No 900 “En mi
opinión” Marzo
12, 2015
“IN GOD WE TRUST” Lázaro R González Miño EDITOR
Enero 20, 2017 FIN DEL DISPARATE
Obama se entera Hillary había sido secretaria de estado por la prensa…
Barack Obama no sabía que Hillary Clinton
Había sido Secretaria de Estado
Barack Obama
dice en entrevista en MSNBC, que se enteró por los medios de comunicación que Hillary Clinton fue su
secretaria de Estado por durante
cuatro años.
En una
entrevista en MSNBC, Obama le ha dicho a Chris Matthews que él se había enterado por los
medios de comunicación que Hillary Clinton había sido su secretaria de estado
por cuatro años.
Presidente Obama dice que la primera vez que se enteró de las noticias de
informes que, Hillary Clinton, utilizó un correo privado fue mientras veía los
noticieros de televisión con Michelle y las niñas, "Yo me enteré al mismo
tiempo que los demás a
través de informes de la prensa", dijo Obama a Chris Matthews en una
entrevista en que el entrevistador también coincidió que el presidente no tenía
información sobre el incidente.
”Yo ni
siquiera sabía que Hillary Clinton había sido secretaria de estado. “También me
enteré de eso por la prensa”
Obama, en la
entrevista, siguió afirmando "la política de mi administración es fomentar
la transparencia... y por eso me alegra que esa señora Hillary Clinton que dicen que
ocupó un lugar en la administración haya ordenado que los correos
electrónicos que tuvieran que ver con asuntos oficiales se van a divulgar
después que descubrieron que ella tenía
un servidor privado,“ “yo realmente ni estaba enterado que Hillary Clinton
había sido secretaria de estado por cuatro años” volvió a repetir ante una
mirada concordante de aceptación de Chris Matthews asintiendo con su cabeza.
comentarios vinieron después que informó de que Clinton había tomado la
decisión de guardar silencio sobre la noticia de los e-mails después de que la
oficina de personal de la casa blanca, el Departamento de estado y la propia
Clinton se enteraron en agosto que los republicanos del congreso habían dado
información indicando que Clinton había utilizando una cuenta de correo privado
para llevar a cabo negocios oficiales del gobierno.
Durante la
entrevista , Obama elogió a Clinton: "Déjame decir he oído decir que la
señora Hillary Clinton es y ha sido una destacada activista dentro del partido
demócrata, y una defensora de los derechos de las mujeres menos en los países
aliados del medio oriente que nos ayudan con contribuciones económicas y en la
lucha contra ISIS”
La casa
blanca luchó el viernes para responder al informe Político.
Portavoz de
la casa blanca Josh Earnest, dijo el viernes que unos funcionarios notaron que
Clinton no estaba usando una dirección de correo electrónico del gobierno. Dijo
que cuándo se dieron cuenta se levantó una bandera roja (con la hoz
y el martillo).
La asesora
principal de Obama Valerie Jarret dijo Bloomberg News viernes que ella nunca
recibió un correo electrónico de dirección privada de Clinton y que ella no
sabía nada de esto ni tampoco Obama o cualquier otro funcionario de la
La única
agencia de noticias que ha hecho preguntas sobre el particular ha sido Fox
Pero los
asistentes de Cinton implicados no pudieron no responder, algunos estaban en
conferencias importantes y otros estaban en el baño.
No fue sino
hasta el 28 de febrero, pocos días antes de que se rompiera el escándalo, que
el Departamento de estado reconoció que Clinton sólo utilizaba un correo
electrónico personal. Después
de eso, el Comité, presidido por el representante Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., anunció
ha citado a todos los de e-mails de Clinton relativas a Benghazi – incluyendo
cualquier comunicación de su correo electrónico personal y servidor, así como
textos, archivos adjuntos y fotos.
Su uso
de correos electrónicos personales ha planteado preguntas en cuanto a si todos
los mensajes importantes fueron
entregados por las demandas e investigaciones del Congreso.
Ella intentó
frenar la creciente controversia con una rueda de prensa, diciendo que quería
que el Departamento de estado tuviera la
rápida liberación de los e-mails durante su tiempo como Secretario de estado y
que ella entregara 50,000 páginas de todos los correos que ella no había
Un alto
funcionario del Departamento de estado dijo el
jueves que la tarea llevaría tiempo. "La revisión es larga, y es probable
que tome varios meses dados el enorme volumen del documento conjunto",
dijo el funcionario”.
sobre una fecha determinada el funcionario dijo que probablemente hasta después
de Noviembre del 2016.
En una nueva
entrevista a Obama sobre el asunto, el presidente declaró, ¿Hillary Clinton?,
el nombre me resulta familiar, pero no recuerdo los particulares de cuando la
Hillary Clinton simpatizante de Mao Tse Tung?
Mientras estudiaba
en la Universidad de Wellesley, Hilary Rodham fue profundamente influenciada
por un artículo de 1966 titulado "Cambio o contención," que apareció
en una revista para universitarios metodistas. Escrita por el teórico marxista/maoista
Carl Oglesby, quien fue un líder de los estudiantes para una sociedad
democrática, Oglesby defendió en esta pieza a Ho Chi Minh, Fidel
Castro y la táctica maoísta de la violencia.
En 1969 Hillary
escribió su tesis de 92 páginas en Wellesley basado en las teorías del radical
organizador de Chicago Saul Alinsky. Una gran admiradora de las tácticas
activistas de Alinsky, Hillary se reunió con el afamado autor varias veces en
1968 para entrevistarlo personalmente. Concluyó su tesis afirmando:
"Alinsky es
considerado por muchos como el proponente de una filosofía política socio
Como tal, ha
sido temído por la derecha igual que personas--como Eugene Debs [cinco
veces candidato del partido socialista para Presidente de Estados Unidos] Mao
Tse Tung o Martin Luther King todos han sido temidos, porque cada uno
abrazó el más radical de los credos políticos--la democracia- para la
libertad de la sociedad donde vivían".
Su tesis también
incluyó esta frase: "si los ideales Alinsky propugna fueron actualizados,
el resultado sería la revolución social.
Personas allegadas
a Hillary dicen que sus simpatías por el maoísmo están más vigentes que nunca,
porque ve la posibilidad de poder completar la revolución socialista que ha
comenzado Obama y que ella considera ineficiente y blanda.
Fuentes sin
identificar, aseguran que ella recibió lecciones actualizadas de maoísmo con
profesores de filosofía maoista durante su reciente visita a China y que su
posibilidad de ser electa presidente es vista y apoyada en altos círculos del
gobierno de Beiging.
Como acostumbro a
presentares fotos alteradas como una representación exagerada de posiciones
políticas, pudieran pensar que la foto de Hillary con el traje de Mao es una
foto alterada. Les puedo
asegurar que este traje fue el que usó Hillary durante su estancia en China, y
que la foto es genuina y apareció en todos los periódicos de la nación.
Desde que Hillary
era primera dama, los que nos preocupamos por seguir la política nacional,
pudimos observar que la militante socialista de la pareja era Hillary, que el
resbaloso Willy (Slick Willy) aprovechaba las ambiciones de Hillary para sus
aventuras, porque sabía que ella tenía la ambición de ser el primer presidente
maoísta de los Estados Unidos, y no quería que un escándalo de divorcio dañara
sus oportunidades.
Ahora su sueño
está al alcance de la mano.
Sabemos lo que era
Hillary cuando era estudiante, si se lo decimos a sus admiradores, pero nos
dicen que eso era cuando era joven, que ahora ha cambiado que esas no
son esas ideas en la actualidad y que sería un buen presidente.
Bueno, yo mejor
voy por el sabio refrán español,
No compres mula coja pensando que ha de sanar,
ni te cases con puta pensando que ha de cambiar.
definitivamente no pienso que Hillary ha cambiado..
compres mula coja pensando que ha de sanar…
Hillary Clinton simpatizante de Mao Tse Tung?
Mientras estudiaba
en la Universidad de Wellesley, Hilary Rodham fue profundamente influenciada
por un artículo de 1966 titulado "Cambio o contención," que apareció
en una revista para universitarios metodistas. Escrita por el teórico
marxista/maoista Carl Oglesby, quien fue un líder de los estudiantes para una
sociedad democrática, Oglesby defendió en esta pieza a Ho Chi Minh,
Fidel Castro y la táctica maoísta de la violencia.
En 1969 Hillary
escribió su tesis de 92 páginas en Wellesley basado en las teorías del radical
organizador de Chicago Saul Alinsky. Una gran admiradora de las tácticas
activistas de Alinsky, Hillary se reunió con el afamado autor varias veces en
1968 para entrevistarlo personalmente. Concluyó su tesis afirmando:
"Alinsky es
considerado por muchos como el proponente de una filosofía política socio
Como tal, ha
sido temído por la derecha igual que personas--como Eugene Debs [cinco
veces candidato del partido socialista para Presidente de Estados Unidos] Mao
Tse Tung o Martin Luther King todos han sido temidos, porque cada uno
abrazó el más radical de los credos políticos--la democracia- para la
libertad de la sociedad donde vivían".
Su tesis también
incluyó esta frase: "si los ideales Alinsky propugna fueron actualizados,
el resultado sería la revolución social.
Personas allegadas
a Hillary dicen que sus simpatías por el maoísmo están más vigentes que nunca,
porque ve la posibilidad de poder completar la revolución socialista que ha
comenzado Obama y que ella considera ineficiente y blanda.
Fuentes sin
identificar, aseguran que ella recibió lecciones actualizadas de maoísmo con
profesores de filosofía maoista durante su reciente visita a China y que su
posibilidad de ser electa presidente es vista y apoyada en altos círculos del
gobierno de Beiging.
Como acostumbro a
presentares fotos alteradas como una representación exagerada de posiciones
políticas, pudieran pensar que la foto de Hillary con el traje de Mao es una
foto alterada. Les puedo
asegurar que este traje fue el que usó Hillary durante su estancia en China, y
que la foto es genuina y apareció en todos los periódicos de la nación.
Desde que Hillary
era primera dama, los que nos preocupamos por seguir la política nacional,
pudimos observar que la militante socialista de la pareja era Hillary, que el
resbaloso Willy (Slick Willy) aprovechaba las ambiciones de Hillary para sus
aventuras, porque sabía que ella tenía la ambición de ser el primer presidente
maoísta de los Estados Unidos, y no quería que un escándalo de divorcio dañara
sus oportunidades.
Ahora su sueño
está al alcance de la mano.
Sabemos lo que era
Hillary cuando era estudiante, si se lo decimos a sus admiradores, pero nos
dicen que eso era cuando era joven, que ahora ha cambiado que esas no
son esas ideas en la actualidad y que sería un buen presidente.
Bueno, yo mejor
voy por el sabio refrán español,
No compres mula coja pensando que ha de sanar,
ni te cases con puta pensando que ha de cambiar.
definitivamente no pienso que Hillary ha cambiado..
“EMO” Lo que es excremento
hoy, cagalera será mañana… LRGM
AP demanda al Gobierno en las cortes para acceder a los
correos de Hillary Clinton
11 mar. (EFEUSA).- La agencia Associated Press (AP) demandó
hoy al Departamento de Estado para forzarle a publicar los correos
electrónicos y documentos gubernamentales que utilizó Hillary Clinton durante
su mandato como jefa de la diplomacia estadounidense.
La agencia de noticias presentó la
demanda ante una Corte del Distrito de Columbia, después de que este martes
el Departamento de Estado anunciara la divulgación de los correos de Clinton
en una web de acceso público.
martes, en la sede de Naciones Unidas en Nueva York, Clinton reconoció en una
rueda de prensa que habría sido "más inteligente" no usar una
cuenta privada para su correo electrónico oficial cuando fue secretaria de
Estado, en su primeros comentarios públicos sobre la polémica.
En un
comunicado, AP explica que ha decidido emprender acciones legales porque no
ha recibido respuesta a las peticiones formales de información que hizo al
Gobierno estadounidense con anterioridad, por ejemplo en marzo de 2010 y
durante el verano de 2013.
Associated Press realizó estas
peticiones amparándose en la Ley de Libertad de Información (FOIA,
por su sigla en inglés), por la que los ciudadanos pueden solicitar por la
vía judicial la divulgación de documentos gubernamentales.
la demanda busca la publicación de los correos electrónicos de Clinton,
especialmente aquellos sobre la incursión en Pakistán para matar al antiguo
líder de la red terrorista Al Qaeda, Osama bin Laden, y los referentes a las
prácticas de espionaje de la Agencia de Seguridad Nacional (NSA), reveladas
por el exanalista Edward Snowden.
asunto tiene especial interés para AP que, en 2013, aseguró haber sido
víctima de una "intrusión sin precedentes" por parte del Gobierno,
que presuntamente inspeccionó 20 de sus líneas telefónicas entre abril y mayo
de 2012.
las peticiones y la demanda, la agencia de noticias quiere que se divulguen
los correos entre la antigua jefa de la diplomacia estadounidense y sus
personas de confianza porque -en su opinión- estas personas podrían jugar un
"papel clave" en la posible carrera presidencial de Clinton, para
la que todavía no ha dado el sí.
concreto, AP tiene interés en la correspondencia que Clinton intercambió con
Philippe Reines, que ejerció como su portavoz cuando era secretaria de
Estado, y Cheryl Mills, su jefa de gabinete.
Associated Press desea conocer los calendarios públicos y privados de
Clinton, desde que asumió el cargo de la Secretaría de Estado en 2009 hasta
que abandonó el puesto en 2013.
no facilitó sus 55.000 páginas de correos diplomáticos hasta octubre del año
pasado, cuando el Departamento de Estado pidió a los últimos secretarios
todos los mensajes de trabajo enviados desde sus cuentas privadas durante sus
años en el cargo.
ley obliga a que todas las comunicaciones de los funcionarios del Gobierno
queden archivadas en las respectivas agencias y departamentos. EFEUSA
Shocking Comparison Has Black Pastors Calling Him A ‘Disgrace’
pastor asserted that Obama cannot relate to the struggle of those who marched
50 years ago.
a ceremony marking the 50th anniversary
of the historic civil rights march in Selma, Ala., Barack Obama offered a
speech that left many minority leaders flabbergasted.
your gay friend if it’s easier to be out and proud in America now than it was
30 years ago,” he said, leading a number of faith leaders to criticize his
equation of the relative struggle for inclusion by blacks and homosexuals.
spoke to Coalition of African American Pastors’ member William Owens, who
explained backlash to Obama’s comments was near-universal.
marched with many people back in those days,” he said, “and I have reached out
to some of my friends who marched with me and all of them are shocked.”
went on to criticize Obama even further for the perceived slight,
calling him a “disgrace to the black community” and asserting that he is
“rewriting history” by including gay rights in a discussion of the 1965 civil
rights march.
didn’t suffer and die for gay marriage,” he said. “We marched for opportunity,
equality, justice, freedom from oppression.”
Obama was not an active member of the civil rights movement, Owens said, but
rather a recipient of the advances those activists helped secure.
has benefited from those of us who did march,” he said, “but for President
Obama to say we marched so that gays would have the right to marry today is a
disgrace and a lie.”
he accused the gay rights movement of using the civil rights message as a
catapult from which to launch its own social agenda.
LGBT community hijacked our movement,” Owens said, “a movement they know
nothing about. President Obama is delusional to compare our struggle with the
struggle for marriage equality. Gays have not had fire hoses or dogs unleashed
at them. They have not been hung from trees or denied basic human rights.”
Two Police Officers Shot in Ferguson
Two officers were shot in front of the Ferguson Police Department early
Thursday, authorities said, as demonstrators gathered after the resignation of
the city's police chief in the wake of a scathing Justice Department report
alleging bias in the police department and court.
32-year-old officer from nearby Webster Groves was shot in the face and a
41-year-old officer from St. Louis County was shot in the shoulder, St. Louis
County Police Chief Jon Belmar said at a news conference. Both were taken to a
hospital, where Belmar said they were conscious. He said he did not have
further details about their conditions but described their injuries as
don't know who did the shooting, to be honest with you," Belmar said,
adding that he could not provide a description of the suspect or gun.
said his "assumption" was that, based on where the officers were
standing and the trajectory of the bullets, "these shots were directed
exactly at my officers."
shots were fired shortly after midnight as protesters were gathered following
the resignation of embattled Ferguson Police Chief Thomas Jackson on Wednesday.
Before the shooting, some at the protest were chanting to show they weren't
satisfied with the resignations of Jackson and City Manager John Shaw earlier
in the week, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported. Authorities from multiple
agencies had gathered outside of the department.
protest was a familiar scene in Ferguson, which saw similar and much larger
demonstrations after the shooting death of black 18-year-old Michael Brown last
summer by city police officer Darren Wilson. When Wilson, who is white, was
cleared in November by a state grand jury, the decision set off further
protests, looting and fires. But Wednesday was the first time an officer at a
protest had been shot.
Pitchford, 20, was among the protesters outside the police department. She told
The Associated Press the protest had been mostly peaceful until she heard the
shots ring out.
saw the officer go down and the other police officers drew their guns while
other officers dragged the injured officer away," Pitchford said.
"All of a sudden everybody started running or dropping to the
said the shots were fired from across the street from the police department.
the shooting, officers with guns and in riot gear circled the station, and more
than a dozen squad cars blocked the street.
was the sixth employee to resign or be fired after a Justice Department report
last week cleared Wilson of civil rights charges in the shooting. Wilson has
since resigned. A separate Justice Department report released the same day
found a profit-driven court system and widespread racial bias in the city
police department.
James Knowles III announced Wednesday that the city had reached a mutual
separation agreement with Jackson that will pay Jackson one year of his nearly
$96,000 annual salary and health coverage. Jackson's resignation becomes
effective March 19, at which point Lt. Col. Al Eickhoff will become acting
chief while the city searches for a replacement.
had previously resisted calls by protesters and some of Missouri's top elected
leaders to step down over his handling of Brown's shooting and the weeks of
protests that followed. He was widely criticized from the outset, both for an
aggressive police response to protesters and for his agency's erratic and
infrequent releases of key information.
took nearly a week to publicly identify Wilson as the shooter and then further
heightened tension in the community by releasing Wilson's name at the same time
as store security video that police said showed Brown stealing a box of cigars
and shoving a clerk only a short time before his death.
a 12-minute news conference, Knowles said Jackson resigned after "a lot of
soul-searching" about how the community could heal from the racial unrest
stemming from the fatal shooting last summer.
chief is the kind of honorable man you don't have to go to," Knowles said.
"He comes to you when he knows that this is something we have to seriously
acting head of the Justice Department's civil rights division released a
statement saying the U.S. government remains committed to reaching a
"court-enforceable agreement" to address Ferguson's
"unconstitutional practices," regardless of who's in charge of the city.
oversaw the Ferguson force for nearly five years before the shooting that
stirred months of unrest across the St. Louis region and drew global attention
to the predominantly black city of 21,000.
addition to Jackson, Ferguson's court clerk was fired last week and two police
officers resigned. The judge who oversaw the court system also resigned, and
the City Council on Tuesday agreed to a separation agreement with Shaw, the
city manager.
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Obama to Spend $100 Million to Train
Foreigners to Take Jobs Away from Americans
Excuse my language but Barack
Obama doesn’t give a damn about the American people and his record proves it.
Back when the official
unemployment rate was still over 8%, Obama’s Senate puppet Harry Reid refused
to allow 12 House jobs bills to reach anyone in the Senate. Reid didn’t even
look at 11 of the 12 bills to see what they actually said, before killing them.
At Obama’s instruction, every attempt to actually create jobs for American
citizens were killed at the door to the US Senate.
Obama and his comrades have waged
war against the coal and other fossil fuel energies costing thousands of
American jobs. At the same time he has thrown billions of dollars to green
energy programs which have produced little and left more Americans out of work.
He continues to block the Keystone XL Pipeline project that would create
anywhere from 10,000 to as many as 40,000 jobs for American workers in addition
to helping America become energy independent.
Instead of having the Defense
Department use American companies for their military contracts, he has directed
them to use foreign companies. One example was the $345 million contract that
was awarded to Embraer, a Brazilian company. Had the contract been awarded to
any of the several US companies that bid on the contract, it would have
resulted in about 1,400 American jobs.
Worse yet is that Obama has been
drastically slashing our military which has also cost thousands of jobs in
addition to weakening our military defense capabilities.
The infamous Stimulus package was
supposed to create hundreds of thousands of jobs, but it resulted in very few.
Some of the Stimulus money even went for the creation of jobs in places like
the Ukraine.
The White House war against
Americans has been an integral part of Obama’s illegal immigration policies. He
is pushing hard to allow millions of illegal aliens to remain in the US and he
is giving them work permits so they can take millions of jobs away from
Over the past year, we’ve been
hearing of a number of reports where foreign nationals have been coming to the
US under an H-1B visa. This special visa was designed to allow foreigners with
special skills to fill needed jobs here in the US when there weren’t any
qualified Americans to fill them. However, that’s not been the case of late. A
growing number of companies have been hiring H-1B visa holders and then having
American workers train them, only to be replaced by them. This is happening in
the technology fields as well as hotels, power companies and even state
unemployment offices.
Obama has been asking that the
65,000 annual H-1B visas be increased to 195,000 per year so that more
Americans can be pushed out of the work force. In his typical unabashed way,
Obama brazenly announced that he has established TechHire, a program to use $100 million to train H-1B
visa holders to take even more jobs away from Americans. Supposedly, the $100
million will come from fees paid for H-1B visas, which means that not only has
Obama been giving American jobs away to illegals, but now he’s actively selling
them to foreigners.
According to Obama, there is a
huge need for more technology related workers so he is turning to recruiting
and training people from other countries to fill the need. He never mentioned
that thousands of tech workers in Silicon Valley have been and are being laid
off and are more than available to fill the jobs Obama is talking about.
In his six years in office, Obama
has not implemented or passed a single piece of legislation or action that has
actually increased job opportunities for Americans. He’s effectively blocked
any plan that would create jobs for Americans while striving very hard to give
our jobs to legal and illegal immigrants. When will America wake up to see just
how much Obama hates us and is so hell bent on destroying the America we all
Secret Service Investigating Agents' Crash Near White House
The Homeland Security Department is investigating two senior Secret
Service agents accused of crashing a car into a White House security barrier,
an agency spokesman said Wednesday.
Service spokesman Robert Hoback said recently-appointed Director Joseph Clancy
has been briefed on the March 4 incident. Clancy has asked the Homeland
Security Department's Inspector General's Office to investigate the incident.
did not provide additional details.
agency said the two agents have been reassigned to nonsupervisory,
nonoperational jobs.
Washington Post first reported the investigation Wednesday afternoon. The
newspaper reported that the agents drove a government car into a security
barrier near the White House after a night of drinking.
Post reported that one of the agents involved is Mark Connolly, the
second-in-command on President Barack Obama's security detail. The newspaper
identified the other agent as George Ogilvie, a senior supervisor in the
Washington field office.
The crash investigation is the latest embarrassment for the agency tasked with protecting the president.
The crash investigation is the latest embarrassment for the agency tasked with protecting the president.
the last six months, several top agency officials, including former Director
Julian Pierson, have been forced out amid revelations of multiple, serious
presidential security breaches. In September, a Texas man armed with a knife
was able to climb a White House fence and run deep into the executive mansion
before being apprehended.
News of the accident prompted GOP Rep. Jason Chaffetz of Utah and Maryland Democratic Rep. Elijah Cummings to wonder whether the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee might expand its continuing investigation into the Secret Service.
"Although recent steps have been made to bring new leadership in at the highest levels, this incident begs the question of whether that is enough,” the congressmen said in a statement.
Chaffetz is the panel’s chairman and Cummings is the ranking Democrat.
"That this event involved senior-level agents is not only embarrassing but exhibits a clear lack of judgment in a potentially dangerous situation," the representatives said in a statement. "The committee as a whole remains committed to restoring the integrity of this elite agency and improving accountability at all staff levels."
News of the accident prompted GOP Rep. Jason Chaffetz of Utah and Maryland Democratic Rep. Elijah Cummings to wonder whether the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee might expand its continuing investigation into the Secret Service.
"Although recent steps have been made to bring new leadership in at the highest levels, this incident begs the question of whether that is enough,” the congressmen said in a statement.
Chaffetz is the panel’s chairman and Cummings is the ranking Democrat.
"That this event involved senior-level agents is not only embarrassing but exhibits a clear lack of judgment in a potentially dangerous situation," the representatives said in a statement. "The committee as a whole remains committed to restoring the integrity of this elite agency and improving accountability at all staff levels."
internal investigation and an outside panel report both described serious
problems within the agency.
four-member panel of former senior government officials concluded in a report
released last year that the agency was too insular and starving for leadership.
panel recommended an agency outsider to replace Pierson, but Obama earlier this
year tapped Clancy, a retired agent who led the agency on an interim basis
after Pierson's ouster.
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Urgent: Rate Obama on His Job Performance. Vote Here Now!
New Horrific HiDef Video Shows ISIS Boy Executing ‘Israeli Spy’
Just when you thought ISIS couldn’t
reach a new low, they do.
Islamic State militants have released a
video purporting to show a boy executing an captive Israeli-Arab, but several
key details in the film raise doubts over its authenticity.
The video claims to show the boy, who
appears to be no older than 10, carrying out the execution of Muhammad Said
Ismail Musallam with a gunshot to the 19-year-old’s forehead
But heavy editing used to produce the
film means it is likely he never pulled the trigger himself and was instead
filmed only for scenes to be edited in and around Mr Musallam’s death.
The film shows Mr Musallam describing
how he was sent by Israeli intelligence to infiltrate ISIS in Syria, where the
group claim he was captured last year.
Wearing an orange jumpsuit, the hostage
is later seen kneeling at the feet of two uniformed militants.
Against Hillary Clinton for the Release of Her Emails… Boom!
A day after Hillary Clinton
broke her long silence on the email scandal, the Associated Press is taking
legal action, demanding the release of the former secretary of state’s emails.
The Associated Press filed a
lawsuit Wednesday against the State Department to force the release of email
correspondence and government documents from Hillary Rodham Clinton’s tenure as
secretary of state.
The legal action comes after
repeated requests filed under the U.S. Freedom of Information Act have gone
unfulfilled. They include one request AP made five years ago and others pending
since the summer of 2013.
With its front page story
exposing the fact that Hillary Clinton used her personal, private email account
to conduct government business for the State Department, it was The New York
Times that struck the match that started the firestorm that threatens to engulf
Mrs. Clinton’s presidential aspirations.
Now, once again, it’s the Times
going after the former secretary of state and setting the pace for continuing
criticism in the left-leaning media, not to mention among Republicans
Following Hillary Clinton’s
highly orchestrated news conference on Tuesday in which she tried to tamp down
the flames from the hotly debated email scandal, The New York Times goes after
Mrs. Clinton’s claim that she never discussed or disclosed any classified
information in those many thousands of electronic communications managed on her
personal server.
The Times article quotes a
number of security experts and government insiders doubtful about Mrs.
Clinton’s vehement assertion that classified information was kept out of her
private email messages.
“A former senior State
Department official who served before the Obama administration said that while
it was hard to be certain, it seemed unlikely that classified information could
be kept out of the more than 30,000 emails that Mrs. Clinton’s staff identified
as involving government business.”
The Times notes that sending or
storing government secrets in a non-governmental email account on a private
server with questionable security would be a violation of secrecy laws.
Pants on
Fire: Lies Abound Around Hillary's Emails
There are so many pants on fire in Washington, D.C., this week,
it’s a wonder the place hasn’t just gone supernova and taken the Eastern
Seaboard with it.
That’s because of all the lying about Hillary Clinton’s private
email account.
First, to hear anyone in
Washington tell it, Clinton never once in her entire tenure as secretary of
state sent anybody an email.
That included her boss,
President Obama, and his boss, Morgan LeFay, er, Valerie Jarrett.
Asked if she had ever received
an email from Clinton, Jarrett replied, “I actually did not. No, I did not
receive an email from Hillary Clinton.” Jarrett, looking like she was enjoying
twisting the knife, then said she didn’t know of anyone at the White House
receiving an email from Clinton.
Obama, during a TV interview on
March 7, said he first heard about Clinton’s private email address from news
Two days later, after somebody
realized that a president not talking to his secretary of state sounded worse
than a president not noticing an email address, White House spokescreature Josh
Earnest reassured America that the president and Clinton did email each other,
but Obama just wasn’t cognizant of the details about Clinton’s private basement
On Tuesday, Clinton herself
weighed in, saying that she used the private server for convenience of being
able to check personal and business emails on one phone. She stressed that she
didn’t want to carry two devices.
However, it was at an event on
February 24 that Clinton said she carried two electronic mobile devices, an
iPhone and a Blackberry.
Then she said she deleted some
30,000 personal emails, including emails to and from her husband, President
Bill Clinton. In fact, she said, the server was originally set up for President
While that press conference was
going on, the Wall Street Journal was reporting that President Clinton does not
use email. According to the WSJ: “The former president, who does regularly use
Twitter, has sent a grand total of two emails during his entire life, both as
president, says Matt McKenna, his spokesman. After leaving office, Mr. Clinton
established his own domain that staff use — But Mr.
Clinton still doesn’t use email himself, Mr. McKenna said.”
Apparently, rumors of President
Clinton and Hillary aide Huma Abedin’s husband, Anthony Weiner, trading selfies
and photos of interns via email, while not entirely improbable, are not true.
In the past few days, it’s been
reported that Hillary isn’t the only Obama Administration Cabinet member with a
private email fetish. Outgoing Attorney General Eric Holder apparently had
three separate IDs, although his were on a government server. “Henry Yearwood”
was one of the IDs, the Huffington Post reported. It was unclear if
“IBurnedFerguson” was one of his.
Members of Congress who had
investigated Holder for assorted, ahem, “misunderstandings” said that his email
address was always blacked out on DOJ documents, so they dunno nuthin’.
However, DOJ officials swore up and down on a stack of Korans that the sundry
email identities had never ever prevented Congress from receiving subpoenaed
documents, including those subpoenaed Fast and Furious documents that never
showed up until after the presidential re-election, and then only in redacted
A little lower on the totem
pole, former EPA chief Lisa Jackson got in hot water for using an email alias
to keep documents from being found in Freedom of Information Act requests.
Private emails and email
aliases appear to be all the rage.
Thankfully, congressional
officials have reassured America that there is no truth to the rumor that Nancy
Pelosi has been using the ID
emerge in Clinton email claims
Check it out:
Check it out:
Holes and potential contradictions were
emerging Wednesday in Hillary Clinton’s public claims about her personal email
and server use — including over her motivations for using the
“” account in the first place, and for refusing to allow access
to her server now.
key question is why she declared Tuesday that “the server will remain private.”
her press conference in New York, the former secretary of state said the server
“contains personal communications from my husband and me.”
a Wall Street Journal report, quoting former President Bill Clinton’s office,
said the former president doesn’t use email himself — other than having sent a
total of two emails during his time in the White House.
Neither of those emails was to his wife.
A Maine Republican state
senator is apologizing to his colleagues for a Facebook post suggesting
President Obama’s family members are part of Islamic State, but he’s resisting
Democrat calls for him to resign.
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