No 934 “En mi opinión” Abril 28, 2015
Algunos logros
de obama: Cuando fue supuestamente electo en el 2009 el La deuda externa era de 7 trillones La
deuda externa de USA es hoy más de $17 Trillones de Dólares es 10 trillones
más, el desempleo real es mayor que nunca, Irán está fabricando armas nucleares
a toda velocidad, tenemos una de las guerras más terribles en todo el mundo árabe,
Rusia no sabe qué hacer para sobresalir y está preparando (?) una guerra mundial,
el mercado de valores de Wall Street es una farsa, hemos expulsados más
inmigrantes ilegales que nunca y hemos dejado entrar más inmigrantes ilegales que nunca, se atrevió a
pesar de que todo le sale mal o lo hace más apropósito un plan de salud (Que
tuvo el descaro de ponerle su nombre) que ha sido la porquería más grande de la
historia… El presidente de USA es un inepto o tiene el plan de destruir totalmente
La nación Americana; me parece que la real es la segunda. Y lo que más me
revienta es que muchísimas personas apoyan cualquier porquería que hace. Es que
son anormales o masoquistas?
AMENPER: La Reina se está Empantanando
La postulación de
Hillary Clinton para competir en las elecciones presidenciales de Estados
Unidos del año próximo encuentra cada vez más obstáculos.
Sus conflictos
excusados por ser hechos circunstanciales, sin lugar a dudas tienen la realidad
de una inferencia evidente.
Las dudas sobre
posibles conflictos de intereses preocupan a los demócratas
La coronación se está
empantanando, y los estadounidenses están percibiendo que como en la historia
de Hans Christian Andersen, “la reina no tiene ropas”.
Hillary no es Bill
Clinton, este tenía don de identificarse con los electores. Era
entrañable y habilidoso parecía gustarle genuinamente estar con la gente y esto
hacia posible el cubrir sus muchos errores y problemas. .
Era un personaje
polarizador, pero la mitad de Estados Unidos que lo quería lo quería
intensamente, especialmente las mujeres, y estableció una conexión emocional
con los electores al contar historias, compartir recuerdos y valores.
O tienes esa
habilidad o no la tienes. Hillary no la tiene, y no creo que el
nombre Clinton sea suficiente. Los presidentes no se designan, se eligen. Los
estadounidenses eligen gente con la que pueden identificarse. Nunca se pueden
identificar con alguien si no se abre, y Hillary además de sus problemas de
corrupción, no se identifica con el ciudadano común, El hecho de que pudiera
ser la primera mujer presidente, no es lo mismo cuando Obama se presentó
como el primer presidente negro
Su manera de
presentarse, además de sus relaciones con países en que las mujeres son
ciudadanos de segunda clase, no le dan la credibilidad que necesita para tener
un voto excepcional con este grupo, diferente al caso de Obama con los negros.
El problema de los
demócratas es que no tienen alternativa. Elizabeth Warren, a pesar
de que es el prototipo del socialista que representa la posición del partido
demócrata actual, está tan a la izquierda que ni siquiera en la política actual
demócrata sería un candidato aceptable para la mayoría, y el problema es que no
tienen otra figura que pudiera acercarse a ser un candidato viable.
Muchos republicanos
se emocionan con personas como Scott Walker, Paul Rand, Ted Cruz y Marco Rubio,
El arma más valiosa de un candidato no es su carisma, su experiencia ni su
arsenal. Es su pasión. Si no la tienes, ni te molestes en
postularte. Hillary y Jeb Bush no la tienen.
Ser electo presidente
es un asunto de lograr que tu base se alinee aunque no te ame. En el caso de
Hillary, el desafío es unir a los Warrenistas (que gustan de hacer la guerra a
los ricos) y a los intereses empresariales de Wall Street, que se ponen
nerviosos cuando los demócratas cantan himnos populistas.
Pero ¿cómo puede
Hillary hacer esto cuando se habla de sus millones adquiridos en condiciones
controversiales?’. O sea que no es una buena posición ni populista
ni una posición creíble cuando ataca a los ricos.
El hecho que la
postulación de Hillary parece inevitable, les da a los Republicanos una
posición que no habían tenido en las pasadas elecciones. No importa cuál sea el
candidato republicano, no importa que haya un campo grande, al contrario, hay
candidatos donde escoger, y al final el escogido sería uno solo para
enfrentarse a Hillary Clinton.
Las encuestas todavía
arrastran los números de las primeras percepciones, cuando existía la visión de
la primera mujer presidente, pero están nivelándose negativamente para Hillary,
y con el tiempo se verán los resultados, tanto en las encuestas como en el
resultado final.
Lo que vemos sobre en
las elecciones generales del 2016, si no se presentan situaciones diferentes,
es que si los republicanos no comenten errores, debieran ser los ganadores…
Watch: Muslim Police Chief Does Not Salute Flag
During Pledge Of Allegiance
"If you’re not pledging allegiance to the United States, my
question is what country are you pledging allegiance to?"
An assistant Chief of
the Miami Police Department (MPD) broke ranks and chose not to salute the
American flag while attending a police ceremony in uniform last week.
Anita Najiy, a 32
year veteran of the MPD and reportedly a
Muslim, stood at attention while all the other officers around her placed
their hands over their hearts, as they recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
Watch: Mayor’s Astounding ‘Space To
Destroy’ Remark Proves True As Rioters Rampage, Baltimore Burns
Canada Becomes First Country To
Require For Every New Regulation, One Of Equal Burden Being Removed
Najiy’s action was
seen as an act of defiance and disrespect by the local Fraternal Order of
Police President Javier Ortiz. Ortiz told the Miami New Times: “If you’re not pledging allegiance to the United
States, my question is what country are you pledging allegiance to?”
He added, “Anyone who
isn’t offended by that is not American, because when you become a U.S. citizen,
you pledge allegiance to the US.”
Ortiz sent a letter
to the Miami Police Chief, Rodolfo Llanes, requesting Najiy’s removal as the
chief of the MDP honor guard detail.
Watch: Mayor’s Astounding ‘Space To
Destroy’ Remark Proves True As Rioters Rampage, Baltimore Burns
According to the Miami Herald, Police Maj. Delrish
Moss produced a section of the conduct code for U.S. military personnel, which
he says supercedes police code. It reads: “When in uniform, indoors, stand at
attention, remain silent, and face the flag.” That is exactly what Najiy
did. “The Honor Guard follows U.S. military code. She was following U.S.
military code. It had nothing to do with personal beliefs,” said Moss.
Najiy’s promotion a
year ago to assistant chief was hailed as “one of the most memorable days in
the history of the police department” by then-Chief Manuel Orosa, who promoted
The police
department’s code of conduct allows for a reprimand if an officer does not
salute the flag; however, it makes no mention of covering your heart during the
Pledge of Allegiance. “Not a single member of the command staff standing next
to Najiy last week saluted the flag during the ceremony,” the Miami Herald reported.
The MDP is
investigating the incident to determine if any discipline is appropriate..
AMENPER: Las Creencias Tradicionales de América
"Los líderes políticos
no deben confiar en sus creencias religiosas en la toma de decisiones
políticas". – Este axioma es algo prevalente en Estados Unidos desde su
Hablar de un político
"depender" de las creencias religiosas supone que esas creencias son
ajenas a quien las mantiene, un cuerpo de doctrina a la cual él momentaneamente
Pero negándose a
"confiar" en sus creencias religiosas, por el contrario, requerirían
al creyente a dejar de ser él mismo; No puede hacerse.
Algunos presidentes
aparecen más genuinos en su observancia religiosa que otros, Ningún Católico
Romano había sido electo Presidente antes de Kennedy, por la percepción de que
la religión tenía su fe en un gobierno extranjero. El registro muestra que la
elección de Kennedy fue posible primariamente porque la mayoría pensaba que
Kennedy realmente no era realmente un creyente católico romano debido a su
forma de vida.
Sin embargo, Kennedy
tuvo que declarar públicamente que su adhesión a sus creencias estarían
únicamente en América, no en Roma, a pesar de su persuasión religiosa.
La denominación
religiosa de por sí no es el problema que vieron los fundadores, pero la
influencia de la religión como doctrina de estado que es por lo que fueron
perseguidos los fundadores de la nación.
Por eso la percepción
del catolicismo Romano como una religión de estado, mientras que aceparon
presidentes desde su inició como John Adams cuyas creencias eran diferente a
las de la mayorías de los estadounidenses de la época cuando públicamente
confesaba que no creía en la doctrina de la Trinidad. Pero su
adhesión a los valores judeo- cristianos aparte de sus otras creencias en el
cristianismo lo hacían un ejemplo en las creencias de la nueva nación de la
libertad de culto dentro del entorno cultural.
Pero no creo que
hubieran electo a John Adams si hubiera sido judío o Musulmán..
Porque las creencias
es lo que una persona es, tus creencias son lo que influyen en tu
comportamiento y tus decisiones.
Tenemos un presidente
que fue criado por padres de fe musulmana, educado en la fe islámica. No
importa si dice que es cristiano, su cristianismo ha sido a la versión de una
iglesia que se llama nominalmente cristiana, pero donde el pastor practicaba la
doctrina diariamente en sus sermones del odio
a América.
Creo que Obama es
más, como su padre un socialista ateo, que musulmán. Pero su formación tiene
que influir en su punto de vista de la fe islámica como favorable.
La religión para la
mayoría es la cultura más que practicar la religión. La moralidad
judeo-cristiana y la cultura son lo que somos, no importa qué religión decimos
que practicamos o si no practicamos ninguna religión.
Eso es lo que hace
Obama el primer presidente extranjero. Y como bien ha dicho Giuliani es el
primer presidente estadounidense odia a América y los americanos.
No es el primer
presidente que es un mentiroso, la mayoría de los políticos son mentirosos,
pero Obama es uno de los que mejor ha utilizado la mentira para llegar a la
presidencia y de los que mejor ha utilizado la mentira durante su administración-
Obama dirigió la
campaña como un cristiano, un amigo de Israel, y un candidato moderado social y
económicamente. Y es y ha sido exactamente lo opuesto.
Está en la última
etapa de su segundo mandato, el daño ya está hecho, pero algunos de los daños
podrían ser revertidos si elegimos a un candidato, que no por su religión, sino
por el amor de América y a las tradiciones judeo-cristianas que hicieron grande
a este país.
AMENPER: Los motines como la nueva justicia Americana… The riots as the
new American Justice
Sometimes a protest is only a camouflaged revolt in the name of justice.
One could not think of it that way, and some of the
participants they may think it is not. But yet again and again
we see that it is.
The long-term consequences of a couple of nights of looting and burning are
beginning to be felt by residents and property owners.
So it makes sense, we have to expect the worst, because it has happened
before we face a weekend of protests against the mysterious
death of police-related resident Freddy Gray, will bring the consequences not
of justice but of injustice that innocent citizens and businesses that have
nothing to do with the incident suffer.
What no one expected is that the mayor of Baltimore Mayor Stephanie
Rawlins-Blake said at a press conference on Sunday: he asked the Baltimore
Police Department "give those who wished to destroy space to do it."
The mayor of Baltimore Rawlings-Blake said his city
government "gave those who wanted to destroy space to do so,"
apparently he gave approval to the rioters who destroyed
police vehicles following the city and property traders for the death of
Freddie Gray.
Rioters destroyed police cars in a frenzy, looted shops and burned other
private cars, while police stood as spectators. They attacked a woman in a
wheelchair, and a man wearing a shirt of "The lives of black matter"
tried to stab a terrified spectator.
Overall, Baltimore police said 34 arrests were made during the main
demonstration on Saturday, and six policemen were injured with broken bones by
bricks thrown by rioters.
We will not discuss here the fact of the death of Freddie Gray who was
arrested while committing a crime, we will not discuss the right to peaceful
protest if they consider the fact is criminal or
inappropriate. We will discuss the rights of owners and
attacked innocent citizens. That is clearly an act of savagery
and something that must be punished by law.
So the policy is necessary, so we choose those who govern us not to live in
a state of anarchy. You can not choose people in positions of
government not only ignore the law enforcement but stimulate it.
Racism, a disease that was being passed in the nation, has taken a new
force in the white citizens of the United States. The position
of the Obama administration and justice secretaries, as well as other elected
officials such as the mayor of Baltimore all of the black race, is creating a
situation racist rejection of damaging race relations and being victims
citizens law abiding blacks who innocently paid by the new racism created by
this administration.
Watch: Unbelievable Footage Of Riots That Injured
Seven Cops In Baltimore
Some reports indicate rival gangs are teaming up to target law
enforcement officers.
Days of
rioting in Baltimore, Md., hit a climax Monday,
the day of Freddie Gray’s funeral. Gray died recently after being arrested and
placed in a police transport vehicle, an event that sparked the latest in a
string of anti-police demonstrations.
by a mayor who implicitly gave rioters permission to engage
in their violent, destructive behavior, video footage of the result shows how
chaotic the situation has become. Extensive property damage is a common theme,
with police cruisers, businesses, and civilian vehicles completely destroyed by
protesters armed with bricks and other weapons.
Watch: Mayor’s
Astounding ‘Space To Destroy’ Remark Proves True As Rioters Rampage, Baltimore
Canada Becomes First
Country To Require For Every New Regulation, One Of Equal Burden Being Removed
At least
seven local cops – including one described as “unresponsive” – are among the
injured. Recent reports indicate the attacks on law enforcement are just
ramping up. WJLA indicated that police have received credible threats of
violence as gangs have allegedly joined forces to target officers in the city.
destruction over the weekend extended to Camden Yard, where thousands of
Orioles fans were trapped inside the stadium Saturday night. At least two of
the team’s players have since responded to the
baseman Chris Davis released a statement indicating that “there’s a
constructive way to protest and there’s a destructive way to protest,” urging
those intent on demonstrating in the streets of Baltimore to “get their point
across without damaging anything or put [sic] anybody’s lives in jeopardy.”
Iranian General’s Outrageous Claim About
the U.S. and 9/11
An Iranian general accused the U.S. of having planned
and carrying out the 9/11 attacks as a pretext to invade Middle Eastern
countries and thus prevent Sunni-Shiite cooperation.
In a television interview last week, Brigadier-General
Ahmad Reza Pourdestan, who commands Iran’s ground forces, said current
conflicts in the Middle East are all part of an “American strategy.”
“These wars [in the Middle East] and these threats
stem from a comprehensive American strategy,” Pourdastan said. “After the
fall of the Soviet Union, the Americans felt that a new force was beginning to
materialize, namely, the union between Sunnis and Shiites.”
“This force is Islam, or the Islamic world. In order to
prevent this force from materializing, the Americans did many things. The first
thing they did was to plan and carry out the events of 9/11 in order to justify
their presence in western Asia, with the goal of ruling it,” Pourdastan
said, according
to the Middle East Media Research Institute which posted translated excerpts from
the April 19 interview that aired on Iran’s Al-Alam television.
Addressing the current Sunni-Shiite conflict in Yemen,
the Iranian military official raised the possibility of Shiite militia attacks
on neighboring Saudi Arabia, suggesting the kingdom might not withstand such an
“Personally, I feel that if Saudi cities were targeted
by bombings and missiles, it would be difficult for the officials there to
withstand this,” he said.
He suggested the Shiite Houthis – who are supported by
Iran – might use their firepower to aim at targets outside Yemen.
“Seeing that in the past, Yemen bought a variety of
weapons which are now in the hands of the [Houthi] Muslims, they are capable of
dealing lethal blows to Saudi Arabia,” Pourdastan said.
A Saudi-led coalition stepped up its military attacks on Yemen Sunday aiming to push back the
Iranian-backed Houthis from the territories they have seized.
Secretary of State John Kerry was set to meet Monday
with Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif ahead of the June 30 deadline
for the U.S. and five world powers to reach agreement on a permanent deal with
Iran over its nuclear program.
The Iranian general also gave warning to Sunni
fighters from the Islamic State group, telling them if they near the Iranian
border, “We will confront them and make them witness the might and capabilities
of the Muslim soldiers.
‘It Looks Like Bribery’: Mitt Romney Breaks
Down Hillary’s Uranium Scandal
He further suggested that she tried to cover her tracks.
Appearing on radio host Hugh Hewitt’s program Thursday, 2012 Republican
presidential nominee Mitt Romney responded to growing criticism of Hillary Clinton and the financial dealings of
the Clinton Foundation.
Romney cut to the chase, explaining that he was “stunned” by the
accusations, adding that “it looks like bribery.”
He went on to highlight the most egregious examples of alleged
wrongdoing, stating that “there is every appearance that Hillary Clinton was
bribed to grease the sale of, what, 20 percent of America’s uranium production
to Russia? And then it was covered up by lying about a meeting at her home with
the principals – and by erasing emails.”
Such evasive action on her part, Romney explained, will make finding the
truth all the more difficult.
“And you know,” he said, “I presume we might know for sure whether there
was or was not bribery if she hadn’t wiped out thousands of emails.”
Furthermore, Romney countered the Clinton campaign’s assessment of
mounting accusations as unsubstantiated.
“The story that came from the New York Times is pretty straightforward,”
he said, “which is that millions upon millions of dollars were given to the Clinton
Foundation at the same time by a group of people who had uranium assets; and
shortly thereafter, these people came to the State Department for approval to
be able to sell these assets to Russia for a huge price tag.”
If the donations and subsequent approval are determined to be connected,
Romney assessed, “it’s a form of bribery.”
The scandal extends beyond a presidential campaign, he concluded.
“I mean this is a question about whether or not the United States
secretary of state was bribed to grease the sale of strategic assets to
Do you think Hillary Clinton is guilty of accepting bribes? Sound off in
the comments section below.
Dear Racist, Looting, Rioting Scumbags In Baltimore…
We are on the cusp of darkness the likes of which this
country has never seen...
We live in an age of
sensationalism. We find ourselves in an era where every headline has to grab
your attention, regardless of its substance in order to generate your digital
That’s the news
industry in which we live.
I’m hoping this can
cut through that.
To the looters, to
the vandals, the felons, the people in Baltimore (and elsewhere) ruining this
great Republic of ours: before you call me a racist, before you call me
insensitive… understand that to use both would be an oxymoron.
It is my complete
lack of any interest in your race, background, gender, personal beliefs, and/or
struggles that makes me an insensitive jerk. I accept that. It also makes
me incapable of discrimination.
Watch: Mayor’s Astounding ‘Space To
Destroy’ Remark Proves True As Rioters Rampage, Baltimore Burns
You are animals. If
you are able to destroy the home or business of your neighbor, you’ve lost your
humanity. If you are able to harm your fellow man, to scare their children, to
do so with a clean conscience, merely because of something that some cop may or
may not have done, which has nothing to do with you… you are a horrible human
being. You disgust me, as you should anyone who wishes to be a part of
civilized society.
Leftists will come to
your defense and demand “understanding.” You deserve none. We are past the
point of understanding. You deserve justice.
I reserve my
“understanding” for the people you’ve hurt–for the businesses you’ve cost countless
sums of money, blood, sweat, and tears. If that makes me “insensitive”,
then you are the one who is placing greater value on the grievance of the
felons than that of the tax-paying, law-abiding citizen. You are siding with
the criminal, over the local business owner.
I was raised in
Canada, and moved to the United States as soon as I was legally able. This is
not the America I sought. This is not the shining city on a hill which I
admired from afar. It turns my stomach, and it makes me even more sick to know
that people like me will be vilified for voicing these opinions.
This isn’t just a
dark day for America; this is a dark day for humanity. These actions don’t
merely bring shame on any individual race–rather, the human race. To all the
decent people left, kiss your wives and hug your children. We are on the cusp
of darkness the likes of which this country has never seen.
Exposed: Obama’s Massive New Program To Stack The
Deck Against The GOP In 2016 And Beyond
redirecting resources of DHS to this effort..."
“The deck
is still stacked in favor of those at the top, and there is something wrong
with that,” said
Hillary Clinton in her
YouTube video that helped to launch her latest bid for the presidency.
Now, given what the current president is doing in an apparent effort to
stack the deck against Republicans in 2016 and beyond, a former Justice
Department official is warning that there’s something very wrong with what
Obama and his DHS are trying to pull off.
Christian Adams, an ex-DOJ official who has frequently talked of corruption in
the federal department run by Eric Holder, is now blowing the whistle on a new
program in another huge part of government, at the Department of Homeland
Security — a program that’s designed to add as many Democrat supporters as
possible to the voter rolls in time for the 2016 elections. Adams claims that
sources inside Obama’s DHS have leaked information to him about the
department’s so-called “Task Force on New Americans.” This massive effort, says Adams, is all about urging some
9,000,000 green card holders, non-citizen aliens, to naturalize and thus gain
voting rights.
on Fox and Friends Weekend, J.
Christian Adams disclosed that DHS is redirecting resources to this campaign to
help Democrat candidates, including Hillary Clinton, in their efforts to win
public office.
“This is
a transformative campaign going on to fundamentally transform the country. And
if you don’t talk about it, if you don’t confront it, you’re going to lose all
the other issues you care about.”
You can
watch the dire warning from this ex-official of the Justice Department by
clicking on the video above
CNN Analyst Rips Baltimore Mayor: Does She Want To Turn ‘Police Cars,’
‘Officers’ Into ‘Pinatas?’
Appearing on “The Lead” with host Jake Tapper Monday, CNN law
enforcement analyst Tom Fuentes slammed comments made Saturday by Baltimore
Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake.
In her comments, the
Baltimore mayor said that she “instructed” police officers to allow space for
protesters “who wished to destroy.” She also told officers “to do everything
that they could to make sure that the protesters were able to exercise their
right to free speech.”
Fuentes told Tapper
that the comment was “so absurd, I don’t know how to respond,” while wondering
if the mayor wanted to turn police cars and officers along with public
buildings into “piñatas” for people “to whack at.”
“I did wonder while
we talking about police tactics and, in your view of police being afraid to
react or seeming afraid to react to some of this violence against them,” Tapper
told Fuentes. “What do you think the mayor meant when she referred to giving
protestors who wish to destroy space to do that?”
“You know, Jake, I
think that statement is so absurd. I don’t know how to respond,” Fuentes said.
“I would just let her clarify that. Does she want to serve up police cars, or
other public buildings in Baltimore or public officials like the police, turn
them into piñatas for the people to come out and whack at them so they can get
their aggression out of their system? I’ve never heard a statement like that
and I think it’s ridiculous.”
“Is there ever a
strategy to cede some territory to allow demonstrators to commit violent acts
against property so that, for instance — I’m just speculating here because I
have no idea what the mayor meant, so that people are not injured? Is that ever
a strategy?” Tapper asked.
“No, It would be so
difficult to contain to allow property to be destroyed in the interests of
saving lives,” Fuentes said. “That would lead to danger to the lives there of
the police, of the people, and what property would that be? People own these
businesses and residences, vehicles.
“You know, is the
mayor offering up other people’s property to be destroyed? I don’t know,”
Fuentes said. “I think she needs to clarify that. But the police under no
circumstances — they are there to protect peaceful protests. Protests that are
within the, you know, the guidelines as specified by the Supreme Court in
several decisions.”
Florida Sheriff Makes Waves With Video Criticizing
‘Thug Culture’ In Black America
Right on cue, he began attracting accusations of
Though he approached
the issue in a calm, deliberate manner, one Florida sheriff ruffled more than a
few feathers with his recent indictment of prevailing
sentiments within the black community. Escambia County Sheriff David Morgan
began a recent video address by questioning the common practice of identifying
blacks as African-American.
“I am fourth
generation Welsh,” he said. “I or my family do not pretend, nor do we say, we
are Welsh-American. We are Americans. I was not born in Wales and the blacks
that currently reside in the United States of America are not from Africa.”
Watch: Mayor’s Astounding ‘Space To
Destroy’ Remark Proves True As Rioters Rampage, Baltimore Burns
Canada Becomes First Country To
Require For Every New Regulation, One Of Equal Burden Being Removed
As for the grievances
often cited by civil rights leaders, Morgan contended that “most of them are
He backed up his
position by pointing out that blacks have attained positions of immense power
within the U.S. in recent years – most notably, Barack Obama.
“Not that many years
ago,” he continued, “the thought of electing an African-American president
would have been unthinkable in the United States of America; and I would remind
black Americans that you are a little less than 13 percent of the population in
the United States.”
Watch: Mayor’s Astounding ‘Space To
Destroy’ Remark Proves True As Rioters Rampage, Baltimore Burns
On its own, he
explained, the black community does not have enough electoral power to win an
“A whole host of
white people and Hispanic people and Asian people and American Indians cast a
vote for President Obama,” he said.
Despite overwhelming
evidence that Americans as a whole are becoming less focused on race, he said,
some black leaders are quick to focus on “specific instances of where we may
have had a problem with race relations” while ignoring contrary signs.
In fact, he concluded
that the black community is responsible for much of its own plight by embracing
what he deemed a “thug culture,” which he said promotes violence against cops
and women as well as abusive language.
“If you don’t think
those things have an effect on our children,” he said, “you need to get a
While some
left-leaning outlets used Morgan’s remarks in an effort to paint him as a
racist, many supporters recognized the intent behind the address as an effort
to address an issue that affects the nation as a whole.
Exposed: Obama’s Massive New Program To Stack The
Deck Against The GOP In 2016 And Beyond
"They're redirecting
resources of DHS to this effort..."
“The deck is still
stacked in favor of those at the top, and there is something wrong with that,” said Hillary Clinton in her YouTube video that helped to launch her latest bid for the
presidency. Now, given what the current president is doing in an apparent
effort to stack the deck against Republicans in 2016 and beyond, a former
Justice Department official is warning that there’s something very wrong with
what Obama and his DHS are trying to pull off.
J. Christian Adams,
an ex-DOJ official who has frequently talked of corruption in the federal
department run by Eric Holder, is now blowing the whistle on a new program in
another huge part of government, at the Department of Homeland Security — a
program that’s designed to add as many Democrat supporters as possible to the
voter rolls in time for the 2016 elections. Adams claims that sources inside
Obama’s DHS have leaked information to him about the department’s so-called
“Task Force on New Americans.” This massive effort, says Adams, is all about urging some 9,000,000 green card holders,
non-citizen aliens, to naturalize and thus gain voting rights.
Appearing on Fox and Friends Weekend, J. Christian Adams disclosed that DHS is redirecting
resources to this campaign to help Democrat candidates, including Hillary
Clinton, in their efforts to win public office.
“This is a
transformative campaign going on to fundamentally transform the country. And if
you don’t talk about it, if you don’t confront it, you’re going to lose all the
other issues you care about.”
You can watch the
dire warning from this ex-official of the Justice Department by clicking on the
video above.
Scott Walker Just Made Some MAJOR Changes To Welfare…
Freeloaders Hardest Hit
Wisconsin would join 11 states in doing so.
Wisconsin became the
latest state to propose a mandate that would drug-test welfare recipients,
with Governor Scott Walker announcing the proposal to coincide with the state
“This is not a
punitive measure. This is about getting people ready for work,” Walker said in a speech at WEL
Companies, a logistics and trucking provider. “I’m not making it harder to get
government assistance, I’m making it easier to get a job.”
“If you are able to
work, we want you to be ready to work,” Walker said. “It’s a basic entry to the
workforce; it’s a requirement that you are drug free.” He also added that there
are over 67,000 listed jobs at Wisconsin’s state job website, meaning there was
no shortage of employment.
The new measures
would require drug testing for recipients of FoodShare, BadgerCare Plus
health care, and Unemployment Insurance programs in Wisconsin.
Gov. Walker also
added that the state would provide treatment and job training for those who
failed drug tests. “If you want our help and we’re willing to help … our goal
is to get people who are able back into the workforce,” Walker said.
Wisconsin would join
11 states that already have drug testing in place for welfare recipients, as
well as an additional four that require it for unemployment benefits.
While the idea has
been applauded by conservatives, Wisconsin progressives and liberal religious
groups have attacked Gov. Walker’s plan, saying that drug testing for welfare
is meant to “shame the poor.”
“In our respective
religious traditions poverty and joblessness are not indicators of bad
character,” read a letter signed by several liberal religious groups. “We
do not believe it is just to craft policies that punish those who face these
trials while also suffering from the illness of addiction. Nor is it fair to
treat those who seek employment, health and nutritional assistance differently
than those who need financial help with educational costs, starting a business
or obtaining child care.”
However, Gov. Walker
struck back at these criticisms, saying that “taxpayers
shouldn’t have to pay for public assistance programs for individuals who can’t
pass a drug test.”
‘It Looks Like Bribery’: Mitt Romney Breaks Down
Hillary’s Uranium Scandal
He further suggested that she tried to cover her tracks.
Appearing on radio
host Hugh Hewitt’s program Thursday, 2012 Republican presidential nominee Mitt
Romney responded to growing criticism of Hillary Clinton and the
financial dealings of the Clinton Foundation.
Romney cut to the
chase, explaining that he was “stunned” by the accusations, adding that “it
looks like bribery.”
He went on to
highlight the most egregious examples of alleged wrongdoing, stating that
“there is every appearance that Hillary Clinton was bribed to grease the sale
of, what, 20 percent of America’s uranium production to Russia? And then it was
covered up by lying about a meeting at her home with the principals – and by
erasing emails.”
Such evasive action
on her part, Romney explained, will make finding the truth all the more
“And you know,” he
said, “I presume we might know for sure whether there was or was not bribery if
she hadn’t wiped out thousands of emails.”
Furthermore, Romney
countered the Clinton campaign’s assessment of mounting accusations as
“The story that came
from the New York Times is pretty straightforward,” he said, “which is that
millions upon millions of dollars were given to the Clinton Foundation at the
same time by a group of people who had uranium assets; and shortly thereafter,
these people came to the State Department for approval to be able to sell these
assets to Russia for a huge price tag.”
If the donations and
subsequent approval are determined to be connected, Romney assessed, “it’s a
form of bribery.”
The scandal extends
beyond a presidential campaign, he concluded.
“I mean this is a
question about whether or not the United States secretary of state was bribed
to grease the sale of strategic assets to Russia.”
Do you think Hillary
Clinton is guilty of accepting bribes? Sound off in the comments section below.
Scott Walker 1999: Hillary Does Well Only When People 'Feel Sympathetic'
As the 'Clinton Cash' scandal unfolds, it appears Conservative Scott Walker 'has had Clinton's number for more
than a decade', reports The Weekly Standard.
In a radio interview
from 1999, then state assemblyman Scott Walker had this to say about Hillary
Rodham Clinton, who was then a candidate for U.S. Senate:
"Her poll
numbers do very, very well when she's not talking about much and when, quite
frankly, when people feel a bit sympathetic for her having to be married to
Bill," Walker said. "But
when she talks about policy, for example when she talked about health care a
few years back, her numbers take a major dive." (Bob & Brian's
morning show, January 1999)
America needs a
president who'll stand up and FIGHT for OUR American values.
If we are to Take Back America, we must nominate a Republican for President who has a proven track record of WINNING.
If we are to Take Back America, we must nominate a Republican for President who has a proven track record of WINNING.
We need conservative Scott
Walker for President.
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