Tuesday, February 11, 2014

No 591 "En mi opinion" Febrero 11, 2014

No 591 “En mi opinión” Febrero 11, 2014

“IN GOD WE TRUST” Lázaro R González Miño Editor

Luis Carril: Competencia de las más famosas mentiras de algunos presidentes.
Written by, To The Point News

·         We were attacked (in the Gulf of Tonkin)
·         I am not a crook
GHW Bush:
·         Read my lips - No New Taxes
·         I did not have sex with that woman... Miss Lewinski
GW Bush:
·         Iraq has weapons of mass destruction
·         I will have the most transparent administration in history.
·         The stimulus will fund shovel-ready jobs.
·         I am focused like a laser on creating jobs.
·         The IRS is not targeting anyone.
·         It was a spontaneous riot about a movie.
·         If I had a son.
·         I will put an end to the type of politics that "breeds division, conflict and cynicism".
·         You didn't build that!
·         I will restore trust in Government.
·         The Cambridge cops acted stupidly.
·         The public will have 5 days to look at every bill that lands on my desk
·         It's not my red line - it is the world's red line.
·         Whistle blowers will be protected in my administration.
·         We got back every dime we used to rescue the banks and auto companies, with interest.
·         I am not spying on American citizens.
·         Obama Care will be good for America.
·         You can keep your family doctor.
·         Premiums will be lowered by $2500.
·         If you like it, you can keep your current healthcare plan.
·         It's just like shopping at Amazon.
·         I knew nothing about "Fast and Furious" gunrunning to Mexican drug cartels.
·         I knew nothing about IRS targeting conservative groups.
·         I knew nothing about what happened in Benghazi.
·         I have never known my uncle from Kenya who is in the country illegally and that was arrested and told to leave the country over 20 years ago.
·         And, I have never lived with that uncle.  He finally admitted (12-05-2013) that he DID know his uncle and that he DID live with him.

And the biggest one of all:
·         "I, Barrack Hussein Obama, pledge to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America."
I believe we have a winner!

 Amenper: ¿Por qué NO debemos leer la Biblia?
Vivimos en el 2014, ¿Por qué vivimos en el 2014 y no vivimos en el 4016 el año del tigre en China?
¿Por qué aunque algunas tradiciones se mantienen en algunos contando en su calendario, hasta en esos países el calendario cristiano se mantiene universalmente aceptado para todas las transacciones?
Este calendario gregoriano, se basa en el nacimiento de un niño llamado Jesús en Belén, una aldea de Palestina, que fundó una religión con elementos nuevos de una religión basada en la historia de una tribu nómada del medio oriente con un patriarca llamado Abraham.
Esa religión enseña valores que hoy se llaman Judeo-Cristianos y que han sido la base para leyes de las naciones y como fundamento de las tradiciones de ética y moral que se han filtrado en otras civilizaciones y han sido aceptadas universalmente como el ejemplo para la conducta del ser humano.
Como el origen de esta religión tuvo su desarrollo histórico en el Medio Oriente, una parte del mundo alejada de los centros de civilización en aquel tiempo del resto del mundo, no existen relatos históricos que enseñen la historia y el origen de la creación de esos valores no hay ni un solo libro documentando aquellos hechos, porque no hubo historiador que se preocuparan por lo que parecían hechos sin importancia en una parte alejada del mundo civilizado. 
Solamente hay un documento preservado por los seguidores de esa religión desde su fundación cuando en la tribu de Abraham por primera vez el hombre consideró que había un solo Dios, este documento se llama la Biblia.
Por eso es tan importante que NO lean la Biblia.  Esto es una realidad que hay que comprender.
Si ustedes leen la Biblia, están razonando y comprendiendo los valores morales que han sido la base para la interacción entre los seres humanos por siglos. 
Esto no es conveniente ahora que queremos cambiar estos valores, por eso es que hay que considerar que la Biblia es un libro absurdo e irrazonable, porque de otra manera nos mantendremos con los valores morales que ese libro anticuado enseña.
Si seguimos leyendo la Biblia, entonces no vamos a aceptar los nuevos valores, hay que olvidarse de los valores morales Judeo-Cristianos, y aceptar los nuevos valores y los nuevos mandamientos.
Tenemos nuevos mandamientos,

No matarás, pero puedes hacerlo mientras el asesinado esté todavía en el vientre de su madre.
 No codiciarás la casa de tu prójimo, no codiciarás la mujer de tu prójimo, ni su siervo, ni su criada, ni su buey, ni su asno, ni cosa alguna de tu prójimo. Al no ser que el codiciando sea rico y tú seas pobre porque eso es desigualdad social y entonces el codiciar lo ajeno es aceptable.
No hurtarás, pero no hay problema si lo que hurtas es para la redistribución.
No desearás la mujer del prójimo, pero eso no tiene mucha importancia si eres como Bill Clinton, porque si eres buena gente, demócrata y liberal, hasta tu mujer dirá que eso no tiene mucha importancia.
No darás falsos testimonios y mentiras, al no ser que seas el primer presidente negro de los Estados Unidos, porque entonces hay que aceptarlo y no se puede criticar.
No tendrás Dioses ajenos  al no ser que este Dios se llame  Barack Hussein Obama
Por eso es que NO debemos de leer la Biblia, ¿Cómo vamos a poder implantar estos nuevos valores al mundo si la gente sigue empecinada en hacerle caso a la Biblia?
1-     Odiar a Dios sobre todas las cosas y a los conservadores como a ti mismo.
2-     Burlarte del nombre de Dios. Aunque dentro de ti sepas que hay algo que está ahí por encima de todo.
3-     Celebrar el día del odio.
4-     Honrar al diablo y a los dictadores comunistas que son su representación en la tierra.
5-     No tolerar los derechos de los demás y victimizarte.
6-     Celebrar los actos de intransigencia y de odio.
7-     Robar.
8-     Levantar falsos  testimonios y mentir.
9-     Consentir y fomentar pensamientos impuros.
10-  Codiciar los bienes ajenos.


While a large number of ignorant and corrupt “COMMISSIONERS” are providing lavish benefits to the Miami-Dade County work force like free and paid monthly healthcare benefits costing the county taxpayers millions affecting property owners and renters the real problem are not addressed . The below article shows more of what is coming up. This time is in reference to the  sewer system that needs to be upgraded. In this case in my opinion is something that needs to be done, but will cost AND WATER AND SEWER will go up.

The amount of billions of dollars in bonds approved by the taxpayers such as for Public Schools, Jackson Hospital and others property taxes for cats and dogs care and much more will be added to the  property owners tax bill  come this new fiscal year. And don’t forget the new and very large flood insurance that not too far from now will hit many.

The corrupt commissioners and yes the indifferent of many ignorant voters of the County are creating a very difficult situation for property owners and renters with huge property tax increases and fees coming. The renters will be most affected as all of the property tax increase and fees will be passed to them with even higher rent cost. DISPOSAL INCOME will also affect local businesses due to higher property taxes and higher rent. 

The Miami Herald instead of providing solid information an analysis of the situation joins with the local government unscrupulous commissioners. The Miami Herald not only does not look after the community not  even to provide alternatives to the only “tax the property” agenda . 

Jorge Aguiar
Doral, Florida

$1.6B sewer deal under court scrutiny
› A federal judge said he will decide ‘quickly’ whether to accept a proposed settlement over pollution violations by Miami-Dade County.
BY PATRICIA MAZZEI pmazzei@MiamiHerald.com 
   A Miami federal judge said Monday he has some concerns about a legal settlement that would require county government to spend $1.6 billion over the next 15 years to fix its dilapidated sewer system.
   Chief among them: that the penalties Miami-Dade County would be charged for failing to make the repairs are far too lenient. In some cases, the county, which has a $4.4 billion operating budget this year, would be fined $500 a day.
   “These are ridiculous,” U.S. District Judge Federico Moreno said.
   An attorney for the federal government said the fines are consistent with penalties imposed in other parts of the country.
   The judge cannot rewrite the agreement, known as a consent decree. But since the court will have to oversee the decree’s implementation, he must accept or reject it.
   The federal, state and county governments want him to enter it into the record as-is. An environmental group that has challenged the proposal in court wants him to send it back to the negotiating table to make it more stringent.
   Moreno listened to about two hours of arguments Monday and said he plans to rule “quickly.”
   He seemed reluctant to keep the agreement in limbo to hear more evidence, which he said might not necessarily give him new information , or to force a new round of mediation between the governments and the environmentalists, which failed once before.
   Miami-Dade has been negotiating the settlement for the past year and a half, since the U.S. Department of Justice, U.S. Environmen- tal Protection Agency and Florida Department of Environmental Protection sued the county over violations to the federal Clean Water Act.
   Biscayne Bay Waterkeeper, a group of environmental activists, has opposed the proposal because the county wouldn’t be required to take into account the effects of climate change in its repairs.
   The American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees Local 121, which represents Miami-Dade water and sewer workers, has also opposed the decree, saying that a failure to maintain the sewer system has hurt working conditions.
   Rachael Kamons, a Justice Department attorney, said that while climate change is of paramount importance — “quite possibly the biggest issue facing our generation”
   — the decree is intended to address specific pollution violations in a 15-year span that would not require sea-level rise modifications.
   “It’s not appropriate,” she said. “It’s not necessary [in order] to bring the county into compliance with the Clean Water Act.”
   No other consent decree elsewhere in the country has imposed climate-change measures, government lawyers said.
   But Paul Schwiep, an attorney for the Waterkeeper group, countered that the sewer system is already vulnerable to climate change and that those weaknesses should be targeted for improvement in the decree.
   “They’re telling you that climate impact is real” yet choosing not to include it in the agreement, he said.
   Schwiep also said the decree should include a ban on transferring Water and Sewer Department funds collected from user fees to Miami-Dade’s general fund. Past administrations raided the department’s budget, although the current mayor has stopped the practice.
   Assistant county attorney Henry Gillman told the judge that the decree requires the county to submit a financial analysis showing how it will pay for the repairs.
   Upgrading the entire deteriorated pipe system — and not just the violations identified in the federal lawsuit — would cost Miami-Dade about $12 billion.
   Of particular concern to the activists are the three wastewater treatment plants in Goulds, North Miami and Virginia Key that need the bulk of the upgrades — more than $1 billion. Maps drawn up by experts on the group’s behalf last year showed that the plants could become islands , with surrounding streets flooded by rising seas, unless the county takes preventive measures.
   Water and Sewer Department administrators say they plan to take sea-level rise into account in the design and engineering of the repairs. But nothing — other than direction from county commissioners — would force them to do so.
   The county has already made some repairs and begun soliciting bids to hire outside contractors for the project.
   But the process has been slow — so slow that John Renfrow, the department director, sent Mayor Carlos Gimenez’s office a strongly worded memo last week cautioning that the delays have “exceeded the most pessimistic projections.”
   The county can no longer afford to use in-house staff without an outside project and construction manager, Renfrow wrote. A selection committee chose a firm last month in a re-do of bid rankings requested by the mayor after the first round was marred by controversy.
   In a subsequent memo to the county attorney’s office, Renfrow wrote that eight of 39 repairs that had been scheduled to begin by Monday will start late, with the final four getting under way by June 30.
   While the deadlines are for the county’s tracking purposes only, they underscore the pressure on Miami-Dade to take up the costly repairs. In addition to fines, the federal government could take over the upgrades if the county fails to make them on its own.
   Last year, commissioners authorized issuing $4.25 billion in bonds to pay for the fixes. They also approved the first of several expected fee hikes — rates went up 8 percent — to pay for the bonds.

WATCH: Professor Exposes Obama’s Communist Roots And Mentor


Here is a fascinating, extended interview Mark Levin did the other night with Dr. Paul Kengor, Professor of Political Science at Grove City College, on “Who exactly is Barack Obama?”

Gee, too bad, we elected a guy who at one time time was close to a communist. Big deal. Don’t like it? You have the right to call your congressman and senators and ask them to impeach, and they will laugh at you because it isn’t a high crime or a misdemeanor to have been at one time close to a communist. And, in the highly unlikely case that they did impeach (which takes a two-thirds vote in a trial by the US Senate), then Joe Biden would become president.
Obama, actually was born in Hawaii, as has been proven overwhelmingly by his birth certificate (short form and long form) and by the confirmation of the officials of BOTH parties in Hawaii, and by the public index Data file and by the birth notices sent to the Hawaii newspapers by the DOH of Hawaii in 1961 (and ONLY the DOH could send birth notices to that section of the newspapers, the “Health Bureau Statistics” section—and the DOH only sent out birth notices for children born in Hawaii). And every child born on US soil is a Natural Born US Citizen.
“What is a natural born citizen? Clearly, someone born within the United States or one of its territories is a natural born citizen.” (Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on OCTOBER 5, 2004)–Senator Orrin G. Hatch (R-UT).
“Under the longstanding English common-law principle of jus soli, persons born within the territory of the sovereign (other than children of enemy aliens or foreign diplomats) are citizens from birth. Thus, those persons born within the United States are “natural born citizens” and eligible to be President. Much less certain, however, is whether children born abroad of United States citizens are “natural born citizens” eligible to serve as President …”—- Edwin Meese, et al, THE HERITAGE GUIDE TO THE CONSTITUTION (2005) [Edwin Meese was Ronald Reagan’s attorney general, and the Heritage Foundation is a well-known Conservative organization.]
“Some birthers imagine that there is a difference between being a “citizen by birth” or a “native citizen” on the one hand and a “natural born” citizen on the other. “Eccentric” is too kind a word for this notion, which is either daft or dishonest. All three terms are identical in meaning.”—The Wall Street Journal (http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970204619004574322281597739634.html?KEYWORDS=obama+%22natural+born+citizen%22+minor+happersett)
“Every child born in the United States is a natural-born United States citizen except for the children of diplomats.”—Senator Lindsay Graham (December 11, 2008 letter to constituents)

Western Center for Journalism: UPDATE: Congressman Threatens To File Article Of Impeachment Against Barack Hussein Obama.

       You read that right, Congressman Steve Stockman has just stepped forward and indicated that he's ready to file Article of Impeachment against Barack Hussein Obama: 

"I'm considering filing Articles of Impeachment against Barack Obama," and all we can say is... it's about time because we have, indeed, run out of options. 

       But the ever-increasing chorus of Congressmen, like Stockman, who are literally inches from impeaching Barack Hussein Obama need just another push... 
We must keep the momentum going. Congress must hear from you now... and we need to deliver a mountain of faxes to their officesDEMANDING the Impeachment of Barack Hussein Obama. 

But Wait: More Politicians And Organizations Are Finally Jumping On The Impeachment Bandwagon.

       Congressman Stockman, who boldly stated that Barack Obama's 
"goal is to eliminate our constitutional republic," isn't alone. 

       Congressman Paul Broun (R-GA), who is seeking to replace the retiring Senator Saxby Chambliss, is on the list as well. At a recent candidate forum, the moderator posed the following question to the candidates for Chambliss' seat: 
"Obama has perjured himself on multiple occasions. Would you support impeachment if presented for a vote?" 

       Broun and several other candidates raised their hands without hesitation. 

       And Liberty Counsel Action has finally joined the fight as well. In an email to members and supporters, the organization's head, Mat Staver wrote: 
"America has been forced into a constitutional crisis of historic proportions... [Barack Obama's] abuses have brought us to the point that the People can no longer tolerate his subversion of the Constitution or his willful violations of his Oath of Office. Liberty Counsel Action is calling for the United States House of Representatives to draft Articles of Impeachment against President Obama." 

       The list goes on. As a matter of fact, an increasing number of elected officials have mentioned the possibility of impeachment in recent days. The good folks at WND even compiled a list: 
"Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa; Rep. Blake Farenthold, R-Texas; Rep. Steve Stockman, R-Texas; Rep. Bill Flores, R-Texas; Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif.; Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla.; Rep. Kerry Bentivolio, R-Mich.; Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas; Sen. James Inhofe, R-Okla.; Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah; Sen. Tim Scott, R-S.C.; Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn.; Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas; Rep. Trey Radel, R-Fla.; and Rep. Ted Yoho, R-Fla." 

       We've been waiting for impeachment to gain this level of traction for far too long, and now that the issue is gaining traction so fast, 
there is no choice... no option... as to what patriotic Americans must do next. We must push and build on this momentum. The impeachment of Barack Obama may be at hand and it's up to each and every one of us to make it happen. 

Obama Is Staging A Bloodless Coup.

       Mr. I-Have-A-Pen-And-I-Have-A-Phone isn't backing down... he's trenching in... more abuses of the Constitution are planned. 
He's all in and, in the coming days, more Members of Congress will be forced to face the realization that Barack Obama MUST BE IMPEACHED. 

       We've said it before and we'll say it again. We're now in the middle of a bloodless coup – the takeover of an entire nation by the hate-America crowd – a cold-blooded gang that despises America's prosperity, our standing in the world, our trust in God and just about everything about America that is just and good. 

       When you look at America, you see a monument to the triumph of freedom and prosperity, but when Barack Hussein Obama looks at America... he sees a world in which some people, due to personal initiative and good fortune, will do better than others... and live better than others. 

       And Barack Obama sees that as fundamentally unfair. Where you see freedom, liberty and the opportunity for any American to be all that he or she can be, Obama only sees greed and bigotry. He even has a term for it, 
"income inequality" ... and he has a solution. 

       Like so many on the far-left before him, going all the way back to Karl Marx, Barack Obama believes that it's his duty to mandate 
"equality of outcome" over "equality of opportunity" and Americans must learn to live in chains... servitude to the iron will of government will be required... to make it happen. 

       Barack Hussein Obama's worldview makes him one of the greatest threats in American history to your personal liberty and 
the threat must be removed from office now... before it is too late. 

The Time To Impeach Barack Obama Is Upon Us... It Is Now.

       We'll quote Congressman Steve Stockman again: 
"Obama defiantly vowed not only to radically expand the reach of government from cradle to grave, but to smash the Constitution’s restrictions on government power while doing it. His goal is to eliminate our constitutional republic." 

more needs to be said? What more must Barack Obama do before we act? 

       How long must we wait to stop this megalomaniac... this American dictator? ... How long should we sit back and watch Barack Hussein Obama continue to rip apart the fabric of this country before we take action? 

       We don't have to wait. Starting right now, you can fire a shot that will be heard around the world... and 
send our self-appointed leaders the clear and unmistakable message that Barack Obama does not have carte blanche to ruin the United States of America. 

       And win, lose or draw, it's a message that must be sent.  While we can't speak for everyone, as far as we're concerned, we'd rather fight and fail than simply submit to the tyranny of Barack Hussein Obama. 

       Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution reads: 
"The President, Vice President and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors." 

       And all of our problems, from Benghazi-Gate, to Fast and Furious, to IRS abuses of power have just one solution and the 
time is upon us to invoke that Constitutional solution. 

Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every Member of the Republican Leadership of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives. 


If button above does not work, please use this hyperlink.

Floyd Brown

Amenper: Are we going toward a dictatorship? ¿Vamos de cabeza a una dictadura?

It's easy for a Cuban identify a dictatorial system works when we see it.
Someone who lived in Cuba different systems of government, corrupt democracies from going through the authoritarian dictatorship of Batista, and suffering   socialist propaganda of populist politicians to the official implementation of Communism Fidel, and then   live the years under representative democracy in the United States, he can easily identify the characteristics of a dictator in the making.
In a democracy, laws are established or revoked by the majority, but the protection of minority law must exist-
The whims of the majority in a democracy can not leave without   protection to the minority, because then it is not a representative democracy over all is a dictatorship.
But here when talking about "minorities", he is speaking of the "majority" are the government that has the power and dependence slave state.  
The true minority, unable at this time, which is every day the opposition has less protection.
In a Republic, a written constitution protects the rights of individuals and minority, despite the whim or the panic of the majority.
Thus, in the American Republic, all citizens should be protected by law in spite of the election of a socialist president theory.
But the law should apply to everyone including a president without law, and is made ​​by the other two branches of our government (Congress, Senate and our courts).
So the midterm elections are so important.
In his last speech State of the Union address, President Obama warned that "ignore" the   legislative chambers and the American people in order to enhance its "year of action" before the midterm elections. His promise was openly violating the Constitution  
Senator Ted Cruz recently in a successful manner compared America under President Obama a corrupt dictatorship in which the Executive decides what laws to follow and which to ignore. He cited the continuation of the Obama administration's mandate to businesses under the law. Obamacare. He said the executive decision issued to delay the deportation of   illegal immigrants and opposed the federal ban on marijuana in states like Colorado and Washington, these were examples of "consistent pattern of lawlessness" of the President.
"If the President of the United States can simply choose which laws to follow ... we know what it looks like," Cruz said. Corrupt in the rule of law is meaningless, where dictators are in power and have things called law countries "There are countries in the world where the law does not work. Miren. But what is law if not met? "
The real Obama has left a growing dramatically, and has become increasingly sensitive, more arrogant, so its popularity is on the floor.
But you can not confront, if a journalist asks questions, it's their job, the minions of the media try to destroy complacent, reminiscent of Cuba.
They say the attacks are because he is black, but it is known to its governance was his choice that happened because he is black.
Clearly, the low popularity of Obama's management of foreign and domesticpolicy. Foreign policy failures, loss of millions of jobs, loss of health insurance, foreclosures, retirement plans and the numerous scandals involving the administration, not his blackness, the cause of his falling popularity, It is their way of governing.
Simply put, America after years of democracy is not ready for a dictator.






'It's not natural for a 34-year-old to just cease to exist'  

WASHINGTON — Under crystal-clear skies on a warm autumn day, suburban mother Miriam Carey left her home in Stamford, Conn., to drive 270 miles to Washington, D.C., on a trip from which she would never return.
To this day, no one really knows why she was gunned-down by federal officers in the shadow of the Capitol dome.
The 34-year-old dental hygienist had her beloved infant daughter buckled into the back seat of her black Nissan Infiniti on Oct. 3, 2013, when she apparently made a wrong turn and suddenly found herself at a security checkpoint at the White House.
The media mistakenly reported that Carey rammed a barrier or a gate, but the initial police report mentions only that she tried to make a U-turn.
Read the initial police report on the Miriam Carey case, Page 1 and Page 2.
No one knows for sure, because, as WND has repeatedly reported, authorities have refused to release all surveillance video of the incident, and still have not even released the official investigation.
Carey’s family believes she panicked when officers drew their guns, causing her to flee the scene and lead police on a wild car chase that paralyzed the nation’s capital and captured the world’s attention, as local, national and international media breathlessly followed the unfolding drama.
The pivotal moment occurred at the Garfield Monument traffic circle, just south of the Capitol, where Carey brought her car to a stop but U.S. Capitol police officers and uniformed Secret Service agents inexplicably failed to use their squad cars to surround her and bring the chase to an end.
Instead, about a half-dozen officers on foot surrounded her with their guns drawn. Carey apparently panicked again and drove off through an opening between the officers. But the police then violated what is standard procedure for most major police departments and fired upon her in a crowded public space.
Police said Carey was mortally wounded by those shots. Although she had the strength to drive away, the chase would come to an end a few blocks away when her car careened out of control at a guard shack, about one block from the Capitol. Officers removed Carey’s child from her car, unhurt. Carey was pronounced dead at the hospital..
The media initially reported police suspected Carey to be a terrorist threat. That turned out to be untrue. Then the media reported she was mentally unstable. When that also turned out to be untrue, the media had run out of pat answers and lost interest, never bothering to really ask why the incident happened and investigate the background of Miriam Carey.
In an exclusive interview with WND, Miriam Carey’s sister, Valarie, a retired New York City police sergeant, spoke candidly and movingly about the sister she knew.
Her attorney, Eric Sanders, also a former NYPD officer, accompanied her. Tired of waiting for an official explanation of what happened, Sanders informed WND on Jan. 31, that the Carey family has filed a $75 million lawsuit against the U.S. government. As WND has also reported, the mainstream media has ignored the lawsuit, too.
Miriam the person
“Miriam loved life, and she loved her family. She was a very loving and caring person. But she was also very goal-oriented and optimistic,” Valarie reflected somberly, while walking the chase route on a clear but chilly winter’s day.
Miriam’s daughter was the apple of her eye, said the mournful sister, adding, “It was a blessing to have a new niece, and Miriam was really happy to be a new mother.”
With a broad smile, Valarie described her sister as having a zest for life and learning, a passion for travel and a love of family and friends.
Pausing to fight back the tears, the soft-spoken sister said, “It just hurts to know that she will not be able to continue her journey.”
When asked if there was ever any sibling rivalry, Valarie smiled and even laughed.
“Yes, we were sisters. You know, your little sister is wearing your clothes sometimes. Then there were the academics, you know, things like that,” said the big sister, calling Miriam an excellent student.
Valarie could never imagine any reason a police department could have suspected Miriam of any criminal activity.
“My sister was not a criminal. My sister was a law-abiding citizen and she didn’t commit any crimes while she was in the District of Columbia,” insisted the former police sergeant.
As for the media’s speculation on Miriam’s mental state, Sanders said, “We don’t know of any history of mental illness or drug use, and there’s no objective data to support the idea that there was any mental condition. What it boils down to is that you have a young woman in the District of Columbia and she was killed. That’s the only thing we know.”
Sanders said none of that speculation was even relevant and that the only thing that mattered was that “police were not justified in discharging their weapons. So, for us it’s a non-issue.”
He had met Miriam a few years ago and described her to WND as vivacious and upbeat, adding, “She was someone you would trust your life. That’s why they’re so confused about what happened here. No one knows.”
Miriam’s dreams
“She had aspirations of teaching others who were interested in the dental field. She seemed to have a passion for it. She expressed that she was contemplating going back to school and becoming a dentist herself,” Valarie said.
As part of her work, Miriam operated a referral business in which she would connect other dental hygienists to jobs, a task she enjoyed.
Relishing a chance to laugh while remembering her sister, Valarie chuckled at the memory of being “the patient” when Miriam was training to become a dental hygienist.
Valarie bragged about her sister’s skills, stating she even trusted her sister enough to be a real patient.
“I had confidence in her. I knew that she was going to be able to handle the tasks, and I was more than happy to assist her in obtaining her goals,” Valarie said.
She said Miriam’s dreams fit closely with the profile of the Carey family as people who take pride and pleasure in helping others.
“With me being a civil servant and my other sister, Amy, being a registered nurse and my mother also in the health profession … that’s something I think we kind of got from our mom,” Valarie said.
Valarie remembers long conversations with her sister, and she marveled at Miriam’s knowledge on such a wide variety of interests.
“We talked about so many different things, like fashion. My sister was very stylish. And she just enjoyed life, and just her activities. We talked about what we were going to do on the weekends, getting together,” Valarie said.
Miriam also had a talent for making people feel good and for enjoying their company.
“She was good at bringing together friends and family. She was good at making people laugh. She was good at debating different topics and really good at keeping family relationships active and positive. She was a bridge to bring people together,” Valarie said with pride.
Fighting back tears, Valarie confided, “That’s why we were just looking forward to spending more time together as a family, but now we’re not going to be able to do that. This has just shattered our lives. It shattered our family. It was so unexpected, so unjust, so unfair, so untimely.”
“She’s not going to be here to celebrate holidays; she’s not going to be here for birthdays. She’s not going to be here for her daughter. There’s a big empty spot in my life right now,” Valarie said.
Valarie again fought back the urge to cry when she talked about how difficult it was to get through the recent holiday season.
“Yes, very rough, for my mom, for us. It was rough. We were looking forward to Thanksgiving at my house and, you know, she was notably missed.”
Valarie also recalled happier times, such as the family vacation to Niagara Falls. But that memory, like all other memories of Miriam, has become bittersweet.
“I think what I’ll miss most is just having her there. To be able to have her call me when she has a problem. These are things that you take for granted. It’s not natural for a 34-year-old who didn’t have any medical problems to just cease to exist. That’s not something you foresee. That’s not something that you think about,” Valarie said.
For a moment, Valarie sat quietly and reflected upon her family’s anguish about what happened to her sister. She admits that she will never understand why Miriam was killed on that October morning.
“My sister was a law-abiding citizen, so she wasn’t involved in any activities that made me worry her as if her safety was going to be in harm’s way. It’s one of the reasons why this whole thing makes no sense at all,” Valarie said.
Where’s the outrage?
Sanders wondered aloud about the lack of outrage over the death of someone so normal, she easily could have been anyone’s relative or neighbor.
 “She was a law-abiding citizen, so it’s unfortunate there aren’t more people who are upset about this because Miriam could be anyone. She was a sister and a daughter. She was a mother. She could be anyone and that’s why this issue should be on everyone’s mind. This could have been your sister, your daughter. Everyone makes mistakes, but she didn’t have to die,” Sanders said.
The attorney believes the initial media coverage is one reason there is so little public interest.
“I think what happened is that first she was portrayed as a woman with a gun. That was inaccurate. Then it was a crazy person driving around. Of course, we don’t value crazy people in this world. So we can discard them. She didn’t mean anything, and that’s how it’s been portrayed so far,” Sanders said.
Sanders zeroes on the silence from the White House over this issue.
“The president didn’t even comment on it. We’re not asking him to make any particular comment like it’s unjustified. But at least state that there was a U. S. citizen who was killed in the capital. I think that’s something that should garner some attention,” Sanders said.
See these WND stories on the Miriam Carey Mystery:

Betty: Dios los cría y el Diablo los junta. Did Petraeus Just Endorse Hillary Clinton?
By Jonathan Karl | ABC News  ABC News - Did Petraeus Just Endorse Hillary Clinton? (ABC News)
Among Republicans, there is no more popular general than David Petraeus, the commander credited for salvaging the Iraq war and the architect of the counter-insurgency strategy pursued by President Bush. Petraeus has always shied away from politics, but in a new book he is quoted lavishing so much praise on Hillary Clinton, he seems to be endorsing her as a candidate for President.
"She'd make a tremendous president," Petraeus says in the new book "HRC" by Jonathan Allen and Aimee Parnes.
And for Petraeus, Exhibit A in why she would be a tremendous president is the very thing for which Republicans most aggressively attack Clinton: her performance as Secretary of State when the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, was attacked.
"Like a lot of great leaders, her most impressive qualities were most visible during tough times," Petraeus tells Allen and Parnes. "In the wake of the Benghazi attacks, for example, she was extraordinarily resolute, determined, and controlled."
Petraeus was director of the Central Intelligence Agency at the time of the attacks, which killed four Americans, including two who worked for the CIA and the U.S. ambassador to Libya, Chris Stevens.
The book does not specify what, if anything, Petraeus had to say about the failure of the State Department to respond to repeated requests for improved security in Benghazi in the weeks and months before the attacks.
Petraeus's glowing assessment is especially interesting given his uneasy history with Hillary Clinton. She essentially accused Petraeus of lying about progress in Iraq when he was President Bush's commander there and she was a senator preparing to run for president.
During a hearing of the Senate Armed Services Committee in September 2007, Petraeus testified that the surge of additional troops into Iraq and led to a dramatic decrease in violence. Then-Senator Clinton said Petraeus's assessment required "a willful suspension of disbelief."
Clinton's courtship of her erstwhile foe began shortly after President-elect Obama nominated her as Secretary of State in 2008. She invited Petraeus, then the military's top commander for the Middle East, to her home in Washington, D.C., to share a bottle of wine and talk about the Middle East.
Allen and Parnes write that the session went so well, she invited him back for another meeting the following night, and another bottle of wine.
After Petraeus was forced to resign as CIA Director over an extramarital affair, Clinton sent him a note expressing sympathy and harkening back to her struggles on the other side of an adultery scandal.
"I have a little experience," she wrote.

Diego Quirós Sr: El "marxismo", se puede definir como la plaga de comején ideológico.....es maligno y altamente destructivo.

Cuando los dirigentes sindicales responden al gobierno....se convierten en los gendarmes que persiguen y esclavizan al trabajador.

Cuando la empresa privada es abolida....la miseria es inevitable y ¿saben por qué? Porque al pertenecer todo al Estado llega a su final la sana ambición del hombre, la retorica marxista “que todos somos iguales”, asesina la competencia y el deseo de superación, porque ¿para qué voy a quitarme horas de descanso y tiempo de distracción, si al final, el vago, el incapacitado y el oportunista van a tener los mismos beneficios que el que se ha sacrificado?

Cuando el Poder Judicial  se enfrenta al gobierno en alguna decisión, si es que lo hace....lo sustituyen. Tomemos en cuenta el ejemplo cubano, ¿quienes son los Jueces? Sencillamente marionetas de la tiranía, hacen, dicen y actúan de acuerdo a la voluntad del que lo decide todo en la Isla. Así se amordazarían también otros criterios, aboliendo cualquier otra discrepancia que pudiera surgir.

Vivir así, es una humillación. Un sistema donde usted no cuenta para nada, en el que no puede decidir ni aun lo que va a comer ese día, porque usted tiene que comer lo que el estado reparta. A eso se le llama "paternalismo gubernamental". Es la dependencia obligatoria al "compañero" dirigente. Es como si usted no tuviera inteligencia ni voluntad,  y es el otro, el designado,  quien piensa y decide por usted. El pueblo se convierte en una masa amorfa y obediente, pudierase decir, sumisa. Esa es la función de la tiranía comunista: eliminar la personalidad y la voluntad  individual.

Desafortunadamente, muchas personas han acomodado el oído a la dialéctica hiriente, ofensiva, envidiosa y cargada con la metralla del odio, es como si se revolcasen en fango para manchar la pulcritud de la escogencia hacia lo bueno y descargarla contra el que se ha distinguido. Es mas fácil hacer que otro se caiga, que  escalar con esfuerzo y sacrificio, hasta lograr ponerse al mismo nivel. Esta experiencia los pueblos la aprenden cuando la sufren.

 La magia del comunismo consiste en destruir todo lo bueno que ha sido construido por otro.

La bondad de las Democracias es que las oportunidades son para todos, no excluyen por ideas partidistas ni religiosas, ni origen racial o diferencia sexual. Están ahí, y con esfuerzo y dedicación personal, se pueden alcanzar.

Analizando la historia, a la Unión Soviética, le costó 70 años quitarse de encima el látigo que mantuvo humillada y esclavizada a tres generaciones, y los Países nuestros son tan "ingenuos" que ellos mismos escogen a los que en definitiva los fustigaran con el látigo de la esclavitud, los privaran de todo Derecho y solo exigirán sacrificios.
Los sacrificios y las promesas de un mundo mejor, en Cuba ya llevan 55 años de miseria y maldad para el sufrido pueblo, mientras que los dirigentes y la elite que les rodean, viven como verdaderos burgueses.

Diego Quiros, Sr.
Miami, Florida.

Amenper: Asalto del Vaticano por las Naciones “Desunidas”

No me tienen que explicar estos comunistas de nuevo la excusa de el por qué los sacerdotes pedófilos de la Iglesia Católica Romana son tratados con más rigor que los pastores pedófilos o  el caso oficiales del gobierno pedófilos, porque esto es un sofisma.
Un sofisma es una mentira disfrazada que  se basa en una verdad que se usa para cambiar la verdadera razón de lo que se está haciendo.
Sé que dicen de que se trata del concepto del sacerdocio como algo con atributos divinos y sobrenaturales que no existe en otras instituciones civiles o religiosas, lo cual trae por consecuencia una hipocresía institucional, creando cierta culpabilidad por asociación doctrinal  a la institución y una responsabilidad por la conducta de sus miembros..
Pero si ellos no creen en eso, entonces no hay razón para condenar a la institución civilmente, se puede condenar a la creencia doctrinal, pero no a la institución por sí, porque si ellos, los acusadores, no creen como van a culpar a alguien de algo que ellos no creen.  O sea, si la creencia que los atributos divinos de los sacerdotes es algo que no existe, entonces la asociación de la institución en el delito no existe.
Eliminada la culpabilidad de la institución por sus creencias, tenemos que tratar el caso de los sacerdotes pedófilos como lo que es, un delito personal, igual que el caso de un pastor de una iglesia protestante que no tiene que ver con la institución a la que pertenece o de un oficial del gobierno, que no tiene que ver con el gobierno que pertenece.
Pero cada día se hace más evidente el doble estándar de usar los delitos personales de los sacerdotes para atacar a la iglesia católica Romana.  El problema se trata de que en el plan de destruir la libertad de culto, la predominancia de la iglesia Católica Romana, por su poder, es el principal enemigo a destruir, después las otras instituciones religiosas, y el concepto del cristianismo caerá como fichas de dominó.
En este editorial de hoy del Wall Street Journal, nos hable del ataque de las Naciones Unidas a la institución Católica Romana.  Saben de la costumbre institucional de divinizar a sus sacerdotes, pero no creen que es así. Entonces por qué condenan a la institución por los delitos de sus miembros ya sea de la pedofilia o del encubrimiento, ¿por qué no hacen como en el caso de los gobiernos o de las propias Naciones Unidas que cuando un miembro o un grupo de miembros cometen un delito no van contra la institución pero contra los individuos?
The U.N. Assault on the Catholic Church
A high-profile sex-abuse report is an attempt to bully the church into bowing before the altar of Turtle Bay. By CLAUDIA ROSETT
In the name of protecting children, the United Nations is now preaching to the Vatican. A report on the Holy See—released by a U.N. committee last week to much media fanfare—alleged that tens of thousands of children have been abused by Catholic clerics, and that the Vatican has helped cover it up.
The committee strongly urged the Vatican: "Ensure a transparent sharing of all archives which can be used to hold the abusers accountable as well as those who concealed their crimes and knowingly placed offenders in contact with children."
That's rich coming from the U.N., which has still not solved its own festering problems of peacekeeper sex abuse, including the rape of minors. Exposing abusers and holding them to account is a great idea. The Vatican has spent years addressing the scandal of its own past handling of such cases. But the U.N. hardly engages in the transparency it is now promoting.
The U.N. releases only generic statistics on violations committed by personnel working under its flag. The U.N. doesn't share with the public such basic information as the names of the accused or the details of what they did to people the U.N. dispatched them to protect. Blue berets accused of sex crimes are simply sent back to their home countries, where in the majority of cases they drop off the
Though the U.N. has been recording a drop in sex-abuse cases since it began releasing numbers in 2007, the number of alleged instances of rape and exploitation each year still runs into the dozens. (This may understate the realities, given the hurdles to victims coming forward, often in societies in tumult or at war.) From 2007-13, the U.N. reported more than 600 allegations of rape or sexual exploitation, with 354 substantiated—many of them involving minors. The numbers do not convey how ugly some of these cases get. Details can occasionally be gleaned when an incident seeps past the U.N. wall of omerta and makes it into the news, as with the peacekeeper gang rape in 2011 of a Haitian teenager, whose agony was caught on video.
In such matters as sex abuse, it is reasonable to hold the Vatican, or any other organization, to standards higher than the low bar the U.N. sets for itself. But hypocrisy is just one of the problems with this 16-page report on the Holy See, which further assails the Vatican for not subordinating itself wholesale to a much broader U.N. agenda. For example, the report calls for the Vatican to drop its opposition to adolescent abortion and contraception, condone underage homosexuality, and use its "authority" and "influence" to disseminate world-wide a roster of U.N. views and policies that run counter to those of the Catholic Church.
The real issue here is that whatever changes the Vatican and the world's 1.2 billion Catholics might consider, the U.N. is supremely ill-qualified to serve as a guide. The body that produced this report is the U.N. Committee on the Rights of the Child. Its job is to monitor compliance with the U.N.-engendered Convention on the Rights of the Child, a lengthy and intrusive treaty that went into effect in 1990.
When the Holy See became one of the early parties to this treaty, it did so with explicit reservations meant to safeguard its own authority and religious character. Now the committee, in its report on Wednesday, is pressing the Vatican to "withdraw all its reservations and to ensure the Convention's precedence over internal laws and regulations." The committee's recommendations are nonbinding but can influence public opinion. In this report the Vatican is publicly shamed—and then urged to redeem itself by bowing before the altar of the U.N.
The Committee on the Rights of the Child consists of 18 panelists advertised as "independent experts," serviced by a secretariat housed in Geneva under the umbrella of the U.N.'s dubiously named Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. The committee members are nominated for their posts by the governments of their home countries and elected by an assembly of treaty members that reflects the despot-heavy tilt of the U.N.
From 2009-13 the committee included a member put forward by the government of Syria, where in 2011 the Assad regime began making world headlines for torturing and murdering children. Currently, the committee includes members from such human-rights-challenged countries as Saudi Arabia, Russia, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Sri Lanka, Tunisia, Bahrain and Egypt. This panel issues reports via a process that in practice entails neither uniform standards of judgment nor urgent attention to some of the world's most horrifying abuses of children.
Officially, all parties to the Convention on the Rights of the Child are supposed to self-report every five years. The U.N. committee then responds with its own volume of "concluding observations"—which is what just hit the Vatican. In practice, however, some treaty members miss their deadlines by years, and when they do clock in, the committee is chronically slow to respond. Iran has for years led the world in juvenile executions, yet the committee last reported on Iran in 2005. Its next report on Iran is not due until 2016.
A stark example of selective reporting can be found in the committee's most recent observations on Saudi Arabia—issued eight years ago. That report mentioned the case of a 2002 fire at a girls school in Mecca, a disaster in which 15 girls died and dozens more were injured. Expressing "grave concern" that "the school building did not meet adequate safety standards for children," the committee recommended that school buildings be made safer and that staff be trained for such emergencies.
What the committee did not mention was that when the schoolgirls tried to escape the fire, Saudi Islamic-morality police drove the students back into the burning building because they were not covered head-to-toe in the scarves and abayas required in public. Saudi journalists had the courage to report on this monstrous element of the tragedy. The U.N. Committee on the Rights of the Child left it out.
Or take North Korea, where state policy has led to famines that resulted in the stunting and mass starvation of children, and where disloyalty to the supreme leader can be punished by sending three generations of a family, including children, to prison-labor camps. In assessing North Korea, the U.N. committee in its most recent report released in 2009 expressed concern about"severe ill-treatment" of children and noted with "deep concern" that "the overall standard of living of children remains very low." But there was none of the fervor with which the committee has denounced the Vatican for failing to explicitly forbid corporal punishment. On that the committee was more than merely concerned, scolding the Holy See to ensure that "all forms of violence against children, however light, are unacceptable."
The Vatican has responded to this U.N. satrapy with a statement that its headline-grabbing report was "unjustly harmful" and went beyond the committee's competencies "to interfere in the very doctrinal and moral positions of the Catholic Church." Pope Francis might want to consider that it is precisely to avoid gross intrusion by unaccountable U.N. "experts" that the United States has signed but never ratified the Convention on the Rights of the Child. This treaty has less to do with children than with political power plays, and a fitting reform at the Vatican would be to walk away from it.
Ms. Rosett is journalist-in-residence with the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and heads its Investigative Reporting Project.


 If you read newspapers and listen to talk shows everything is about two issues. One is gays the other one is drugs specially heroin now. The celebrities and media  with their sublime message promotes their favorite message “the gay agenda and glamorizes drug” . Even the heroin users are looked with sympathy. Somehow is no body’s fault.

Many wanted the President to change the country. The country is now changed and it looks like is more to come with many other traditional values under assault. Food stamps and people going or coming out of jail are looked differently.

The country is in the hand of celebrities and the media the precisely  group where moral values are the worse and where the concentration of immorality, improprieties and drug use is an outright epidemic.

Jorge Aguiar
Doral, Florida


“En mi opinión”    Lázaro R González Miño Editor.

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