Saturday, January 17, 2015

No 851 "En mi opinion" Enero 17, 2015

No 851 “En mi opinión”  Enero 17, 2015

“IN GOD WE TRUST” Lázaro R González Miño   EDITOR

Muslim Sign in Dearborn Michigan
Advancement Of Islamic
Agenda for America

Dearborn Michigan is the first city to become completely muslim because of politics. Yours may be next because they are here and more come every day.
Amazing that any city would allow something like this to be displayed.
“EMO”  Sigan durmiendo el sueño eterno que en cualquier momento en Hialeah o en Coral Gables quitan las iglesias católicas, protestantes  y les ponen una mezquita Musulmana en la Hermita de la Caridad y quitan al Cristo y ponen a Alah.

Amenper:  No pretendas apagar un fuego con un incendio. Ni remediar con agua una inundación… Confusio
La Mejor Manea de Combatir el terrorismo es soltando a los prisioneros Terroristas
Barack Hussein Obama
Los que nos acusan a los conservadores de tener ideas anticuadas y de que vamos en contra del progreso, no se ponen a pensar en la realidad que nos enseña la historia del mundo.
Lo que hicieron los padres del conservadurismo como Adam Smith y Friedrich Hayek, fue simplemente explicar el por qué el dejar que la vida siga su curso natural, es mejor a que un gobierno o un dictador sea el que maneje la economía y la vida del individuo.
Aristóteles, Platón eran conservadores, eran proponentes de la individualidad y el derecho a la libertad y pensamiento del individuo y al respeto a los principios tradicionales.
Si vamos mas allá, hasta Confucio en China era conservador.  Durante la segunda mitad de la época en que China estuvo regida por la dinastía Zhou, antes de Confucio, el gobierno central sufrió un proceso de degeneración y decadencia, y las intrigas y la relajación de costumbres se generalizaron. Confucio lamentaba el desorden característico de aquellos tiempos, así como la ausencia de modelos morales que revirtieran tal situación. Por ello, llegó a la conclusión de que el único remedio era recuperar y difundir entre la población los principios y preceptos de los sabios de la antigüedad.
Cuando un dictador o una doctrina totalitaria como el comunismo, toma el poder, la centralización de los medios de producción y el comercio, la nación y la ciudadanía sufre la ineptitud de la falta de interés del burócrata, expuesto a su total presencia en todos los aspectos de la economía y la vida.
La solución al problema que es evitar el exceso de poder en el gobierno central, la democracia representativa. Por alguna razón para mí desconocida, las virtudes de la democracia representativa escapa al mundo, a pesar de que la evidencia de los resultados en los países donde se implanta, reflejada en la historia del mundo.
Vemos como en el país que la historia presenta como el modelo de democracia representativa, que por la aplicación de esta filosofía se ha convertido en la primera potencia mundial, se encuentra hoy en manos de una administración de tipo socialista. Donde el gobierno central se considera omnipotente, y sus agencias se presentan omnipresentes en la vida del individuo, apartada de los principios de la democracia representativa que la hizo grande.
Por eso vemos una agencia como el IRS y otras agencias regulatorias actuando políticamente, de una manera omnipotente, e incursionando de una manera omnipresente en la vida del individuo.
Vemos hoy al presidente liberar a cinco nuestros enemigos detenidos en la prisión de Guantánamo de una forma unilateral e omnipotente.
No importa que las encuestas digan que la opinión pública no lo quiera, no importa que las cámaras legislativas se opongan.
La cabeza del gobierno central, el omnipotente Barack Hussein Obama, ha hablado y dispuesto, esto es suficiente, porque Obama es omnisapiente y él sabe lo que nos conviene mejor que nosotros.
Así que el omnisapiente Obama nos dice que el cerrar la base de Guantánamo y liberar a los terroristas, porque esta es la mejor manera de combatir el terrorismo. 
Volviendo a Confucio, el filósofo chino tiene un pensamiento que viene bien a esta acción de Obama, y que dice:
 "No pretendas apagar con fuego un incendio, ni remediar con agua una inundación"
Soltando a los terroristas, Obama está tratando de apagar el fuego del terrorismo echándole más fuego con más terroristas, y acabar con la inundación del Islam, echándole más agua, aumentando la inundación con más radicales islámicos.
Lucha Mundial contra el Terrorismo
Por fin vemos una respuesta mundial al terrorismo islámico.
Más de dos docenas de personas fueron detenidas en Bélgica, Francia, Inglaterra y Alemania mientras continúa la búsqueda de supuestos terroristas, indicaron las autoridades el viernes.
Trece personas fueron arrestadas en Bélgica, y otras dos personas en Francia dentro de una operación antiterrorista tras un tiroteo el jueves en el que murieron dos supuestos terroristas, según las autoridades belgas, que buscaban a más sospechosos.
En los Estados Unidos, también el presidente Obama hizo enérgicas declaraciones contra el terrorismo.
“La campaña en contra de la amenaza del Estado Islámico (EI) está mostrando al mundo lo mejor del liderazgo estadunidense”
Para demostrar su resolución en la lucha contra el terrorismo, el presidente de Estados Unidos ordenó hoy la liberación de cinco terroristas de la prisión de Guantánamo.
La decisión de Obama también tiene implicaciones emocionales, si Obama hubiera tenido un hijo,  hubiera podido ser como algunos de los liberados.

Obama Blames America for Muslim Terrorism

Obama has made sure terrorists are stronger than ever.
Check it out:
You want to hear even more absurdity? What is the focus of militant Islamism today? It’s Yemeni Al-Qaeda, is it not, Mr. Snerdley? Al-Qaeda in Yemen is the new focus. They’re the guys that supposedly blew up Charlie Hebdo and all that. So what’s Obama doing? He’s releasing Al-Qaeda from Yemen prisoners at Club Gitmo in the middle of all this.
I’m watching Fox News today and of course they’re trying to understand it because nobody can come to grips — I’m listening to them ask questions of each other. “You know, is it possible that maybe, uh, you know, Obama’s so far off the beaten path of where most Americans are. Is it possible that maybe — oh, it couldn’t be, but I know a lot of people are — is it possible that he’s, like, really doing this on purpose?” We’re into our seventh year and there are still people that can’t get their arms around all this. “Is it possible that Obama might be, oh, no –” Let me ask you a question.
Why, when the focus of the most recent terror attacks happens to be Al-Qaeda in Yemen, why the hell is Obama releasing Al-Qaeda from Yemen from Club Gitmo? Why is he doing it? Two reasons. Yeah, in your face is part of it. But I’m gonna give you the charitable reason, and it’s gonna be pretty close to right. Obama really believes that the prison at Guantanamo is responsible for all this. I think Obama and a number of leftists actually believe that when a terrorist says, “Yeah, I saw those pictures at Abu Ghraib, yeah, that’s what made me a terrorist.” I think he believes it.
They’re so invested in Bush being the devil. They’re so invested in Bush being to blame for all this. They’re so invested in having the convenience of being able to blame George W. Bush and Gitmo’s Bush. I think Obama can tell the world, “I’m just trying to stop this stuff. I’m just trying to stop these attacks.” He doesn’t realize that by releasing Al-Qaeda in Yemen prisoners they’re free to go perform jihad. He thinks releasing them is akin to appeasing them. That’s the charitable view, Snerdley, that’s the charitable view. That’s being as charitable as I can… (interruption) I’m just telling you I’m being as charitable as I can be. I’m not telling you I believe this. I’m just telling you that’s the most charitable I can be to explain it.
He really, really believes that our prison at Guantanamo Bay is the reason these Islamists hate us and the reason they keep attacking people. He promised he’s gonna close it and he hasn’t done it and he’s gonna keep trying to get prisoners out of there as a means of stopping terror. (interruption) You don’t think he’s that stupid? Then why else would he be doing this? Unless he wants these people to act the reason they got imprisoned in the first place, is he releasing them so they’ll go continue to perform militant acts of terror?
You really want to say that? Is that what you want to level as an accusation? Of course you don’t want to say it. Well, we do know there’s a recidivism rate. We do know that many released terrorists go back and join their buddies on the battlefield. He knows it, too. Exactly right.

PUSSIFICATION: Dem Rep, ‘Obama Right Not to Call Terrorists Islamic Extremists Because It Would Anger Them’

You gotta be kidding me. How are you supposed to fight an enemy you can’t even properly address?
When asked if the Obama Administration was right to refuse to use the phrase “radical Islamic terrorism,” Representative Barbara Lee (D-CA) backed the White House because saying “Islamic Extremists” would anger the terrorists.
Lee said, “They’re responsible for ensuring our national security. We have to be careful in our language and how we — I don’t want to see any more anger and hostility or violence in the world. Our response to terrorism is a response that makes us safer that begins to dismantle and degrade terrorist organizations, not create more havoc, anger, and hostility in the world.”
The White House and Lee’s acquiescence to how they label America’s enemy has been the subject of much scrutiny and debate this week. The catered response signals a fear of ISIS, Al Qaeda, and their extremist allies.
Read more: Fox Nation

Amenper: Flagelación por Insultar al Islam en el Internet

"Raif Badawi es un preso cuyo único 'delito' fue ejercer su derecho a la libertad de expresión al configurar un sitio web para la discusión pública. Esto sucedió en nuestro amigo país islámico de Arabia Saudita.
Raif Badawi ha sido azotado públicamente y encarcelado por insultar el Islam a pesar de protestas internacionales sobre la sentencia dictada por un tribunal en nuestro aliado Reino islámico de Arabia Saudita.
La flagelación que fue efectiva el pasado viernes en Jeddah fue impuesta por un tribunal Saudíta.
Badawi fue arrestado después de crear un foro en línea que su esposa dice que estaba destinado a fomentar la discusión sobre la fe.
"Durante la flagelación, Raif levantó la cabeza hacia el cielo, cerrando los ojos y arqueando la espalda," Un testigo de la flagelación dijo, y añadió:
"Él se mantuvo silencioso, pero se notaba en su rostro y su cuerpo que estaba sufriendo. Los azotes fueron en su espalda, cabeza y piernas, contando los latigazos hasta que llegaron a 50".
"Azotar públicamente un activista Pacífico simplemente por expresar sus ideas envía un mensaje horrible de intolerancia", señaló Human Rights Watch  el fin de semana.
El Ministerio Saudí de relaciones exteriores se negó a comentar el caso, a la CNN diciendo que era un asunto judicial, no una política.
Bueno esto es un alivio para Raif.
Los azotes se produjeron días después de que funcionarios de Arabia Saudí. al igual que el presidente Obama, condenaron el atentado terrorista contra la revista de sátira francesa Charlie Hebdo, que a menudo ha satirizado el Islam.
Si los que cometen estas atrocidades son un pequeño grupo de radicales musulmanes, como nos dicen los cómplices medios de comunicación, entonces tenemos que reconocer que el gobierno de Arabia Saudita es un gobierno radical musulmán. 
O podemos simplemente llegar a la conclusión que el salvajismo no está limitado a ciertos grupos radicales pero a la llamada religión del Islam.
Pero nuestro presidente no sólo defiende el islam, pero ni siquiera menciona que los actos de terrorismo son causados por radicales islámicos.
El Islam es una filosofía grotesca y violenta, es nuestro peor enemigo que cada vez gana más fuerza y que tiene como objetivo final la destrucción del mundo occidental y la implantación de un califato mundial.
¿Cómo podemos defendernos contra un enemigo al cual no reconocemos?
¿50 latigazos por hablar mal del Islam en el internet?
No sé si voy a presionar la tecla de “send” en este E mail, los latigazos duelen mucho.
Ah, se me olvidaba decirles que los que leyeron el sitio Web también van a ser flagelados.

Turkish PM Says Israeli 'Provocations' Radicalizing Muslim World

Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu accused his Israeli counterpart Benjamin Netanyahu on Friday of terrorism and said Israeli "provocations" such as the bombardment of Gaza were contributing to radicalization in the Muslim world.
In a Reuters interview, Davutoglu said peace in the Middle East and the eradication of extremist groups would be virtually impossible without the establishment of a Palestinian state.
He also warned the international community against focusing solely on fighting Islamic State militants in its efforts to end the conflict in Syria, saying the "brutality" of President Bashar al-Assad was the root cause of the problem.
Turkey, an EU candidate nation and member of the NATO military alliance, is a key Western ally in the fight against Islamic jihadists. But its leaders have become increasingly concerned about what they see as rising Islamophobia in Europe and increasingly outspoken in their criticism of Israel.
"(Netanyahu) himself killed, his army killed children in the playground. They killed our citizens and an American citizen in international waters. This is terrorism," Davutoglu said, referring to a 2010 Israeli assault on a Turkish boat attempting to break Israel's blockade of the Palestinian Gaza Strip.
"Nobody can argue about Israeli aggression in Jerusalem in the al-Aqsa mosque," he added. "These provocations create frustration in the Muslim world and are becoming one of the reasons why these radical trends are emerging," he said.
"If we want to establish peace and order in the Middle East, eliminating all the extremist forces, we have to solve the Palestinian question."
Davutoglu on Thursday compared Netanyahu to the Islamist militants who killed 17 people in Paris last week, saying both had committed crimes against humanity.
Netanyahu has called for an international condemnation of Davutoglu's remarks and those of President Tayyip Erdogan, after he criticized the Israeli prime minister's attendance with other world leaders at a solidarity march in Paris.
Once-good relations between Israel and Turkey have declined markedly over the past five years, with U.S. efforts to revive the soured ties failing to make headway. There was no immediate reaction in Israel to Davutoglu's latest comments.

Davutoglu said Turkey, which has faced criticism for failing to stop thousands of foreign fighters crossing into Syria, would do everything it could to stem the flow, describing the conflict in its southern neighbor as a major national security threat.
But he said a coherent strategy was needed for Syria before Turkey would consider a greater front-line role in the U.S.-led coalition against Islamic State, including an internationally policed no-fly zone to protect the northern city of Aleppo from Assad's forces.
"The source of the problem is the Assad regime's brutality. Without solving that source, that reason, dealing only with (Islamic State) or other bi-products of this crisis will not be solving the problem altogether," Davutoglu said.
"(We want a) no-fly zone ... so that Aleppo will be protected at least against the air bombardment and there will be no new refugees coming to Turkey," he said, warning of a potential new influx of millions if the city was not defended.
He said Turkey may extend a series of existing militarized zones along its border with Syria to try to stop the passage of foreign fighters without closing the frontier to refugees.
"On the border, up to now, there are refugee camps, there are certain places where there is much more strict control ... These military zones might be enlarged," he said, adding Turkey had so far been reluctant to do so, so as not to deter refugees.
The Turkish authorities had banned some 8,000 foreigners from entering the country over the past year alone because of security concerns and had further improved coordination with European intelligence agencies, Davutoglu said.

On the domestic political front, Davutoglu said he expected a request to be made to the U.S. authorities for the extradition of Muslim cleric Fethullah Gulen, accused by Erdogan and the government of leading a plot to seize power.
A Turkish court issued an arrest warrant in December for Gulen, who has lived in self-imposed exile in Pennsylvania since 1999. Asked if an extradition request would now follow, Davutoglu said:
"Yes, of course, if needed yes. It is not our choice, it is the decision of the court, not the decision of the government. The government will do whatever is needed," he said.
Such a move would take Erdogan's campaign to root out Gulen supporters, including purges of the judiciary and police, to the international arena and potentially test strained relations with Washington.
Gulen was a close ally of Erdogan in the early years after his ruling AK Party took power in 2002 but has been in open conflict with him since a graft investigation emerged just over a year ago targeting the then-prime minister's inner circle.
Erdogan and Davutoglu portray the investigation as part of a coup attempt and have described Gulen's followers as traitors, charges that Gulen, who runs a vast network of schools and business enterprises in Turkey and abroad, denies. Read Latest Breaking News from 
Urgent: Should Obamacare Be Repealed? Vote Here Now!


VA Inspector General: We Do Lots Of Reports That We Don’t Publish Or Tell Congress About

The inspector general for the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) knew that a VA medical center was giving out disconcertingly high amounts of morphine to patients, but did not disclose that information to Congress.
VA’s inspector general’s office, which is supposed to serve as an independent oversight body within the VA, admitted in a contentious conversation with The Daily Caller that its internal report on the notorious “Candy Land” facility was not published. The office also admitted that it routinely produces reports that it does not publish or send to Congress.
The inspector general’s office compiled a report in March 2014 which showed that the VA medical center in Tomah, Wisconsin, doled out high amounts of morphine to patients, causing area veterans to refer to the center as “Candy Land.” The inspector general’s report was first noted in a Jan. 8 article by the Center for Investigative Reporting.
House Committee on Veterans Affairs chairman Rep. Jeff Miller never got a copy of the internal report and did not even know that it existed until the Center for Investigative Reporting article.
“At this time, the Committee is provided electronic copies of all published reports at the time of publication,” Acting VA Inspector General Richard J. Griffin told the committee in a December 30 letter. “These reports can also be found on the Office of Inspector General [OIG] public website. If a report contains information that is protected from disclosure, we provide an unredacted copy for Committee oversight purposes upon the written request of the Chairman.”
But as a VA spokeswoman explained to The Daily Caller, there is a difference between “published reports” and un-published reports.
“We did not hide any reports from Congress,” Catherine Gromek, a congressional relations officer at the inspector general’s office, told TheDC over the phone.
“The [Office of the Inspector General] does many types of reports. Some are administrative,” while “some are published reports.”
“We had some conversations up on the Hill with congressmen about why we did what we did.”
Gromek told this reporter that “it gets under my skin” when she sees a question in her inbox asking why her office concealed a report instead of simply asking for a statement.
“It’s too long,” Gromek said, explaining that her answer to my question was complicated and that she expected TheDC was “just going to take the blurb” that “we did not hide any reports from Congress.” Gromek said she could type out a statement that would “make it seem like I went to college.”
That collegiate statement eventually came in.
“We have 10 public reports on the underlying issue of the use of opioid including a national report that the House Committee on Veterans Affairs received copies of and in some cases briefings on,” Gromek wrote to TheDC.
But Gromek did not answer our question: why did the House committee not receive a copy of the non-public March 2014 report?

GEORGE SOROS: The Brains Behind the ‘Spontaneous’ Ferguson Protests

 “Mr. Soros spurred the Ferguson protest movement through years of funding and mobilizing groups across the U.S., according to interviews with key players and financial records reviewed by The Washington Times. In all, Mr. Soros gave at least $33 million in one year to support already-established groups that emboldened the grass-roots, on-the-ground activists in Ferguson, according to the most recent tax filings of his nonprofit Open Society Foundations.”
“The financial tether from Mr. Soros to the activist groups gave rise to a combustible protest movement that transformed a one-day criminal event in Missouri into a 24-hour-a-day national cause celebre.”
So of course this is a story you won’t hear on mainstream media. And imagine what would be said if an individual were funding millions to the Constitutional Conservative grassroots movement to riot and protest (not that those folks ever do of course). Who exactly are the radicals and extremists?
Where is the outcry from Reid and the leftist progressives about this perversion of political money?

JESSICA CHAMBERS UPDATE: Told Mother Before Murder, “The Bitches Think I’m Snitching”

Written by Donald Joy .                                                                                                               It’s been five weeks since 19-year-old blonde former cheerleader Jessica Chambers was horrifyingly burned over 98% of her body in her hometown of rural Courtland, Mississippi, on the side of a country back road on a Saturday night.  She died several hours later, at a Memphis hospital, after being flown by medevac helicopter from near the scene of the apparent homicide.
Just before her death, Jessica had appeared to be working toward ending abusive relationships and turning her troubled young life around, partly through a 6-8 week stay at an intensive Christian women’s discipleship program at a place called Leah’s House.  While there, she hand-wrote an ebullient letter full of cheerful flourishes to her niece, expressing love, optimism, and excitement about the future, writing “I know I messed up in the past but it’s going to be so much better!”  After leaving Leah’s House, she started working a part-time job at Goody’s, a local chain retail store.
Still, some ominous darkness followed her.  Recently Pastor Michael Green spoke directly with certain people who had been close to Jessica before her death, including her mother, Lisa Daugherty.  Green obtained express permission from Daugherty to share with me, for this article, that Jessica had been worried, very worried, that local female gang members suspected her of betrayal.  In the week before her death, terrified of being harmed by them, Jessica twice told her mother, “the bitches think I’m snitching.”
Pastor Green says another person whom Jessica trusted (and with whom Jessica discussed having been gang-raped) also told him that about three months ago, Jessica was showing severe emotional distress, and expressed fear that certain people might be planning to kill her.  A week before she died, in a maudlin and fearful moment, she made a point of telling/playing for her mother the song she wanted to be played at her funeral.
Those following the case over these weeks, with interest in seeing justice done, have been frustrated by the appalling bungling(or deliberate abandonment) of the most basic police procedures in failing to secure crucial, initial crime scene evidence in the aftermath of the event, by indications of gang-land corruption permeating the area of jurisdiction, and by lack of any arrests nor appearance of any real urgency on the part of the authorities in Panola County.  There is a near-total dearth of information released to the public by Sheriff Dennis Darby and District Attorney John Champion(partly due to relevant Mississippi state law), along with some troubling official conduct about which I’ve previously written.
Adding to the frustration is the relative lack of attention by the mainstream media, when compared to the nationwide hysteria and outrage generated by the frenzied reporting on certain other cases — such as when criminal black teenagers justifiably meet with deadly results for themselves when they attempt to murder or threaten to murder non-black men who dare watch or confront them.
Despite a recent public pledge by the governor of Mississippi to use all available resources to help solve the Jessica Chambers mystery and bring justice to the guilty party, and despite the FBI newly announcing a reward of $43,000 for information which will help crack the case, some observers insist that a deliberate, politically-motivated cover-up is afoot, given the usual known priorities of the media and associated powers at various levels to push only a particular racial narrative and agenda.
Things may change in due order, however.  Earlier this month, I received confidential messages from a trusted, leading source in the alternative media about an alleged eyewitness who, despite being “beyond petrified,” had contacted him with extremely compelling revelations.  I now have received permission from that source to include the information here.
According to the witness, about four days before her death Jessica had received some sort of relationship proposal from a black male, and she had rebuked and rejected him.  The witness said that on the night of December 6th, in the hour or so just before her death, the male in question and three other black males grabbed Jessica, took her to a motel in nearby Batesville, and sexually assaulted her there, followed by two of them taking Jessica away to some unknown location.  This person said they observed the event from across the street from the motel, being employed near there and having witnessed some “similar sordid activity” there before, but “never seen it result in murder.”  Jessica was found shortly after that, about 6 miles South, burned and barely alive near her completely torched 2005 Kia Rio alongside Herron Road.
The witness, as reported by my source, knew two of the perpetrators’ identities for sure, but had only a 50% idea of the identities of the other two.
The alleged eyewitness said they had at first been silent, dreading deadly consequences for their children and themselves if they came forward in a way that would expose them to being identified.  They later decided to contact my source, partly because his diligent and thoughtful online postings about the case had won enough of their confidence to encourage them to do so, and partly out of anger at what they saw as damaging theories and disinformation being spun on social media and by writers at attempting to implicate white supremacist gangs, along with suspicions cast on Jessica’s own family members, particularly her ex-convict father.  That anger compelled them to overcome being terrified of the culprits enough to reach out to my source, seeking to set the story straight.
My source said that this alleged witness came across as rock-solid.  However, conscientious concern on my source’s part caused him to immediately instruct the witness to just hold on to whatever further details they had, pending his helping them find strong, prudent legal counsel for immediate referral to law enforcement.  At the time of this being written, the witness had been turned over to a good attorney, in order to work out the arrangements for their protection while getting information to the investigators.  Presumably, since then, he or she has either been assisting with the investigation, or has been for some reason deemed unreliable and dismissed.
There has of course been endless speculation, theorizing, and hearsay about the case bandied about for week after week, primarily at the #JusticeforJessica hashtag on Twitter and at’s daily(until yesterday) case research and analysis threads.  Much of it has been productive of worthy insights and exposure of relevant social media clues, however much has also just, at this point, amounted to exhaustion and frustration as to anticipated closure.
Admittedly, what I have included here is, mainly, merely more hearsay.  It’s understood that journalism, even at its most compelling, is not the same as a court of law.  The point is that justice for Jessica may only come if and only if we of the world-wide fever swamps keep the story alive; not let the case go completely cold by just throwing up our hands and walking away from it.  We must crank up the controversy, crank up the coverage, and crank up the ruckus over the horrible crime that took place, and of the failure of the powers that be, until the bright sunlight of Truth blasts away the shadows.
Even if it’s far too late to get those in charge down there in Northwest Mississippi to properly secure the crime scene and critical evidence, and if they for whatever reason can’t, or won’t, put together a solid enough case against whoever to make any arrests to date, the least we can do in the meantime is to throw everything we have at the media blockage until something big breaks loose.  I don’t care one whit if the locals are upset with us for intruding on their provincial problems.  In the internet age, and in the absence of justice as of yet, that’s our job — to get them to bring the big lights, the satellite trucks, and the crowds to Courtland.

Lawless Sheriffs Demand Obama’s Lynching At DC Protest While Leader Meets With GOP Senators (VIDEO)

Author: Elisabeth Parker January 14, 2015 11:32 am

While lawless sheriffs gathered on the White House lawn to protest US immigration policy and called for “hanging” of that “traitor” President Barack Obama, their leader Richard Mack was getting cozy with two Tea Party senators and a House representative.
Crooks and Liars reports that while we consumers were busily doing our holiday shopping to keep our economy going, Mack had a nice meeting with Senators Jeff Sessions (R-AL) and David Vitter (R-LA), and Rep. Martha Blackburn (R-TN) in the Senate building on Dec. 10. In case you haven’t ever heard of Sheriff Richard Mack, he’s head of the ultra-right-wing Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association.
This motley crew of the rooting-est, tooting-est, bad-@ss “constitutional experts” of the US Southwestern border states claim US sheriffs are above the laws of our tyrannical US government and the “last line of defense” against those scary brown invaders from Central America. So, the next time some undocumented immigrant knocks on your door and threatens to mow-blow-and-go your front lawn for a very reasonable fee, fear not: Your friendly, gun-toting “constitutional sheriffs” are a short phone call away, if you happen to live in the White House.
Sheriff Richard Mack met with two GOP Senators and one House Rep. while his merry band of CSPOA protesters hung out in front of the White House and called for Obama’s lynching. Photo: SPLCHatewatch.
A CSPOA-led anti-immigration protest outside of the White House took place on the same day. Luckily, the gathering proved pitifully small, according to Crooks and Liars.
Originally billed in the National Review as a “massive gathering” of sheriffs from around the nation to protest immigration, the event was organized by two sheriffs who are active leaders in Mack’s CSPOA and drew a much smaller crowd.
Monitors from the Southern Poverty Law Center’s Hate Watch looked in on this little gathering of sheriffs who should have their stars revoked and described what they found:
A small group of protesters supporting the sheriffs gathered at the White House and began shouting slogans and demanding the removal of President Obama. Some in the crowd demanded the president be lynched–”Hang the lying Muslim traitor!” one of them shouted.
When the folks from Hate Watch asked Sheriff Mack about his merry band of CSPOA sheriffs’ treasonous threats against the President of the United States, he denied direct involvement.
“I was invited to attend and we provided a little hors-d’oevres.”
We’re sure Sheriff Mack’s cocktail weenies and mini-quichelets were scrumptious. This writer also suspecct his eyes twinkled benevolently as the psycho sheriff declared:
“I was really proud of these sheriffs for trying to take care of something on their own.”
Despite Sheriff Mack’s lame attempts to distance himself from his CSPOA followers’ traitorous clamoring, they seemed awfully familiar with him:
The same group of protesters then proceeded to the Senate building where the sheriffs were meeting, but were not permitted inside and instead lingered in the foyer. When the meeting ended, the demonstrators lustily greeted the emerging law enforcement officers and Congress members, some of them shaking hands and hugging the participants.
“Lustily” seems like a rather interesting choice of words for earnest civil rights lawyer-types like our friends at the SPLC, but… maybe you had to be there to get the full experience. One has to wonder, considering that Sheriff Mack is also the genius who proposed using women as human shields while defending Cliven Bundy’s non-existent sovereign citizen rights back at the ranch.

Watch these lawless sheriffs protesting while their leader schmoozed with GOP senators.

Here’s Hatewatch’s video with this mercifully small gathering of lawless sheriffs calling for Obama’s lynching. Secret Service, where ARE you? #ThanksObama.

Featured image: Composite with photo and video screen grab from SPLC Hatewatch. 

View From Paris Not Yet Shown On News Here

Elena. From: antonio Rabassa
Subject: Fw: View From Paris Not Yet Shown On News Here
Subject: View From Paris Not Yet Shown On News Here
 Everyone should watch this, absorb it and pass it on to as many people as you can... as you will probably never see this on our TV News Channels at home ...
 “En mi opinión
No 851  Enero 17, 2015
“IN GOD WE TRUST” Lázaro R González Miño   EDITOR


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