Friday, January 16, 2015

No 850 "En mi opinion" Enero 16, 2015

No 850 “En mi opinión”  Enero 16, 2015

“IN GOD WE TRUST” Lázaro R González Miño   EDITOR

The Honorable Trey Gowdy
Chairman of the Select Committee on Benghazi

The terrorist attack that took the lives of 4 Americans in Benghazi, Libya on September 11, 2012 was a terrible tragedy for our country. I commend you for accepting the nomination as Chairman of the Select Committee on Benghazi. I have Digital News paper "En mo opinion" - "In my opinion" in the South Florida. Coral Gables. In English and Spanish, any information you want to publice please send it to me. 

The mainstream media has created an illusion to disguise the truth behind what really happened at Benghazi. President Barack Obama and Fmr. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton would be relieved if you gave up on uncovering the truth. 

You have repeatedly expressed your desire for this investigation not to be a media circus, but rather with the intention of bringing the truth out into the open for Americans to witness. 

I trust you will do everything in the power to bring the truth to light. America needs a strong leader like you to expose the lies of the Obama Administration and the State Department. 

We simply want to encourage you to do everything you can to lay the facts on the table and let the American people judge for themselves who is at fault. 

Thank you for pledging your loyalty to our country, our flag, and our freedom. 

May God bless you during this investigation.


Lazaro R Gonzalez Mino
Editor, “En mi opinion”


This petition was sent by a citizen powered petition tool at Western Center For Journalism:

Trey Gowdy Votes To Stop Executive Overreach And Hits Out At Obama In The Process

Will the House ever find the courage to stand up for itself?


Do you support Trey Gowdy and his Benghazi investigation? Use this tool to email him and tell him what you think. SEND EMAIL TO TREY GOWDY

Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) took to the floor of the House of Representatives Wednesday morning to block President Obama’s executive action overreach on immigration. Gowdy voted for H.R. 240 to fund the Department of Homeland Security through September 2015. Gowdy said that millions of immigrants will receive benefits under the president’s plan.
“President Obama announced one of the largest extra-constitutional power-grabs ever by a chief executive. He declared unilaterally that almost five million undocumented aliens will receive deferred action under some new-fangled definition of prosecutorial discretion, Madam Speaker. Not only that, not only escaping consequences, he has decided to bestow benefits such as work authorization and immigration benefits.”
Gowdy reminded the House of Representatives that President Obama’s position may have changed since he was a Senator, but the text of the constitution has not.
“This, Madam Speaker, despite the fact that the very same president, over twenty different times, said he lacked the power to do what he just did. And he repeatedly said he is not a king. Now, Madam Speaker, his position may have changed, after the election I hasten to add, but the Constitution has not. That document is clear, time-tested, and true. And it says that this body passes laws and it is the responsibility of the chief executive, Madam Speaker, to make sure that those laws are faithfully enforced.”
Gowdy said that Obama’s executive action will set a precedent for future presidents, and the House must exert its power to stop him.
“If this president’s unilateral extra-constitutional acts are not stopped, Madam Speaker, future presidents will no doubt expand that power of the executive branch and threaten the constitutional equilibrium. But Madam Speaker, this is not a fight between Republicans and Democrats. It’s not even a fight over immigration reform. This is a fight over whether this branch of government will ever find the courage to stand up for itself. The same document that this and all presidents swears to defend gives this body certain tools, tools like the power of the purse. And it’s about d–n time we used that tool. So I would ask you to oppose this motion to recommit, support the underlying bill and I will yield back my time.”

Better Than Impeaching Obama
Posted on January 15, 2015
By Jay Taylor, Senior Vice President – Liberty Alliance, LLC
With the weekly scandals and daily lies, nothing seems more appropriate than impeaching Obama. But to be really honest, he is just the typical political monster we the people have allowed to be created in our current system. The power belongs to the people and elected officials can only do what we allow them to do. The growth of our large federal government didn’t happen overnight, but Obama has certainly taken it to the next level. The time is NOW to stop Obama and all future Obamas.
Our only choice is to take the power away from the federal government once and for all. All impeaching Obama would do is give us another power hungry tyrant looking for the next conquest. We need to fix the federal government for all time and make sure that this out of control government will never happen again.
With state legislatures beginning their sessions across the nation this month, now is our chance to put our own local elected officials on notice. They have the power to rein in the federal government and they must use this power. Through the Convention of States and their efforts to call an Article 5 Convention to propose amendments to limit the power of the federal government we can restore America to what it was meant to be. They have made the process extremely easy with the ability for you to write your legislature here: YOUR State Legislator
They must hear from you or nothing will happen. Government only acts to restrain itself when people demand it. After you do your part in contacting your legislators, continue the support by getting your friends and family to do likewise. The elections this past year have put government on notice, but until we make them act nothing will change. A balanced budget, term limits, and tax limits could become a reality with your help. Do you think government would restrain itself unless we force it?
More information and lots of endorsements can be found at Convention of States. This won’t happen without grassroots efforts. We have a great opportunity to save our county and hope you will be part of it. Let’s send a shockwave of freedom across the bow of big government. History is depending on you.

Amenper: Igualdad? No lo creo
En una nueva iniciativa para promover el pluralismo religioso y la igualdad, la Universidad de Duke planea emitir el llamado musulmán a la oración todos los viernes en el campus. La llamada a la oración, también conocido como "adhan" -se iba a ser cantado por la Asociación de Estudiantes Musulmanes de Duke.
La oración misma se fijó para comenzar este viernes a las 1:00 pm y que iba a ser transmitido y amplificado desde la torre campanario de la capilla en el campus.
Cuando mi nieto Marc se graduó de la Universidad de Duke, el inicio tuvo lugar en la Capilla de la Torre.
Tuve la oportunidad de ver los folletos que anuncian los diferentes servicios para todo tipo de religiones en nombre de la diversidad. Me pareció razonable, si era a diferentes horas y la asistencia fue por los alumnos de cada credo.
Pero mi nieto me explicó que la mayoría de los estudiantes prefieren asistir a las iglesias de su elección fuera de la escuela, para evitar los sermones políticos de la diversidad y los derechos humanos predicados por el pastor durante el servicio.
El cristianismo tradicional fue pasado por alto por los derechos humanos, la igualdad y la diversidad de los sermones religiosos. Pero querían que vaya más allá; querían que sus cantos a ser por todo el campus.
Y la Universidad aceptó en nombre de los derechos humanos de los estudiantes musulmanes.
Pero cuando hablamos de derechos humanos, vemos que el Islam y Mahoma no tienen ni siquiera una gota de respeto hacia los demás. Cualquiera que niegue su fe, si él es un anciano o una mujer débil, está sujeto a la muerte. Si una persona es un Judio o un cristiano, se le ofrecerán estas tres opciones-Islam, la muerte, o pagar el impuesto de la cabeza y la humillación. Vemos cómo se persigue a las mujeres, humillados y tratados de manera inhumana. Francamente, el Islam está desprovisto de la faceta más simple de amor o respeto.
Y estamos hablando de un país como Irán que se considera la teocracia de pura fe del Islam, no un estado musulmán radical como ISIS.
Propagandistas musulmanes usan un lema atractivo que dice que el Islam es la religión de la justicia y la igualdad.
Dinos dónde la justicia y la igualdad es en el Islam cuando la vida de un musulmán está a salvo incluso si mata a un cristiano intencionalmente mientras que un musulmán sólo puede ser obligado a morir si asesina a otro musulmán.
La razón, como dijo Muhammad es que "la sangre de los musulmanes sólo se considera igual." Por lo tanto, ningún musulmán debería ser asesinado por asesinar a un no musulmán.
Si Muhammad dice-de acuerdo con todos los eruditos que "la sangre sólo de los musulmanes son iguales" (tienen el mismo valor), tenemos el derecho a preguntar: "¿Dónde, pues, está la igualdad?" Muhammad nos dice, "me refería a la igualdad entre un musulmán y otro musulmán y no entre un musulmán y un no musulmán."
Por otra parte, vamos a ver que si un no musulmán sólo maldice a un musulmán, debe o bien ser condenado a muerte o convertirse al Islam! Sin embargo, si un asesinato musulmanes un no musulmán, él sólo pagar una multa.
En su libro, "derechos de los no musulmanes en los Estados islámicos", que ha sido traducido a muchos idiomas, este gran erudito afirma que hay que distinguir entre los derechos de los no musulmanes y los derechos de los musulmanes. . En las páginas 2-3, Abu Ala al-Mawdudi dice:
"Un estado islámico ... es por su propia naturaleza obligado a distinguir entre musulmanes y no musulmanes, y, de una manera honesta y recta, no sólo declara públicamente este estado de cosas, sino también establece precisamente lo que se conferirán los derechos sobre su ciudadanos no musulmanes y que de ellos no van a ser disfrutados por ellos ".
"Lugares de culto que no se permite que se construyan o ser renovado o que ser reconstruido si se destruyen"
¿Puedes creer que este veredicto injusto? Esto se practica en los países que eran originalmente cristiana como Siria y Egipto. Estos países habían invadido y ocupado por los musulmanes y tom por la guerra.
Debido a la actitud del Islam contra los lugares de culto cristianos, descubrimos persecución evidente y la desigualdad.
  Ahora analicemos los derechos que no se supone que se otorgan a los no musulmanes vamos a presenciar las peores prácticas de discriminación racial y de segregación religiosa.
Así que les pido la Universidad de Duke, donde es la diversidad? ¿Dónde está la igualdad?
Mi nieto, su esposa, y otros ex alumnos, así como los estudiantes actuales, protestó.
Duke se va a ver como un país musulmán de los viernes.
Bajo presión, la Universidad de Duke ha revertido su plan para hacer sonar la llamada a la oración musulmana de la torre de Duke Chapel campana.
Michael Schoenfeld, vicepresidente de asuntos públicos y relaciones con el gobierno, dijo que "estaba claro que lo que fue concebido como un esfuerzo por unificar fue no tener el efecto deseado."
Por supuesto, como no podía tener ningún otro efecto? ¿Cómo es que un erudito como el señor Schoenfeld no se dio cuenta?
El efecto fue a presentar la mayoría de los estudiantes a escuchar el canto amplificado todo la universidad, mientras que los estudiantes cristianos NO HACEN incluso tener la oportunidad de orar en el campus.
Fue justo por el duque de revertirlo plan. Pero es una lástima que esta decisión se produjo después de las protestas, ya que la primera iniciativa que fue una imposición de una religión sobre las creencias del resto del alumnado.
Pero esto es lo que estamos viendo en las universidades y escuelas de todo el país, simplemente están ganando, están matando a los cristianos en sus países y solicitando la aceptación y sumisión a su fe en nuestro país.

English versión. Amenper: Equality? I don’t think so
In a new initiative to promote religious pluralism and equality, Duke University planned to broadcast the Muslim call to prayer every Friday on campus. The call to prayer—also known as “adhan”—it was going to be chanted by the Duke Muslim Student Association.
The prayer itself was set to start this Friday at 1:00 p.m. and was going to be broadcasted and amplified from the Chapel bell tower on campus.
When my grandson Marc graduated from Duke University, the commencement took place at the Tower Chapel.
I had the opportunity to see the pamphlets announcing the different services for all kind of religions in the name of diversity.  I found it reasonable, if it was at different hours and the attendance was by the students of each creed.
But my grandson explained me that most of the students preferred to attend to the churches of their choice off campus, to avoid the diversity and human rights political sermons preached by the pastor during the service.
Traditional Christianity was passed over by human rights, equality and diversity of faith sermons. But they wanted it to go further; they wanted their chants to be all over campus.
And the University accepted it in name of the Human rights of the Muslim students.
But when we discuss human rights, we see that Islam and Muhammad do not have even one drop of respect for others. Anyone who denies his faith, whether he is an old man or a weak woman, is subject to death. If a person is a Jew or a Christian, he will be presented with three options—Islam, death, or paying the head tax and humiliation. We see how women are persecuted, humiliated and inhumanely treated.  Frankly, Islam is devoid of the simplest facet of love or respect.
And we are talking of a country like Iran that is considered theocracy of pure Islam faith, not a radical Muslim state like ISIS.
Muslim propagandists use an attractive motto which says that Islam is the religion of justice and equality.
Tell us where the justice and equality is in Islam when a Muslim’s life is spared even if he kills a Christian intentionally while a Muslim may only be required to die if he assassinates another Muslim.
The reason, as Muhammad said is that "only Muslims’ blood is regarded equal." Thus, no Muslim should be killed for murdering a non-Muslim.
If Muhammad says–according to all scholars–that "only Muslims’ blood is equal" (have the same value), we have the right to ask, "Where, then, is equality?" Muhammad says to us, "I meant the equality between a Muslim and another Muslim and not between a Muslim and a non-Muslim."
On the other hand, we will see that if a non-Muslim merely curses a Muslim, he must either be sentenced to death or be converted to Islam! However, if a Muslim murders a non-Muslim, he will only pay a fine.
In his book, "Rights of Non-Muslims in Islamic States" which has been translated into many languages, this great scholar asserts that we should distinguish between the rights of non-Muslims and the rights of Muslims. On pp. 2-3, Abu Ala al-Mawdudi says:

"An Islamic state ... is by its very nature bound to distinguish between Muslims and non-Muslims, and, in an honest and upright manner, not only publicly declares this state of affairs but also precisely states what rights will be conferred upon its non-Muslim citizens and which of them will not be enjoyed by them."
“Places of Worship are Not Allowed to Be Built or to Be Renovated or to Be Rebuilt If They Are Destroyed”

Can you believe this unjust verdict? This is practiced in countries which were originally Christian such as Syria and Egypt. These countries had been invaded and occupied by Muslims and tom by war.
Because of the attitude of Islam against the Christian places of worship, we discover obvious persecution and inequality.
 Now let us analyze the rights which are not supposed to be conferred on non-Muslims we will witness the worst practices of racial discrimination and religious segregation.
So I ask Duke University, where is the diversity? Where is the equality?
My grandson, his wife, and others alumni, as well as current students, protested.
Duke was going to look like a Muslim country on Fridays.
Under pressure, Duke University has reversed its plan to sound the Muslim call-to-prayer from the Duke Chapel bell tower.
Michael Schoenfeld, vice president for public affairs and government relations, said "it was clear that what was conceived as an effort to unify was not having the intended effect."
Of course, how could it have any other effect? How come a scholar like Mr. Schoenfeld didn’t realize it?
The effect was to submit the majority of the students to listen to the amplified chanting all over the university, while the Christian students don´t even have the opportunity to pray in campus.
It was right by Duke to reverse it plan. But it is a shame that this decision came after the protests, because the first initiative that was an imposition of one religion over the beliefs of the rest of the student body.
But this is what we are watching at Universities and schools all over the country, simply they are winning, they are killing Christians in their countries and asking for acceptance and submission to their faith in our country.

What the Media Missed About Obama’s New Proposal: It’s a Wage Cut for Workers

As senior policy analyst in labor economics at The Heritage Foundation, James Sherk researches ways to promote competition and mobility in the workforce rather than erect barriers that prevent workers from getting ahead. Read his research.
Alex Belica is currently a member of the Young Leaders Program at The Heritage Foundation.
President Obama just urged Congress to cut workers’ wages. Of course, the news headlines did not report it as such. However, make no mistake: The president’s call for mandatory paid sick leave would simultaneously cut workers’ pay.
The president proposes requiring businesses to offer seven days paid sick leave to their workers. That sounds great. But the president never explained where businesses will get the money for it. In fact, the cost almost certainly will come out of workers’ paychecks.
Businesses care about the total compensation they pay workers. They care much less about how that compensation splits between wages and benefits.Economists have repeatedly found that when the government requires businesses to offer a benefit, they do so – and take the cost out of workers’ pay.
Ironically, some of the best research on this comes from Jonathan Gruber, the Obamacare architect who boasted that the healthcare law takes advantage of Americans’ “stupidity.” Gruber’s research finds that mandated increases in medical benefits and mandatory workers compensation insurance lead to offsetting reductions in cash wages.
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Currently 91 percent of businesses already provide some form of sick leave.
The popularity of Obama’s paid sick leave proposal depends on workers not realizing it ultimately comes out of their paychecks. If the president’s proposal becomes law, many workers will lose the equivalent of seven days of pay a year.
The government should let employees and businesses decide for themselves how to divide compensation between wages and paid leave. Of course, most workers do want paid sick leave. Currently 91 percent of businesses already provide some form of it.
Workers should be the ones who decide whether to work at a firm that offers lower wages and more fringe benefits, or vice versa. The government should not make that decision for them. Some workers value paid sick leave. Some have tight budgets and would prefer higher wages instead. Individuals understand their own needs much better than the government does.
Milton Friedman observed that there is no such thing as a free lunch. Someone pays for it. The president should remember that there is also no such thing as a free day off.

Bobby Jindal: Muslims Must Admit 'Islam Has a Problem'

By Cathy Burke
Muslim leaders must publicly condemn jihadist terror attacks like the deadly strikes in France and concede "Islam has a problem," Louisiana Republican Gov. Bobby Jindal says.
"If Islam does not support what is happening in the name of Islam, then they need to stand up and stop it," Jindal declares in a speech he'll give Monday in London, 
the Daily Caller reports. 
"Many Islamic leaders argue that these are the acts of a radical few."
But, Jindal's speech at the Henry Jackson Society will argue, "Let’s be honest here, Islam has a problem."
"I will warn you in advance that I’m going to say some things that are not politically correct, so brace yourselves," he will say, the Daily Caller reports. 
"To be clear, I have no interest in defaming any religion, nor do I have any interest in assigning the maniacal acts of radical Islamists to millions of Muslims worldwide. I’m interested only in dealing with reality and facts.
"And the fact is that radical Islamists do not believe in freedom or common decency, nor are they willing to accommodate them in any way and anywhere," Jindal says. "We need to stop pretending otherwise. … We are fools to pretend otherwise."
According to the Daily Caller, Jindal will insist that Muslim leaders emphasize anyone who commits "acts of terror in the name of Islam is in fact not practicing Islam at all."
"If they refuse to say this, then they are condoning these acts of barbarism," Jindal says. 
"There is no middle ground."
Jindal's remarks are in stark contrast to the Obama administration, which has carefully avoided using the term 
"radical Islam," insisting it doesn't want to legitimize terrorists' use of Islam for their attacks. 
In his speech, Jindal also will say America needs to get tough and stay that way, the Daily Caller reports.
"I want America’s allies to trust us and respect us, and I want our enemies to fear us," he says. "Every day our enemies spend their time trying to avoid our justice is a day they are not plotting against us. And I fear that in recent years this has not been the case."
He will also take on a leftist notion that it's bigoted to expect immigrants to assimilate when they come to the United States, the Daily Caller reports.
"There was once a time when it was taken for granted in America that people who came to our country were coming to America to be Americans," he says. "But over time, a different philosophy has crept in, and that philosophy now dominates the thinking of the American left, and perhaps even the mainstream of thinking in Europe.
"This philosophy holds the view that it is wrong to expect assimilation, that assimilation is colonialist, assimilation is backward, and assimilation is in fact evidence of cultural bigotry and insensitivity.
"They think it is wrong to expect that people who chose to immigrate to your country should be expected to endorse and abide by your laws.
"They think it is unenlightened, discriminatory, and even racist to expect immigrants to endorse and assimilate into the culture in their new country.
"This is complete rubbish," Jindal said.
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Amenper: La Sátira está protegida por la Libertad de Expresión
La religión de los mormones, fue fundada por un hombre común, con un nombre que no pudiera ser más común, Joseph Smith, con un nivel educativo que no pasó del tercer grado.
La teoría más aceptada por los adherentes es la promovida por Joseph Smith, que dice que él tradujo el libro desde un antiguo conjunto de planchas escritas por profetas, las cuales descubrió en un bosque, cerca de su casa en Palmyra, al oeste del estado de Nueva York en 1820 después de que el ángel Moroni le indicara ir allí.
También dijo que el ángel le había dado unos cristales a través de los cuales tradujo las planchas.
Los críticos afirman que Smith basó varios pasajes de El Libro de Mormón en el material que se encuentra en el libro Vista de los Hebreos, publicado en 1823, con una edición ampliada en 1825, por Ethan Smith, y que todo es plagiado con pequeñas diferencias.
La creencia es que la tribu perdida de Israel, desembarcó en un lugar en América donde ahora se encuentra Perú, y el libro cuenta la vida y la historia de la tribu de dónde saca las doctrinas de la religión mormona.
Me perdonan los mormones, sé que para algunos es su tradición y la aceptan como tal, no hay burla en lo que dije arriba, es una descripción de la religión, Pero si luce absurda y hasta cómica por su contenido,  la burla es el punto de vista del que la ve desde afuera, y no se puede imponer otro punto de vista porque es una violación del derecho a cada persona a pensar como le plazca.
Pero para mí la historia de John Smith es bastante absurda, y que me perdonen Obama y el Papa Francisco que dicen que tenemos que ser tolerantes que tenemos que ser respetuosos que no podemos hacer burla de otras religiones y creencias.
Dice el Papa que la libertad de expresión tiene limitaciones, y es evidente, no podemos gritar “fuego” en un recinto lleno de gente. 
Pero en cuando a dar nuestra opinión de lo que consideramos absurdo de ciertas religiones, y recibir la opinión de otros contra la nuestra, es un derecho que está protegido por la libertad de pensamiento y expresión y que no se puede limitar.
Si yo creo en el cristianismo, pero otros se burlan de mi creencia, me duele, pero tengo que aceptarlo, después de todo lo que ellos piensan no afecta mi pensamiento, si lo afecta es que mi convicción o no es firme o no es real.
Pero resulta que ahora después de los sucesos de Francia, la han cogido con la cantaleta de que no se puede ofender las creencias de otros, refiriéndose a los musulmanes. 
O sea que los asesinos lograron su objetivo, ganaron, ellos pueden imponernos su creencia y hasta matarnos por nuestra “infidelidad” pero nosotros tenemos que respetar su irrespetarle creencia tenemos que ser “tolerantes” que es el nuevo eufemismo para decir que tenemos que callarnos la boca.
Charlie Hebdo es una publicación de segunda, los chistes no me parecen cómicos, son además de ofensivos y vulgares. Pero ahora todo el mundo quiere leerlos, debido a la estupidez del asesinato de los caricaturistas.
Al que no le guste mi opinión o mi creencia, acepto su manera de pensar, siempre que su respuesta no sea violenta. Podemos aceptar una manera de pensar diferente de los mormones, los santeros, hasta los testgigos de Jehová que nos tocan a la puerta los sábados cuando estamos descansando, pero no podemos aceptar una religión que nos quiere destruir porque no creemos igual que ellos..
Pero si me declaran la guerra por mis creencias o por la falta de respeto a sus creencias, para imponer la suya, ya no estamos hablando de religión o creencia estamos hablando de guerra, estamos hablando de nuestra supervivencia.
Estamos en la tercera guerra mundial, no importa que digan lo contrario, y el enemigo, como nuestros enemigos en el pasado, no pueden ser respetados. 
Porque los que respetaron y fueron “tolerantes” con Hitler como Chamberlain en Inglaterra  y Pétain en Francia fueron responsables de la muerte de miles de sus ciudadanos.

Obama Takes Heat for Terror Approach

Terror seems to be his middle name…
Check it out:
The Obama administration drew fire Thursday from a growing list of frustrated lawmakers over the release of more Guantanamo detainees — this time Yemeni terrorists to the volatile Arabian Peninsula — as concerns mount over the spreading threat of Islamic terrorism, and the administration’s refusal to publicly call out Islam’s radical elements.
The Department of Defense announced Wednesday that five Yemeni terror suspects held at Guantanamo Bay were released — with four of the five heading for Oman, Yemen’s neighbor.
The release comes despite knowledge that one of the two assassins who carried out the Charlie Hebdo massacre in Paris traveled to Yemen in 2011, and met with the radical American cleric Anwar al-Awlaki.

Arpaio Lawsuit Against Obama Amnesty Wins Accelerated Hearing

By Cathy Burke
Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio's lawsuit challenging President Barack Obama's sweeping orders that protect millions of illegal aliens — dismissed by a federal judge last month — is back on the front burner, with an appeals court Wednesday ordering an accelerated hearing in the constitutional case.
Larry Klayman, Arpaio's lawyer and founder of the watchdog group Freedom Watch, had argued an expedited hearing schedule for an appeal 
was crucial to prevent the immigration orders from taking effect this spring. 
"It is a big victory to Sheriff Arpaio and indeed the American people that the D.C. Circuit recognized the need for this case to be quickly resolved before Obama's unconstitutional amnesty program goes into full effect…" Klayman said in a statement. 
"There are constitutional issues of great magnitude at stake and we are confident that the D.C. Circuit will put a legal stop to this illegal activity, which seeks to end-run congressional authority. I am grateful for Sheriff Arpaio's courage in pursuing this very necessary legal action."
On Dec. 23, Federal District Court Judge Beryl Howell dismissed the suit filed by the self-proclaimed "America's toughest sheriff'," saying the Maricopa County law enforcement official lacked the legal standing to bring the case on constitutional grounds.
But Klayman later slammed Howell,
telling Newsmax TV she was "highly political," basing her ruling in the important case on "her subjective politics." 
The key appellate court ruling came the same day 
the House voted to block fundingfor the controversial executive order, which protects millions from deportation and lets them work legally in the United States. 
The 236-191 vote came on a broad bill that would provide nearly $40 billion to finance the Homeland Security Department through the rest of the budget year.
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Rick Perry to Newsmax: If Obama Won't Protect Border, Texas Will

By Melissa Clyne
The federal government has a constitutional duty to secure America's porous southern border but if the Obama administration refuses to do so, Texas Gov. Rick Perry says he's prepared to do what it takes.
"It is clear that our federal government has failed in one of their most important responsibilities and that is to secure the border with Mexico, in this case.
"Certainly there is very good intelligence that Mexico and that southern border with the United States has one of the potentials to allow individuals to come into this country," Perry said Thursday during an appearance on Newsmax TV's "America's Forum," where he discussed immigration, border security and terrorism.
In July, Perry deployed 1,000 National Guard troops to the South Texas border to help stem the flow of illegal immigrants flooding the country through the Rio Grande.

He pointed out Thursday that 55 percent of all apprehensions of 
illegal immigrants last year occurred along the 1,800-mile border between Mexico and Texas.

"That's the reason we've asked the president and Washington so often to do their duty, do their constitutional duty, send the resources, send the aviation assets, send the drones to defend and secure that border," he said. 

"It can be done. You put the boots on the ground, the technology in the air, use the strategic fencing in the metropolitan areas, and that border can be secured. And Americans will sleep better knowing that their federal government is actually doing their constitutional duty."
To ensure America's safety and security, Perry suggests three courses of action the president should take:

"Opening up the 
XL Pipeline, opening up our federal estate to get the people working and getting out country more energy secure," he said. 

"I'd add some corporate tax reforms that gave incentives to companies to continue to really look at expanding their manufacturing in the United States as these oil prices continue to go down and shale prices continue to push down the cost of electric power. There's no reason that America can't have a renaissance in the manufacturing side," Perry said.

"Then obviously, the third thing is border security. We have to have Washington doing its duty, but I tell people, I said listen, if Washington's not going to do its duty to secure the Texas and Mexico border, Texas will. We're going to send the resources that we need whether it's our law enforcement, whether it's our National Guard, to continue to send the message that Texas is going to do everything that it needs to do to keep its citizens safe and an extension of that."

Perry characterized President Barack Obama's absence at the 
Paris unity rally last week as a huge mistake and a missed opportunity to show the world, especially Islamic terrorists, the West's solidarity.

"The message that was sent, when you see (German Chancellor Angela) Merkel, when you see (Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin) Netanyahu, when you see the other leaders of the NATO countries — and America to not be there, for America's leader to not be there standing up and sending the clear message that Western values are going to be defended, Western values that the world needs to be strong about.
"For him not to have been there was a huge mistake," Perry said. "Not only politically, it was a huge mistake from the standpoint of sending a message to those in the Islamic terrorist world that we are going to stand together, we are going to defeat you and the Western values that the world needs are going to be continued to be supported and defended."

European Rabbi: Change The Laws To Allow Jews To Defend Themselves

Rabbi Menachem Margolin warns of rise in anti-semitism.

One of Europe’s most prominent Jewish organizations is asking leaders on the continent to review firearms laws due to the uptick of terrorism and anti-semitism across the continent. A letter making the request comes after last week’s terrorist attack on satirical news organization Charlie Hebdo, in which 17 people died.
European Jewish Association (EJA) General Director Rabbi Menachem Margolin (pictured above) told The Washington Free Beacon in an article published Thursday that anti-semitism in Europe has been growing for “a very long time.”
“We demanded from the European governments some time ago that action should be taken [and] we’re not surprised to see the results in Paris,” Margolin said. “Many people today are not coming to synagogue because of the issue and they’d be more comfortable if they knew people were trained to react in an emergency.”
In his letter to European leaders Tuesday, Margolin is asking laws across Europe to be revisited so members of the Jewish community can carry firearms “for the essential protection of their communities.”
“The Paris attacks, as well as the many challenges and threats which have been presented to the European Jewish community in recent years, have revealed the urgent need to stop talking and start acting,” he writes.
We hereby ask that gun licensing laws are reviewed with immediate effect to allow designated people in the Jewish communities and institutions to own weapons for the essential protection of their communities, as well as receiving the necessary training to protect their members from potential terror attacks.
Let there be no doubt, we are asking that all weapons will be issued for self-protection only, and to designated personnel that will undergo thorough investigation and training by local authorities.


Bobby Jindal: Muslims Must Admit 'Islam Has a Problem'

By Cathy Burke
Muslim leaders must publicly condemn jihadist terror attacks like the deadly strikes in France and concede "Islam has a problem," Louisiana Republican Gov. Bobby Jindal says.
"If Islam does not support what is happening in the name of Islam, then they need to stand up and stop it," Jindal declares in a speech he'll give Monday in London, 
the Daily Caller reports. 
"Many Islamic leaders argue that these are the acts of a radical few."
But, Jindal's speech at the Henry Jackson Society will argue, "Let’s be honest here, Islam has a problem."
"I will warn you in advance that I’m going to say some things that are not politically correct, so brace yourselves," he will say, the Daily Caller reports. 
"To be clear, I have no interest in defaming any religion, nor do I have any interest in assigning the maniacal acts of radical Islamists to millions of Muslims worldwide. I’m interested only in dealing with reality and facts.
"And the fact is that radical Islamists do not believe in freedom or common decency, nor are they willing to accommodate them in any way and anywhere," Jindal says. "We need to stop pretending otherwise. … We are fools to pretend otherwise."
According to the Daily Caller, Jindal will insist that Muslim leaders emphasize anyone who commits "acts of terror in the name of Islam is in fact not practicing Islam at all."
"If they refuse to say this, then they are condoning these acts of barbarism," Jindal says. 
"There is no middle ground."
Jindal's remarks are in stark contrast to the Obama administration, which has carefully avoided using the term 
"radical Islam," insisting it doesn't want to legitimize terrorists' use of Islam for their attacks. 
In his speech, Jindal also will say America needs to get tough and stay that way, the Daily Caller reports.
"I want America’s allies to trust us and respect us, and I want our enemies to fear us," he says. "Every day our enemies spend their time trying to avoid our justice is a day they are not plotting against us. And I fear that in recent years this has not been the case."
He will also take on a leftist notion that it's bigoted to expect immigrants to assimilate when they come to the United States, the Daily Caller reports.
"There was once a time when it was taken for granted in America that people who came to our country were coming to America to be Americans," he says. "But over time, a different philosophy has crept in, and that philosophy now dominates the thinking of the American left, and perhaps even the mainstream of thinking in Europe.
"This philosophy holds the view that it is wrong to expect assimilation, that assimilation is colonialist, assimilation is backward, and assimilation is in fact evidence of cultural bigotry and insensitivity.
"They think it is wrong to expect that people who chose to immigrate to your country should be expected to endorse and abide by your laws.
"They think it is unenlightened, discriminatory, and even racist to expect immigrants to endorse and assimilate into the culture in their new country.
"This is complete rubbish," Jindal said.
En mi opinión
No 850  Enero 16, 2015
“IN GOD WE TRUST” Lázaro R González Miño   EDITOR


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