No 777
mi opinión”
Octubre 26, 2014
“IN GOD WE TRUST” Lázaro R González Miño EDITOR
Amenper: Aplastando a Obama
Como la democracia representativa es un concepto no muy claro para mucho de
los votantes de nuestros países. a algunos de los que no les gusta la
administración de Obama, vemos que no toman mucho interés en estas elecciones
de medio término. Nos dicen, bueno Obama seguirá en la presidencia por dos años
Pero lo que no comprenden es la diferencia de la presidencia de Obama si su
partido pierde las dos cámaras legislativas
Un control del partido republicano del Senado sería terrible para la
Presidencia de Obama.
Eso significaría el fin de cualquier progreso en cualquier acción
legislativa y con el control del partido republicano de ambas cámaras del
Congreso, los republicanos instalarían debates para ayudar a sus candidatos
presidenciales en el año 2016.
Y por supuesto, las investigaciones de la administración ahora muertas en
el senado, se duplicarían.
Esto sería la forma más efectiva para dañar a Hillary Clinton, asumiendo
que ella es la elección democrática en el 16. La cosa más importante que se
puede hacer para dañar a Hillary Clinton es bajar números de aprobación de
Obama. Y una elección de un demócrata liberal como Hillary, Biden o Elizabeth
Warren sería una continuación de la presidencia de Obama.
Lo único que puede hacer Obama en caso de la victoria republicana es vetar
las leyes de la legislatura,. Esta cuestión del veto seguramente sería uno de
los principales puntos de conflicto si los republicanos controlan ambas
cámaras. Pero Obama ha vetado menos legislación que cualquier
presidente en la historia moderna: sólo dos leyes, ambos a finales de 2010
porque el veto lo hace lucir mal.
Pero si esta situación del control republicano llega a pasar, tendrá que
considerar el veto, y esto lo hará lucir muy mal y esto se refleja en las
elecciones del 16..
Los republicanos les enviarán los presupuestos y otras leyes, con un
senado republicano, todo tipo de cosas van a llegar a su escritorio, casi con
certeza, los republicanos le pasarían cuentas con artículos similares a lo
que ha sido en los presupuestos, escritos por Paul Ryan en los últimos años:
reducción de estampillas para comida, dinero para las energías renovables.
Controlarian a la EPA, y casi seguramente irían después de la oficina de
protección financiera del consumidor, la nueva agencia creada por la ley
Dodd-Frank que reina en las malas prácticas de los bancos y otros prestamistas.
Se podría intentar cambiar la supervisión de la CFPB, dando a los intereses
empresariales más control, o sacarlo por debajo del Banco de Reserva Federal,
donde ahora se encuentra, que podría reducir su autoridad.
Esta lista podría seguir y seguir, pero echemos un vistazo a la zona sólo
un tema — derechos reproductiva y anticoncepción. Akgo que el congreso con la
mayoría del partido republicano lo ha pasado ahora con el senado lo podría
pasar rápidamente.
Hay cuatro proyectos de ley que supuestamente respaldarían un senado
republicano también:
Una ley que haría un delito federal para un adulto acompañar a un
adolescente a través de las fronteras estatales para un aborto y mantenga los
médicos responsables-
Ley para prohibir la cobertura del aborto en todos los intercambios de
seguros de salud.
Ley para prohibir abortos después de 20 semanas con una excepción sólo para
la vida de la madre. Esto, notas ya ha pasado en el congreso y
parado en el senado.
Ley para poner fin a los beneficios de la anticoncepción en el Obamacare.
Y hablando de Obamacare, ¿qué pasa con eso? Está claro que los republicanos
del Senado ni siquiera perdería su tiempo en derogación. Que saben que Obama
vetará en un instante, para esto hay que esperar despues que se pueda elegir a
un presidente republicano. Pero se pueden abolir elementos específicos como
acabar con el impuesto de dispositivos médicos, que parece tener ahora 60 votos
en el Senado. Todavía no es claro sólo en la medida que sea posible. Las
porciones de dinero de Obamacare — la expansión de Medicaid, en particular —
tendría que modificarse mediante legislación, que no sucederá mientras un
demócrata sea presidente. Pero más partes del proyecto de ley pueden ser
sometidas al proceso de apropiaciones. Hay que ser realista, es
difícil el partido republicano sea capaz de destruir verdaderamente
el Obamacare, mientras Obama sea presidente, pero tendrán ciertos éxito en
cortar gastos necesarios para implementar correctamente el
Obamacare, y en general hacer las cosas desagradables para la administración.
Hay más que yo no he cubierto. en particular el filibusteo. ¿Cómo podrían
los republcanos cambiar las reglas del filibustero? Lo que intentarían hacer es
que se aplique a menos situaciones, así que se podría aprobar proyectos de ley
con 51 republicanos.
¿Y qué acerca de las candidaturas para masgistrados, especialmente
las del tribunal supremo? Esto es quizás lo más importante. Imagina,
por ejemplo, Ruth Bader y Ginsburg debían retirarse en el año 2015. ¿Un Senado
GOP incluso daría a su sucesor una audiencia? Y suponiendo que lo haga sería a
un jurista conservador que Obama tendría que nominar para conseguir su confirmación
a través de un Senado que está en manos de los republicanos. El sueño de Eric
Holder de ser magistrado del tribunal supremo pasaría al rastro del olvido. Y
aunque no hubiera unanimidad, porque Obama siguiera insistiendo en un
liberal, no sería sorprendente ver que el partido republicano se sentara
en la votación, dejando a la Corte Suprema con sólo ocho miembros hasta ver
quién gana la Presidencia en el 16.
¿Y qué de supervisión e investigaciones? Un senado republicano podría
tratar de mantener el ataque de Benghazi en los titulares hasta el día que
Hillary Clinton de su discurso de aceptación y más allá. Este punto subraya el
grado al cual 2016 cuenta sobre todas las cosas-. Si los republicanos ganan la
mayoría de asientos en el Senado lo harán en un momento cuando el
candidato del partido 2016 comenzará a ser más público en sus intenciones.
Un Congreso totalmente controlado por el partido de la oposición tiene un
montón de formas en que puede ayudar a sus contendientes presidenciales.
Pude pasar legislación constructiva, puede pasar la legislación de
"posicionamiento" que intente darle el jaque mate a la otra parte;
también tiene la capacidad simple para ayudar a mantener las cuestiones
favorables en las noticias.
Pero recuerden esto: los legisladores no deben votar pensando
solamente en la carrera de su candidato presidencial. Ni votar pensando en su
propia carrera tienen que votar de acuerdo con lo que es mejor para la nación y
para rectificar los errores de Obama. Los votantes de los Estados Unidos,
aunque hayan elegido a Obama de presidente, no son totalmente estúpidos, y se
dan cuenta de cuando se están haciendo las cosas correctas o incorrectamente,
por eso ha bajado la popularidad de Obama. Si las cámaras
legislativas actuan correctamente, de esta manera pueden encontrar que ese
poder que hagan en 2016 un ascenso aún más pronunciado de lo que parece ya
contra Clinton. Un senado republicano no podrá deshacer todas las
leyes que ha implementado este presidente, pero puede aplastar las leyes para
modificar las leyes que Obama ha logrado en los últimos seis años. Y
sin lugar a dudas, cuando las aplasten le harán daño. La oportunidad de
aplastar a Obama para controlar los dos años que le quedan está en las manos de
los republicanos si ganan la mayoría del senado. Y después de la aplanadora
puede venir el ´fin de estos desastrosos años de administración demócrata que
nos está hundiendo en el materialismo dialéctico del socialismo.
Por eso hay que votar en las elecciones de medio término, son más que
importanten, son definitorias en el futuro de la nación.
Amenper: La Ley Sharía
En una
conferencia de prensa sorpresiva del fin de semana, el Presidente Obama firmó
una acción ejecutiva presidencial, oficialmente implementando todos los
aspectos de la ley Sharía.
elección como presidente fue un mandato de los ciudadanos para que los Estados
Unidos adopten mi religión y la de mis padres” declaró el presidente.
Creo que
este momento de las elecciones primarias, es determinante para la aplicación de
la Ley Sharía. Es imperativo y determinado, que todos los
oficiales electos sean conversos al Islam para que puedan legislar con
conocimiento de la nueva ley de la nación.
La nueva
ley está programada para entrar en afecto el próximo 3 de Noviembre. ningún
votante o candidato no converso podrá participar en las elecciones.
La ley
Sharia determina direcciones de derecho secular como crimen, política y
economía, así como asuntos personales tales como las relaciones sexuales,
ayuno, oración, alimentación e higiene.
La nueva
ley podría condenar a los ciudadanos a ser apedreados por adulterio, (usted
puede comprar casco y equipo de protección en Amazó
puede ser condenado a una amputación de una mano por robos, en este caso Obama
determinó que la ley no aplica para los oficiales del partido demócrata.
menores, como beber alcohol, comer lechón asado o croqueticas de jamón,
podrían resultar en flagelación o lapidación.
la ley impone duras leyes con respecto a las mujeres, como la manera de
vestirse y completa obediencia a los esposos (Bueno, esa parte no es tan mala).
oraciones serán obligatorias cinco veces al día en determinadas horas, mirando
a la Meca, inclinados en cuclillas con la cabeza en el suelo, sin importar lo
que esté haciendo en la hora de la oración, Cualquier actividad tiene que ser
suspendida para orar a Alá. Esto incluye si están conduciendo un auto o
haciendo una necesidad corporal..
Si no
tienen esta posición, no oran en la hora indicada o miran a otro
lugar que no es orientado hacia la Meca, se tienen que mantener en cuclillas
para que el Mullah más cercano le dé una patada en el culo.
advierte a todos los que estén en esa posición reunidos en oración con la
congregación, que si se tiran un peo, tendrán que cumplir una condena severa
por esta infracción sin importar si la clasificación gaseosa es silente o
Pentagon Contradicts Obama’s Claims About North Korea
...a top U.S. commander now says...
U.S. officials have long been concerned about
the technology-sharing relationship that North Korea has with Iran and
Pakistan. At the heart of their concern — North Korea’s desire and
determination to become a nuclear force, which would dramatically change
the world’s balance of power.
And what military officials just disclosed
could also have a big impact on the balance of power on Capitol Hill.
Today, the Pentagon let it be known that North
Korea has likely moved a giant step closer to being able to deploy a nuclear
weapon on a guided missile.
The Wall Street Journal reports that a top U.S. commander now
says that the regime of dictator Kim Jong Un likely has the capability to
produce a nuclear warhead that could be mounted on a rocket.
Speaking to reporters at the Pentagon on
Friday, Gen. Curtis Scaparrotti, commander of U.S. forces on the Korean
peninsula, said North Korea now is capable of building a miniaturized nuclear
warhead, a step needed to complete development of a nuclear-tipped missile.
Gen. Scaparrotti said the U.S. hasn’t seen North
Korea test a miniaturized nuclear weapon, but that it likely has the capability
to build one.
In a rather strange turn of events, not far
away from where the Pentagon briefing disclosed North Korea’s nuclear weapons
advancement, Secretary of State John Kerry was making his own announcement
about relations with Pyongyang.
Specifically, Kerry spoke about the connection
between Kim Jong Un’s willingness to roll back his nuclear program and the
reduction of U.S. forces in the Korean Peninsula.
And the two D.C. events — at the Pentagon and
at the State Department — seemed, at least on the surface, to be at odds in
terms of tone and messaging.
As reported by Reuters:
It is too premature to talk about reducing
American forces in the Korean Peninsula without “authentic and credible”
negotiations with Pyongyang about ending its nuclear program, U.S. Secretary of
State John Kerry said on Friday.
Kerry said the United States was willing to
restart denuclearization talks with North Korea although he emphasized “there
is no value in talks just for the sake of talks.”
The U.S. presence in South Korea is a key
source of anger for North Korea, which regularly threatens to attack the United
States and destroy the South [Korea] in a sea of flames.
Given the advisory issued by the Pentagon, it
sounds as though North Korea may be a big step closer to creating that
destructive “sea of flames.”
Given the American public’s growing
dissatisfaction with Obama’s foreign policy — a month ago, the president’s foreign
policy approval rating hit an
all-time low — it’s certainly possible that this news about North Korea will be
a further drag on Democrat hopes of retaining Senate control.
Of Slain Fast And Furious Victim Is “Shocked” Obama Would Cover Up Information
“We are baffled..."
The family of Brian Terry, a United States
Border Patrol Agent who was killed during Operation Fast and Furious, was
“shocked” to learn about the details in a 1,300-plus page document obtained by
conservative group Judicial Watch.
In 2009, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco,
Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) launched “Operation Fast and Furious,” allowing
thousands of firearms to be sold illegally to track members of Mexican drug
cartels. Brian Terry was killed with
one of those firearms in 2010.
Family spokesman Ralph Terry said the family is
“baffled” President Obama would assert executive authority to withhold details
between Attorney General Eric Holder and his wife and mother.
“We are shocked that some of these ‘Vaughn
index’ documents show that Attorney General Holder was personally involved in
crafting talking points and helping his office in responding to the
Congressional inquiry into Operation Fast and Furious from very early on.
“We are baffled that personal emails from the
Attorney General to his wife and mother are part of the information covered by
the President’s claim of Executive Privilege.”
The 1,323-page Vaughn index, obtained by
Judicial Watch from the United States Department of Justice, details previously
unknown information about Fast and Furious, including:
–20 emails between Holder and his wife,
gynecologist Sharon Malone. (The contents of these emails are not being disclosed because
President Obama has cited executive privilege.)
–That White House Senior Adviser Valerie
Jarrett “was brought in to
manage the fact that Holder lied to Congress after the story about the
disastrous gun-running operation broke in the media.”
–Communications to and from the United States
Ambassador to Mexico about Fast and Furious.
–Numerous emails that detail Attorney General
Holder’s direct involvement in crafting talking points, the timing of public
disclosures, and handling Congressional inquiries in the Fast and Furious
–DOJ communications (including those of Eric
Holder) concerning the White House about Fast and Furious.
Jarrett And Obama Could Be Implicated In The Fast And Furious Scandal
real question is, is Valerie Jarrett running the country?
That pesky evidence, hidden effectively by a
gangster administration for years, is starting to come out, like a bunch of
cockroaches in a dirty kitchen.
Today, Judicial Watch put
out a report saying that Obama used executive privilege to shield Eric Holder’s
emails to his family, which obviously held incriminating evidence that Holder
lied to Congress about when he first found out about Operation Fast and
Furious. JW had attempted to obtain the information through the Freedom
of Information Act; however, the Department of Justice refused. JW then
sued, and a federal judge ordered DOJ to provide the information.
In one part of all that was released, there is
information that Valerie Jarrett, Obama’s Rasputin, was the individual tapped
to head the cover-up effort that followed.
Jarrett was intimately involved in coordinating
the effort to manage the damage after it was revealed that Eric Holder lied to
Congress. The emails are not provided; however, there is a description of
the content. One correspondence between Holder and Jarrett is titled,
“outlining and discussing preferred course of action for future responses in
light of recent development in congressional investigation.”
In other words, how do we cover this stuff up?
Fast and Furious was just the start of many
scandals and illegal behavior that has come to light during King Obama’s reign.
What is interesting is the fact that Jarratt was intimately involved from
the beginning in dealing with the consequences of the Obama administration’s
illegal actions. In other words, she was used (and most likely still is used)
as a fixer.We have written in the past how Jarrett is considered Obama’s
Rasputin. She is the one he listens to, and she wields enormous power in
this White House. Many of the poor decisions the President has made over
the past six years are attributed to her.
It’s been said Obama is like a child around
her, and listens to her every word. The American people can look forward
to more evidence coming out in the near future about Benghazi, the IRS
scandal, ISIS, and so on, as the investigations mature.
The real question is, is Valerie Jarrett
running the country? Read
more at
Candidate Announces Obama Is “My Biggest Enemy”, Not Opponent
sounds like you're not talking to a Democrat, doesn't it?"
Democrat Missouri Candidate Ed Schieffer
told the Lincoln County Tea Party that, while he may not agree with them
on a lot of things or vote the way they want him to, his greatest battle is
against the president.
“My biggest enemy in my election is not Jeanie
Riddle. My biggest enemy is the President of the United States. My eighth grade
educated father knew that, and said, ‘Eddie, you don’t have to worry too much
about the lady running against you. You need to worry about the liberal, overly
liberal, president and Congress we have. That’s what you have to worry about.'”
Illegal Aliens Deciding Elections? The Answer May Surprise You…
If Obama breaks the law on immigration after the election, it’s time
for impeachment.
In a stunning piece today by
the Washington Post, a study revealed that non-U.S. citizens are deciding
American elections in recent years.
It is stated that in the last two election
cycles, upwards of six-plus percent of illegal immigrants actually voted. Up to
fourteen percent were actually registered to vote. There are
approximately twelve million illegal aliens in the United States; this is a
huge number.
The paper goes on to say:
Because non-citizens tended to favor Democrats
(Obama won more than 80 percent of the votes of non-citizens in the 2008 CCES
sample), we find that this participation was large enough to plausibly account
for Democratic victories in a few close elections. Non-citizen votes could have
given Senate Democrats the pivotal 60th vote needed to overcome filibusters in
order to pass health-care reform and other Obama administration priorities in
the 111th Congress.
The United States of America is now being ruled
by gangsters. Our laws are being broken. Our elections are being stolen to
install a socialist system of government.
Our leaders are criminals, intent on staying in
power. They will do anything to maintain their hold on federal budget
This is why the Democrats are so against voter
ID laws. This is why they cry racism at common-sense voting solutions. This is
why they do nothing when the New Black Panthers stand outside voting booths
with night sticks.
They don’t care. All they care about is power
and money; the government is their piggy bank. Criminal activity is a
means to an end.
We are now hearing about millions of green
cards being ordered by the federal government as the Obama administration
prepares to use executive action to thwart our system of government and get
even more illegal immigrants into the country. This means more illegal
votes, more power for Democrats, and more chances for the Leftist party to
steal from our government’s coffers while they harass and intimidate the political
opposition with the people’s own federal agencies.
I for one have had enough. If Obama breaks the
law on immigration after the election, it’s time for impeachment.
Photo credit: CREATISTA /
The views expressed in this opinion article are solely those of
their author and are not necessarily either shared or endorsed by
You’ve Got A Problem; It’s Called Islam
And your lesbian mayor ignores the reality that lesbians rank high on
Islam’s hit list.
Houston’s lesbian Mayor Annise Parker and her City Council pals subpoena and obsess over Christian
ministers’ sermons, she ignores incomparable and immanent threats to Americans
posed by Islamists in Houston.
Houston’s First
Amendment squabble is, as
Texans say, “peanuts,” compared to actual ongoing violations of Article III Section 3.
put the enormity of Houston’s crisis into context, the nation’s fourth largest
city is a primary arrival and
distribution center for
illicit drug smuggling. The billion dollar trade of cocaine, heroin, marijuana,
oxycodone, and methamphetamine has profoundly increased Houston’s violent crime rate, which for years has more than
doubled the national average.
is the third largest hub for human trafficking in the U.S. According to the FBI,
the largest number of reported trafficked children is enslaved in Houston.
this trafficking network exists a steady infiltration of Islamists, funded and
supported by IRS-sanctioned non-profit “religious” organizations such as CAIR, the
Islamic Society of Greater Houston, the Al Maghrib Institute, the Muslim
Brotherhood, Muslims of America (MOA), the Muslim Model Community of Texas,
First Muslims of Texas, and others. Islamists are funneled to MOA’s Dawah
Center in Houston, a “worship” or “outreach” center that teaches, networks,
and relocates Islamists to other parts of the state or country.
a FBI-classified terrorist organization, is led by Pakistani
Sheikh Mubarak Ali Gilani. It has established at least 35
known Jamaat ul-Fuqra jihadi
training camps operating in at least 17 states–one of which is Mahmoudberg,
located in Brazoria County just sixty miles south of Houston.
ul-Fuqra camps train followers to learn how to use weapons (illegal,
unregistered, unlicensed AK-47 rifles, rocket launchers, machine guns, and C4
explosives), how to kidnap and kill Americans, and how to conduct sabotage and
subversive operations.
Annise Parker is fixated on Christian ministers’ sermons.
also boasts the first and largest terrorist-backed charter
school network in America
founded by Islamist
Fethullah Gulen. Nine Harmony
Schools cost taxpayers $150 million per year to teach tens of
thousands of children the virtues of taqiyya and the necessity for a worldwide
but not least are the Imams’ teachings in Houston’s 40-plus
mosques and 100-plus Islamic centers that reach the largest
Muslim population in Texas. Numerous examples exist; however, tenth-grade
reading material distributed by Houston’s Al-Farouq Mosque illustrates that
Islam’s goal isn’t co-existence with non-Muslims. The readings states, among
other things, that if a Muslim “thinks it is permissible to be under their
[infidel’s] control, and he is pleased with the way they are, then there is no
doubt that he is no longer a Muslim.”
Mosque also distributes “To Be a Muslim,” published by Saudi Arabia’s
International Islamic Publishing House, which claims:
“[we] will pursue
this evil force [modernist civilization] to its own lands, invade its Western
heartland, and struggle to overcome it until all the world shouts by the name
of the Prophet and the teachings of Islam spread throughout the world. Only
then will Muslims achieve their fundamental goal, and there will be no more
‘persecution’ and all religion will be exclusively for Allah…”
distributed literature states, “…it is written Satan and his soldiers have
found a home for themselves there… Democracy is in need of someone to save it
from itself.”
Hoaxes: Demoralizing For Blacks And A Calumny On Whites
"In this familiar morality play, it's always 1963..."
in August, when news first broke of a shooting in Ferguson, Mo., the media
world, perpetually tingling with eagerness for white-on-black violence stories,
plunged into delirium. An unarmed, black 18-year-old “gentle giant” had been
shot in the back while running away from a white police officer! He was just
preparing to enter college in the fall. He had been assassinated while holding
his hands in the air in a gesture of helplessness. “Hands up; don’t shoot,”
chanted protesters. The “hands up” gesture immediately achieved iconic status
among demonstrators from Boston to New York to San Francisco.
the early reports of the tragedy had been accurate, I would have been happy to
jump on a plane and march with the protesters. I wouldn’t have set fire to any
convenience stores or beauty parlors — nor would I, as Missouri’s governor and
U.S. attorney general did, imply that “justice” would mean the “prosecution” of
the officer — but I would have demanded a full investigation and, if the
evidence supported it, an arrest.
the reports were not accurate, and we had reason to doubt them as soon as the
video of the convenience store robbery emerged. The theft and rough shoving of
the owner didn’t look very gentle. The small cigars Brown stole are often
filled with pot.
as the St. Louis Post-Dispatch and The Washington Post are reporting, more
evidence is emerging that supports the officer’s account. The autopsy (first
released in September) shows that Brown was not shot in the back. He was hit in
the chest, arm, and forehead. The entry wounds show that his hands were not
raised when he was hit, and blood-spatter evidence suggests he was advancing on
Officer Darren Wilson. A wound on Brown’s hand contained gunpowder residue,
supporting Wilson’s claim that Brown went for his gun while Wilson was seated
in the car. There is forensic evidence showing that the gun did, as Wilson
testified, go off in the car.
or eight African-American eyewitnesses, reports the Post, support Wilson’s
account of what happened that afternoon but have remained out of the public eye
for their own safety.
was found to have enough THC in his body to trigger hallucinations. Marijuana
doesn’t usually promote aggression, but it can induce paranoia in some people
and certainly warp perception. His companion, Dorian Johnson, who provided some
of the narrative about Brown’s supposed hands-up posture, has a criminal record
and has lied to police in the past.
so Brown joins a long, very sad list of faux “civil rights” victims. Recall the
“epidemic” of black church burnings in the South, the nooses found hanging from
black professors’ offices, the KKK appearance at Oberlin College a couple of
years ago, the Tawana Brawley rape case, and the Florida black voter
disenfranchisement case. Each of these, and too many other cases to list, was
greeted with lip-smacking relish from the press. All of them were frauds or
this familiar morality play, it’s always 1963; it’s forever Selma. Participants
luxuriate in the warm bath of sympathy for victims of the kind of white racism
that disappeared decades ago. The awful period in American history when Emmett
Till (to whom Brown has been compared, which is outrageous) could be lynched
for smiling at a white girl, when the Scottsboro boys were found guilty of rape
despite one of the “victims” admitting she had lied, when blacks faced endemic
racism everywhere, is long gone.
racism is the province of a few kooks, while the overwhelming majority of
Americans of all colors agree on the sacredness of equality and voted twice for
a black president to underscore it. Americans have many more pressing problems
than racism — including family decay, terror threats, educational mediocrity,
stagnant growth, intergenerational poverty, and shrill polarization.
it’s heartbreaking to watch the kabuki theater play out yet again and to know
that thousands, maybe millions, of American blacks are being deceived into
believing that an 18-year-old who showed really bad judgment in attacking a
police officer is a civil rights hero, and that young black males minding their
own business on city streets are in danger of being shot by police for fun.
It’s demoralizing for blacks and a calumny on whites.
Executive Privilege: Obama Uses His
‘Power’ To Block Over 15,000 Fast And Furious Docs
are the actions of a guilty man, my friends.
Dear Black People: Stop Acting Like
Eric Holder and Barack Obama. At least they can tell themselves (and
their followers) that they tried. They really, really tried. In
their naked attempt to railroad and lynch a white police officer, Darren
Wilson, they used — abused, that is — the grotesque power of their offices to
foment terrible race riots in the faraway city of Ferguson. Now it’s all
blowing up in their faces. That is, in the legal and political senses,
just as the exact same tactics blew up in their faces last year in the George
Zimmerman trial.
information about an abundance of previously unknown eyewitness testimony and
detailed forensic evidence presented to the grand jury indicates that Wilson’s
story is just about completely backed-up by most of it. There’s a very good
chance that Wilson won’t be charged with any crime at all.
from the proceedings have it that seven or eight African-American eyewitnesses,
who wish not to be identified for their own safety, corroborate Wilson’s
version of what happened, and how it happened. So do the reported
analyses of blood, blood splatter, DNA, ballistics, fingerprints, and shell
fact, where the shell casings landed in relation to the final position of
Brown’s body shows that Wilson had to have been backing away
from Brown as he fired, with Brown advancing on him or charging at him.
As he
prepares to leave office in disgrace, Eric Holder is a depressed and devastated
shell of his former, formidable infamy as Black Panther consigliere to the
What a
relief. I admit, it was looking rather sketchy there for a few
weeks. Along with a gaggle of shady characters as alleged witnesses to
the incident, offering several shifting accounts portraying some sort of
murderous cop, mainstream media outlets were pushing the claim that a couple of
construction workers had supposedly been working a mere “50
feet” from the scene of the Michael Brown shooting, and that they saw
Brown “surrendering with his hands up” when Wilson shot him. There’s even
cell phone video of the two workers standing next to their truck in the
aftermath, one of them gesturing and hollering indignantly about it. He
poses with his hands up, to demonstrate how Brown was supposedly no threat to
Wilson. Problem is, they were actually much further away than the
purported 50 feet — aerial photo and video analysis (expertly done by blogger “sundance” at
The Conservative Treehouse) proves it was actually over 220 feet. Despite this huge
discrepancy, the bogus “50 feet” meme took hold pretty much everywhere.
amount of the incident the workers were able to see, their
reactions captured on video could also have been influenced by dubious alarms
raised by others around them — someone yells out an allegation, and others pick
it up and spread it. Still, their version, combined with the likely
coached (by professional race-agitators) statements of other “eyewitnesses,”
had made it seem for awhile there like Wilson might wind up indicted.
now, a steady flow of fresh information has blown the usual left-wing racial
narrative clear out of the water. Mainstream media sources are executing
an astonishing 180-degree turn on this case, apparently because they know the
jig is about to be up, and even they don’t want to see much more
mayhem, looting, burning, and random murders, in Ferguson, St. Louis, or
anywhere else, as revenge by black mobs for lack of immediate prison or death
penalty for Darren Wilson. The establishment media are trying to let the
rapidly-heating air out of the balloon before it explodes.
racial unrest in and around Ferguson and St. Louis has not stopped. The
general consensus among analysts is that the threat of thousands of feral,
outraged blacks rioting and wildly destroying everything and any random white
person in sight is so dire and so imminent that there is now a calculated,
stealth public relations campaign to leak the grand jury findings to the masses
in a trickle that is just urgent and steady enough to stave off a total
disaster of Rodney King 1992 dimensions: By allowing the jarring news
about the evidence and likely grand jury decision to seep out to the public in
the staccato flow as they have been leaking it, sober officials and media
bosses have signaled that they want to prepare the quaking guerilla terrorist
armies of blacks for the disappointment that appears to be coming soon for
them. The grand jury is expected to announce its decision within the next
couple of weeks or so. The gatekeepers of critical information figure
that if the good news for Darren Wilson dawns on the angry mobs ahead of that
time, in chunks, they’ll be less likely to explode in total, widespread melees
of wanton savagery if he is no-billed.
I’m not
sure that plan will work. Militant black leaders and activists keep
loudly guaranteeing all apocalyptic hell will break loose if Wilson is not
indicted. They either don’t care about facts and evidence, or they
declare that the grand jury investigative process is unfairly corrupted in
favor of whites against blacks. As new information about the grand jury
evidence is released, the black mobs have begun to violently turn on their
erstwhile friends, the media.
I and
millions of others wish a vast segment of the black population in America would
or could just grow up and join the rest of civilized society. Yes, there
are some bad cops and bad people in power in our society, and some degree of
racism of an evil nature does exist. But our society is recognizing that
most of the evil racism has its modern-day stronghold among the millions of
incendiary malcontents and depraved violent criminals overrunning most of
America’s countless black ghettoes. They make streets, shopping centers,
parks, restaurants, public transportation, and even classrooms dangerous places
for people of all races. They keep polite society and even entire police
departments and elected officials in quivering subjugation to their foaming,
guttural demands, threats of violence, and actual violence. They are
a new movie being promoted all over mainstream and social media, it’s titled “Dear
White People.” The trailer comes across like the
celluloid spawn of Spike Lee and Will Ferrell. It’s winning big awards
and getting raving acclaim. I admit that the bits of it I’ve seen in
previews are wildly provocative and well-executed, to the point of being
hysterical. But as with an artfully well-produced Michael Moore piece of
deceptive propaganda, what I’ve glimpsed of it sickens me. That’s because
it appears to promote the same old perverse political correctness; the Leftist
narrative about the pernicious pervasiveness of white privilege and all
that. In short, although outrageously hilarious, it seems like it’s just
another loooong lecture delivered by blacks, to whites, about race.
brings us back to Eric Holder. Back in 2009 he said we were “a nation of
cowards” on the topic of race, and that we needed to have “a national
conversation” about race. Well, it certainly can be proven that national
conversations about racehave been going on in America
since long before Eric Holder’s people realized they could get away with
terrorizing white voters, and white people in general. But I agree that
we’ve largely been a nation of cowards about it all.
have been terrorized and threatened into cowardly, silent acquiescence by the
likes of everyone from William Tecumseh Sherman to Colin Ferguson to…Eric
Holder. Whites have been too scared of the political and workplace
minefields — and the physical violence — to speak frankly to blacks, and
blacks have been too scared of being told the honest truth, and of losing the
ground they’ve gained, to listen to whites at all.
this part of my part of the ongoing conversation, I’ll say this — and
for once, blacks had better listen: Stop acting like terrorists.
Besides just being the right thing to do, if whites ever stopped being cowards,
there are still far more than enough of us to teach you a lesson. If you
can’t make your case in the arena of jurisprudence, while the U.S. Attorney
General is also the consigliere and enforcer for the New Black Panthers,
then you have no case. Darren Wilson killed Michael
Brown in a justified act of self-defense. STFU and accept the facts and
I would
think you’d already realize that you really don’t want white people to suddenly
get disorderly on you for a change.
Illegal Votes Could Decide Election
It is sad that liberals fight so hard to enable
voter fraud.
Check it out:
Check it out:
Could control of the Senate in 2014 be decided by illegal votes
cast by non-citizens? Some argue that incidents of voting by non-citizens are
so rare as to be inconsequential, with efforts to block fraud a screen for an
agenda to prevent poor and minority voters from exercising the franchise, while
others define such incidents as a threat to democracy itself. Both sides depend
more heavily on anecdotes than data.
In a forthcoming article in the
journal Electoral Studies, we bring real data from big social science survey
datasets to bear on the question of whether, to what extent, and for whom
non-citizens vote in U.S. elections. Most non-citizens do not register, let
alone vote. But enough do that their participation can change the outcome of
close races.
Our data comes from the Cooperative Congressional Election Study
(CCES). Its large number of observations (32,800 in 2008 and 55,400 in 2010)
provide sufficient samples of the non-immigrant sub-population, with 339
non-citizen respondents in 2008 and 489 in 2010. For the 2008 CCES, we also
attempted to match respondents to voter files so that we could verify whether
they actually voted.
Read the rest of this Patriot Update article here:
Robin Williams:
Illuminati Predictive Programming COMPLETELY Revealed! WOAH!
Warns Obama, "DO WHAT WE SAY or ELSE!!"
Sugerencias para las próximas elecciones Noviembre
Martes 4:
a los siguientes candidatos y a las explicaciones que los acompañan en la mayoría
de los casos. También les sugiero que consideren como votar en las
enmiendas y las explicaciones que las acompañan. Pero cada uno de Uds.
sabrá cómo quieren votar ese día.
Para gobernador y vicegobernador: Rick Scott y Carlos López Cantera.
Rick Scott tomó las riendas del estado en un momento en que el desempleo
estaba sumamente alto y miles de familias tenían sus propiedades en
foreclosure. Charlie Cris fue republicano, independiente y ahora
demócrata. Dice que va a subir el salario mínimo y ésto suena muy lindo,
pero eso es una función del gobierno federal y no el de un estado. Ninguno
de los candidatos son santos pero hay veces que hay que elegir el menos de
dos males.
Para fiscal general: Pam Bondi
Para Funcionario Principal de Finanzas: Jeff Atwater
Para Comisionado de Agricultura: Adam Putnam
Representante ante el Congreso, Distrito 23: Joseph "Joe"
Representante ante el Congreso, Distrito 24: Carlos Curbelo.
José "Joe" García es su oponente. Esta en estos momentos
siendo investigado por un caso federal y no olvidemos que el dice que
"Communism works."
Representante Estatal, Distrito 100: Martin a. "Marty"
Representante Estatal, Distrito 103: Manny Díaz, Jr. No tiene
nada que ver con el que fué alcalde de la Ciudad de Miami y terminó siendo
millonario en pocos años.
Representante Estatal, Distrito 105: Carlos Trujillo
Representante Estatal, Distrito 110: Jose Oliva
Representante Estatal, Distrito 111: Votar por uno
Representante Estatal, Distrito 112: Daniel Díaz Leyva
Representante Estatal, Distrito 114: Erik Fresen
Representante Estatal, Distrito 115: Michael Bileca
Representante Estatal, Distrito 116: Jose Felíx Díaz/Carmen Sotomayor
Representante Estatal, Distrito 118: Frank Artiles
Representante Estatal, Distrito 119: Jeanette M. Nuñez
Tasador de Inmuebles: Pedro J. García. El ha estudiado toda su vida
para esa posición. Gracias a el, nuestros impuestos a la propiedad
bajaron cuando el estaba en ese cargo. Su contrincante es Eddy Gonzalez,
no luce una mala persona, pero no sabe mucho sobre la posición de tasador ya
que por años fué un Representante Estatal.
Enmienda #1-Water and Land Convervation-Conservación de Aguas y Tierras:
No. (Suena bonito, sobre todo cuando dicen que no nos subiran
nuestros impuestos. Aqui es para que el gobierno sigan comprando tierras
y más tierras y hacer más y más regulaciones. ¿Sabian que apróximadamente
el 80% de las tierras del estado de Nevada han sido compradas por el gobierno?
Todo en nombre del calentamiento global, etc.- Esto se pica y se
extiende!!!) Tengan mucho cuidado porque el lobo viene vestido de obeja.
Enmienda #2-Marihuana: No. Ya el estado de la Florida tiene la ley
Charlotte Webb firmada por el gobernador Rick Scott que permite la venta de la
marihuna medicinal a personas que de verdad lo necesitan. Lean lo que ha
pasado en el estado de Colorado después que ellos votaron a favor. Ahora
la mayoria de los usuarios son jovenes entre los 20 y los 35 años. Ya
estan haciendo galleticas de marihuana y hasta un aceite de cocinar de
marihuana. La marihuana es adictiva, afecta al cerebro y es el primer
paso al uso de drogas mas fuertes. Suena muy bonito como no las quieren
Enmienda #3-Nombramiento Eventual para Ciertos Cargos Judiciales
Vacantes: No. Esta perfecto de la manera que se hace. No hace
falta que cambien el proceso que esta en vigencia hoy en día. Eso le
daria un poder a los gobernadores de poner a sus amigos ya Uds. saben para que.
Preguntas del Condado-Enmienda para permitir bibliotecas en parques:
No. Ya tenemos suficientes bibliotecas y con las que tenemos ellos
tienens problemas asi que como ahora ellos quieren bibliotecas en los parques.
Parece que le esta patinando el coco.
Preguntas del Condado- Eximir al Parque Regional de Fútbol de
Miami-Dade del Articulo 7: No. Esto es un arma de doble filo.
Preguntas del Condado- Permitir terrenos para acampar y
alojamientos/cabañas en el Parque de Matecumbe: No. Esto también
esta dudoso.Ya tenemos bastantes lugares de alojamientos y para acampar.
Esto impactaria negativamente el medio ambiente de la zona. ¿Quién
sera el contratista y el dueño de esos alojamientos y lugares de acampar?
Enmienda para eximir del Articulo 7 la ampliación de la Universidad
Internacional de la Florida en los predios de la Fería de la Juventud:
No. FIU ya tiene bastante tierra. Ya estan tomando tierras
del otro lado de la Calle 8. Tienen un Campo Universitario en el Norte
que hay que decirle Ud. Quiere tomar los mangos bajitos con el hecho de
que le den esos terrenos. En esos terrenos se llevan a caba muchas
actividades para nuestra comunidad. Pienso que lo mudarian para
Homestead. ¿Cuantas familias pueden ir a Homestead? También FIU ha
hecho muchas cosas en contra de los estudiantes. Cursos lo dividen en dos
sesiones para cobrar más, se quedan con parte del dinero de Florida
Pre-paid,etc. En fin, son un pulpo que lo quiren acaparar todo.
Imponer otro impuesto a la propiedad para cubrir el gasto de construir
una Corte que reemplaze el edificio del Cielito Lindo: No. Ya no
podemos con otro impuesto mas. Si el edificio de la corte esta asi es
porque el Condado la dejo ponerse asi. ¿Dónde han estado los inspectores
todos estos años? Solo piensen lo que le pasaria a Uds. si pusieran algo
fuera de codigo en su propiedad o no cortaran el pasto por un tiempo. . . Si,
le iban a poner una tremenda multa. Recuerden lo que paso con el impuesto
al Jackson Hospital. Ahora tenemos que pagar ese impuesto y el dinero que
el hospital recibia del estado se lo han quitado y se los han dado a otros hospitales
alrededor del estado.
Juez del Condado, Grupo 19: Frank Bocanegra
¿Se deberian retener en sus cargos los tres jueces del Tribunal de
Apelaciones: Thomas Logue, Barbara Lagoa, y Vance E. Salter? (He
tratado de encontrar información sobre ellos y la poca información que esta
disponible dice que han desempeñado bien su cargo).
en todos los puntos antes mencionados. Recuerden, la decisión es suya.
Compartan cualquier información que piensen que es importante con sus
familiares y amigos. Pidanles que voten por cualquiera de los candidatos
que ellos merecen que se merecen su voto, pero que voten.
Lázaro R. González Miño
“En mi opinión”
No 777
mi opinión”
Octubre 26, 2014
“IN GOD WE TRUST” Lázaro R González Miño EDITOR
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