de Noviembre Martes 4
1.  Para gobernador y vicegobernador: Rick Scott y Carlos López Cantera.  
2.  Para fiscal general: Pam Bondi
3.  Para Funcionario Principal de Finanzas:  Jeff Atwater
4.  Para Comisionado de Agricultura:  Adam Putnam
5.  Representante ante el Congreso, Distrito 23:  Joseph "Joe" Kaufman
6.  Representante ante el Congreso, Distrito 24:  Carlos Curbelo.  
7.  Representante Estatal, Distrito 100:  Martin a. "Marty" Feigenbaum
8.  Representante Estatal, Distrito 103:  Manny Díaz, Jr.  
9.  Representante Estatal, Distrito 105:  Carlos Trujillo
10. Representante Estatal, Distrito 110:  Jose Oliva
11. Representante Estatal, Distrito 111:  Votar por uno 
12. Representante Estatal, Distrito 112:  Daniel Díaz Leyva
13. Representante Estatal, Distrito 114:  Erik Fresen
14. Representante Estatal, Distrito 115:  Michael Bileca
15. Representante Estatal, Distrito 116:  Jose Felíx Díaz/Carmen Sotomayor
16. Representante Estatal, Distrito 118:  Frank Artiles
17. Representante Estatal, Distrito 119:  Jeanette M. Nuñez
18: Tasador de Inmuebles:  Pedro J. García
19. Enmienda #1-Water and Land Convervation-Conservación de Aguas y Tierras:  No.  
20. Enmienda #2-Marihuana:  No.  
21.  Enmienda #3-Nombramiento Eventual para Ciertos Cargos Judiciales Vacantes:  No.  
22.  Preguntas del Condado-Enmienda para permitir bibliotecas en parques:  No.
23.  Preguntas del Condado-  Eximir al Parque Regional de Fútbol de Miami-Dade del Articulo 7:  No.  
24.  Preguntas del Condado-  Permitir terrenos para acampar y alojamientos/cabañas en el Parque de Matecumbe:  No.
25.  Enmienda para eximir del Articulo 7  la ampliación de la Universidad Internacional de la Florida en los predios de la Fería de la Juventud:  No.
26.  Imponer otro impuesto a la propiedad para cubrir el gasto de construir una Corte que reemplaze el edificio del Cielito Lindo:  No.  
27.  Juez del Condado, Grupo 19:  Frank Bocanegra
28.  ¿Se deberian retener en sus cargos los tres jueces del Tribunal de Apelaciones:  Thomas Logue, Barbara Lagoa, y Vance E. Salter?  Si.
La decisión es suya.  Compartan cualquier información que piensen que es importante con sus familiares y amigos.  Pidanles que voten por cualquiera de los candidatos que ellos merecen que se merecen su voto, pero que voten.
En mi opinión
No 781 “En mi opinión” Octubre 30, 2014
“IN GOD WE TRUST” Lázaro R González Miño   EDITOR

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