No 768 “En mi opinión” Miercoles
Octubre 15, 2014
Abounds That Ebola Will Be Used As Excuse To Implement Martial Law
"...what could be more
economically devastating than..."
black conservative writer Mychal Massie shared a unique – if disturbing – view
regarding the ultimate result of the current Ebola scare. While the disease is
currently contained within the U.S., he noted that it is not the only potential
outbreak facing the nation and that the current administration is doing little
to reduce the threat.
are being placed in eminent peril by disease-carrying illegal aliens flooding
our shores,” he wrote in a recent WND column.
only has Barack Obama willingly allowed this scenario to play out on his watch;
Massie criticized a weak Republican Party for failing to sufficiently challenge
his policies.
person should be demanding Obama be made to answer why he has provided safe
harbor for disease-carrying illegal aliens, “ he wrote, “diseases that have
already resulted in loss of life of American children.”
cited a remark Dr. Ben Carson made recently in which he suggested the 2016
elections could be cancelled. He took Carson’s alarming projection one step
further by offering a possible excuse for such a brazen move.
did not specifically mention a pandemic of disease as the reason for same,” he
concluded, “stating instead the possibility of economic disaster and ISIS. I
say, what could be more economically devastating than a disease pandemic and
martial law to prevent a run on banks and to allow government-controlled media
Massie’s speculation might strike some as far-fetched, he is hardly the only
one to voice such concerns. U.S. Rep. Steve
Stockman, for example, stated just this week that Ebola could be
used as the impetus behind the establishment of a police state in the near
ONLY: Documentary Exposes Lois Lerner And The IRS
“The IRS shakes down innocent people,
harasses them out of business, and does so without accountability..."
new film playing tonight only (October 14) in 674 movie theaters across
the United States chronicles members of the Tea Party and other conservative
organizations who say they were targeted by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
and tells the story of former IRS official Lois Lerner
film, entitled, “Unfair: Exposing the IRS”, has been put together by Fathom Events,
an entertainment company that brings large events to movie theaters. A panel
discussion featuring former Arkansas Governor and Fox News personality Mike
Huckabee follows the film, according to The Hollywood Reporter.
IRS shakes down innocent people, harasses them out of business, and does so
without accountability…It wants you to provide a restaurant receipt from seven
years ago, but it can’t even follow federal law to keep up with its internal
correspondence by email.”
The Hollywood Reporter notes
the film was written and produced by radio host Craig Bergman and directed by
Judd Saul, and also features South Carolina Republican Congressman Trey Gowdy.
Bergman stressed to the publication that the film isn’t just about Lois Lerner.
Lerner is the boogie man that the left put out as their scapegoat…This isn’t
about rogue agents; this is a systemic problem that has been going on for 100
years, and I make the moral case against the system. Lois Lerner is just
one bad guy on a long list of bad guys.
week, Lerner was the target of a video by
investigative journalist Jason Mattera. Lerner refused to answer Mattera’s
questions about IRS corruption.
AMENPER: El Estado
intervencionista Keynesiano de Obama, y la Seguridad Nacional.
Obama y Nancy Pelosi se convirtieron a las viejas panaceas de Keynes de que el
gasto gubernamental puede conjurar el crecimiento, que las regulaciones pueden
productivamente pueden dirigir la inversión, y que la igualdad debe ser el
objetivo principal de la política económica.
resultados han sido previsibles: una recuperación lenta históricamente ahora va
en cinco años, que declina en ingreso real con excepción de los muy ricos, el
ritmo más lento de crecimientos en décadas, y el público ha comenzado
a creer que son mejores días del país pasado y el futuro pertenece a los demás
— tal vez China o la nueva y mejorada Unión Soviética imperialista de
pesimismo contribuye a una política de suma cero con una hostilidad y un
desprecio a los exitosos. Vemos políticas que piden la redistribución del
ingreso, y el rechazo de talento humano — ese declive económico compuesto. Y este
descenso a su vez conduce a un humor aislacionistas que finge que si América
ignora trastornos del mundo de alguna manera dejan América solo, y los
problemas se resuelvesd solos, esto es otro pensamiento de Keynes.
vemos que un grupo pequeño y poco equipado, que realmente no debiera de
haber sido un problema en el medio oriente como ISIS, crecer con sus triunfos
permitidos, y vemos que está reviviendo el Califato Islámico en el
siglo XXI, y no sólo esto, pero que nos tiene preocupados por la seguridad de
nuestras ciudades.
como una crisis como una epidemia cómo la de Ébola, se trata no cómo lo que es,
pero como una situación política que impide implementar las medidas usuales y
necesarias en una epidemia, porque el aislar a los que pueden traer la epidemia
a nuestras ciudades no se ajusta a las agendas políticas.
Y los
Keynesianos insisten en sus medidas económicas y la administración insiste en
ignorar los problemas internacionales dedicándose a situaciones domésticas
en su afán por avanzar la agenda socialista. Porque cuando sigues a la
complaciente dependencia de Keynes todos los problemas se entrelazan.
Hoy un
reto particular que no era evidente antes, es la carga de derecho fiscal en su
demanda de cada vez mayores impuestos, pero también psicológico minando el
incentivo para trabajar y tener éxito. La restauración de Reagan nos salvó del
destino del socialismo de Europa por un tiempo, pero la reversión progresiva
der Obama ha revivido el peligro de un estado de derecho intervencionista que
es demasiado grande para pagar pero también demasiado grande para la reforma.
lección de los años 70 es que esto se puede convertir a la dirección
nacional rápidamente. Los expertos dijeron las secuelas de las guerras
mundiales I y II sería depresión, pero se contrajo el gobierno, se implementó
una austeridad dentro de la libertad de los mercados y gracias a esto tuvimos
el boom del América, bajo Ronald Reagan.
la década de 1970 los sucesivos fracasos de Vietnam, Watergate, la crisis
energética y la inflación llevaron muchas elites estadounidenses a preguntarse
si la democracia era capaz de derrotar al comunismo. Una década más tarde, en
medio del boom de Reagan que agregado a Alemania al PIB de Estados Unidos, esas
ansiedades habían desaparecido y el imperio soviético se había desintegrado.
Esto es
un ejemplo que nos debiera de servir de experiencia, cómo la intervención del
gobierno en la economía doméstica se refleja en los problemas internacionales.
respuesta a nuestro actual crecimiento lento y la inseguridad no es un conjunto
de "nuevas ideas" mágicos o un orador desconocido de ideas
socialistas. .
respuesta es redescubrir las verdades eternas que han ayudado a América a
escapar del malestar y confusión en el pasado.
lecciones incluyen que los mercados libres, libres de la mente de asignar los
escasos recursos a programas sociales dirigidos por una agenda política, de la
complicidad del gobierno con las grandes empresas millonarias de amigotes que
reprime la competencia y lleva al cinismo político.
La vuelta
al liderazgo de América.
Hoy el
mundo no nos respeta, y tienen razón, esta administración no merece respeto.
gobierno se respetará más cuando haga un par de cosas bien en vez de muchas
mal; y que la innovación y progreso humano sea el resorte no de las
élites burocráticas sino de la genialidad de los individuos. Pero no vemos este
deseo bajo Obama. Mientras tanto la confianza nacional está en crisis. Las
encuestas lo dicen, pero los medios noticiosos complacientes y el gobierno lo
todo, la lección debiera ser las periódicas meteduras de pata que
humanamente los estadounidenses han tenido y tienen, sean utilizadas
bajo las bendiciones de la libertad para restaurar la prosperidad y
la confianza nacional. Un pueblo libre tiene su destino en sus propias manos.
ABC News and the Washington
Post took the public’s temperature on Ebola (if you’ll forgive
the expression) and the polling results were dismal. If anything, ABC’s report on the poll undersells the astonishing loss of
public confidence:
two-thirds of Americans are concerned about a widespread epidemic of the Ebola
virus in the United States, and about as many in a new ABC
News/Washington Post poll say the federal government is not doing enough to
prevent it.
Indeed, more than four in 10 – 43
percent – are worried that they or an immediate family member might catch the
disease. That’s similar to the level of concern about other viral outbreaks in
some previous ABC/Post polls – but more consequential, given Ebola’s high
mortality rate.
Despite these concerns, more
than six in 10 are at least somewhat confident in the ability of both the
federal government, and their local hospitals and health agencies, to respond
effectively to an outbreak. Future views remain to be seen; most
interviews in this poll were done before the news Sunday morning that a nurse
who treated an Ebola patient in Dallas had herself become infected. (Results of
interviews conducted Sunday were essentially the same as on previous nights.)
In terms of preventive actions, the
poll, produced for ABC by Langer Research Associates, finds near-unanimous
support (91 percent) for stricter screening of incoming passengers from
Ebola-affected countries in Africa. Two-thirds support restricting entry of
such individuals into the United States.
“More than six in 10″ are “at least
somewhat confident” in the ability of the government and local health care
agencies to respond to an Ebola outbreak? That’s not acontradiction of the poll’s other findings of public
anxiety, it’s a confirmation. “If there’s an outbreak, I figure there’s a
60 percent chance Uncle Sam can handle it” is not a heartwarming show of
support from Ma and Pa America.
Also, note the overwhelming public
support for measures the Administration is arrogantly insisting, for
purely ideological reasons,
it will not implement. When people hear a government official say they
won’t ban travel from the hot zone because it would be offensive to Africans or
damage their economies, or because an action that isn’t guaranteed to be 100
percent effective against the spread of a deadly disease isn’t worth taking,
it’s not persuasive or reassuring, it’s terrifying.
Likewise the absurd suggestion that a
travel ban would somehow restrict the ability of aid workers to fight Ebola in
Africa. That’s effectively an admission that the mighty federal
government is too damn stupid to
know the difference between an aid worker taking all due precautions before
returning home, and a desperate asymptomatic Liberian hopping on a plane and
heading for the United States in hopes of reaching an American hospital before
he becomes visibly ill.
The political
class and their associates in the media are busy denouncing the public for
unreasoning Ebola panic, but what I’m seeing is better described as an entirely
reasonable fear of government failure. Ebola arrived at a Great Moment of
Doubt in the United States – an entirely rational conclusion, by much of the
populace, that their gigantic government simply cannot be trusted to do
anything except look out for its own interests and service the ideology of its
Ruling Class. Anything else is a crapshoot.
It’s not easy to get the Ruling Class
to even focus on the problem at hand, as can be seen from all the peripheral
issues that seem more important to officials than protecting Americans from the
spread of Ebola. This is a health problem entirely foreign to the United
States. It didn’t exist here at all until Patient One arrived, and
transmitted the disease to Patient Two, one of the nurses who cared for him.
The public expects a very high degree of protection from the spread of an
entirely new contagion. If – fingers crossed! – the current outbreak is
limited to these two individuals, and nurse Nina Phammakes the full recovery everyone is praying
for, most people would consider containment acceptable… but it still matters
that so many people were put at risk during Ebola’s very first swing through
America. It matters a great deal that, with all the time in the world to
prepare – you don’t usually have months to brace yourself for the arrival of a
disease – the system still dissolved into a pathetic clown show of horrifying
mistakes, finger-pointing, and lies.
Sadly, it does
not seem realistic to think Ebola will be confined to these two people; in
numerous ways, both explicit and implied, the System is signaling that we can
expect more. This week’s blithering idiocy about “Republican budget cuts”
crippling the CDC isn’t just Democrat election panic or bureaucratic
butt-covering; it’s political battlespace preparation for the situation growing
People worried
about Ebola aren’t irrationally wringing their hands about a “Rise of the
Planet of the Apes”-style extinction-level event. They’re understandably
worried that American Ebola is going to be worse than it needed to be. If
the ultimate tally of Ebola patients hit, say, ten thousand, it would be a very
small fraction of the U.S. population, nothing compared to what western Africa
is going through, and small potatoes by the clinical standards of epidemiology…
but it would be far worse than the American people rightly believe it should
have been. We demand a highly level of performance from the same
multi-trillion dollar super-State that is supposedly better qualified to run
every business in America than the people who own them – the State that pointed
asserted new powers to regulate medicine and health insurance over the past few
Instead, we’re getting political spats
between the head of the CDC and the nurses’ union, as the latter accuse the
former of scapegoating Pham for getting herself infected. We’re getting hogwash about funding shortages from agencies that
were spending money on frivolities the day before yesterday, as part of a
department that blew $2 billion on a website, to service a “health care reform”
that’s adding over $100 billion to the deficit in service of a program the
American people hate. This is all happening in the context of an
Administration where hardly anyone is ever held responsible for anything.
Does anyone see a reason to expect better performance when Ebola gets
The other rapidly-spreading contagion
this Administration can’t handle is ISIS. There are many similarities to
the fumbling response to Ebola. The threat was seen coming from far away,
but President Obama ignored it and allowed the outbreak to occur. When he
was finally compelled to pay attention to the problem by media coverage and his
cratering poll numbers, his response was vague and ill-informed – it’s astonishing how
badly Obama has gotten everything wrong, from the nature of the “moderate”
Syrian rebels, to the behavior of Turkey as ISIS gears up for a Kurdish
massacre on their border. As for the lack of Administration
accountability and transparency, you can’t do better than the spectacle of
Susan Rice, the Liar of Benghazi, swanning before the cameras to declare that the
war is going well… at the exact same moment ISIS encircles Baghdad and begins
the final push to topple Kobani. The only thing missing was Rice blaming
the advances of the Islamic State on a YouTube video.
When it comes to battling the ISIS
contagion, the Great Moment of Doubt is even more painful, because it applies
to foreign allies and enemies, most importantly including the people Obama
expects to serve as his ground forces against the caliphate. War always
boils down to a contest
of will. That
applies to every aspect of the endeavor, from rallying forces to securing the
surrender of a broken enemy. At the moment, every faction in the Nameless
Non-War is comparing a determined, savage ISIS to an Obama Administration so
foolish and distracted that it still openly declared global warming to
be its primary enemy, even as it’s losing actual battle on every front in Iraq
and Syria. I’m not kidding - the Pentagon just released a
report portraying “climate change” as the greatest threat it needs to deal
with. That’s the kind of nitwittery that makes ISIS fighters grin from
ear to ear, while America’s prospective allies rub their throats and think
about the ear-to-ear grin ISIS will give them, while the Americans are yelling
at each other about which expensive biofuel they should be pouring into their
war machines.
Fox News has
a report today about how ISIS spreads its influence through fear, a force
multiplier that allows it to control far more territory than its relatively
modest army should be able to handle:
An army estimated at 25,000 – roughly
the size of one U.S. division – is at war with Syria, has a large city near the
Turkish border under siege and is believed to have set its sights on Baghdad.
It also controls cities, roads and territory nearly the size of Great Britain,
some 81,000 square miles, according to The National Counterterrorism Center.
Experts say the key to Islamic State’s
ability to project such power with relatively small numbers is the sheer
brutality it uses to strike fear in the hearts of enemies. The beheadings of
U.S. and British journalists and aid workers have shocked the west, but in
northern Iraq and Syria, entire villages have come to fear the same fate, meted
out without warnings or slickly produced videos.
“Their ferocity is the thing,” Shaul
Gabbay, a professor at the University of Denver and analyst on Muslim world
conditions, said to “The more fierce they are, the more successful
they become because it strikes fear among not only the region, but the world.”
[...] It’s not just Islamic State’s
embrace of savagery that makes it so effective. The fact that the terrorist
army publicizes its brutality ensures that no one misses it. In June, an entire
division of the U.S.-trained Iraqi army dropped their weapons, shed their
uniforms and fled from the bloodthirsty marauders. They had heard of the
beheadings that have become a trademark of Islamic State.
“Not only do
they commit these horrific acts, they document it,” said Scott Stewart, vice
president of tactical analysis for geopolitical intelligence and advisory firm Stratfor.
Stewart said Islamic State posts its
horrors to social media, tweeting pictures of fighters hoisting severed heads
and releasing video showing kneeling prisoners gunned down without mercy to
strike fear in enemies and to recruit jihadists from among Iraq’s alienated
Sunni Muslim population.
Nothing new about that – as mentioned
above, war is always a contest of will, a question of morale. In this case,
while ISIS demonstrates it has the will and savagery to do whatever it takes to
win, and make its enemies pay a horrible price for opposing it, Obama has
weakened America so much that even a NATO ally, Turkey, twiddles its thumbs
during the rape of a city, and says “not so fast!” to yesterday’s reports that it would
allow the use of its bases for operations against ISIS. Good news:
Turkish warplanes went into action and dropped some bombs along the Iraqi
border yesterday. Bad news: they
were bombing the Kurds.
Both Ebola and
ISIS will prey upon America’s Great Moment of Doubt, pouring into the vacuum of
leadership in different ways. For Ebola, its spread will be made easier
by the public’s loss of confidence in the authorities – you quite literally
cannot tell whether to believe anything the Administration says on the subject.
Officials have numerous reasons to be less than truthful, ranging from
the near-hysteria over preventing public hysteria at any cost, to bureaucratic
butt-covering. Even when they want to tell the truth, it’s clear their
knowledge of the disease is much less comprehensive than what they confidently
asserted a month ago… or, to put things in bureaucrat-speak, their “protocols
need to be revised.”
As for ISIS, it’s a virus that feeds
eagerly upon doubt, and the only thing currently getting “degraded and
ultimately destroyed” in Iraq or Syria is confidence in American leadership.
The official protocols to handle that outbreak
were scribbled on the back of a golf scorecard with a pencil stub, right around
the time 50,000 Yazidis were in danger of extermination, and they haven’t
worked at all.
Biological Brushfire: WHO Claims New
Ebola Cases Could Spread As Fast As 10,000 Per Week
Time to quarantine all African nations with an ebola problem,
death rate in the Ebola outbreak has risen to 70 percent and there could be up
to 10,000 new cases a week in two months, the World Health Organization warned
assistant director-general Dr. Bruce Aylward gave the grim figures during a
news conference in Geneva. Previously, WHO had estimated the death rate at
around 50 percent.
said the 70 percent death rate was “a high mortality disease” in any
circumstance and that the U.N. health agency was still focused on trying to get
sick people isolated and provide treatment as early as possible.
told reporters that if the world’s response to the Ebola crisis isn’t stepped
up within 60 days, “a lot more people will die” and there will be a huge need
to deal with the spiraling numbers of cases.
the last four weeks, there’s been about 1,000 new cases per week — including
suspected, confirmed and probable cases, he said, adding that the U.N. health
agency is aiming to get 70 percent of cases isolated within two months to
reverse the outbreak.
increased its Ebola death toll tally to 4,447 people on Tuesday, nearly all of
them in West Africa, from 8,914 cases.
Ebola May Have Just Spread To An American Who Doesn’t Even Work In A Hospital
It looks like there might be a third case of
Ebola in Texas...
As federal
health officials try to reassure nervous Americans that they have the Ebola situation
under control, here comes breaking news out of Dallas that does absolutely
nothing to support that narrative.
boyfriend of the hospital worker who contracted the virus from the late Thomas
Eric Duncan is now in isolation, being monitored closely to see if he exhibits
signs or symptoms of the deadly disease.
there are conflicting reports as to whether the young man is actually
showing any Ebola-like symptoms.
urgent post on the website says:
It looks like
there might be a third case of Ebola in Texas, as the boyfriend of Nina Pham,
the nurse who contracted the deadly disease from Thomas Eric Duncan, has been
admitted to the hospital for exhibiting symptoms of the illness.
post references another site,,
which says that people who work alongside the nurse’s boyfriend at Alcon, a
Texas business, have just reached out with information that the man is now in
quarantine at the Dallas hospital where his girlfriend worked and reportedly
contracted Ebola: has
received word from two different Alcon employees, both of whom asked not to be
Alcon’s U.S.
headquarters are in Fort Worth, Texas. It is an ophthalmological pharmaceutical
the head of that Texas-based company where the nurse’s boyfriend works sent out
an email saying the man was admitted to Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital for
observation, though he was NOT yet showing clear signs of Ebola infection.
as USA
Today reports,
the young Texas nurse who is fighting a confirmed Ebola infection has received
a blood transfusion from an Ebola survivor who won his fight against the
often-deadly disease.
The woman was
identified Monday as nurse Nina Pham, her family confirmed.
Pham, 26, is
the first person known to contract the disease in the USA.
By evening,
she had received a transfusion of plasma from Kent Brantly, a Texas physician
who survived the virus, according to her pastor and the nonprofit medical
mission group Samaritan’s Purse, Associated Press reported.
Sin echar la pelea ya obama perdió la batalla. Si no le quitan a obama-ebola el
bastón de mando todos estamos muy jodidos… Lázaro R González Miño./
Que Van A Defender Sus Posiciones Votando…
Hoy El Washington Post En Primera Plana
Anuncia Que De Ser Electos Los Republicanos
Los “Empleados Públicos” La Van A Pasar Mal…
Estamos hablando de MILLONES
no solamente van a votar
Los empleados… las madres, esposas e hijos… que saldrán a votar
a favor
conservar sus BOTELLAS…
Miren Solamente El Caso De Miami… Entre
los empleados del Condado y las Ciudades la Cantidad De empleados públicos SUPERA Los 142,000
According to Wikepedia EXCLUYENDO 33 CIUDADES
142,842 Empleados cantidad que hay
multiplicar por 2.3 que es el promedio de familiares en el mismo
= 328,544 Que van a votar contra CUALQUIER CAMBIO…
Afecte Sus Bolsillos Contra esa PODEROSA Maquinaria compuesta por
que por lo regular ha optado por trabajar para el gobierno por
gente sin deseos de SUPERACIÓN PERSONAL… quien puede DERROTAR
A los
of employees
Aquí Está El Anuncio En El WASHINGTON POST De Hoy
Metiéndole Miedo A Los Millones De Burócratas
Para Que Voten Por Los Demócratas…
Aquí tienen el titular y el enlace más abajo…
Republicans have a good chance to win the Senate on Nov. 4. No one
expects them to lose the House.
So what would a Capitol Hill controlled by Republicans mean for
millions of people — federal employees, retirees and their families —
directly affected by congressional action?
Sepa Porque USA es el ÚNICO gran país que no tiene barcos
de pasajeros...
USA Era EL ÚNICO PAÍS Al Final De La II Guerra Que Tenía
Barcos De Pasajeros… Era Además El Que Tenia Los Astilleros Mas Grande Y Los
Barcos Más Grandes… El “ESTADOS UNIDOS” Y El “CONSTITUCIÓN”… Pero Comenzó La
Competencia De Los Europeos… Y Tuvieron Que Cerrar… ¿Por qué? Quién Los Llevó a La
Los SINDICATOS Los Europeos Daban Y SIGUEN DANDO El Servicio Con Personal De Países
Subdesarrollados Que Reducían Los Costos… El Sindicato De USA Se NEGÓ A
Permitir Que Extranjeros Trabajasen En Barcos De Estados Unidos… Y Llevaron a
la Industria A La Quiebra… De
Hecho ELIMINARON A USA Del Mercado… y la perdida De Todos Los Empleos… y Eso
Sucedió en 1954… La Infiltración Contra USA Tiene Muchos Años Trabajando… Los “POLITIQUEROS” De Entonces NADA
HICIERON Para Salvar
La Industria…
No Todos Los Republicanos Son “CONSERVADORES” Pero Todos Los Demócratas Son “SOCIALISTAS”… Vota Contra Los
Hace 2,000 años San Pablo estableció que el matrimonio CON UN
San Pablo Había Resuelto El problema De Los Divorciados:
esto es lo que dijo en
1 Corintios 7: 14-17King Valera (RV)
14 Porque el marido incrédulo es santificado en la mujer, y la mujer incrédula es santificada por el marido: pues de otra manera vuestros hijos serían inmundos; pero ahora son santos. 15 Pero si el incrédulo se separa, sepárese. El hermano o la hermana no está sujeto a servidumbre en semejante caso, sino que Dios nos ha llamado a la paz. 16 Porque ¿qué sabes tú, oh mujer, si quizá harás salvo a tu marido? ¿O qué sabes tú, oh marido, si quizá harás salva a tu esposa? 17 Pero como Dios ha distribuido a cada hombre, como el Señor ha llamado a cada uno, así anden. Esto ordenó en todas las iglesias. En otras palabras el creyente de un MATRIMONIO PUEDE COMULGAR…
BREAKING: Report Circulating That Justice John
Roberts Signed Off On Obama’s Arrest For Treason
The Patriot May 1, 2014 BREAKING:
Report Circulating That Justice John Roberts Signed Off On Obama’s Arrest For
Treason2014-05-01T07:45:06+00:00 News 5918 Comments
There is some serious speculation that Chief Justice
John Roberts has signed off on Interpol, which would mean that Obama is one
step closer to being removed from office for multiple counts of treason.
Charges include infringements of the Second
Amendment, and declaring war without consent of Congress, and some other
serious violations of Obama’s Oath.
The leaked document claims that Obama is guilty of
the following crimes:
Article 1, Sect. 1
1. Used Executive Privilege in regards to Fast & Furious gun running scandal. When Government misconduct is the concern Executive privilege is negated. 2. Issued 23 Executive Orders on gun control – infringement of the 2nd Amendment. 3. Executive Order bypassing Congress on immigration
Violation Article 1 Section 1
4. NDAA – Section 1021. Due process Rights negated.
Violation of 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th Amendments.
5. Executive Order 13603 NDRP – Government can seize anything. 6. Executive Order 13524 – Gives INTERPOL jurisdiction on American soil beyond law enforcement agencies, including the FBI. 7. Executive Order 13636 Infrastructure Cyber security – Bypassing Congress Violations: Article 1 Section 1, Art. 4 sect. 4, 8. Signed into law the establishment of “NO Free Speech Zones” – noncompliance is a felony. 9. Attempt to tax political contributions
Violations: 1st Amendment, Art.1 sect. 7
10. Defense
of Marriage Act (DOMA) Law – Obama directed DOJ ( Dept. of Justice ) to
ignore the Constitution and separation of powers and not enforce the law.
Violations : Art. 2 sect.2 , 5th amendment, 18 USC
241 – Sec. 241
11. Drone strikes on American Citizens – 5th Amendment Due process Rights negated.
Violations: Art. 1 Sect. 1
12. Bypassed Congress and gave EPA power to advance Cap-n-Trade 13. Attempt for Graphic tobacco warnings (under appeal)
Violations: 1st Amendment. Art. 1 sect. 8
14. Four Executive appointments – Senate was NOT in recess (Court has ruled unconstitutional yet the appointees still remain)
Violations: Art. 1 sect 2 &5 ,
15. Obama took Chairmanship of UN Security Council –
Violation : Art 1 Sect. 9.
16.Obamacare( A.C.A. ) mandate – SCOTUS (U.S. SupremeCourt ) had to make it a tax because there is no Constitutional authority. Violations : Art. 2 sect. 1 , Amendments 1, 2, 9, 10, & 14, Art. 1 sect. 7 18. Healthcare waivers – No president has dispensing powers. Violations: 1st, 2, 9,10, & 14th Amendment, Art 1: Sect. 7 19. Refuses to acknowledge state’s 10th Amendment rights to nullify Obamacare( Affordable Care Act ) . Violation: Art. 1 sect. 1 , Art. 2. sect. 1 , 10th Amendment 20. Congress did not approve Obama’s war in Libya. Article I, Section 8, First illegal war U.S. has engaged in. Impeachable under Article II, Section 4. Obama falsely claims UN can usurp Congressional war powers. Violations: Article I, Section 8, Art.2 sect. 1 21. Obama has acted outside the constitutional power given him – this in itself is unconstitutional. Violations: Art. 2 sect 1 22. With the approval of Obama, the NSA and the FBI are tapping directly into the servers of 9 internet companies to gain access to emails, video/audio, photos, documents, etc. This program is code named PRISM. NSA also collecting data on all phone calls in U.S. Violation of 4th Amendment. Violations: 4th Amendment. 23. Plans to sign U.N. Firearms treaty – 2nd Amendment. Violation: 2nd ,4th, 9th, 10th , & 14TH Amendment, Art.1 Sect. 4 , Art. 2 sect. 1 24. The Senate/Obama immigration bill (approved by both) raises revenue – Section 7. All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; Violations: Art. 1 sect 4th, 7 ,& 8th, Art. 2 sect. 1, Art.4 sect. 4, 25. Obama refuses to uphold the Business Mandate Law (ACA) for a year. President does not have that authority |
Amenper: Reflexiones
sobre mi calvicie…
Hace mucho tiempo que no me preocupo mucho sobre mi calvicie. No estoy
"afligido" por mi calvicie. No "sufro" por ella. Estoy no
"luchando una batalla" contra ella. No es una incapacidad,
no tengo que poner una tarjeta en mi espejo retrovisor como minusválido porque
soy calvo.
Empecé a perder mi cabello en mis veintitantos o algo así, y como ya no
llevo la cuenta, no sé si todavía estoy perdiendo algo de lo poco que me queda,
ya lo dejé tranquilo.
Cómo todos los calvos, tuve mi etapa en que usé todas las medicinas que me
recomendaban para la calvicie, hasta que encontré la medicina ideal. Era un
compuesto de resina, se llama “resinación”
Y con la resignación viene el convencimiento que es mejor ser calvo.
La razón para la calvicie es la cantidad de testosterona, la hormona
masculina que los calvos tenemos en abundancia. Siempre me ha
gustado el efecto que me produce la testosterona.
Este efecto continúa ahora más por mi calvicie. Ahora mi calva
brillosa trabaja cuando me expongo al sol, como un panel solar, que
me produce la energía para darle fuerza a la testosterona.
Dios me dio un cuero cabelludo limpio y brilloso, en vez llenar mi cabeza
con los desagradables pelos que cubren la cabeza de otros. Yo creo
que Dios en su misericordia cubre las feas cabezas de algunos con
pelo para que no se le vean el feo cuero cabelludo que tienen
No considero mi calvicie como una enfermedad, todo lo contrario, la
considero la cura de la caspa.
Ya no tengo que soportar que me pidan el peine prestado, a nadie se le
ocurriría pedirme un peine.
Me ahorro cientos de pesos al año en champú para el pelo y
gelatina. No tengo que perder el tiempo peinándome en el espejo.
El único gasto es que tengo que usar protector para el sol,para protegerme la calva, pero no voy mucho a la playa, cuando voy, no llevo una gorra para ocultar mi calvicie. Me pongo un sombrero para proteger la parte más alta del sol, y si nunca has tenido una quemadura de sol en la calva,. no puedes apreciar lo doloroso que es.´
El único gasto es que tengo que usar protector para el sol,para protegerme la calva, pero no voy mucho a la playa, cuando voy, no llevo una gorra para ocultar mi calvicie. Me pongo un sombrero para proteger la parte más alta del sol, y si nunca has tenido una quemadura de sol en la calva,. no puedes apreciar lo doloroso que es.´
Ya no tengo que aguantar la conversación del barbero, me pela en tres
minutos y no tiene tiempo para hablar de sus viajes a Cuba.
Me siento orgulloso de mi calvicie, mis políticos favoritos son Dick Cheney
y Dwight Eisenhower.
También recuerden que el símbolo de la nación americana es el
Águila Calva.
La culpa de que hubo calvos que se avergonzaran de su calvicie era por las
películas de Hollywood de antes. Todos los galanes tenían una linda cabellera,
pero llegó Yul Bryner, fue la redención de nosotros los calvos, y se pusieron
de moda los calvos sexys.
Quedan los artistas con pelo, pero si observan bien los que tienen más
pelos son los más estúpidos liberales.
Ahora hay personas y artistas que se afeitan la cabeza para parecer
Lo mismo pasa con los políticos, Fidel Castro, Hugo Chávez. Marx, Lenin,
Stalin, tenían mucho pelo, no eran calvos, y ¿qué les parece Evo Morales?
Me molestan las políticas de Evo, pero sin lugar a dudas tengo que estarle
agradecido, él es una demostración viviente de cuán estúpidos son los
que tienen mucho pelo.
Pero parece que la calvicie es la única característica física de
la que mucha gente no siente necesidad de ser "Cortés". Nos han
dicho desde la infancia por nuestros padres, que no es
cortés burlarse de personas porque son malolientes, tienen dientes
botados o le faltan dientes, tienen orejas o narices grandes, son bizcos o
extremadamente feos etc., pero en el caso de los calvos, parece ser considerado
legítimo los comentarios y bromas.
Mira, sé que soy calvo. Y no tengo que defenderme. Yo no soy arrogante
porque soy calvo, pero no estoy avergonzada por eso. No tiene nada que ver. Yo
no tengo pelo de la misma manera que tú tienes la cabeza llena de pelos como un
Yo no ni me acuerdo que no tengo pelo, supongo que tú tampoco notas
que tienes la cabeza llena de pelos como Trucutú
Por último, voy a tratar de traducirles la letra de una canción
de Christine Lavin, que me gusta mucho.
Todo el mundo sabe que es la testosterona
Lo que hace que la cabeza de un hombre se
vuelva una cúpula de cromo.
Pero testosterona es lo que hace a un
hombre, un hombre.
Cuanto más que él tiene,
más puede hacer las cosas que hacen a las mujeres gritar
Me quedo con un hombre calvo sobre un
muchacho con mucho pelo.
Chicos con muchos pelos hacen muy buenos
pero no se pueden comparar a los hombres
ABC,CBS,NBC And some spanish
media and the Ultra Izq.Billonario George Soros.
Legal battles against
conservative state governors keep cropping up. Rick Perry, Scott Walker, and
Bobby Jindal—all conservatives and all potential 2016 presidential
candidates—have become the victims of vile smear campaigns from the left. What's even more disturbing is that the trail of
money financing these flimsy legal cases all leads directly to George Soros.
In the past 15 years, Soros has donated over $52 million to numerous liberal media outlets. He also has woven a web of influential left-wing operations, including Media Matters and Center for American Progress, that advance his socialist ideology.
Having funneled millions into journalism schools and more than 180 media outlets across the nation, it's no wonder that the liberal media fail to report the connections between Soros and his attacks on elected officials he disagrees with. While ABC, CBS, and NBC were eagerly salivating to report on Scott Walker's legal problems and Rick Perry's indictment, not a single one mentioned the financial connection to George Soros.
You can help us put a stop to this.
As we approach an important mid-term election, George Soros and his liberal allies are pouring huge amounts of money into campaigns and grassroots activism.They're also busy pulling the strings on their puppets in the liberal media to advance their left-wing propaganda and tear down conservatives.
It's a David vs. Goliath battle, which is why we're counting on your support to expose Soros, his media moguls, and their nefarious plan to rig the upcoming election. Today marks the launch of our Stop the War on Truth campaign, and we need your help to get it off the ground.
L. Brent Bozell III
Founder and President
Media Research Center
In the past 15 years, Soros has donated over $52 million to numerous liberal media outlets. He also has woven a web of influential left-wing operations, including Media Matters and Center for American Progress, that advance his socialist ideology.
Having funneled millions into journalism schools and more than 180 media outlets across the nation, it's no wonder that the liberal media fail to report the connections between Soros and his attacks on elected officials he disagrees with. While ABC, CBS, and NBC were eagerly salivating to report on Scott Walker's legal problems and Rick Perry's indictment, not a single one mentioned the financial connection to George Soros.
You can help us put a stop to this.
As we approach an important mid-term election, George Soros and his liberal allies are pouring huge amounts of money into campaigns and grassroots activism.They're also busy pulling the strings on their puppets in the liberal media to advance their left-wing propaganda and tear down conservatives.
It's a David vs. Goliath battle, which is why we're counting on your support to expose Soros, his media moguls, and their nefarious plan to rig the upcoming election. Today marks the launch of our Stop the War on Truth campaign, and we need your help to get it off the ground.
L. Brent Bozell III
Founder and President
Media Research Center
Sugerencia de Oscar Fraga sobre las próximas
elecciones del próximo martes 4 de noviembre son de suma importancia para el
futuro de nuestro gran país. No debemos pensar como demócratas ni como
repúblicanos, sino como americanos. Tenemos que votar por candidatos que
representen los mismos valores que hicieron a los Estados Unidos la gran nación
que siempre fué. Tenemos que tener en mente que los ciudadanos son el gobierno,
"We the People." El presidente, los miembros del congreso y
nuestros jueces son solo parte de ese gobierno y no una entidad que tiene el
poder absoluto sobre cada uno de sus ciudadanos.
que es vital que cada uno de nosotros salgamos a votar ese día y que nos
eduquemos acerca de cada uno de los candidatos. Lo mismo digo sobre cada
una de las enmiendas que aparecerán en la boleta. Lo importante es salir a
anuncios que estamos viendo en la televisión y oyendo en la radio dejan mucho
que desear. Atácan al oponente pero ellos mismos no nos dicen que piensan
hacer si ellos son electos. Mucho de estos anuncios estan llenos de
mentiras y de información totalmente errónea y mal intencionada.
vivir en diferentes distritos, cada uno de nosotros tendremos candidatos y
enmiendas diferentes. También habrá casos en los cuales hay candidatos y
enmiendas por lo que todos nosotros votaremos.
sugieron que consideren a los siguientes candidatos y a las explicaciones que
los acompañan en la mayoria de los casos. Tambión les sugieron que
consideren como votar en las enmiendas y las explicaciones que las acompañan.
Pero cada uno de Uds. sabrá como quieren votar ese día.
Para gobernador y vicegobernador: Rick Scott y Carlos López
Cantera. Rick Scott tomó las riendas del estado en un momento en que el
desempleo estaba sumamente alto y miles de familias tenian sus propiedades en
foreclosure. Charlie Crist fué republicano, independiente y ahora demócrata.
Dice que va a subir el salario mínimo y ésto suena muy lindo, pero eso es
una función del gobierno federal y no el de un estado. Ninguno de los
candidatos son santos pero hay veces que hay que elegir el menos de dos
Para fiscal general: Pam Bondi
Para Funcionario Principal de Finanzas: Jeff Atwater
Para Comisionado de Agricultura: Adam Putnam
Representante ante el Congreso, Distrito 23: Joseph "Joe"
Representante ante el Congreso, Distrito 24: Carlos Curbelo.
José "Joe" García es su oponente. Esta en estos momentos
siendo investigado por un caso federal y no olvidemos que el dice que
"Communism works."
Representante Estatal, Distrito 100: Martin a. "Marty"
Representante Estatal, Distrito 103: Manny Díaz, Jr. No tiene
nada que ver con el que fué alcalde de la Ciudad de Miami y terminó siendo
millonario en pocos años.
Representante Estatal, Distrito 105: Carlos Trujillo
Representante Estatal, Distrito 110: Jose Oliva
Representante Estatal, Distrito 111: Votar por uno
Representante Estatal, Distrito 112: Daniel Díaz Leyva
Representante Estatal, Distrito 114: Erik Fresen
Representante Estatal, Distrito 115: Michael Bileca
Representante Estatal, Distrito 116: Jose Felíx Díaz/Carmen Sotomayor
Representante Estatal, Distrito 118: Frank Artiles
Representante Estatal, Distrito 119: Jeanette M. Nuñez
Tasador de Inmuebles: Pedro J. García. El ha estudiado toda su vida
para esa posición. Gracias a el, nuestros impuestos a la propiedad
bajaron cuando el estaba en ese cargo. Su contrincante es Eddy Gonzalez,
no luce una mala persona, pero no sabe mucho sobre la posición de tasador ya
que por años fué un Representante Estatal.
Enmienda #1-Water and Land Convervation-Conservación de Aguas y Tierras:
No. (Suena bonito, sobre todo cuando dicen que no nos subiran
nuestros impuestos. Aqui es para que el gobierno sigan comprando tierras
y más tierras y hacer más y más regulaciones. ¿Sabian que apróximadamente
el 80% de las tierras del estado de Nevada han sido compradas por el gobierno?
Todo en nombre del calentamiento global, etc.- Esto se pica y se
extiende!!!) Tengan mucho cuidado porque el lobo viene vestido de obeja.
Enmienda #2-Marihuana: No. Ya el estado de la Florida tiene la ley
Charlotte Webb firmada por el gobernador Rick Scott que permite la venta de la
marihuna medicinal a personas que de verdad lo necesitan. Lean lo que ha
pasado en el estado de Colorado después que ellos votaron a favor. Ahora
la mayoria de los usuarios son jovenes entre los 20 y los 35 años. Ya
estan haciendo galleticas de marihuana y hasta un aceite de cocinar de
marihuana. La marihuana es adictiva, afecta al cerebro y es el primer
paso al uso de drogas mas fuertes. Suena muy bonito como no las quieren
Enmienda #3-Nombramiento Eventual para Ciertos Cargos Judiciales
Vacantes: No. Esta perfecto de la manera que se hace. No hace
falta que cambien el proceso que esta en vigencia hoy en día. Eso le
daria un poder a los gobernadores de poner a sus amigos ya Uds. saben para que.
Preguntas del Condado-Enmienda para permitir bibliotecas en parques:
No. Ya tenemos suficientes bibliotecas y con las que tenemos ellos
tienens problemas asi que como ahora ellos quieren bibliotecas en los parques.
Parece que le esta patinando el coco.
Preguntas del Condado- Eximir al Parque Regional de Fútbol de
Miami-Dade del Articulo 7: No. Esto es un arma de doble filo.
Preguntas del Condado- Permitir terrenos para acampar y
alojamientos/cabañas en el Parque de Matecumbe: No. Esto también
esta dudoso.Ya tenemos bastantes lugares de alojamientos y para acampar.
Esto impactaria negativamente el medio ambiente de la zona. ¿Quién
sera el contratista y el dueño de esos alojamientos y lugares de acampar?
Enmienda para eximir del Articulo 7 la ampliación de la Universidad
Internacional de la Florida en los predios de la Fería de la Juventud:
No. FIU ya tiene bastante tierra. Ya estan tomando tierras
del otro lado de la Calle 8. Tienen un Campo Universitario en el Norte
que hay que decirle Ud. Quiere tomar los mangos bajitos con el hecho de
que le den esos terrenos. En esos terrenos se llevan a caba muchas
actividades para nuestra comunidad. Pienso que lo mudarian para
Homestead. ¿Cuantas familias pueden ir a Homestead? También FIU ha
hecho muchas cosas en contra de los estudiantes. Cursos lo dividen en dos
sesiones para cobrar más, se quedan con parte del dinero de Florida
Pre-paid,etc. En fin, son un pulpo que lo quiren acaparar todo.
Imponer otro impuesto a la propiedad para cubrir el gasto de construir
una Corte que reemplaze el edificio del Cielito Lindo: No. Ya no
podemos con otro impuesto mas. Si el edificio de la corte esta asi es
porque el Condado la dejo ponerse asi. ¿Dónde han estado los inspectores
todos estos años? Solo piensen lo que le pasaria a Uds. si pusieran algo
fuera de codigo en su propiedad o no cortaran el pasto por un tiempo. . . Si,
le iban a poner una tremenda multa. Recuerden lo que paso con el impuesto
al Jackson Hospital. Ahora tenemos que pagar ese impuesto y el dinero que
el hospital recibia del estado se lo han quitado y se los han dado a otros
hospitales alrededor del estado.
Juez del Condado, Grupo 19: Frank Bocanegra
¿Se deberian retener en sus cargos los tres jueces del Tribunal de
Apelaciones: Thomas Logue, Barbara Lagoa, y Vance E. Salter? (He
tratado de encontrar información sobre ellos y la poca información que esta
disponible dice que han desempeñado bien su cargo).
en todos los puntos antes mencionados. Recuerden, la decisión es suya.
Compartan cualquier información que piensen que es importante con sus
familiares y amigos. Pidanles que voten por cualquiera de los candidatos
que ellos merecen que se merecen su voto, pero que voten.
Están son mis sugerencias para
las próximas elecciones el martes 4 de noviembre del 2014.
Usted debe votar por quien
usted desee.
Esta es Boleta electoral del próximo Noviembre Martes 4, 2014 en Miami Dade.
DISTRITO 23 Joseph Kaufman REP 10
DISTRITO 24 Carlos Curbelo REP 15
REP 17 Carlos Lopez-Cantera
Atwater REP 25
REP 27
REPRESENTANTE ESTATAL, DISTRITO 100 Martin A. “Marty” Feigenbaum REP 30
Trujillo REP 35
Jose Oliva REP 40
Diaz Leyva REP 44
Fresen REP 46
REPRESENTANTE ESTATAL, DISTRITO 116 Jose Felix Diaz REP 52 Carmen Sotomayor REP 54
Artiles REP 56
M. Nuñez REP 58
No voten por Eddie González
para tasador de inmuebles, porque es un aliado de Carlos Giménez para subirnos
los impuestos.
Financiamiento de Proyectos del
Tribunal mediante la Emisión de Bonos de
Obligación General: Hacer una nueva corte con dinero de los
contribuyentes. Vote NO/.
Lázaro R. González
“En mi opinión”
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