Saturday, February 7, 2015

No 862 "En mi opinion" Febrero 7, 2015

No 862 “En mi opinión”  Febrero 7, 2015

“IN GOD WE TRUST”    Lázaro R González Miño    EDITOR


-Georgina Lopez

-Eduardo R. Chibas 1907-1951
Político cubano
Antúnez habló CLARITO Y SIN MIEDO. Los demás a lamer suela
"Viendo fríamente el circo, he tenido la desagradable sensación de que la Cuba de estos tiempos no ha parido aun al  líder que sea capaz de unificar criterios y líneas que deberían  seguirse  para dar a nuestra patria lo que realmente se merece como nación, y mucho menos para lograr ser un pueblo verdaderamente coherente y que se nos respete como se hace con cualquier  nación a nivel mundial.."

"El liderazgo es la capacidad de transformar la visión en realidad".
Warren Bennis, gurú en los estudios de liderazgo modernos

Antúnez habló CLARITO Y SIN MIEDO. Los demás a lamer suela

Por Carlos Jaime Cabrera . Colorado Spring.
Siempre quise escribir con este título, aclarando de antemano que soy políticamente incorrecto, como también soy incorrecto en lo periodístico, pero como ven me atrevo y me atrevo además, con todo el derecho que me asiste cómo cubanísimo que soy, a hablar sobre las audiencias en el Congreso de la Unión  Americana con respecto a los asuntos de mi isla bonita.
Viendo fríamente el circo, he tenido la desagradable sensación de que la Cuba de estos tiempos no ha parido aun al  líder que sea capaz de unificar criterios y líneas que deberían  seguirse  para dar a nuestra patria lo que realmente se merece como nación, y mucho menos para lograr ser un pueblo verdaderamente coherente y que se nos respete como se hace con cualquier  nación a nivel mundial..
Cuando veo a la “Oposición Light ”  pararse ante una sub-Comisión de la cámara de USA pidiendo participar en el diálogo INFAME y que los dejen sentarse junto al tirano para pedir lo que este asesino es incapaz de darle a nuestro pueblo, la impotencia se personifica.  Tal parece que estamos en presencia de la Gran Estafa  que escribió  el periodista peruano Eudcio Ravines.   Una estafa apuntalada por Radio Martí como el ejemplo más grosero  que da entera cobertura  a lacayos y mercenarios  que tienen el  ¿honor? de hablar ante el congreso para apoyar las nefastas relaciones Obama-tiranía y el levantamiento del bloqueo a nuestro pueblo, llegando a usar, inclusive,  el mismo lenguaje del tirano por más de medio siglo.
Es realmente desastroso y repugnante las actitudes de  estos botelleros de la mesa de la diversidad que , conscientes de su canallada y sin inmutarse siquiera en su despiste mal intencionado,  pretenden reeducar a un ASESINO y  convertirlo un modelo converso a estas alturas del juego.
Si todo esto remueve los ascos y la repulsión al grado de un nivel de vomitivos abscesos, es también y en honor a la VERDAD, muy reconfortante ver a un Jorge García  Pérez ( Antúnez)  levantar la voz en el Congreso poniendo sin tapujos- ni miedos- los puntos sobre las íes. Si en algún momento dude de su persona hoy reconozco que en esta ocasión  tuvo lo que tiene los hombres en las entrepiernas.
Antúnez, al parecer, es el único disidente, o uno de los pocos que entiende la lección heredada de nuestros patriotas  de la manigua y pone al descubierto a una bola de dialogueros oportunistas que están mendigando las migajas de una participación esclava en este pacto Obamacastrista.  Y creo que esa actitud merece toda la gloria del mundo.
Para  colmo de esta traición a la libertad de Cuba,  ,Obama llevará a la cumbre de Panamá la discusión sobre sacar a la TIRANÍA castrista de la lista de países terrorista aprovechando que en ese  foro los lacayos presidentes antinorteamericanos de AL se sumarán al musulmán en la petición. Pero al final el pueblo no importa,  más bien  se  defecan en él  para empoderar al asesino del punto cero,,,,
Lo triste de nuestra patria es que su pueblo de intramuros, y del exilio también, por que no decirlo  no está listo para  dejar  que surja un verdadero líder  que arrastre multitudes  en un solo fin que es la libertad plena.  Y esa libertad no se alcanzara ni con diálogos ni con pactos. Castro  está dando muestras de lo que es. Un tirano que no dejara el poder y  muestra total desprecio por la democracia y por todos aquellos  pseudisidentes que imploran caridad participativa. Por Dios … señores, hasta donde llega la inmoralidad de nuestra gente.  Antúnez, al menos saco la cara…. Y lo dijo  bien fuerte,  clarito y sin miedo.
“EMO” ¿Y donde han metido al Dr. Oscar Elias Vicet? …Que no sale ni en los centros espuirituales... LRGM

Peticion de Inducto a Eduardo Arocena

Este proximo sabado , Febrero 7, 2015, en el Tropical park (Bird Road y 79 Ave.) se llevara a cabo recojida de firmas solicitando por razones
humanitaria el inducto presidencial de Eduardo Arocena , quien ha cumplido 31 ayios de una injusta condena y que actualmente esta impedido
fisicamente por el resultado de una embolia, estando postrado practicamente.     Firmas, desde la 1.00 a 3.00 PM.
De Arocena se han hecho muchos injustos e inciertos comentarios , pues en sus actividades patrioticas y anticomunistas nunca fue acusado de
ningun crimen, como lo demuestra el acta del juicio (copia en poder de su esposa) Sin embargo como el se echo’ la culpa, exonerando  al resto
de su grupo, de las acusaciones de tenencia de arma y  actividades preparativas militares , ademas de no contar de una buena asesoria legal,
se ensayiaron con ‘el condenandolo a unos 400 ayios  y en carceles bien distante de su residencia en Miami , por lo que su esposa solo lo ha
podido visitar 10 veces en estos 31 anos.

This Photo Of Chris Kyle’s Accused Killer Is Raising A Huge Question About His Motive

Did the former Marine snap and start shooting, or was there something else behind the killing?

Jury selection is continuing for a second day in the murder trial of Eddie Ray Routh, the 27-year-old former Marine accused of killing “American Sniper” Chris Kyle at a gun range near Chalk Mountain, Texas, in February 2013.
After four tours of duty in Iraq, Kyle had returned to the United States and tried to help troubled veterans by taking them to shooting ranges where he could work and talk with them as a form of therapy.
It was during one such outing that the Navy SEAL known as America’s deadliest sniper, along with his friend Chad Littlefield, were shot and killed, allegedly by Routh, who suddenly turned on the pair and began firing.
Routh has pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity, with his legal team indicating it will use a diagnosis of PTSD — Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder — in the accused killer’s defense.
But did the former Marine snap and start shooting, or was there something else behind the killing of one of America’s celebrated military heroes?
Chris Kyle’s widow and others are now questioning whether PTSD actually played a part in Routh’s actions, especially in light of new information dug up by a veterans’ organization.
As Business Insider reports: “‘Someone taking the lives of two people that were there to help them — that’s not PTSD, in my opinion,’ Kyle’s widow, Taya, told ABC News.”
And as Michele Hickford reports on the Allen West website, The Warfighter Foundation, a non-profit veterans group, has obtained information from the military showing that “it is highly unlikely Routh suffered from PTSD because he never served in battle.”
From The Warfighter Foundation:
“Eddie Routh served one tour in Iraq in 2007…with no significant events. No combat experience.
Let me say that again, he NEVER SAW COMBAT or any aspect of traumatic events associated with a combat deployment (i.e. incoming mortar or rocket fire). He never left the base, EVER.”
The post on the Allen West site also notes that Routh reportedly served as a prison guard overseeing Muslim terrorists captured on the battlefield. According to a noted watchdog on Islamist extremism, Walid Shoebat, that interaction could have led to Routh’s becoming sympathetic to the prisoners’ point of view.
Making it clear that there is no proof of Routh’s alignment with or possible conversion to Islam, Shoebat does say:
“During a phone call with his father, Routh expressed sympathy for the detainees and discontent over how the US was conducting the war as well as his reluctance to engage in combat” and “While working as a guard at Balad Air Base, Routh laments his [Muslim] prisoners’ poor living conditions.”
Another interesting fact noted on the West website is what one sees on the booking photo of Eddie Ray Routh when he was charged with killing Chris Kyle.
That picture from the Erath County, Texas, Sheriff’s Department shows the suspect with facial hair similar to that worn by many devout Muslim men.

Interrogado el Tesorero del partido de Dilma Rousseff por corrupción…

Could Obama Be Supporting The Rise Of ISIS? A conspiracy theory? Perhaps... perhaps not.

This video makes the shocking claim that Barack Hussein Obama is behind the newly formed Islamic State—the Caliphate that reaches from Iraq to Jordan, whose army is now marching toward our embassy in Baghdad. Citing the just-published blockbuster book, Dark Forces, along with Muslim Brotherhood sources—the brains behind the Caliphate—and a Muslim Brotherhood member in the Department of Homeland Security, it appears to be an inescapable conclusion: that Barack Hussein Obama is in fact behind the Islamic Caliphate!
The views expressed in this opinion article are solely those of their author and are not necessarily either shared or endorsed by

10 States Suing Over Obama’s Immigration Actions Find Their Senators on Opposite Side

Twenty-six states are suing the federal government over President Obama’s executive actions on immigration, but U.S. senators representing 10 of those states are taking the opposite approach in Washington.
“We have senators from states going against what their constituents want and what their state attorney generals or governors are doing,” says @HvonSpakovsky
Lawmakers in Florida, Indiana, Maine, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, North Dakota, Ohio, West Virginia and Wisconsin—states that have all signed onto a lawsuit that alleges the president’s immigration plan is unconstitutional—have twice blocked debate on a bill that would fund the Department of Homeland Security while also undoing Obama’s immigration actions.
Hans von Spakovsky, a senior legal fellow at The Heritage Foundation who has closely followed the lawsuit, said these senators are not working in the best interest of the people back home.
He told The Daily Signal: “The polling shows that Americans are overwhelming against what Obama has done. Yet, we have senators from these states going against what their constituents want and what their state attorneys general or governors are doing.”
Senators from the 10 states include:
·         Sen. Tammy Baldwin, D-Wis.
·         Sen. Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio
·         Sen. Joe Donnelly, D-Ind.
·         Sen. Heidi Heitkamp, D-N.D.
·         Sen. Dean Heller, R-Nev.
·         Sen. Angus King, I-Maine
·         Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va.
·         Sen. Bill Nelson, D-Fla.
·         Sen. Gary Peters, D-Mich.
·         Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev.
·         Sen. Debbie Stabenow, D-Mich.
·         Sen. Jon Tester, D-Mont.
The 26 states involved in the lawsuit claim that Obama has “unilaterally suspend[ed] the immigration laws as applied to 4 million of the 11 million” illegal immigrants in the United States.
The lawsuit, filed in the U.S. District Court in the Southern District of Texas, was brought by governors and attorneys general in these states. The plaintiffs are currently awaiting the court’s decision about whether to accept an injunction—which would prevent Obama from carrying out his executive actions until the case is settled—along with a ruling on the Justice Department’s request to dismiss the case entirely.
Sen. Angus King, an Independent from Maine who caucuses with Democrats, was among the 12 senators to block the Homeland Security funding bill Tuesday and again Wednesday. His state is suing over Obama’s immigration actions.
Of his decision to prevent debate on the legislation, King said in a press release:
The Department of Homeland Security plays a critical role in protecting Americans from the serious threats that confront our nation each and every day. That’s why I simply cannot understand why we would jeopardize their ability to plan and operate missions that range from preventing terrorism and blocking cyber-attacks to managing our borders and ensuring national emergency preparedness.
Sen. Angus King, I-Me. (Photo: Tom Williams/CQ Roll Call)
King, who in the past cited “constitutional concerns about where prosecutorial discretion ends and unconstitutional executive authority begins,” did not respond to The Daily Signal about whether he supports the state’s lawsuit against the Obama administration.
Along with Senate Democrats, King is calling for Congress to draw up a “clean” bill that would separate Department of Homeland Security funding from the immigration language.
Republicans pushed back on the proposal, calling out Democrats for their refusal to even debate the matter.
“You can’t protect the country if you refuse to even debate the bill,” Sen. Roy Blunt, R-Mo., said Tuesday in a press conference. “So often in the last Congress we were accused of not being ready to end the debate … but we were seldom accused of not having the debate.” The bill, H.R. 240, failed to get the 60 votes needed to overcome a filibuster. Senators voted 51-48 on Tuesday and 53-47 on Wednesday. Republican leaders plan to bring it up for another debate today.
Homeland Security funding expires Feb. 27. Until then, Republicans plan to press their Democratic colleagues to change their minds and take up the issue for debate.

BOOM: Black Preacher to Obama, ‘Close Your Mouth, Not Guantanamo, and Defend America Instead of Islam’

Yowza! Watch Bishop E.W. Jackson’s response to Obama’s National Prayer Breakfast speech. He really lets him have it. Share if you agree with this preacher. Enjoy.

 En mi opinión

No 862  Febrero 7, 2015
“IN GOD WE TRUST” Lázaro R González Miño   EDITOR


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