Wednesday, February 4, 2015

No 859 "En mi opinion" Febrero 4, 2015

No 859 “En mi opinión”  Febrero 4, 2015

“IN GOD WE TRUST”    Lázaro R González Miño    EDITOR

Amenper: Estancamiento de la Historia Política
No soy historiador, no tengo los conocimientos amplios de la historia, que puede y debe tener un historiador.  Conocimientos cómo los que tiene Paul Johnson, el historiador británico al cual admiro por su acertada descripción de los hechos sucedidos en diferentes etapas te la historia y su compresión de los motivos socioeconómicos que se desarrollan en el contexto de la historia.
Pero estaba leyendo un escrito de Johnson sobre algo de lo que yo creo tener tanto conocimiento como Johnson, no por estudios, pero por la experiencia personal vivida.
Yo creo que cada cubano de mi generación, es una enciclopedia viviente de como se genera una revolución política y los hombres que la dirigen.
Johnson dice que estos hombres que dirigen estas revoluciones, son o románticos idealistas o religiosos, y ambos fanáticos sobre sus ideas. 
Yo creo que conociendo nuestro caso hay que decirle a Johnson que hay una tercera clase, que son los hijos de puta.
Pero dentro de eso, vamos a considerar que tiene razón Johnson y que tenemos razón nosotros también, y vamos a clasificarlos en dos solamente, los hijos de puta románticos y los hijos de puta religiosos.
Johnson nos dice que Lenin era de la primera categoría, los románticos idealistas.
Sus padres eran cristianos. La religión era importante para él, en el sentido que la odiaba.
A diferencia de Marx, quien desdeñaba la religión y la trató como marginal, Lenin la veía como un enemigo poderoso y omnipresente. 'No puede haber nada más abominable,' escribió, 'que la religión".
Desde el principio, el estado socialista crea y mantiene, hasta el día de hoy una enorme propaganda académica contra  la religión.
Lenin no era sólo anticlerical como Stalin, que no le gustaba a sacerdotes porque eran corruptos.
Por el contrario, Lenin no tenía ningún sentimiento adverso sobre sacerdotes corruptos, porque eran repelidos fácilmente. Los hombres realmente temía y odiaba y más tarde perseguía, fueron los devotos.
El más puro la religión, el más peligroso. Un cristiano dedicado, argumentó, es mucho más influyente que un egoísta e inmoral. Los cristianos que más necesitaba suprimir no era aquellos comprometidos con la explotación y la corrupción, pero aquellos que eran horrados expresaron su solidaridad con los necesitados.. Era como si él hubiera reconocido en el verdadero hombre de Dios, el mismo celo y espíritu que lo animó a sí mismo y deseaba eliminarlo por ser un peligroso enemigo.
Ningún hombre mejor personifica mejor que Lenin o sus seguidores el reemplazo del impulso religioso por la voluntad de poder.
Pero Johnson también nos dice que quizás en un tiempo más temprano en la historia, Lenin seguramente habría sido un líder religioso.
Con su extraordinaria pasión por la fuerza, podría haber pensado en legiones como las de Mahoma, para imponer sus ideas. O en los poderosos ejércitos de la iglesia Romana de los años de oscurantismo o el renacimiento del poder papal del Sacro Imperio Romano o del protestantismo de Juan Calviño, con su creencia en la estructura organizativa, su habilidad para crear uno y luego dominar totalmente, con su puritanismo, su santurronería apasionado y sobretodo su intolerancia.
Gracias a Dios, las pocas teocracias occidentales de las variaciones del Cristianismo, han desaparecido o son nominales como en Costa Rica, Bélgica e Inglaterra.
Pero lo que vemos es que la teocracia que se ha mantenido, no sólo vigente, sino que más radical es la del Islam, y quizás es porque el Islam no es una religión, sino una institución creada para implementar una revolución y establecer un estado tiránico.  Como es su diseño, no puede cambiar, no puede evolucionar, porque sería su desaparición.
Por esto ahora, en el siglo XXI, no sólo nos vemos con las revoluciones de los hijos de puta idealistas del socialismo, pero también tenemos que soportar las revoluciones de los hijos de putas de la religión.
Tal parece que la historia se ha detenido, estamos en un estancamiento de la historia política. 

En el dia de ayer fuimos testigos,  para mi,   de un hecho historico e 
e inolvidable , la discusion del Tema Cuba, en la subcomision del senado de 
los EEUU.
Que orgullo y alegria daba, ver a dos senadores, de politicas diametralmente 
opuestas , ambos de gran calibre en sus respectivos partidos, uno Republicano
y otro Democrata, analizando y discutiendo apasionadamente  el tema Cuba.
Ah, pero cuando de Cuba se trata, no hay partidos , somos cubanos, y tenemos 
que batirnos juntos.  Que leccion han dado estas 2 grandes figuras de la politica
norteamericana. Tenemos que sentirnos orgullosos.
Les recomiendo a los que piensan con el bolsillo que aprendan de  los hombres de los  

Amenper: Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, Martin Luther King….y Pedro Luis Boitel

Que todos los hombres son por naturaleza igualmente libres e independientes, y tienen ciertos derechos inherentes, de los cuales, cuando entran en un estado de sociedad, no pueden ser privados o postergados; en esencia, el gozo de la vida y la libertad, junto a los medios de adquirir y poseer propiedades, y la búsqueda y obtención de la felicidad y la seguridad.
"Los derechos se toman, no se piden; se arrancan, no se mendigan."
José Martí
Los tres nombres que menciono al principio Gandhi, King y Boitel, fueron hombres que lucharon por estos derechos. ¿Cuál fue el más grande de los tres?
Vamos a analizar la trayectoria y la estrategia de cada uno para ver como fue su lucha y de esta manera tratar de responder esta pregunta.
Ell nombre de Gandhi y King, aparecen en todos los libros de historia, son y serán recordados en toda la historia de la humanidad.
Sus nombres y sus personas serán recordados y reconocidos como personas que lucharon por los derechos del hombre.
Sin embargo el nombre de Pedro Luis Boitel, sólo será recordado por algunos contemporáneos que fueron testigos de su lucha, su nombre no es ni siquiera reconocido en su patria por la gran mayoría de sus ciudadanos.
¿Fue la lucha de King y Gandhi mejor que la de Boitel? ¿Fueron ellos como personas mejores que Boitel?  No lo creo, todo lo contrario, creo que Boitel fue mejor persona y su lucha mayor y más justa que la de Gandhi y King.
¿Por qué entonces la diferencia? 
Esto se debe a que los resultados de la lucha, King y Gandhi lograron su objetivo. 
Pero la pregunta es otra vez ¿Por qué?
No me cabe la menor duda que la grandeza no está en los hombres sino en el sistema.
King y Gandhi deben su grandeza a que desarrollaron su lucha en un sistema de libertades que permitieron que su lucha fuera más efectiva que la de Boitel.
Así que ¿Que cosa es más importante, los hombres o el sistema de libertades que permitieron que pudieran lograr los derechos inherentes que reclamaban?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  El El historiador Paul Johnson nos dice “¿Cómo la lucha de Gandhi hubiera podido florecer si no fuera por el entorno de libertades que proveía el imperio Británico?”.
Orwell nos dice “Es difícil ver como  los métodos de Gandhi pueden ser aplicados en un país donde los oponentes de los derechos humanos desaparecen en el medio de la noche y no se oye de ellos más nunca”
Lo mismo podemos decir de King, tanto uno como el otro tomaron ventaja de la libertad de prensa que le permitieron exponer sus punto de vista a todos en su país y en el mundo.
Esto es algo que no pudo hacer Pedro Luis Boitel, por eso no hubo un Gandhi alemán bajo Hitler, por eso no hubo un King ruso bajo Stalin, por eso los que usan la resistencia pacífica hoy en día en Cuba, son ignorados y desconocidos en el mundo, porque son reprimidos y su mensaje no llega a su pueblo..
Si Gandhi y King hubieran vivido en un país como la Alemania de Hitler, la Rusia de Stalin o la Cuba de Fidel Castro, nadie recordaría sus nombres hoy en día porque como Boitel hubieran fracasado en su empeño.
Por eso es que aunque en lo personal las ideas sociopolíticas de Boitel eran más puras y racionales que las de Gandhi  y King, el mundo no conoce de Boitel
Gandhi en su pacifismo rígido, criticó la lucha de Inglaterra contra los Nazis , King hizo lo mismo, experimentó con la doctrina comunista y atacó a su país por la guerra de Vietnam, atacaron al sistema que les permitió desarrollar sus ideales, el sistema que les permitió lograr su objetivo..
Creo en la resistencia pacífica como un mal necesario, no como una estrategia digna, creo como dijo Jose Martí que "Los derechos se toman, no se piden; se arrancan, no se mendigan."
King y Gandhi fueron capaces de lograr con su estrategia pacifista sus objetivos porque vivieron en un entorno donde los padres de la patria obtuvieron esos derechos por guerra necesaria  y lograron la libertad para crear una nación de derechos para todos que hace posible al que siente que esos derechos le son negados tener la libertad de protestar pacíficamente. 
Por los que no mendigaron los derechos, los arrancaron con las armas, los Gandhi y los King pudieron ser capaces de  pedir sus derechos.
Porque otros antes que él no pudieron arrancar de los tiranos  los derechos de su pueblo, Bofil murió en la cárcel sin haber cumplido su destino.
Los principios de los derechos de toda la humanidad, son más importantes que los hombres que luchan por los principios de una parte de la humanidad. 
No es que Gandhi y King no tengan méritos, pero el mayor mérito hay que dárselo al sistema que es lo que expone en la declaración de los derechos de 1779 y que no se pidió ni mendigó, se arrancó con la guerra justa como a la que Gandhi y King se opusieron, criticaron y negaron.
Esta es la paradoja, si no existen esos derechos arrancados por la fuerza, no pueden ni nunca pudieran existir ni un Mahatma ni un King que puedan reclamar sus derechos. 
La vida de Pedro Luis Boitel es un testimonio histórico de esa verdad. Pero en el corazón de los que vivieron la lucha de Pedro Luis, este tiene un sitio mucho más alto que King y Gandhi 

Amenper: William F. Buckley Jr., frases de sus artículos.

Los liberales dices que quieren dar libertad de expresión a todos los puntos de vistas....pero se ofenden cuando descubren que hay otros puntos de vistas.
En los años 30 nos dijeron que teníamos que colectivizar la nación porque las personas eran muy pobres. Ahora nos dicen que tenemos que colectivizar la nación porque las personas son muy ricas. William F. Buckley, Jr.
La verdad es una dama muy modesta, muy fina para darle a usted un golpe en la cabeza y arrastrarlo a  su cueva. Ella está ahí pero la persona tiene que desearla y buscarla.
Yo recibo satisfacción en mi vida en tres cosas. Una es crear algo, otra es que me paguen por lo creado, y el otro es la satisfacción de que no he estado sentado recostado en mi culo toda la tarde.
Yo quisiera electrocutar a cada persona que usa la palabra "justo" en referencia con los impuestos sobre los ingresos. William F. Buckley, Jr.
Yo creo profundamente que toma mucha practica para convertirse en un cochino moral..
William F. Buckley, Jr.
Todas las ideas conservadoras ahora son llamadas reaccionarias.
Los científicos son personas que fabrican el Puente de Brooklyn y entonces lo compran.
William F. Buckley, Jr.
Las Personas decentes no deben de meterse en política, a no ser que la política se meta con ellos.
Yo encuentro más fácil creer en Dios, que creer que el intelecto que creó Hamlet, salió de una masa deforme.
Los conservadores deben de ser categóricos sobre la necesidad la re-aparición de los valores Judeo-Cristianos en el foro público.
Yo me divierto más criticando que halagando
Sin lugar a dudas, formulaciones modernas deben de ser incluidas en defensa de las verdades tradicionales. No por alegaciones de anacronismo de las viejas ideas-Sus bienaventuranzas se mantienen como los elementos esenciales del mundo occidental- pero porque los modismos idiomáticos en la vida cambian constantemente
Karl Marx fue un genio, un extraordinario manipulador de la historia del mundo que nos atragantó con  lo su pensamiento, los que convirtió en un juego de Guija, con cuyos movimientos  el creó axiomas universales. El tuvo sus seguidores durante la revolución Industrial.  Pero fue desacreditado y descubierto por la experiencia histórica como en el cuento del Wizard of Oz.  Pero hay personas ya
creciditas todavía por ahí, que se declaran Marxistas, inventando excusas para cosas desde el Gulag hasta Afganistán.

Amenper: Who is Middle Class?
Politicians tell us that they are for the middle Class. 
But the accepted structure of middle class goes to a person that could have an income of  $140,000.00, this person do not benefit of the welfare state benefits, they don't need or want the taxes from the rich.
 The question is, who are these the persons that are they referring to, when they talk about middle class?  
Are they talking about the poor, those that they keep captive from the dependence of the hands out of the welfare?
If they are talking about the poor, it is OK, but why don't they say so?
What is all that talk about helping the middle class?
We don't hear this in the news, they accept silently the sophistic talk of the politicians from both sides of the aisle, but mostly from the left.  Because there is a  feature of American life that negates it all: TV news is insidiously slanted to the Left. The three broadcast TV networks, twist the facts and distort Americans’ perception of the world to match the views of the smug, clannish liberals who control them.
This isn't to say that the broadcasting companies have carefully thought out a scheme of misinformation. It is almost unconscious, a matter of – ‘bias’. 
Accordingly with Wikipedia," Bias is an inclination of temperament or outlook to present or hold a partial perspective, often accompanied by a refusal to consider the possible merits of alternative points of view."
It was always accepted before the media changed the game, that Middle Class was the social group between the upper and working classes, including professional and business workers and their families. While the concept is typically ambiguous in popular opinion and common language this is what middle class really is.
In Cuba we had a middle class of workers that were employed in large companies.  These workers while unionized, had an income commonly similar to the professionals and small business owners.
In U.S.A. the number of these workers are superior to in Cuba, because of the large number of big companies in the business world of America.
Accordingly to the statistics, roughly 20% to 25% of households is the upper or professional middle class consisting of highly educated, salaried professionals and managers.
Constituting roughly one third of households is the lower middle class consisting mostly of semi-professionals, skilled craftsmen and lower-level management. Middle-class persons commonly have a comfortable standard of living, significant economic security, considerable work autonomy and rely on their expertise to sustain themselves. they do not depend of government hand outs. When we put the two levels of middle class together 70% of the Americans are middle class, they pay taxes, the other 30% are either upper lower class making 40 to 60 thousands dollars a year, or poor underclass workers and unemployed, they usually don't pay taxes and receive benefits from public assistance.
Accepted class structures in the present, places the range for lower middle class at individuals making between $50,000 and $100,000 a year.  When a person finally arrives to the upper middle class, we have to consider that the range is from $135,000 to $600,000.  that leaves persons making $150,000.00 of a combined household income will be in the same tax range of a person with a half of a million dollar income.
Also the combined income of two professionals or as a small entrepreneur of a  S Business corporation with revenues of over $250,000.00, which is an income that this administration has established as  the point to tax a person as "rich" is not exactly the kind of income of $1.5 million that is the accepted level of a wealthy person.
Below you may see the table of  the accepted class structure.  What we see in this administration, is not a concern for the poor, but an attack to the class that with their responsibility creates the wealth of the country.
This is just more of the same socialist doctrine, to destroy the creators of wealth, to install a new system with a structure of only two classes, the poor people and the government new class controlling the wealth.  

Amenper: Scott Walker will win

(Changes of title are my personal perceptions) Amenper

Published on on February 3, 2015
Scott Walker is the only ambidextrous candidate in the Republican field. He appeals equally to the Republican establishment and the Tea Party/evangelical wingers.
All other candidates fit neatly in one or the other box. While Jeb Bush's record in Florida used to make him the most attractive member of his family to conservatives, he has blown that accolade with his strong support for immigration amnesty and Common Core.
Chris Christie was never the darling of conservatives, but his appeal to establishment Republicans is obvious.
Neither Bush nor Christie is a switch-hitter.
On the right, Ted Cruz's views fit the Tea Party like a glove but his brand of fiery politics may be too much for establishment ears. He is so effective and so on target that he scares the cautious GOP establishment to death. Mike Huckabee and Rick Santorum have perfect pitch in appealing to evangelicals, but, perforce, are too out there for the more establishment types.
Rand Paul and Marco Rubio both have the potential to be transcendent, Paul because he is blazing new ideological grounds and Rubio because of his cautious, respectful tone.
But both are very young and the establishment doesn't want to take chances. Can Rubio hold his own on a national stage (without frequent gulps of water)? Can Paul's libertarian ideology catch on? The establishment would rather not find out with the presidency on the line.
Paul also runs afoul of the national security wing of the establishment, a potent part of the centrist coalition.
Rick Perry once spanned the centrist and Tea Party wings of the party -- until he imploded in 2012. Can he recover from his ungraceful exit last time? Can he overcome the phony indictment under which partisan Texas prosecutors have forced him to labor? We don't know yet.
Cruz, Paul, Rubio, Huckabee, Santorum and Perry are all are hoping to be crossovers, keeping their Tea Party base but appealing to the center as well. But Walker is effortlessly able to battle for the establishment, the Tea Party and the evangelical vote. And there is no reason for him to have trouble with national security voters, either.
The Wisconsin governor has been elected and reelected, and defeated a recall attempt in a key swing state. His combat credentials are enough to assuage worries the establishment might have about a first-time candidate. His record on job creation and fiscal discipline is admirable. He is the Christie who succeeded; Wisconsin is where the New Jersey governor dreamed his state would be.
Yet Walker's credentials as a battler against the left earn him backing from the right wing of the Republican Party, including his stand against municipal unions, amnesty and Common Core.
From the Republican point of view, he is America's most successful governor. He offers a chance to take the education issue away from Hillary Clinton. He has actually turned a school system around, ironically, by applying some of the very same remedies Clinton first proposed in Arkansas in 1982 but has long since abandoned in her sycophancy toward the National Education Association and the American Federation of Teachers.
And Walker has been vetted. He has been through a trial by fire that no other GOP presidential aspirant has. Under the constant pressure of the municipal labor unions, continuously tested in recalls (both his own and his senators'), he has survived nicely.
Energetic, young, charismatic and fresh, Walker provides just the kind of generational contrast Clinton has most to fear. And, now with Mitt Romney out of the race, he can spread his wings.

Mason-Dixon Poll: Fla. Voters Want Rubio in Senate, Not WH
Monday, 02 Feb 2015 07:10 PM
By Jason Devaney
Florida voters think their Republican Sen. Marco Rubio should stay in the Senate and not run for president, according to the results of a new poll.
The Mason-Dixon poll found that just 15 percent of Florida voters think Rubio should launch a 2016 White House run, compared to the 57 percent that think he should run for reelection in the Senate next year.
In terms of political parties, 19 percent of Republicans and 15 percent of Democrats think Rubio should run for president. Sixty-eight percent of Republicans and 47 percent of Democrats feel he should pursue another term in the Senate.
Independent voters turned in similar results, with just 16 percent saying Rubio should run for president and 56 percent thinking he should shoot for the Senate again in 2016.

The poll also asked voters if former Gov. Jeb Bush should run for the White House next year, to which 42 percent said he should. Forty-three percent think he should not.
Republicans were the largest supporting group of Bush's potential presidential plans, with 59 percent saying he should run. Fifty percent of Independents and 23 percent of Democrats thought the same.
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Dershowitz: On Iran, Obama Is Another Neville Chamberlain

By Melissa Clyne
Iran has made no secret of its desire to decimate Israel, yet the Obama administration continues to negotiate a "bad, bad deal" with Tehran that will allow the country to have the capability to act on its desires, according to Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz and former New York Police Commissioner Bernie Kerik, both of whom appeared Monday on Newsmax TV's "America's Forum."
"If you go back in history Hitler was not as forthright … as Iran is today in what they intend to do," said Kerik, who in 2003 was appointed by President George W. Bush to reconstruct the Iraqi interior ministry. "They want to blow Israel off the map, they want the demise of the Israeli people."
Iran is "funding Hamas and Hezbollah and these other major terrorist organizations," Kerik said. "There is no negotiating with a bully. You don't put that bully on the world stage especially in this position, and that's what we've done, that's what we continue to do.
"The threat is increasing, has increased substantially since 2006-2007 when I was writing about this years ago, and it's only getting worse and if we don't stop it now … in the years to come it's going to be far, far worse."
In January, 
The Jerusalem Post reported that Iran had deployed a new intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) which not only can reach Israel, but also Europe.

The missile and its launch pad are "a direct threat to the United States as well," according to a 2013 U.S. intelligence report that stated that Iran could test an ICBM this year, according to the Post. 
The Obama administration's "negotiations" are a joke, according to Dershowitz, who noted that even if Iran accepts the 
proposed deal — which some reports have said give Tehran 80 percent of what it wants — there's nothing to prevent them from developing "trigger mechanisms." 
"All it stops them from doing, or it requires them to go underground to do it, is their centrifuges, and it allows them to remain a threshold nuclear power and it has a sunset prevision," Dershowitz said. "After a few years, the number has not been explicitly stated, they can go on and do whatever they please. 
"This is a very bad deal, a bad deal for the United States, a bad deal for the international community."
Furthermore, Dershowitz said, the deal does not address Iran being the major exporter of terrorism. 
"My fear is that whether it's this year or next year or 10 years from now, Barack Obama is going to go down in history as the (former British Prime Minister) Neville Chamberlain of the 21st century, if Iran ever does develop nuclear weapons.
"We will point to this point in history and say, this was the turning point. This was the point where the president could've recognized the greatest threat to the world in the 21st century and, like Chamberlain in the 20th century, he failed to do it. That will be his legacy if Iran develops nuclear weapons and the capacity to deliver them." 
The men also addressed future terror attacks and whether Islamic 
militants are planning another "spectacular" event like 9/11.
"I strongly believe that you don't need that today, you don't need four planes flying into buildings," Kerik said. "If you had an attack like you had in Paris here, not one, but if you had four attacks like you had in Paris in different cities at the same time on the same day — in a school, in a hospital, in a tourist location — I can assure you that's going to be a spectacular event. 
"It's going to create major fear and things like that, which is what these guys try to instill," he said. 
"Is that possible? Yes it's possible and our intelligence capabilities, our intelligence ability, is what we have to depend on right now to make sure that that stuff doesn't happen."
American trains are 
particularly vulnerable, said Dershowitz, author of "Terror Tunnels: The Case for Israel's Just War Against Hamas."
"When you go to Grand Central Station or Penn Station in rush hour, there are thousands of people and there's very, very little security," he said.
The airlines are far more secure today than pre-9/11, according to Kerik, but there's always the possibility of someone slipping through the cracks.
"Especially in some of these airports that don't have the physical security, perimeter security that they should have," he said. "We have to look at everything and most importantly it's got to be preemptive and proactive.
"We are a reactive country historically, and that creates a major problem for us. It's not doing us any good after the fact."
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Every Al Sharpton Business Has Been Shut Down In At Least One Jurisdiction

Are Sharpton's crimes catching up with him?

A review of public records in New York and Delaware has revealed that every business started by Al Sharpton has been shut down in at least one jurisdiction for failure to pay taxes.
According to National Review Online, the records of Sharpton’s organizations are “copious, confusing, and sometimes outright bizarre; and together, they depict persistent financial woes for Sharpton, who also personally owes New York State nearly $596,000, according to active tax warrants.”
Bernadette Schopfer, the director of taxation at New York’s Maier Markey & Justic, a certified public-accounting firm that has had no dealings with Sharpton, stated:
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He clearly appears — based on the information that’s available to us — to have a history of noncompliance with tax obligations. It appears that [Sharpton] does not file [taxes for his businesses], and then opens up something else. At all the entities we see he has opened up, he has not been compliant with the obligations of the owner of a business. . . . He’s either willful in his behavior, or he’s just sloppy.
Sharpton’s first company, Raw Talent, picked up a lot of tax debt and finally dissolved in 2002 for failure to pay taxes.
Revel Communications, his second company, started in 1999. It either failed to file or pay taxes from 1999 to 2002.
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He also started another for-profit entity, Sharpton Media Group. A spokeswoman for National Action Network, Sharpton’s non-profit organization, stated that Sharpton Media Group ceased to operate after a tax settlement.
Bo Spanky is another company he founded, one that dissolved due to a failure to pay a tax debt.
Carl Redding thinks that Sharpton’s problems may be catching up with him.
Redding also stated:
What he’s doing is negligent. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. I believe that Sharpton has become so powerful it’s diluting everything about him. The African-American community doesn’t trust Sharpton anymore. He’s living in a fantasy world if he thinks he has credibility.
Schopfer, the tax expert, said:
They have a lien, and that’s as far as they (New York State and IRS) can really pursue it unless there’s money that they can claim under the lien. It’s probably on their [radar], and they’ve taken it as far as they can until there’s an asset they can claim.
Should the authorities do more to hold Sharpton accountable for his negligence in paying taxes? Feel free to share your thoughts.

WATCH: Ferguson Protesters Claim Obama, Holder Support Their Pro-Palestine, Anti-Israel Campaign

A CNN and MSNBC contributor is among the Ferguson protestors working with Obama against Israel.

They call themselves “freedom fighters,” this group of top Ferguson activists joined together under the #BlackLivesMatter banner that has become a prominent, as well as highly controversial, protest slogan.
And now — proudly proclaiming they have the firm support of Barack Obama, Eric Holder, and Al Sharpton — a number of the self-described leaders of the movement have traveled to Nazareth, known as the Arab capital of Israel, to rally in solidarity with Palestinians in their fight against the Israelis.
Details of the #BlackLivesMatter demonstration are available on the Hands Up United website, where 2015 is declared a “year of resistance” against police brutality and societal oppression that supposedly keeps minorities in America “in chains.”
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“2015: The Year of Resistance with a firm dedication to the liberation of Black, Brown and oppressed communities, along with dismantling the New Jim Crow, we would like to honor our sisters and brothers who paved the way in our nation and around the world!”
According to the Ferguson protest leaders who went to Israel to “rail” against that country’s policies, among the “oppressed communities” of the world are the Palestinians in Gaza, who they compared to black residents of racially torn Ferguson, Missouri.
And in proclaiming their commitment to agitate on behalf of the Palestinians, the #BlackLivesMatter protesters boast that they have powerful and prominent people on their side, including the President of the United States.
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From the statement on their website: “The Ferguson and Eric Garner protests, staunchly supported by President Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder and informal adviser Al Sharpton, have well-documented strains of anti-Israel sentiment running through them.”
By clicking on the video above, you can watch an account of the trip to Israel produced and published by the Ferguson protest group, which included university professor and racial activist Marc Lamont Hill, often seen as a commentator on CNN and MSNBC.
It’s interesting to note that this Ferguson protest group has been agitating in Israel as relations between Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Obama have been publicly deteriorating.
Western Journalism has also reported on the apparent attempt by Obama campaign cronies, as well as John Kerry’s State Department, to actively influence the outcome of the upcoming Israeli elections — reportedly working on the ground, in Israel, against the re-election of Netanyahu.

Shocking New Snowden Leaks That Could Change the World    

( January 29, 2015 – Here are just some of the notes from the interview. This one contained so much explosive information that you’re sure to learn a lot that you don’t know. If you’re a patriot that is sick of the criminals getting away with everything then do something! SHARE this to your facebook walls, email lists, twitter so that their crimes will be exposed. It’s not enough that you learn this information. You MUST share it with as many others as posssible to create the chagne you want to see in the world!
In the latest Veterans Today Radio broadcast on 10-6-14, Gordon Duff goes over some of the hardcore information that he got from Edward Snowden. Gordon talks about how the US media has covered up all of this new Snowden information and only put out some “chicken feed” about the US spying on Germany. In fact, CNN was given the huge Snowden release on 9/11 being nuclear event first and suppressed the story. Veterans Today was the 3rd media outlet to get the information and was the only one to release it! Snowden literally brought the keys to the kingdom when he went to Russia and we have not heard all of it. Gordon covers some more of this information in this broadcast but you should also listen to the 6-4-14 episode of Veterans Today Radio for much more on 9/11. This information literally rocked the world and has been copied and heard by millions now. Unfortunately, this information has been suppressed by all mainstream media and most of the alternative media including the “tip of the spear” types.
Here are some brief notes of just some of this interview. I had to get this article out now so didn’t have time to include all of it. I hope all of you are spreading these interviews into all aspects of the alternative media because it’s being censored by many of the fakes that won’t touch it! Expose the fakes!

Gordon also talked about some of these topics.
Biden recently mentioned Turkey as helping ISIS because of the information from Gordon Duff.
US lied when they said two planes recently lost to a typhoon. One of those planes an F-16 is lying in pieces in Syria after being shot down by an American PAC2 missile! The same missile used in Israeli Iron Dome system. US has now ceased all air operations because of a plot by traitors within the US Military, Air Force a retired General affiliated with Fox News and some affiliated with Rupert Murdoch’s Fox News. This plot was to allow a plane to be shot down and captured by ISIS so they could “Jimmy Carter” Obama and help Republicans win the upcoming elections. Daish (ISIS) wants one or more American pilots before the elections that they can threaten to behead. The other aircraft lost was an Marine Osprey flying a team into Iraq. Gordon has been told that the crew of these airplanes were recovered.
Now that ISIS has our one of our most advanced missile systems we can’t offer air support to the Kurds and they are threatned to have 100,000 of them slaughtered now. During the Vietnam war, John McCain gave the North Vietnamese the information that allowed them to shoot down more American planes!
Gordon talks about the Presidio which is the home to psychological warfare command. This base in San Francisco was run by two men. One of them was a Colonel and the other a major. Both were “cutting edge” (men who stare at goat types). One of them was involved with “the temple of Set” and the “Church of Satan”. (note you can easily find this man’s name by googling both of those organizations). The other man is a retired General that works for Fox News. You can find out who is by searching google for “senior military analyst fox news retired general”.
One of these men that run the “Temple of Set” in 1980 was accused of the sexual molestation of 150 children by the San Francisco Examiner who were brutally raped at “The Presidio” and other military bases! In 1986 this man had a search warrant issued on his home and it was said that 38 films were seized depicting violent sexual acts against children as young as 9. All of this evidence was covered up and no charges were brought. This man now helps run the NSA!
All of the “heroes” from the Bush Administration were treasonous. You’ll never know the heroes.
One of Snowden’s biggest Intel drops was only put out by VeteransToday and it was the 2003 Dept of Energy report that showed 9/11 was a nuclear event! Nobody in mainstream put it out even though some such as CNN was given it before VeteransToday.

En mi opinión

No 859  Febrero 4, 2015
“IN GOD WE TRUST” Lázaro R González Miño   EDITOR


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