583 “En mi opinión” Febrero 2, 2014>
“IN GOD WE TRUST” Lázaro R González Miño Editor
Miami-Dade Republican Party of Florida General Meeting
Nelson Díaz.
6, 2014 6 pm.
Reinassance Ballrooms.
59010 SW * St. West Miami Fla. 33144
We need all the Republicans and Conservatives there.
No podemos
esperar que ningún gobierno se porte correcto y decentemente. Mucho menos este
que tenemos ahora. Tenemos que vigilarlos, fiscalizarlos, amenazarlos y
derrocarlos si es necesario. Por lo general los gobiernos solo sirven a los que
son miembros de ese gobierno y después a los que tienen la misma filosofía, si
es que tienen alguna, o privilegian a los que los ayudaron a tomar el
poder. Si tú crees que el gobierno va a
proteger y proteger tus derechos ciudadanos… Tú eres un tonto o quizás algo
peor. El gobierno solo va a quitarte tus derechos y a abusar de ti. El gobierno
va a hacer todas las estupideces que se les ocurra. Va a saquear tu cuenta en
el banco con todos los taxes y planes de salud y todas las estupideces que se
les ocurra. Entre otras cosas los gobernantes van a ordenar la vaca hasta que
le salga sangre de la teta. Ellos van a acumular la mayor cantidad de prebendas
para poder vivir bien cuando no sean gobierno, si es que no se envisten de
dictadores y no abandonan el poder. Ahora me vas a decir que soy un tonto y que
eso no puede pasar en Los Estados Unidos.
Déjame decirte que desgraciadamente eso es lo que está ocurriendo
exactamente en nuestro Estados Unidos. Y
sabes porque me arriesgo a decir esto porque ya perdí una patria, ya me
pusieron en una prisión y por poco pierdo la vida. Gracias a DIOS y a Reagan me sacaron de la
cárcel y me trajeron aquí, este ahora es mi país y yo lo defiendo y defenderé
porque no quiero perder mi patria dos veces. Acaben de despertase. JOSE MARTI. Lo dijo mucho mejor y mas
alto que yo. “No es tiempo de ponerse plumas en el sombrero… ES LA HORA DE LOS
Amenper” Well, the best news of the week
(or even the month) is that someone on Capitol Hill still has a spine.
When Rep. Steve Stockman got up and walked out of the president's State of the Union address on Tuesday night, I rejoiced. Finally, someone has decided that enough is enough!
Stockman apparently couldn't make it through the entire speech without losing his temper. He's mad that President Obama is rewriting the U.S. Constitution, and he has every right to be.
Here's what Stockman had to say:
Tonight I left early after hearing how the president is further abusing his Constitutional powers. I could not bear to watch as he continued to cross the clearly defined boundaries of the Constitutional separation of powers.
"Even worse, Obama has openly vowed to break his oath of office and begin enacting his own brand of law through executive decree. This is a wholesale violation of his oath of office and a disqualifying offense."
Stockman didn't stop there, either.
He went on to proclaim: "I'm considering filing Articles of Impeachment against Barack Obama."
Now we're talking!
The nation is tired of the Republican leadership's complacency and the "let's all get along" culture that's endemic among politicians. And finally, it appears that someone on the Hill agrees.
Instead of acting like nothing is wrong, Stockman is speaking the frustration of millions of Americans, citizens who are sickened by their selfish, do-nothing leaders who only care about getting re-elected at all costs.
Recent polls show that just 31% of Americans believe that the country is better off now than in 2009, when Obama was sworn in. And a new Rasmussen poll reported that 69% of likely voters believe that the president should work with Congress, while only 27% believe that the president should go around Congress.
A CNN snap poll conducted among State of the Union viewers found similar results: 67% said that they wanted Obama to compromise with Congress, while just 30% said that they preferred for him to act on his own.
Stockman told NPR that "acting unilaterally, without Congress, is not the concept of what our Founding Fathers envisioned. And I had hoped [Obama] would reach across the aisles and - especially in his final years - make a difference."
Meanwhile, the rest of the Republican leadership would be smart to follow Stockman's lead. Impeachment should be on the docket - it's what the American people want. On top of that, the process is long overdue. To recap:
When Rep. Steve Stockman got up and walked out of the president's State of the Union address on Tuesday night, I rejoiced. Finally, someone has decided that enough is enough!
Stockman apparently couldn't make it through the entire speech without losing his temper. He's mad that President Obama is rewriting the U.S. Constitution, and he has every right to be.
Here's what Stockman had to say:
Tonight I left early after hearing how the president is further abusing his Constitutional powers. I could not bear to watch as he continued to cross the clearly defined boundaries of the Constitutional separation of powers.
"Even worse, Obama has openly vowed to break his oath of office and begin enacting his own brand of law through executive decree. This is a wholesale violation of his oath of office and a disqualifying offense."
Stockman didn't stop there, either.
He went on to proclaim: "I'm considering filing Articles of Impeachment against Barack Obama."
Now we're talking!
The nation is tired of the Republican leadership's complacency and the "let's all get along" culture that's endemic among politicians. And finally, it appears that someone on the Hill agrees.
Instead of acting like nothing is wrong, Stockman is speaking the frustration of millions of Americans, citizens who are sickened by their selfish, do-nothing leaders who only care about getting re-elected at all costs.
Recent polls show that just 31% of Americans believe that the country is better off now than in 2009, when Obama was sworn in. And a new Rasmussen poll reported that 69% of likely voters believe that the president should work with Congress, while only 27% believe that the president should go around Congress.
A CNN snap poll conducted among State of the Union viewers found similar results: 67% said that they wanted Obama to compromise with Congress, while just 30% said that they preferred for him to act on his own.
Stockman told NPR that "acting unilaterally, without Congress, is not the concept of what our Founding Fathers envisioned. And I had hoped [Obama] would reach across the aisles and - especially in his final years - make a difference."
Meanwhile, the rest of the Republican leadership would be smart to follow Stockman's lead. Impeachment should be on the docket - it's what the American people want. On top of that, the process is long overdue. To recap:
administration has trafficked guns to Mexican drug cartels.
administration ignored calls for help from numerous Americans in Benghazi,
including Ambassador Chris Stevens, resulting in their deaths.
administration has unilaterally rewritten bankruptcy laws and stripped
investors in GM bonds, including a teacher's pension fund, of property rights.
illegally bombed Libya without Congressional authorization.
unilaterally rewrote the Affordable Care Act, exempting chosen businesses,
unions and Congress from the effects of the law. And now he plans to usurp the
powers of Congress and govern by decree. I truly wonder how much more these
other Republicans can stomach before they join the calls for impeachment, too.
Your eyes on the Hill,
Floyd Brown
Your eyes on the Hill,
Floyd Brown
Amenper: La Alegría
del Odio
El odio a los
Estados Unidos por los socialistas del mundo, no tiene límites ni
No importa
que los Estados Unidos hayan elegido como presidente a un negro socialista, el
odio es tan intenso que no pueden resistir el denigrar a este país cada vez que
tienen una oportunidad.
Le dieron el
premio Nobel a Obama simplemente porque fue electo por ser negro, pero eso fue
para molestar a los que no votaron por él, no por méritos porque no había
tenido ninguna gestión de gobierno, no había hecho nada todavía, así que fue
premiado simplemente para mandar el mensaje de odio al pueblo americano.
Ahora dos
políticos noruegos han nominado conjuntamente al ex contratista de la Agencia
de seguridad nacional Edward Snowden para el premio Nobel de la Paz,
diciendo que su divulgación de documentos secretos de Estados Unidos ha
contribuido a construir un mundo más pacífico.
Los beneficios que hayan podido producir las divulgaciones
de Snowden no compensan la realidad de que el individuo es una persona de una
poca capacidad intelectual en busca de un protagonismo que nunca había tenido
en su vida. Sus divulgaciones están rodeadas de sofismas extraños, realidad
mezclada con absurdos, como de que hay extraterrestres gobernando en los
Estados Unidos.
Esta nominación fue presentada por los legisladores socialistas
Noruegos Baard Vegard Solhjell, un ministro de medio ambiente y el congresista
socialista Snorre Valen y sólo significa que Snowden será uno de decenas de
nombres que examinará el Comité Nobel, pero sólo el hecho de su nominación
enseña una vez más lo que Greg Gutfeld llama en su libro “La alegría del Odio”.
Gutfeld maneja muy bien la sátira, es gracioso, pero este hecho
oscurece el hecho de que Gutfeld maneja muy bien el absurdo inteligente.
En su libro “La
alegría de odio: Cómo triunfar sobre los llorones en la edad de
la falsa indignación”, Gutfeld
argumenta como las fuerzas de la intolerancia
reclaman un monopolio exclusivo de, bueno, la tolerancia.
Pero usan la tolerancia como un garrote intolerante, un medio de
aplicar corrección política y avergonzar a los herejes en el silencio.
"La idea de la tolerancia — un
concepto aparentemente inocuo — se ha convertido en algo totalmente aberrante:
una forma de darle porrazos a la gente para que se callen, para que
los agredidos se disculpen, cuando los agredidos son a menudo los que tienen la
clave para el sentido común," escribe Gutfeld.
En otras palabras, detrás de la conducta de los socialistas, existe un
doble rasero. Se quejan porque tienen una norma única: la izquierda tiene el
monopolio de discurso aceptable.
Sería una aberración, pero no sería nada extraño que Snowden recibiera
el premio Nobel, es una oportunidad de darle un garrotazo más a los odiados
Amenper: P.S. del Estado de la Unión
Una hora no es suficiente para demandar de los ciudadanos
que sigan los consejos de mi administración para que todos podamos vivir en
armonía, igualdad y felicidad.
Por esto estoy presentando un P.S. no confundir con un
B.S.que, aunque en esta instancia se parece, tiene alguna
P.S. quiere decir un “Post Scriptum”, o un “Post Scrotum” ( también los dos se parecen pero creo que el último es el más apropiado en este caso) en el cual les incluyo las indicaciones que no pude hacerles en mi discurso a la nación.
P.S. quiere decir un “Post Scriptum”, o un “Post Scrotum” ( también los dos se parecen pero creo que el último es el más apropiado en este caso) en el cual les incluyo las indicaciones que no pude hacerles en mi discurso a la nación.
Barack Hussein Obama
1.- Gaste todo
su dinero; Siempre tendrás la Seguridad Social para cuidar de ti y si no te
alcanza tienes los sellos de alimentos, un chequecito del Welfare y otras
bisuterías que te daremos.
2. Invierta en mi nuevo plan de retiro My IRA este es un fondo mutuo de conciencia social. Un buen fondo no colocará su dinero con cualquier empresa que contamina, discrimina, explota o hace un beneficio de cualquier manera. No importa si al final usted no recibe beneficios, pero ayuda a mi administración…perdón….quise decir a la nación.
3.-Aplique para el Welfare. Es su obligación moral el recibir asistencia pública.
4.-Mantengase en sintonía siempre con MSNBC. ¿Por qué gastar dinero en escuelas y libros cuando usted en su lugar puede ser educado por Chris Mattews?
2. Invierta en mi nuevo plan de retiro My IRA este es un fondo mutuo de conciencia social. Un buen fondo no colocará su dinero con cualquier empresa que contamina, discrimina, explota o hace un beneficio de cualquier manera. No importa si al final usted no recibe beneficios, pero ayuda a mi administración…perdón….quise decir a la nación.
3.-Aplique para el Welfare. Es su obligación moral el recibir asistencia pública.
4.-Mantengase en sintonía siempre con MSNBC. ¿Por qué gastar dinero en escuelas y libros cuando usted en su lugar puede ser educado por Chris Mattews?
5.- No pagues por la hipoteca de tu casa. El gobierno
generosamente te perdonará
6- Carga todas las tarjetas de crédito al máximo. No
importa que te endeudes, vas a estar obteniendo cosas gratis. Y,
también estarás ayudando al bien común estimulando la economía.
7-- Destruye tu casa con una bola de demolición. De esta manera crearás nuevos trabajos cuando tienes que reconstruirla.
7-- Destruye tu casa con una bola de demolición. De esta manera crearás nuevos trabajos cuando tienes que reconstruirla.
8.-Si usted posee un negocio, obligue a sus empleados a formar un sindicato. Serán mejores trabajadores así. Y recuerda el consejo que les dí en mi discurso súbeles el sueldo a todos aunque tengas que ir en bancarrota.
9.- Paga más impuestos que lo que sugiere el IRS. Hazlo por lo menos el triple de la
cantidad sugerida; cualquier inversión en nuestro gobierno será devuelto a usted muchas veces más. Y de esa manera se ahorrará tener que invitar a almorzar al agente del IRS cuando vaya a visitarlo.
10.- Y aunque lo he dejado para último esto es lo más
importante, Inscríbase usted y todos sus conocidos y familiares en el
Obamacare. Es un seguro accesible.
Es caro, pero yo nunca dije que era barato ni bueno, ni
mejor que el que usted tenía y le cancelaron, nunca mentí, sólo dije que era
accesible y es accesible,usted se puede inscribir y lo puede pagar
Nunca he mentido al pueblo.
Obama on Being
Sued by Congress: ‘I Am Not Particularly Worried About It’
Asked about a
Republican-led effort to sue him for executive overreach, President Obama said Thursday:
“I am not particularly worried about it.”
Republicans — led by South Carolina Rep. Tom Rice — have introduced what they
call the STOP Act, which stands for Stop This Overreaching Presidency. It aims
to take the president to court over the White House taking unilateral action on
everything from Obamacare to immigration.
In his State of
the Union address on Tuesday, Obama made clear he plans to use executive orders
to enact policies he cannot get passed in Congress.
CNN host Jake
Tapper — during an interview on Thursday in Waukesha, Wisconsin — asked Obama
about the The Stop Act. “They want to rein in what you’re trying to do,”
Tapper said. “How do you respond to that?”
Read more: http://dailycaller.com/ Read more at http://minutemennews.com/2014/01/obama-sued-congress-particularly-worried/#SiHUZcUSRY2IqywZ.99
Amenper: Razonamiento Alucinantemente Contradictorio
Los liberales, en caso de que ustedes no se hayan dado cuenta son una
raza extraña y curiosa, pero ahora tenemos que añadir unos nuevo adjetivos, contradictorios
y alucinantes.
Han estado detrás de nosotros dándonos sermones de que nos estamos
matando con nuestras costumbres, han declarado la guerra a las carnes rojas, el
tabaco, los tragos, y otras cosas que se llaman nombres raros como Trans fats y
otros nombres que ni siquiera sé lo que son, pero que si ellos no quieren que
no las coma deben de ser sabrosas.
Esas cosas son muy malas, pero cuando los liberales se le habla de las
drogas, bueno eso no es tan importante y nos dicen ¿Por qué no
legalizar la marihuana? Después de todo es un producto medicinal. Oye,
la cocaína y el opio también son medicinales, pero no creo que masticar una
hoja de coca como Evo Morales, o fumar una pipa de Opio como el premier de
China 中华人民共和国国务院总理 Cuyo nombre
no puedo pronunciar en español, no es precisamente para curar ninguna dolencia.
Ahora, yo
reconozco que yo hago cosas que yo sé que son malas para mí, como, por ejemplo de
vez en cuando me como un postre de dulce de leche que me gusta mucho, o un
Donut glaseado cubierto de chocolaque que también es muy sabroso, con
lo que rompo mi dieta virtual para bajar de peso. Pero nunca
había pensado que eso era comparable a que fumarse un pito de Mariguana.
Pero esta
gente de Obama lo confunden a uno. Resulta que Christopher Beach, nos dice en
una entrevista en Político, que aunque comer un Donut Glaseado no es más dañino
que fumar un pito de mariguana, que, ambos son adictivos y psicoactivos. Así
que la actividad que produce el azúcar de un Donut es comparable a un pito de
Bueno, voy a
comerme ahora un Donut glaseado y grajeado y bien cubierto de chocolate, para
ver si agarro un tono bien subido.
Nuestro Presidente Obama en una entrevista reciente con el New Yorker
"Yo fumé marihuana cuando era niño (sí, eso fue lo que dijo
"niño" "boy"), y lo considero como un vicio y un vicio, no
muy diferente de los cigarrillos que también fumaba cuando era joven
y a través de una gran parte de mi vida adulta,
Bueno, menos mal que no habló de los Donuts, parece que eso se lo deja
a Michelle.
El mismo Presidente quien firmó una dura ley federal contra el tabaquismo en 2009 ahora apoya legalización de marihuana. legalizarla?.
El mismo Presidente quien firmó una dura ley federal contra el tabaquismo en 2009 ahora apoya legalización de marihuana. legalizarla?.
Vamos a razonar, porque estoy confundido....¿por qué firma una
dura ley contra los cigarrillos y ahora quiere legalizar la mariguana? ¿Si
dice que no son muy diferentes? ¿por qué no firma una dura ley contra la
No entiendo, estos liberales me marean esta es una contradicción
alucinante, estoy alucinado y les juro que hoy no me he comido un Donut.
Amenper: Well, the best news of the week (or even the month) is thatsomeone on Capitol Hill
still has a spine.
When Rep. Steve Stockman got up and walked out of the president's State of the Union address on Tuesdaynight, I rejoiced. Finally, someone has decided that enough is enough!
Stockman apparently couldn't make it through the entire speech without losing his temper. He's mad that President Obama is rewriting the U.S. Constitution, and he has every right to be.
Here's what Stockman had to say:
Tonight I left early after hearing how the president is further abusing his Constitutional powers. I could not bear to watch as he continued to cross the clearly defined boundaries of the Constitutional separation of powers.
"Even worse, Obama has openly vowed to break his oath of office and begin enacting his own brand of law through executive decree. This is a wholesale violation of his oath of office and a disqualifying offense."
Stockman didn't stop there, either.
He went on to proclaim: "I'm considering filing Articles of Impeachment against Barack Obama."
Now we're talking!
The nation is tired of the Republican leadership's complacency and the "let's all get along" culture that's endemic among politicians. And finally, it appears that someone on the Hill agrees.
Instead of acting like nothing is wrong, Stockman is speaking the frustration of millions of Americans, citizens who are sickened by their selfish, do-nothing leaders who only care about getting re-elected at all costs.
Recent polls show that just 31% of Americans believe that the country is better off now than in 2009, when Obama was sworn in. And a new Rasmussen poll reported that 69% of likely voters believe that the president should work with Congress, while only 27% believe that the president should go around Congress.
A CNN snap poll conducted among State of the Union viewers found similar results: 67% said that they wanted Obama to compromise with Congress, while just 30% said that they preferred for him to act on his own.
Stockman told NPR that "acting unilaterally, without Congress, is not the concept of what our Founding Fathers envisioned. And I had hoped [Obama] would reach across the aisles and - especially in his final years - make a difference."
Meanwhile, the rest of the Republican leadership would be smart to follow Stockman's lead. Impeachment should be on the docket - it's what the American people want. On top of that, the process is long overdue. To recap:
administration has trafficked guns to Mexican drug cartels.
administration ignored calls for help from numerous Americans in Benghazi,
including Ambassador Chris Stevens, resulting in their deaths.
administration has unilaterally rewritten bankruptcy laws and stripped
investors in GM bonds, including a teacher's pension fund, of property rights.
illegally bombed Libya without Congressional authorization.
unilaterally rewrote the Affordable Care Act, exempting chosen businesses,
unions and Congress from the effects of the law. And now he plans to usurp the
powers of Congress and govern by decree. I truly wonder how much more these
other Republicans can stomach before they join the calls for impeachment, too.
Your eyes on the Hill,
Floyd Brown
Your eyes on the Hill,
Floyd Brown
Obama's policies have failed. That
is why he is in trouble, and failed policies are not the only reason. Obama
lied to the American people to pass the ObamaCare they hate, and we still have
the unresolved scandals of the IRS, NSA, and Benghazi. But to hear the media
talk in the run up to Tuesday night's State of the Union, you would be led to
believe that what's ailing Obama are low approval ratings, political
opposition, the public tuning him out, and second-term blues…
The chyron on MSNBC reads: "President
Obama Faces Low Poll Numbers Ahead of Tonight's Address." The CNN chyron
reads: "Obama Faces Pessimistic Public." All morning MSNBC's
"Morning Joe" talked about how the American people have tuned the
president out. NBC's Chuck Todd dissected the entrails of Obama's latest dismal
poll numbers.
CNN tells us that
"Obama failed to get any of his 2013 State of the Union priorities through
Congress." The AP warns"Obama
faces a politically divided Congress." ABC Newsreports,
"Obama’s agenda as outlined in last year’s speech was at the mercy of
Congress." CBS reminds,
With Congress unwilling or unable to act on these key issues[.]"
Our dishonest media is reporting
and focusing only on symptoms, as though symptoms are the disease. No one in media wants to say that if the voters had
his back, Obama could get past a divided Congress. No one in media wants to
reveal why Obama's poll numbers are tanking; why the public has tuned him out;
where the second-term blues emanate from.
What the media refuses to say is
that Obama is in the pickle he is in because he and his policies have failed.
And the reason the media can't bring themselves to admit this is because that
would be the same as admitting that the left-wing policies they themselves
believe in do not work. To admit Obama and his
policies have failed is to admit liberalism has failed, and that is something
our media will go bankrupt before doing.
For the first two years of his presidency,
Obama had total run of the country with huge majorities in both Houses of Congress.
Everything he wanted passed passed -- most notably, major economic
programs (the stimulus, Dodd-Frank, tax increases), the complete overhaul of
our health care system (ObamaCare), and a regulatory rampage that continues to
this day. And for five years, like any president. Obama has been able to govern
foreign policy as he sees fit
And it has all failed.
Five years in, Obama's
"recovery" is still the worst in American history, there are no jobs,
Iran is laughing at us, Syria's Assad regime has used us successfully to win a
civil war, Egypt is a mess, we have 4 dead Americans in Benghazi, our
hard-fought gains in Iraq and Afghanistan are being surrendered, and no one's
been held accountable for the abuses of the IRS, NSA, or the security failures
in Libya.
And then there is Obama
the liar: "You can keep your health insurance" and "'Twas
YouTube killed the Libyan Ambassador."
Obama is a failed
president who has worked harder than anyone in recent history to enact failed
economic policies, govern by dividing the country, blunder through foreign
policy, and look Americans in the eye and lie… repeatedly.
According to the media, though,
what plagues Obama are polls, political opposition, a lack of public trust,
voter pessimism, and national exhaustion … all of which, they apparently want
us to believe, manifested from thin air.
If Obama's policies had been successful,
he would be having none of these problems. The facts are just that simple and
the media are engaging in verbal diarrhea to say everything but.
Finaly by Floyd Brown.
Well, the best news of the week (or even the month) is
that someone on
Capitol Hill still has a spine.
When Rep. Steve Stockman got up and walked out of the president's State of the Union address on Tuesday night, I rejoiced. Finally, someone has decided that enough is enough!
Stockman apparently couldn't make it through the entire speech without losing his temper. He's mad that President Obama is rewriting the U.S. Constitution, and he has every right to be.
Here's what Stockman had to say:
"Tonight I left early after hearing how the president is further abusing his Constitutional powers. I could not bear to watch as he continued to cross the clearly defined boundaries of the Constitutional separation of powers.
"Even worse, Obama has openly vowed to break his oath of office and begin enacting his own brand of law through executive decree. This is a wholesale violation of his oath of office and a disqualifying offense."
Stockman didn't stop there, either.
He went on to proclaim: "I'm considering filing Articles of Impeachment against Barack Obama."
Now we're talking!
The nation is tired of the Republican leadership's complacency and the "let's all get along" culture that's endemic among politicians. And finally, it appears that someone on the Hill agrees.
Instead of acting like nothing is wrong, Stockman is speaking the frustration of millions of Americans, citizens who are sickened by their selfish, do-nothing leaders who only care about getting re-elected at all costs.
Recent polls show that just 31% of Americans believe that the country is better off now than in 2009, when Obama was sworn in. And a new Rasmussen poll reported that 69% of likely voters believe that the president should work with Congress, while only 27% believe that the president should go around Congress.
When Rep. Steve Stockman got up and walked out of the president's State of the Union address on Tuesday night, I rejoiced. Finally, someone has decided that enough is enough!
Stockman apparently couldn't make it through the entire speech without losing his temper. He's mad that President Obama is rewriting the U.S. Constitution, and he has every right to be.
Here's what Stockman had to say:
"Tonight I left early after hearing how the president is further abusing his Constitutional powers. I could not bear to watch as he continued to cross the clearly defined boundaries of the Constitutional separation of powers.
"Even worse, Obama has openly vowed to break his oath of office and begin enacting his own brand of law through executive decree. This is a wholesale violation of his oath of office and a disqualifying offense."
Stockman didn't stop there, either.
He went on to proclaim: "I'm considering filing Articles of Impeachment against Barack Obama."
Now we're talking!
The nation is tired of the Republican leadership's complacency and the "let's all get along" culture that's endemic among politicians. And finally, it appears that someone on the Hill agrees.
Instead of acting like nothing is wrong, Stockman is speaking the frustration of millions of Americans, citizens who are sickened by their selfish, do-nothing leaders who only care about getting re-elected at all costs.
Recent polls show that just 31% of Americans believe that the country is better off now than in 2009, when Obama was sworn in. And a new Rasmussen poll reported that 69% of likely voters believe that the president should work with Congress, while only 27% believe that the president should go around Congress.
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A CNN snap poll conducted among State of the Union viewers found similar results: 67% said that they wanted Obama to compromise with Congress, while just 30% said that they preferred for him to act on his own.
Stockman told NPR that "acting unilaterally, without Congress, is not the concept of what our Founding Fathers envisioned. And I had hoped [Obama] would reach across the aisles and - especially in his final years - make a difference."
Meanwhile, the rest of the Republican leadership would be smart to follow Stockman's lead. Impeachment should be on the docket - it's what the American people want. On top of that, the process is long overdue. To recap:
Obama's administration has trafficked
guns to Mexican drug cartels.
Obama's administration ignored calls for
help from numerous Americans in Benghazi, including Ambassador Chris Stevens,
resulting in their deaths.
Obama's administration has unilaterally
rewritten bankruptcy laws and stripped investors in GM bonds, including a
teacher's pension fund, of property rights.
Obama illegally bombed Libya without
Congressional authorization.
Obama unilaterally rewrote the
Affordable Care Act, exempting chosen businesses, unions and Congress from the
effects of the law.
And now he plans to
usurp the powers of Congress and govern by decree. I truly wonder how much more
these other Republicans can stomach before they join the calls for impeachment,
Your eyes on the Hill,
Floyd Brown
Your eyes on the Hill,
Floyd Brown
Amenper:La "Cristiandad" de los Liberales
Hay veces que
sale el masoquista que todos tenemos y me pongo a oír a CNN, no a MSNBC, porque
todavía no tengo dentro un masoquista tan desarrollado.
Pero siempre
que oigo a CNN me siento mal. Dicen que Fox News está parcializada,
pero cuando veo a los comentaristas siempre tienen aunque sea a un liberal para
defender su punto. Esto no sucede en CNN¸ lo que vemos es que los
entrevistadores y los comentaristas no sólo no cuestionan lo que dice el
liberal entrevistado, sino que le dan pie para que se luzca.
En una
entrevista un Senador Demócrata de Nebraska estaba criticando a Tea Party por
su oposición a los programas de ayuda, y en tono de burla mencionó la parte de
la Biblia en el evangelio de Mateo que dice "cuanto lo
hicisteis a uno de estos mis hermanos más pequeños, a mí lo hicisteis". Diciendo que los conservadores hablan de la Biblia pero que no la
cumplen, que no quieren ayudar a otros, que no tienen caridad cristiana..
gente que ni creen en su madre y que lo que hacen lo hacen para ganar votos no
para ayudar a nadie, quieren dar lecciones de caridad. No creo que
nadie esté contra la caridad cristiana, lo que se critica es la dependencia que
crea en los pobres el mantenimiento continuado sin trabajar.
Y no puede
haber confusión cuando Pablo dice en la segunda epístola de Tesalonicenses
3:10 Porque
también cuando estábamos con vosotros, os ordenábamos esto: Si alguno no quiere
trabajar, tampoco coma. Porque oímos que algunos de entre
vosotros andan desordenadamente, no trabajando en nada, sino entremetiéndose en
lo ajeno.
Yo creo que
esto que copio textualmente de la Biblia, está más claro que lo tergiversa este
liberal que quiere hacerse el gracioso no creo que alguien pueda interpretarlo
de otra manera que la ética de trabajo es parte de a doctrina cristiana, y que
este politiquero que lo que quiere es tener a los pobres como rehenes para que
no salgan de la pobreza y les sigan dando su voto lo que está tratando de hacer
es poner en ridículo a los que no piensan como él.
Date: January 30, 2014 1:11:03 PM PST
Subject: » SHERIFF ARRESTS ... Chief of
Police Harassed by Feds, Placed on Leave After Signing Pledge to Uphold
Constitution ..
NWO Sheriff orders Shane Harger to
disband entire police department due to “political affiliations”
UPDATE: Police
Chief Shane Harger and Sheriff Richard Mack will both appear on Infowars Nightly
News tonight to discuss this story. Harger is meeting with other Jemez Springs
law enforcement officials tonight to discuss his position.
A police chief was detained and harassed
by federal agents while traveling to a constitutional convention before
returning home to be told he was being placed on administrative leave and
ordered to disband his police department after signing a pledge to uphold the
bill of rights.
Police Chief Shane Harger of the Jemez
Springs, NM Police Department was flying out of Albuquerque Airport last week
on his way to a Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association (CSPOA)
convention taking place in Las Vegas. CSPOA is an organization headed up by
Sheriff Richard Mack under which law enforcement officers gather to re-affirm
their commitment to uphold and defend the Constitution.
Before passing security, Harger was
approached by a TSA agent who asked the police chief to show his credentials.
Moments later, a man claiming to be a “federal agent” also asked to see
Harger’s credentials before telling him he was a “person of interest.” The
federal agent then demanded to know where Harger was traveling to and why.
When Harger told the federal agent he
was attending the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association
Convention in Las Vegas, he was detained for 35 minutes before finally being
allowed to board the airplane.
On Tuesday January 28, a day after his
return, Harger was placed on administrative leave and ordered by Sandoval
County, NM, Sheriff Douglas C. Wood to disband his entire police department due
to his “political affiliations”.
What were his political affiliations?
While attending the convention, Harger, along with 38 other police officers,
signed a declaration affirming their pledge to “obey and observe” the U.S.
Constitution, in addition to refusing to carry out unconstitutional orders such
as gun confiscation without constitutionally compliant warrants, violations of
the 4th amendment without probable cause, detainment or incarceration of
citizens without probable cause, or working with the military for domestic law
In other words, Harger was targeted for
federal harassment and subsequently suspended for re-affirming his belief in
the very Constitution he took an oath to uphold and protect in order to become
a police officer in the first place.
“Despite having received a meritorious
commendation from the Mayor of Jemez Springs on January 22, 2014, it seems that
no one in the village government is willing to come to the assistance of
Harger. It appears that Harger’s stance to defend and uphold the Constitution
has put him and his entire department of ten part-time and volunteers out of
business,” writes Vincent Finelli.
“I was at the convention and I never saw
nor heard anyone say nor do anything that was a violation of any law. The CSPOA
convention was an assembly of peace-loving Americans who just wanted to uphold
their oath of office, that being to support and defend the US Constitution and
Bill of Rights for all of us, We The People,” adds Finelli.
Harger’s treatment is yet another
disturbing indication that the federal government, in addition to law enforcement
authorities, view Americans who support the bill of rights as domestic
extremists. Harger’s position as Chief of Police also shows that they are
desperate to prevent citizens who identify as constitutionalists, tea partiers
or libertarians from holding any position of influence within law enforcement
or society in general.
Harger’s potential dismissal for his
patriotic and constitutional “political affiliations” is a chilling reminder
that such positions are not only not welcomed but actively discriminated
against by the federal government.
TURNED: Putin–America is Godless, Has Turned Away from Christian Values, GJWHG /
President Vladimir Putin condemned the West, including the
United States, for eschewing Christian values and opting instead for a “path to
In his State of
the Nation speech last month, Putin asserted that, “Many Euro-Atlantic
countries have moved away from their roots, including Christian values…
Policies are being pursued that place on the same level a multi-child family
and a same-sex partnership, a faith in God and a belief in Satan.”
Russia has
adopted new laws that ban homosexual propaganda and criminalizes the insulting
of religious sensibilities.
The law on
religious sensibilities was approved in the wake of a protest in Moscow’s
largest cathedral by a female punk rock group, Pussy Riot.
State-run television
said the group’s “demonic” protest was funded by “some Americans.” Russia’s
newfound embrace of traditional values has prompted a rise in Orthodox
Extreme groups
such as the Union of Orthodox Banner Bearers, an ultraconservative faction who
adopted a slogan “Orthodoxy or Death,” are gaining prominence.
It was not that
long ago that the United States was accusing Russia for being a “godless
nation.” On March 8, 1983, Ronald Reagan said this
about Russia to an audience of evangelicals… Read more at http://girlsjustwannahaveguns.com/2014/01/tides-turned-putin-america-godless-turned-away-christian-values/#0IlOHy43wrh4PDt2.99
Amenper: Intervencionismo
intervencionismo es un sistema de procedimientos que perturba y eventualmente
destruye la economía de mercado. No convierte a las personas en ricos, los hace
más pobres. Ludwig von Mises
Los azares de la vida nos llevaron a través de una experiencia de
cambio doble. Hemos pasado de una economía de libre mercado a un régimen
socialista, entonces, afortunadamente nos hemos podido trasladar a un país que
fue un modelo de democracia y libre empresa.
Debido a estas experiencias en nuestra vida, tenemos que estar
preocupados cuando vemos cómo
teorías, embusteras, falsas y engañosas sobre economía están convirtiendo americanos al socialismo sin comprender lo que está pasando.
teorías, embusteras, falsas y engañosas sobre economía están convirtiendo americanos al socialismo sin comprender lo que está pasando.
Nos dicen, ¿cómo puedes llamar a esto socialismo? ¡Este es un país de
libre empresa!
La experiencia es el mejor maestro. Debido a nuestra experiencia con
la transformación de una sociedad al socialismo hemos aprendido a reconocer las
formas sutiles de la economía.
Por supuesto, esto no es socialismo (todavía), este país se ha
transformado de una sociedad libre en un Estado intervencionista
Cuando la filosofía del intervencionismo comenzó a existir como tal,
el intervencionismo era considerado un sistema entre capitalismo y socialismo y
debía ser el mejor de los tres sistemas económicos. Pero porque no funciona, a
largo plazo el intervencionismo es un método para mover progresivamente un país
del capitalismo al socialismo.
El intervencionismo es el método utilizado por el socialismo del siglo
XXI, un método para transformar un país capitalista en un sistema socialista
utilizando las herramientas de la democracia.
Como su nombre indica, el intervencionismo es un sistema económico en
el cual agentes del poder gubernamental consideran que tienen el derecho de
intervenir o interferir con el funcionamiento de una economía de mercado
siempre que le convenga a sus planes para la sociedad.
La creencia
errónea del intervencionismo es que la intervención gubernamental puede
lograr resultados económicos exitosos sin caer bajo los controles totales que
caracterizan a un sistema socialista.
En realidad el intervencionismo es un sistema en el cual gobierno
interfiere con el funcionamiento normal del sistema de mercado con el fin de
alterar los términos de intercambio de una manera que benefician a algunos a
expensas de otros.
El intervencionismo es el resultado de un gobierno invitando a
un grupo para entrar en el proceso de mercado y cambiar el ritmo en el
cual los intercambios tienen lugar.
Los defensores del intervencionismo nunca explican que esto es lo que
realmente es su sistema.
En su lugar hablan en términos morales elevados sobre la importancia
de ciertas metas sociales y cómo esos objetivos sólo pueden ser logrados si el
gobierno interfiere de una manera que podrá contrarrestar el egoísmo de algunos
para lograr el bien para todos.
Hay otra razón por la cual es importante distinguir entre el
capitalismo y el intervencionismo. Cuando las medidas intervencionistas llevan,
como a menudo lo hacen, a serios problemas económicos, los economistas y
políticos intervencionistas, nunca admiten que los problemas resultan de
la manipulación gubernamental de la economía, al contrario, dicen que es
el resultado del hecho de que hubo no intervención suficiente del gobierno en
la economía. Lo hemos visto en Venezuela y otros países que han adoptado el
socialismo del siglo XXI, lo vimos durante el discurso del Estado de la Nación
de Obama.
De esta manera inteligente pero deshonesta, los fracasos de
intervencionismo son citados como razones para un mayor grado de injerencia del
gobierno en la economía.
El reconocer
la existencia de intervencionismo, es extremadamente importante.
Hoy en día, Estados Unidos no es una forma de capitalismo; es una
versión de intervencionismo que finalmente terminará como otra versión del
socialismo del siglo XXI.
Para algunos de ustedes el español es su lengua nativa, para otros es
Como he dicho antes, mis E Mails son una descarga de mis emociones y
generalmente se los envío en español. Para algunos de ustedes el español es su
lengua nativa, para otros es inglés.
Pero hoy estoy enviándoles esta versión bilingüe de este correo
electrónico porque considero que no importa el idioma, edad o cultura, es
imprescindible reconocer el momento en que vivimos para tratar de salvaguardar
nuestra forma de vida. Todavía tenemos el voto como última arma para
evitar un régimen socialista en este país, tenemos que votar contra
el socialismo. Nos gustaría que todos los candidatos fueran conservadores
Republicanos, pero tenemos que votar por los candidatos que se están aspirando
contra los socialistas.
Si no votamos no nos podemos quejar más tarde sobre nuestra libertad
Interventionism is a system of procedures which disturb an eventually
destroy the market economy. It does not make people richer; it makes people
Ludwig von Mises
The hazards
of life took us through a double-change experience. We went from a free market
economy to a socialist regime, then, fortunately we were able to move to a
country with a free economic system and a democratic society..
Because of
these experiences in our life, we have to be concerned when we see how false,
misleading and deceptive theories about economics are turning Americans into
socialism without comprehending what is really happening.
They tell us
¿How could you call this socialism? This is a free enterprise country!
Experience is
the best teacher. Because of our experience with the transformation
of a society to socialism we have learned to recognize the
subtle ways of economics.
Of course,
this is not socialism (yet), this country has been transformed from a free
society into an interventionist state
When the
philosophy of interventionism came to exist as such, interventionism was
considered a system between Capitalism and Socialism, and was supposed to be
the best of the three economic systems. But because it doesn’t work, in the
long run interventionism is really a method to progressively move a capitalist
country into socialism.
is the method being used by the Socialism of the XXI century, a method to
transform a Capitalist country into a socialist system using the tools of
As the name
suggests, interventionism is an economic system in which agents of governmental
power think they have the right to intervene in or interfere with the operation
of a market economy whenever it suits their plans for society.
results from the mistaken belief that governmental intervention in economic
matters can successfully achieve desired results while still falling short of
the total controls that characterize a socialist system.
In reality
interventionism is a system in which government interferes with the normal
operation of the market system in order to alter the terms of trade in ways
that benefit some at the expense of others.
is a result of one group inviting government to enter the market process and
change the rates at which exchanges take place.
Advocates of
interventionism never explain that this is what their system really is. Instead
they talk in lofty moral terms about the importance of certain social goals and
how those goals can only be attained if government interferes in ways that will
counterbalance the selfishness of some in order to bring about the good for
There is
another reason it is important to distinguish between capitalism and
interventionism. When interventionist measures lead as they often do to serious
economic problems interventionism economists and politicians never admit that
the problems result from governmental tampering with the
economy. The problems, they complain result from the fact that there
was insufficient government intervention in the economy. We have seen it in
Venezuela and other countries that have adopted the Socialism of the XXI
Century, we saw it during Obama’s State of the Union address.
In this
clever but dishonest way, the failures of interventionism are cited as reasons
for even greater degrees of government interference with the economy.
the existence of interventionism is extremely important. Today, the United
States is not a form of capitalism; it is a version of interventionism that
eventually will come out as another version of Socialism of the XXI century.
As I have
told you before, I unload my emotions in my E mails that I send you, and I
usually do it in Spanish. For some of you Spanish is your native tongue, for
other it is English.
But I am
sending you this bilingual version of this E Mail because I consider that no
matter your language, age or culture, it is imperative to try to safeguard our
way of life. We still have the vote as a last weapon to avoid a socialist
regime in this country, we have to vote against socialism. We rather have
conservative Republican candidates, but we have to vote for any of the
candidates that are running against socialists.
If we don’t
vote we can’t complaint later about our lost freedom.
“En mi
opinión” Lázaro R González Miño Editor “IN GOD WE TRUST”
contribuciones con artículos, opiniones o sugerencias escriba a: LazaroRGonzalez@hotmail.com, O LazaroRGonzalez@gmail.com,
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