Saturday, February 21, 2015

No 873 "En mi opinion" Febrero 21, 2015

No 873 “En mi opinión”  Febrero 21, 2015

“IN GOD WE TRUST”    Lázaro R González Miño    EDITOR

Enero 20, 2017 FIN DEL DISPARATE
I am not “incompetent” I am destroying America more quickly tan any one thought posible
I am not “in over my head” I am advancing totalitarism riggt under your noses.
I am not “stupid” The “stupid” are those who fail to see fail to see the danger I bring.
I am no “failing” I am succeeding at every goal I have set.
I am embracing your enemies and reyectin your traditional friends.
I am acting lawlessly and unconstutitionally.
I am ingnoring your Constitution.
I am disobeying your laws.
Your media is abetting me.
Your congress not stoping me.
Those swords to defend the Constitution are not removing me.
I am “Fundamentely trasnsforming The Unite States of Ammerica”
Your Constitution, liberty, freeedon, wealht, future & children are no longer at risk…
                           …The risk is past; they are already lost.

I, a common citizen, have seen it coming for a long time and have said many times. How come the "experts" in politics and in the media never saw it coming? Actually, regardless of their education and expertise, the "experts" still don't see it. 

All we hear is noise! Perhaps everyone in politics and the media speak in politically-correct codes because they are terrified to speak up clearly? The way many of us see it, the country is screwed!!!

Vamos a ver a las dos Instituciones Religiosas mayores del mundo. El Cristianismo derivado del Judaísmo, y el Islam.

El Cristianismo fue fundado originalmente en la nación de Israel por Jesús de Nazaret, que reclutó a 12 apóstoles para que predicaran el evangelio.  El término “evangelio” en las lenguas modernas en general es la transcripción literal del original griego euanghélion, adjetivo sustantivado, que significa “buena nueva” o “alegre mensaje“. Consta de eu, “bien-bueno“, y de ánghelos, “mensajero-anuncio“, o del verbo anghéllein, “anunciar“. O sea que no eran realmente proselitistas, sólo mensajeros, aunque nuestros amigos judíos acusen a los cristianos de esto basado en la manera como muchas instituciones cristianas usan evangelismos como sinónimo de proselitismo.
El cristianismo fue una continuación del Judaísmo que no era proselitista, no fue la intención de Cristo que la iglesia fuera una institución proselitista, pero un medio de propagar las noticias del plan de Dios de ofrecer el perdón por el sacrificio vicario.
Iglesia es también un término griego, la palabra "iglesia" deriva de la palabra del griego  "kyriakon",  edificio eclesiástico y en el término hebreo tomo el derivado que se usa en el nuevo testamento ekklesia  que significaba la asamblea de los israelitas. O sea que la iglesia es simplemente la reunión de los que tienen en común la aceptación de la creencia cristiana, por lo que se usan el símil que es el cuerpo de Cristo y los creyentes sus miembros.
Todo lo que podemos sacar de esto es que el cristianismo es una creencia espiritual, y el propósito de una Iglesia cristiana es dar a conocer esta creencia al mundo, como una buena noticia no como imposición por medio de la fuerza.

El islamismo  fue fundado por Mahoma, y el propósito principal fue el proselitismo para crear un ejército para conquistar al mundo.  Las noticias no eran muy buenas, era de violencia, sacrificios y muerte.  Las únicas buenas noticias eran también materiales, un paraíso si entregaban la vida por el Yihad o guerra santa, con gratificaciones materiales de glotonería y bacanal sexual con numerosas doncellas vírgenes y deliciosos manjares.
El lugar donde se reúnen  le llaman Mezquita, que viene de la palabra árabe “masgid”  que significa prosternar. O sea un  lugar para postrarse en sumisión y obediencia, para lograr un estado emocional de obediencia a los líderes.
Este estado de sumisión los hace sentir como que el  perdón y la recompensa están condicionados a sacrificios personales que los condicionan a aceptar la muerte por la causa en un acto de sacrificio en la guerra o en actos del terrorismo.
El proselitismo está asociado a  imponer la religión por la fuerza y eliminar físicamente al que no lo acepte.
 Creo que la diferencia determina lo que realmente debe considerarse una institución religiosa contrario a lo que es una asociación guerrerista.


By The Right Scoop
Mark Levin was on Hannity tonight and firmly agreed with Giuliani’s statement that Obama doesn’t love America, going even further to say Obama has contempt for this country. He elaborates in the video below.
Levin also challenged Obama to act like a leader and do something for the many ‘Anne Franks’ in the Middle East who are being raped and suffering greatly under the Islamo-Nazis.

AMENPER: "Todas las cosas están sujetas a interpretación. Cualquier interpretación prevalece en un momento dado es una función del poder y no la verdad".
― Friedrich Nietzsche

Hasta su muerte en 1869 Nietzsche fue un materialista ateo, así que ¿Por qué estoy citando a un materialista ateo cuando mis creencias son cristianas?
Lo que sucede es que todo tenemos que ponerlo en contexto con la historia, y las palabras que Nietzsche sus en sus pensamientos, cambian su significado de acuerdo con los tiempos.
Cuando él dijo eso estaba hablando de las teocracias de su tiempo, de las religiones que interpretaban la Biblia a su manera para crear doctrinas, para usarla “en una función del poder y no la verdad”
El pensamiento de Nietzsche era honesto, era su interpretación de lo que pensaba, pero lo que no pensó es que su interpretación pudiera estar equivocada, de hecho lo estaba, porque todas las cosas están sujetas al paso del tiempo,  así que lo que dijo se aplica a su propia falsedad de su interpretación del cristianismo, su interpretación era una función de poder intelectual pero no era la verdad.
Este pensamiento del ateo honesto ya sea Nietzsche o cualquiera que llegue a esa conclusión evidente ha cambiado según el hombre en su evolución intelectual, ha rechazado, con razón, a las instituciones religiosas que actúan como fuente de poder.
La mayoría de las instituciones religiosas han pasado a ocupar la razón de su existencia, que es ser guía espiritual de los creyentes no una institución político-militar atribuyéndose poderes autoritarios.
Lo que Nietzche nunca se pudo imaginar es que el ateísmo que el profesaba se convirtiera en una de esas religiones en que interpretando a su manera la separación de la iglesia y el estado, se atribuye una función de poder y no de la verdad.
Cuando los padres fundadores de esta nación, hicieron hincapié en la separación de la iglesia y el estado, es porque los primeros colonizadores de la nación habían sido perseguidos de una teocracia, y eso es lo que estaban tratando de evitar.
No es lo mismo el derecho individual de tener una creencia, que el quererle imponer la creencia a todos, como hace el islamismo.   El individuo tiene el derecho a creer e individualmente o en un grupo o religión tener una libertad para ejercer el culto a su religión, pero no imponerlas a otras y mucho menos convertir esa religión como la ley del estado.
Creo que si Nietzche viviera en estos momentos, denunciaría al ateísmo militante de hoy como una religión más, creo que se asombraría de que las instituciones religiosas se han civilizado, y se sentiría afligido de ver que todavía hay instituciones religiosas iguales a las que él conoció en su tiempo que crean teocracias y mantienen viva la costumbre de asesinar a los que no piensan como ellos.
Cuando Nietzche dice que “todas las cosas están sujetas a una interpretación prevalece en un momento dado” creo que no se pudo imaginar que una interpretación de Dios como un ser vengativo, asesino, dictatorial, pudiera mantenerse como doctrina aceptada a través de siglos.  Pero eso es el islam, y se acepta como religión, y se le considera que tiene derechos por el derecho de la libertad de religión.
Mientras tanto, una religión creada por “progresistas”, la religión del ateísmo, impone su doctrina para impedir la libertad de culto de otras religiones. Impone sus creencias a la sociedad creando un nuevo tipo de núcleo familiar cambiando la institución establecida del matrimonio, obliga a pagar directa o indirectamente a lo que su creencia considera un crimen, el aborto, no permite símbolos de una religión porque hiere sus ojos porque es contrario a su creencia atea, a su fe,.
Llega al punto ridículo de que no se puede mencionar el nombre de Dios, porque hiere la sensibilidad de los miembros de la fe atea. Este autoritarismo religioso de la fe atea, es la violación mayor de la separación de la iglesia y el estado y la libertad de religión desde que se fundó esta nación.

Sin lugar a dudas, leyendo lo que dice Nietzche de nuevo, vemos que de diferente manera según soplen los vientos cambiando su significado, sus palabras tienen una vigencia eterna.

"Todas las cosas están sujetas a interpretación. Cualquier interpretación prevalece en un momento dado es una función del poder y no la verdad".
― Friedrich Nietzsche

Exactamente, Friedrich
El ateísmo no es la verdad el cristianismo es la verdad. El ateísmo está sujeto a una interpretación que puede prevalecer en un momento dado.
El cristianismo viene de Dios y prevalece para siempre

Giuliani Under Fire From Right, Left Over Obama Comments

By Sandy Fitzgerald
Democrats are slamming former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani for questioning whether President Barack Obama "loves America," while several potential 2016 GOP candidates either distanced themselves from his statements or said they believe Obama loves his country but engaged in questionable policies.
While the firestorm was going on, the former mayor made the interview circuit, where he clarified his statements slightly but did not back down on what he'd said during a private Republican dinner event on Wednesday night at Manhattan's elite "21" Club.
At the dinner, Giuliani said that he knows "this is a horrible thing to say, but I do not believe that the president loves America ... he doesn't love you. And he doesn't love me. He wasn't brought up the way you were brought up and I was brought up through love of this country."
Former lawmaker Joe Scarborough, on his MSNBC "Morning Joe" show Friday, said that Giuliani's comments left him wondering if the 2016 election will be another race full of such slurs.
Scarborough said in the 2012 election, he was critical of GOP nominee Mitt Romney because "people were going out and saying terrible things and calling the president racist, saying he hated all white people, and you could go down the list of things, that he was a
He said that he'd like to hear a candidate say he disagrees with the president, "economically, I think he has a disastrous economic policy, disastrous foreign policy, but let's agree on one thing, he loves this country."
Instead, Giuliani's comments left Scarborough wondering if the nation is "really going to go through another cycle where Republican candidates are too stupid to get out of the way of the stupidest people in their party, that keep them from winning presidential elections by spewing hatred, instead of telling people how they're going to get back to work," he said.
But Giuliani, while softening his comments, didn't back down, telling 
Fox News' Megyn Kelly on Thursday night that he felt his opinion was "perfectly reasonable," and that he wants to repeat that "all I've heard of him [Obama], he apologizes for America, he criticizes America."
"He sees Christians slaughtered and doesn't stand up and hold a press conference although we hold a press conference for the situation in Ferguson," Giuliani told Kelly. "He sees Jews being killed for anti-Semitic reasons. Doesn't stand up and hold a press conference. 
"This is an American president I've never seen before."
He admitted that patriots are "allowed to criticize," but he doesn't feel Obama's "love of America ... if we look at his rhetoric, [he] has not displayed the kind of love of America ... the exceptionalism that other American presidents have displayed. 
"That he has gone abroad and criticized us over and over again, apologized for us. Every time he does it embarrasses me."
And Giuliani said he will not back down unless he hears the president make a speech praising the country and admitting that "Islamic fundamentalist terrorism is our enemy."
The former mayor also defended his comments about Obama not being brought up to love the United States, which some critics Thursday called racist.
"Some people thought it was racist — I thought that was a joke, since he was brought up by a white mother, a white grandfather, went to white schools, and most of this he learned from white people," Giuliani told 
The New York Times.  "This isn’t racism. This is socialism or possibly anti-colonialism."
Meanwhile, Democratic National Committee 
Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz said that it is time for Republican leaders to "stop this nonsense" when it comes to comments like Giuliani's, and called on them to repudiate his statements, reports Time.
"One of the Republican frontrunners was sitting just feet away and didn’t say a word," she said, referring to Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, who was at the dinner. "I would challenge my Republican colleagues and anyone in the Republican Party to say: Enough. They need to start leading." 
Giuliani stopped short of endorsing Walker at the dinner, held for the governor to meet key GOP donors. In his speech there, Giuliani also said he is looking for a candidate to express that the United States is the most exceptional country in the world, "and if it's you, Scott, I'll endorse you. And if it's somebody else, I'll support somebody else."
Walker, interviewed Thursday on CNBC, did not say if he agrees with Giuliani, reports Time.
"The mayor can speak for himself. I'm not going to comment on whether — what the president thinks or not. He can speak for himself as well," Walker said. "I'll tell you, I love America, and I think there are plenty of people, Democrat, Republican, independent, everywhere in between, who love this country."
Many Democrats, though, said they thought Giuliani's comments reflected badly on Walker.
Democratic New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio said that he heard a "deafening silence" from the Wisconsin governor, reports The Associated Press, and called on him to "disassociate himself immediately" from Giuliani's statements.
Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, a potential GOP presidential candidate, though, said he backed Giuliani's statements, noting that the president had "obviously demonstrated for everyone is that he is incapable of successfully executing his duties as our commander in chief."
But others steered clear of the subject. 
Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and Sens. Ted Cruz of Texas and Rand Paul of Kentucky did not comment. 
Florida Sen. Marco Rubio said he has no doubt that Obama loves America, "but I just think his policies are bad for our nation."
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Amenper: Affordable Plumbing Act
This is about the future, for all of us, in the present, looking forward April 15, a date which will live in infamy, when we will have to pay accordingly to Obama our “fair share” of taxes

Only weeks after leaving office on January 20, 2017, former president Obama discovers a leak under his sink, so he calls Joe the Plumber to come out and fix it.
Joe drives to Obama's new house, located in a very exclusive, gated community near Chicago where all the residents have a net income of more than $250,000 per year.
Joe arrives and takes his tools into the house. Joe is led to the guest bathroom that contains the leaky pipe under the sink. Joe assesses the problem and tells Obama that it's an easy repair that will take less than 10 minutes.
Obama asks Joe how much it will cost. Joe checks his rate chart and says, "$9,500."
"What?! $9,500?" Obama asks, stunned, “But you said it's an easy repair.  Michelle will whip me if I pay a plumber that much!"
Joe says, "Yes, but what I do is charge those who make $250,000 per year a much higher amount so I can fix the plumbing of poorer people for free," explains Joe.  "This has always been my philosophy.  As a matter of fact, I lobbied the Democrat Congress, who passed this philosophy into law. Now all plumbers must do business this way. It's known as the 'Affordable Plumbing Act of 2014'. I'm surprised you haven't heard of it."
In spite of that, Obama tells Joe there's no way he's paying that much for a small plumbing repair, so Joe leaves.
Obama spends the next hour flipping through the phone book calling for another plumber, but he finds that all other plumbing businesses in the area have gone out of business. Not wanting to pay Joe's price, Obama does nothing and the leak goes unrepaired for several more days.
A week later the leak is so bad that Obama has had to put a bucket under the sink. Michelle is not happy as she has Oprah and guests arriving the next morning. The bucket fills up quickly and has to be emptied every hour and there's a risk that the room will flood, so Obama calls Joe and pleads with him to return.
Joe goes back to Obama's house, looks at the leaky pipe, checks his new rate chart and says, "Let's see, this will now cost you $21,000."
Obama quickly fires back, "What! A few days ago you told me it would cost $9,500!”
Joe explains, "Well, because of the 'Affordable Plumbing Act', a lot of wealthier people are learning how to maintain their own plumbing, so there are fewer
Payers into the plumbing exchanges. As a result, the price I have to charge wealthy people like you keep rising. Not only that, but for some reason the
Demand for plumbing work by those who get it for free has skyrocketed! There's a long waiting list of those who need repairs but the amount we get doesn't cover our costs. This unfortunately has put a lot of my fellow plumbers out of business, they're not being replaced, and nobody is going into the plumbing business because they know they can't make any money at it. I'm hurting, too, all thanks to greedy rich people like you who won't pay their fair share."

La Ley Marcial se acerca

F. Hiden.

Lo que escribo aqui no lo escribo a la ligera ya que llevo mucho tiempo previendo que eso ib a pasar pero hasta hace solo muy poco tiempo no estaba esto tan claro como lo esta ahora.
Como puedo observar en la forma que se estan desenvolviendo los acontecimientos, es cada vez mas claro que el presidente Obama esta dejando entrar a todo el mundo por la frontera con Mexico con el fin de dejar entrar a los ISIS. De esa manera, luego que se produzcan suficientes actos terroristas por estos ultimos, el presidente declararai la ley marcial para “controlarlos”. El plan detras de todo esto es el poder imponerse como dictador incondicional sobre este pais y por tiempo ilimitado donde ya el gobierno legal que existe hasta este momento y aun las agencias gubernamentales no tendrian ningun poder sobre el y el que tratase de llevarle la contra seria posiblemente "ajusticiado" segun lo dictame la ley Sharia que seria lo primero en instalar tan pronto su poder fuese absoluto.
A menos que el Pentagono, la CIA y el FBI esten en contuvernio con la Casa Blanca y esten al tanto y de acuerdo con este plan infernal, los mencionados tienen el derecho y aun el deber de parar todo esto de una vez y por siempre para evitar una guerra  civil innecesaria donde potencialmente cientos de miles y hasta posiblemente millones de ciudadanos y aun miembros del ejercito Americano moririan irremisiblemente tratando de evitar una tirania abierta en los Estados Unidos de America, ademas de las demas perdidadas materiales lo cual pondria a este pais a la altura de cualquier pais tercermundista o peor aun, un pais completamente desecho.

Exposed: Obama’s Strategy To Intentionally Bring Terrorists Into The United States
I hope the next administration is prepared to vet, investigate, and turn over rocks to eradicate this terrorist nemesis that Obama has implanted into our wonderful country. 
Do you remember the children who had to be saved? You know, the ones who were attracted like moths to the flame for free entry into the United States due to persecution?  Last I heard, the U.S. was actually flying planes down to Central America in order to fly thechildren directly here into our country.
Yes, many of these kids did need help; but it’s not our responsibility to feed, clothe, and provide homes to the world.
The problem is, many of these children were actually adults masquerading as children. Many of them were terrorists.  These terrorists are now in the United States, and we have no idea where they are.
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ISIS has recently bragged it has sleeper cells in the U.S., ready to strike at a moments notice. Isn’t that special? The effort to bring the children into the U.S. was not intended to be a humanitarian effort.
No, the real agenda was to allow terrorists in and to gain more voters for the Democratic Party.
This is also why the Obama administration has refused to seal the border. Report after report has shone light on the fact that terrorists are crossing our southern border and disappearing into the general population.
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The Washington Times reported recently that 4 Turkish terrorists were apprehended after crossing into the country from the south. These are just the ones that were caught. Just imagine how many have gotten through and disappeared without a trace, waiting to blow up the school or daycare center where your grandchildren go to be safe.
Today, we have news that the Obama administration wants to fly Syrian refugees into the United States from the fighting in the Middle East. ABC News reports:
Top U.S. counterterrorism officials say they worry a potential terrorist could be hiding among refugees who are looking to come to the United States after escaping the brutal war in Syria.  “It’s clearly a population of concern,” the director of the National Counterterrorism Center, Nicholas Rasmussen, told the House Homeland                                                                                                              Security Committee on Wednesday.
Here we go again: same story, same agenda. As I have said before, it won’t be until after Obama and his liberal friends in Congress who support him and his policies leave office that we uncover the damage he has wrought to this country. I hope the next administration is prepared to vet, investigate, and turn over rocks to eradicate this terrorist nemesis that Obama has implanted into our wonderful country.                                        
Exposed: Obama's Shocking Plan That Lets ISIS Waltz Right Through America's Front Door

AMENPER: Los soldados de ISIS son Gigantes
Nos asombramos de la brutalidad de ISIS, pero es el abismo cultural el que produce el asombro, no debiamos asombrarnos..
Los islamitas de ISIS siguen el Corán, están convencidos de que lo que están haciendo es algo bueno y las atrocidades son motivo de orgullo no de vergüenza.
Por eso graban en videos sus hazañas y hasta las aumentan, son terroristas por doctrina y sembrar el terror, asustarnos, es su objetivo final..
Por eso examinando el video de la ejecución de los 21 cristianos que marchaban a lo largo de una playa de Libia antes de ser decapitados por miembros de ISIS vestidos de negro ISIS es difícil para cualquier persona civilizada el verlos, pero varios de los expertos que examinaron el video objetivamente, sin emoción, llegaron a la misma conclusión: el video estaba alterado
Nadie tiene esperanza de las víctimas, en su mayoría pescadores pobres que habían ido a Libia para ganarse la vida, todavía están vivos. Pero varias anomalías en el video, que fue publicada en línea el 15 de febrero, indicó a ojos entrenados que al menos parte de la producción se realizó en "pantalla verde" con el fondo añadido más adelante, quizás para disimular la situación real de la atrocidad
"La manipulación del estado islámico de sus vídeos de alta producción se ha convertido en algo común," dijo Khan Helston, director editorial de la investigación de terrorismo en Florida  
Es probable que los asesinatos ocurrieran en un estudio, y la imagen de fondo que se muestra era probable desde otra ubicación, la bahía en Sirte, una parte del mar Mediterráneo en la costa norte de Libia, según Khan. Hay varios errores técnicos en el video que muestran que fue manipulado, dijo.
Por eso los cristianos no mostraban mucha emoción, estaban en un estudio y probablemente pensaban que estaban haciendo una película, no que iban a ser ejecutados.
La parte más interesante de la manipulación es que los soldados de ISIS parecen gigantes de siete pies de altura, mientras que los cristianos parecen enanos.
Para nosotros esto es evidentemente ridículo, pero para los posibles reclutas islámicos que vieron el video, esto es algo simbólico de la supremacía de los musulmanes sobre los cruzados que inevitablemente serán derrotados y la futura implantación del islamismo como la única religión de la teocracia del Califato Mundial.  En su mente estos reclutas se ven como parte del nuevo estado mundial islámico, se ven como parte de este ejército de gigantes...

Hospital de Superbug Pesadilla: Cómo protegerse

Jueves, 19 de febrero 2015 16:16
Por Charlotte Libov
El brote de superbacteria mortal que mató a dos personas y se expone más de 180 a la infección en un hospital de Los Angeles podría ocurrir en cualquier lugar y es probable que se repita, un experto en la parte superior dice NewsMax Salud.
"Este brote no es el primero, que se ha producido en otros lugares, y que va a suceder de nuevo", dijo Betsy McCaughey, Ph.D., quien preside la Comisión para reducir las muertes infecciosas, una organización sin fines de lucro dedicada a eliminar las infecciones hospitalarias. "Los pacientes necesitan para protegerse a sí mismos."
El brote de bacterias resistentes a los antibióticos conocidos como CRE se extendió por Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center, donde dos de los siete pacientes infectados con la infección han muerto y muchos otros fueron expuestos.
Aunque las infecciones hospitalarias como el SARM y C.diff son los principales problemas en hospitales de EE.UU., CRE es especialmente "horrible", dijo McCaughey 
"Con otros tipos de infecciones hospitalarias usted tiene una oportunidad de sobrevivir, pero si te dan CRE, a menudo cortinas", señaló McCaughey. De hecho, las tasas de mortalidad citados en los estudios de la CRE 50 por ciento superior. 
Desde 2012, se han producido cerca de media docena de brotes de CRE en los EE.UU. afectan a hasta 150 pacientes en Illinois, Pennsylvania, y, más recientemente, en Seattle, dicen los expertos. CRE se ha denominado una bacteria "pesadilla" por los Centros para el Control de Enfermedades.
En el caso del brote de la UCLA Medical Center, CRE se extendió a través de endoscopios, que se enroscan en la garganta de un paciente para permitir a los médicos para detectar cálculos biliares y hacer frente a otros problemas digestivos. Los endoscopios se contaminaron con CRE y se encontró que han sido limpiados de manera inadecuada entre los usos de los pacientes. Sin embargo, el germen puede sobrevivir en una variedad de superficies.
Según McCaughey, CRE se detectó por primera vez en los hospitales en 1999 y se le permitió extenderse lentamente a través de los EE.UU., gracias a las prácticas laxas de los Centros para el Control de Enfermedades, que no logró eliminar las bacterias infecciosas por tomar medidas cuanto antes. 
El CDC, según ella, cedió a la presión de los hospitales que no querían la mala publicidad sobre tales infecciones. "Ellos no quieren decirle a nadie y el riesgo de perder los pacientes", dijo.
Aquí están seis maneras superiores de McCauley para protegerse o un ser querido en el hospital:

1. Haga su tarea. 
Si sabes que vas a llevar al hospital, pregunte a su médico si la instalación ha tenido CRE. Esto no siempre es fácil de obtener información porque muy pocos estados requieren que sea reportado. Sin embargo, los médicos saben acerca de las infecciones del hospital propagación en las instalaciones locales.

2. Insistir en el lavado de manos.
Mientras esté en el hospital, asegúrese de que el personal del hospital, los médicos, e incluso su familia se laven las manos delante de usted antes de que usted o las superficies que toca en su habitación. No os falsamente asegurado por los guantes. Si los médicos han puesto los guantes sin limpiar sus manos primero, los guantes pueden estar contaminados.

3. Cuidado con los estetoscopios. 
Antes de que el médico utiliza un estetoscopio, pida que el diafragma (la superficie plana) limpiar con alcohol. Estetoscopios a menudo están contaminados porque cuidadores rara vez se toman el tiempo para limpiarlos entre los usos de los pacientes.

4. Tome duchas antibacteriales.
Si usted va al hospital para la cirugía electiva, comenzar a ducharse o bañarse diariamente con jabón de clorhexidina tres a cinco días antes. Esto ayudará a eliminar bacterias peligrosas usted podría estar llevando en su propia piel. Además, no afeitarse justo antes de entrar en el hospital. Mellas pequeñas de la piel pueden permitir que las bacterias entren.

5. Cuida lo que comes. 
CRE no es la única infección hospitalaria que necesita preocuparse. C. diff es el hospital infección de transmisión más frecuente. A menudo se contrajo de alimentos contaminados en bandejas de comida. No ponga la comida del hospital en cualquier superficie excepto un plato limpio en que fue entregado.

6. Olvídate de las flores. 
Si usted va a visitar a un paciente en el hospital, se olvide de las flores y hacer su ser querido un favor al traer un bote de toallitas desinfectantes. Limpie las barandillas, la mesa sobre-la-cama, el clicker TV, perillas de las puertas, el botón de llamada, y cualquier otras superficies se tocan con frecuencia.

AMENPER: This study of ISIS by Graeme Wood is probably the most complete investigation about “What ISIS really wants, and what the Islamic State is”. 
The main conclusion is that the Islamic State is Islamic.
Very Islamic and the religion preached by its most ardent followers derives from coherent and even learned interpretations of Islam.
The Islamic State is committed to purifying the world by killing vast numbers of people. 
They are fanatics, will never give up, because they are driven by the teaching of the prophet. 
Doesn’t Obama know it¨?  Does Obama really think that ISIS is not really an Islamic State?
It is hard to believe, Islam is what Muslims do, and what they read in their texts.” Those texts are shared by all Sunni Muslims, not just the Islamic State. “And these guys have just as much legitimacy as anyone else.”
What ISIS Really Wants
The Islamic State is no mere collection of psychopaths. It is a religious group with carefully considered beliefs, among them that it is a key agent of the coming apocalypse. Here’s what that means for its strategy—and for how to stop it.
Graeme Wood
MARCH 2015
What is the Islamic State?
Where did it come from, and what are its intentions? The simplicity of these questions can be deceiving, and few Western leaders seem to know the answers. In December, The New York Times published confidential comments by Major General Michael K. Nagata, the Special Operations commander for the United States in the Middle East, admitting that he had hardly begun figuring out the Islamic State’s appeal. “We have not defeated the idea,” he said. “We do not even understand the idea.” In the past year, President Obama has referred to the Islamic State, variously, as “not Islamic” and as al-Qaeda’s “jayvee team,” statements that reflected confusion about the group, and may have contributed to significant strategic errors.
Our ignorance of the Islamic State is in some ways understandable: It is a hermit kingdom; few have gone there and returned. Baghdadi has spoken on camera only once. But his address and the Islamic State are countless other propaganda videos and encyclicals, are online, and the caliphate’s supporters have toiled mightily to make their project knowable. We can gather that their state rejects peace as a matter of principle; that it hungers for genocide; that its religious views make it constitutionally incapable of certain types of change, even if that change might ensure its survival; and that it considers itself a harbinger of—and headline player in—the imminent end of the world.
There is a temptation to rehearse this observation—that jihadists are modern secular people, with modern political concerns, wearing medieval religious disguise—and make it fit the Islamic State. In fact, much of what the group does looks nonsensical except in light of a sincere, carefully considered commitment to returning civilization to a seventh-century legal environment, and ultimately to bringing about the apocalypse.
The most-articulate spokesmen for that position are the Islamic State’s officials and supporters themselves. They refer derisively to “moderns.” In conversation, they insist that they will not—cannot—waver from governing precepts that were embedded in Islam by the Prophet Muhammad and his earliest followers. They often speak in codes and allusions that sound odd or old-fashioned to non-Muslims, but refer to specific traditions and texts of early Islam.
The reality is that the Islamic State is Islamic. Very Islamic. Yes, it has attracted psychopaths and adventure seekers, drawn largely from the disaffected populations of the Middle East and Europe. But the religion preached by its most ardent followers derives from coherent and even learned interpretations of Islam.
The Islamic State awaits the army of “Rome,” whose defeat at Dabiq, Syria, will initiate the countdown to the apocalypse.
Following takfiri doctrine, the Islamic State is committed to purifying the world by killing vast numbers of people. The lack of objective reporting from its territory makes the true extent of the slaughter unknowable, but social-media posts from the region suggest that individual executions happen more or less continually, and mass executions every few weeks. Muslim “apostates” are the most common victims. Exempted from automatic execution, it appears, are Christians who do not resist their new government. Baghdadi permits them to live, as long as they pay a special tax, known as the jizya, and acknowledge their subjugation. The Koranic authority for this practice is not in dispute
Centuries have passed since the wars of religion ceased in Europe, and since men stopped dying in large numbers because of arcane theological disputes. Hence, perhaps, the incredulity and denial with which Westerners have greeted news of the theology and practices of the Islamic State. Many refuse to believe that this group is as devout as it claims to be, or as backward-looking or apocalyptic as its actions and statements suggest.
Their skepticism is comprehensible. In the past, Westerners who accused Muslims of blindly following ancient scriptures came to deserved grief from academics, who pointed out that calling Muslims “ancient” was usually just another way to denigrate them. Look instead, these scholars urged, to the conditions in which these ideologies arose—the bad governance, the shifting social mores, the humiliation of living in lands valued only for their oil.
. But focusing on them to the exclusion of ideology reflects another kind of Western bias: that if religious ideology doesn’t matter much in Washington or Berlin, surely it must be equally irrelevant in Raqqa or Mosul. But when a masked executioner says Allahu akbar while beheading an apostate, sometimes he’s doing so for religious reasons.
“People want to absolve Islam,” he said. “It’s this ‘Islam is a religion of peace’ mantra. As if there is such a thing as ‘Islam’! It’s what Muslims do, and how they interpret their texts.” Those texts are shared by all Sunni Muslims, not just the Islamic State. “And these guys have just as much legitimacy as anyone else.”
All Muslims acknowledge that Muhammad’s earliest conquests were not tidy affairs, and that the laws of war passed down in the Koran and in the narrations of the Prophet’s rule were calibrated to fit a turbulent and violent time. The fighters of the Islamic State are authentic throwbacks to early Islam and are faithfully reproducing its norms of war.
This behavior includes a number of practices that some Muslims tend to prefer not to recognize as integral to their sacred texts when they are living in non-Muslim countries..
Slavery, crucifixion, and beheadings are not something that freakish [jihadists] are cherry-picking from the medieval tradition, but Islamic State fighters are smack in the middle of the medieval tradition and are bringing it wholesale into the present day.
Leaders of the Islamic State have taken emulation of Muhammad as strict duty, and have revived traditions that have been dormant for hundreds of years. What’s striking about them is not just the literalism, but also the seriousness with which they read these texts
 “We will conquer your Rome, break your crosses, and enslave your women,” Adnani, the spokesman, promised in one of his periodic valentines to the West. “If we do not reach that time, then our children and grandchildren will reach it, and they will sell your sons as slaves at the slave market.”
Tens of thousands of foreign Muslims are thought to have immigrated to the Islamic State. Recruits hail from France, the United Kingdom, Belgium, Germany, Holland, Australia, Indonesia, the United States, and many other places. Many have come to fight, and many intend to die.
After Baghdadi’s July sermon, a stream of jihadists began flowing daily into Syria with renewed motivation. Jürgen Todenhöfer, a German author and former politician who visited the Islamic State in December, reported the arrival of 100 fighters at one Turkish-border recruitment station in just two days. His report, among others, suggests a still-steady inflow of foreigners, ready to give up everything at home for a shot at paradise in the worst place on Earth. Bernard Haykel, the foremost secular authority on the Islamic State’s ideology, believes the group is trying to re-create the earliest days of Islam and is faithfully reproducing its norms of war. “There is an assiduous, obsessive seriousness” about the group’s dedication to the text of the Koran, he says.
All Muslims acknowledge that God is the only one who knows the future. But they also agree that he has offered us a peek at it, in the Koran and in narrations of the Prophet. The Islamic State differs from nearly every other current jihadist movement in believing that it is written into God’s script as a central character. It is in this casting that the Islamic State is most boldly distinctive from its predecessors, and clearest in the religious nature of its mission.

During the last years of the U.S. occupation of Iraq, the Islamic State’s immediate founding fathers, by contrast, saw signs of the end times everywhere. They were anticipating, within a year, the arrival of the Mahdi—a messianic figure destined to lead the Muslims to victory before the end of the world. McCants says a prominent Islamist in Iraq approached bin Laden in 2008 to warn him that the group was being led by millenarians who were “talking all the time about the Mahdi and making strategic decisions” based on when they thought the Mahdi was going to arrive. “Al-Qaeda had to write to [these leaders] to say ‘Cut it out.’
The Islamic State has attached great importance to the Syrian city of Dabiq, near Aleppo. It named its propaganda magazine after the town, and celebrated madly when (at great cost) it conquered Dabiq’s strategically unimportant plains. It is here, the Prophet reportedly said, that the armies of Rome will set up their camp. The armies of Islam will meet them, and Dabiq will be Rome’s Waterloo or its Antietam.
The Prophetic narration that foretells the Dabiq battle refers to the enemy as Rome. Who “Rome” is, now that the pope has no army, remains a matter of debate. But Cerantonio makes a case that Rome meant the Eastern Roman empire, which had its capital in what is now Istanbul. We should think of Rome as the Republic of Turkey—the same republic that ended the last self-identified caliphate, 90 years ago. Other Islamic State sources suggest that Rome might mean any infidel army, and the Americans will do nicely.
The United States and its allies have reacted to the Islamic State belatedly and in an apparent daze. The group’s ambitions and rough strategic blueprints were evident in its pronouncements and in social-media chatter as far back as 2011, when it was just one of many terrorist groups in Syria and Iraq and hadn’t yet committed mass atrocities. Adnani, the spokesman, told followers then that the group’s ambition was to “restore the Islamic caliphate,” and he evoked the apocalypse, saying, “There are but a few days left.” Baghdadi had already styled himself “commander of the faithful,” a title ordinarily reserved for caliphs, in 2011. In April 2013, Adnani declared the movement “ready to redraw the world upon the Prophetic methodology of the caliphate.” In August 2013, he said, “Our goal is to establish an Islamic state that doesn’t recognize borders, on the Prophetic methodology.” By then, the group had taken Raqqa, a Syrian provincial capital of perhaps 500,000 people, and was drawing in substantial numbers of foreign fighters who’d heard its message.
Chastened by our earlier indifference, we are now meeting the Islamic State via Kurdish and Iraqi proxy on the battlefield, and with regular air assaults. Those strategies haven’t dislodged the Islamic State from any of its major territorial possessions, although they’ve kept it from directly assaulting Baghdad and Erbil and slaughtering Shia and Kurds there.
Simply denouncing the Islamic State as un-Islamic can be counterproductive, especially if those who hear the message have read the holy texts and seen the endorsement of many of the caliphate’s practices written plainly within them.
They cannot condemn slavery or crucifixion outright without contradicting the Koran and the example of the Prophet. “The only principled ground that the Islamic State’s opponents could take is to say that certain core texts and traditional teachings of Islam are no longer valid, and that really would be an act of apostasy, punishable by death.
That the Islamic State holds the imminent fulfillment of prophecy as a matter of dogma at least tells us the mettle of our opponent. It is ready to cheer its own near-obliteration, and to remain confident, even when surrounded, that it will receive divine succor if it stays true to the Prophetic model. Ideological tools may convince some potential converts that the group’s message is false, and military tools can limit its horrors. But for an organization as impervious to persuasion as the Islamic State, few measures short of these will matter, and the war may be a long one, even if it doesn’t last until the end of time.

OBAMA (should) CARE (but he don’t): HealthCare.Gov Sends out 800,000 Incorrect Tax Forms to Customers

Thanks, Obama. What a gift you have bestowed upon this nation…
The Obama administration revealed Friday that it sent about 800,000 customers a tax form containing the wrong information, and asked them to hold off on filing their 2014 taxes.
The self-inflicted bungle follows weeks of administration officials touting a successful enrollment season — one that saw far fewer technical glitches than the rocky launch in late 2013.
About 11.4 million people signed up this season. But the errors in tax information mean that nearly 1 million people may have to wait longer to get their tax refunds this year.
California, which is running its own insurance market, just announced a similar problem affecting about 100,000 people in that state.
For those using, the federal health department said on its blog on Friday that some people received a form that included faulty premium information. The blog said that information “needs to be corrected,” and new forms should be available by early March.
“This does not mean that your tax credit was incorrect; this is purely an error in what was printed on the form,” the blog post said.
But the administration is urging customers, that, “If your form was incorrect, please wait to file your 2014 Federal income taxes.”
That’s a hiccup for anyone trying to get their taxes filed early this year. And the 50,000 or so who already filed may have to resubmit their returns.

AMENPER:  Mullah Abdul Abu Graibas: que la paz del Islam sea con ustedes.

Tony Avella: se debe regular la venta de machetes
Mullah Vs Avella
En Senador estatal del New York Tony Avella está encabezando un movimiento para regular la tenencia de machetes en el estado.
Como un servicio público de acuerdo con la libertad de religión, les estoy enviado la protesta de la comunidad islámica, para que tengan una visión objetiva sobre el particular-.
El movimiento ha sido ampliamente denunciado por Mullah Abdul Abu Graibas, portavoz del estado islámico.
"Esto es claramente un intento de negarnos nuestros derechos religiosos y culturales," dijo Graibas, a través de un intérprete. "Hoy es machetes, mañana será cualquier forma de cuchillo largo o una sagrada  espada mahometana.. Esta opresión debe parar!"
Él ha señalado la necesidad cultural y el derecho absoluto de la libertad  religiosa para decapitar a los infieles por el estado islámico y la evidente dificultad de hacerlo sin un cuchillo de algún tipo de artículo cortante para el ritual.
Cuando se le preguntó sobre la posibilidad de usar un hacha, respondió que "el uso del hacha para golpear el cuello de los infieles es haram (prohibido); el hacha es un arma de los Cruzados, y Muhammad, la paz sea con él, no usó el hacha para golpear al infiel! "
Puesto que el estado islámico no está llevando a cabo operaciones en Nueva York por el momento, la validez del cargo de Mullah Graibas ha sido puesta en entredicho.  Pero este ha dicho que pronto se harán rituales religiosos en el estado que requerirán estos artículos durante el culto.
Máximas autoridades han hecho declaraciones diciendo que  están de acuerdo que esta  prohibición de tenencia de machetes  es sin duda un ataque contra la libertad religiosa del estado islámico.
"Esta prohibición de la venta de machetes obviamente es un crimen de odio," de acuerdo Dr. Myron Cruikstaff, Presidente del Departamento de Social y Cultural de quejas de CUNY. "Es un ataque a la diversidad cultural de la ciudad y por extrapolación de toda la humanidad"
Explicó que esto es parte de las numerosas normas "blanco-Heterosexual-Patrio-Cristo-fascista" que ha sido impuestas por la sociedad occidental al Islam, que son en si mismas un crimen de odio.
Otras autoridades han dicho que el loby del estado de Israel está detrás de este intento de ley del senador Avella. 
Legisladores de persuación liberal de Washington sugirieron que el ex-presidente George W. Bush fue el que convenció Avella de presentar esta legislación islamofóbica, indicando que Avella es un demócrata moderado.  
El alcalde de New York , Bill de Blasio se unió a las declaraciones del Dr. Cruikstaff.
"No hay ninguna diferencia entre la decapitación de cristianos  por ser infieles y un predicador evangelico o un sacerdote católico que se niega a realizar matrimonios del mismo sexo", dijo Blasio.
Con el agravante que el pastor cristiano está cometiendo un crimen de odio contra un grupo que ha sido marginalizado históricamente mientras el estado islámico está  simplemente defendiendo  sus valores religiosos de las influencias externas. 
No hemos podido obtener las declaraciones del presidente Obama sobre este diferendo, pero fuentes sin identificar, nos han informado que se encuentra de acuerdo de que se permita a cualquier creyente islámico portar un machete, porque después de todos son miembros de una religión de paz.

BOMBSHELL: Tax Info Errors Just Revealed Mean A Huge ObamaCare Headache For Many

Close to 1 million affected by this massive blunder...

The president and his Obamacare friends and allies may want to go back to bed and pull the covers over their heads because of the enormous and enormously embarrassing government blunder just disclosed — a massive mistake that could turn public sentiment about Obama’s healthcare takeover law even more negative.
Fox News reports that nearly 1 million people may have their tax refunds delayed — if, in fact, they’re even getting the refunds they might expect — because of data errors by both federal and state governments.
The Obama administration says it sent about 800,000 customers the wrong tax information, and officials are asking those consumers to delay filing their 2014 taxes.
California, which is running its own insurance market, just announced a similar problem affecting about 100,000 people in that state.
On the federal level, the problem apparently goes back to the website, which has been plagued with troubles since it was first launched.
From the Washington Times coverage of the massive tax info error, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) says data errors could mean that hundreds of thousands of people who enrolled in Obamacare won’t get the federal subsidies they expected to help reduce their insurance premiums.
…the agency said it is scrambling to fix an error on crucial forms that went out to roughly one in five customers — some 800,000 — and could affect the calculation against 2014 income that determines whether they received too much or too little of a subsidy under Obamacare.
The mad scramble to fix this latest round of Obamacare problems is underway at the same time that the Obama administration is preparing to argue a critical case before the U.S. Supreme Court.
On March 4 the justices will hear the case challenging the legality of health premium subsidies for those in states where some 6.5 million Obamacare enrollees buy their insurance on the federal exchange.Read more at

Islamic State Franchise: Terror Network Goes Global

World War 3 is now at our door step.
Islamic State “affiliates” seem to be emerging at an alarming rate, giving the sense of an expanding terror network with satellites all over the world.
But a closer look, according to analysts, shows these ISIS offshoots are likely operating without much coordination with the Islamic State core. It doesn’t make them any less dangerous, but helps explain how a group President Obama described just one year ago as “JV” has established a presence in nearly a dozen countries.
Unlike Al Qaeda, which in its prime was operationally stronger and had a better communication network with its affiliates, the ISIS network appears more fractured. There is no clear-cut power pyramid beyond its head, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. And a number of the affiliates existed before, only recently latching onto ISIS as the terror network grew in notoriety.
J.D. Gordon, a former Pentagon spokesman, told the array of different ISIS offshoots reveals an organization “that is operationally not as close or sophisticated as Al Qaeda.”

BOMBSHELL: Tax Info Errors Just Revealed Mean A Huge ObamaCare Headache For Many

Close to 1 million affected by this massive blunder..

The president and his Obamacare friends and allies may want to go back to bed and pull the covers over their heads because of the enormous and enormously embarrassing government blunder just disclosed — a massive mistake that could turn public sentiment about Obama’s healthcare takeover law even more negative.
Fox News reports that nearly 1 million people may have their tax refunds delayed — if, in fact, they’re even getting the refunds they might expect — because of data errors by both federal and state governments.
The Obama administration says it sent about 800,000 customers the wrong tax information, and officials are asking those consumers to delay filing their 2014 taxes.
California, which is running its own insurance market, just announced a similar problem affecting about 100,000 people in that state.
On the federal level, the problem apparently goes back to the website, which has been plagued with troubles since it was first launched.
From the Washington Times coverage of the massive tax info error, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) says data errors could mean that hundreds of thousands of people who enrolled in Obamacare won’t get the federal subsidies they expected to help reduce their insurance premiums.
…the agency said it is scrambling to fix an error on crucial forms that went out to roughly one in five customers — some 800,000 — and could affect the calculation against 2014 income that determines whether they received too much or too little of a subsidy under Obamacare.
The mad scramble to fix this latest round of Obamacare problems is underway at the same time that the Obama administration is preparing to argue a critical case before the U.S. Supreme Court.
On March 4 the justices will hear the case challenging the legality of health premium subsidies for those in states where some 6.5 million Obamacare enrollees buy their insurance on the federal exchange.

Obama's 'Legitimate Grievances' to Behead, Burn, and Torture?

Everybody has so-called legitimate grievances, but 99.999% percent of them don’t kill people because of them. In fact, saying you killed somebody because you had a grievance against that person won’t get you very far in court unless you’re a homosexual couple that wanted a cake made for a same-sex wedding and the owner of the bakery could not do it for conscience sake.
I have numerous legitimate grievances against our government and politicians who enable state-sponsored economic tyranny and theft, and yet I’m not going to kill anybody because of those grievances.
President Obama has taken the grievance show on the road. He’s out there trying to excuse, to some degree, Islamic violence because he claims those performing these atrocities have legitimate grievances.
Here’s some of President Obama’s legitimate grievances speech:
“Governments that deny human rights play into the hands of extremists who claim that violence is the only way to achieve change. Efforts to counter violent extremism will only succeed if citizens can address legitimate grievances through the democratic process and express themselves through strong civil societies.”
So what “legitimate grievances” did the Muslim terrorists have against 21 Coptic Christians that required their beheading? No amount of democracy would have dissuaded them or even a jobs program. They have a job advancing their version of Islam.
What were the legitimate grievances against the 45 people ISIS burned alive?
What about Boko Haram? More than 200 school-age girls were kidnapped and married off as sex slaves. What possible grievances could these Muslims have had against these innocent girls?
“Since 2010, Boko Haram has targeted schools, killing hundreds of students. A spokesperson for the group said such attacks would continue as long as the Nigerian government continued to interfere with traditional Islamic education. 10,000 children have been unable to attend school as a result of activities by Boko Haram. Boko Haram has also been known to kidnap girls, whom it believes should not be educated, and use them as cooks or sex slaves.
“Boko Haram's attacks have intensified in 2014. In February, the group killed more than 100 Christian men in the villages of Doron Baga and Izghe. Also in February, 59 boys were killed in the Federal Government College attack in northeastern Nigeria. In March, the group attacked the Giwa military barracks, freeing captured militants. The abduction occurred on the same day as a bombing attack in Abuja in which at least 88 people died. Boko Haram has been blamed for nearly 4,000 deaths in 2014.”
There’s nothing in this report about jobs. It’s all about the advance of Islam through terror.
Paul Hill had a grievance against doctors who performed abortions and those who assisted him. His grievances weren’t considered during his trial and later very quick execution.
Timothy McVeigh had certain grievances against the government, but no one took them into account after he “detonated a truck bomb in front of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995” that “killed 168 people and injured over 600.”
How about Eric Rudolf who set off a bomb during the 1996 Atlanta Olympics at the Centennial Olympic Park that killed one and injured 111? He had grievances that no one paid attention to.
President Obama is advocating two systems of justice – one for the Islamic world and another one for the rest of the world.
Katie Pavlich nicely summarizes the Obama double standard:
“What, exactly, does Obama mean when he says ‘legitimate grievances’? The grievances Al Qaeda and ISIS hold are against infidels and Muslims who don't go far enough to wage jihad on the West. These ‘grievances’ aren't economic, despite what the State Department would like us to believe.
“And finally, despite admitting he isn't aware of all the facts, President Obama implies that the three Muslim students shot dead in Chapel Hill last week were killed as a result of their faith. The killer was an atheist who was enraged over a parking dispute.”
Don’t be surprised if some liberal lawyer starts quoting President Obama when he has a client who committed some heinous crime. “To quote Barack Obama, president of the United States, professor of law, and editor of the Harvard Law Review, my client had some, to quote the president, ‘legitimate grievances' for committing his so-called crimes."
Don’t be surprised when a number of Islamist terrorists use the president’s comments to justify their actions.

I am not “incompetent” I am destroying America more quickly tan any one thought posible
I am not “in over my head” I am advancing totalitarism riggt under your noses.
I am not “stupid” The “stupid” are those who fail to see fail to see the danger I bring.
I am no “failing” I am succeeding at every goal I have set.
I am embracing your enemies and reyectin your traditional friends.
I am acting lawlessly and unconstutitionally.
I am ingnoring your Constitution.
I am disobeying your laws.
Your media is abetting me.
Your congress not stoping me.
Those swords to defend the Constitution are not removing me.
I am “Fundamentely trasnsforming The Unite States of Ammerica”
Your Constitution, liberty, freeedon, wealhh, future & children are no longer at risk…
                           …The risk is past; they are already are lost.

I, a common citizen, have seen it coming for a long time and have said many times. How come the "experts" in politics and in the media never saw it coming? Actually, regardless of their education and expertise, the "experts" still don't see it. 

All we hear is noise! Perhaps everyone in politics and the media speak in politically-correct codes because they areterrified to speak up clearly? The way many of us see it, the country is screwed!!!

AZNAR: Economía Cubana

Información de varios fuentes en castellano y ingles sobre la economía Cubana. Datos económicos sobre Cuba de la prensa internacional.

viernes, 20 de febrero de 2015

Aznar advierte a EE.UU. que los Castro sólo quieren "sobrevivir"

Aznar advierte a EE.UU. que los Castro sólo quieren "sobrevivir" 
Agencia EFE 

Miami (EE.UU), 19 feb (EFE).- El expresidente del Gobierno español José 
María Aznar aseguró hoy en Miami que en Cuba no existe ni libertad ni 
respeto a los derechos humanos, y advirtió a Estados Unidos de que los 
hermanos Castro sólo quieren "sobrevivir". 
Aznar, en sendas entrevistas concedidas a los periódicos "El Nuevo 
Herald" y "Diario Las Américas", se refirió así a la nueva etapa de 
diálogo entre Estados Unidos y Cuba anunciada el pasado 17 de diciembre 
por Washington y La Habana. 
"Toda política para Cuba que no tenga en cuenta el interés de todos los 
cubanos a mí me parece un elemento que está condenado a tener pocos 
efectos", subrayó Aznar, quien recordó que durante su etapa al frente 
del Gobierno español defendió en la Unión Europea la denominada 
"posición común" frente al régimen cubano. 
"La posición común está basada en la transición a una democracia 
pluralista y la defensa de los derechos humanos y en Cuba no existen en 
este momento esas dos cosas", indicó el ex presidente español y 
presidente de la Fundación FAES. 
A juicio de Aznar, el diálogo con Cuba no debe confundir "los buenos 
deseos con lo que son los hechos y los intereses de los hermanos Castro 
por sobrevivir", y "ese es un riesgo, que conviene tener en cuenta". 
Según dijo Aznar al "Diario Las Américas", el final del régimen cubano 
"tiene que ver bastante con la cuestión biológica". 
Aznar relacionó también el diálogo entre EEUU y Cuba con la crisis 
económica que atraviesa Venezuela y aseguró, en este sentido, que el 
régimen cubano "tiene que afrontar el colapso de su financiador más 
importante, que es Venezuela". 
"Esa es una de las razones fundamentales por las cuales se abren unas 
conversaciones con Estados Unidos, por razones puramente de 
supervivencia. Y en eso los hermanos Castro son gente verdaderamente 
experimentada", reconoció Aznar en declaraciones a "El Nuevo Herald". 
En su opinión, la comunidad internacional debe ser "más activa" en la 
denuncia de un régimen "autoritario y opresor" como el que preside 
Nicolás Maduro. 
Si la comunidad internacional es más activa "para intentar resolver la 
situación en Venezuela, prestaremos un buen favor también a los 
disidentes y a los luchadores por la libertad en Cuba", concluyó Aznar. 
En diciembre pasado, el presidente de EE.UU., Barack Obama, anunció su 
intención de regularizar las relaciones diplomáticas con Cuba, rotas 
desde 1961, y está prevista para la próxima semana en Washington la 
segunda ronda de conversaciones entre ambos Gobiernos. 
De igual forma, la UE y Cuba tienen previsto celebrar la tercera ronda 
de negociaciones para un acuerdo de diálogo político y de cooperación el 
próximo 4 y 5 de marzo en La Habana. 

Yo no soy "incompetente" Yo estoy destruyendo América más rápidamente de lo que cualquiera pudo hacerlo nunca antes ni en sus pensamientos.
Esto no esta  "en mi cabeza" yo estoy presentando un rigido totalitarismo bajo sus narices.
Yo no soy "estúpido" Los "estúpido" son los que no ven, no ven el peligro y la destrucción que traigo.
No estoy  "fallando" estoy teniendo éxito en cada meta que me he propuesto. Todo lo que hago es a propósito.
Me estoy abrazando a sus enemigos y rechazo los amigos tradicionales de la nacion.
Estoy actuando sin ley e inconstutitionalmente.
Estoy ingnoriando su Constitución.
Estoy desobedeciendo sus leyes.
Tus medios de prensa y control están en complicidad y los que no son estupidos.
Su congreso no me parando. Estan demasiados ocupados fajándose entre ustedes mismos.
Esas espadas para defender la Constitución no me an quitando.
Estoy "Fundamente  trasnsformando Los Estados Unidos de America" En lo que yo quiero… Ruinas materiales y especialmente morales.
Su Constitución, la libertad, las riquezas, comodidades, el futuro. Los niños ya no están en riesgo... El riesgo ya paso; que ya lo han perdido si no todo se han perdido, casi todo.

Yo, un ciudadano común, he visto venir desde hace mucho tiempo y he dicho muchas veces. ¿Cómo es que los "expertos" en la política y en los medios de comunicación nunca lo vieron venir? En realidad, independientemente de su educación y experiencia, los "expertos" todavía no lo ven o no lo quieren ver, o tienen miedo.

Todo lo que ustedes escuchan es ruido! Tal vez todos en la política y los medios de comunicación hablan de forma políticamente correctos porque están aterrorizados de hablar con clarida.  La forma en que muchos de vosotros ven el país es que se cae a pedazos material y moralmente!!!

 “En mi opinión

No 873  Febrero 21, 2015
“IN GOD WE TRUST” Lázaro R González Miño   EDITOR


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