Wednesday, July 16, 2014

No 709 “EN MI OPINIóN” Miercoles, Julio 16, 2014‏‏‏.
“IN GOD WE TRUS”   Editor   Lázaro R González Miño


Subject: FYI - Medicare at age 76!

If you don't read this, and do nothing about it, don't complain when it affects you or your loved ones!!!!!  This is the second Judge to have
read the Obama Care document comments.   More highlights of Nancy 's "pass it and Then find out what's in the bill"!!!!!!   Show this to everyone nearing the ripe old age of 76. These are just a few of the things that we Seniors are going to have to deal with starting in 2014.  Even far left Democrats will not like these.

THIS IS JUST THE BEGINNING.....................THIS should be read by everyone, especially important to those over 75....... If you are younger, then it may apply to your parents....

Your hospital Medicare admittance has just changed under Obama Care.
You must be admitted by your primary Physician in order for Medicare to pay for it! If you are admitted by an emergency room doctor it is
treated as outpatient care where hospital costs are not covered. This is only the tip of the iceberg for Obama Care.
 Just wait to see what
happens in this year and 2014!

YOU ARE NOT GOING TO LIKE THIS... At age 76 when you most need it most, you are not eligible for cancer treatment * see page 272. What Nancy Pelosi didn't want us to know until after the health care bill was passed. Remember she said, "We have to pass the Bill so that we can see what's in it." Well, here it is.

Obama Care Highlighted by Page Number THE CARE BILL HB 3200 JUDGE KITHIL IS THE 2ND OFFICIAL WHO HAS OUTLINED THESE PARTS OF THE CARE BILL.   Judge KITHIL of Marble Falls , TX - highlighted the most egregious pages of HB3200 Please read this....... especially the reference to pages 58 & 59    JUDGE KITHIL wrote:  ** Page 50/section 152: The bill will provide insurance to all non-U.S. residents, even if they are here illegally.
** Page 58 and 59: The government will have real-time access to an individual's bank account and will have the authority to make electronic fund transfers from those accounts.
** Page 65/section 164: The plan will be subsidized (by the government) for all union members, union retirees and for community organizations (such as the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now -
** Page 203/line 14-15: The tax imposed under this section will not be treated as a tax. (How could anybody in their right mind come up with

** Page 241 and 253: Doctors will all be paid the same regardless of specialty, and the government will set all doctors' fees.
This is what they do in Sweden too. I know because Alf's daughter Ann is an OBGYN, and her husband, Thorsten, is a surgeon.........
** Page 272. section 1145: Cancer hospital will ration care according to the patient's age.
** Page 317 and 321: The government will impose a prohibition on hospital expansion; however, communities may petition for an exception.
** Page 425, line 4-12: The government mandates advance-care planning consultations. Those on Social Security will be required to attend an "end-of-life planning" seminar every five years. (Death counseling..)
** Page 429, line 13-25: The government will specify which doctors can write an end-of-life order.

HAD ENOUGH???? Judge Kithil then goes on to identify:  "Finally, it is specifically stated that this bill will not apply to members of Congress.
No wonder they did not see the need to read it....doesn't apply to them!!!  THE AMERICAN PEOPLE NEED TO STAND UP TO          WASHINGTON .....  I don't know if we can do anything, but awareness helps.

Winds Of Change  --  Warren Buffet is asking each addressee to forward this email to a minimum of twenty people on their address list; in turn ask each of those to do likewise. At least 20 if you can. It has to stop somewhere.
In three days, most people in The United States of America will have this message.  This is one idea that really should be passed around

Jose Marquez y Nestor Dan: El discurso de Netanyahu a Hamas

Noticias de última hora: El primer ministro israelí,Binyamin Netanyahu,  acaba de hacer el siguiente discursoante la Knesset: 

Para Ismail Haniya, y los líderes y agentes de Hamas: 

Nosotros, el pueblo de Israel,te debemos una gran deuda degratitud. pareces tener 
éxito donde hemos fallado.Debido a que nunca antes, en la historia del moderno Estado de Israel, el pueblo judío ha estado  tan unido, como una persona con un solo corazón.
Ustedes robaron tres denuestros hijos más preciados, y los mataron a sangre fría. Pero antes de que pudiéramos  descubrir la horrible verdad,tuvimos 18 días de dolor y ansiedad, mientras que se realizaron búsquedas de ellos,durante los cuales nuestra nación unida como nunca antes,en la oración, con la esperanza, en el apoyo mutuo. 

Y ahora, a medida que continúan  lanzando misiles letales de forma indiscriminada,con
la intención de mutilar y asesinar a tantos civiles como sea posible, mientras que se escudan cobardemente detras de sus propios civiles -continúa inspirándonos para sostener firmemente en nuestra unidad recién descubierta.
Nosotros, los Judios podemos tener disputas  entre sí, pero ahora sabemos que tenemos un objetivo en común: los derrotaremos. 

Pero le estamos ofreciendo ahora una última oportunidad. A las 24 horas, todos los cohetes
fuego - y me refiero a todos los ataques con cohetes -cesará. Completamente. Para siempre. 

Les avisamos que nuestros tanques se congregaron en la frontera de Gaza
Hemos lanzado panfletos sobre la parte norte de la Franja de Gaza, advirtiendo a los civilesde nuestra inminente llegada, y que deben evacuar hacia el sur, de forma inmediata.
Si ustedes no cumplen con nuestro ultimátum, , con la ayuda de Dios, esta vez nos quedaremos.
Cada centímetro de tierra que conquistamos será anexada a Israel, por lo que nunca habrá otro ataque lanzado a nuestros civiles de esa zona. 

Aún así, vamos a seguir para mantener la puerta abierta para permitir que se rindan con gracia.
En el momento en que usted anuncie que usted está deponiendo las armas, vamos a detener nuestro avance, y no vamos a sacar nuestras nuevasfronteras.
Si continúa atacando a nuestrosavanzando hacia el sur, que le conduce fuera del territorio que nunca se contamine de nuevo con su presencia maligna. 

Me duele profundamente que los civiles se quedaron sin hogar.Pero no elegimos esta guerra;fueron ustedes. Y si nuestra elección es entre permitir a nuestros ciudadanos a ser dirigidos sin piedad por su salvajismo genocida, frente a convertir sus civiles en refugiados, lamento que debemos elegir la segunda. Si sólo amaras a tu gente tanto como odias a la nuestra, esta guerra nunca habría sucedido. 

Para el resto del mundo: Israel se ha cansado de su rencilla incesante que
debemos "mostrar moderación". Cuando usted tiene toda la población menor
fuego de misiles constante de un enemigo implacable cuyo objetivo declarado es el de asesinato a cada hombre, mujer y niño en su tierra, entonces usted puede venir y hablar con nosotros acerca de "moderación". Hasta entonces, sugerimos respetuosamente que usted mantenga sus estándares dobles para ustedes mismos. Esta vez, Hamas ha ido demasiado lejos, y haremos lo que tengamos que hacer con el fin de proteger a nuestra población.
Hamas, una vez más, gracias por traer a nuestra gente con tanta claridad de la mente y la unidad de propósito. El pueblo de Israel no temen el largo camino por delante. Am Israel Jai!

El Peor Presidente desde la Segunda Guerra Mundial
Algunas veces pensamos que estamos solos en nuestra apreciación de que Obama es el peor presidente que hemos conocido en nuestra vida.  Pero esto se trata de una percepción creada por la protección de la coraza que le brindan los medios de comunicación tramitados que tapan todos los errores y rebuscan con una imaginación admirable la manera de exaltar a una figura que cada día que pasa es más difícil encontrarle algún mérito para ser exaltado.
A principio de mes, la Universidad de Quinnipiac, que se especializa en encuestas con una reputación intachable de impercialidad, dice en su encuesta que los votantes consideran ahora a Obama como el peor Presidente  desde la II guerra mundial.
Obama es menos popular que el Presidente George W. Bush
Los votantes, por 45 a 38 por ciento de margen, dicen que el país estaría mejor si Mitt Romney hubiera ganado las elecciones presidenciales de 2012. 
Si ustedes son de los que leen solamente la primera página de los periódicos y nunca sintonizan a Fox News, seguramente nunca han oído de esta encuesta, porque quedó enterrada en las páginas interiores al lado de los orbituarios..
La encuesta de Quinnipiac también dice que Ronald Reagan es considerado el mejor presidente desde la segunda guera mundial, hace 70 años.  El que le sigue, no está ni siquiera cerca. Reagan fue seleccionado en un 35 por ciento. El Presidente Clinton quedó en segundo lugar con sólo el 18 por ciento.
Parece que la incompetencia de Obama ha alcanzado finalmente la atención del pueblo americano.. Quinnipiac encontró que el 54 por ciento dicen la "Administración de Obama no es un gobierno competente ". Era inevitable que después de todos sus fracasos y la incapacidad para lograr cualquier cosa, la incompetencia de Obama finalmente  no ha podido cubrir todos sus  engaños y los engaños de los que cubren sus engaños. Una opinión de la mayoría dice que Obama no tiene cualidades de liderazgo fuerte. También una mayoría desaprueba el manejo de Obama de su trabajo como Presidente, la política exterior, cuidado de la salud y el terrorismo. No es de extrañar que Gallup informa en otra encuesta que desde junio de 2013, la confianza de los estadounidenses en la Presidencia ha caído siete puntos porcentuales.
Y finalmente el 55 por ciento desaprueba el ObamaCare —su mayor logro según Obama.
Los resultados de la encuesta de Quinnipiac son consistentes con otras encuestas mostrando la caída  de Obama con el pueblo americano.
Otra  encuesta de noticias Fox  encontró una mayoría cree que la administración Obama había "mentido a sabiendas " sobre los terroristas del 11 de septiembre de 2012 en los ataques contra el Consulado de Estados Unidos en Bengasi, Libia" para ayudar al Presidente Obama durante su campaña de reelección"contra Mitt Romney. Y hubo también la encuesta CNN/ORC, si, no han leído mal, CNN, que dice  que el 53 por ciento cree que el Presidente Obama no es "honesto ni confiable."
Todas esas encuestas fueron alrededor de los primeros días de Julio.  Después de eso hemos visto el problema de inmigración, la debacle de Iraq y los problemas de Israel con Hamas en Gaza.
Estas encuestas como cualquier opinión sobre Obama debido a la acumulación de sucesos negativos diarios, está anticuada y obsoleta.  No hay manera de calificar a Obama hoy porque seguro que mañana será peor.

RICARDO SAMITIER: La distribución de Musulmanes en USA... y En La CASA BLANCA

Well America... will you wake up in time or

will your children grow up in another world?
For everyone who wanted change here we go...
How about this for change?
It's up you to decide how you feel about this. 
Arif Alikhan
Assistant Secretary
for Policy Development for
the U.S. Department of Homeland Security 
Mohammed Elibiary
Homeland Security Adviser
Rashad Hussain
Special Envoy to the 
Organization of the Islamic Conference(OIC)
Salam al-Marayati
Obama Adviser & founder of the
Muslim Public Affairs Council &
he is its current executive director  
Imam Mohamed Magid-
Obama's Sharia Czar from the
Islamic Society of North America 
Eboo Patel-
Advisory Council on
Faith-Based Neighborhood Partnerships  
This is flat-out scary!!!
The foxes are now officially living in the hen house...  
Now ask me why I am very concerned!!! 
Do you feel OK with this???   
Is this news to you? Doesn't this make you feel safe and happy about your country and this administration!? 
How can this happen, and when will we wake up???   
We are quiet while our Country is being drastically changed!!! 
If you're Not CONCERNED, DELETE this.  Go to bed tonight...sleep well!
Otherwise, GET THE WORD OUT, !
Subject: : Send out the clowns!
Attachments area

AMENPER: Prioridades de esta Administración
Mientras que los veteranos esperaban y murieron esperando tratamiento en hospitales de veteranos y clínicas, el Department of Veterans Affairs estaba ocupado gastando por lo menos $ 420 millones, según informes, en paneles solares y molinos de viento.
En Phoenix, por lo menos 18 pacientes han muerto esperando tratamiento, según la asociación de veteranos. Pero todavía no había ningún problema gastando $ 20 millones para construir la marquesina solar más grande de la nación en una instalación de Phoenix .
 Instalaciones costeadas por la administración de veteranos se construyeron en Albuquerque, nuevo México y Tucson, Arizona, gastaron millones instalar paneles solares.. ¿Qué tiene que ver el cuidado de los veteranos con la energía solar?
En Tucson, en particular, un paciente del hospital de veteranos murió de cáncer de colon a la espera de una colonoscopia rutinaria, según una investigación. No pudo esperar hasta que acabaran de construir las marquesinas solares.
Basándose en una hoja informativa de abril, los hospitales VA informaron 23 muertes relacionadas con la atención tardía..
Y mientras que los servicios a veteranos gastó profusamente en los paneles solares, un estimado 100.000 veteranos soportaron largas esperas-  Pero esta es la política correcta de la administración de Obama, mientras niega los permisos para perforar petróleo que nos haría energéticamente independientes de nuestros enemigos como Venezuela y los países del Medio Oriente.
Una vez más, lo que se expone, es una cultura despreciable de prioridades fuera de lugar que es flagrantemente ignorado, si no pisoteado. La prioridad de la, promesa de la nación de atención para quienes vestían su uniforme y arriesgaban su vida por cuidar nuestras libertades es ignorada..
En lugar de mantenerse al día con la demanda de pacientes, millones de dólares fueron hacia visiones puramente políticas "verde" — además de las gordas bonificaciones de los oficiales de la administración de veteranos..
¿Es tan increíblemente difícil para el gobierno asignar recursos donde sea más necesario?
Bajo el actual sistema de la administración de veteranos obviamente lo es.
Es más importante la correcta política “verde” para complacer a Obama que la vida de nuestros veteranos

AMENPER: La solución al problema migratorio
“Calabaza, calabaza, cada uno pa´su casa… (EMO. Y  EL QUE NO TENGA CASA QUE SE VALLA PAL C… LRGM)
Creo que mi abuelita tenía la solución migratoria mejor que esos legisladores que se pasan horas de su trabajo pagado por los contribuyentes.  Ella hubiera compadecido frente al congreso y la cámara y expuesto su plan que hubiera solucionado el problema migratorio…”calabaza, calabaza, cada uno pa´su casa.
Es un plan comprensivo y que todos pueden entender, no tiene que haber reforma, las leyes migratorias existen aquí como existen en todos los países, simplemente hay que cumplir las leyes.
Ilegalidad es violación de una ley, el inmigrante que prefiera vivir en otro país puede hacerlo, pero dentro de los cánones de la ley del país donde quiere residir.  ¿Cómo quieren vivir en un país de leyes si comienzan su vida en ese país violando sus leyes?
En un país civilizado como éste, con larga tradición democrática y leyes diversas que deben respetarse, so riesgo de pagar las consecuencias, la palabra “ilegal” puede concitar reacciones airadas, más cuando se asigna a una persona o grupo. Pero cuando por razones prácticas algo queda fuera de la ley y se viola, quieren decirnos que no son ilegales, son “indocumentados”, es una aberración.
La  falta de documentos requeridos dentro de la ley es una ilegalidad, si un policía nos detienen y no tenemos el documento que nos da el permiso para conducir, hemos cometido un delito, somos delincuentes, cuando comparecemos ante el juez no podemos decir que somos simplemente indocumentados,
Así que ¿por qué no podemos llamar a los que entran ilegalmente sin documentos “los delincuentes ilegales”?
El llamado problema de inmigración no tiene nada que ver con las leyes migratorias que son adecuadas si se cumplieran.  El problema es que Obama y sus secuaces ven en la inmigración posible votantes.  Nos piden compasión, pero la verdadera compasión es para sus ambiciones políticas. Esto es una realidad evidente, no importa los discursos ni los libros liberales que nos embuten.
Hubo un individuo en Nebraska que durante el desfile del 4 de Julio sacó una carroza con una letrina, un  escusado como le decíamos en Cuba, o como le llaman ahora políticamente correcto “lugar de saneamiento ecológico”. Bueno como se llame, era una de esas casitas fuera de la casa para hacer las necesidades fisiológicas de esas que se usan en los lugares en el campo donde no hay alcantarillado. 
La letrina tenía un rótulo que decía “Biblioteca de Obama”. 
La Fiscalía está levantando cargos contra el individuo por desacato al presidente. 
Realmente creo que con un sano sentido del humor esta persona ha resumido el origen de todos nuestros problemas.”

AMENPER: La EPA: Otra toma del poder 
No he tenido ninguna experiencia directa con la Agencia de Protección Ambiental.  Esto se debe a que viéndola de afuera, me produce terror, me parece más peligrosas que las agencias del gobierno que me agobian el FDA y el IRS trato de alejarme de productos que tengan que estar supervisados por la agencia tan autoritaria, dictatorial y arbitraria. Pero ahora parece como si la Agencia de protección ambiental necesita más poder para imponer su agenda sobre el cambio climático, eco-extremistas de la administración Obama ahora quieren gravar los sueldos de aquellos que no acaten sus normas.  No sólo esto afecta a las personas que pudieran ser afectadas económicamente, pero crea un estado de terror y miedo con respecto al poder de la agencia.
 La EPA se está convirtiendo en una combinación de la KGB, el partido Nazi y la Seguridad del Estado de Cuba.
La EPA anunció su intención en el Registro Federal como una "regla final directa," que sería efectiva automáticamente el próximo 2 de septiembre, a menos que la EPA reciba oposición activa y  comentarios adversos del público.  Pero no hay que preocuparse — la EPA asegura que esto no es una "acción reguladora significativa".  Claro que no es significativa para ellos que siguen ganando sus sueldos, pero son significativas para los pobres asalariados de a pie que tendrán que pagar las arrogancias de estos burócratas
Dile que las acciones de esta Gestapo no es significativa a propietarios privados que han surgido en el lado perdedor de desacuerdos con la EPA. Esta es la misma agencia que le puso  una multa a un dueño de Wyoming de $75.000 porque cavó un estanque en su propiedad en lo que ellos llamaron una zona protegida de  suelo rústico que sabe Dios qué carajo quiere decir eso.
Ahora la EPA tendría otra arma para "fomentar" la cooperación y disuadir a los tribunales de los ciudadanos y las empresas que no están de acuerdo con sus dictados.
En una carta entregada a la EPA, y que podemos ver publicada en la internet en su red,  The Heritage Foundation criticó la regla para darle al gobierno "una desenfrenada discreción". Pero es dudoso que la protesta pública dejará de esta nueva orden de otorgación de poder.
Es por esto por lo que  el Congreso necesita intervenir para detener otro grave abuso de poder.
Pero podemos esperar sentados para no cansarnos.



But congressman has solution for border crisis

WASHINGTON – President Obama said he won’t go to the border because he doesn’t want to do a “photo-op.”
But a Texas congressman who just returned from the U.S. border with Mexico said the right presidential photo-op could actually solve the humanitarian crisis there, and stop the flood of illegal immigrants crossing into the country.
Rep. Steve Stockman, R-Texas, said the head of the border guard union told him, “If President Obama stood by an airplane and returned the people to Guatemala, that, overnight, it would stop the flow.”
The numbers are astounding.
The New York Times reports an estimated 290,000 illegal immigrants, including 52,000 unaccompanied children, have crossed the border illegally in the Rio Grande Valley to cities around the county, just in recent months.
“There are more people coming across the border than we sent to invade France in World War II,” marveled Stockman.
“That is an invasion of our nation, and most of them are coming into Texas. We need to take quick action.”
Stockman and Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, were the first members of Congress to gain access inside one of the overcrowded border facilities where immigrants have been detained.
They arrived as the detainees were served lunch: a burrito, apple and water.
“I think the most shocking thing I saw was kids giving themselves up to the border guards. I had thought more border guards would help, but not at all.”
The congressman said even if there were “a million” border guards, it wouldn’t help, because the immigrants “were not running from us, they were running to the guards.”
Since refugees are usually running from something rather than toward something, WND asked: Were these immigrants refugees, as Democrats have claimed?
“No, there are many U.S. cities that have a higher murder rate than Guatemala,” Stockman observed, adding, “Does that mean we’re going to get refugees from Chicago?”
With Obama apparently unwilling to stop what Stockman called an invasion, WND asked him what Congress could do to stem the sudden surge of immigrants, especially those from Central America.
The congressman noted that we faced a similar crisis in 2005 when a large number of immigrants from Brazil started streaming into the country, but President George W. Bush solved the problem and deported them by using one of Obama’s favorite tools, the executive order.
Stockman said it would be much more humane to stop the flow than to allow it to continue, with so many left vulnerable to kidnapping, rape and murder during 30-day, thousand-mile long trips.
“We need to return the families back home so we send a message, ‘You come up here, you’re going to be sent home quickly.’”
Why not build the fence right now?
The Texan noted Congress has already allocated money for the fence, but no one has built it.
“Now, the president says the fence won’t work. I would challenge him to remove the fence from around the White House, if it doesn’t work. Fences work. It works in Israel. It would work here.”
Stockman also believes the National Guard should be deployed on the border because, “Right now, the border guards are so busy feeding and taking care of the children, they can’t do their regular responsibilities.”
If the president will neither build the fence nor deport the illegal immigrants, what can Congress do to stem the tide?
Stockman senses the president wants to make a deal.
He said the House won’t agree to the $3.7 billion Obama wants to put the underage immigrants through a long legal process, but it will fund emergency priorities.
“I don’t think House Republicans want to fund a bunch of trial attorneys so they can give contributions to his coffers. The money should be directed at building a wall, completing a wall and helping the children directly, in terms of food and aid.”
He also believes Congress could modify a 2008 law that was designed to protect minors from Central America from falling prey to sex-traffickers by allowing them to stay in the country during a lengthy legal process involving hearings before immigration judges. Stockman said that law, ironically and sadly, has backfired, by luring unaccompanied and unprotected minors onto American streets.
Obama has signaled his willingness to water down the law, but some Democrats are fiercely opposed to a bill designed to do that proposed Monday by Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, and Rep. Henry Cuellar, D-Texas.
Stockman said, it wasn’t really the 2008 law that triggered the sudden flow of minor immigrants; it was Obama’s decision, after Congress refused to pass the DREAM Act, to unilaterally implement the bill’s key provision and not deport minors in the country illegally.
“Look at the numbers,” he said. “As soon a Obama announced the DREAM Act, the numbers shot through the roof.”
Will protests of illegals by U.S. cities make a difference? Sound off in the WND Poll.

Reid: “Border Is Secure…” Really? This Video Shows Otherwise

They're using government-issued EBT cards too

Editor’s note: This video contains brief strong language.
Senate Majority leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) has reassured Americans today that the southern border is secure despite the massive surge of illegal minors (and adults) from Central America.
The Hill reports:
“The border is secure,” said Reid after a Senate Democratic lunch. “[Senator] Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.) talked to the caucus today. He’s a border state senator. He said he can say without any equivocation the border is secure.”
It is a bit ironic that Reid can say this “without any equivocation” because in a video released by madworldnews, a bus full of illegals is seen stopping at a Walmart and purchasing supplies with government-issued EBT cards.
The video was filmed by Sylvia Locklear while she was on her lunch break in Concord, NC.
Not only does this video dispute the claim that only “children” and “refugees” are coming across the border; it implies that the Obama regime is moving illegals into cities and not even letting them know what is going on.
Sure, Senator Reid; the southern border is about as secure as it can get.

IS THIS TRUE?????????????????????
Posted by Victoria Jackson on December 29, 2013 at 1:34 am
Oh! Asylum! So, that’s how Obama’s gonna turn America from a Christian nation into a Muslim nation! There’s a buzz going around that before Obama leaves office, he’ll offer asylum to millions of Muslims, like Syrian “refugees,” paving their way to the USA. I guess we, the middle class taxpayers will be funding this Caliphate, without our consent. Maybe this is why Obama encouraged the “Arab Spring.”
Here, it is reported 500,000 Muslim refugees are coming.
Most recent story here.
This story reports, “According to Arabic language broadcasts, “The Muslim world is saying that President Obama wants amnesty for the current Hispanic 12 million illegal immigrants in the US in order to pave the way for the next wave of tens of millions of illegals from the Middle East to the United States, leading to 50 to 100 million Muslims living in the US. before the end of Obama’s second term.”
Ten years ago, the Tsarnaev family was granted political asylum in the United States. Curiously, for ten years, they made frequent trips back to the country they fled. Despite warnings from Russia to our FBI, “two members of the Tsarnaev family set off pressure cooker bombs at the Boston Marathon as an act of Muslim terrorism.” Story here.
“As the L.A. Times reports, “Two resettled Iraqis were convicted of trying to send arms to Al Qaeda from their home in Bowling Green, Ky.” The Blaze reports here.
“Unfortunately, these two men apparently represent the tip of a potentially deadly iceberg. “We are currently supporting dozens of current counter-terrorism investigations like that,” said FBI Agent Gregory Carl, director of the Terrorist Explosive Device Analytical Center (TEDAC). House Committee on Homeland Security Chairman Michael McCaul (R-TX) said, “I wouldn’t be surprised if there were many more than that…And these are trained terrorists in the art of bomb-making that are inside the United States…” Report here.
“ABC News is reporting that dozens of alleged Islamic terrorists with bomb-making skills may have been mistakenly allowed to take up residence in the United States, due to a flawed screening system.”
This story reports, “Nashville, Tennessee has one of the fastest growing foreign-born populations of any major US city. According to the Federation for American Immigration Reform, “The 2000 data showed an increase of 210.1 percent in the immigrant population since 1990…” This report says, “(See a state-by-state breakdown. Tennessee took (in) 1,236 (immigrants) in 2012. Wyoming had 0.)
“One additional consequence, and a dangerous one, has been the spawning of new terrorism cells within some of these refugee communities. For instance, numerous Somali Muslims have been arrested on terrorism-related charges over the past two years,” says Act for America.
“President Barack Hussein Obama, in a determination letter to Congress, has announced that he will allow an additional 80,000 immigrants – - mostly from Islamic countries – - to resettle in the United States during fiscal year 2011.”
“Mr. Obama says that the increase in Muslim immigrants “is justified by humanitarian concerns or is otherwise in the national interest.”
“Refugee Resettlement Watch and other organizations have expressed grave concern that Mr. Obama is allowing so many immigrants into the country while so many Americans remain out of work and living in poverty. According to the US Department of Labor, 14.8 million Americans remain unemployed…This figure has been challenged by the Union of the Unemployed who provide statistics that the actual number of unemployed Americans is 31 million.”
“…the definition of refugee is ‘fudged’ in several cases. “Refugees” who have not left their country due to persecution, according to Mr. Obama’s determination letter, can still be called “refugees” if they are from Iraq, one of the Islamic countries of the former Soviet Union, or Cuba.”
Act for America reports, “According to Section 413 (a) of the Immigration and Nationalities Act, the Office of Refugee Resettlement is required to submit an annual report to Congress on the activities of the refugees. The report is supposed to include the number who are on public welfare programs.”
“But no report has been forthcoming from the Office of Refugee Resettlement since 2007.”

“…Fadi Ezzeir, the president of the Nashville Chapter of the Muslim American Society, a well-known front organization for the Muslim Brotherhood, is a Kurd who grew up in Jordan.
A 1991 strategy paper for the Muslim Brotherhood, often referred to as the Ikhwan in Arabic, found in the Virginia home of an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation terror-funding case, describes the group’s goals for America:

“The Ikhwan must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and sabotaging its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God’s religion is made victorious over all other religions.” This process requires a “mastery of the art of ‘coalitions,’ the art of ‘absorption’ and the principles of ‘cooperation.’
Fadi Ezzeir is a also Board member of the Salahadeen Center (the Kurdish community center and mosque). He runs their Youth Education Center and is a Muslim Boy Scout leader.”
Pamela Gellar reports in August that the “enemedia” is not reporting any of Obama’s pro-Muslim Brotherhood activities.
And, get this! The Obama Administration is spending time, money and effort to deport the Romeike family who fled Germany and came to America because they wanted was to homeschool, give their children a Christian education; while the Obama Administration is working very hard “to allow over 11 million criminals, (every illegal alien is a criminal because they broke federal law when they entered our country illegally), to remain in our nation.” This is ridiculous but clearly shows Obama’s hostility to Christians and to homeschoolers.”
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Obama’s policies persecute Christians and Jews and protect Muslims. The Obama Administration is the enemy of America. Impeach.

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Oh! Asylum! So, that’s how Obama’s gonna turn America from a Christian nation into a Muslim nation! There’s a buzz going around that before Obama leaves office, he...
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Morning Briefing For July 15, 2014
Wanna come grab a beer with me?  Seriously.  I’m happy to grab a drink.  But you’ll need to come see me in Fort Worth on August 7th to August 10th for the RedState Gathering.  I’ll be there.  Will you?  I hope so.  — Erick

Republican Mike Collins’ Campaign Staff Endorse Democrats Hijacking a Republican Primary
Mike Collins is the son of former Congressman Mac Collins and is trying very hard to grab his dad’s old congressional district. He’s even willing to use Democrats to do it.
In the last two weeks, as I’ve previously reported, Democrats have begun receiving absentee ballot applications in the mail encouraging them to vote for Mike Collins. There has been a question about who is responsible.
More and more signs point to a coordinated effort in conjunction with the Collins campaign to use Democrats to hijack the Georgia runoff against conservative Jody Hice . . . please click here for the rest of the post 

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Chris Christie Heads to Iowa. So Do Conservatives.
Chris Christie is headed to Iowa today. Whenever any politician heads to Iowa, the media starts buzzing about Presidential prospects. Just in case, the Judicial Crisis Network is going to greet the Governor with advertisements. . . . please click here for the rest of the post 

Homosexuality, incest, and the death of sexual taboos
An Australian judge is currently being criticized for what many social conservatives would call a statement of the obvious. Judge Garry Nielson was presiding in a locally notorious trial involving rape and incest. There is a lot to criticize in Judge Neilson’s findings, at least to American eyes, but what has him in trouble — and could cost him his job — is not his lenient treatment of the rapist, the girl’s uncle who was already in sexual relationship with the victim’s mother, his own sister. Nope, it was this . . . please click here for the rest of the post 

Neither Charles Blow nor President Obama Knows How to Take Responsibility
I have said for many years that there is literally nothing that Obama could do that would not earn either a defense or outright praise from New York Times Parody Columnist Charles Blow. The latest example of Blow’s inimitable lickspittlery purports to be an indignant response to John Boehner’s facially obvious assertion that Barack Obama refuses to take responsibility for anything. Blow claims, in his typical servile and fawning fashion, that . . . please click here for the rest of the post 

General Motors Continues to Invest American Tax Dollars Overseas
The World Cup ended in a tight contest between Argentina and Germany on Sunday, but even after what was by most accounts an exciting tournament, the American enthusiasm gap between football and futbol remains considerable.

It was noteworthy, then, when the iconic American car brand Chevrolet inked a $70 million sponsorship deal with English Premier League giant Manchester United. The Chevy logo will now grace the front of that legendary soccer team’s jersey. . . . please click here for the rest of the post 

Unsurprisingly Corporations are Gaming Obamacare
Star War fans will always remember when Obi-Wan Kenobi described the spaceport Mos Eisley on the planet Tatooine as a “wretched hive of scum and villainy.”  It’s easy to recall that description when you learn about a conference occurring in Washington, DC this week known as the 340B Coalition.  “Scum and villainy” might be too strong a term to describe the conferees but “cronies and rent seekers” wouldn’t be.

The 340B Discount Drug Program is a perfect example of a government program gone wrong. Passed in 1992 as part of the Veterans Health Care Act, the program was designed to provide discount drugs to certain health care clinics as a way of serving the poor and underprivileged. In theory, the discounted drugs were to be offered to those in need at the discounted price. Then ObamaCare happened. . . . please click here for the rest of the post 

EPA’s new superpower: Wage garnishment without due process
The same EPA that brought you Climate Change Gone Wild, Felonious Follies, and the classic Poops In The Hall, now offers a convenient automatic payment option:  wage garnishment without a court order.  That’s right, they can accuse you, cite you, fine you, and collect, all without the muss and fuss of Due Process Under Law. . . . please click here for the rest of the post 
The Vine Pro-aborts are prone to violence. If you are an abortion abolitionist, you’ve probably come across an abortion supporter who is angry at your mere existence. So it came as no surprise when, last week, Pro-life activist Seth Drayer was attacked in Columbus, Ohio while downtown with a group of pro-life students. His attacker, Victoria Duran, is seen in a video kicking down signs while cursing and yelling at Drayer in her Burger King uniform. . . . please click here for the rest of the post  Don’t forget to check out the latest TECH AT NIGHT.
Sincerely yours,

Erick Erickson
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Obama Calls For His Own Impeachment‏. Actions Description: Western Journalism

 "I call upon the leadership of the U.S. House of Representatives... to draft articles of impeachment as no one is above the law in America."

       After the House of Representatives threatened to take him to court, Obama swaggered to the microphone. With defiance and ridicule in his voice he declared that he's "not going to apologize" and like a petulant child he issued a challenge to Speaker of the House John Boehner: "So sue me."

       The United States Supreme Court just smacked him down, but he doesn't care. He instructed his minions to "be creative" and find ways to defy Congress and the courts and ram his radical agenda down our throats.

       Barack Obama's not backing down... he's doubling down and we must declare our independence from the Obama Regime. Let's take our message to the 50 Tea Party Members in Congress and the Republican Leadership and demand that they IMPEACH BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA. 

Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every Member of the Republican Leadership and the 50 Tea Party Members in the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives. 

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 Patriotic Americans Are Sick And We're Tired Of This Criminal Obama Regime.

       If you believe that Barack Obama needs to be removed from office and thrown in jail, rest assured, you haven't taken leave of your senses or gone off the deep end. You simply recognize the obvious.

       Our nation is presently in a state of crisis.

       We're not dealing with run-of-the-mill government graft and corruption. The stench of lawlessness in the Obama Regime is so overwhelming that it places our country in clear peril of becoming a third-world dictatorship.

       Yes, we're living in very dangerous times... desperate times, and desperate times call for desperate measures.

       As former-Congressman Allen West put it: "Make no mistake, [Barack] Obama is ignoring the Constitution, our laws, and the system of checks and balances that safeguard this country. Barack Obama has exceeded his constitutional authority, which has dangerous implications for our system of government and our freedoms."

       Put another way, when things that crawl invade your home, you don't eradicate them one by one, you call the Orkin man and rid your house of all the vermin en masse. 

Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every Member of the Republican Leadership and the 50 Tea Party Members in the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives. 

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Yes... The United States Is Evolving Into A Third-World Country.

       Simply consider the following short list of manufactured Obama crises:

 The most powerful and feared agency in the federal government targeted political opponents, pursued Members of Congress and allegedly even planned to throw people in jail for daring to exercise their First Amendment rights and oppose the criminal Obama Regime.

Veterans died by the hundreds — perhaps by the thousands — as those who were tasked to care for them were paid bonuses for allowing them to die as they waited for much-needed medical care that never came.

 As the encore to running weapons to dangerous cartels South of the Border (Fast and Furious), the Obama Regime is now allowing hordes of illegal alien children to flood our borders. These children are held in sweltering and stinking hangers and cages so that they may infect each other with diseases, and then bused to all areas of the country to disappear into the populace and spread those diseases and otherwise overwhelm our already sinking social welfare system.

 Failed Obama foreign policies emboldened enemy nations and terrorists around the world and Barack Obama responded by tasking Eric Holder's DOJ to secretly pursue journalists who dared to shine the light of day on his foreign policy failures. To make matters worse, Obama's planning to release even more terrorists from Guantanamo Bay. Make no mistake, the next 9-11 is just around the corner... courtesy of Barack Hussein Obama.

       These crises are not occurring by accident. They were planned and they are being fueled by a corrupt and criminal regime that is either totally incompetent or is purposefully trying to destroy the United States of America.

       And to be totally honest, it's not just the corruption and criminality that drives us crazy, it's the fact that we're watching... gobsmacked... as Barack Obama fulfills his lawless 2008 campaign pledge to"fundamentally transform" the United States into a third-world nation, and we're not about to sit on our duffs and watch the United States become a second-rate nation.

       Make no mistake, our great nation is in crisis... our great nation is under attack from within and desperate times call for desperate measures andCongress' response to this crisis must be swift and decisive... people must be removed from office and thrown in jail... and the time to start making that happen is now. 

Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every Member of the Republican Leadership and the 50 Tea Party Members in the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives. 

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Floyd Brown

“En mi opinión” Lázaro R González Miño

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