Monday, August 4, 2014

 No 719  “EN MI OPINIóN”  LUNES, AGOSTO 4, 2014‏‏‏
 “IN GOD WE TRUS”   Lázaro R González Miño,  Editor.



Liberals: ‘Delusional’ to Think Obama’s Exec Amnesty Attracts More Illegals Liberals seem to not understand simple concepts like cause and effect, supply and demand, or just plain common sense.
The New York Times does not think President
 Barack Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) PROGRAMDescription: has in any way contributed to the surge in the number of illegal immigrants trying to enter the United States in recent years.

In fact, in a weekend editorial, the Times wrote that the majority of Americans and “Tea PARTYDescription: members believe, delusionally” that DACA “has some connection to the recent surge of child migrants, who would never qualify for it.”
The Times assumes that illegal immigrant juveniles who are not fluent or literate in even their own languages know the intricacies of the complex U.S. IMMIGRATION LAWDescription: As Breitbart News has reported, the illegal immigrant migrants obviously do not know the law–or what DACA even stands for–since they risk their lives making the trip to America after smugglers, coyotes, and local news reports have told them that they will qualify for amnesty when they make it across the border or turn themselves in to Border Patrol agents.
The data is also not on the Times’ side.
Read the rest of this Patriot Update article here:







Respuesta de Pedro Martory enviada a nosotros sobre el artículo de Michelle Ríos, “Porque tanta falta de humildad”  en El Nuevo Patria aparecido en nuestro pasado número de “En mi opinión”

La Dra. Ríos, está bastante mal y muy errada en su argumentación. La total carencia de LOGICA en sus razonamientos, que incluyen la omisión casi descarada de los tiros de cohetes por Hamas desde GAZA, no parecen entrar en la ecuación ilógica de esta Sra. Ríos.

A todo lo largo de su artículo veo fallos de varios tipos, unos de lógica, otros de justicia y otros de información.
Como por ejemplo : 
" que los habitantes de Gaza están cercados o bloqueados. Pero ni una sola palabra sobre los túneles que hay y que van lo mismo dentro de Israel que de Egipto, por donde no solo entran mercancías, sino salen a realizar atentados los terroristas...

Ni una sola palabra sobre como los Hamas usan a los hospitales, escuelas y civiles de escudos... para  lanzar y esconder sus armas alli mismo. nada dice si los cohetes lanzados  por el movimiento Hamas es para destruir sitios militares de Israel O SI SON LANZADOS INDISCRIMINADAMENTE CONTRA LAS ESCUELAS, HOSPITALES, CASAS CIVILES D ELOS ISRAELIES...!

La Sra Rios debiera hacerse  varias preguntas, como quien está lanzando cohetes desde hace varios años contra Israel, secuestrando y matando civiles israelitas, entre ellos  jóvenes de menos de veinte años?
O quienes son los que entran en casas de israelitas y degüellan a una familia completa...??????
Y nada dice  sobre los mas de 1200 misiles disparados desde Gaza...
Nada! debe ser que los israelitas , no deben defenderse 
por supuesto cruzarse de brazos y hasta decir al mundo MEA CULPA ! somos los culpables de que nos lancen agresiones, cohetazos y nos maten civiles  y hasta de defendernos..!

Si vamos a ser justos, hay que decir las verdades como son y no a medias, y no omitiendo partes de la realidad o verdad. Además que ya se sabe desde hace cincuenta años que el objetivo de los musulmanes  y palestinos es destruir, erradicar, y eliminar físicamente a Israel y a su población pudieran hacerlo, yo desearía ver a esta Sra. de qué lado se va a poner de llegar a lograrlo  esa gente...?

Liberals: ‘Delusional’ to Think Obama’s Exec Amnesty Attracts More Illegals

Liberals seem to not understand simple concepts like cause and effect, supply and demand, or just plain common sense.
Check it out:
The New York Times does not think President Barack Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) PROGRAMDescription: has in any way contributed to the surge in the number of illegal immigrants trying to enter the United States in recent years.
In fact, in a weekend editorial, the Times wrote that the majority of Americans and “Tea PARTYDescription: members believe, delusionally” that DACA “has some connection to the recent surge of child migrants, who would never qualify for it.”
The Times assumes that illegal immigrant juveniles who are not fluent or literate in even their own languages know the intricacies of the complex U.S. IMMIGRATION LAWDescription: As Breitbart News has reported, the illegal immigrant migrants obviously do not know the law–or what DACA even stands for–since they risk their lives making the trip to America after smugglers, coyotes, and local news reports have told them that they will qualify for amnesty when they make it across the border or turn themselves in to Border Patrol agents.
The data is also not on the Times’ side.

Read the rest of this Patriot Update article here:



DE TRAICION  lógicamente estaba espiando para OBAMA…
Pero la Prensa “Socialista y Pro-Homosexual
Nuevamente Omite La Pregunta CLAVE…
¿Para  Quién Espiaba?
 Veamos Su Historial y Deduzcan Ustedes Para Quien Espiaba

El Actual Director De La CIA Fue Un ASESOR de Obama
Durante Su Campaña Del 2008… Fue Nominado Para
Director De La CIA En el 2009 Por Obama… Pero Su
Nominación fue RETIRADA Por Sus Antecedentes…
Fue Nominado Nuevamente después del ESCANDALO
SEXUAL Del General Petraeus… Hecho “HÉROE”  por
La Guerra… (Ahora sufrimos las consecuencias de tener
GENERALES SIN VICTORIAS” pues no han ganado ni
Una sola guerra desde 1945)

COMUNISTA en el departamento de estado y la
TRAICION de Bahía de Cochinos… realizada por los
Más altos niveles de la CIA para consolidar a Castro
En el poder…  NO ES NADA EXTRAÑO… que el
Director de la CIA espié para Obama el Congreso…

Hoy es ampliamente conocido que Huber el Director
Del FBI espiaba a todos los POLITICOS y los CHANTAJEABA
Por esa razón fue director de por vida… Huber a su
Vez fue chantajeado por la MAFIA… que lo amenazaba
De poner en circulación que era MARICON y que en su
Casa y con sus amistades se vestía de MUJER y se hacia
Llamar “MARY” esa fue la razón por la cual ante el
Congreso declaro que la MAFIA no existía…

Eric Holder To Gov. Rick Scott: We’re Watching You

How dare Governor Scott attempt to purge illegal aliens from the voters rolls.
Check it out:
As Florida’s next election draws closer, U.S. ATTORNEY GENERALDescription: Eric Holder has a stern warning for Gov. Rick Scott: We’re watching you.
Holder sent a scathing letter to the Republican governor that cited “troubling” voting changes and said the Justice Department is “carefully monitoring” Florida’s upcoming elections.
“We will not hesitate to use all tools and legal authorities at our disposal to fight against racial discrimination, to stand against disenfranchisement and to safeguard the right of every eligible American to cast a ballot,” Holder wrote.




> > >Wow, this girl has a great plan! Love the last thing she would do the best. This was written by a 21 yr. old female who gets it. It's her future she's worried about and this is how she feels about the social welfare big government state that she's being forced to live in! These solutions are just common sense in her opinion.
> > > 
> > >This was in the Waco Tribune Herald, Waco, TX
> > > 
> > > 
> > >Put me in charge of food stamps no cash for Ding Dongs or Ho Ho's, just money for 50-pound bags of rice and beans, blocks of cheese and all the powdered milk you can haul away. If you want steak and frozen pizza, then get a job.
> > > 
> > >Put me in charge of Medicaid. Then, we'll test recipients for drugs, alcohol, and nicotine. If you want to use drugs, alcohol, or smoke, then get a job.
> > > 
> > >Put me in charge of government housing. Ever live in a military barracks? You will maintain our property in a clean and good state of repair. Your "home" will be subject to inspections anytime and possessions will be inventoried. If you want a plasma TV or Xbox 360, then get a job and your own place.
> > > 
> > >In addition, you will either present a check stub from a job each week or you will report to a "government" job. It may be cleaning the roadways of trash, painting and repairing public housing, whatever we find for you. We will sell your 22-inch rims and low profile tires and your blasting stereo and speakers and put that money toward the "common good."
> > > 
> > >Before you write that I've violated someone's rights, realize that all of the above is voluntary. If you want our money, accept our rules. Before you say that this would be "demeaning" and ruin their "self-esteem," consider that it wasn't that long ago that taking someone else's money for doing absolutely nothing was demeaning and lowered self-esteem.
> > > 
> > >If we are expected to pay for other people's mistakes we should at least attempt to make them learn from their bad choices. The current system rewards them for continuing to make bad choices.
> > > 
> > >I love this one.
> > > 
> > >AND While you are on Gov't. subsistence, you no longer can VOTE! Yes, that is correct. For you to vote would be a conflict of interest. You will voluntarily remove yourself from voting while you are receiving a Gov't. welfare check. If you want to vote, then get a job.
> > > 

> > >
> > >I WOULD KNOW YOU SENT IT ON!!! Enviado por Carlos J Bringuier.


Listen, this is really getting uncomfortable. I've just about had it.

The situation with the illegals is out of control. What I see coming as a result terrifies me beyond anything I've ever known.

Border Patrol is telling us that the illegals, including the children, are crossing the border claiming, "Obama will take care of us" as if it has been carefully rehearsed—taught before they even cross the border into the U.S.

They immediately ask about their schooling and medical care. Somehow they come prepared with names of family members that live here which gets them a ticket in.

Clearly, someone carefully orchestrated it and it makes me sick.

If you feel the same way I am begging you to help us fight this with everything we've got. A small donation will work and if you can do even more that's great.

Without your support we are useless.

I don't know about you but I can't stand the thought of having to stop all efforts—rallies, protests, letters, demonstrations, high-level meetings with Senators, phone calls, letters, emails.

Unless we get your support that is what will happen. I dread the thought.

You know what gets me? Despite the harm this is causing America and the danger it brings, there sits Obama playing king. Scoffing at the pleas from Americans, lawmakers and states to stop the torrential flood of illegals and to secure our borders.

He's just opening up a treasure chest filled with gold for these people—like a predator, luring someone in with gifts.

It makes my stomach turn.

I've had this nagging feeling for a while now that Obama put the word out to come to America. I just wasn't convinced until I heard this...

Sen. Jim Inhofe, R-Okla. just reported these children are coming on Obama's "invitation." Why does he think that? Inhofe went down there and talked to these kids. He heard them say this firsthand.

What does Obama think this is...a game?

If you want this to stop then please step up and give a donation—whatever you can do today helps tremendously.

There are some days our resources are sucked dry and the donations that come in give us another day to operate.

Please, I beg you to help. I hate begging. I am tired of begging. But...if we stop, Obama wins. Do you want that? If not then step up today.

We have deadlines to meet and there is an Executive Order in the works that can only spell bad news.

It's up to us to raise holy hell to stop it.

If that order goes through, sometime soon in your backyard, your hometown or even in your child or grandchild's school there will be scores of unfamiliar faces.

No one knows where these illegals have been sent except they are being spread out across the country.

They are getting processed and secreted away quietly, under the radar.

Border Patrol is overwhelmed. It's impossible for them to properly process these illegals, sort out who is who, or who has a criminal background – or who really has family here. They've admitted it. So what is happening?

The illegals are just being released—given a free pass into America.

Before you know it gangs and criminals will have infiltrated our communities. Diseases will start spreading like wildfire. Crime will skyrocket. Our health, education and welfare system will crumble under the weight of entitlements.

It's an infestation that is going to bring death and destruction to our beloved country. It will take generations to recover, if we even can.

Please, I cannot stress this enough. We count on you—grassroots America—to support our efforts. You are our only hope for defeating amnesty for illegals and at bringing Obama down.

It's up to us now, the little people.

Give a donation today that reflects your commitment to seeing this through—to stopping amnesty and to dethroning the man who would be king.

Patriots, I don't know about you but looking at everything that's taken place I am convinced of one thing...

President Obama is no friend to America. 

According to our sources he is working on an Executive Order on immigration that is going to send Republicans over the edge. The president is said to be planning to issue an executive order expanding his Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program (DACA) that allows illegals to stay and work in America under certain conditions. There go more jobs to illegals. More Americans out of work.

If he goes through with it, this could well be the straw that breaks the camel's back.

The day of reckoning—the call for impeachment—could finally be here. Even one of Obama's top advisors, Dan Pfeiffer, says he can see the Republicans moving toward impeachment when the Executive Order hits.

Obama's lawlessness has run rampant. With wild abandon he's taken it upon himself to change immigration policies multiple times.

Inside sources have said that he is even considering calling illegals "refugees."

This is his fundamental change Patriots. It is the only promise he's kept.

It is so bad that new polls show 1 in 3 Americans support impeachment.

We are working hard, pushing impeachment at every turn. There is no question we are NOT alone in this.

Nearly half of Americans think Obama has gone "too far" in expanding his power. A full one-third of voters think he should be impeached and removed from office.

It has taken all that we have to fight Obama and his stream of atrocities—the list is long:

Illegally bypassing Congress...expanding the IRS's power...granting defacto amnesty to millions of illegals...allowing the murder of four Americans in Benghazi...the Fast and Furious gun-running operation...IRS targeting of conservatives...NSA spying...Obamacare...the list is endless.

How many more times can he violate our laws, thumb his nose at Congress and the American people and our court system?

Look, if I have to beg every day I will. You have to help. We are making in-roads, gaining momentum, turning the tide. But...

We cannot be victorious without you. A donation from you today whether it's just a few dollars or a few hundred, seriously impacts what America will look like tomorrow.

I would like you to understand how much fighting Obama is costing us. It's staggering. 

That's why we count on you. With all of Obama's scandals, lies and atrocities and teams of Patriots fighting this 24/7 non-stop it's costing us a fortune.

Putting people in DC...blasting emails, letters and faxes...getting the word our through social media...making calls...organizing rallies across America...all of it is eating up our resources. And that is only part of what we have to do.

Look, we have very little time to turn this thing around. What we do in the next few days will determine what this country looks like for decades to come.

That's what I'm fighting for and I won't stop unless you fail to do your part.

Let me be clear...

Without your donation we are dead in the water. 

Our efforts stop and then you can be sure of this: illegals will run rampant through our country and Obama will be king.

Are you going to let that happen—or are you going to stand up and fight with everything you've got? Donate today.

Let's get this done.

Steve Eichler
Tea Party

P.S. - Did you hear? You can blast your message to every member of the House and Senate—let them know they you support impeachment—with a IMPEACH OBAMA NOW Fax Blast! Hurry, do it today while things are really heating up.



Boom: This Is What Happens When You Don’t Answer Trey Gowdy’s Questions

"I’ll give you some free litigation advice..."

Republican Trey Gowdy was unbridled when he questioned a law professor from THE UNIVERSITYDescription: of Baltimore during a Wednesday House hearing. Exposing the absurdity of a special council apparently required to investigate the IRS scandal, Gowdy made it clear he was not in the mood for games.
Via TheBlaze:

Professor Charles Tiefer was brought in by Democrats as an expert to help determine whether the House Judiciary Committee should appoint a special counsel to investigate the IRS scandal. Tiefer, who previously served as solicitor and deputy general counsel of the U.S. House of Representatives, was also recently asked by Democrats to provide a statement on House Speaker John Boehner’s lawsuit against President Obama, which he called an “embarrassing loser.”
The interview began at a SLOWDescription: pace.
“Professor Tiefer, would you seat a juror who referred to your client as an obscene body part?” Gowdy asked, referring to ex-IRS official Lois Lerner emails.
It took nearly five whole seconds for Tiefer to respond with, “I’m sorry?”
“Would you seat a juror, in a trial, who referred to your client as an obscene body part?” Gowdy repeated.
Tiefer began to respond by saying, “I really have trouble to giving you an answer except that—“
“Well, then you would starve to death as A LAWYERDescription: if you can’t answer that question, professor,” Gowdy interrupted. “You would seriously consider seating a juror in a trial, a criminal trial, where your client was accused of a crime, if that juror had referred to your client as an obscene body part, you would struggle with whether or not to strike that juror?”
“Well, it doesn’t sound too good,” the professor replied.
“No, it’s not,” Gowdy stated. “And I’ll give you some free litigation advice: You’ll want to use one of your strikes on that juror.”
Via TheBlaze:
Gowdy then asked the professor to imagine that he was a prosecutor and one of the jurors referred to the police as “terrorists” who might bring the country down. When asked if he would seat that juror, Tiefer said he didn’t see the connection between Gowdy’s line of questioning and the investigation into the IRS scandal.
“I’ll give you the connection!” Gowdy proclaimed. “Lois Lerner just referred to conservatives as an obscene body part and she said we were ‘crazies’ and likened us to terrorists!”
At this point, a Georgia congressman attempted to interrupt, but Gowdy was having none of it.
“You are not recognized!” he shouted, refusing to yield any time to his colleague.
The South Carolina Rep. did not stop there. He CONTINUEDDescription: to explain the clear conflict of interest between the IRS investigation and the U.S. Department of Justice and why a special counsel is required for an independent review.

Obama Admits He Is A Muslim

The Video That Barack Obama DOESN'T WANT YOU TO SEE! pt. 1

Barack Ebola: Death to America

Written by Donald Joy 
Strange days, indeed.  This week we endured not only the president’s dishonest defense of Islamic polygamy in his African family background; we were also treated to Michelle Ebola exclaiming, “The blood of Africa RUNSDescription: through my veins!”
How nice.  It’s just so comforting, knowing that the people in charge of the United States are so eager to carry various influences from the Dark Continent, from whence the AIDS virus originates, and import them among us–not to mention the massive, illegal invasion of our communities happening from the diseased and dangerous regions to our South.
Now, outbreaks of the deadly Ebola virus are escalating in West Africa, and cases of the nightmare disease are starting to arrive on INTERNATIONAL FLIGHTSDescription: at our airports, courtesy of the official efforts of our own African-run government.  “Diversity is our strength!” cry the liberals, as America staggers even further in the direction of a Third World failed country.
We can analyze all of it to the point of nausea, but the bottom line is that liberals hate America.  They really do.
Notice that multiculturalism and diversity are policies being waged against only white-majority countries; nowhere else on the planet are ethnic majority populations and cultures being deliberately displaced, disparaged, and dismantled. This is why many people are claiming that it all amounts to anti-white genocide.
Miriam-Webster defines genocide:  The deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group.
Barack Hussein Obama merely represents the culmination of this combination suicidal-genocidal impulse over the decades in America.  Many leaders before him prepared the way.  George W. Bush was particularly eager to make a show of “anti-racism” (code for anti-white) by his lax policies toward illegal aliens from South of the border, his own ardent participation in the incredibly disastrous push for the highest minority homeownership rates in U.S. history, and his proclaiming that “Islam is a religion of peace” while rushing off to pray at a mosque in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks, so as to demonstrate his obsequious dhimmi status toward our Arab Wahhabi overlords and so on.
Oh, yes, where was I…?  Right. Bill “The First Black President” Clinton, Bush the Elder, Ronnie Reggae, Jimmy Carter…go all the way back to 1965 and you’ll find grovelling white leaders trying to prove how magnanimous they were toward anyone not of European descent.
I recently had to explain to one of my local politicians (a school board member-at-large in a district with millions of people) here in Fairfax County, Virginia, about how prior to 1965, U.S. immigration policy heavily favored those coming from European countries–but that immediately thereafter, our government turned that script upside-down, and instead mostly shut the door to legal immigrants from Europe, and opened the floodgates to arrivals from all over the Third World.  He had no clue about it.  He had been quoted in The Washington Post on the topic of how our district’s schools were being overrun with non-English-speaking children, and how “intolerant” it was of a neighboring county to have passed an ordinance to allow local law enforcement to ask the immigration status of suspected criminals.  I PHONEDDescription: him and gave him a piece of my mind, and a brief history lesson.
Multiculturalism isn’t merely about the harmless and even beneficial approach of appreciating and embracing diverse cultures within a dominant framework of a prevailing heritage and culture which gives stability to what would otherwise degenerate into chaos.  It’s actually about intentionally undermining and destroying the traditional European-derived American culture, and bringing about chaotic strife and a war of all-against-all here within our borders.
Why would anyone want to do this?  Those who have taken the trouble to know just who and what Barack Ebola really is, and who have taken the trouble to learn about the Frankfurt School at Columbia University and Saul Alinsky, et. al., know the answer.

Obama ‘Yelled’ at Netanyahu in Ceasefire Demand

Obama is out of his league on the world stage.
Check it out:
President Barack Obama “yelled” at Benjamin Netanyahu during a tense phone conversation as he demanded that the Israeli prime minister agree to an unconditional, humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza, a former Israeli defense official told Newsmax TV on Tuesday.
“It was not a pleasant conversation if you saw what happened . . . it was not pleasant,” Danny Danon — a Likud PARTYDescription: member of the Knesset and Netanyahu’s former deputy minister of defense — said on “The Steve Malzberg Show.”
“He was yelling and telling Prime Minister Netanyahu what he should do and what he should not do.
“I tell you very frankly, we have a very close relationship with the U.S. — the strongest ally of Israel. But this is not a way to treat the leader of an ally country.”
According to Danon, the fireworks erupted as Obama urged a permanent end to the hostilities between Israel and Hamas, which last week began firing rockets at key Israeli cities, prompting retaliation.
Read the rest of this Patriot Update article here:

BREAKING: North Korea Just Threatened To Nuke The United States

A high ranking North Korean official...

A high ranking North Korean official, Hwang Pyong-So, recently declared:
“If the US imperialists threaten our sovereignty and survival… our troops will fire our nuclear-armed rockets at the White House and the Pentagon – the sources of all evil.”
This is next in a long line of  reckless statements by North Korea, including calling the female President of South Korea a ” dirty political harlot” and President Barack Obama a “monkeyish human monstrosity.” Its human rights violations, according to the UN Commission on Inquiry, have “no parallel anywhere in the world.” Despite its weak economy, its developing nuclear arsenal, developing ballistic missile arsenal, and its army–the fourth largest army in the world–pose danger to developed nations such as South Korea, Japan, and the US.
North Korea has conducted three nuclear tests, but experts believe it does not yet possess the ability to APPLYDescription: nuclear material to warheads and still is a long way off from doing so. It also has tested short and medium range ballistic missiles. It has passed on ballistic missiles to Iran and Syria.  And its ballistic missiles can currently hit South Korea and Japan.
Six-Party Talks to remove nuclear weapons from the Korean peninsula occurred between North Korea, South Korea, Japan, China, Russia, and the US; they started in 2003 and ceased in 2009 without any solid resolution.
Some may laugh off statements about North Korea ever nuking DC; but its ability to hit South Korea and Japan, and its choice of pals including Iran, Syria, and Hamas it has sent arms to in the past render it a current geopolitical threat. What do you think? How should the US react ( if it does react) to North Korea?

Read more at 

Shocking comments from Barack Obama's wife!!

This Alarming Evidence Shows Obama Could Be Trying To Restore One Of America’s Greatest Enemies

The world is aflame, it is happening on Obama’s watch...

The world is aflame, it is happening on Obama’s watch, the Democrats have been in power for eight years, and Americans are increasingly furious over serial failures by the regime in Washington. Talk of impeachment is a side-show. Many people say Obama should be tried for treason because he has provided aid AND COMFORTDescription: to jihadists, our sworn enemies.
How credible is this accusation? Consider recent history.
In Egypt, the Muslim Brotherhood is now on the run and Morsi is in prison, but Barack Obama helped Morsi come to power and propped up his Sharia-based regime by funding the Brotherhood, paving the way by helping remove Mubarak from power.
Remember that the Brotherhood is the long-standing jihadist organization that gave birth to Al Qaeda. The Brotherhood, like Iran and many others, considers the U.S. the great Satan. The Brotherhood calls for our complete annihilation. Details of some of Obama’s direct support for the Brotherhood can be studied here, here and here.
Making matters worse, Obama has welcomed Brotherhood members into our government. Many of these Brotherhood operatives hold sensitive positions inside our security apparatus. This would be comparable to FDR allowing Nazis to serve in the Defense Department in 1942.
Additionally, in an almost hysterical attempt to cobble together a cease-fire in Gaza, the Obama Administration recently sought the favor of Qatar and Turkey, both totally hostile to our ally Israel, both firm supporters of Hamas, both nation states which fund Hamas. It is as if Obama is trying to save Hamas while talking tough about supporting Israel, more evidence of this regime’s pattern of corruption and deception. This report claims Kerry and Obama are not only trying to save Hamas, they are trying to restore the Brotherhood in the process.
Furthermore, you remember Obama’s red line in Syria, the one that turned pink, and then vanished? Guess what? Funding for jihadists including Al Qaeda in Syria is also part of the treasonous Obama legacy.
An excerpt from this article reads:
“The Syrian opposition groups are increasingly dominated by radical Islamists, many of them foreign fighters who, the UN says, are involved in numerous crimes committed in Syria. According to estimates of defense consultancy IHS Jane’s, more than a half of the forces fighting to topple President Bashar Assad government are jihadists.”
Now that an earnest investigation into Benghazi has commenced, many observers predict we will finally get confirmation the U.S. helped transfer Libyan weapons to jihadists in Syria with Turkish assistance and that a large part of the deterioration in Benghazi at the consulate had to do with those weapons transfers.
It should be noted as well that Obama’s illegal military action to topple Qaddafi turned Libya into a war zone where tribal rivalries play out in violence across the country and where terrorists find free reign to train and wage jihad.
Finally, Obama has consistently refused to support liberation movements in Iran and elsewhere, and, he has consistently funded and supported jihadist movements as noted, including Hamas and Hezbollah.   Please do not forget Obama purposefully pulled out of Iraq prematurely allowing ISIS to take half the country, slaughtering thousands.
The record is very clear. The man who would be king, one claiming to be a Christian, is in reality a jihadist sympathizer and collaborator who funds, helps AND COMFORTSDescription: our enemies, a man who therefore deserves to be charged with treason.

The Top 5 Reasons to Put an End to Illegal Immigration

According to a new story originating with the Wall Street Journal, President Barack Obama is mulling over the possibility of a new executive order putting a halt to illegal immigration deportations. This is exactly the direction that many conservatives worried he might take, extending amnesty and work permits to many of the estimated 11 million illegals currently in the U.S. Unfortunately, many Americans still do not understand the threat posed to the country by our porous southern border. Here are just five of the reasons we need to put a sharp and dramatic end to illegal immigration.
Spread of Disease
We could soon be facing a major Ebola virus pandemic, and the spread of the disease in Africa has already claimed three American citizens. According to Georgia lawmaker and MD Phil Gingrey, our open borders bring serious disease threats to the U.S. Ebola is a major concern in the news right now, but Gingrey says the threat looms well beyond that particular virus.
“As the unaccompanied children continue to be transported to shelters around the country on commercial airlines and other forms of transportation, I have serious concerns that the diseases carried by these children may begin to spread too rapidly to control,” the congressman wrote in a letter to the CDC earlier this year.
The U.S. has its fingers in a great many controversial pies around the world, particularly in the Middle East. With tensions high in Iraq, Afghanistan, Russia, and Gaza, the U.S. is a bigger target for terrorism than it has ever been. According to DHS secretary Janet Napolitano, terrorists have been known to enter the U.S. from Mexico. How much longer will it be before some of them conspire to cause a major tragedy inside our borders?
The left likes to make the case that illegal immigrants do only those jobs that Americans aren’t willing to do. That, of course, is absolute hogwash. The value of those jobs is only limited by the fact that employers can find immigrants to do them so cheaply. No, Americans aren’t going to pick oranges for less than minimum wage, but employers will be forced to raise wages if they can’t find illegal help.
Last year, the Immigrations and Custom Enforcement department released 68,000 illegal immigrants with criminal convictions on their records. This, of course, flies straight in the face of the administration’s repeated claims that they are strictly enforcing the immigration laws as they are written. We have enough to worry about when it comes to crime from our own citizens. Why is the left so anxious to bring in more criminals, gangsters, and outright terrorists from outside the country?
Taxpayer Expense
Even if you don’t buy into any of the above reasons for curbing illegal immigration, you may be interested in how much this influx is costing the American taxpayer. According to the Federation for American Immigration Reform, illegal immigration costs the government approximately $113 billion on an annual basis. Much of this is at the state and local levels, but all of it winds up being paid for by the taxpayers in the end. The cost to the average American household?
 $1,117. Is there anything better you could do with that money? Yeah, me too.

Awesome: Watch Megyn Kelly And Krauthammer As They Epically Lambaste Obama

"...that would be a grave and irrefutable violation of"

Charles Krauthammer doesn’t exactly have a reputation for eluding the big issues in today’s society, which is why his honesty on Thursday night’s “The Kelly File” was entirely anticipated – and not unprecedented.
Krauthammer, known for his conservative disposition, asserted that, should President Barack Obama decide to grant amnesty to illegal immigrants, he would be carrying out a “gross violation of the Constitution.”


Included in the segment is a clip of Obama when he spoke at a Univision Town Hall event in 2011.
“With respect to the notion that I can just suspend deportations through executive order, that’s just not the case,” Obama said.
“There are enough laws on the books by Congress that are very clear in terms of how we have to enforce our immigration system,” Obama CONTINUEDDescription:, “that for me to simply, through executive order, ignore those congressional mandates would not conform with my appropriate role as president.”
Via TheBlaze:
At the heart of Krauthammer’s claim are reports that Obama plans to defer deportations for millions more illegal immigrants by the end of the summer — an act that host Megyn Kelly warned could spark “a very ugly political crisis.”
Despite Obama’s emphatic declaration that he does not possess the power to “suspend deportations through executive order,” Krauthammer predicted that the Obama administration could put these plans into action as soon as September.
“So were he to do now in September what he has long and repeatedly said he is constitutionally prohibited from doing, that would be a grave and irrefutable violation of his duties as president,” Krauthammer said. “The Constitution could not be more clear. The President swears an oath to faithfully execute the laws. He’s not allowed to make the laws, he’s not allowed to change the laws, he is not allowed to unilaterally suspend the laws – which is exactly what they are saying they are gonna do.”
Kelly added, “He did that after that soundbite we just played, and the Congress didn’t stop him, Charles. So what is to stop them if he does it again?”
This is a question that many are asking, but unfortunately may be one that simply rings on deaf ears.

President Obama, Clueless In Chief

Posted on  by Cowboy Byte
It’s really true. The president hasn’t got a clue.
Check it out:
President Barack Obama doesn’t understand why Russian President Vladimir Putin is chewing on Ukraine, and he doesn’t understand why Hamas can’t stick to a ceasefire with Jews.
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He doesn’t understand why the Senate is in gridlock, he doesn’t understand why the Ex-Im bank is unpopular, and he doesn’t understand why his immigration-boosting bill has collapsed.
Obama showed his isolation from reality, and his parochial view of the world, during a Aug 1. press conference where he tried to explain why so many of his foreign policy and domestic projects have crashed since 2012.

RICARDO SAMITIER: La Guerra Contra Japón en 1942 fue provocada por USA... La “Gatita De Maria Ramos”…

Tira La Piedra Y Esconden La Mano…
Para La mayoría de Las Personas El Ataque De Japón A Perl Harbor Fue TRAICIONERO…
Antes de leer los VERDADEROS motivos del ATAQUE… LA GENTE DEBE DE SABER… QUE DESDE 1939 Los Estados Unidos…
Habían DESIFRADO el código de comunicaciones secretas de Japón
Y estudiaban y conocían TODAS sus comunicaciones…

Estados Unidos, los Ingleses y los Rusos… estaban abiertamente
En esas condiciones (tal como ahora estamos haciendo contra la
Rusia de Putin en Ucrania) Roosevelt EXIGIÓ QUE CESARA LA GUERRA CONTRA
Participar en negociaciones hasta que Japón No Abandonara los
HIERRO y todos los Materiales que ayudaban en continuar la guerra…
Condiciones INACEPTABLES para el Japón…
La mejor prueba de que Roosevelt y los más altos JERARCAS DE USA… sabían que el ataque venia… es que 48 HORAS ANTES DEL ATAQUE… dieron la orden de que los 3 PORTAVIONES en Perl Harbor partieran a
toda máquina para San Diego… (que era el arma más importante para la guerra en el Pacifico) dejando BARCOS CHATARRA VIEJA … y desde luego a los MANDOS MILITARES DE HAWAI… en completa ignorancia… con el fin de JUSTIFICAR NO SOLO LA GUERRA… SINO LA INDIGNACION DEL PUEBLO…  
Eso es lo que yo pienso…Ahora lean lo que dicen los historiadores…
El apoyo a China de EE.UU. aumentó a mediados de 1941, con la formación clandestina del primero grupo voluntario del americano, más conocido como los "Tigres Voladores". Equipado con aviones de EE.UU. y los pilotos americanos, al mando del coronel Claire Chennault, defendió con eficacia los cielos de China y el sudeste de Asia desde finales de 1941 hasta mediados de 1942, el derribo de 300 aviones japoneses con una pérdida de sólo 12 de los suyos. (la mayoría de las personas IGNORAN que los famosos aviones CERO japonés estaban hecho de BAMBU y cubierta de LONA... pues no tenían ni hierro ni aluminio)  Además de la ayuda militar, los EE.UU., Gran Bretaña y las Indias Orientales Holandesas iniciaron embargos de petróleo y acero contra Japón en agosto de 1941.

El embargo petrolero de América provocó una crisis en Japón. Que DEPENDIA DE LOS EE.UU. EL 80% DE SU PETRÓLEO, los japoneses se vieron obligados a decidir entre abandonar China, negociando un fin al conflicto, o ir a la guerra para obtener los recursos necesarios en otros lugares. En un intento de resolver la situación, Konoe (primer ministro japonés) preguntó al presidente de EE.UU. Franklin Roosevelt por una reunión cumbre para discutir los temas. ROOSEVELT RESPONDIÓ QUE JAPÓN NECESITABA SALIR DE CHINA ANTES DE CELEBRARSE ESA REUNIÓN.Mientras Konoe estaba buscando una solución diplomática, el ejército estaba mirando hacia el sur hasta las Indias Orientales Holandesas y sus ricas fuentes de petróleo y caucho. Creer que un ataque en esta región causaría los EE.UU. para declarar la guerra, comenzaron a planear para tal eventualidad.

El 16 de octubre de 1941, después de que, PIDIERON LOS JAPONES más tiempo para negociar, Konoe dimitió como primer ministro y fue sustituido por el pro-militar, el general Hideki Tojo. Mientras Konoe había estado trabajando por la paz, la Armada Imperial Japonesa (IJN) había desarrollado sus planes de guerra. Estos pidieron un ataque preventivo contra la Flota del Pacífico de EE.UU. en Pearl Harbor, Hawai, así como los ataques simultáneos contra Filipinas, las Indias Orientales Holandesas, y las colonias británicas en la región. El objetivo de este plan era eliminar la amenaza estadounidense, permitiendo que las fuerzas japonesas para asegurar las colonias holandesas y británicas. Jefe del IJN del personal, el almirante Osami Nagano, presentó el plan de ataque para el emperador Hirohito, el 3 de noviembre. Dos días más tarde, el emperador lo aprobó y ordenó el ataque que se produzca a principios de diciembre SI NO SE LOGRABAN AVANCES DIPLOMÁTICOS.

Los  Billones de dólares GASTADOS por Obama y la Señora CLINTON (para democratizar) en verdad DESESTABILIZAR UCRANIA… pidiendo unirse a la Unión Europea… especialmente a la OTAN EN LA frontera con Rusia… y la PROMESA DE GASTAR OTRO BILLON en ayudarlos en esta crisis (verdadera guerra civil) sin duda se parece mucho… a las EXIGENCIAS DE ROOSVELT al Japón en 1942… QUE PROVOCO LA GUERRA…

Como resultado de estas CONFABULACIONES de Obama y la Señora Clinton/ Kerry…
Lo lógico es que Putin VUELVA A UNIRSE A CHINA… QUE NECESITA PETROLEO Y GAS… y deje a Europa pasando Frio este próximo invierno…  
Entre estos problemas está la INVACION DE LOS LLAMADOS NIÑOS que tiene A la prensa Socialista y Pro Homosexual… pidiendo que sean ACEPTADOS…
¿Qué Es “Abuso De Un Menor” ???  Usted decide...
Los Médicos Dictaminaron Que Nacer En La Casa Es Un Crimen…
Toda Mis Padres y Hermanos Nacieron En La Casa…
 Cualquiera que se enfrenta al sistema medico oficial, es una amenaza a la sociedad.  
 El Gobierno decide lo que es bueno para el Pueblo!
 Cuando los homosexuales sidosos iban por las discotecas infectando a otros,
eso era su derecho.  Pero cuando una madre desea dar a luz en su casa,
eso es abuso infantil, de acuerdo al mismo gobierno.
También UNA NALGADA… Es ABUSO Infantil…

Algo no cuadra???

El “JUEGO” De Los Periodistas De Occidente…
Incluyendo Los Que Aseguran “DEFENDER”
A Estados Unidos… Siempre Termina Con Una
La Culpa De La Inmigración MASIVA De Niños
Es Culpa De USA… Por haber Deportado A Los
Delincuentes E Ilegales Que Se Han Organizado
Como Pandillas…
La Verdad es que la CULPA es de los POLITIQUEROS que nos
Han estado negociando con los gobiernos de IZQUIERDA
Bill Clinton fue el que negocio 20,000 visas anuales para los
Cubanos… con el fin de ELIMINAR el EXILIO CUBANO y llenar
Haciendo una BURLA de la LEY DE ASILO POLITICO… al darle
A esos nuevos emigrantes la “CATEGORIA DE ASILADOS” y
Permitir que viajen a Cuba… lo que claramente demuestra que

Los Cubanos fuimos ENGAÑADOS… dos veces… una por Castro
Y otra por los Politiqueros de USA… que nos hicieron creer que
La gente se NIEGAN A VER LAS REALIDADES… Desde la derrota
De la UNION SOVIETICA es que el comunismo ha avanzado en todo
El mundo a extremos que la mayoría de los países de América al
Sur Del Rio Grande… están gobernados por los SOCIALISTAS… con
El APOYO DE USA… incluso en estos momentos están APOYANDO
Las negociaciones de PAZ EN LA HABANA de las guerrillas de
Colombia para que se inserten los guerrilleros a la POLITICA Y sin
duda lleguen en los próximos años a la presidencia… Hasta Costa
Rica… (aunque siempre estuvo gobernada por AGENTES SECRETOS
DEL COMUNISMO pues el Señor Figueres era miembro de la “LEGION
DEL CARIBE” Pero ahora “OFICIALMENTE” está gobernada por un
Miembro Del comunismo Fabiano norte americano…)

Contestas esta pregunta HONRADAMENTE…  
¿Quién Ha Financiado y RESPALDADO El Triunfo De Los Antiguos
Guerrilleros Latino Americanos y el ENCARCELAMIENTO de los
Hay Que Ser Muy TONTO o Ser
Muy Cobardes Para No Reconocer
TRAICIONARON a Cuba en Bahía De Cochinos... Han TRAICIONANDO

                APRENDER A PERDONAR
     Al aproximarse a la recepción de un hotel, a un hombre
     le llama la  atención un ruido y al voltearse a ver qué es,
     golpea sin querer con el codo el seno de una linda mujer.
     Apenado y sin saber qué hacer, él dice:
     - 'Mil disculpas señorita, si su corazón es tan suave como
     su seno,  tengo la seguridad de que me perdonará'
     La mujer sonriendo le responde:
     - ' Y si su pene es tan duro como su codo, mi habitación
     es la 201'
     que creías que te iba a dar una muela
     sobre el perdón...????
     Ja ja ja
     ¡ Sonríe y Disfruta la Vida !

Obama to Issue Executive Order on Border

Obama is about to get a lot of new dependents and voters for the fall.
Check it out:
Friday at a press conference, President Barack Obama said in order to address the humanitarian crisis of ten of thousands of unaccompanied children illegally flooding across the U.S.-Mexico border, he was “going to have act alone.”
The president said he would use an executive order to “reallocate resources.”
On the prospects of legislation passing the House, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has said, “If the House does pass a bill, I can’t imagine it could be cleared on either side over here.”

 “En mi opinión” Lázaro R González Miño  


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