Tuesday, August 19, 2014

No 732 "En mi opinion" Martes, Agosto 19, 2014

No 732      “En mi opinión”     Martes, Agosto 19, 2014

Are you confused by what is going on in the Middle East?
Let me explain.
1- We support the Iraqi government in the fight against ISIS.
2- We don’t like ISIS, but ISIS is supported by Saudi Arabia whom we do like.
3- We don’t like Assad in Syria. We support the fight against him, but ISIS is also fighting against him.
4- We don’t like Iran, but Iran supports the Iraqi government in its fight against ISIS.
Explanation: So some of our friends support our enemies, some enemies are now our friends,
and some of our enemies are fighting against our other enemies, who we want to lose, but we don’t want our enemies who are fighting our enemies to win.
If the people we want to defeat are defeated, they could be replaced by people we like even less.
And all this was started by our invading a country to drive out terrorists who
m were not actually there until we went in to drive them out.
It's quite simple, really. Do you understand now?
Amenper: En sus zapatos, tarreado y apaleado
Siempre me gusta ponerme en el lugar de otros para poder entender el problema, como dice el dicho americano, ponerme en sus zapatos.
Pero en este caso en Ferguson me encuentro confundido.  Como se puede sentir el dueño de la tienda un Pakistaní de 5.2 pies y 120 libras que tuvo el incidente con el “niño” negro de 6 pies y 220 libras que más tarde fue muerto en un altercado con la policía sin relación al hecho en la tienda.
El dueño trató de evitar que le robaran los tabacos de la tienda, y el “niño” de 6 pies lo atacó y lo golpeó.
Pero entonces la turba atacó y saqueó la tienda ¿Por qué?
Todavía hoy están haciendo protestas frente a la tienda. El pobre hombre ha perdido su negocio que le debe haber costado años de trabajo.
No entiendo el razonamiento y me siendo confuso poniéndome en los zapatos del dueño de la tienda. No sé cuál es el razonamiento de la comunidad negra.
¿De qué culpan al dueño de la tienda? ¿De qué trató de que no le robaran? ¿Cuál es la mala conducta de este comerciante? 
Quizás es el pensamiento que se ha generado bajo esta administración. 
Después de todo el presidente dijo que todo el que tenía un negocio no lo había hecho, alguien lo había hecho por él. 
Bajo este razonamiento quizás es comprensible el comportamiento de la comunidad negra.
Si el negocio no es de él pero de todos, cualquiera tiene el derecho de tomar la mercancía sin pagar, esto es lo que les enseñó el primer mandatario de la nación.
Si piden justicia por la muerte del pobre “niño” es cuestión del sistema judicial, si quieren protestar que protesten, pero ¿que culpa tiene el comerciante en todo esto?.
No he oído a nadie con una palabra de compasión para el pobre hombre que como dice el dicho cubano se debe sentir “tarreado y apaleado”.
A mi parecer este pobre comerciante es la mayor víctima de este incidente. Lo ha perdido todo y no ha recibido ni compasión.
Estamos viviendo momentos interesantes en la nación, momentos en que nos parece que no estamos viviendo en los Estados Unidos que habíamos conocido y admirado por muchos años.


The news coming from Ferguson, MO are depressing. They are showing a City taken over by outlaws were the Police have stopped protecting their citizens.

When I saw this morning views of the store that was vandalized by the mob of criminal and subhuman individuals, empty shelves and even the cash register taken by violent criminals without been stopped by the police it came to my mind when I was the owner of a Grocery store in New Orleans, La.

The Citizens of a Nation are supposed to be protected by the laws of the Nation. If you have any grievance you should go to the courts and present your case. If the Police and the authorities of a community are not able, or willing, to protect your property a Citizen should not allow to loose his possessions to a criminal band of subhuman individuals who are intimidating you.

When the disgraceful USA Dictator Barak Hussein Obama aka Barry Soetoro, shook hands and bowed to the criminal Raúl Castro, Dictator of my native Country, Cuba I, and/or other Cuban born citizens didn't took to the streets and riot. We respect the laws and we will go to vote in November 2014 and try to put a stop to the criminal presidency of Barack Hussein Obama.

When my brother Juan, a paratrooper veteran of the Bay of Pigs was murdered in New Orleans by 3 black thugs I didn't initiated any riots against black people because I know better. There are black criminals and black honest people. There are white honest people and white criminals like among others, Fidel Castro, Raúl Castro and Ernesto "Che" Guevara. Violence is bad.

The autopsy report that I have read in the news shows that the person killed by the Police in Ferguson, received the bullets from the front, not from the back as liars activists had proclaim.

In my case, I am the owner of my property and if I will confront a situation of anarchism, when the police is unable or unwilling to protect me and my property I will use all available means to protect my property and my family and I will do so against white criminals or black criminals. Otherwise I would have become a coward. In Cuba we lost our possessions because they were so many useful idiots helping the Dictatorship that was impossible to stop them. I hope that here, is still not to late to stop them. Remember that this is the land of the Free and the home of the brave. Live peacefully but don't be a coward.

Dr. Carlos J. Bringuier

Ricardo Samitier: El PODER NEGRO en USA... se acaba en el 2030
Antes de Hablar del llamado “Poder Negro En USA” veamos
Primero la historia de la emigración negra a la América…
La Verdad Sobre Los Negros De América…
Del Norte Y Del Sur…
Que Sus Ascendientes Llegaron Como Esclavos Viven Mejor,
Más Felices y Son Más Saludables Gracias a que en América
se casaron miembros de distintas tribus…
La ENDOGAMIA retrasa las razas y la EXOGAMIA produce
gente más Inteligentes y hasta más bonitos que sus Primos
Veamos Primero…
Lo Que Muchos Cubanos IGNORAN…
¿Por qué Cuba Era Mas Blanca Que Otras Islas?
Fue Augusto Arango Y Parreño… Presidente de la asociación
“AMIGOS DEL PAIS” de Cuba… quien logró que en Cuba se
LA CRIA DE ESCLAVOS… a las que hacían parir un esclavo anual…
Desde luego se quedaron las que habían entrado y aun los
Negreros traían de contrabando algunas…

La Primera Mentira Repetida en todas las escuelas:
Los Negros No Eran Capturados Por Los Blancos
Ellos Eran Vendidos Por Sus Caciques…
Es Totalmente FALSO que los negros eran CAPTURADOS por
Los blancos esclavistas… los CACIQUES los vendían… pues hasta
1945 era la esclavitud en muchos países de África LEGAL…
Inclusive “LIBERIA” país creado por USA para Los EX ESCLAVOS
de Norte América… ellos establecieron la práctica de la esclavitud…  
de  los negros que habitaban en ese territorio y en 1948 las ONU
condenó al entonces presidente por VENDER MANO DE OBRA
ESCLAVA a los Españoles de Cabo Verde… (por hacer lo mismo
Que ahora hace Fidel y Raúl Con los MEDICOS CUBANOS)

La Gran Mayoría Desconoce Cómo Llegaron Los
Los Ingleses cuando capturaban un “barco dedicado al trafico
De negros” dejaban a los negros en sus territorios despoblados en
América (especialmente en la Bahamas) pues si los devolvían
a sus países en África… EL CACIQUE LOS VOLVIA A VENDER

Los Castillos fabricados por los Blancos en África… lo hacían
También en los puertos… pero la GRAN DIFERENCIA es que sus
Cañones apuntaban a tierra… Pues la defensa era necesaria contra
La gran cantidad de negros que los podían atacar… pues no había…
y nunca hubo ataques de PIRATAS ni de otras naciones a las ENCLAVES
de Blancos en AFRICA…
Ya que en la AFRICA de entonces NO HABIA NADA QUE ROBAR…

Detroit Police Chief: It’s Working – Armed Citizens Fighting Off Crime

Detroit Police Chief James Craig says his suggestion last January that law-abiding residents should arm themselves has helped cut crime in his struggling city.
Craig pointed out that crime statistics have dropped overall, but admitted there is no way to know for certain how many crimes were not committed because a potential criminal feared facing an armed citizen.
There have been 37 percent fewer robberies so far in 2014 than the same period in 2013, 22 percent fewer break-ins, and 30 percent fewer carjackings, The Detroit News reports.
Studies have differed on whether armed citizens deter crime, the News reported.
Detroit resident Al Woods told the paper he believes guns in people’s homes deter crime. Woods says he is a reformed criminal and now an anti-violence advocate.
“If I was out there now robbing people these days, knowing there are a lot more people with guns, I know I’d have to rethink my game plan,” the 60-year-old Woods said.
Michigan law allows open carry, in which a gun must be visible at all times. But many Detroiters are opting to obtain concealed-weapons permits.
Read More:   http://www.newsmax.com

Read more at http://minutemennews.com/2014/08/detroit-police-chief-armed-citizens-fighting-crime/#a6gxufKXlLRbiKWM.99


• Mientras los líderes negros protestan la muerte de Brown, se olvidan del Rabino Raksin

MIAMI 19 DE AGOSTO DE 2014, nhr.com– La policía de Miami-Dade, busca a dos sospechosos de haber asesinado a un rabino ortodoxo mientras caminaba hacia una sinagoga en Miami Beach, en un sector de la ciudad con una población judía considerable.
El rabino Joseph Raksin caminaba hacia el templo de North Miami Beach, como acostumbraba siempre, cumpliendo con las leyes del Shabbat. Sin embargo un hecho inesperado convirtió este día consagrado en tragedia. Mientras se desplazaba por la cuadra 800 de la Calle 175 en el noreste del condado, Raksin fue abordado por dos jóvenes de raza negra. Este encuentro produjo un altercado, aun en investigación, que provocó la muerte a mano armada del rabino en plena vía pública.
Joseph Raksin, de 60 años, fue asesinado a tiros en lo que parece ser un caso de robo y no un crimen de odio, según la policía y líderes de la comunidad judía, aunque se reportó que hace dos semanas apareció una esvástica en una de las sinagogas del barrio.
Según la policía, uno de los sospechosos iba en bicicleta y el otro a pie; ambos huyeron tras dispararle a Raksin, quien fue transportado a un hospital, donde falleció.
Raksin, residente de Brooklyn, Nueva York, estaba de visita en el sur de Florida.
En Miami Dade no ocurrieron disturbios, la policía realiza su investigación, no han llegado Jessy Jackson o el reverendo Art Shampton, ni tampoco han salido a protestar los líderes negros de la ciudad.
Dos años y medio después de que la muerte de Trayvon Martin desencadenara protestas masivas de la comunidad negra en Estados Unidos, el caso de otro joven negro desarmado fallecido por un disparo ha vuelto a encender los ánimos. Martin, de 17 años, pereció en 2012 en el Estado de Florida de un tiro en el corazón cuando un vigilante vecinal ejerció su derecho a la autodefensa, según certificó hace un año un jurado, lo que propició una marea de indignación en las calles. El joven muerto ahora es Michael Brown, de 18 años, que murió el sábado en un humilde suburbio de Ferguson por varios disparos de un agente policial.
Despues se supo que Brown no era el angelito que pintaron, sino que minutos antes de su muerte en un enfrentamiento con la policía, habían asaltado un establecimiento de donde robo cartones de cigarrillos.
La muerte del joven ha desatado la ira en Ferguson, una localidad de 21.000 habitantes y ubicados a 16 kilómetros al norte del centro de San Luis. El suburbio, poblado mayoritariamente por afroamericanos, ha vivido desde hace una semana  protestas  lanzamientos de piedras y saqueos de tiendas, todo en nombre de la muerte del joven.
Aquí si llegaron todos los líderes negros, todos han pedido justicia para Brown, pero se olvidan del rabino Raksin, y se olvidan de los cientos de jóvenes negros que mueren en las calles de Chicago cada semana y los miles de blancos que resultan victimas de personas de la raza negra.
Hay un video recorriendo las redes sociales, es un joven negro, y lanza una tremenda critica a los líderes negros y los disturbios que están realizando los jóvenes negros de Ferguson, para los que sepan ingles aquí les dejo el Link.

Detienen en Honduras a 16 cubanos indocumentados que se dirigían hacia EE.UU


• Los cubanos llegaron a la frontera en ómnibus

MIAMI 19 DE AGOSTO DE 2014, nhr.com—Las autoridades hondureñas detuvieron ayer a 16 cubanos indocumentados cuando intentaban viajar desde este país centroamericano a Estados Unidos, informó una fuente de la Policía Nacional.
Los inmigrantes fueron capturados en la aduana de Agua Caliente, frontera entre Honduras y Guatemala, tras un control policial de rutina, declaró a periodistas la fuente policial.
Agregó que los cubanos viajaban en un autobús del servicio interurbano que cubre la ruta entre San Pedro Sula, la segunda ciudad más importante de Honduras, y Agua Caliente.
La misma fuente señaló que ninguno de los caribeños portaba documentos, de modo que fueron remitidos a una dependencia del Instituto Nacional de Migración para que defina su situación migratoria en el país.
Honduras se ha convertido en los últimos años en un punto de tránsito de inmigrantes, especialmente cubanos, que abandonan su país para irse a Estados Unidos, y solo este año ya suman más de 1.600 los caribeños detenidos, según autoridades locales

Latest Obama executive order’s far-reaching implications

Obama’s grand plan looks to be taking hold.
Check it out:
A July 31 executive order from President Obama will make it very costly for employers to challenge dubious allegations of wrongdoing against them, if they are government contractors (which employ a quarter of the American workforce). Executive Order 13,673 will allow trial lawyers to extort larger settlements from companies, and enable bureaucratic agencies to extract costly settlements over conduct that may have been perfectly legal. That’s the conclusion of the The Wall Street Journal and prominent labor lawyer Eugene Scalia.
This “Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces” order allows the government to cut off the contracts of contractors and subcontractors that do not “consistently adhere” to a wide array of complex labor, antidiscrimination, harassment, workplace-safety and disabilities-rights laws. Never mind that every large national business, no matter how conscientious, has at least one successful lawsuit against it under federal labor and employment laws, which is inevitable when a company has thousands of employees who can sue it in hundreds of different courts that often have differing interpretations of the law. The order also bans using perfectly legal arbitration agreements, overstepping the President’s legal authority.

Breaking: What Mike Huckabee Just Did Could Reignite The Tea Party.

The momentum caused by a succession of conservative endorsements could completely change the race...

In race after race across America, Tea Party candidates have faced long odds and millions in Republican establishment influence money spent against them.
No candidate has faced longer odds and more establishment money being spent against him than Joe Miller. His simple pro-Constitution, free market, low tax message made him a Tea Party favorite in 2010 and Joe Miller is back running for the US Senate in Alaska. Tuesday, August 19th is the Republican Party primary which will decide his fate.
I have traveled to Alaska for a front row seat.
If I had to judge after a day shadowing the tireless candidate, I would say the money spent against him has been wasted. Here in Anchorage, I see a race uninfluenced by the millions spent against Miller.
In the last 48 hours the tide had turned and the race is now very close.
With this understanding friends of the Tea Party movement from around America have been rallying to Joe Miller and endorsing his campaign. First it was Gov. Sarah Palin on Friday, followed by radio host Mark Levin, and finally tonight, Gov. Mike Huckabee.
Here is what Huckabee had to say about Miller:
“I am proud to endorse Joe Miller for United States Senate in Alaska, because Joe embodies the kind of values our country so desperately needs. He is unequivocally pro-life, pro-family, and pro-traditional marriage. And above all, he understands that life and liberty come from God.
Joe is the only US Senate candidate endorsed by Alaska Right to Life, and my friend General Jerry Boykin at the Family Research Council.
His understanding of Constitutional values also makes him the common sense choice for those who desire limited government and free market economics. As a fellow supporter of the Fair Tax, Joe is the kind of leader who will be a game-changer in Washington. We can restore the fortunes of America one election at a time, by electing common sense conservatives like Joe Miller.”
If Miller wins in Alaska the Tea Party movement will be back in a big way, and the cause of smaller government will be greatly enhanced.
Read more at http://www.westernjournalism.com/mike-huckabee-endorses-joe-miller/#5icH5dZ21bChBP0F.99

Obama Admits NOT being Born inHawaii!!
He made this statement before he learned that he had to be a natural born citizen in this country to be a candidate for the presidency.  
We are not as crazy as the press would want us to be.
Circulate this
before it is pulled from the internet.
 If you just watch the first 30 seconds
your mouth will drop open.
 Obama  admits  he  is  not  a  citizen

Watch it before it’s pulled!



Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon, who yesterday said he was “thunderstruck” to learn how militarized police in Ferguson had become, signed off  as recently as January on statewide participation in a Pentagon program providing local police departments with surplus equipment.
In authorizing Ferguson police and other local law enforcement agencies to apply for firearms and other equipment, Nixon also directed his administration to “conduct management and oversight of the program,” documents show.
Should Nixon, a Democrat elected in 2008 and re-elected in 2012, have been surprised? Participating jurisdictions, including agencies in St. Louis County, received weapons and equipment as early as 2010 and again in 2012, 2013 and this summer. Ferguson is a St. Louis suburb.
In an interview yesterday on ABC’s “This Week,” Nixon commented on the images of the Ferguson Police Department using military-style equipment and tactics following protests and riots in the St. Louis suburb after an officer fatally shot Michael Brown, 18, who was black. Nixon said:
I, all of us, were thunderstruck by the pictures we saw. I mean, the overmilitarization, the MRAPs rolling in, the guns pointed at kids in the street. All of that, I think, instead of ratcheting down, brought emotion up.
Nixon,  the state’s attorney general for 15 years, later called in the National Guard to counter renewed violence, looting, and unrest in Ferguson.
Missouri participates in the Department of Defense Excess Property Program (1033), which allows local and state law enforcement agencies to obtain surplus equipment.
To apply, police chiefs and sheriffs must complete a 1033 application, shown below.  The Missouri application, which has Nixon’s name and title at the top left, is the same for local and state departments, Mike O’Connell, communications director for the Missouri Department of Public Safety, told The Daily Signal.
Included in the application, which was revised last month, is a “State Plan of Operation” between the state and law enforcement agencies. It states:
The Governor of the State of MISSOURI has designated in writing with an effective date of January to implement this program statewide as well as conduct management and oversight of this program.
Once an application receives approval, the Defense Department’s Law Enforcement Support Office gives a “screening authorization letter” to the local drug law enforcement agency.
When a local police chief or sheriff receives the equipment, the application states, they “will be held accountable for their inventory and see the property obtained through this program is used within the guidelines of the program.”
The Missouri Department of Public Safety can make random visits to ensure the property is being used correctly by local law enforcement.
Police departments obtain the equipment, which includes armored personnel carriers, ballistics helmets, ballistics vests, weapons, and aircraft, “for use in counter-narcotics and counter-terrorism operations,” the state agency’swebsite states.
The Pentagon began the 1033 program — then under a different name — in 1990, when transferred military equipment was authorized for use in drug-enforcement-related activities. In 1996, its use expanded to include terrorism-related events.
Since 2006, the Defense Department has distributed 432 mine-resistant armored vehicles, 400 other armored vehicles, 500 aircraft and 93,000 machine guns to local police departments, National Journal reported.
Tensions in Ferguson escalated after a town officer, identified six days later as six-year veteran Darren Wilson, shot and killed Brown on Aug. 9. Witnesses said Brown was not armed.
Newsweek reported that St. Louis County law enforcement agencies received tactical equipment, including utility trucks, night vision devices, and sight reflexes, from the Pentagon. O’Connell told Newsweek the agencies also received a dozen 5.56 mm rifles and six .45-caliber pistols through the 1033 program.
Some onlookers said police officers in Ferguson look as if they’re in a war zone, and the scene sparked debate over the need for small police agencies to have military equipment in their arsenals.
Read the application for surplus Pentagon weaponry and equipment approved by Nixon:

Melissa Quinn

Melissa Quinn is a news reporter for The Daily Signal.


Michael Brown Attacked Officer Before Fatal Shootin

Amazing how the truth shows what a thug and bum this guy was.
Check it out:
“Josie” called into KFTK NewsTalk 97.1 and said Wilson allegedly thought Brown was “on something” and felt Brown’s actions were “unbelievable.” CNN has since reported that her recollection matches what Wilson told police after the incident. “Josie” told host Dana Loesch that Wilson’s “significant other told me” the account Sunday night before the riots occurred and claimed they have not been in contact with anyone since last Tuesday morning.
After saying that she was scared but wanted to get Wilson’s version of the events out there, “Josie” claimed that Wilson said Brown and his friend Dorian Johnson “were walking in the middle of the street,” refusing to get out of the street after Wilson asked them to do so. She said there “was some cussing involved,” and Wilson “pulled up ahead of them, and he was watching them.” At that point, the caller claimed Wilson got a call about a “strong-arm” robbery, and he looked in their hands and saw the cigars that Brown allegedly stole from a convenience store, according to surveillance video that was released.
“Josie” claimed when Wilson opened the door to get out of the police car, “Michael slammed his door shut.” Brown, according to “Josie,” then “bum rushes him, punches him in the face.” She said at one point Brown “got the gun totally turned against his hip,” and “Darren shoves it away and the gun goes off.”
“Josie” claimed Brown and Johnson started running away and, following protocol, Wilson pursued them while they were 35 feet ahead of him and yelled, “Freeze.” She said Brown then started taunting Wilson by saying,”Oh, what are you going to do about it? You’re not going to shoot me.”
“All of a sudden, he just started to bum rush him, he just started coming at him full speed,” the caller claimed, “And he just started shooting and he just started coming. He really thinks he was on something.”
The caller claimed that Wilson thought “it was unbelievable” and that his “final shot was in the forehead.” Brown then allegedly fell about two to three feet in front of Wilson. “Josie” said Brown was not shot in the back, contrary to initial reports. An eyewitness at the scene has also said that Brown “doubled back” to charge the officer before he was shot and killed.
Read the rest of this Patriot Update article here:


 John Hayward  stice Dept. Orders New Autopsy In Missouri Shooting
Attorney General Eric Holder on Sunday ordered a separate federal autopsy of a Missouri teen whose fatal shooting by a Missouri police officer prompted more than a week of racially-charged demonstration...
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Those with long historical memories can savor a bit of irony that the current governor of Missouri is named “Nixon,” and he’s sending in the National Guard to quell the riots in Ferguson.  Once upon a time, the “counter-culture” held the President of the United States accountable when the governor of a state called out the National Guard – they even immortalized it in a song that can still be heard occasionally on the radio – but now that they’re graybeards and the President is a Democrat, not so much.  (Good luck finding Obama to hold him accountable.  He was last seen partying at a jazz festival while Ferguson was burning, having returned to the golf course literally seven minutes after making his statement on the situation late last week.)
After a week of being second-guessed and shredded by the media, and abandoned by the rest of state and federal government, the Ferguson police department has been vindicated in just about everything except public relations – the one thing our titanic federal government, fused with media to the point where there’s a revolving door between “journalism” and Democrat politics, could have helped them with.   We’ll be arguing for years over whether it was unreasonable for the police to keep details of the case under wraps for a mere six days while they attempted to conduct an investigation of the Michael Brown shooting, but when the details finally began to emerge, we learned the mythology of Brown as a gentle giant who wouldn’t hurt a fly and got shot in the back by a rogue cop while he was trying to surrender was not consistent with the facts.  Brown had just pulled off a strong-arm robbery, and was carrying the stolen merchandise – a box of cigars – when he died.  The witness upon whose testimony much of this mythology was built, his friend Dorian Johnson, has now admitted to federal authorities that he was also involved in the robbery, making him an unreliable witness.
There has already been an official autopsy of Brown’s body, and now a private autopsy has been conducted, with results released on Sunday.  As the New York Times reports, nothing in the autopsy results is consistent with the “shot in the back while he was running away” narrative.  He most certainly was not shot in the back.  He was hit six times, in a pattern that strongly suggests he was rushing at the officer when the shots were fired:
One of the bullets entered the top of Mr. Brown’s skull, suggesting his head was bent forward when it struck him and caused a fatal injury, according to Dr. Michael M. Baden, the former chief medical examiner for the City of New York, who flew to Missouri on Sunday at the family’s request to conduct the separate autopsy. It was likely the last of bullets to hit him, he said.
Mr. Brown, 18, was also shot four times in the right arm, he said, adding that all the bullets were fired into his front.
The bullets did not appear to have been shot from very close range because no gunpowder was present on his body. However, that determination could change if it turns out that there is gunshot residue on Mr. Brown’s clothing, to which Dr. Baden did not have access.
Evidently that’s not good enough for Attorney General Eric Holder, who has ordered yet another autopsy by the Justice Department.  Hopefully he’s doing that to emphasize to the rioting mobs that the Obama Administration endorses the forensic evidence.
It was noted belatedly by the Ferguson police chief that the officer involved in the incident, Darren Wilson, did not know about the strong-arm robbery when he encountered Brown and Johnson; he saw them walking down the middle of the street and told them to get on the sidewalk (using very aggressive language, according to Johnson, whose testimony is suspect.)  But Brown knew he had just shaken down a store clerk.  His actions of less than fifteen minutes prior to the encounter with Wilson are highly relevant to his state of mind; it is absolute foolishness to argue otherwise.  We don’t have total “exoneration” for the police officer here, but the preponderance of evidence – including the indisputable fact that Wilson was physically assaulted, and has the injuries to prove it – destroys the narrative that plunged Ferguson into anarchy.  All of that evidence is consistent with the statements made by the police department all the way back on Monday morning, as recalled by the New York Times:
The police tell of an officer who was enforcing the minor violation of jaywalking, as Mr. Brown and Mr. Johnson ignored the sidewalk and strolled down the middle of the road instead.
The morning after the shooting, Chief Jon Belmar of the St. Louis County police said that Officer Wilson was leaving his police car when Mr. Brown “allegedly pushed the police officer back into the car,” where he “physically assaulted the police officer.”
“Within the police car there was a struggle over the officer’s weapon,” Chief Belmar said. “There was at least one shot fired in the car.” At that point, the police said, Officer Wilson left his vehicle and fatally shot Mr. Brown. “More than a few” shell casings were recovered from the scene.
Not only did the rest of our mega-government fail to get behind the Ferguson police department, there were efforts to actively undermine them, notably an NBC News report saying the Justice Department “urged Ferguson police not to release surveillance video purporting to show Michael Brown robbing a store shortly before he was shot and killed by police, arguing the footage would further inflame tensions in the St. Louis suburb that saw rioting and civil unrest in the wake of the teenager’s death.”
The truth is inflammatory?  That’s an interesting point to chew over in a philosophy class, but we’ve already seen how inflammatory the lies were in Ferguson.  The police department was also getting torn to pieces in the media, and a wave of murderous hatred was building toward Officer Wilson – chants calling for his death have been heard.  Was it really better to allow the narrative of Brown as a gentle giant who wouldn’t hurt a fly to endure, knowing that the apparent senselessness of his shooting was fueling public anger and feeding into a perception of the police as mortal enemies of local black citizens?  What Holder’s Justice Department did strikes me as, at best, a hideous miscalculation that shows a good deal of contempt for people who would be left to go on believing a falsehood, because the truth would make them angrier.
The other great criticism of the local police came when they tried to tamp down the rioting and looting by deploying a massive paramilitary force, equipped with imposing uniforms and armored vehicles.  They were criticized for using tear gas on that Wednesday evening, but then again, the police are always criticized for using it, no matter what uniforms they’re wearing.  The results were 16 arrests, two of them reporters, and not much in the way of violence or looting.
Following an outcry over the unquestionably disturbing images of the militarized police force, the Missouri Highway Patrol was put in charge under Captain Ron Johnson, who is black and comes from Ferguson.  Johnson was hailed for his hard work and community outreach – the Internet is bulging with videos of him tirelessly walking the streets that day, bathed in summer sweat, meeting with local people who invariably praised his performance.  For a day or two, things looked better, and the local cops were said to have egg on their faces for their excessively forceful response on Wednesday.
Then all hell broke loose again, as Molotov cocktails and gunshots filled the air, looting and vandalism resumed, tear gas flowed through the streets, and the state’s Democrat governor, Jay Nixon, called in militarized forces once more – this time the actual military.  Fox News reports:
Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon ordered National Guard troops to the St. Louis suburb of Ferguson early Monday after authorities used tear gas to clear the streets of protesters hours before a midnight curfew took effect for a second consecutive day, while a private autopsy on the unarmed black teen who was fatally shot by a white police officer reportedly showed six gunshot wounds, including two in the head.
“Tonight, a day of hope, prayers, and peaceful protests was marred by the violent criminal acts of an organized and growing number of individuals, many from outside the community and state, whose actions are putting the residents and businesses of Ferguson at risk,” Nixon said in a statement released by his office. “I am directing the highly capable men and women of the Missouri National Guard to assist … in restoring peace and order to this community.”
As night fell in Ferguson, another peaceful protest quickly deteriorated after marchers pushed toward one end of a street and authorities — who said they were responding to reports of gunfire, looting, vandalism and protesters who hurled Molotov cocktails — pushed them back by repeatedly firing tear gas. The streets were empty well before a state-imposed curfew took effect at midnight.
“Based on the conditions, I had no alternative but to elevate the level of response,” said Capt. Ron Johnson of the Missouri Highway Patrol, who is command in Ferguson.
At least two people were wounded in shootings by civilians, he said. A Missouri Highway Patrol spokesman said that at least seven people were arrested on charges of failing to disperse.
Nixon had imposed a curfew, but on Sunday the fighting started three hours before it went into effect:
Officers in riot gear ordered all the protesters to disperse. Many of the marchers retreated, but a group of about 100 stood defiantly about two blocks away until getting hit by another volley of tear gas.
Protesters laid a line of cinder blocks across the street near the QuikTrip convenience store that was burned down last week. It was an apparent attempt to block police vehicles, but the vehicles easily plowed through. Someone set a nearby trash bin on fire, and the crackle of gunfire could be heard from several blocks away.
Captain Johnson is evidently putting his chips on the notion that joining the cult of martyrdom around Michael Brown will make him sympathetic to the rioters:
Earlier in the day, Johnson said he had met members of Brown’s family and the experience “brought tears to my eyes and shame to my heart.”
“When this is over,” he told the crowd, “I’m going to go in my son’s room. My black son, who wears his pants sagging, who wears his hat cocked to the side, got tattoos on his arms, but that’s my baby.”
Johnson added: “We all need to thank the Browns for Michael. Because Michael’s going to make it better for our sons to be better black men.”
The Rev. Al Sharpton told the rally Brown’s death was a “defining moment for this country.”
Sharpton said he wants Congress to stop programs that provide military-style weaponry to police departments. He said he expects police to “smear” the slain teenager, his family and his attorneys. He also condemned the recent violence and looting in Ferguson.
Nice of Sharpton to show up and throw gasoline on the fire, setting up the rioters to believe that factual information making Brown look like less of a helpless victim constitutes “smearing.”  Deification can do as much damage as smearing; Johnson is derelict in his duty as a police officer by telling the crowd Michael Brown was some sort of angelic messenger who can teach black youth how to be better men.  I don’t think he’s referring to the negative example of “don’t rob liquor stores and don’t assault police officers.”  Will we get a toxicology report that establishes Brown was under the influence of something on that fateful afternoon, or will Eric Holder’s Justice Department suppress that, too?  If it turns out Brown was not in his right mind, will that be part of the glorious example he’s setting for young black men?
And while I hope the best in life awaits Johnson’s son and he’s an honorable young man, I would delicately suggest he doesn’t seem to be dressing for success, based on his father’s account.  How long are we supposed to go on pretending that such things don’t matter – that people who can’t find success are victims of a society they refuse to participate fully in?  “Assimilation” is a process that must occur for native-born youth, as well as immigrants.  Why is anyone surprised that people who refuse to assimilate with society tend to have an uneasy relationship with it?
Part of the problem in Ferguson is that so many agendas and narratives have been piled on top of a tragic incident that was particular to the individuals involved.  Instead of waiting for solid evidence that would help sort through conflicting testimony and establish why this particular police officer and this particular young man had an encounter that ended with the death of the latter, they were made symbolic of vast social forces.  They became flotsam on the tide of national debates stretching back for years.  The facts of the case were swept away by this tide; people believed whatever was necessary to support their feelings and long-standing grievances.  Whatever fair points might be made against the militarization of the police mentioned by Sharpton, for example, none of that has anything to do with what happened between Officer Wilson and Michael Brown one week ago.
Not only do I reject this idea of keeping “inflammatory” facts suppressed because it’s an insult to the populace that supposedly can’t handle the truth, but I charge that allowing people to entertain fantasies enables this terrible spiral of civil unrest spiraling far beyond the events that originally sparked it.  It is irresponsible of anyone in a leadership position, inside or outside of government, to let political agendas and side issues become towering ideological thunderclouds over Ferguson, rather than focusing on the immediate issue of what actually happened in the Brown shooting, and that certainly includes appropriate disciplinary or punitive action for Wilson, if it is determined that he used lethal force improperly or acted inappropriately.  But it is also possible he didn’t do anything actionable, and no one can claim they’re calling for “justice” if they really mean “burn the cop, no matter what the facts and the law say.”
A just and honorable civilization stands up for itself.  Lawlessness and chaos are not tolerated or indulged.  We’re talking about more than just the government here.  Shop owners in Ferguson are arming themselves and protecting their property because they’ve been told the police won’t help them.  They’re talking about leaving town and never returning.  It is inexcusable that our multi-trillion-dollar government would allow this town to degenerate into anarchy, but it’s also the fault of every citizen who continues to let their fellow townsfolk down by sustaining a situation that has produced such violence.  The people inclined to break faith with civilization respect strength, and are very sensitive to signs of weakness; they see a degree of guilt on the part of a society that lets them run wild.  They can hear that guilt explicitly laid out in much of what the political and media classes are saying about Ferguson.  Were things better on the night of “paramilitary police terror” on Wednesday, or on Sunday night?
Update: Governor Nixon evidently saw no reason to notify our semi-retired President that he was calling out the National Guard.
Update: According to the Washington Postthe St. Louis County medical examiner’s report said Brown had marijuana in his system at the time of his death.  The cigarillos he took from the liquor store are said to be used by pot smokers to roll joints.  That’s not behavior that should be presented by any responsible member of the media or government as a “role model” for young men.
Update: When ideology trumps the facts, ideology has a way of escalating its disconnect.  The original narrative out of Ferguson was that a racist cop gunned down an innocent and inoffensive “teenager” for no reason, shooting him in the back while he was trying to surrender.  (They never got around to explaining why someone would turn his back to the police officer while surrendering, but it was part of the mythology.)  As each part of that narrative has been peeled away, agitators have suddenly started claiming it doesn’t matter.  It doesn’t matter that Brown was huge and intimidating, not a little “teenager.”  It doesn’t matter that the officer was injured.  It doesn’t matter that the police officer is a six-year veteran with a clean record.  It doesn’t matter that Brown roughed up a store clerk and stole cigars from a liquor store.  It doesn’t matter that the primary hostile witness was revealed to be a liar and accomplice to the robbery.  It doesn’t matter that Brown wasn’t shot in the back.  It doesn’t matter that he had marijuana in his system…
On and on it goes, with each new fact cast aside because it doesn’t fit into a narrative that agitators aren’t ready to retire yet.  Some of them are past the point of more-or-less saying that whatever actually occurred during the encounter between Wilson and Brown doesn’t matter any more, because the “underlying issues” and “deeper truths” are more important than the facts of the case.  Through that process, ideology grows increasingly unmoored from objective reality, with consequences that will last far beyond the Ferguson riots… just as elements of Trayvon Martin mythology have been cited by Ferguson agitators and opportunists, no matter what the court trial in that terrible incident established.  These things have a way of snowballing, until groups of people can’t effectively communicate with each other any more.

Breaking: What Mike Huckabee Just Did Could Reignite The Tea Party

The momentum caused by a succession of conservative endorsements could completely change the race...

In race after race across America, Tea Party candidates have faced long odds and millions in Republican establishment influence money spent against them.
No candidate has faced longer odds and more establishment money being spent against him than Joe Miller. His simple pro-Constitution, free market, low tax message made him a Tea Party favorite in 2010 and Joe Miller is back running for the US Senate in Alaska. Tuesday, August 19th is the Republican Party primary which will decide his fate.
I have traveled to Alaska for a front row seat.
If I had to judge after a day shadowing the tireless candidate, I would say the money spent against him has been wasted. Here in Anchorage, I see a race uninfluenced by the millions spent against Miller.
In the last 48 hours the tide had turned and the race is now very close.
With this understanding friends of the Tea Party movement from around America have been rallying to Joe Miller and endorsing his campaign. First it was Gov. Sarah Palin on Friday, followed by radio host Mark Levin, and finally tonight, Gov. Mike Huckabee.
Here is what Huckabee had to say about Miller:
“I am proud to endorse Joe Miller for United States Senate in Alaska, because Joe embodies the kind of values our country so desperately needs. He is unequivocally pro-life, pro-family, and pro-traditional marriage. And above all, he understands that life and liberty come from God.
Joe is the only US Senate candidate endorsed by Alaska Right to Life, and my friend General Jerry Boykin at the Family Research Council.
His understanding of Constitutional values also makes him the common sense choice for those who desire limited government and free market economics. As a fellow supporter of the Fair Tax, Joe is the kind of leader who will be a game-changer in Washington. We can restore the fortunes of America one election at a time, by electing common sense conservatives like Joe Miller.”
If Miller wins in Alaska the Tea Party movement will be back in a big way, and the cause of smaller government will be greatly enhanced.

Call In The Troops: National Guard Deployed to Missouri to Contain Rioters

Posted on August 18, 2014

Editor’s Note: The increasing level of violence from rioters in Ferguson has caused the city to call in the cavalry: the National Guard. Things are getting real!
Another night of chaos and violence gave way to an uneasy quiet Monday as residents cleaned up from looting and vandalism and awaited the arrival of the National Guard.
Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon ordered the Guard into Ferguson hours after police cited “pre-planned” acts of aggression by protesters. Sunday night and early Monday morning, protesters shot at police, threw Molotov cocktails at officers, looted businesses and carried out a “coordinated attempt” to block roads and overrun the police’s command center, Nixon’s office said in a statement.
The National Guard will “help restore peace and order and to protect the citizens of Ferguson,” the statement said.
The predominantly black city of 21,000 on the outskirts of St. Louis has been under siege since Aug. 9, when white police officer Darren Wilson, 28, fatally shot unarmed black teenager Michael Brown. Protesters have been met with a heavy police presence, resulting in fierce nightly clashes.
“Tonight, a day of hope, prayers, and peaceful protests was marred by the violent criminal acts of an organized and growing number of individuals, many from outside the community and state, whose actions are putting the residents and businesses of Ferguson at risk,” the statement said. “These violent acts are a disservice to the family of Michael Brown and his memory, and to the people of this community who yearn for justice to be served, and to feel safe in their own homes.”
On Sunday, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder ordered a federal autopsy on Brown’s body. Hours later, reports began surfacing that the private autopsy performed at the request of Brown’s family determined he was shot at least six times, including twice in the head and four times in the right arm.
Benjamin Crump told USA TODAY the preliminary autopsy reports shows Brown was shot at least six times, including twice in the head but not in the back.
“It verifies the worst that the family thinks happened — that he was executed,” Crump said. “It confirms what the witnesses said, that this was an execution. That’s what the witnesses said from day one.”
Officer Wilson has his supporters — more than 100 people rallied Sunday in downtown St. Louis on his behalf. The rally was organized through social media and the Support Darren Wilson Facebook page, which was created Saturday. By Monday morning the page had drawn almost 23,000 “likes.”
Later Sunday in Ferguson — more than two hours before a second midnight curfew was set to begin — police fired tear gas at hundreds of angry protesters who were marching down the town’s main thoroughfare toward a police command center.
“Based on the conditions, I had no alternative but to elevate the level of our response,” said Capt. Ron Johnson of the Missouri Highway Patrol, who is in command in Ferguson. “We had to act to protect lives and property.”
At least two people were injured — including one person who was shot, Johnson said. Seven or eight people were arrested and will be charged with failure to disperse, police said.

Éste muchachito delicadito vive con su ovio?  en una fabulosa hacienda Fortaleza, situada, en la región del Municipio de Valparaiso, en  Sao Paulo,Brasil, que ha sido comprada este año por uno de los nuevos millonarios brasileños. En este caso se trata del hijo del líder sindical, defensor de los pobres del  mundo y los parias de la tierra, ex Presidente del Brasil, Luis Ignacio Lula Da Silva.
El Joven: Fabio Luis Lula Da Silva, hijo del Presidente hace 5 años era un humilde empleado del Zoológico de Sao Paulo con un sueldo de 1,500 Reales $ 750.00 dólares) mensuales, pero este año acaba de comprar la Fazenda" (Hacienda) Fortaleza, pagando por ella la bicoca de 47 millones de Reales ($24 millones de dólares).
Se si sacan cuentas, se llega a la conclusión de que al avispado hijito de papá Lula Da Silva, ganando 1,500 Reales al mes, le llevaría 2,612 años para juntar los 47 millones de Reales, que pagó por esta "humilde" Fazenda.
Pero ahí no para todo. Esta hacienda que era propiedad del Sr. José Carlos Prat Cunha, criador de toros campeones y ganado cebú en dicha hacienda, y casualmente, después que la compró el hijo de Lula Da Silva, la hacienda fue la primera en recibir el certificado  de exportación de carne para Europa, según la revista Veja.
Viendo estas cosas, cada vez se sienten más ganas de gritar: ¡Arriba los de abajo! ¡ Que vivan los honrados defensores de los parias de la tierra, que se convierten en millonarios defendiendo a los pobres! 

Lázaro R González Miño

En mi opinión 

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