Saturday, March 21, 2015

No 908 "En mi opinion" Marzo 21, 2015

No 908 “En mi opinión”  Marzo 21, 2015

“IN GOD WE TRUST”    Lázaro R González Miño    EDITOR

Enero 20, 2017 FIN DEL DISPARATE
AMENPER: La Justa repartición de los Votos
Bueno si no lo saben, nuestro máximo líder Barack Hussein Obama ha determinado que todos en Estados Unidos deberán de ejercer el voto obligatoriamente o serán procesados de un delito criminal.
Según el razonamiento de nuestro benefactor y padre la la nueva patria, el Mesías Obama, puesto que la mayoría son  miembros de nuestro partido o simpatiza con nosotros, ¡esto significa que tendremos control total!  ¡Chúpate esa!  
Usted será el partido minoritario permanente porque  odias a las minorías, nunca podrá tener el control del gobierno. Esto permitiría a nuestro querido líder, el gran escogido con un permanente control sobre nuestro colectivo glorioso.
Si no votas entonces usted será multado o encarcelado. Es muy simple, ya conocen el camino.
No compras Obamacare y usted será multado. No votar que es eventualmente no votar por nuestro partido y será multado. El gobierno recibe más dinero para redistribuir  y todos contentos.
Pero ¿qué hay de la impopularidad que puede hacer que muchos demócratas no voten por los candidatos liberales?
Eso no es problema para nuestro gran líder, vamos a crear el voto obligatorio para los muertos-
Una nota a los muertos: contamos con usted.
Usted es nuestro mayor votante permanente. Y estableceremos facilidades para que puedan salir a votar. ¿Demasiado frío para salir de la tumba? ¿Los huesos crujen demasiado? ¿Sus huesos se han convertido en polvo? Tenemos recipientes para recoger sus cenizas, ¡salga y cumpla con su deber! Si no lo hace le podremos confiscar su lápida y venderla para pagar las multas! Mejor aún, tomaremos su propiedad de sus herederos hasta varias generaciones en el futuro. Esto significa que debemos crear una nueva burocracia gloriosa de las que nos gustan tanto,  para digitalizar todo y dar cuenta de todos los bienes determinar quién lo heredado durante generaciones. Estaremos tomando y lo nacionalizamos, tenemos ahora la amistad con Raúl Castro que puede ayudarnos con su experiencia. Todos los genealogistas e historiadores locales se convertirán en empleados federales y debidamente sindicalizado con espacio de oficinas federales, cuentas de gastos y beneficios de jubilación. Y cada uno necesita un personal de apoyo de no menos de 10 asistentes.  Crearemos una burocracia como nunca la soñaron nuestros padres socialistas.
A la vez cumpliremos nuestra promesa de crear nuevos trabajos.
Nos aseguraremos de que sabemos del paradero de ese par de cucharitas de plata que dejaste a tu quinto hijo, quien, por cierto, no debiera de haber existido porque crear a demasiados niños significa que han contribuido al cambio climático.
¿Si murió y cree que no puedes votar porque no eras un ciudadano al morir? ¡Supéralo! Si la ciudadanía no importa para el querido líder para los vivos, entonces no importa para ti tampoco simplemente porque estés muerto
Sí, toda la gente cuyo año de nacimiento comienza con los números 16 y residen en el colectivo glorioso del cementerio, tendrán que levantarse un día al año y depositar su voto para nuestro partido.
Por supuesto, si usted reside en un cementerio y realmente no quiero votar, nuestro partido estará encantado de poder votar en su nombre. Sin embargo todavía estamos imponiendo la multa por el inconveniente de tener que hacerlo por usted.
Nuestro máximo líder sólo crea leyes por decisiones ejecutivas que representen la justa repartición de los votos.

Estamos buscando un candidato decente a alcalde que no sea un metiroso ni un ladron, ni un descarado para Miami Dade:
1-         Que no haya sido ni sea político profesional nunca.
2-         Que no se robe los dineros de los contribuyentes.
3-         Que se someta a un tribunal de cuentas al final de su mandato para que testifique que sus propiedades y peculio no sea mayor de los que represento su sueldo de alcalde u otras fuentes legales y agenas a su posición de alcalde.
4-         Que al final de su mandato se someta a una inspección de la diferencia de su dinero y sus propiedades.
5-          Que se comprometa a eliminar el MDX “Miami Dade XpresWay” (Departamento que ha puesto todos los peajes en las carreteras) Y a eliminar todos los Peajes.
6-          Que no engañe a los contribuyentes tratando de robarse dineros públicos diciendo que va a reparar el edificio de la corte.
7-           Que no engañe al contribuyente diciendo que el inversionista no van a pedir dineros públicos y luego le dan dineros públicos.
8-   Que no tenga ni hijos ni amigos “Cabilderos”
9-           Que no traiga amigos de el para que sean “Vice-Alcaldes” (Cargo que ni existía) Y luego les pague $100,000 o más mas gastos.
10-                     Que se comprometa que al final de cada trimestre se reúna con los ciudadanos del condado a responder las preguntas de los ciudadanos sobre su gestión durante este trimestre.
11-                     Que la deuda y los movimientos económicos, compras, gastos, del condado sean expuestos en un sitio público para que los electores puedan tener control de su administración. 
12-                     Que sea juzgado por los tribunales si favorece de forma económica a sus amigos o familiares.

“EMO” Por favor envíenme todas las características que considera debe tener el alcalde que usted quiere que administre, fiscalice  y controle al Condado Miami Dade. Lázaro R González Miño

AMENPER: La Teta se Seca
Quizás como algunos dicen, nuestra generación tiene parte de culpa de la extraña situación de la sociedad de hoy en día. 
Quizás fuéramos demasiado desinteresados en los problemas de los demás, quizás no tuvimos suficiente compasión para los que eran diferentes, no tuvimos suficiente sensibilidad para los inválidos y los que tenían problemas mentales, quizás fuéramos demasiado rudos con los homosexuales o los de otra raza como los negros y los chinos.  Quizás por nuestro comportamiento el péndulo pasó al otro extremo. 
Puedo aceptar esto, pero lo que no puedo aceptar es que el péndulo se haya desbocado, que se haya salido volando fuera del reloj, porque esto no es normal. 
Esto ha sucedido porque con esta excusa los políticos liberales han empujado el péndulo a un punto en que las víctimas se han convertidos en victimarios, y esto no es razonable, porque entonces estamos viviendo una nueva injusticia social.
Estamos viendo casos como el que sucedió en Univisión, donde un actor fue cesanteado.
Si leemos su defensa, dijo que era injusto, porque él era el primer gay latino que había tenido el puesto de animador en Univisión, también dijo que su abuela era negra, y que había votado por Obama.
Vamos a ir punto por punto, primero, el ser gay no es un mérito para la posición de animador.
Bueno si tomamos “gay” en su traducción correcta que es alegre, quizás sí, pero lo dijo en el sentido de que era Maricón, y el ser maricón no le da ningún mérito como actor. 
Después dijo que era latino, esto tampoco le debe de dar un mérito, y para colmo salió del closet racial diciendo que su abuela era negra, lo cual no tiene nada que ver con las condiciones para ocupar el puesto en condiciones tradicionales. 
También dijo que votó por Obama, lo cual es peor, porque su afiliación política no debe de tener nada que ver con su posición de animador para todos los oyentes de todas las vertientes. 
Lo que debía de haber dicho no lo dijo, y es que en su opinión Michelle luce como una de las artistas que imitan a un simio de la película el Planeta de los Simios. 
Él tiene el derecho a pensar como quiera, y expresar su opinión sin trabas o consecuencias,  más cuando su observación tiene valor porque es una realidad compartida por muchos. 
Él tiene el derecho a expresar su opinión y no pueden cesantearlo por esto. 
Si me entero que un empleado mío ha dicho que mi calva se parece a una nalga de Raúl de Molina, el gordo, el otro actor del programa de “El gordo y la Flaca”, de donde cesantearon al mariconcito,  no me gustaría, pero ni se me ocurriría ni podría legalmente cesantearlo por esto.
O sea que la razones que hizo no eran las válidas y omitió la valida.  ¿Por qué? Es porque las razones que prevalecen en esta sociedad políticamente correcta no son las razonables, son privilegios que han adquirido ciertas personas en la sociedad por el péndulo desbocado.
Lo que él estaba tomando en consideración es la nueva visión de la sociedad, es una reclamación de derecho mejor por el hecho de ser maricón, latino o negro que por reclamar un derecho ciudadano a expresar su libre opinión.
Como se han políticamente creados unos grupos cautivos que votan por los candidatos liberales, no sólo ellos se creen con el derecho de tener esos privilegios, pero hay personas que no pertenecen a esos grupos y se hacen pasar como parte del grupo para también aprovechar los beneficios.
Esto me recuerda al Mariel.  Cuando Fidel inundó de escoria a Miami, la técnica era poner una persona de cada clasificación de las que ellos consideraban como escoria en cada barco. 
Esto es, un Maricón, un religioso, una puta, y un criminal en cada barco.  Esto hizo que el cubano con su agudeza, fingiera ser uno de los clasificados.  Vimos a personas que no eran maricones haciéndose pasar por maricones, ateos con una Biblia bajo el brazo, diciendo que eran testigos de Jehová, mujeres casadas diciendo que eran putas, y personas honestas diciendo que eran ladrones.
Esto es lo que estamos viendo en la sociedad hoy en día, y veremos más, veremos personas con certificado médico de maricones, que no lo son para tener privilegios. Ya lo vemos, hemos oído de personas heterosexuales, haciéndose pasar como una pareja homosexual y hasta “casándose” para tener los privilegios que tienen las parejas homosexuales, vemos parejas casadas que se divorcian para que la mujer pueda tener los beneficios de madre soltera, vemos blancos como el de Univisión haciéndose pasar por negros para tener beneficios.
Vemos como los pobres inválidos que por problemas políticos le han otorgado unos “derechos” excesivos que hacen que la estructura de las calles y los parqueos tengan tantos cambios que perjudican la economía de los comercios y los bolsillos de los contribuyentes.  Esto trae también el hecho de que hay personas que no son paralíticos y usan un certificado como paralíticos para recibir estos beneficios.
(Al que le venga el sayo que se lo ponga)
Quizás podemos culpar a los que se hacen pasar por un grupo a los que no pertenecen, pero realmente la culpabilidad es de los políticos que han creado este estado de privilegios que son la causa real del problema.
No puede un país olvidar que la sociedad está compuesta de personas que tienen que tener responsabilidad fiscal para que la economía del país progrese.  Si cada día hay más que quieren vivir de la teta del gobierno, esto no es posible, porque la leche de esa teta la llenan los que trabajan, y si cada día son menos esa teta se secará. 

ATF Director Resigns Amid Controversy Over Backdoor Ammo Ban



Chuck Ross is a reporter at The Daily Caller.
The director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives resigned suddenly on Friday while the agency is still reeling from its failed “backdoor ammo ban” of the popular 5.56 M855 bullet.
It is unclear if B. Todd Jones’ departure is at all related to that proposed ban. A statement released by the agency only said that he will resign effective March 31 to pursue opportunities in the private sector. ABC News reportedthat Jones will take a job in New York City, possibly with a professional sports league.
Whatever the reason for his departure, the 57-year-old Jones leaves the agency on a sour note after the ban attempt.
With backing from the Obama administration, ATF sought to prohibit the sale of the M855 — the so-called “green tip” — out of fear that they pose a risk to police officers since they can pierce bullet-proof vests. Green tips were approved by the ATF in 1986, and have become more popular for use in AR-15 pistols.
The agency offered a comment period from the public, but did not advertise the proposal.

‘THAT’S NOT RACIST, YOU IDIOT': Jay Leno Slams PC Intern for Labeling Him ‘Racist’ for Not Liking Mexican Food

If college students are being taught that not liking Mexican food is racism, get ready for the next generation of PC whiners. Way to go Leno for putting this kid in his place.
The 64-year-old comedian, who has been performing college shows around the country, described how the youngster told him he was ‘racist’ when he said he didn’t like Mexican food.
He said: ‘College kids now are so politically correct. I mean, to the point where — I’ll give you an example, we had interns at the show, college interns.
‘Like, the last year of the show, one of the interns comes and says, “Mr. Leno, I’m getting lunch. what do you want?’ I said, ‘I don’t know, where are you going?’
‘He said, “we’re getting Mexican.” I said, “I don’t really like Mexican.” He goes, “whoa, that’s kind of racist”.’
Leno then shouts: ‘That’s not racist.’
‘No, being anti-guacamole is not racist, okay? You have no idea what racism is. That’s not racist, you idiot, you moron.’

TERROR AT THE AIRPORT: {EMO. Black} Man Armed With Machete and Wasp Spray Attacks New Orleans TSA Agent Inside Airport

Posted on March 21, 2015

This was either a lone wolf attack or really personal. Glad the agent is ok!
A machete-wielding man was shot at New Orleans airport Friday night after attacking three TSA officials.
Richard White, 63, attacked two security officials with wasp spray then cut a guard with his machete at a security checkpoint in Louis Armstrong International Airport.
He slashed a female TSA officials, wounding her right arm. During the attack he was shot in the chest, the thigh and the face, before being taken to hospital.
The female TSA worker was also taken to hospital, but her injuries are not thought to be serious.
Police said White pulled the machete from his waistband and started swinging, when a TSA agent managed to block one of his strikes with a piece of luggage.
He then chased the female TSA agent who was eventually injured. But while he ran swinging at the woman, Lt Heather Slyve of the Jefferson Parish sheriff’s department fired at him.
She let off three rounds, which downed White, who was reportedly still alive Friday night.
Photographs from inside the terminal Friday showed White laying on the floor with a machete not far from him.
Another showed a woman in a TSA uniform being stretchered away.
Other images showed police flooding the area outside the terminal.
Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s Department said Friday night that there was no obvious connection between White and the airport.
A spokesman said: ‘We don’t know if he was traveling. We’re still piecing together witness interviews.’
At a news conference outside the airport, sheriff Newell Normand described the encounter in detail.
He said: ‘He walked down the TSA pre-line, encountered the TSA officer who was checking the boarding passes with the scanning machine to be scanned.


The director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives resigned suddenly on Friday while the agency is still reeling from its failed “backdoor ammo ban” of the popular 5.56 M855 bullet.
It is unclear if B. Todd Jones’ departure is at all related to that proposed ban. A statement released by the agency only said that he will resign effective March 31 to pursue opportunities in the private sector. ABC News reported that Jones will take a job in New York City, possibly with a professional sports league.
Whatever the reason for his departure, the 57-year-old Jones leaves the agency on a sour note after the ban attempt.
With backing from the Obama administration, ATF sought to prohibit the sale of the M855 — the so-called “green tip” — out of fear that they pose a risk to police officers since they can pierce bullet-proof vests. Green tips were approved by the ATF in 1986, and have become more popular for use in AR-15 pistols.
The agency offered a comment period from the public, but did not advertise the proposal.
Gun rights groups such as the National Rifle Association and numerous lawmakers pushed back heavily on what was characterized as a “backdoor ammo ban.”
That outcry forced ATF to temporarily table the idea.
But Jones did little to assuage those groups’ fears after the ban was shelved. Last week he told the Senate Appropriations Committee that all 5.56 rounds pose “a challenge for officer safety.”
That statement was interpreted by many as an indication that the Obama administration has plans to ban more than just the M855.
Jones has served as director of the agency since July 31, 2013. He was nominated by President Obama in January of that year after serving as acting director since August 2011.
“ATF employees are hard-working, dedicated individuals who serve the public to make our nation safer every day,” he said in a statement. “I have seen firsthand their extraordinary commitment to combatting violent crime, ridding the streets of criminals, and leveraging all available resources to keep our communities safe.”
Jones will be replaced by current ATF deputy director Thomas Brandon. He’s been with the agency since October 2011.
“Throughout his tenure as Director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, Todd Jones has cemented his reputation as an exemplary leader, a consummate professional, and an outstanding public servant,” Attorney General Eric Holder said in a statement.
Holder also said that Jones “has made bold changes, advanced forward-looking policies, and taken innovative steps to strengthen ATF’s investigative capabilities—including ballistic imaging technology that recently played a critical role in the investigation of the shooting of two police officers.”

Pentagon Confirms Drone Strike Takes Out Senior Al Shabab Leader

Al Shabab released a video last month calling for Muslims to attack the Mall of America.

The Pentagon confirmed the death of senior Al Shabab operative Adnan Garaar by a drone strike. Garaar was believed to be the mastermind behind the 2013 Westgate Mall attack in Nairobi, Kenya in 2013, which left 67 dead.
The strike against Garaar took place in southern Somalia, about 150 miles west of Mogadishu. The Department of Defense said in a statement that Garaar’s death “has dealt another significant blow to the al-Shabab terrorist organisation in Somalia.”
Al Shabab, which is affiliated with Al Qaeda, released a video last month calling for Muslims to attack malls and other public targets in the West and specifically named the Mall of America in Minnesota, as well as locations in Canada and the United Kingdom. The six minute video showed graphic images of the attack of the Westgate Mall, with members of Al Shabab celebrating afterwards.
Al Shabab released a video in 2013 bragging about the number of Somali young people it was recruiting from Minnesota: the state has largest population of Somalis in the United States. The Washington Times reports that over two dozen men from Minnesota had traveled to Somalia to take up arms with Al Shabab, which is why officials took the threat against the Mall of America seriously.
Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar pointed out that the Somalis have helped in policing their own:
We are proud of our Somali community in Minnesota. We have half the Somalis in the country in Minnesota. They have helped us with these cases … the Somalis in our community, they are serving in elected office, they are running businesses. They are part of a fabric of life in the community and also part of the solution.

2015 Solar eclipse as seen from space | Traveller

Georgina Lopez

3:05 AM (7 hours ago)

Yemen Blasts: Suicide Bombers Strike Sanaa Mosques, Killing Dozens
Dozens Killed as Suicide Bombers Hit Pair of Mosques in Yemeni Capital.
Four suicide bombers struck a pair of crowded mosques in Yemen's capital of Sanaa on Friday, killing more than 110 people and injuring scores, a government official told NBC News.
ISIS' faction in Yemen claimed responsibility for the attacks, according to Flashpoint Intelligence, a global security firm and NBC News consultant.
Mohammed Albasha, Yemen's spokesperson in Washington, said that at least 119 people were dead and more than 350 people were injured when the attackers struck Badr and al-Hashoosh mosques during Friday prayers — traditionally the busiest time of the week. Both mosques were hit by two bombers each using similar tactics, he added: one attacked detonateded his explosives inside the building while the second waited outside for people to flee before blowing himself up.
One witness at the al-Hashoosh mosque told the AP he was thrown two meters by the blast.
"The heads, legs and arms of the dead people were scattered on the floor of the mosque," Mohammed al-Ansi told the AP. "Blood is running like a river."
Albasha said there was also an attempted attack on a mosque in Sa'adah, in northern Yemen, but the bomber was not able to get past security so blew himself up outside and caused no other casualties.

Over 100 Dead In Yemen, Hundreds More Wounded In Mosque Bombings; ISIS Claiming Responsibility

The White House condemned the attack, but cannot confirm the attack was committed by ISIS.

Two mosques were struck by four suicide bombers in Yemen, killing more than 100 and wounding several hundreds more. The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) is taking credit for the attack.
The bombers struck during noon prayers Friday at two different houses of worship, the Badr and al-Hashoosh mosques in the Yemeni capital of Sana’a, Fox News reported. As of this filing, Reuters had the death toll up to 126 and the injured count up to 260, citing “medical sources.”
“Yemen is torn by a power struggle between the Iranian-backed Houthi rebels in the north and Hadi, who has set up a rival power base in the south backed by Sunni-led Gulf Arab states,” the outlet explains.
The mosques in Sanaa are known to be used mainly by supporters of the Shi’ite Muslim Houthi group, which controls most of northern Yemen, including Sanaa. The rise to power of the Houthis since September last year has deepened divisions in Yemen’s complex web of political and religious allegiances.

Nations Online
ISIS, who recently acquired terrorist group Boko Haram, claimed responsibility for the attack. “God willing, this operation is only part of a coming flood,” the terrorist organization said in a statement after the attack through supporters on Twitters.
The White House condemned the attack, but cannot confirm the attack was committed by ISIS.
This bombing comes just one day after a group loyal to former president Ali Abdullah Saleh attacked the international airport in Aden and had airplanes attack the presidential palace there. Sitting President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi was safe and unharmed as the planes were not successful in their strike, Aden’s governor Abdel-Aziz bin Habtour told The Associated Press.
As Fox News noted, Saleh was booted from the government in 2011 during the Arab spring, but has remained very influential in Yemen. The ousted president is part of the aforementioned Houthis, which controls nine of the country’s 21 provinces.
Share this if you condemn the ISIS attack in Yemen, and all terrorist attacks.

ATTENTION, REPUBLICANS: How to Lose a Presidential Election Before You Pick Your Candidate

Written by Rob Morse on March 20, 2015
2016 could be a good year for the Republican party. Look at what the Democrats have done. The economy stinks. The Democrats have been caught in a series of lies and scandals…like cutting political deals in exchange for campaign donations. The Dems are desperate. They hope to import 15 million illegal immigrants so they can win the next election through voter fraud. This doesn’t look good for them…or does it?
Don’t overestimate the ability of the stupid republican party. Here is what the conservative voter thinks of Republicans.
– Republicans claim they want smaller government…but Republicans vote for larger budgets every time.
– Republicans claim they want smaller government…but Republicans continue to fund the EPA and Department of Education.
– Republicans claim they want more freedom…but Republicans fund Obamacare.
– Republicans claim they respect individual rights…but Republicans support Democrat nominees like Loretta Lynch who will take away our civil rights.
– Republicans claim they want more personal liberty…like getting the government out of marriage…so Republicans force sexual preference into my businesses, my schools and my churches.
– Republicans claim they will secure our borders…but they never vote to do so.
– Do I need to add the Republican record on school choice and abortion? I can…and it isn’t good.
Now…go ahead. Tell me about your Republican candidate for president.
“Umm…Ahh…Our candidate is “less Democrat” than Hillary Clinton or Elisabeth Warren?”
Now that isn’t saying much, is it. You see, the problem is this. It doesn’t matter what Republican politicians say once we’ve seen what Republican politicians do. They don’t have much time to fix it before the voter’s make up their mind.
Image: bd1e429fa4fde

BLACK POWER? University of California’s Black Student Group Wants to Name a Building After a Convicted Cop Killer

The person they want to name it after was a female Black Panther member who was the first woman to make the FBI’s Most Wanted Terrorist List… how special.

A black student organization at the University of California at Berkeley is demanding the university rename a building on campus after Assata Shakur, a former Black Panther, convicted cop killer and the first woman named to the FBI’s Most-Wanted Terrorist List.
A jury convicted Shakur of killing a New Jersey State Trooper in 1979. She escaped prison and fled to Cuba. The FBI calls her a domestic terrorist. In 2013, the agency added her to the FBI’s Most Wanted Terrorist List, alongside several members of Al Qaeda, airline hijackers and bombers.
But to the Black Student Union at Berkeley, Shakur is an “icon of resistance within oppressed communities (who) represents black resilience in the face of state-sanctioned violence.” They demanded the university rename Barrows Hall, named after former Chancellor David Barrows, “Shakur Hall.” In 2013, Shakur declared her innocence and called her trial in 1979 a legal lynching by an all-white jury. Shakur, formerly known as Joann Chesimard, belonged to the Black Liberation Army at the time of the shooting.
“We want the renaming for someone — Assata Shakur — who we feel like represents us as black students,” said Black Student Union spokesman Cori McGowens. “Black students on campus have a feeling of isolation, marginalization. We’re at a crisis on campus.”
The renaming of Barrows Hall is just one of 10 demands the Black Student Union delivered to Berkeley Chancellor Nick Dirks last month.
They’re also demanding a meeting place solely for black students, $300,371 for two black admissions staff focused on black recruiting, $113,932 for another staffer to handle black retention, two black psychologists who understand the “racially hostile campus,” two black advisers to mentor black athletes and a fully-funded ‘Get into Graduate School’ mentoring program.
“I came to Berkeley and I thought that it was a progressive liberal environment, but the N-word was written on the dorm wall and my white professors were openly using the N-word,” said senior Blake Simons. “So that’s part of my experience here is feeling marginalized.”

Do you believe America’s 2008 financial problems have been fixed?

I have a question for you… Do you think the economy can really be “back to normal” in our country when:
  • Roughly 75% of Americans are still living paycheck to paycheck, with essentially zero savings.
  • Or when the number of people on food stamps has doubled since Barack Obama took office… and HALF of all children born today will be on food stamps at some point in their life?
  • Do you think everything can really be back to normal when, according to the most recent numbers from the Census Bureau, an incredible 49% of Americans are receiving benefits from at least one government program EVERY SINGLE month?
If you are skeptical about our politicians’ claims that the U.S. economy has been “fixed,” and everything is “back to normal,” you are not alone.
Hedge fund manager Kyle Bass (who made $500 million betting against subprime mortgages) has outfitted his ranch with semi-automatic weapons and tons of gold and platinum bars.
Superstar investor Jim Rogers (worth $300 million) has moved his family to Singapore.
Then there’s a multimillionaire businessman from Maryland, who says not only is our economy NOT back to normal, but a bigger and even more devastating crisis is imminent.
That is why he recently put together a 107-page Survival Blueprint, which details everything you need to know to protect your family and your money.
Even better, this wealthy businessman is giving away copies of his brand-new Survival Blueprint, essentially for free. (He asks only that you pay the small fee to ship it to your door.)
To read a write-up on exactly what’s included in this multimillionaire’s Blueprint—including the 8 reasons why it’s obvious our economy is NOT back to “normal”—and to claim your free copy, see the short, written summary here.
The information you’ll find in this Survival Blueprint is available nowhere else I know of.
For example, you’ll learn…
  • The radical step one New Orleans neighborhood took to protect their homes and families after Hurricane Katrina
  • The world’s best asset in a time of crisis—this has nothing to do with precious metals. It has soared over 1,000% since 1992.
  • The assets you legally DO NOT have to report to the gov’t.
  • And much more—
IMF decision may trigger a collapse of the dollar (Devastating for Seniors) Click Here
Multimillionaire details 8 reasons U.S. economy is not “normal”–and how to prepare for next crisis Click Here
What really killed 20 million in the 1918 flu epidemic? Protect yourself and get the answer here… Click Here
New Currency Law Went into Effect July 1st, 2014. [Devastating] Click Here
8 Reasons To Be Concerned: New Money Crisis Coming? Click Here

WATCH: The Big Difference Between Bibi and Obama
Bibi is a leader, and Obama is a thumb sucker. End of story.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sat down today with Megyn Kelly, just 48 hours after his hard-fought re-election.
The two discussed a two-state solution, a nuclear weapons deal with Iran, and the difference between being president of the United States and prime minister of Israel.
Netanyahu appeared to walk back his remarks this week about opposing a two-state solution. He told Kelly that he didn’t retract anything he said in his 2009 speech, in which he said he supported a peace deal. Netanyahu said he still wants a demilitarized Palestinian state to recognize a Jewish state, but that the conditions today are not achievable. Netanyahu said we must get the Palestinians back at the negotiation table, where they must break their pact with Hamas and accept the idea of a Jewish state.
Kelly questioned Netanyahu on reports that President Barack Obama sees no path to a peace agreement and is threatening to abandon Israel at the United Nations.
“I hope that’s not true, and I think that President Obama has said time and time again, as I’ve said, that the only path to a peace agreement is an agreement, a negotiated agreement. You can’t impose it,” he said.
Netanyahu added that Israel can’t be forced to accept terms that would endanger its very survival.
“I don’t think that’s the direction of American policy,” he said. “I hope it’s not.”
Kelly cited an AP report which states that the draft of a nuclear deal with Iran would force the Iranians to cut its centrifuges by just 40 percent. She asked: Are we conceding too much?
Netanyahu called for a different and better deal, explaining that the current deal would leave Iran with sufficient capabilities

If Howard Schultz is really serious about Race Together, then begin building Starbucks coffee houses in mayority black neighborhoods.  Please Answerd. 
You are surely aware of the “Race Together” campaign sponsored by Starbucks. When I first heard it I wondered how it was going to work if people who were buying their overpriced caffeine fixes really wanted to talk about race. I’m sure the people standing in line and at the drive through would love to listen in on a 30-minute discussion as they’re checking their new Apple watches for the time. Sure they would.
If Starbucks is really serious about Racing Together, the company might think about building some Starbuck Coffee Houses in majority black neighborhoods.
“If Starbucks wants us to talk about race, let’s start with why they don’t have Starbucks Coffee Houses in some of America’s cities that are mostly black, or have had a racially charged history?
“My friend looked up various cities, and found that there are no Starbucks Coffee Houses in many of them.
“Places like Highland Park, Michigan, which is at the center of Detroit, is inhabited by a population that is 94 percent African-American. Or in Benton Harbor, Michigan, which is almost 90 percent African-American. There is not a Starbucks in either town.
Read more at GodfatherPolitics

Boom! This Angry Federal Judge Just Did Something Extraordinary About Obama’s Amnesty Scheme

"Can I trust what the president says?"

For an Obama administration lawyer, it was a very uncomfortable one-hour hearing in a Brownsville, Texas courtroom on Thursday, when a clearly angered federal judge confronted the DOJ attorney, sharply scolded her and threatened to sanction the Justice Department.
U.S. District Judge Andrew Hanen, who earlier blocked President Obama’s executive orders on illegal immigration, had called the hearing to determine if the Obama administration had misled him as to whether the president’s order to ease deportation for certain young illegals was already being implemented.
Fox News reports that the hearing was testy and at times contentious, causing the Justice Department attorney to apologize to the highly annoyed Judge Hanen.
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“Hanen chided Justice Department attorney Kathleen Hartnett for telling him at a January hearing before the injunction was issued that nothing would be happening with regard to one key part of Obama’s actions, an expansion of the 2012 Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, known as DACA, until Feb. 18.”
Judge Hanen showed his displeasure about the Obama attorney’s explanation of what she said was confusion over the amnesty order and its implementation by telling her, “Like an idiot I believed that.”
The federal judge then went on to ask the flustered attorney an extraordinary question concerning President Obama’s integrity:
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 “Can I trust what the president says? That’s a yes or no question,” Hanen asked.
“Yes, your honor,” Hartnett replied.
The judge said if he decides to impose sanctions against the Justice Department for misleading the court and making him look “like an idiot,” according to coverage in The Los Angeles Times, “the taxpayers of the [26] states would end up paying their own damages.”
The case landed in Judge Andrew Hanen’s courtroom after 26 states, including Texas, sued the Obama administration over the president’s unilateral move to defer deportation and offer certain rights and privileges to as many as 5 million illegal immigrants.
The Times article notes that Hanen’s comments during the hearing “left little doubt that he sympathized with lawyers for the 26 states, who said they suffered ‘irreparable harm’ when federal officials granted more than 100,000 applications for deferred action after Obama announced the program Nov. 20.”


Realmete no creo que eso sea asi pero esta es una opinión “Simpatica” LRGM
 Ocupaciones para Retirados
> Subject: Ocupaciones para
 Retirados  De acuerdo con un
Estudio de la Universidad de Harvard, los  Jubilados en
 los Estados Unidos tienen muchas oportunidades de trabajo,
 aquí enumeramos unas cuantas de ellas, que muchos ya se
 aprovechan de los beneficios que
 proporcionan:.  Se dedican entre
 otras cosas a: LA BANCA
 De los parques donde se pasan buena parte del día leyendo o
 durmiendo.  LA BOLSA:
 LA BOLSA del Mercado a la casa,
 LA BOLSA de la basura
 La BOLSA del pupú del
 ¿Dónde dejé las llaves?
 ¿Dónde puse la cartera? ¿
 ¿Cómo se llama ese cabrón?
 ¿Donde carajo está el teléfono?
 ¿Donde me escondieron el control remoto?
 ¿Donde está la cuchara de la sopa?
 ¿Donde está la otra media?
 ¿Donde están mis dentaduras?
 ¿Donde habré parqueado el carro?
 ¿Donde se habrá metido esta mujer?
 ¿Donde están mis pastillas coño?
 ¿De qué estábamos
 hablando?  LOS IDIOMAS:
 El ALZHEIMER del alemán
 y del Italiano Franco Di
 YOGAsto mucho
 YOGAno Poco .  CORRER:
 Sino corro... me cago!
 Si no corro me
 meo!  ¿Sabes cuál es el
 mineral que más consumen los jubilados?  El  Zinc. Porque todo lo Deben
 ZINC azúcar
 ZINC grasa
 ZINC sal. 
 Todavía hay algunos que dicen que se aburren porque no tienen nada que  hacer,
 ¿De donde salieron esos
 “En mi opinión


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