Tuesday, March 10, 2015

No 888 "En mi opinion" Marzo 10, 2015

No 888 “En mi opinión”  Marzo 10, 2015

“IN GOD WE TRUST”    Lázaro R González Miño    EDITORhttps://blu172.mail.live.com/ol/clear.gif

Enero 20, 2017 FIN DEL DISPARATE
AMENPER: Claro que no me gusta el compatriota Menéndez. 
Recuerdo su apoyo a Obama y a las causas liberales.  Claro que pienso que a lo mejor es culpable de haber usado el jet privado del Dr. Melgen para sus campañas políticas (que incluyen su ayuda a la campaña de Obama). 
Pero precisamente por esto estoy seguro que la administración de Obama sabía de esto si es verdad.  ¿Entonces por qué no le presentaron los cargos antes? 
¿Por qué los cargos se presentan ahora cuando Menéndez se ha declarado contra la política exterior de Obama con respecto a Cuba, Irán y Rusia?
Tiene que haber escepticismo sobre la conducta no sólo de Menéndez pero de la administración de Obama. 
Si Menéndez es culpable, más culpable es la administración.  Si se presentan cargos contra Menéndez también hay que presentar cargos contra los oficiales de esta administración que se hicieron de la vista gorda por conveniencia política.
Esto es lo que dice el Wall Street Journal en su editorial de hoy, no puede estar más acertado.
Los cargos contra Menendez
El momento ha producido escepticismo a la derecha y la izquierda.
El valor predeterminado partidismo en casos de presunta corrupción política es para todos los de la parte opuesta o filosofía escéptica. Así esto habla volúmenes sobre la pérdida de credibilidad del Departamento de Justicia del Presidente Obama Departamento que las primicias de noticias de la semana pasada a los medios de que se están preparando cargos federales contra el senador demócrata Robert Menéndez ha generado escepticismo a través de la división ideológica.
Es imposible juzgar los cargos sin una acusación formal, y con el Sr. Menéndez estamos hablando de Nueva Jersey, que compite con Chicago como una línea rasa sobre la corrupción política. Las historias dicen que al Sr. Menéndez se cargará con el uso de su oficina para ayudar a un amigo y un donante, Florida el oculista Dr. Salomón Melgen, con privilegioss federales. . Menéndez respondió diciendo: "Me he siempre comportado apropiadamente y de acuerdo con la ley."
El escepticismo se deriva la naturaleza politizada del Eric Holder Departamento de justicia, así como abusos anteriores en su sección de integridad pública. Recuerda la acusación al senador Ted Stevens en medio de su campaña de reelección en el 2008. Su condena fue echada a un lado después de que un juez determinó que la Fiscalía había retenido evidencia exculpatoria "significativa".
La sincronización de los cargos de Menéndez también es políticamente sospechosa. El Senador demócrata es un destacado crítico de la política exterior del señor Obama en Rusia, Cuba e Irán. El Sr. Obama acusó recientemente a los críticos de su diplomacia de Irán de inclinarse ante sus donantes políticos — es decir, a los judíos estadounidenses. Según el New York Times, el Sr. Menéndez se levantó en una reunión privada de senadores democrátas para decirle al Presidente que él personalmente se sintió ofendido por esos comentarios. Las negociaciones sobre el programa nuclear de Irán están viniendo a la cabeza de este mes, y es conveniente para el presidente si un crítico destacado de su política exterior, está operando bajo una nube de ética.
Todo lo cual quiere decir que es importante mirar de cerca las pruebas y los cargos en este caso y las pruebas ante un jurado. Este departamento de justicia merece ser tratado con tantas dudas como cualquier político de Nueva Jersey.
The Menendez Charges
The timing has produced skepticism on the right and left.
March 8, 2015 7:15 p.m. ET
The partisan default in cases of alleged political corruption is for everyone of the opposite party or philosophy to pile on. So it speaks volumes about the lost credibility of President Obama ’s Justice Department that last week’s leaks to the media that federal charges are being prepared against Democratic Senator Robert Menendez has produced skepticism across the ideological divide.
It’s impossible to judge the charges without a formal indictment, and Mr. Menendez is from New Jersey, which rivals Chicago as a laugh line about political corruption. The stories say Mr. Menendez will be charged with using his office to aid a friend and donor, Florida eye-doctor Salomon Melgen, with federal business. Mr. Menendez responded by saying, “I have always conducted myself appropriately and in accordance with the law.”
The skepticism results from the politicized nature of Eric Holder ’s Justice Department as well as previous abuses in its Public Integrity Section. Recall the indictment of the late Senator Ted Stevens in the middle of his re-election campaign in 2008. His conviction was set aside after a judge found the prosecution had withheld “significant” exculpatory evidence.
The timing of the Menendez charges is also politically suspicious. The Senate Democrat is a leading critic of Mr. Obama’s foreign policy on Russia, Cuba and Iran. Mr. Obama recently accused critics of his Iran diplomacy of bowing to their political donors—that is, to Jewish Americans. According to the New York Times , Mr. Menendez rose at a private meeting of Democratic Senators to tell the President he was personally offended by those remarks. The negotiations on Iran’s nuclear program are coming to a head this month, and it doesn’t hurt the President if a prominent critic is operating under an ethical cloud.
All of which is to say that it’s important to look closely at the evidence and charges in this case and test them before a jury. This Justice Department deserves to be treated with as much doubt as any New Jersey politician.
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Corruption Case against Menendez Hard to Support

Federal prosecutors could have a tough time making a corruption case against New Jersey Democratic Sen. Robert Menendez, should they pursue those charges.
The case would involve a friend who has been a financial supporter of Menendez.
The Washington Post reports the members of Congress have several legal defenses they can use in such cases and Menendez has been friends with the man in question for decades.
The Wall Street Journal's editorial page says both conservatives and liberals have questions about the political nature of the possible charges because Menendez has been a leading critic of President Barack Obama's policies on Russia, Cuba, and Iran.

El ex Presidente Bill Clinton el sábado defendió la práctica de su fundación familiar de tomar dinero de países extranjeros, argumentando que mientras él no está de acuerdo con todas las políticas de los países que contribuyeron, cree que la Fundación ha "hecho mucho más bien que mal".
"Los Emiratos Árabes Unidos  nos dieron dinero. ¿Estamos de acuerdo con todo lo que hacen?. No. Pero ellos nos están ayudando a combatir ISIS y construyeron una gran universidad con  abierta a personas de todo el mundo," "¿estoy de acuerdo con toda la política  de Arabia Saudita? No." 
Está bien, puede decir lo que quiera, pero vamos hacer igual que hacemos en el otoño, vamos a darle marcha atrás al reloj y vamos a ir a los años del embargo a Sur Africa, de un embargo verdadero no como el que se han hecho en Cuba.
Vamos a poner estas declaraciones de Clinton en ese contexto:
“El gobierno de Sur Africa nos dio dinero ¿Estamos de acuerdo con todo lo que hacen? No. Pero ellos nos están ayudando a combatir Angola y construyeron una gran universidad abierta a personas de todo el mundo” ¿Estoy de acuerdo con toda la política de Sur Africa? No 
Claro que ni Clinton ni ninguno de los liberales hubiera recibido dinero de Sur Africa, porque hubiera sido una complicidad implícita, porque esto lo obligaba a dar algo en cambio . 
Todo lo que los Clinton dieron, es indeterminado, sabe Dios qué, pero lo que evidentemente dieron  en cambio es el silencio a la ayuda de Arabia Saudita a los terroristas y el silencio sobre la opresión a las mujeres en los países árabes mientras se dan golpes de pecho como defensores de las mujeres en los Estados Unidos.

AMENPER: Vermín Supreme Candidato Demócrata
Ahora que Hillary no parece tener mucho chance para ser el candidato del partido demócrata, creo que
Vermín Supreme debe de ser el candidato alternativo.
Vermín ha sido Republicano, Libertario, anarquista, socialista, anarquista comunista y ahora quiere ser candidato al partido Demócrata.
Tiene un historial muy bueno en el pasado,
Ha sido un candidato alternativo en diversas elecciones locales, estatales y nacionales en los Estados Unidos. Supremo es conocido por llevar un sombrero en forma de bota y un cepillo de dientes grande. Ha dicho que si es elegido Presidente de los Estados Unidos, pasará una ley que requiere a toda la gente cepillarse los dientes, lo cual es una medida de higiene muy conveniente.
También hizo campaña en 2012 en una plataforma de conocimiento apocalipsis zombie (y plan energético basado en zombies) y tiene un plan para viajar en el tiempo como medio de investigación. Promete un caballito pony gratis para todos los estadounidenses.
Participó en las protestas de Occupy Boston.
Supreme, que no revela su nombre de nacimiento, nació en creció cerca Boston, Massachusetts y se dice que es el mayor de tres hijos de padres desconocidos. Se graduó de la High School secundaria de Gloucester en los años 80, y luego se mudó a Baltimore para asistir a la escuela de arte, pero se retiró y comenzó a bandas de Rock para clubes clandestinos.
En 1986, se unió a la gran marcha para la paz en marzo para el Desarme Nuclear Mundial en protesta de las armas nucleares.
A  partir de 1987 en adelante, empezó a correr para un cargos públicos.
Legalmente cambió su nombre a Vermin Supreme en la década de 1990 mientras estaba en Baltimore.
Suprema cuando se postuló para alcalde de Baltimore como independiente,en unas eleccionen en la que perdió ante Kurt L. Schmoke.
También se postuló para alcalde de Detroit como independiente, en el cual perdió a Coleman Young. Finalmente, se postuló para alcalde de Mercury, Nevada, pero no tuvo éxito tampoco,.
En el año 2000, Supremo proclamó el "emperador del nuevo milenio" lo que se ha convertido en un punto focal de sus campañas presidenciales
Supreme hizo campaña en el Washington, DC primario presidencial en 2004, donde obtuvo 149 votos.. Según la Comisión Federal de elecciones (FEC), también recibió 43 votos, a nivel nacional, en las elecciones generales.2012
Vermin Supreme hizo campaña como un demócrata en las elecciones presidenciales de 2012
El 14 de abril de 2011: Participó en el primer Debate del nuevo ciclo de elecciones en Convención el IGLO disidentes que también incluyó Jimmy McMillan, Jill Stein y otros.
El 29 de octubre de 2011: Calificó a figurar en la votación primaria del partido demócrata de 2012 en New Hampshire.
El 29 de octubre de 2011: Participó en un debate contra un representante de la campaña del difunto ocultista británico Aleister Crowley.
El 19 de diciembre de 2011: Participó en el "foro de los menos conocidos candidatos presidenciales en el partido demócrata", en el Instituto de política de New Hampshire en Saint Anselm College y el 3 de enero de 2012 fue un candidato en las primarias democráticas de Iowa y recibió 1,4% de los votos.
El 12 de enero de 2012: En la primaria democrática en New Hampshire, Supremo recibió 833 votos. (Barack Obama ganó las primarias con 49.080 votos) Pero Vermín dice que no contaron bien sus votos, que el ganó.
El 2 de  febrero de 2012: Supreme participó en un debate en directo con el candidato republicano Jimmy McMillan en honor del día de la marmota
Fue un participante en las protestas contra la OTAN en el 20 – 21 de mayo durante la Cumbre de la OTAN de Chicago.
En mayo, visitó unaa segundria regional en Maine para dar un discurso sobre su estilo de campaña a una clase de gobierno.
El 25 de agosto de 2012: Supreme, después de perder (o como dice que se la robaron) las primarias demócratas,  anunció su nuevo partido político, el partido "Pony Gratis", y anunció que había elegido de vicepresidente a su a oponente  Jimmy McMillan como su compañero de ticket presidencial. Aunque , McMillan declaró que todavía corría para Presidente en su propia plataforma.
El 5 de octubre de 2012: Participó en un debate organizado por Peter Schiff en el Peter Schiff Radio Show, que contó con un panel de los candidatos presidenciales
Vermín considera que su tiempo ha llegado para ganar su primera elección como presidente de los Estados Unidos.
Supreme está haciendo otra carrera presidencial en el año 2016. y se ha embarcado en una gira por 20 ciudades para construir apoyo para su campaña y busca calificar para fondos de contrapartida de la FEC. (su única entrada monetaria conocida)
Espera correr en las primarias demócratas si Hillary Clinton abandona la carrera
Creo que con este historial sería un buen candidato para el partido demócrata, lo recomendamos altamente.  Sería un buen oponente para Scott Walker debíamos de cooperar con él economicamente para que pueda ser el candidato..
Aunque pensándolo bien, después de la experiencia con Obama, debemos de ser cuidadosos, podría ser electo nuestro próximo presidente.





Compras de Cuba en alimentos a EEUU: $4,980 millones desde 2001; $6 millones en medicinas
El gobierno cubano redujo en un 17 por ciento las compras de alimentos y más de la mitad la adquisición de medicinas y equipamiento médico a Estados Unidos durante el pasado año, en una estrategia que pudiera convertirse en mecanismo de presión sobre los intereses comerciales norteamericanos.
A pesar del declive, el monto total de las operaciones durante los últimos 14 años de comercio restringido con Cuba asciende a $4,980 millones de dólares 
Por segundo año consecutivo, las operaciones de la estatal Alimport con empresas estadounidenses cayeron en picada hasta los $291.2 millones, mientras que en el sector de la salud pública apenas alcanzaron $879 mil dólares después de haber repuntado hasta los $2.15 millones en el 2013, según estadísticas divulgadas por el Consejo Económico y Comercial EEUU-Cuba (USCTEC), con sede en Nueva York. 
Las ventas de medicinas y equipos médicos, con carácter restringido, están autorizadas por la Ley de Democracia para Cuba (Ley Torricelli), de 1992. El USTEC compila registros en esta categoría desde el 2003 y la cifra de operaciones supera los $6 millones.
Pollo congelado
Respecto al volumen de productos alimenticios, se trata de la cifra de importación más baja desde el 2003,cuando Cuba compró solo $256.9 millones. 
La mitad del dinero que invirtió Alimport en sus compras a Estados Unidos fue en pollo congelado ($147.5 millones, el 50% del total de las operaciones). El resto se repartió en aceite de soya ($67.3 millones), granos de soya ($30.5 millones) y maíz ($28.2 millones. Como dato curioso, también compraron $32,000 dólares en frutas frescas.
Desde que el Congreso autorizó las transacciones transacciones comerciales con Cuba en el 2000, solo en cuatro ocasiones se han registrado cifras por debajo de los $300 millones anuales. El pico de las compras ocurrió en el 2008, con $710 millones. 
Pero lo notorio de este descenso es que durante el 2014 Cuba tuvo que aumentar sus compras de alimentos en el extranjero hasta los $2,057 millones de dólares, debido a las limitaciones en la producción interna, el incremento de los precios en el mercado internacional y las carencias de insumos básicos para la canasta familiar, y la decisión no fue comprar a firmas estadounidenses. 
El mercado estadounidense representó solo el 14 por ciento de las importaciones alimentarias de Cuba.
El reporte de USCTEC -entidad independiente- se basa en los reportes oficiales de los departamentos de Agricultura y Comercio, así como en los registros de compañías exportadoras, pero no incluye los costos añadidos de transportación, recargos bancarios y otros gastos derivados de los envíos de mercancías a la isla. 
Falta de liquidez
La entidad atribuyó esta caída a la falta de liquidez del gobierno cubano, las facilidades de compras a crédito con Venezuela, China y Brasil, y a  motivaciones políticas sobre empresas, representantes federales, estatales y locales para cabildear contra las restricciones impuestas por el embargo.
“Esa táctica tuvo éxito en el pasado, pero su efectividad se ha evaporado”, consideró John S. Kavulich, presidente de USCTEC.
Kavulich cree que la nueva política de la Casa Blanca hacia la isla pudiera estimular las ventas en el 2015, cuando el gobierno cubano planea desembolsar $2,194 millones ($137 millones más que el pasado año).
Por lo pronto, un poderoso brazo de congresistas (republicanos y demócratas) de estados eminentemente agrícolas, con el empuje de la flamante Coalición Agrícola de Estados Unidos, establecida a comienzos de enero, podrían inclinar la balanza a favor de mayores oportunidades de comercio con la isla.
Entre las flexibilizaciones planteadas por la nueva política de Obama está la eliminación del requisito de “dinero efectivo por adelantado” que imponía el Departamento del Tesoro para efectuar las ventas a Cuba, lo que se convierte, de hecho, en una suerte de crédito de las instituciones bancarias estadounidenses.
Alimentos y P. Agricolas
Medicinas y P. Medicos
% Medicinas del Total




AMENPER: Albert (Al)  Franken
Ayer les hablé sobre un posible candidato a la presidencia del partido Demócrata, Vermín Supreme, hoy les voy a hablar de Al Franken.
Tengo cierta sensación de complacencia con Al Franken senador del Estado de Massachusetts, a pesar de su antipática personalidad, porque compartimos el nombre de pila y porque cuando veo su cara me siento como un galán de película bien parecido.
Al Franken tendría una magnífica oportunidad de ser el candidato del partido demócrata si hiciera la campaña correcta, la cual se la voy a sugerir en una amistosa carta a su oficina de campaña para su beneficio.
Al Franken no tiene el menor chance si sigue basando su campaña con sus filosofías comunistas y sus virulentos ataques a los que no piensan como él. 
El problema con esto es que todos los demás candidatos demócratas ya están haciendo esto, así que tiene mucha competencia. 
Al Franken debiera declararse en el defensor de una minoría oprimida. 
Esto le dio resultado a Obama con los negros Hillary Clinton con las mujeres de Estados Unidos (no de las musulmanas). 
Al Franken pertenece a una minoría oprimida que está clamando por un líder, y el pudiera ser ese líder.
Gay, negros, mujeres, hispanos,  viejos, gordos, flacos,  transversistas, y otras minorías que no recuerdo, todos pueden reclamar sus derechos cuando son discriminados, todos menos una minoría olvidada….los feos, y son muchos. 
Hay más casos de abusos a los feos en los centros de trabajos que abusos sexuales, pero nunca hemos visto a un feo presentando una demanda por haber sido abusado por ser feo.
Al Franken pudiera ser el mesías de los feos.  Los feos son la minoría más oprimida de la humanidad.  Nadie quiere ser feo, todo el mundo se ríe de los feos.
 Si una fea está aplicando a un trabajo contra una bonita, si la fea tiene cierta inteligencia, solo le servirá para darse cuenta que no le dieron el trabajo porque era fea, que fue discriminada por su fealdad. 
Hay más discriminación en los centros de trabajos contra los feos que por raza, género o país de origen.  Si hay un dependiente de tienda feo y otro bien parecido, el cliente prefiere al bien parecido, lo mismo en todos los aspectos de la vida.
Si Al Franken se convierte en el líder de los feos, lograría una gran cantidad de votos de ciudadanos de ambos partidos, hasta habría conservadores feos que votarían por él a pesar de su pensamiento socialista. 
Al Franken por sus ideas marxistas tiene un precedente intelectual en Lenin, la frase de Lenin “Proletarios del Mundo Uníos” pudiera ser adoptada por Franken como “Feos del mundo Uníos”, hay muchos feos y todos se sienten oprimidos y abandonados.
La única oportunidad de conseguir trabajo de una fea sobre una bonita, es cuando la esposa del jefe es la que escoge la secretaria del esposo.  Eso es lo mismo que la limitación racial cuando los negros tenían ventaja en el trabajo de recogedor de basura o los mejicanos que tienen ventaja recogiendo tomates.
Al Franken pudiera establecer una ley de acción afirmativa para los feos, todos los centros de trabajo tendrían que tener su cuota de feos, y la aceptación en las universidades tendría que darle preferencia a los alicantes también por su fealdad.  Las revistas tendrían que poner su cuota de mujeres y hombres feos en sus portadas, los anuncios comerciales y las estaciones de televisión tendrían que tener su cuota para que los feos fueran representados.
Se pudieran hacer marchas de feos a Washington pidiendo sus derechos, y Franken se convertiría en el nuevo Martin Luther King de los feos.
Sin lugar a dudas, no hay un político más indicado que Al Franken para este liderazgo.  Al igual que Obama fue el primer presidente Negro,  Franken pudiera ser considerado el primer presidente de una fealdad absoluta en la historia de Estados Unidos.
 Observen la foto de Al Franken, no por un largo tiempo porque se pueden vomitar y dañar el teclado de la computadora, pero tírenle una mirada rápida y verán que es el político más indicado para esta agenda.

Iran Hawks See a Possible Conspiracy in Menendez Corruption Leak

A Democratic senator is hit with corruption charges. A Republican governor stands ready to replace the senator if he resigns. On paper, it's easy to imagine the troubles of New Jersey Senator Robert Menendez setting up a partisan power struggle.
That's not how the Menendez story is playing out. On Friday afternoon, after CNN broke the news that the Department of Justice was preparing a case against Menendez, conservatives openly asked if this had anything to do with the debate over Iran. Menendez, the ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, was wrangling Democrats for a sanctions bill that the White House had threatened to veto. 
Just days before the leak, Menendez was onstage at the AIPAC conference, winning ovation after ovation. "I am not intimidated by anyone," said Menendez. Now, to many conservatives, it seemed as though someone was trying to intimidate him. Bret Stephens, the Pulitzer-winning Wall Street Journal columnist, reacted quickly and succinctly.
Since, then plenty of pundits have repeated that sentiment, and leading conservative lawmakers like Ted Cruz have also weighed in.
How convenient was it that the key Democrat challenging the administration on Iran, a tough legislator in the final stages of getting votes for his bill, was hit with credibility-sinking charges. The question answered itself. The Obama administration, wrote Lee Smith in Tablet, "took a page from Michael Corleone’s handbook." In Iowa this past weekend, Texas Senator Ted Cruz openly speculated about a DOJ hit on Menendez. 
"The timing is curious," he told reporters. The charges raised "suggestions to other Democrats if you dare part from [the] Obama White House that criminal prosecutions will be used potentially as a weapon against you as well."
After a Monday morning speech in New Hampshire, South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham told Bloomberg Politics that the Menendez allegations did not sit right with him.
"All I can say is, they were leaked," Graham said. "He wasn't actually charged officially. They leaked the fact that he may be charged, is gonna be charged. I hate it when that happens for anybody. I like Bob. Like everybody else, he's innocent until proven guilty. He's been a champion on the Iranian nuclear issue. It just doesn't smell right."
Asked if he thought there was political pressure on the DOJ to embarrass Menendez, Graham said he didn't know. "I just know that leaking a potential indictment now–leaking it all, he doesn't deserve that," he said. "No American deserves that. Reading in the paper that you're going to be indicted, that's not how the system works. I'm just disgusted with the whole process."
Reached Monday morning, the Justice Department declined to comment.
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Convention Of States Action <markmeckler@cosaction.com>

7:57 PM (13 hours ago)

Lazaro R Gonzalez Mino  Editor “En mi opinion”
We are so close in West Virginia to passing the Convention of States Resolution, but it is going to require your help today! The session will be over for the year on Saturday, and time is running out. With the incredible amount of legislative support we have built in this state, the only danger is that time will run out before we get a vote.  Please don’t let that happen!
Also, please call WV Speaker of the House, Tim Armstead, and ask him to do everything within his power to ensure that HCR 47 goes to the floor of the House for a vote. 
Below is the contact information for the WV House Judiciary Committee members and Speaker Amrstead.  Thank you very much for your help!
Committee Members 

Tim Armstead
John Shott
Patrick Lane
Tim Manchin
Minority Chair
Stephen Skinner
Minority Vice-Chair
Mike Azinger

Andrew Byrd

Frank Deem

Tom Fast

Barbara Evans Fleischauer

Shawn Fluharty

Michael Folk

Geoff Foster

Roger Hanshaw

Kenneth Hicks

Lynwood Ireland

Dana Lynch

John B. McCuskey

Clif Moore

John Overington

Larry L. Rowe

Kelli Sobonya

Amy Summers

Terry Waxman

Ryan Weld

Brad White

Thank you for taking a stand for liberty and self-governance!
Mark Meckler
Convention Of States Action
Convention of States Action · 100 Congress Ave, Suite 2000, Austin, TX 78701, United States 
This email was sent to lazarorgonzalez@gmail.com. You can also keep up with Convention Of States Action on Twitter.

Created with NationBuilder, the essential toolkit for leaders.

Ex-Navy SEAL: We'll Help Get Hillary's Benghazi Emails

The president of Operations Security (OPSEC), a non-partisan advocacy group of ex-Special Operations Forces officers, has vowed to assist Congress in uncovering Hillary Clinton's emails pertaining to the Benghazi attack.
"From Day One, we've been working to get the truth out to the American people and we're not going to stop until it happens," retired Navy SEAL Scott Taylor said Monday on "The Steve Malzberg Show" on 
Newsmax TV.
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Taylor says his grassroots organization has offered assistance to Rep. Trey Gowdy, a South Carolina Republican heading the House's select committee investigating the 2012 Benghazi attack, in which Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans died.
"Trey Gowdy is a very methodical, meticulous guy and he was very clear …. we're going to leave no stone unturned … we're going to get to the truth, we're going to uncover every single thing," Taylor said.
"I have a lot of confidence in him and his ability to do so, and eventually it will come out … Ultimately, it's going to happen."  
Taylor has little confidence that Clinton — who The New York Times last week revealed used a private email account to 
conduct government business — will release all of her emails on her own.
"There should've been a third party that went through these emails years ago. It needs to happen now. Hopefully, everything is still there on the server," he said.
"This shines a spotlight on who Hillary Clinton is and it will hurt her chances. However, I will say she's still very strong politically and it doesn't mean that it's going to sink her — but once the truth comes out, it will …
"At the minimum, it's irresponsible, at the maximum … there are some legal problems that she has here. But it's important that she comes clean and lets an independent investigator come and forensically check that hard drive to make sure there aren't any emails that are missing, which as Congressman Gowdy says there are."
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The Top 7 Hillary Clinton Lies That The Liberal Media’s Trying To Hide…

Hillary's record for honesty and ethical behavior has always been less than impeccable.

Hillary Clinton. Wife of an impeached president. Failed Secretary of State. All around ornery old lady. Plus, of course, a liar. Her husband gets caught with his pants down, she gets caught with her pants-suit on. What a lovely couple they make.
This week, we learned that Hillary Clinton used her own personal email account to conduct official business rather than a public, archivable .gov account – in direct violation of a 2009 Federal Law. Not only would this make her emails unavailable for public scrutiny, but it allows the former first lady to pick and choose what emails she releases to us – if any. So essentially… Chinese and Russian hackers are probably fully aware of Hillary’s activities as Secretary of State, while we the people are not.
But Hillary’s record for honesty and ethical behavior has always been less than impeccable. Let’s take a walk down memory lane with 7 of Hillary’s biggest lies…
1.  Chelsea Clinton was jogging around the World Trade Center on 9/11. Immensely insensitive to those who actually were affected by this horrific attack, Hillary later admitted that Chelsea was actually safely in her Union Square apartment at the time of the attack.
2.  She landed under sniper fire in Bosnia. In true Brian Williams-esque form, to listen to Hillary’s account, she was ducking and running in a dramatic M*A*S*H-type arrival scene in fear for her life. In actuality, she and Chelsea can be seen on video walking across the Bosnian tarmac… smiling and greeting well-wishers. But hey, anybody could misremember deadly sniper fire, right?
3.  She was named after Sir Edmund Hillary, one of the first two men to climb Mt. Everest. This one’s just embarrassing. Sir Hillary didn’t actually climb Mt. Everest (AKA, achieve any fame worth naming a child after) until Hillary Clinton was 6 years old. Ouch. So either Hillary’s mom was lying about her namesake Hillary’s entire life, or she waited until Hillary was 6 to name her, or Hillary just, you know, misspoke. Again
4.  Her family was dead broke when they left the White House. They only made $12 MILLION the year after Bill Clinton’s presidency. I guess when you’re used to the taxpayers’ billions funding your vacations, private airfare, and security, food, housing, and all, a measly few million could be a rough adjustment, huh?
5.  She claims to have been instrumental in the Northern Ireland peace process. Except those who actually were at the negotiating table say Hillary was nowhere to be seen
6.  She’s just like you. No, really. Because every woman in America has one child who’s always attended private schools, was married to a president, had a personal chef, flies in an environment-polluting personal jet, and makes about $200K for every speaking engagement. Duh.
7.  Benghazi – it was a disgusting video! The worst of the worst. We know for a fact, based on State Department documents, that not only was Benghazi a terrorist attack, but Hillary knew it was a terrorist attack which had absolutely nothing to do with a YouTube video. Not only did she lie about Benghazi, she failed to act in response to the attack, and four American lives were lost in the conflict.
But, at this point, what difference does it make, right? What difference does any of this make?
Sound off in the comments below!

Intelligence Report: 116 Ex-Gitmo Detainees Went Back to Battlefield

By Jason Devaney
A new report from Director of National Intelligence James Clapper claims 116 detainees released from Guantanamo Bay have returned to the terror battlefield.

The report says 116 of 647 former detainees are "confirmed of re-engaging," a rate of 17.9 percent.

Another 69 former detainees, which amounts to 10.7 percent, are "suspected of re-engaging."

Based on those findings, the report concludes that some detainees released from the prison camp on Cuba will try to return to their lives as terrorists once they are transferred out of the prison known as Gitmo.
"Based on trends identified during the past 11 years, we assess that some detainees currently at GTMO will seek to re-engage in terrorist or insurgent activities after they are transferred," the report reads. "Transfers to countries with ongoing conflicts and internal instability as well as active recruitment by insurgent and terrorist organizations pose particular problems.

"While enforcement of transfer conditions may deter re-engagement by many former detainees and delay re-engagement by others, some detainees who are determined to re-engage will do so regardless of any transfer conditions, albeit probably at a lower rate than if they were transferred without conditions."

The report says 110 detainees had returned to the fight before Jan. 22, 2009, while another six did the same between that date and Jan. 15, 2015.

The briefing promises to declassify an updated copy of the report "not less frequently than once every six months."

Of the 116 detainees who are confirmed to have returned to terrorism, 25 are now dead, 23 are in custody, and 68 are not in custody.
Of the 69 suspected of returning to the battlefield, two are dead, 12 are in custody, and 55 are not in custody.

One prisoner released from Gitmo in 2007 was confirmed to have returned to the battlefield as a recruiter for the Islamic State (ISIS).

Mullah Abdul Rauf switched allegiances from the Taliban to ISIS, the terror group currently occupying much of Iraq and Syria. However, 
he was killed in a U.S. military drone strike last month.

President Barack Obama has pushed hard
 to close the Guantanamo Bay prison camp, which means detainees there must either be tried in the U.S. court system or released. As of January, there were just 127 prisoners left in the camp that once held 680 in the years immediately after the 9/11 terrorist attacks.
Republicans want the prison camp to remain open for business and filled with suspected terrorists. Sen. Tom Cotton of Arkansas took that a step further last month, saying the U.S. should punish any ally that helps Gitmo transfers resettle once they are released.
Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/Gitmo-released-detainees-return/2015/03/09/id/629157/#ixzz3TzWA6v82 
Urgent: Rate Obama on His Job Performance. Vote Here Now!



Eight months ago, Veterans for a Strong America, with the assistance of top national security attorney Mark Zaid, filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request with the State Department seeking all of Hillary’s Clinton’s correspondence, including her email and phone records BOTH PRIVATE AND GOVERNMENTAL.
Veterans for a Strong America’s FOIA request was clear:

Will you help us? Can you make an immediate contribution of $10 or $25 or more right away to support VSA’s efforts to uncover what else Hillary is hiding on her private email server?

Guess what the State Department did after it received our request? No, they didn’t deny our request – they ignored it!
Now, we’ve discovered that Hillary’s private email server contains classified national security information that was hacked into. Hillary’s reckless conduct has helped our enemies and hurt our country. But you know how it goes for the Clintons – they are above the law and beyond reproach…until now.
It won’t be easy suing the federal government in order to expose Hillary for what she is – but it’s the right thing to do. Serving in Iraq as an Army Infantry Platoon Leader chasing terrorists down wasn’t easy either – but it was the right thing to do!
During her entire career, Hillary has used and abused the system: She was fired from the Watergate investigation, exposed by special prosecutors as obstructing the Travelgate investigation, treated uniformed members of the military serving in the White House as second rate citizens, lied about being shot at by a sniper in Bosnia and when asked about her involvement in leaving four American heroes dead on the streets of Benghazi, she famously shrieked: “What difference at this point does it make!”
The leadership of Veterans for a Strong America is comprised of combat tested warriors that have fought on the battlefields of Iraq and Afghanistan. I can personally assure you that this organization will go the distance to take down Hillary Clinton.
For America,
Joel Arends
Veterans for a Strong America

WATCH: What 47 Senators Just Did Could Throw A HUGE Wrench Into Obama’s Big Plan

Stand by for Obama's White House to blow its top...

Less than a week after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu swatted a political hornets’ nest with his address to Congress in which he called the Obama administration’s emerging nuclear arrangement with Iran a “very bad deal” that “paves the way” to their getting the bomb, here comes another “bomb” of sorts from Senate Republicans.
Pushing back hard against the Obama administration, forty-seven GOP senators have signed an open letter to the Iranian regime offering a lesson in how the U.S. system of government functions under the Constitution. The letter advises Iran that any deal concerning Tehran’s nuclear program that President Obama agrees to without Senate consent could die when Obama leaves office.
As The Hill reports, the letter that was spearheaded by freshman Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas advises the Iranians that “anything not approved by Congress is a mere executive agreement” — an agreement that could well be changed or voided altogether when there’s a new executive in the White House.
“The next president could revoke such an executive agreement with the stroke of a pen and future Congresses could modify the terms of the agreement at any time,” they wrote.
It wasn’t just newcomers to the upper chamber who signed the letter to Iran. Adding their signatures to the document were Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and, according to The Hill article: “It was also signed by four Republicans who are said to be considering a run for president: Sen. Marco Rubio (Fla.), Sen. Rand Paul (Ky.), Sen. Ted Cruz (Texas) and Sen. Lindsey Graham (S.C.).”
And as The Times of Israel notes, the GOP Senators’ letter is not just an advisory to Tehran, it is also a strong message to the White House.
“…the latest effort to pressure the Obama administration into granting Congress some oversight over the nuclear negotiations and emerging agreement….”
By clicking on the video above, you can see the Fox News interview with the letter’s primary author, Sen. Tom Cotton, who also explains to Brian Kilmeade why he believes Iran is a far greater threat than ISIS is to America and the rest of the free world.


Clinton e-mail scandal disqualifies her for president

After one of the coldest weeks in history for the first week of March, a chill has hit Team Hillary.  Conservatives are mining for the anti-Jeb Bush candidate to wrestle the Republican nomination away from Team Bush. The inevitability of another President Clinton or President Bush is in grave doubt – and for very different reasons.
Hillary campaign hit by blizzard of allegations
Hillary Clinton is in big trouble and she has likely disqualified herself from the presidency. She is guilty of rank hypocrisy and appears to have violated the law.
Back in 2007, during Clinton’s last failed attempt to recapture the White House for the Clinton family, she spoke at a conference titled Take Back America sponsored by the Campaign for America’s Future. At the conference, Clinton attacked the President George W. Bush administration for violating “everything our Founders were afraid of.”

What is Hillary Clinton’s Worst Scandal?

She bellowed to the adoring liberal crowd “our Constitution is being shredded. We know about the secret wiretaps, we know about the secret military tribunals, the secret White House e-mail accounts.” On all scores, Hillary Clinton has been complicit in these same offenses against the Constitution when imposed by Democrats.
Clinton was nowhere to be found when members of both parties complained about the NSA wiretapping scandal conducted by President Obama.
Clinton has yet to denounce President Obama for maintaining a kill list of American citizens without providing them any due process.
She not only did not denounce Obama Administration officials from maintaining secret e-mail accounts — she set one up herself.
This is a classic case of partisan doublespeak. Hillary Clinton is not to be trusted.
This scandal may be the end of her political career because if you look closely at the allegations, it is clear that Hillary Clinton took actions to conceal official communications from the federal government department that she ran — the State Department and the American people.
The New York Times reported that “as State Department lawyers sifted last summer through a new batch of documents related to the Benghazi attacks, they repeatedly saw something that caught their attention: e-mails sent to and from a personal account for Hillary Clinton.”  In response, Clinton had her lawyers send over boxes full of e-mails and “roughly 900 pages pertaining to the Benghazi attacks” were produced.
The big question is what was not produced. We know that the most important documents and e-mails will never be produced. This is a scandal of epic proportions.
Maybe it is time for former Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and Vice President Joe Biden to fire up a campaign apparatus, because this scandal could be the end of Hillary Clinton’s presidential ambitions.
Jeb Bush
When talking about the political dynasty of the Clinton’s, only Jeb Bush and his family have a superior divine right to occupy the White House.
And Jeb Bush has been acting like it.
Many conservatives have concerns about Bush’s position on issues ranging from federally run education to immigration, yet conservatives will be less forgiving of his record as Governor of Florida.
According to Chris Edwards of the Cato Institute, “like George W. Bush, Jeb was good on taxes, but apparently not so good on spending. Jeb Bush was in office from 1999 to 2007. Florida general fund spending increased from $18.0 billion to $28.2 billion during those eight years, or 57 percent. Total state spending increased from $45.6 billion to $66.1 billion, or 45 percent.”
And with Jeb Bush getting the old Bush foreign policy team together, we can expect a Jeb Bush Administration to be good on tax policy, yet pushing expensive nation building, more No Child Left Behind/Common Core nonsense and an expansive view of the responsibility of the federal government to pay for everything.
Sounds familiar and if Republicans want to have a third term of President George W. Bush and his Wall Street bail outs, expansion of Medicare programs, creation of a new federal department and more federal government interference in local education decisions, then many liberty loving voters may stay home this next election.
Anti-Jeb Bush Candidate
Candidates are emerging to stop a Jeb Bush coronation.
Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker has had a few good weeks including a very well received speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference. The latest McClatcy/Marist poll has Walker as the leader of the anti-Jeb pack.   Real Clear Politics has Walker beating Bush.
Fox News has Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) as the leader of the Senate presidential candidates edging out Sens. Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Ted Cruz (R-TX). Nobody really believes that Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) is anything but a messaging candidate so he can pontificate about how he would execute a more aggressive war on terror.
Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee is doing very well in national polls and is sneaking up on Walker in Iowa polls.  And Dr. Ben Carson is proving to be a non-conventional candidate who attracts those who are sick and tired of career politicians occupying the White House.
Although it is early, the divine right of Clinton and Bush may be snowed out by a number of emerging and exciting candidates. The e-mail scandal hitting Hillary like a blizzard of controversy may freeze her out of politics and knock her out early.

Obama Just Did What Every World Dictator Failed To Do

Western Journalism newsletter@wcjournalism.org via mail4.atl111.rsgsv.net 

New Zealander: Amnesty Is Obama’s Trump Card To Transform America

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Virginia Thomas, 54, is a special correspondent for the Daily Caller producing videos of emerging leaders and educators in the public square. Her ear is to the ground outside the Washington Beltway as a social entrepreneur. Previously, she was the founder of LibertyCentral.org (nonprofit for citizen activists), and has worked at The Heritage Foundation, Hillsdale College's Washington office, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the senior levels of the legislative and executive branches of government. She has maintained her midwestern authenticity after 30 years in Washington, D.C. and enjoys motor homing and the Nebraska Cornhuskers with her husband, Justice Clarence Thomas. Her degrees are: Business Communication & Political Science from Creighton University, and J.D. from Creighton Law School (Omaha, NE).
Libertarian New Zealander, author and founder of the popular website, KeyWiki.org, Trevor Loudon is spending a lot of time lately telling Americans that “amnesty is the trump card” for President Obama to permanently transform America.
Citing a speech in 2010 by White House consultant and radical leftist, Eliseo Medina, Loudon implores Americans to wake up before it is too late in this video interview. He says, with Mitt Romney losing to Obama in 2012 by 2 and ½ million votes, if Obama can succeed in legalizing “10, 15 or 20 million more votes, almost all of whom will vote Democrat,” Obama can lock in progressive electoral victories for the foreseeable future and “make it practically impossible for the Republicans to ever elect another president.”
As for the Republican consultants who promote Hispanic outreach and the need for amnesty for future Republican victories, Loudon asks why would anyone listen to Karl Rove, “when he has lost so many elections.” Dismissing Rove as “a fool” who “spits on his base,” Loudon believes these consultants and Republicans are doing the bidding of the business community who want cheap labor. Loudon reminds viewers of what Lenin said, “the capitalists will sell us the rope with which to hang them.”
Asking why new Latinos would be of higher value to Karl Rove and the political consultants than the 20 million conservative Christians currently not registered to vote, Loudon says Rove is demonstrating a “lack of understanding of political realities in his own country.”
Deriding those Republicans or conservatives who still write off President Obama as “incompetent,” he says this is a “power play for control with no viable opposition” reminiscent of what happened in South Africa, Venezuela and Czechoslovakia, with public deception covering up the true nature of regime change.
Although many in his country and in America may not be paying attention to politics, those foreign commentators who are, he says, are troubled by what they see happening. Loudon says, for those “thinking New Zealanders, Australians, Canadians, Brits, French and Germans, they are just freakin’ out. They are so worried. They see what Obama is doing to Israel. They see ISIS expanding in the Middle East. They see China building a big blue-water navy in the Pacific. They see Putin bullying the Ukraine, clearly wanting to reestablish his empire in Europe. They are freaking out because they have just come to the realization that they have been relying on America to defend them… when America is actually working for the other side, in many instances.”
To this self-described libertarian, Obama and his allies have set their sights on not just fundamentally transforming America, but the world. After all, Loudon says, “The world leader who was protecting us from the bad guys [America] is now helping the bad guys.”
Loudon ends with the admonition, “If America loses its Constitution, everything good about America will go. Vladimir Putin, the Chinese and the Iranians will rule the planet,” he says. “What you guys do in the next two years is going to make a huge difference to the fate of our civilization.”
Sunday Leaders Trevor Loudon Part 2
Daily Caller
For more on Trevor Loudon see his book, “The Enemies Within,” and his current short term crowd-sourcing fundraiser effort to produce a movie of the book by next October here.
Mrs. Thomas does not necessarily support or endorse the products, services or positions promoted in any advertisement contained herein, and does not have control over or receive compensation from any advertiser.
 “En mi opinión


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