Tuesday, January 6, 2015

No 841 "En mi opinion" Enero 6, 2015

No 841 “En mi opinión”  Enero 6, 2015

“IN GOD WE TRUST” Lázaro R González Miño   EDITORhttps://blu172.mail.live.com/ol/clear.gif

Amenper: El Bacanal de los Liberales
No cabe duda que los liberales han disfrutado de un bacanal grotesco durante los últimos años.
Los que hemos tenido que sufrir las consecuencias de este bacanal de regalos con nuestro dinero, gastando desbocadamente en inversiones con pérdidas para llenar una agenda liberal, con beneficios a los votantes cautivos de la causa liberal, gastos sin medidas ni fin, una política exterior entregistas, ahora somos enemigos de nuestros amigos y amigos de nuestros enemigos, y nos hacemos esta pregunta, ¿Seguirá el bacanal o está llegando a su fin?.
Lo que sí es evidente y no hay que preguntarse, es que ellos están convencido que el bacanal es permanente y creciente, que no tiene remedio, como nos decían en los 50s, que el comunismo era el inevitable futuro del mundo.
Por eso vemos que los demócratas liberales, no les parece Hillary Clinton suficiente liberal, lo cual es el epítome de lo absurdo, y están buscando un candidato todavía más socialista.
Por eso vemos la bacanal política de un Fiscal General como Holder que ha violado todos los parámetros de la ley, y todavía tenía aspiraciones de ser magistrado del Tribunal Supremo, y vemos al alcalde de New York, que viró la espalda a su departamento de policía, y todavía sigue insultándolos porque ellos ahora le viran las espaldas.  Es la arrogancia de la embriaguez en el bacanal liberal.
Elizabeth Warren digna Senadora del liberal estado de Massachusetts, es una alumna aventajada de Marx, y el la niña preferida de los que quieren alguien a la izquierda de Hillary Clinton.
Por eso la disyuntiva que tenemos es nuestra incógnita.  Si Elizabeth Warren es la candidata, ¿Cómo reaccionarán los votantes?
En las elecciones de 1968, cuando el socialista amigo de Fidel, Eugene McCarthy perdió las elecciones contra Richard Nixon, fue una derrota histórica, una avalancha en contra de McCarthy, y se consideró como un mensaje del pueblo americano contra el izquierdismo radical, lo que entonces llamaron una realineación del pensamiento americano. 
¿Votaría así el pueblo americano en esta época? Me gustaría verlo, me gustaría ver a la comunista Warren ser la elegida del partido Demócrata, para ver qué pasa, porque si con Hillary tendríamos una bola de estiércol con Elizabeth tendríamos una avalancha de la misma substancia, y de jodido para adelante ya no hay más camino y tendríamos que enfrentar seriamente los resultados de los problemas que trae el socialismo radical.
¿Se suicidaría el pueblo americano eligiendo a una comunista de presidente? O tendría el residuo de la grandeza de este pueblo y actuaría como en 1968 realineando la política del país, enviándole como entonces el mensaje al partido demócrata que no estamos en Europa, pero en los Estados Unidos.

Here come the freshmen: Congress' newest class
AP News | Jan 04, 2015
WASHINGTON (AP) — Congress' approval rating hovers around 15 percent, but there's one group of people excited about the institution: the newly elected lawmakers who are about to join its ranks.
The House will welcome 58 freshmen this coming week, including 43 Republicans and 15 Democrats, pushing the GOP majority to 246 members, the most since the Great Depression.
In the Senate, 13 new lawmakers, all but one of them Republican, will be sworn in, flipping control of the chamber to the GOP with a 54-vote majority.
The incoming classes will bring new gender and racial diversity to Capitol Hill, with 104 women in the House and Senate and close to 100 black, Hispanic and Asian lawmakers. The newcomers include the youngest woman elected to Congress, 30-year-old Elise Stefanik of New York, and the first black Republican woman, Mia Love of Utah.
As the new members prepared to arrive on Capitol Hill, several said they brought hopes of curbing the often partisan atmosphere in Washington, showing the public that they really can govern and, just maybe, getting Congress' approval rating back up past 20 percent.
"This election was not an endorsement of either party, it was a condemnation of, yes, the president's policies, but also of government dysfunction," said GOP Rep.-elect Carlos Curbelo, who defeated a Democratic incumbent in Florida. "I hope we can be different. ... I hope we focus on getting things done."
A few of the notable new arrivals:
Stefanik, a Republican, is one of several young new faces bringing fresh blood to Capitol Hill, where many lawmakers, especially senators, are in their 70s or even older. Others are Democrats Seth Moulton of Massachusetts, who is 36, and Ruben Gallego of Arizona, who's 35. The three all graduated from Harvard University and have friends in common, Gallego said.
Gallego said the three have already discussed areas of cooperation, such as infrastructure investments and bringing down the cost of college.
"We have talked actually a lot, and I can definitely see us working together," Gallego said. "We all want the same things in the general scheme of things — a stable country, a prosperous future. We may not agree 100 percent on how to get there but I think Democrats and Republicans do want to find a way."
Two of the newcomers to Congress are not new to Washington at all.
In Michigan, Democrat Debbie Dingell is replacing her husband, John Dingell, the longest-serving member of Congress, who retired after nearly 60 years.
In Virginia, Republican Barbara Comstock is replacing her onetime boss, Frank Wolf, whom she served as a top aide and chief counsel on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee before joining the Virginia House of Delegates.
Dingell and Comstock are friendly and have spoken about how they can collaborate and improve relations and policy making on Capitol Hill.
"People don't get to know each other, and that relationship-building and that sense of trust and knowing each other is part of what's missing," said Dingell, who wrote a master's thesis on civility in Congress. "And we've got to find ways for people to get to know each other and talk."
Comstock, who has started a women's leadership initiative in Virginia, said she, Dingell and other female lawmakers have met together and hope to forge coalitions.
"Debbie has been a great leader on her side and she knows Washington also so I think we will probably team up," Comstock said. Although they're from different parties, "Sometimes people get caught up in the labels. Good ideas are good ideas."
GOP lawmakers in the House and Senate remain overwhelmingly white and male, but some of the new Republican arrivals break that mold.
In addition to Stefanik, a woman, and Curbelo, who is Hispanic, the GOP now claims two black House members, Love and Will Hurd of Texas. There is also one black senator, 10 Hispanic House members and two Hispanic senators. There are 22 Republican women in the House and six in the Senate.
The newcomers could add diversity of ideas to the Republican conference. Curbelo said he would push House GOP leaders to support immigration overhaul legislation, something the party has resisted.
"Of course as a freshman our influence is limited but we can work within our class, our freshman class to build support," Curbelo said.
A number of the new arrivals have served in the military, something that has become increasingly rare on Capitol Hill.
Moulton and Gallego both served with the Marines in Iraq, while another incoming freshman, Republican Lee Zeldin of New York, served with the Army there.
Republican Rep.-elect Martha McSally of Arizona is a retired Air Force colonel and the first female fighter pilot to fly in combat. She told "Fox News Sunday" that military veterans bring a problem-solving perspective.
"We're very solution-oriented, we're very pragmatic," McSally said Sunday. "You can't be in the war you want to be in, you got to be in the war you're in, and you got to just get the job done."

Amenper:   Un buen negocio para Raúl
Según pasa el tiempo más se puede ver la clase de negocio que hizo Obama con Raúl.
Los Estados Unidos dieron los prisioneros de la Red Avispa, y beneficios para Raúl con la apertura de los viajes. De vuelta un inocente rehén que no debiera de haber estado preso y 53 misteriosos prisioneros que nadie ha visto y que el gobierno de Obama no puede nombrar-
Del único que se ha hablado es Rolando Sarraff, alguien que era un espía doble y que cayó en la cárcel de Cuba lo mismo que hubiera podido estar en las cárceles de Estados Unidos, un mercenario al mejor postor.  Sin identificar a Sarraff,Obama dijo que había logrado la liberación del espía más importante que los Estados Unidos había tenido en Cuba, pero Sarraff no es un patriota y eso lo saben muchos, por eso es que no sabemos dónde está ni ha hecho declaraciones desde que volvió a los Estados Unidos. 
Todos recordamos a Juan Pablo Roque, escribió un libro contra Castro, pagado por la Fundación Cubana Americana.
El teniente coronel Juan Pablo Roque usaba su Rolex con orgullo, el único orgullo de un doble agente cubano que una vez trabajó para el FBI.
Y costó la vida a las víctimas de la organización de Hermanos al Rescate a la cual también pertenecía.  Dejó en Miami a una esposa y tres muertos. Pero unos días antes había sido un héroe asilado.  ¿Quiénes son y donde están los prisioneros políticos liberados por Cuba? ¿Por qué el misterio?
Tenemos que darnos cuenta que el gobierno de Cuba puede crear un dosier para cualquier persona, puede hasta hacerlo cumplir cárcel, o escribirle un historial de contrarrevolucionario como parte del entrenamiento para infiltrarlo en los Estados Unidos.
¿Cómo podemos saber quién es quién de los prisioneros liberados si no dan los nombres?¿Por qué Obama no ha consultado a los disidentes y exilados de cuales deben de ser los prisioneros liberados?
¿Por qué Obama ha hecho todo esto de espaldas al pueblo de Cuba y del exilio?
Las damas de blanco dicen que ninguno de sus familiares ha sido liberado, nadie sabe quiénes son los prisioneros liberados ni quienes fueron los que escogieron a los que debían de ser liberados.
Mary Anastasia O ‘Grady la periodista del Wall Street Journal ha estado tratando de averiguar quiénes son los prisioneros liberados y no ha podido obtener respuesta.
En el artículo que les paso hace un comentario detallado del negocito entre Obama y Raúl, un negocio que está turbio y huele cada día peor.
En su escrito, Mary Anastasia no sólo nos habla del negocio del cambio, pero nos recuerda con quién estamos tratando, con un gobierno que ha sido y es uno de los peores enemigos que ha tenido los Estados Unidos en su historia.  Historia que nos recuerda ella en su artículo. 
Where Are Cuba’s Political Prisoners?
Fifty-three of those jailed by the Castros were supposed to have been freed in the Obama deal.
Jan. 4, 2015 5:47 p.m. ET
Who and where are the 53 Cuban political prisoners that President Obama promised would be freed by Havana as part of a deal to liberate three convicted Cuban spies serving lengthy sentences in the U.S.?
I asked the State Department this last week. State referred me to the White House. White House officials declined to provide the list of names citing “concern that publicizing it would make it more difficult to ensure that Cuba follows through, and continues with further steps in the future.”
Bottom line: The U.S. government cannot confirm that they have been released and is not certain they’re going to be released, even though the three Cuban spies have already been returned.
A government official told me that keeping the names of the 53 quiet will give Cuba the opportunity to release them as a sovereign measure, rather than at the behest of the U.S., and that this could allow for additional releases.
In other words, the Castros are sensitive boys who throw despotic tantrums when their absolute power is questioned. Asking them to keep their word is apparently a trigger.
Mr. Obama was destined to have trouble changing Cuba policy. Nixon went to China. But “Obama goes to Havana”? That sounds like stand-up comedy. A man with some humility might have prepared for the challenge. Mr. Obama did not. Now, little by little, what he says he got in the “negotiations” seems to be evaporating while what he gave away appears reckless.
The U.S. president hasn’t gone to Havana, not yet anyway. But he did use the prisoner swap to announce that he plans to unconditionally open diplomatic relations with the military dictatorship, something that the Castros have long demanded. Count that as concession one.
He said he would ease restrictions on American travel to the island and make it legal to use U.S. credit cards and debit cards in Cuba, thereby boosting revenues for the military-owned tourism industry. That’s concession two.
His promise to review Cuba’s designation as a state sponsor of terror sounded like he had already made up his mind. “At a time when we are focused on threats from al Qaeda to ISIL, a nation that meets our conditions and renounces the use of terrorism should not face this sanction,” Mr. Obama said.
That would complete the concession trifecta. Cuba still supports the FARC, the Colombian terrorist group, it got caught in 2013 trying to smuggle weapons through the Panama Canal to North Korea, and credible intelligence analysts say Cuba has provided Venezuela the technology it needs to falsify identities for Middle East terrorists.
If Mr. Obama is serious about selling U.S.-Cuba detente, a little less obfuscation would be nice. The U.S. has not confirmed the identity of the intelligence asset who it says had been in a Cuban prison for nearly 20 years and was also traded for the Cuban spies. Mr. Obama said the Cuban, before his arrest, had supplied key information to the U.S. that led to the nabbing of those spies, as well as three others.
Press reports and intel experts I talked to say the “asset” is Rolando Sarraff. But a debate is raging in the intelligence community about whether Mr. Sarraff, who has not been heard from since his arrival on U.S. soil, is all he’s cracked up to be by Mr. Obama. Another possibility is that his résumé was embellished to cover up for what was essentially a trade of the convicted spies for Alan Gross, the U.S. Agency for International Development contractor who was arrested by Cuban state security in Havana in 2009.
Mr. Obama claimed in his speech that Mr. Gross’s release was a humanitarian gesture on the part of Cuba. That’s not believable. Almost from the day Mr. Gross was arrested, Havana made it clear that he would not be released until the Cuban spies were returned to the island. He was a hostage.
If the Castro brothers renege on their promise to free the 53 it wouldn’t be a surprise. But nothing in their history suggests they would want to keep the release a secret. On the contrary, going back to the days of Jimmy Carter , Fidel has always released dissidents as a propaganda tool to boost his image as a benevolent leader—even while he sends them into exile or only paroles them.
Most of the prisoners arrested in Cuba’s Black Spring of March 2003, for example, were shipped off to Spain when international pressure forced the regime to let them out. The regime boasted about it; the press and the Catholic Church reported it as a humanitarian gesture.
In the weeks since Mr. Obama’s rapprochement with Cuba, reports from the island say that more than 50 dissidents have been arrested, including the husband of the dissident blogger Yoani Sánchez. Most have been released but some remain in prison.
Don’t expect much outrage from Washington. Mr. Obama wouldn’t want to damage his newly reconciled relationship with the police state.
Write to O’Grady@wsj.com

Caddell Poll: GOP Voters Want to Dump Boehner as Speaker

By James Morrison
Sixty percent of Republican voters want John Boehner replaced as Speaker of the House, a new poll shows, as a conservative mutiny grows against the Ohio congressman they consider too accommodating with President Barack Obama and congressional Democrats.

The Caddell Associates' survey of 602 Americans who voted Republican in the midterm elections also found that they agree with the simmering conservative revolt, as 64 percent called Boehner too "ineffective" in opposing Obama’s agenda.
When asked if they wanted to replace Boehner, 34 percent said they would "definitely" support a new speaker and 26 percent added that they "probably" would want someone else.

The survey, conducted last week, adds to a growing debate on the right over Boehner’s future as the leader of the House in the new Congress.

The election for speaker is scheduled for Jan. 6, and Boehner would need the support of a majority of members present and voting. 

The resignation of Republican Michael Grimm of New York dropped the total number of House members in the new Congress to 434, with Republicans holding 246 seats. Boehner would need at least 218 votes. So far, as many as 18 Republicans are 
privately opposing him.

Rep. Walter Jones of North Carolina, one of the few Republicans who are publicly against the speaker, says he "cannot vote in good conscience for John Boehner."

"Right now, I’ve been meeting with a small group, and we — about 16, 18 — and we’re hoping to have a name of a sitting member of Congress that we can call out their name," he told North Carolina’s Talk of the Town radio program.
Rep. Thomas Massie of Kentucky, another Republican openly opposing Boehner, sees a lighter side to the campaign, even at a local fast-food restaurant.
Some of the strongest opposition to Boehner comes from conservative talk-show host Sean Hannity, 
who told Breitbart on Tuesday that he supports Trey Gowdy of South Carolina.

"It’s time for new dynamic leadership in the House of Representatives," he said. "Trey Gowdy is my choice for speaker. He has the ability to articulate and implement the changes needed to get the country on the right path."

Amenper: Mayor eulogizes officer as cops outside turn backs
NEW YORK (AP) -- Thousands of city police officers turned their backs Sunday as they watched Mayor Bill de Blasio eulogize an officer shot dead with his partner, repeating a stinging display of scorn for the mayor despite entreaties from the police commissioner not to do so.
The show of disrespect came outside the funeral home where Officer Wenjian Liu was remembered as an incarnation of the American dream: a man who had immigrated at age 12 and devoted himself to helping others in his adopted country. The gesture, among officers watching the mayor's speech on a screen, added to tensions between the mayor and rank-and-file police even as he sought to quiet them.
"As we start a new year, a year we're entering with hearts that are doubly heavy" from the loss of Officer Liu and his partner, Officer Rafael Ramos, de Blasio said. "Let us rededicate ourselves to those great New York traditions of mutual understanding and living in harmony. Let us move forward by strengthening the bonds that unite us, and let us work together to attain peace."
Police convened from around the country to mourn Liu, who was killed Dec. 20. Officer Lucas Grant of the Richmond County Sheriff's Office in Augusta, Georgia, said he came to Liu's funeral with about six other officers from neighboring departments "to support our family."
"When one of us loses our lives, we have to come together," Grant said.
As Liu's family arrived for his funeral, Police Commissioner William Bratton tweeted: "We will never forget his sacrifice."
A day earlier, mourners lined up for blocks on a cold, rainy day for Liu's wake.
"This is a really tragic story," Gov. Andrew Cuomo told reporters following the wake, held just two days after the death of his own father, former Gov. Mario Cuomo.
"This is really pointless. It had nothing to do with them," he said of Liu and Ramos. "They did nothing wrong. ... It was pure and random hatred."
The shooter, Ismaaiyl Brinsley, killed himself shortly after the brazen daytime ambush on a Brooklyn street.
Investigators say Brinsley was an emotionally disturbed loner who had made references online to the killings this summer of unarmed black men at the hands of white police officers, vowing to put "wings on pigs."
The deaths strained an already tense relationship between city police unions and de Blasio, who union leaders have said contributed to an environment that allowed the killings by supporting protests following the deaths of Eric Garner on Staten Island and Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri.
The head of the rank-and-file police union, which is negotiating a contract with the city, turned his back on the mayor at a hospital the day of the killings. The act was imitated by hundreds of officers standing last week outside Ramos' funeral who turned their backs toward a giant TV screen as de Blasio's remarks were being broadcast.
Many people, including Cardinal Timothy Dolan, have since pressed all parties to tone down the rhetoric. And this weekend, Bratton sent a memo to all commands urging respect, declaring "a hero's funeral is about grieving, not grievance." Officers who turned their backs on de Blasio on Sunday spun back around when Bratton took the podium to speak after the mayor.
On Saturday, officers standing outside the Brooklyn funeral home where Liu was displayed, dressed in full uniform in an open casket, saluted as the mayor and commissioner entered. On Sunday, the mayor got a respectful reception among police officials inside the funeral home.
But some ill will was visible ahead of de Blasio's scheduled remarks at Liu's funeral. Retired NYPD officer John Mangan stood across the street from the funeral home with a sign that read: "God Bless the NYPD. Dump de Blasio." And Patrick Yoes, a national secretary with the 328,000-member Fraternal Order of Police, said he applauded New York police union leader Patrick Lynch's stance toward the mayor, including Lynch's declaration that de Blasio had "blood on his hands" after the shootings.
"Across this country, we seem to be under attack in the law enforcement profession, and the message to take away from this is: We are public servants. We are not public enemies," Yoes said.
But George Breedy, a lieutenant with the St. Charles Parish Sheriff's Department in Louisiana, said he had no plans to protest de Blasio, calling the rift between officers and the mayor a "local issue."
"We're here to pay respect to the officers," Breedy said.
Liu's funeral arrangements were delayed so relatives from China could travel to New York. He is to be buried at Cypress Hills Cemetery.
On Saturday, a small vigil was established in Chinatown and community members gathered, burning pieces of paper in honor of Liu in keeping with Chinese tradition.

Yet Another Top Republican Ditches Boehner. By 

Ahead of Tuesday’s congressional vote to elect the next Speaker, another Republican congressman has openly revealed that he won’t be casting his vote to re-elect John Boehner.
Joining fellow Republicans Louie Gohmert (TX), Thomas Massie (KY), Jim Bridenstine (OK), Walter Jones (NC) and Ted Yoho (FL),  who have very recently publicly proclaimed their dissent from Boehner, is Iowa Congressman Steve King, a staunch defender of constitutional government.
“We need a Speaker who will help us all keep our oath, including his own, to the Constitution, not one who has consistently clocked our efforts to keep ours. I will vote for an alternative candidate for Speaker. I can’t vote for John Boehner again,” Representative King penned in an op-ed in 
Breitbart  on Sunday.
Rep. King (not to ever be confused with left-leaning NY Congressman Peter King), reminded Boehner and those voting on Tuesday of their constitutional oath by quoting it word for word, while saying that Obama “has repeatedly plunged our nation into a constitutional crisis. No past president has so cavalierly violated his own oath and through naked political calculation, willfully violated the Constitution.
King writes that Boehner has repeatedly urged Republican members to “take the high road” and to “pick our battles,” and to “wait for a better time” to fight against Obama’s unconstitutional acts.
King cites the $1.1 trillion, 1,600 page “CRomnibus” spending measure, which fully funds both Obamacare, which he correctly assessed as being passed by “hook crook, and legislative shenanigan,” and Obama’s illegal amnesty and directly quotes Boehner’s prior statements vowing to do everything within his power to fight against them, promises Boehner has clearly broken.
A new poll, devastating to Boehner’s leadership, reveals that 
60% of Republicans want Boehner ousted as speaker, while only 25% want him to stay.
“Barack Obama also rewrote immigration law from the Oval Office at the expense of Congress, the Constitution, and our sovereignty,” King continued. “Our Founding Fathers presumed that each of the three branches of government would jealously preserve, protect, and defend their Constitutional authority. It takes a Speaker who both understands and believes his sworn duty is to use all the powers of his office to defend and restore the proper constitutional balance of powers. Instead, our Speaker has placed Obama’s executive amnesty on the path to permanent full funding,” he asserted.
Both Gohmert and Yoho announced over the weekend that they would be happy to replace Boehner as the next Speaker of the House. It will take 30 Republicans to vote for someone other than Boehner to oust him from his head of the surrender caucus. If that occurs on Tuesday, then Boehner won’t have a majority to continue as speaker and subsequent votes will follow until a new one is elected.

There Is Still Time to Stop Boehner

Matt Kibbe - FreedomWorks via mta-c3poolc1.cluster3.convio.net 

It’s time for Boehner to go. And Republicans must choose a principled leader.
Make sure you visit the Facebook pages of the following congressmen. Tell them to vote for a principled conservative for Speaker of the House. Please, tell the congressmen below to remove Boehner!
These representatives haven’t come out against John Boehner as Speaker. They need to know where grassroots conservatives like you stand.
We want Boehner gone. And you deserve principled leadership that won't surrender to Obama.
Tell them to remove John Boehner now.

Rep. Steve King: Boehner Keeps GOP From Defending Constitution

By Greg Richter
Iowa Rep. Steve King is among about a dozen Republicans who say they will vote against House Speaker John Boehner when the 114th Congress convenes on Tuesday to elect leadership. 
Appearing Monday on CNN's 
"The Lead with Jake Tapper," King said his beef with Boehner goes back to 2010.
After a wave election in which Republicans gained 64 House seats, King said he tried to bring up an amendment to cut off all funding to implement or enforce Obamacare.
"I was blocked procedurally by an act that I think was the speaker's," he told Tapper. 
Conservatives complain that Boehner has made deals with Democrats and isn't fighting hard enough for Republican principles.
President Barack Obama is violating the Constitution "at will" by signing executive actions to make changes in the Affordable Care Act and to grant amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants, King said. 
"The actions of the speaker have prevented us from keeping our oath to defend the Constitution and restore the authority of Congress," he said.
Two Republicans, Florida Rep. Ted Yoho and Texas Rep. Louie Gohmert, 
have said they will challenge Boehner.  King said he also is trying to persuade Florida Rep. Daniel Webster to run because he once served as House speaker in his home state.
Boehner is vulnerable only if he doesn't get a majority of votes cast. That would mean 29 Republicans would have to vote against him. So far, alternative candidates don't have that much support.
Should Boehner fail to get a majority of votes, more votes will be held until someone does get a majority. A failure on a first vote likely would spur a recess in which party arm-twisting would be employed to encourage the other Republicans to withdraw their candidacies or for members to change their votes.
Rep. Tom Cole of Oklahoma, a Boehner supporter, told CNN that the Yoho and Gohmert actions are a "last-moment sideshow" that distracts from the party's message.
"I just fail to see the endgame here," Cole said.
King also talked about presidential politics, saying that former Fox News host and ex-Arkansas Gov.  Mike Huckabee made a "bold move" by leaving his TV gig over the weekend for a possible 2016 presidential run.
Huckabee has a strong base in Iowa both with Christian voters and with fair-tax supporters, King said.
Another likely 2016 contender, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, has said he won't attend King's Iowa Freedom Summit because of a scheduling conflict.
When Tapper asked whether the more moderate Bush might simply be trying to avoid ties to the conservative King, he responded that he took Bush at his word.
"He's not afraid of confrontation. He's not afraid of verbal combat," King said of Bush.
But he warned, "Skipping Iowa is not a very good idea."
Since Ronald Reagan's second term, it has taken a victory in the Ames Straw Poll and a victory in the Iowa Caucuses to be nominated and elected president as a Republican, King noted.

Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com http://www.Newsmax.com/Politics/Steve-King-speakership-House-vote/2015/01/05/id/616583/#ixzz3O3KSycPC 
Urgent: Should Obamacare Be Repealed? Vote Here Now!

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Expect A 242% Hike In Obamacare Fines For 2015

...2015 is the year that average citizens will really...FLOYD BROWN 

Obamacare was craftily written…
Benefits come first, and then the bite comes later.
You see, if you remained uninsured in 2014, you would have paid a penalty of $95 (or 1% above the filing threshold).
But the fines were structured to increase over time. And 2015 is the year that average citizens will really start to feel the sting.

Uncle Sam Fines More and More…

For 2015, you’re facing a $325 fine, or a penalty that’s 2% of income above the filing threshold.
Remember, there’s always a lag in the way you pay with taxes… The penalty is calculated when you file your return based on your income in the tax year, so 2016 penalties will actually be collected in 2017.
And current members of Congress are acting powerless to do anything about it, using the excuse that it was passed by Congress way back in 2009.
The final kick in the head comes in 2016, when Obama is heading out the door. According to government sources, the fine in 2016 will be slightly over $1,100!
But now that the Republicans have control of Congress, can we expect anything to change? Hardly!
At most, we can expect to see mere revisions to Obamacare.
I mean, it’s important to remember that Obamacare has done something big business wanted – getting the healthcare monkey off their back. And over time, Obamacare will move the responsibility of healthcare from employers to employees.
Remember also that the original framework for Obamacare came from Romneycare in Massachusetts, and that Romney worked closely with the “conservative” Heritage Foundation to craft his bill. These types of historic facts often become obscured by the rhetoric.
If anything, the Democrats made the whole policy less taxing on the working poor by handing out a Christmas tree of subsidies.
But as Republicans make Obamacare more “fiscally sound,” look for some of the subsidies to go away.

Gov’t Fiscal Irresponsibility

The real story of healthcare spending is about generational transfer payments. The baby boom generation has a host of healthcare problems from years of drug abuse and partying. Now, they’re overweight and don’t want to pay the tab for their healthcare.
The government needs more money to pay the healthcare bills of older Americans; and forcing young, healthy workers to pay more into the insurance system is a way to subsidize the older population.
As my colleague, Chris Worthington, has so clearly explained, while the middle class is getting smaller and losing wealth, Obamacare continues the transfer payments.
And businesses and stockholders benefit by shedding healthcare costs for workers.
American socialism is socialism turned on its head. The rich get bailed out, and the middle class and wage earners pay the tab. In other words, we have socialism for the wealthy.
Read more at http://www.westernjournalism.com/expect-242-hike-obamacare-fines-2015/#xP0u0Jco5iQ6kZ6C.99

WaPo: Police Nationally Feeling 'Betrayed' by City Hall, White House

By Melanie Batley
A growing number of police officers nationwide feel "betrayed" by President Barack Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder because of their calls for reforms to policing practices in the wake of the shooting deaths of Michael Brown and Eric Garner,according to The Washington Post.
Meanwhile, the rift between New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio and the New York Police Department appeared to have deepened Sunday after hundreds of officers attending the funeral of murdered policeman Wenjian Liu turned their backs in a sign of anger and defiance when the mayor rose to speak, 
The Wall Street Journal reported.
But even more concerning to many police officials is how the anger in New York seems to be spreading around the nation. Many of the officers who turned their backs on de Blasio Sunday were out-of-town police who traveled to New York City for the funeral.
  "We might be reaching a tipping point with the mindset of officers, who are beginning to wonder if the risks they take to keep communities safe are even worth it anymore," Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke said, according to the Post.
"In New York and other places, we're seeing a natural recoil from law enforcement officers who don't feel like certain people who need to have their backs have their backs."
The latest protest by the police comes after other incidents late last month. Officers
turned their backs on the mayor at the funeral of the other police officer who was killed alongside Liu, Rafael Ramos, and they did the same at an NYPD graduation ceremony.
Leaders of the police union have blamed the mayor for fostering an anti-NYPD atmosphere they believe contributed to the slayings of the two officers.
In the wake of the deaths, Patrick Lynch, president of the Patrolmen's Benevolent Association, had suggested that the responsibility for the deaths "starts on the steps of City Hall, in the office of the mayor."
"Police officers feel like they were turned upon by City Hall, and we have a right to express our opinion as well, as they did respectfully," Lynch said of the police officers who turned their backs on the mayor, according to the Journal.  He said it was "an organic gesture that started on the streets of New York."
Other high level public figures, including former New York Police Department commissioner Bernard Kerik, former mayor Rudolph Giuliani, and former governor George Pataki have all suggested that de Blasio, Holder, President Barack Obama, and civil rights activist Al Sharpton have fanned the flames of hostility toward police, the Post reported.
Delroy Burton, chairman of the Washington, D.C. police officers union, said Holder "gave the impression that he was against us. Like there aren't two sides to this," the Post reported.
Burton also said that Obama's announcement of federal funding for the purchase of body cameras for police came across as antagonistic.
"He could have said, 'We are going to help you weed out the bad guys from your profession. We know the vast majority of you are out there doing the right thing,' " Burton said, according to the Post.
Law enforcement families in cities across the country have organized demonstrations in support of officers in recent weeks.
"I think officers are good people who go out there to do good.  Are there some things that need to be changed in law enforcement? Maybe. But it's important that our officers know they have their community's support."
Police leaders are now saying that it will be up to the mayor to extend the olive branch and heal the rift with the police.
"As far as any type of a fix is concerned between City Hall and the members of the NYPD, that challenge falls squarely on the shoulders of the mayor," Michael Palladino, president of the Detectives' Endowment Association, a police union, told the Journal.  "Words alone won't heal the wounds."
In his eulogy for Liu on Sunday, de Blasio made reference to the divisions and appealed for a renewed effort at "mutual understanding," the Journal reported.
"Let us move forward by strengthening the bonds that unite and working together to obtain peace," de Blasio said.
A spokesman for the mayor said: "Our city and this administration are focused on doing everything possible to support the grieving families of our fallen heroes," the Journal reported. Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com 
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Pope Francis: ‘Bring All Religions Together,’ Concept Of One Denomination Raises Concerns

Primero pidio que a los homosexuales se les tratara por igual como si fuesen personas normales (no pecadoras).
Despues pidio que Cuba comunista (sin cambiar su sistema dictatorial ni un apice) y los EEUU formalizaran de Nuevo sus relaciones.
Lo ultimo que pide (hasta ahora) es que se unan todas la religiones (luego pedira que se unan todos los paises en un gobierno mundial?)

Pope Francis: ‘Bring All Religions Together,’ Concept Of One Denomination Raises Concerns

<img width="665" height="385" src="http://cdn.inquisitr.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/pope_francis-665x385.jpg" data-attID="1724836" class="single-leader wp-post-image" alt="Pope Francis Holds His Weekly General Audience" />
Pope Francis recently delivered a powerful message to ring in the new year at St. Peter’s Basilica’s Roman Catholic Church’s World Day of Peace. In his message, which served as an introductory for this year’s theme, he discussed the positive aspects of unity among religions and cultures.
According to the Huffington Post, he urged all religions to come together and join in the fight against modern slavery and human trafficking. The powerful message was quite befitting for this year’s theme, “No Longer Slaves, but Brothers and Sisters.”
“All of us are called (by God) to be free, all are called to be sons and daughters, and each, according to his or her own responsibilities, is called to combat modern forms of enslavement. From every people, culture and religion, let us join our forces.”
However, the notion of bringing all religions together seems like a positive concept that would undoubtedly make the world a better place. But, unfortunately from a realistic perspective, there are definitely doubts. Due to the various beliefs of different denominations, some feel freedom and peace cannot work with religious ideology, dogma, or a theocracy because science and religion are in conflict with one another. The Record also cites the complexity of the relationship between science and religion, which is often as controversial as the separation of church and state. Then, there are others who have rendered “coming together” as forming one denomination.
The ongoing argument about the concept and misconception of “one denomination” has sparked quite a debate. Although some agree with Pope Francis’ views, many argued that theoretically it could never happen, and “peace on earth” is an impossible feat. For example, many readers could not even fathom Muslims taking on the beliefs of any other religion or culture, let alone agree with the idea of anti-slavery.
Here are some of the responses to Pope Francis’ perspective of bringing all religions together.
“I am always wary of what the Pope has to say. Since waaaaay back when the Catholic Church changed the Sabbath day from the seventh day to the first day to demonstrate their strength, their agenda has been suspect. We are a thinking people. Think.”
“There will never be peace in the world unfortunately. People give each other the finger in traffic and you think people will stop and make peace?”
“how would you feel if someone suggested that al people become a different religion…like say Buddhism…how would you like that?”
“The pope may convince Catholics, some Protestants, and even a few Muslim clerics in a venue for justice, but Muslims in general will never agree to anti-slavery, at least not in practice, else they’d have to edit their book. Regardless, when religious bodies “join forces” in religious exercises, prayers, etc., there’s often a vain attempt to intermingle light and darkness, good and evil, but the scriptures are clear that we are not to be unevenly yoked with unbelievers (2 Corinthians 6:14). A church that incorporates wolves into the flock will soon be devoured.”
“We cannot possibly become one religion. We can all want the best for the betterment state of our country, but becoming one religion is not doing it. The Muslims, Hamas and Jihadists, don’t think so!”
However, there are some believers who feel the void between faith and science will close one day. But, what would that signify? In the book of Revelations, the bible speaks of one world religion near the end of time. So, although the sentiment is a relatively positive notion, many find the concept of peace on earth quite disconcerting.
Do you agree or disagree with Pope Francis’ concept of bringing all religions together? Share your thoughts.
“EMO” Después de esto no son queda que acomodar al papa o el boniato comu ustedes quieran,  acomodarlo en el mismo palo que se posa la otra aura-o-tiñosa-bama… Lázaro R González Miño

Obama's EPA Rules 43x Longer Than Bible; Worst State for Small Business; Massive Govt Waste Revealed

Luis E. Guzman
Insider Report from Newsmax.com
Headlines (Scroll down for complete stories):
1. Obama's EPA Rules 43 Times Longer Than Bible
2. Heritage Foundation Cites Massive Government Waste
3. California Ranks Worst for Small Businesses
4. Report Chronicles Anti-Semitic Incidents in 2014
5. Obamacare Leading to Costly Medical Consolidations
6. We Heard: Chris Byrne, Obama Fundraiser

1. Obama's EPA Rules 43 Times Longer Than Bible
Since President Barack Obama took office in January 2009, the Environmental Protection Agency has issued 3,100 new final regulations, taking up 27,854 pages in the Federal Register.
The regulations cover a wide range of issues, including greenhouse gases, air quality, hazardous substances, and emissions.
The Federal Register publishes documents including rules, notices, interim rules, corrections, drafts of final rules, and final rules. But in making its assessment that the agency's regulations under Obama total nearly 28,000 pages, CNS News took into account only the final EPA rules.
For comparison, the Gutenberg Bible contains 1,282 pages.
CNS News estimated the number of words in the new final regulations by calculating an approximate average of 1,000 words per page. The results: The new final regulations under Obama total about 27,854,000 words.
The Gutenberg Bible has 646,128 words, so the new EPA regulations issued by the Obama administration now contain about 21 times as many pages and 43 times as many words as the Bible.
The new regulations also contain 25 times as many words as the 1,084,170 words in the entire Harry Potter series, which consists of seven books.
Observers have criticized the EPA — which has more than 16,000 full-time employees and an annual budget of about $8 billion — for overzealous rule-making.
"The broader question of whether the Obama administration's EPA is 'overreaching' in its regulatory effects has not gone away," the Congressional Research Service states in a report. "Critics both in Congress and outside of it regularly accuse the agency of overkill."
In early December, Republican Sen. Jeff Flake of Arizona released a report citing more than a dozen examples of "wasteful grants and egregious spending" by the EPA in a "mission creep" to "expand its regulatory reach."
Editor's Note:

2. Heritage Foundation Cites Massive Government Waste
The federal government took in $3.02 trillion in total revenue this year, but still managed to run a deficit of $483 billion — and that was the lowest deficit since 2007.
The country's national debt is now nearly $18 trillion. Yet the Heritage Foundation had no trouble citing 51 examples of government waste due to mismanagement, corporate welfare, or questionable federal research alone.
Here's a dirty dozen of those examples:
1. Two federal construction projects to deal with nuclear fuel and waste, which were supposed to cost $4 billion, remain uncompleted and have already cost $7 billion.
2. Construction of the Department of Homeland Security headquarters was supposed to be complete by 2003. It remains far from completion and has already cost taxpayers nearly $4.5 billion.
3. The Department of the Treasury paid $112 million to a public relations firm to raise public awareness of the new dollar bill's minor design changes.
4. The Defense Department spent nearly $500 million on military transport planes for the Afghan Air Force, a project that was scrapped partly because maintenance of the planes was too expensive for the Afghans.
5. Medicare Part B spent nearly six times more than Medicare Part D for the same drugs and equipment to treat cancer.
6. The U.S. Enrichment Corporation received $60 million from the federal government even though the company announced plans to declare bankruptcy.
7. The Defense Department is destroying $1.2 billion worth of ammunition because it does not have a suitable inventory system to track supplies. The military services each use different inventory systems.
8. Federal agencies paid almost $50 million to the Department of Commerce's National Technical Information Service for information that is mostly available for free online.
9. The Government Accountability Office reports that duplication of federal programs and services costs taxpayers an astounding $45 billion a year.
10. According to the Environmental Protection Agency Inspector General, EPA employees used government credit cards to buy $79,000 worth of "prohibited, improper, and erroneous" goods and services, including gym memberships for workers and their families, DVDs, and academic memberships.
11. The National Institutes of Health spent $374,000 to find out if preschoolers will eat more vegetables after watching a puppet show about fruits and vegetables.
12. The NIH also spent $371,000 to determine if mothers have the same neurological reaction when looking at pictures of their children and of their dogs.
To put the massive overspending in perspective, the Heritage Foundation's Romina Boccia correlated the federal spending to a typical American family's budget.
The median family income in the U.S. is $52,000. If the family spent money like the federal government, they would spend $60,400 this year, putting $8,400 on their credit card — even though they already have credit card debt of $308,000.
Editor's Note:

3. California Ranks Worst for Small Businesses
The Small Business & Entrepreneurship Council has conducted an in-depth study examining how government policies in each of the 50 states influence their climate for small businesses, and blue state California ranks dead last.
The council's "Small Business Policy Index" examines the states "according to various major government-imposed or government-related costs that directly or indirectly affect entrepreneurship and business, as well as the investment that is so critical to start-ups and business growth."
The 2014 edition of the Index includes 42 measures; 24 are taxes or tax-related, nine deal with regulations, five deal with government spending and debt issues, and the rest measure the effectiveness of various important government undertakings.
They include such obvious yardsticks as personal income taxes, individual capital gains taxes, corporate income taxes, dividend and interest taxes, property taxes, sales taxes, and gasoline taxes, but also take into account such factors as total crime rate, state minimum wage, number of state and local government employees, and highway cost efficiency.
"Unfortunately, too many elected officials, policy advisers, and special interest advocates choose to ignore the economic realities of how government can and does affect entrepreneurship, business and investment," the report asserts.
The council points out that economic growth in the top 25 ranked states in the Index averaged 2.4 percent from 2010 to 2013, compared to 1.8 percent for the bottom 25 states.
Also, the top 25 states netted a 1,007,768 increase in population, while the bottom 25 lost 1,028,741.
To compile its ranking of the states, the council assigns a numerical grade to a state for each of the 42 measures, with a low score best and a high score worst, then adds up the grades to produce an overall rating. The higher the numerical grade, the heavier the government burden on businesses.
California's index of 118.4 is nearly 3½ times greater than the lowest-ranked state, South Dakota at 35.3.
The Golden State has the worst index for personal income taxes, followed by Hawaii, while nine states have no income tax.
California is also worst for individual capital gains taxes, followed by Oregon, and worst for dividend and interest taxes, followed by Hawaii.
The 10 best states for small businesses overall are, in order, South Dakota, Nevada, Texas, Wyoming, Florida, Washington, Alabama, Indiana, Colorado, and North Dakota.
The worst states, moving upward from California, are New Jersey, New York, Hawaii, Minnesota, Vermont, Oregon, Iowa, Maine, and Connecticut.
In the corporate income tax category, Pennsylvania is worst. For property taxes, New Hampshire is worst, followed by New Jersey, while Alabama is best, with Oklahoma No. 2.
Gasoline taxes are highest in New York and California, and lowest in Alaska and New Jersey.
Idaho gets the best ranking in the total crime rate category, followed by North Dakota, while South Carolina is worst, edging out New Mexico.
The Small Business & Entrepreneurship Council is a Virginia-based nonprofit, nonpartisan advocacy, research, and education organization dedicated to promoting entrepreneurship.
Editor's Note:

4. Report Chronicles Anti-Semitic Incidents in 2014
A Belgian doctor's refusal to treat a 90-year-old woman because she was Jewish tops the list of 2014's most egregious anti-Semitic and anti-Israel incidents compiled by the Simon Wiesenthal Center.
The Los Angeles-based center, established in 1977 and named after Nazi hunter Simon Wiesenthal, is an international Jewish human rights organization.
The center's list "show how pervasive anti-Semitism has become around the world and is tragically indicative of burgeoning threats and challenges to the Jewish people not encountered since the end of WWII," the center stated.
The elderly woman in Antwerp, Belgium, fractured her hip in July and her son called a medical hotline seeking treatment for her. The doctor taking the call, who knew she was Jewish, said: "Send her to Gaza for a few hours, then she will get rid of the pain."
He said: "I'm not coming" — and hung up.
The woman's grandson told a newspaper the incident "reminds me of what happened in Europe 70 years ago."
Other incidents on the list include:
·         On Nov. 18, two terrorists killed four rabbis, three of them U.S. citizens, at a synagogue in West Jerusalem. The following day, a member of Jordan's parliament referred to the terrorists, who were killed, as "martyrs," and Jordan's prime minister sent a condolence letter to their families.
·         In December, two assailants forced their way into an apartment in a Paris suburb, tied up a Jewish man and woman, and demanded: "Tell us where you hide the money. You Jews always have money." They then ransacked the house and raped the 19-year-old woman.
They face several charges including religion-motivated violence.
·         A column in a Turkish newspaper close to the government proposed that Turkish Jews and other Jews doing business in Turkey pay a special tax to pay for damages in Gaza resulting from the recent conflict between Israel and Hamas.
Columnist Faruk Kose has called Israel a "Zionist/Jewish terror base" guilty of "genocide," writing: "So of course one feels like saying, 'God bless that Hitler.'"
·         The mayor of a town in Hungary hanged Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and former President Shimon Peres in effigy at a public display in August. A sign referred to Peres as a "war criminal" and "bastard genocider" whose "master" is Satan.
·         In April, Frazier Glenn Cross, a former Ku Klux Klan Grand Dragon, shot and killed three people outside a Jewish community center and Jewish home for the aging in Kansas. None of the victims was Jewish, but he later told a reporter he "wanted to make damned sure I killed some Jews before I die."
The Wiesenthal Center urged "people of good faith everywhere to commit in 2015 to break the apathy and silence and to stand up and speak out against history's oldest hate wherever it rears its ugly head."
Editor's Note:

5. Obamacare Leading to Costly Medical Consolidations
As recently as 2008, 62 percent of American doctors were "independent" — they had their own practices. Today, that number has fallen to just 35 percent.
That's one of the consequences of the Affordable Care Act — consolidation of previously independent doctors into salaried positions within larger institutions, usually a hospital.
And the consolidation is increasing healthcare costs.
Scott Gottlieb, a physician and resident fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, explains the "dirty little secret" regarding Obamacare.
"Obamacare payment reforms are fashioned after 1990s-style health maintenance organizations, or HMOs, in which entities like hospitals would get a lump sum of money from Medicare (or now, Obamacare) for taking on the risk of caring for a large pool of patients," he writes in The Wall Street Journal.
"But right now all of these payment schemes are tilted far in favor of having hospitals pool that risk, and not looser networks of doctors."
Medicare reimbursement favors hospitals over independent practices by paying more for procedures that are performed at a hospital outpatient clinic. For instance, Medicare pays $876 for a colonoscopy at a clinic compared to $402 at a private practice. A 15-minute visit to an independent doctor is reimbursed at $70, but $124 if the doctor is at a hospital outpatient clinic.
"This may be the same physician working out of the same office he or she always has worked out of, but the designation changes to 'hospital outpatient'" once the practice has been consolidated into a hospital system, said Devon Herrick, a senior fellow at the National Center for Policy Analysis.
Also, to comply with new payment reforms, healthcare providers must control their IT infrastructure. Only hospitals, which already have their own server hub, can afford to do that, Gottlieb points out.
With consolidated healthcare systems, competition is reduced, for there are fewer independent providers left to compete on prices and services.
A recent study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association confirmed that consolidation raises the cost of healthcare.
Between 2009 and 2012, healthcare providers owned by local hospitals had costs that were 10 percent higher per patient than practices owned by the physicians themselves, notes Kenneth Artz of The Heartland Institute.
And per-patient expenditures in practices owned by multihospital systems were 20 percent higher.
Editor's Note:

6. We Heard . . .
THAT former White House aide and Fox News producer Chris Byrne has been named a partner at Capitol Media Partners (CMP) and appointed to head a new office in New York City.
CMP is a Los Angeles-based global strategic communications and public affairs firm founded in 2009 by Richard Grenell, who was the longest serving U.S. spokesperson at the United Nations.
Byrne worked at the George W. Bush White House from 2005 to 2009, first as a deputy associate director of presidential personnel and later as a special assistant to White House press secretary Dana Perino. Most recently he served as a senior producer at Fox News.
"Chris' deep experience in the Washington, D.C., and New York City media circles makes him an ideal candidate for Capitol Media Partners' New York City office," CMP partner Brad Chase said in a release.
"Chris' experience and talent of merging traditional news media and digital media is an ideal asset for us."
THAT the Department of Homeland Security has finally responded to a lawsuit filed by Judicial Watch under the Freedom of Information Act and released figures regarding President Obama's July fundraising trip to Colorado.
According to the department, expenditures for security provided the president on his two-day visit to Denver cost taxpayers $200,383 — $183,259 for hotel accommodations and $17,124 for transportation for his security team.
Previous figures from the U.S. Air Force showed that transportation for Obama cost taxpayers $695,894, so the total for the trip is $896,277.
Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said in a statement released on Tuesday: "It is shameful that we had to sue to get this basic information."
Note: Newsmax magazine is now available on the iPad. Find us in the App Store.
Editor's Note:

Enrique Enriquez: Opinión: ¿Dónde están los prisioneros políticos de Cuba?

Cincuenta y tres de los encarcelados por los Castro deberían haber sido liberados en el acuerdo con Obama

Por Mary Anastasia O’Grady / The Wall Street Journal
domingo, 4 de enero de 2015 19:11 EDT

¿Quiénes son y dónde están los 53 prisioneros políticos cubanos que el presidente de Estados Unidos, Barack Obama, prometió que serían liberados por La Habana como parte de un acuerdo para dejar en libertad a tres espías cubanos que estaban cumpliendo largas condenas en EE.UU.?

La semana pasada planteé esta pregunta al Departamento de Estado, que me remitió a la Casa Blanca. Funcionarios de la Presidencia no quisieron suministrar la lista de los nombres aludiendo a la “preocupación de que el hacerla pública dificultaría que Cuba cumpliera su parte y que implemente medidas adicionales en el futuro”.
En suma: el gobierno estadounidense no puede confirmar que hayan sido dejados en libertad y no es seguro que sean liberados, a pesar de que los tres espías cubanos ya han sido devueltos a la isla.
Un funcionario del gobierno me dijo que mantener bajo discreción los nombres de los 53 le dará a Cuba la oportunidad de dejarlos libres como una medida soberana, en lugar de por pedido de EE.UU., y que esto podría permitir liberaciones adicionales.
En otras palabras, los Castro son unos niños sensibles que hacen rabietas despóticas cuando su poder absoluto es cuestionado. Aparentemente, pedirles que cumplan sus promesas es un detonante.
Obama estaba destinado a tener problemas con un cambio de la política hacia Cuba. Richard Nixon fue a China, pero ¿Obama va a La Habana? Parece un chiste. Un hombre con algo de humildad podría haberse preparado para el reto. Obama no lo hizo. Ahora, lo que asegura que obtuvo en las “negociaciones” parece evaporarse poco a poco, mientras que lo que cedió parece irresponsable.
El presidente estadounidense no ha viajado a La Habana, al menos no todavía, pero aprovechó el canje de prisioneros para anunciar que planea restaurar de forma incondicional las relaciones diplomáticas con la dictadura militar, algo que los Castro han exigido desde hace tiempo. Esa fue la primera concesión.
El mandatario dijo que aliviará las restricciones sobre los viajes de estadounidenses a la isla y que legalizará el uso de tarjetas de crédito estadounidenses en Cuba, lo que impulsará los ingresos de la industria del turismo, que está en manos de los militares. Esa es la segunda concesión.
Su promesa de reevaluar la designación de Cuba como un estado que patrocina el terrorismo sonó como si ya hubiera tomado una decisión al respecto. “En momentos en que nos concentramos en amenazas desde al Qaeda hasta EIIL, una nación que cumple nuestras condiciones y renuncia al uso del terrorismo no debería enfrentar esa sanción”, manifestó Obama.
Esto completaría el trío de concesiones. Cuba sigue apoyando a las FARC, el grupo terrorista colombiano. La isla fue sorprendida en 2013 tratando de contrabandear armas hacia Corea del Norte a través del Canal de Panamá, y análisis de inteligencia creíbles indican que Cuba ha suministrado a Venezuela la tecnología que necesita para falsificar las identidades de… PARA SEGUIR LEYENDO HAGA CLIC AQUÍ:  http://lat.wsj.com/articles/SB10277303042194463909004580379843772427342?tesla=y&mg=reno64-wsj&url=http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10277303042194463909004580379843772427342.html

Al Sharpton, un Charlatán, estafador profesional y extorsionista, según fuentes en Nueva York

•  Si quieres influencia, y que no se dañe tu imagen corporativa y no ser acusado de racista, págale a Al Sharpton

MIAMI 6 DE ENERO DE 2015, nhr.com—Al Sharpton el llamado reverendo negro, reconocido charlatán y estafador profesional, de acuerdo con el multimillonario Donald Trump, ha sido acusado además ser un extorsionista.
En un largo artículo publicado en las últimas horas el periódico neoyorquino New York Post el periódico se pregunta; ¿Quieres influir en la oferta de un casino? o ¿pulir tu imagen corporativa? y ¿no ser acusado de racista?, entonces págale a Al Sharpton.
Durante más de una década, las corporaciones han  desembolsado miles de dólares en donaciones y honorarios de consultoría a la organización de acción nacional de Sharpton. Lo que reciben a cambio es la supuesta seguridad del reverendo en la comunidad negra o, más a menudo, su silencio.
Una fuente le dijo a nelsonhortareporta.com que Sharpton opera al estilo la mafia italiana en que cobraban honorarios a negocios para darle protección.
Un ejemplo de esto fue cuando la Co-Presidente de Sony Pictures, Amy Pascal se reunió con el “pastor”, después de darse a conocer el contenido de los correos electrónicos filtrados que demostraron los comentarios raciales sobre Presidente Obama, Pascal estaba sitiada después de un sospechoso ataque cibernético norcoreano que presionaban al estudio para cancelar el estreno de “The Interview”, la cual representa el asesinato del dictador Kim Jong-un.
Se asegura que Pascal y su equipo estaban “temblando” y le tenía “miedo al Rev,”, pero Sharpton y Pascal se reunieron y acordaron formar un “grupo de trabajo” para enfocar el prejuicio racial en Hollywood. CA$O CERRADO.
Claro está, Sharpton no anuncio su apoyo públicamente a Pascal y la SONY después de la reunión, pero observadores y testigos dijeron que “le pagaron en efectivo o con poder, ya que uno compra su apoyo y silencio”.
“Al Sharpton se ha enriquecido él y a la NAN durante años amenazando a empresas con mala publicidad si no pactan en buenos términos con él. Sharpton se especializa en amenazas, “dijo Ken Boehm, Presidente del centro nacional Legal & Política, un grupo de vigilancia basada en Virginia que ha producido un libro sobre Sharpton.
Sharpton, ahora cuenta con una estrecha relación con Obama y alcalde Bill de Blasio, está major que nunca en una fuerte posición de negociación.
“Una vez que un determinado “cliente” este a bordo, Sharpton, juega la carta del racismo y agota todo el camino,”, dijo una fuente que ha trabajado con el “reverendo” de Harlem. “entonces él sigue pidiendo más y más dinero.”
Un ejemplo del modus operandi de Sharpton ha sido revelado en documentos de reportes de impuestos y de registros públicos entregados por la Oficina del Inspector General de Nueva York.
En el año 2008 la firma Plainfield Asset Management de Greenwich, Conneticut hizo una contribución de $500,000 a una organización no lucrativa para la reforma educativa, pocos días después los $500,000 dólares fueron canalizados hacia la organización de Sharpton National Action Network.
La donación levantó sospechas rápidamente ya que, aunque el dinero supuestamente era para apoyar los esfuerzos de NAN y traer “igualdad educativa”, también vino en el momento en que Plainfield estaba intentando conseguir un lucrativo negocio de juegos de azar en Nueva York.
Plainfield tuvo una participación de $ 250 millones en CapitalPlay, un grupo que trataba de garantizar una licencia para operar el casino en el Hipódromo Aqueduct de Queens. CapitalPlay empleó a un cabildero llamado Charlie King, quien también es uno de los directores Ejecutivos interino de NAN.
Sharpton ha declarado que la mayor parte de la contribución de Plainfield fue a pagar el sueldo del King. Pero a la compañía de King, Movement Group, le fue pagado $243.586 por NAN en 2008, según mostraron los registros de impuestos.
Lo cierto es que la donación llegó en un momento oportuno para Sharpton, ya que NAN estaba profundamente en deuda con en IRS en el 2008, debía $1.3 millones en impuestos que no había pagado tanto al gobierno federal como al estatal y la propia nomina de los trabajadores.
EXCLUSIVA: En otra noticia sobre el Reverendo Al Sharpton, nelsonhortareporta.com pudo conocer esta madrugada que un pomo de Viagra perteneciente a Sharpton fue encontrado en la casa del abogado Sandy Rubenstain durante un registro que la policía realizó a raíz de la investigación sobre una acusación de la presunta violación sexual de la que fue hecha contra Rubenstain.
El abogado de 70 años fue acusado de haber atacado a una mujer de 42 años que fue hallada inconciente y quien resulto ser una alta ejecutiva de la organización de Sharpton National Accion Network. La policia durante un registro en el apartamento de Rubenstein  encontró el pomo de Viagra recetada a Al Sharpton, ya que tenia el nombre del “reverendo” en la etiqueta.


En mi opinión
No 841  Enero 6, 2015
“IN GOD WE TRUST” Lázaro R González Miño   EDITOR

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