el contenido era tan explosivo y dañino para ellos que el NOM le ordeno a
Hillary destruir toda esa informacion y dejarlo todo completamente
limpio (haciendo un delete 7 veces a lo que ya estaba borrado para no
dejar hueya alguna de lo que habia ahi) aun sabiendo que eso
podria tener consecuencias tan graves como la carcel para ella.
Realidad y Fantasía
"Hasta principios de los
setenta el establecimiento psiquiátrico de Estados Unidos clasificó la
homosexualidad como una enfermedad mental, pero esa designación fue
cambiada en medio del aumento de la actividad político y los esfuerzos por
homosexuales de ser vistos como individuos que ejercen distintas
preferencias sexuales en vez de personas de conducta aberrante.
(Enciclopedia Británica, Vol. 6, 31)."
¿Son los homosexuales
aberrantes?, no es lo que yo crea, ni deje de creer, no me importa, no debo
ni quiero meterme en la vida de los demás, pero la bulla que hacen va en
contra de lo que ellos nos quieren decir. Esto es, que es una
preferencia sexual privada. Si es algo privado ¿por qué la
militancia y el interés de imponer un estilo de vida contrario a la
mayoría? Esto no es algo aceptable en una sociedad.
Si van a los carnavales de
Coconut Grove, lo que verán es lo contrario a los esfuerzos que dice la
Enciclopedia Británica que los homosexuales no quieren ser considerados
como personas con una conducta aberrante.
El evento de carnaval contó con
azotes públicos, perforaciones en el cuerpo, sexo en público,
sado-masoquismo y desnudez pública por los participantes del desfile. Se
vendían letreros para los carros que decían, "Dios se masturba" y
comerciantes vendían collares de perro con pinchos y látigos de cuero (no
para sus perros). Al margen de la feria pública, un hombre vestido como una
monja católica estaba atado a una cruz con las nalgas expuestas, y los
espectadores fueron invitados a azotarlo por la donación de dos dólares.
¿No es esta conducta aberrante?
Pero no se puede criticar,
aparte de nuestro masivamente sobreexpuesto organizador comunitario, el
término "homosexual" ahora me obliga a tomar mi remoto
igual de rápido para cambiar el canal.
Incluso ver una película de los
tres chiflados es más satisfactorio que escuchar sobre el primer atleta
masculino en un equipo deportivo, no que hizo una hazaña en el terreno,
pero que salió del closet y se declaró homosexual.
La agenda homosexual ha generado
un cuadro de diálogo (¿o es una diatriba de una sola nota, sin parar,
apoyada incondicionalmente por los liberales?) que se ha convertido en tan
penetrante e invasiva que es patentemente ofensivo.
Para cualquiera que esté en
desacuerdo con el matrimonio del mismo sexo, o las personas de una fe
religiosa que considera la homosexualidad como pecado y contra el orden
natural, el instinto es retirarse de la sociedad y cerrar todas las comunicaciones
con el mundo exterior. Si hacemos eso, sin embargo, nos podrán considerar
aún más anti-progresivos.
Lo curioso es que las
estimaciones más optimistas que he visto recientemente indican que el total
de la población gay en Estados Unidos podría estar entre 3 y 4%-
Si los canales de televisión
viven de la audiencia, ¿por qué la mayoría tiene que sufrir que en cada
programa tengamos que soportar la propaganda gay?
Es posible que la respuesta esté
en que las artes creativas y los medios de comunicaciones, entretenimiento,
teatro, actuación, etc. – tienden a tener una agenda liberal y
muchos gays trabajan en esos campos. Naturalmente me parece que los asuntos
gays son importantes para ellos y funciona su camino en el tejido de
comedias, dramas y noticias.
Lo están haciendo a un ritmo
cada vez mayor y por supuesto, el estilo de vida es representado como
normal y los personajes y las relaciones son afirmadas. Los que están en
desacuerdo en la trama, se presentan como homofóbicos y racistas. Pero
simplemente – ¿desde cuándo desacuerdo significa el odio y la
Entonces, el ritmo desmedido de
la propaganda provoca la irritación de muchos de nosotros, aunque en
realidad pocos lo admiten.
El mensaje persiste, es
políticamente incorrecto para oponerse a la igualdad de la homosexualidad o
el matrimonio homosexual.
Déjame ser sincero: como un
cristiano, yo creo que la homosexualidad no está en el plan de Dios para la
gente; conducta homosexual es un pecado, según la Biblia. Sin embargo, no
estoy aquí para condenar a otros de sus propios pecados, bastante tengo con
los míos-
Pero decir que Dios nos manda a
amar a todas las personas, esto es un cliché-
Dios, ama al pecador pero odia
el pecado no puede estar donde hay pecado- El acto homosexual como pecado
es una descripción bastante apta y aceptada por todas las religiones, desde
las más tradicionales hasta el Islam y los Mormones.
Lo que los gays quieren, no es
que los aceptemos a ellos, lo que quieren es que aceptemos el pecado como
si no lo fuera.
Como una persona con una
inclinación bastante lógica a mi proceso de pensamiento, dejando a un lado
la creencia cristiana, encuentro la homosexualidad a ser la
antítesis de la orden natural de las cosas. Hombre y mujer existen para
propagar la raza humana a través de una unión sexual; el matrimonio es la
representación exterior, aceptable de ese pacto, ese compromiso entre un
hombre y una mujer. Acoplamiento con otros de su mismo sexo para el placer
de hacerlo es improductivo. Matrimonio no puede y no debe significar la
Unión de un hombre con un hombre y una mujer a una mujer. Las palabras
tienen significados y "matrimonio homosexual" es un ejercicio en
la anarquía lingüística.
Pero ¿Sabes qué? Gente como yo,
en desacuerdo con este tipo de comportamiento no va a impedir que otros
puedan perseguir su estilo de vida; estoy firmemente en el campo de vive y
deja vivir.
No creo que el gobierno debería
sancionar las conductas homosexuales porque desafía la naturaleza, eso no
es violar la ley, y por lo tanto, no debiera de ser de interés público para
la mayoría de la gente.
Pero aquí está mi problema real:
Estamos saturado de "todo gay, todo el tiempo"
Parece que todo lo que se oye
cuando enciendes la noticia o ves en un horario estelar es los derechos
gay, matrimonio gay, alguien notable "salir del closet," y el
nuevo milenio Gay. Ah, olvidé la última, el buen uso de la palabra
"gay" se relaciona con un período de la historia americana.
De todos modos, el enfoque en la
preferencia sexual como el aspecto determinante de la vida es el sello de
la agenda homosexual. Cuanto más hablan de ello, lo más de moda
y más aceptable que esperan que se convierta.
Tengo noticias para ellos:
aunque "La parodia del matrimonio homosexual" pronto será la ley
de la tierra, quienes no estamos de acuerdo con este estilo de vida
seguiremos aquí. y siempre seremos la mayoría, sin hacer bulla porque no
tenemos que anunciar nuestra preferencia sexual.
Porque no percibimos nuestra
sexualidad como cualquier tipo de una diferencia para bien o para mal.
Lo percibimos como un hecho de
la vida.
Soy muy consciente de que
personas homosexuales pudieran haberse lavado el cerebro para tener esa
misma sensación, pero no veo donde esta afirmación se apoya en el orden
Sé que hay actores gay, también
estibadores, ejecutivos de TV, fontaneros y soldados y francamente, a mí
realmente no me importa dónde o con quién se duermen, pero por favor deja
de presumir de ello.
AMENPER: A Rising Tide lifts all Boats
If you know me, by now you know that I am a
fervent advocate of the free market, and this is an understatement.
Adam Smith is my idol, I am a believer that the
only way to improve the economy of a country is to move toward markets and
away from government-managed economies.
John F Kennedy once said “a rising tide lifts all
boats”. This is a good aphorism commonly used to explain the free market
economy. When there is a high tide all boats float better and navigate
better in the bay. The substantive aspect is that economic
growth which raises the GDP of the entire economy will also raise the
incomes of all of the individuals within the economy.
I don´t know how our president Barack Hussein
Obama, arrived to the idea that “the market will take of everything
is a simple theory, but the problem is it doesn´t work, it´s never worked”.
¿Is he blind, ignorant or his political ideology
doesn´t allow him to see the facts?
What doesn´t work is the government managing
the economy, the free market works the way Adam Smith described, and works
every time, everywhere.
Edward P. Lezear a former chairman of the Council
of Economic Advisers (2006-09), and a professor at Stanford University’s
Graduate School of Business and a Hoover Institution fellow, wrote an
article that appears in today´s journal. He present us with the
facts of how China, Vietnam and India, moving away from government-managed
economies to free markets, have improved the standard of living of its
There is always inequality in the free markets;
there is always inequality in society. We are all created equals, but
individual’s don´t develop with the same character and conduct and the
consequences of the acts and responsibility of the individual creates a
justified inequality in any society.
But the fact is that even if inequality, as usual,
has grown China, Vietnam and India is of minor consequence. What’s
important is that the average citizen of these countries, once among the
poorest in the world, has seen income rise substantially, and that is what
Adam Smith called the “Wealth of the Nations”, the rising tide that helps
all the boats to navigate in the waters of wealth accordingly to their
So the message of Lazear to Obama is ¿Want to
reduce inequality? Consult China, Vietnam and India.
Want to Reduce Inequality? Consult China, Vietnam
and India
In 1981, half of the
developing world earned less than $1.25 daily. By 2011, the portion had
dropped to 17%.
March 31, 2015 7:29 p.m.
President Obama has called
income inequality the “defining challenge of our time.” Many progressives
blame the market economy and doubt John F. Kennedy’s view that “a rising
tide lifts all boats.” In 2011 Mr. Obama chided those who believe “the
market will take care of everything.” It’s a “simple theory,” he said. “It
fits well on a bumper sticker. Here’s the problem: It doesn’t work. It’s
never worked.”
The president and those
who side with him ignore two fundamental points. First, the past three
decades have seen a dramatic improvement in the standard of living of the
world’s poor, most notably in China and India. Second, there is little
doubt that the cause for the improvement has been a move toward markets and
away from government-managed economies.
There are two ways that
inequality can be reduced. The rich can be made poorer or the poor can be
made richer. While the most extreme redistributionists might prefer the
former, most reasonable people—even in Communist China—prefer the latter.
And judged this way, the world has done well.
Consider some facts: In
2013, the World Bank reported that the number of people world-wide living
on less than $1.25 a day had decreased dramatically since the early 1980s.
In 1981 half those in the developing world had income below this threshold.
By 2011 only 17% lived on less than $1.25 a day. In China 84% fell below
the level in 1981, a proportion that shrunk to 6% by 2011. In India the
figure fell to 24% in 2011 from 66% in 1979.
The fact that inequality
within India and China has grown is of minor consequence. What’s important
is that the average citizen of these countries, once among the poorest in
the world, has seen income rise substantially. Though China and India are
the most striking examples because of their size, smaller developing
countries have experienced similar changes. In 1993, Vietnam had 64% of its
then nearly 70 million people in poverty. But by 2008, after implementing
market-based reforms, and with a population of 85 million, the percentage
of Vietnamese in poverty had fallen to 17%, according to the World Bank.
In China, reduction of
state control began in the 1980s under Deng Xiaoping. These included
domestic policies that replaced much of the centrally planned economy with
market-based activity as well as opening China to international trade and
foreign investment. Early reforms occurred in agriculture, where farmers
were allowed to retain surpluses from their plots.
In 1986 China’s “Contract
Responsibility System” was enacted, which allowed enterprises to retain
profits above quota requirements. In the same year China established “the
General Principles of Civil Law,” which provided the basic rules for a
market economy. These included recognition of private-property ownership
through shares that could be transferred, creditor rights that required the
repayment of private debts, and intellectual-property protection that
defined authorship and patents.
In 1979 China established
a law for foreign joint ventures and in 1986 applied to rejoin the General
Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. In 1988 the government began allowing large
private firms to operate in the economy; even state-owned enterprises
became autonomous entities, responsible for their own profits and losses.
In that same year, according to the International Monetary Fund, 53% of
retail sales in China occurred at market prices.
India undertook major
reforms in the early 1990s after obtaining a bailout from the IMF,
conditioned on economic liberalization, which included reductions in
tariffs, deregulation and lower taxes. By 1996 the average tariff in India
was 26%, down from 87% in 1990. Licensing requirements, which restrict
entry and resource mobility, were eliminated in most industries.
In 1992 India liberalized
capital markets and opened them to overseas investors. Reserve
requirements, which were well above those for most developed countries,
were reduced in the late 1990s and banks were given more flexibility in
setting their own loan rates. The share of bank assets held by private
banks grew to 17% in 1998 from 11% in 1992.
In Vietnam, collective
farming ended in 1986 and control over state-owned facilities was loosened.
In 1989 reforms liberalized all prices, including interest and
foreign-exchange rates. The consequence has been a sharp reduction in
poverty and impressive growth rates that, according to the World Bank, have
averaged more than 6% over the past decade.
The improvement in the
standard of living of the poor in China, India and elsewhere is a direct
result of allowing markets to work. Still, these countries are very
different from rich, developed countries and it might be argued that their
lessons are not relevant for wealthier countries. Perhaps not, but there is
no compelling evidence that the poorest citizens of rich countries fare
better when there is more government control of the economy.
Does this mean that we
should ignore inequality? Not at all. Equality of opportunity is a basic
goal of every fair society, as is help for those who fall on hard times.
But the bulk of those who have moved out of poverty in the recent past have
done so because their governments have turned away from state control and
toward markets, not the reverse
Expressway, Don Shula Expressway, Gratigny Parkway, Autoridad de Autopistas
de Miami-Dade, peajes de Miami-Dade, Snapper Creek Expressway, Freeze
peaje, carreteras de peaje
- Buenas noticias para los conductores que usan las autopistas de
La Autoridad de
Autopistas de Miami-Dade (MDX) ha anunciado una congelación de peaje.
Al anunciar sin
nuevos aumentos de la presidenta de la junta, Maritza Gutiérrez, dijo MDX
planea completar las mejoras y proyectos de modernización que figuran en su
plan de cinco años con el plan de financiación vigente.
mejoras son nuestra promesa a la comunidad para proporcionar la movilidad
que tanto necesitan y contribuir al crecimiento y el bienestar económico
del Condado de Miami-Dade. Al tomar de la mesa la posibilidad de futuros
aumentos de peaje, la conversación se mantiene de lo que es importante ...
para hacer lo MDX ha hecho siempre, entregar lo prometido ", dijo
Gutiérrez en un comunicado.
La junta fue
objeto de fuertes críticas el año pasado cuando aumentaron los peajes hasta
en un 50 por ciento.
MDX opera y
mantiene cinco autopistas: SR 112 / autopista del aeropuerto, SR 836 /
Dolphin Expressway, SR 874 / Don Shula Expressway, SR 878 / Snapper Creek
Expressway, y SR 924 / Gratigny Parkway.
(CBSMiami) – Good news fordriverswho use Miami-Dade’s expressways.
Miami-Dade Expressway Authority (MDX) has announced a toll freeze.
announcing no new increases the board’s chairwoman, Maritza Gutierrez, said
MDX plans to complete upgrades and modernization projects listed on their
five-year plan using the currentfinancingplan.
improvements are our promise to the community to provide much needed
mobility and to contribute to the growth andeconomicwell-being of Miami-Dade County. By
taking off the table the possibility of future toll increases, the
conversation is kept of what’s important… to do what MDX has always done,
deliver what has been promised,” said Gutierrez in a statement.
operates and maintains five expressways: SR 112/Airport Expressway, SR
836/Dolphin Expressway, SR 874/Don Shula Expressway, SR 878/Snapper Creek
Expressway, and SR 924/Gratigny Parkway.
TALKING: Despite Deadline US and Iran Continue Nuclear Talks
This deal is going to be a nuclear disaster for
the rest of the world.
Switzerland — Iran and six world powers resumed nuclear talks on Wednesday,
hours after an earlier deadline passed without an agreement.
Barack Obama was briefed overnight by video teleconference on the latest
from the negotiations, where diplomats from Iran and the so-called P5+1
countries — the U.S., China, Russia, Germany, France and Britain — are
trying to hammer out the framework of an agreement that would limit Iran’s
nuclear program in exchange for an easing of sanctions.
Tuesday at midnight local time was the self-imposed deadline, State
Department spokeswoman Marie Harf said that “enough progress” had been made
to “merit staying” in Switzerland for talks until Wednesday.
of State John Kerry started his day Wednesday by meeting with his Iranian
counterpart, Javad Zarif.
more and more evidence regarding the Iran talks comes out in the public
press, I am convinced that the Obama administration is betraying the
national security of the United States to Iran. From the chants of “Death
to America” during the talks from the Iranian Supreme Leader to the obvious
great lengths the Obama administration is going to in order to provide Iran
with a path to a nuclear weapon to threaten the U.S. and our allies, the
writing is on the wall.
we have even more news that has come to light of Iranian subterfuge in
conjunction with the White House in order to weaken the national security
of the United States. I’ve written time and time again about our Manchurian
president. This is more damning evidence.
seems that one of the advisors to the White House and Secretary Kerry on
the Iranian talks formerly worked for a lobbying group that promoted
Iranian interests.
White House released a list of its high-ranking officials who took part in
a video conference with President Obama late Tuesday. Among them appears
Sahar Nowrouzzadeh, who apparently has formerly worked for the National
Iranian-American Council.
White House brief, which was disclosed by The Daily Beast, listed Sahar
Nowrouzzadeh as the National Security Council Director for Iran.
Nowrouzzadeh appears to be a former employee of the alleged pro-Tehran
regime lobbying group, NIAC (National Iranian-American Council).
has been investing heavily in attempts to influence the talks in favor of
an agreement with the state sponsor of terror. In recent days, its
director, Trita Parsi, has been spotted having amiable conversation with
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani’s brother.
fox is in the hen house! Our president knows it! In fact, he probably
authorized it!
MUST take action to stop the consequences of this surrender to the Shia
Islamist theocracy of Iran. They are a state sponsor of terror worldwide.
If the president vetoes any legislation, Congress must override the veto
and protect American security!
children, your children, and our grandchildren’s future depends on it! Make
your feelings known to your representatives in Washington!
Lo que
esperamos de la próxima Cumbre de Panamá esta en razón directa a
las relaciones bilaterales de Cuba y EEUU., porque ya se sabe el
carácter de sometimiento casi total del grupo latino mayoritario de
los paises de la zona.
a estos gobernantes latinos los aterrorizan. El que traicione las
directrices y pretenda renunciar a la ¨protección¨de la seguridad que
le dicta la disciplina del aparato, o por dignidad renunciare a unos
cuantos barriles de petróleo que les envían a cambio del apoyo
incondicional, quedaría fuera del grupo. Estos pequeños paises estan
siendo comandado por una mano oculta, que apoyándose
también en el narcotráfico ha logrado alcanzar un grado de
aparente eficiencia tal, en este mundo libre, que ya es difícil superar
con propaganda política. Pero no imposible con la
escuchamos los discursos de ¨Podemos¨en España, llenos de
demagogia, debemos darnos cuenta de que todo es una copia al carbón
para envenenar a los pueblos en la lucha de clases y luego beneficiarse del
Divide y Vencerás.Si pueden Dividir a España, entonces Podemos podrá
vencer a España. Así empezó en Cuba, así continuó en Venezuela; y otros en
este hemisferio han tratado pero han rectificado o son frenados en sus
extremismos pretendiendo, moderadamente, algo parecido en su difícil y
casi obligada situación. Y lo importante es que estamos llegando a la
cúspide de la curva. Así pasó en Europa del Este hace varios años. Ahora
llegaremos también, tarde ó temprano. Porque igual que
un Polaco (Walessa) o un Checo (Vaclahabe) surgieron, así
surgirán también en esta parte del planeta. Mientras tanto, la Unión
Europea observa y se decide a defender la verdadera Social Democracia,
diciéndole NO! al Socialismo de Estado, algo que todos debemos agradecer y
La gran
diferencia entre el mundo europeo y el mundo latino(en America) es que nos
llevan muchos años en cuanto a civilización y, aunque han cometido
barbaridades, tambien se han desarrollado política, económica y socialmente
muchos años antes que nosotros. Pero eso no es todo. Han demostrado tener
mayor cordura, ajuste y lolerancia. Con reales convicciones han
logrado su cohesion y llegar a constituir la nación más fuerte y
avanzada del Mundo.
En conclusion,
esperemos que, en esta Cumbre de Panamá, surja la inteligencia de
la democracia y se muestre en su máximo esplendor. Y sobre todo se
reconozca la grandeza y admiración de trabajar todos unidos en pos delo que ha hecho grande a nuestros
vecinos del Norte, EE.UU y, también Canada, que nunca se menciona. Todo lo
demás sería hablar de un pasado Rojo que no volverá.
Commissioner Claims $10.9 BILLION Budget Is Too Small To Avoid ‘Abysmal
Level Of Service’
I’m not sure who
is worse, this commissioner or the Islamic State? Both seem like terrorists
to me.
The Internal Revenue Service’s $10.9 billion
annual budget is so puny that it’s ignoring 60 per cent of phone calls from
people who are working on their tax return who have questions in advance of
the April 15 filing deadline.
John Koskinen, the agency’s commissioner, said
Tuesday during a speech at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. that
$346 million in budget cuts this year has caused a noticeable negative
impact on taxpayer service.’
‘This year we were forced to substantially reduce
hiring of extra seasonal help we usually bring in during the filing
season,’ Koskinen said. ‘As a result, the phone level of service is now
below 40 per cent.’
‘That means that six out of every 10 people who
call can’t reach a customer service representative,’ said Koskinen.
‘This truly is an abysmal level of service.’
Koskinen wasn’t ceding new ground in Americans’
hate-hate relationship with the IRS. He was arguing that Congress should
give his agency more money.
‘We are aware of taxpayers lining up outside some
of our offices many hours before they open,’ he said.
‘You would think, in fact, we must be selling
something like the Apple watch when you look at the lines. This is not a
new story this year; it’s just gotten worse.’
Overall, Koskinen complained, ‘the IRS is now the
lowest level of funding since 2008,’ resulting in ‘fewer audits and
collection cases’ and costing the U.S. Treasury at least $2 billion in
Documents show Al Jazeera wanted to film people
with “significant diseases”
(Washington, DC) –
Judicial Watch today released 76 pages of Department of
Homeland Security (DHS) documents revealing
that as of April 26, 2014, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) had
released 165,900 convicted criminal aliens throughout the United States,
including many convicted of such violent crimes as homicide, sexual
assault, kidnapping, and aggravated assault. (Reports recently detailed that ICE released
another 30,000 in the most recent fiscal year, which brings the grand total
of known criminals released by the Obama administration to 195,900.)
documents were released through a July 21, 2014, Freedom of Information Act
(FOIA) lawsuit (Judicial
Watch v. U.S. Department of Homeland Security (No. 1:14-cv-01237)) filed by
Judicial Watch after DHS failed to respond to a May 15 FOIA request
and all records of communications including, but not limited to, emails and
memoranda, to or from personnel in the office of the Principal Deputy
Assistant Secretary of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (including its
component offices, such as the Office of Public Affairs), from May 1 to May
15, 2014, concerning, regarding, or related to the report published by the
Center for Immigrations Studies concerning the release of 36,000 criminal
ICE documents confirm a May 2014 Center Immigration Studies (CIS) report
showing that in 2013 ICE freed 36,007 convicted criminal aliens, who had
nearly 88,000 convictions, including 193 homicide convictions, 426 sexual
assault convictions, and 303 kidnapping convictions.
has been previously reported, and is evidenced in these documents, the
36,007 criminal aliens freed by ICE in 2013 were just the tip of the
iceberg. In a DHS “Overview of ICE” document marked “FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY,” the following figures are reported
through April 26, 2014 [NOTE: “Final Order” indicates the illegal aliens
were ordered to leave the country, but have not done so and remain free]:
·Non-Detained Final Order Convicted CRIMINAL
·Non-Detained Final Order NON
·Non-Detained Final Order
documents also detail the difficulty caused by local policies that
interfere with federal enforcement of immigration law and provide
“sanctuary” for illegal alien criminals.
An email dated May 2, 2014, highlights how such a policy in
Montgomery County, Maryland, prevented immigration officials from gaining
access to an illegal alien “in state custody on rape charges”:
[Enforcement and Removal Operations] officers were also denied access to
interview the alien at police station last Friday due to Montgomery County
prohibitions against immigration enforcement.
documents also include a May 14, 2014, email from House Homeland Security
Subcommittee Counsel Valerie Baldwin to ICE Executive Associate Director
Thomas Holman expressing the subcommittee’s frustration over ICE
stonewalling of information concerning the criminal alien release policies:
At the ICE hearing and throughout the data call on ICE’s budget request,
we’ve requested data on the make-up of the non-detained ATD [Alternatives
to Detention] docket, specifically as it relates to violent
crimes. I’m wondering why the Washington Times and Washington Post
have more information on the ATD population than the Chairman and the other
members of the subcommittee. Please respond with an answer today.
following the release of the CIS report, former Chairman of the House
Judiciary Committee, Congressman Lamar Smith (R-TX), issued a statement
terming the action, “the worst prison break in
American history.”
included in the documents is a reference in the May 12, 2014, ICE Public Affairs Office “Daily Close
of Business Report” describing a request from the Al Jazeera Network to
film the disease quarantine room at Miami International Airport.
According to the ICE “Business Report:”
General – Miami: Request to Film at Miami International Airport, Al Jazeera Network
manager called, requested to film the quarantine room for any passenger
suspected of being ill with any significant diseases. PAO [Public Affairs
Officer] referred the call to CBP [Customs and Border Patrol].
The Al Jazeera Network request
coincided with the first reports of the Ebola
virus spreading throughout West Africa. On October 9, 2014 in a story entitled
“Experts: ISIS Could Use Ebola In Bio-Terror Attack Against US,” CBS Network affiliate WNEW reported, “Islamic State of Iraq and Syria
terrorists may use ‘carriers’ to spread the Ebola virus as part of a
low-tech biological terror tactic, according to national security and
health experts.”
appalling that we’ve had to sue in federal court to get key information
about the Obama administration’s release of 165,950 convicted criminal
aliens,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “These documents show
the Obama administration is lying when it says that its ‘enforcement
priorities’ include deporting illegal aliens who have committed heinous
crimes. And lawless localities that help protect illegal alien rapists and
other criminals show that politicians at all levels put politics above the
rule of law and the public safety. Where do the innocent victims of
the illegal alien criminals this president’s appointees have set free go
for justice?”
Obama Highway Plan Paves Way For
New Tolls Nationwide
Liberals love their taxes.
Check it out:
A little-noted provision of
President Obama’s highway funding proposal would lift the federal
prohibition against states imposing new tolls on existing interstate
The GROW AMERICA Act would
eliminate restrictions held in place since the creation of the Federal
Interstate System, according to a summary of the plan’s provisions,
allowing states that receive permission from the Secretary of
Transportation to toll existing Interstate highways “in order to make
improvements or to manage congestion.”
Since its creation in 1956,
interstates have been funded primarily through fuel taxes, with tolls
banned on all sections of highway built after that date, according to The
Alliance for Toll-Free Interstates (ATFI). The only exception is a 1998
program available to three states, none of which have taken advantage of it
to date.
A Russian 'Doctor of Military Sciences' says
Moscow should just nuke Yellowstone if tensions boil over
ByAmanda Macias6
hours ago
this week, the Russian president of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems
outlined two geophysically weak US regions to attack in order to combat
NATO's aggression toward Russia.
listed as a "Docter of Military Sciences," described scenarios
that involved dropping a nuclear weapon near Yellowstone's supervolcano or
the San Andreas Fault.
Catalyze the eruption
of Yellowstone's supervolcano
(Screen grab/Discovery Channel)Computer generated
image of an eruption in Yellowstone.In the past 2.1 million years,
Yellowstone's volcano has violently erupted three times and "blanketed
parts of the North American continent with ash and debris," according
to the US Geological Survey.
Some scientists argue that Yellowstone's active
supervolcano is long overdue for a colossal eruption.
"Geologists believe that the Yellowstone
supervolcano could explode at any moment. There are signs of growing
activity there. Therefore it suffices to push the relatively small, for
example the impact of the munition megaton class to initiate an
eruption. The consequences will be catastrophic for the United States,
a country just disappears," he said, according to atranslationby Sydney Morning Herald.
According to a Discovery Channel documentary,
an eruption of this magnitude would bury North America, drape the
atmosphere in a sulfur haze, dim sunlight, and plunge the world into a
volcanic winter.
a mega tsunami to ruin America's infrastructure
(Screen grab/YouTube)Again computer generated image.Another option would be to drop a
nuclear bomb near California's San Andreas Fault. "A detonation of a nuclear
weapon there can trigger catastrophic events like a coast-scale tsunami
which can completely destroy the infrastructure of the United States," he said, according to the Sydney Morning Herald'stranslation.
Since last year's illegalannexation of
Crimea, Russian President Vladimir Putin has
responded to international criticism and economic sanctions placed on
his country byflexinghis nation's military muscle around the world.
The crisis in Ukraine reflects a turning point in
NATO's stance on Putin and emphasizes agrowing concernstemming from the
origins of NATO, which was formed for collective territorial defense.
"He wants to restore the Russian empire ... I
don't know where he'll stop," Senator John McCain (R-Arizona) said of
Putin earlier this month during a speech at theCenter for Strategic
International Studies.
Western Center
for Journalism(newsletter@wcjournalism.org)
UPDATE:Republican Elites Are Plotting To Enshrine
Barack Obama's Dictatorial Takeover Of The Internet Into Law!
No... your eyes are not playing
tricks on you. In typical fashion, RINO elites are floating what they're
calling a"compromise"to Barack Obama's dictatorial
takeover of the Internet, but they're only calling it a compromise
because they believe they can pull the wool over your eyes... and when
they're done, they'll actually wind up enshrining Barack Obama's takeover
of the Internet into law.
And while we can only speculate over
what is fueling this attempt to betray you,The Atlantic, when they reported what
is going on right now... behind the scenes, probably said it best: "The GOP is ready to
compromise on the basic principle of net neutrality... indeed, a big part
of the GOP shift on net neutrality is a response topressure from the powerful
interests..." TRANSLATION:If there is money to be made
from campaign donations from powerful special interests, RINO's will use
every deception conceivable to enable Barack Obama's tyranny,but they're
only attempting to betray you because they're under the idiotic
impression that they can deceive you; and that means that we can bust
their idiotic"compromise"trial balloon right here
and right now if our elected officials hear from you TODAY!
Barack Obama
Just Did "Something That All Of The Despots In The World Have Tried
To Do But Failed To Do." -Dick Morris"
But please... keep reading...
because what you're about to see may be the most shocking thing that
you've read in years.
Almost two weeks after voting on secret
regulations to facilitate Barack Hussein Obama's takeover of the
Internet, Barack Obama's FCC finally released 400 pages of these
so-called Net Neutrality regulations to the public andit's far worse than we could
have ever imagined.
Based on references in the
regulations alone, it is clear that BarackObama's takeover of the Internet
was actually written — in large part — by radical Marxist-leaning
organizations; and it has also come to light that radical
socialist-leaning organizations funded by Billionaire Socialist George
Soros and others have spent approximately 200 MILLION DOLLARS
($200,000,000.00) to make Barack Obama's tyrannical and dictatorial
takeover of the Internet a reality.
But there is hope when it comes to
stopping this master plan to transform the United States into a socialist
As of this writing, Representative
Marsha Blackburn and 43 other Republicans have signed onto legislation(H.R. 1212: The Internet Freedom Act)that will totally reverse this
dictatorial Obama-FCC dictate...but this
legislation is stalled in committee because John Boehner and Mitch
McConnell are in no rush to bring it to the floor of the House and the
Senate for a vote... and that needs to change right now.
It's No
Conspiracy Theory. The Socialists Are At The Gates And So-Called Net
Neutrality Is Part Of A Master Plan To Transform The United States Into A
Socialist Country.
Millions of dollars of funding from
Socialist Billionaire George Soros? ... Neo-Marxists calling the shots?
... While it may sound like a conspiracy theory, it is all,
unfortunately, true... As a matter of fact, it's actually much worse than
you may think.
The organization whose net
neutrality arguments are cited at least 46 times in the Obama-FCC
dictatorial regulations is ironically named Free Press. Free Press isfunded by George Soros' Open
Society Foundationand
other left-wing groups like the Ford Foundation; and it wasfounded by Robert McChesney, an
avowed Socialistwho
is presently a communications professor at the University of Illinois,
And to McChesney so-called Net
Neutrality is simply a means to an end. Specifically,it's the first step to be taken
to fundamentally transform the United States into a socialist tyranny.
Don't take our word for it. Read what McChesney says about it for
yourself: According
to DiscovertheNetworks.org, McChesney"told the website
SocialistProject that 'unless you make significant changes in the media,
it will be vastly more difficult to have a revolution.'" Back in 2009, McChesney wrote that"any serious effort to
reform the media system would have to necessarily be part of a
revolutionary program to overthrow the capitalist system itself... to
remove brick by brick the capitalist system itself, rebuilding the entire
society on socialist principles... We need to do whatever we can to limit
capitalist propaganda, regulate it, minimize it, and perhaps even
eliminate it." DiscovertheNetworks.org again:"In a November 2000 Monthly
Review article titled 'Journalism, Democracy, and Class Struggle,' he
[McChesney] wrote: 'Our job is to make media reform part of our broader
struggle for democracy, social justice, and,dare we say it,
socialism.'" Phil Kerpen, president of the free-market group
American Commitment says that Chesney's goal is"to empower the federal
government to ration and apportion Internet bandwidth as it sees fit, and
to thereby control the Internet’s content." And McChesney said, back in 2009, when the
concept of Net Neutrality was focused on more traditional means of
communication:"At the moment, the battle
over network neutrality is not to completely eliminate the telephone and
cable companies. We are not at that point yet. But the ultimate goal is
to get rid of the media capitalists in the phone and cable companies and
to divest them from control."
Make no mistake, so-called Net
Neutrality was always about giving the government total control over the
media and there's only one way to stop it now that Barack Obama's FCC has
essentially decreed it— by
dictatorial fiat —to
be the law of the land.The
Republican-controlled Congress must bring H.R. 1212 to the floor of the
House of the Senate and pass it TODAY.
Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent
Blast Faxes to each and every Republican Member of the Leadership of the
United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives.
What Would You Say If The Government Had The Authority To Order
Your Local AM Radio Station To Stop Broadcasting The Rush Limbaugh Show?
If everything we have said thus far
sounds far-fetched, consider just one example of what is in these 400
pages of Obama-FCC regulations.
Here's what the FCC says about First
Amendment rights in Section 544: "The rules we adopt today
do not curtail broadband providers' free speech rights. When engaged in
broadband Internet access services,broadband providers are not
speakers, but rather serve as conduits for the speech of others."
Cierta ingenua actitud cívica lleva a creer a muchos
que la dirigencia política espera disponer de propuestas viables para
tomar las determinaciones necesarias que contribuyan a mejorar la calidad
de vida de todos.
Si bien algunos casos aislados corroboran que es una excepción, la
inmensa mayoría de los políticos no siguen la dinámica que la gente
imagina. Ellos, por naturaleza, solo intentan sumar votos, usando la
demagogia como arma predilecta, para posicionarse de cara a la siguiente
Mucha gente bien intencionada, supone que la clase política no resuelve
los problemas porque nadie les acerca proyectos para llevar adelante, o
porque no disponen de los conocimientos suficientes para abordar esas
Aducen que abunda una inocultable mediocridad imperante y una ignorancia
inadmisible de parte de quienes conducen los destinos de todos, sin
advertir que sucede algo mucho más simple y evidente. Solo se trata de
una postura muy ruin, plagada de gran desinterés y una mezquindad a
prueba de todo.
En realidad, lo habitual es que no lo hagan porque no les reditúa desde
lo electoral, no les trae votos, o lo que es peor aún, porque de hacerlo,
de acceder a la inquietud, pagarían elevados costos políticos privándose
de ciertos apoyos esenciales para seguir en la carrera elegida.
Visto así, todo parece ser demasiado negativo. Ellos no quieren
soluciones y no harán nada que les implique "pagar" esos
costos. Frente a esto, aparece la resignación y la impotencia se
multiplica. Por eso la ciudadanía debe revisar su propia conducta, su
recurrente reacción frente a lo cotidiano.
Los políticos tradicionales saben que la sociedad se mueve por espasmos
para luego someterse mansamente, sin dignidad. Ellos saben que si tienen
un poco de paciencia, todo pasará y retomarán el control, como siempre
Es menester convertir esa aparente mala noticia, en una ocasión
conveniente. Se debe intentar capitalizar ese hecho y revertirlo para
transformar el obstáculo en ventaja, la debilidad en fortaleza,
utilizándola como una herramienta eficaz que permita impulsar el cambio
Entender como razona la política, como piensan los dirigentes, ayuda a
superar esa infantil conducta ciudadana que solo consigue aumentar la
eterna impotencia, la frustración de rutina, consigue enfadar a todos y
no permite direccionar las energías hacia lo posible y positivo.
Si bien no todos los asuntos son susceptibles de este procedimiento, bien
vale la pena intentarlo allí cuando sea posible. Incorporar esta visión,
ayudará a que la sociedad sea mucho más efectiva en sus demandas y
definitivamente convierta sus habituales molestias en una gran
También le será útil a la política, cuando comprenda que ciertos ardides
propios de su actividad, ya no tienen la misma vigencia y son
insuficientes para disimular las genuinas preocupaciones que la gente
esboza con razón.
La labor consiste en evaluar previamente todo, con profundidad en el
análisis, pero al mismo tiempo con serenidad e inteligencia. La idea es
encontrar una forma de plantear la cuestión de fondo para colocarla,
luego, en términos concretos y para que su eventual desatención le genere
a la política un costo electoral tal que no le permita ignorar el asunto
Para que el dirigente tenga que actuar, para que comprenda que no tendrá
otra chance que ocuparse, para que el letargo, la abulia y la negligencia
no lo invadan, resulta clave acertar en la selección del camino a
recorrer. Por eso esta etapa de adaptación ciudadana puede llevar tiempo
y esmero.
No siempre el abordaje será eficaz. Es probable que ciertos reclamos no
encuentren nunca el modo adecuado de "construir" argumentos que
signifiquen un circunstancial costo político tan importante que haga
revisar la sostenida decisión del mandamás de turno.
Con un diagnostico certero, la ciudadanía puede llevar adelante un plan
con expectativas de éxito, reclamar con absoluta contundencia y poner en
apuros a toda la dirigencia. Cuando el asunto toma relevancia, cuando la
escala del problema es indisimulable, el político tomará nota de lo que
ocurre, se interiorizará a fondo y finalmente hará algo al respecto.
Si la estrategia seleccionada no es la pertinente y la implementación es
débil, timorata y deficiente, no se puede esperar otra cosa que más de lo
mismo. Por eso es central concentrar los esfuerzos en lo correcto. No
pasa solo por quejarse y explicitar la bronca. Es bastante más complejo
que eso.
Esta no es una fórmula mágica, pero tiene más probabilidades de vulnerar
las férreas defensas que la política contemporánea coloca para evitar los
embates ciudadanos. Los dirigentes prefieren la calma de los escritorios,
la comodidad de las campañas electorales superficiales y no desean
enfrentar a un electorado astuto y perseverante que los fastidie a
El desafío es entender como funciona y hacer entonces los deberes como
corresponde. Si los ciudadanos de este tiempo quieren cambiar la perversa
inercia vigente, deberán pensar primero y actuar después, teniendo en
cuenta como se mueven quienes toman las decisiones importantes. Existen
ejemplos cotidianos, aunque no tan frecuentes como sería necesario.
Después de todo, los políticos son absolutamente predecibles y esa es una
ventaja enorme para los ciudadanos. Hay que recordar que solo registran
aquellos asuntos cuya falta de resolución les implica pagar costos
Robert Menendez Indicted On Fourteen Counts, Including Conspiracy
And Fraud
Ross is a reporter at The Daily Caller.
New Jersey U.S. Sen. Robert Menendez has been indicted by the Justice
Department for crimes including conspiracy to commit bribery and fraud,The Wall Street Journal
The fourteen-count indictment
brings an end to the FBI’s two-year investigation into the Democrat’s
relationship with Salomon Melgen, a Florida eye doctor and prominent
Democratic donor.
While specifics have not been
released, it is believed that the indictment centers on political favors
Menendez provided Melgen in exchange for gifts and money.
Menendez has intervened on
Melgen’s behalf in at least two instances — once involving Medicare
payments to Melgen’s Florida practice and another over a port security
deal in the Dominican Republic.
In June 2012, Menendez contacted
Marilyn Tavenner, then the acting director of the Centers for Medicare
& Medicaid Services, on behalf of Melgen, whose company was at the
center of billing dispute with the agency. Menendez followed up with a
phone call to Tavenner. In August of that year, he reached out to Nevada
U.S. Sen. Harry Reid to broker a meeting with Health and Human Services
Sec. Kathleen Sebelius.
Both Sebelius and Reid were
interviewed by the FBI during the course of the investigation.
Melgen’s practice, which brought
in $21 million in Medicare payments in 2012, is currently under
investigation for overbilling.
Menendez, 61, took numerous
trips on Melgen’s private jet and stayed at his private resort in the
Dominican Republic. He also received $600,000 of the $700,000 Melgen
donated to the Majority PAC, a political action committee controlled by
associates of Harry Reid.
In 2013, after the FBI opened
its investigation, Menendez repaid Melgen $58,500 for two private flights
he did not disclose on financial statements. His aides claimed it
was an oversight.
When it was reported early last
month that the indictment was imminent, Menendez denied wrongdoing and
vowed to fight the charges.
Happy National Hate Week! Today, we are all hating
on Indiana. Who will be the left's Emmanuel Goldstein next week?
Evidently, the sole function of the media these days is to subject the
public to a steady stream of manufactured events: "Hands Up, Don't
Shoot"; nuclear power kills; Lena Dunham's rape by a college
conservative at Oberlin; the "mattress girl" raped at Columbia
University; Jon Stewart is funny; a fraternity gang-rape at the
University of Virginia; and a law protecting religious freedom will lead
to separate water fountains for gays in Indiana.
The whole country has to keep being dragged through these liberal hate
campaigns, but as soon as the precipitating event turns out to be a
gigantic hoax, the truth is revealed like a bedtime story being read to a
child: The ending is whispered and the narrator tiptoes out of the room.
Here is a time-saver: Whenever one of these conscience-shocking stories
is promoted to front-page status by The New York Times and involves:
-- police brutality;
-- the environment;
-- a campus rape; or
-- gays...
You can be pretty confident it is a hoax. As the
saying goes, it did not happen until it is reported by The New York Times
and not even then.
Many months, several million wasted taxpayer dollars and one cop's career
later, even Eric Holder's Justice Department finally admitted that the
whole "Hands Up, Don't Shoot" story was bunk.
After the Fukushima nuclear meltdown in Japan four years ago, Bill Nye
"the (self-proclaimed) Science Guy" gravely informed CNN
viewers, "This is all bad and very scary. ... You know, it is
nothing but danger. It's nothing but very serious, very, very long-term
Wired magazine recently
in the four years since the disaster, more than 96 percent of food, fish
and agriculture throughout Fukushima has contained less than one-sixth of
the radiation permitted in food imported to Europe.
Lena Dunham, star of HBO's "Girls," was forced to retract her
autobiographical account of having been raped by a campus conservative
named "Barry."
The alleged rapist of Columbia University's mattress girl finally
releasedher alluring textsto him, and now we all know she
was a desperate, spurned lover, not a rape victim.
Sabrina Rubin Erdely's much-celebrated Rolling Stone story about a
fraternity gang rape at the University of Virginia turned out to be based
on one poor, sad girl seeking attention by creating a fake online
boyfriend and fantasizing her own gang rape.
And this week, we all have to be in a panic about Indiana passing a
measure that enshrines a basic principle of Anglo-Saxon jurisprudence,
because of the utterly apocryphal assertion that the law will be used to
turn gays away from restaurants.
The idea that generally applicable
laws may, in certain circumstances, be required to accommodate individual
religious beliefs has been around for centuries. That is why priests do
not have to reveal penitents' confessions to the police and Quakers do not have to join the
Having won the war on gay marriage (by judicial fiat), now some liberal
zealots insist on going house-to-house and shooting the survivors. They
seem to seek out Christian businesses to provide floral arrangements and
cakes for gay weddings so they can call the cops if the Christians try to
A roomful of gays would say, "Why don't you guys just go to one of
the nine out of 10 florists who would be happy to have your
business?" (My guess is, if the zealots looked really hard, they
might even be able to find a gay florist!)
That is all the religious freedom laws do: Encourage steely-eyed
activists to stop requiring every last Christian to celebrate gay
Right now, in states that do not have religious protection laws,
Christians are being compelled, by general non-discrimination laws,
either to participate in gay marriages -- or go out of business.
With the law, the Christian gets a legal argument. He might win in court
or he might lose, but he'd at least have an argument, thus encouraging
the kill-the-survivors nuts to go to another shop for their gay weddings
and stop doing their victory dances on top of Christians.
It is utter nonsense that any shopkeeper, least of all a nice Christian,
would turn away a customer for any reason other than a deeply held
religious belief, such as not wanting to participate in a gay wedding, a
Planned Parenthood gala or any event involving Bill Clinton.
Do not assume that because liberals are in an absolute panic over
Indiana's law, they must have a point. To the contrary, the more
hysterical they are, the more you should assume the whole story is a sham.
When the journalist Richard Bradley raised questions about Erdely's
Rolling Stone gang-rape story, Anna Merlan responded at Jezebel, calling
his questions a "giant ball of sh*t,"
in an article titled "'Is the UVA Rape Story a Gigantic Hoax?' Asks
Even after Rolling Stone had retracted the story and Charlottesville
chief of police Timothy J. Longo confirmed that the man Jackie accused of
precipitating the gang rapedid
not exist,his
department merely "suspended" the
investigation. I am going to call Chief Longo with a complaint
that I was raped by a unicorn to see if we can get him to actually
"close" a case.
It is one thing to treat disturbed girls falsely crying rape with kid
gloves. (Though the boyfriend of the Duke Lacrosse false-rape accuser,
Crystal Gail Mangum, might have wished she had been held a little more
accountable: Mangum was never prosecuted for her lies and she later
murdered her boyfriend, thus dashing her hopes for a primetime show on
But why do we have to treat liberal fantasists in the media as if they
are children, too? Believing there is a monster under the bed is cute.
Falsely accusing cops of murder, men of rape and an entire state of
homophobia is not.
Every single cause championed by liberals is based on a fake story. They
make up events that didn't happen and get apoplectic over things that
never will happen. The definition of "liberal" is quickly
becoming: people who believe their fantasies should be facts.
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