No 692 “En mi
opinión” Junio 19, 2014
“IN GOD WE TRUST” Lázaro R González Miño Editor
<o> NELSON HORTA REPORTA: Barack Obama está incapacitado para dirigir el país, dice el 54
por ciento de los americanos.
June 19th, 2014
• Hoy se dará a conocer la encuesta
realizada por NBC NEWS y Wall Street Journal
19 DE JUNIO DE 2014,—El porcentaje de americanos que aprueban la
gestión del Presidente Barack Obama en cuestiones de política exterior así como
ha enfrentado los múltiples desafíos en otros países, incluyendo Irak, ha caído
al nivel más bajo de su presidencia, según demuestra una nueva encuesta que se
dará a conocer hoy y realizada por NBC News y el Wall Street Journal.
el pueblo americano está dividido equitativamente sobre si Obama es un
administrador competente de la burocracia federal, la mayoría de los
encuestados –54%– creen que el termino limitado que le queda al presidente ya
no es capaz de dirigir al país.
es una encuesta pésima para el Presidente Obama, y no una buena encuesta para
nadie”, señaló el encuestador republicano Bill McInturff, quien realizó la
encuesta con los demócratas Peter Hart y Fred Yang.
El caso
con Vladimir Putin, Ucrania, El de los Hospitales de Veteranos, el caso de Bowe
Bergdahl, todos esos acontecimientos han controlado a Obama, en lugar de Obama
haber controlado los acontecimientos”, dijo el demócrata Peter Hart, y añadió,
“puede ganar el debate de algunas cuestiones, pero está perdiendo el debate
político, porque el pueblo no lo esta percibiendo como un líder”.
encuesta fue realizada ante de la inestabilidad en Irak y que ha alcanzado los
titulares de todos los importantes periódicos, por eso no contiene preguntas
sobre ese tema, También se realizo antes de que Estados Unidos arrestara a un
sospechoso de los atentados del 2012 contra la embajada estadounidense en
Bengasi, Libia.
Pero la
encuesta demuestra a un pueblo que ha crecido insatisfecho con el Presidente
Obama tanto en política exterior como en las decisiones de seguridad nacional.
Solo un
37 % aprueba su manejo de la política exterior, que es el peor en la encuesta,
mientras que un 57% desaprueba, siendo esto calificado como “un récord
histórico”. Además por un margen de un 44 por ciento a 30 %, los
estadounidenses están en desacuerdo con la decisión de la administración Obama
para lograr la liberación del sargento del ejército que deserto Bowe
Bergdahl a cambio de 5 talibanes que estaban presos en Guantánamo.
índice de aprobación general del Presidente Obama en la encuesta es de un 41
por ciento, tres puntos menos que el pasado mes de abril y es el nivel más bajo
en la historia de su presidencia.
Lo más
preocupante para el presidente es que el 54 por ciento de los estadounidenses
piensan que Obama es incapaz de dirigir el país y hacer el trabajo, en
comparación con el 42 por ciento que cree que puede.
Cheneys: Rarely Has a President Been So
Wrong About So Much
America's enemies have been "emboldened" by President Barack
Obama's decision to pull out of Iraq and Afghanistan and are now a major threat
to U.S. citizens, says former Vice President Dick Cheney and his attorney
daughter Liz Cheney.
"Rarely has a U.S. president been so wrong about so much at the expense of so many," they wrote in a commentary for The Wall Street Journal, while saying that Obama should have left a contingent of U.S. forces in Iraq to prevent terrorists affiliated with al-Qaida from gaining a stronghold in the region again.
Vote Now: Should the U.S. Strike Iraq Insurgents? Vote Now
"Too many times to count, Mr. Obama has told us he is 'ending' the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan — as though wishing made it so. His rhetoric has now come crashing into reality.
"Watching the black-clad [Islamic State of Iraq and Syria] jihadists take territory once secured by American blood is final proof, if any were needed, that America's enemies are not 'decimated.' They are emboldened and on the march."
Dick Cheney, who was vice president in the George W. Bush administration, and his daughter, the former deputy assistant secretary of state for near eastern affairs, said that the fall of Iraqi cities Fallujah, Mosul, and Tikrit and the establishment of terrorist safe havens across the Arab world present "a strategic threat" to the security of the United States.
"Iraq is at risk of falling to a radical Islamic terror group, and Mr. Obama is talking climate change. Terrorists take control of more territory and resources than ever before in history, and he goes golfing. He seems blithely unaware, or indifferent, to the fact that a resurgent al-Qaida presents a clear and present danger to America."
The Cheneys said that when Obama and his team came into office in 2009, al-Qaida in Iraq had been largely defeated, and that the president only had to leave some American forces behind to help secure the peace.
"Instead, he abandoned Iraq and we are watching American defeat snatched from the jaws of victory. The tragedy unfolding in Iraq today is only part of the story. Al-Qaida and its affiliates are resurgent across the globe.
"Now, in a move that defies credulity, he toys with the idea of ushering Iran into Iraq. Only a fool would believe American policy in Iraq should be ceded to Iran, the world's largest state sponsor of terror."
The Cheneys wrote in the Journal that the president is "willfully blind" to the impact of his policies. "Despite the threat to America unfolding across the Middle East, aided by his abandonment of Iraq, he has announced he intends to follow the same policy in Afghanistan.
"Despite clear evidence of the dire need for American leadership around the world, the desperation of our allies and the glee of our enemies, President Obama seems determined to leave office ensuring he has taken America down a notch," the Cheneys wrote. "Indeed, the speed of the terrorists' takeover of territory in Iraq has been matched only by the speed of American decline on his watch."
The Cheneys drew on a speech from former President Ronald Reagan to illustrate the problems that Obama will leave America when he departs the White House.
"In 1983, President Ronald Reagan said, 'If history teaches anything, it teaches that simple-minded appeasement or wishful thinking about our adversaries is folly. It means the betrayal of our past, the squandering of our freedom.' President Obama is on track to securing his legacy as the man who betrayed our past and squandered our freedom."
Dick Cheney, as vice president, was a proponent of the 2003 U.S. invasion of Iraq, saying the country had developed weapons of mass destruction. Such weapons were not found.
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Urgent: Should Obamacare Be Repealed? Vote Here Now!
"Rarely has a U.S. president been so wrong about so much at the expense of so many," they wrote in a commentary for The Wall Street Journal, while saying that Obama should have left a contingent of U.S. forces in Iraq to prevent terrorists affiliated with al-Qaida from gaining a stronghold in the region again.
Vote Now: Should the U.S. Strike Iraq Insurgents? Vote Now
"Too many times to count, Mr. Obama has told us he is 'ending' the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan — as though wishing made it so. His rhetoric has now come crashing into reality.
"Watching the black-clad [Islamic State of Iraq and Syria] jihadists take territory once secured by American blood is final proof, if any were needed, that America's enemies are not 'decimated.' They are emboldened and on the march."
Dick Cheney, who was vice president in the George W. Bush administration, and his daughter, the former deputy assistant secretary of state for near eastern affairs, said that the fall of Iraqi cities Fallujah, Mosul, and Tikrit and the establishment of terrorist safe havens across the Arab world present "a strategic threat" to the security of the United States.
"Iraq is at risk of falling to a radical Islamic terror group, and Mr. Obama is talking climate change. Terrorists take control of more territory and resources than ever before in history, and he goes golfing. He seems blithely unaware, or indifferent, to the fact that a resurgent al-Qaida presents a clear and present danger to America."
The Cheneys said that when Obama and his team came into office in 2009, al-Qaida in Iraq had been largely defeated, and that the president only had to leave some American forces behind to help secure the peace.
"Instead, he abandoned Iraq and we are watching American defeat snatched from the jaws of victory. The tragedy unfolding in Iraq today is only part of the story. Al-Qaida and its affiliates are resurgent across the globe.
"Now, in a move that defies credulity, he toys with the idea of ushering Iran into Iraq. Only a fool would believe American policy in Iraq should be ceded to Iran, the world's largest state sponsor of terror."
The Cheneys wrote in the Journal that the president is "willfully blind" to the impact of his policies. "Despite the threat to America unfolding across the Middle East, aided by his abandonment of Iraq, he has announced he intends to follow the same policy in Afghanistan.
"Despite clear evidence of the dire need for American leadership around the world, the desperation of our allies and the glee of our enemies, President Obama seems determined to leave office ensuring he has taken America down a notch," the Cheneys wrote. "Indeed, the speed of the terrorists' takeover of territory in Iraq has been matched only by the speed of American decline on his watch."
The Cheneys drew on a speech from former President Ronald Reagan to illustrate the problems that Obama will leave America when he departs the White House.
"In 1983, President Ronald Reagan said, 'If history teaches anything, it teaches that simple-minded appeasement or wishful thinking about our adversaries is folly. It means the betrayal of our past, the squandering of our freedom.' President Obama is on track to securing his legacy as the man who betrayed our past and squandered our freedom."
Dick Cheney, as vice president, was a proponent of the 2003 U.S. invasion of Iraq, saying the country had developed weapons of mass destruction. Such weapons were not found.
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Urgent: Should Obamacare Be Repealed? Vote Here Now!
Que Se Niegan A Ver La Verdad...
Pueden Negar El Apoyo Economico
Y Psicologico De Obama A Santos... Para Entregar Colombia Tambien A Los
Terroristas "Derrotados"
Aqui Tienen Las Pruebas... Se
Han Movilizado Todos Los Globalistas... y Hoy Se Anuncia... Que Biden Esta Feliz... Con El Tratado De Paz
Negociado En Cuba
Ya hay anuncios en la televisión de médicos que ofrecen sus
servicios rápidos y efectivos para operaciones transgénicas. Con la misma
facilidad que Melquiades Martinez el veterinario de mi pueblo capaba a los
cerdos a los guajiros para que pudieran cebarlos mejor.
El Dr. Paul
HcHugh es un distingido cirujano y profesor que trabajó como director de las
cirujías de transgénico en el hospital de John Hopkins
University. Desde entonces siempre tuvo como su posición que
se estaba abusando y politizando el problema de transgénico. Lo
decía exponiendo hechos durante su experiencia en la profesión y sus
conocimientos de su especialidad.
Scribe recientemente
un artículo en el Wall Street Journal sobre esto.
Lo que
recibió fue una serie de cartas clasificandolo como “ignorante
cavernícola. Me pregunto ¿Que autoridad científica superior a la del
Dr. McHugh tienen los que escribieron esta carta?. Pero reflexiono y
me doy cuenta que sí, tienen una gran autoridad, la autoridad de ser
El ambiente
político de la izquierda le ha dado a la homosexualidad una autoridad superior
a cualquier persona heterosexual, su palabra, su opinión es incontestable.
varios amigos médicos que coinciden con McHugh, pero no tienen el valor de
expresarlo públicamente por miedo al ridículo que asecha al que exprese esta
terrorismo ideológico no se limita a este particular, pero a todo los que se
oponga a la nueva filosofía “progresista”
Si les
interesa copio abajo el escrito de McHugh
Why we
stopped doing sex Surgery
By Dr. Paul
Mc Hugh
When the
practice of sex-change surgery first emerged back in the early 1970s, I would
often remind its advocating psychiatrists that with other patients, alcoholics
in particular, they would quote the Serenity Prayer, “God, give me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference.” Where did they get the idea that our
sexual identity (“gender” was the term they preferred) as men or women was in
the category of things that could be changed?
Their regular
response was to show me their patients. Men (and until recently they were all
men) with whom I spoke before their surgery would tell me that their bodies and
sexual identities were at variance. Those I met after surgery would tell me
that the surgery and hormone treatments that had made them “women” had also
made them happy and contented. None of these encounters were persuasive,
however. The post-surgical subjects struck me as caricatures of women. They
wore high heels, copious makeup, and flamboyant clothing; they spoke about how
they found themselves able to give vent to their natural inclinations for
peace, domesticity, and gentleness—but their large hands, prominent Adam’s
apples, and thick facial features were incongruous (and would become more so as
they aged). Women psychiatrists whom I sent to talk with them would intuitively
see through the disguise and the exaggerated postures. “Gals know gals,” one
said to me, “and that’s a guy.”
The subjects before the surgery struck me as even more strange, as
they struggled to convince anyone who might influence the decision for their
surgery. First, they spent an unusual amount of time thinking and talking about
sex and their sexual experiences; their sexual hungers and adventures seemed to
preoccupy them. Second, discussion of babies or children provoked little
interest from them; indeed, they seemed indifferent to children. But third, and
most remarkable, many of these men-who-claimed-to-be-women reported that they
found women sexually attractive and that they saw themselves as “lesbians.”
When I noted to their champions that their psychological leanings seemed more
like those of men than of women, I would get various replies, mostly to the
effect that in making such judgments I was drawing on sexual stereotypes.
Until 1975, when I became psychiatrist-in-chief at Johns Hopkins
Hospital, I could usually keep my own counsel on these matters. But once I was
given authority over all the practices in the psychiatry department I realized
that if I were passive I would be tacitly co-opted in encouraging sex-change
surgery in the very department that had originally proposed and still defended
it. I decided to challenge what I considered to be a misdirection of psychiatry
and to demand more information both before and after their operations.
Two issues presented themselves as targets for study. First, I wanted
to test the claim that men who had undergone sex-change surgery found
resolution for their many general psychological problems. Second (and this was
more ambitious), I wanted to see whether male infants with ambiguous genitalia
who were being surgically transformed into females and raised as girls did, as
the theory (again from Hopkins) claimed, settle easily into the sexual identity
that was chosen for them. These claims had generated the opinion in psychiatric
circles that one’s “sex” and one’s “gender” were distinct matters, sex being
genetically and hormonally determined from conception, while gender was
culturally shaped by the actions of family and others during childhood.
The first issue was easier and required only that I encourage the
ongoing research of a member of the faculty who was an accomplished student of
human sexual behavior. The psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Jon Meyer was already
developing a means of following up with adults who received sex-change
operations at Hopkins in order to see how much the surgery had helped them. He
found that most of the patients he tracked down some years after their surgery
were contented with what they had done and that only a few regretted it. But in
every other respect, they were little changed in their psychological condition.
They had much the same problems with relationships, work, and emotions as
before. The hope that they would emerge now from their emotional difficulties
to flourish psychologically had not been fulfilled.
We saw the results as demonstrating that just as these men enjoyed
cross-dressing as women before the operation so they enjoyed cross-living after
it. But they were no better in their psychological integration or any easier to
live with. With these facts in hand I concluded that Hopkins was fundamentally
cooperating with a mental illness. We psychiatrists, I thought, would do better
to concentrate on trying to fix their minds and not their genitalia.
Thanks to this research, Dr. Meyer was able to make some sense of the
mental disorders that were driving this request for unusual and radical
treatment. Most of the cases fell into one of two quite different groups. One
group consisted of conflicted and guilt-ridden homosexual men who saw a
sex-change as a way to resolve their conflicts over homosexuality by allowing
them to behave sexually as females with men. The other group, mostly older men,
consisted of heterosexual (and some bisexual) males who found intense sexual
arousal in cross-dressing as females. As they had grown older, they had become
eager to add more verisimilitude to their costumes and either sought or had
suggested to them a surgical transformation that would include breast implants,
penile amputation, and pelvic reconstruction to resemble a woman.
Further study of similar subjects in the psychiatric services of the
Clark Institute in Toronto identified these men by the auto-arousal they
experienced in imitating sexually seductive females. Many of them imagined that
their displays might be sexually arousing to onlookers, especially to females.
This idea, a form of “sex in the head” (D. H. Lawrence), was what provoked
their first adventure in dressing up in women’s undergarments and had
eventually led them toward the surgical option. Because most of them found
women to be the objects of their interest they identified themselves to the
psychiatrists as lesbians. The name eventually coined in Toronto to describe
this form of sexual misdirection was “autogynephilia.” Once again I concluded
that to provide a surgical alteration to the body of these unfortunate people
was to collaborate with a mental disorder rather than to treat it.
This information and the improved understanding of what we had been
doing led us to stop prescribing sex-change operations for adults at Hopkins—much,
I’m glad to say, to the relief of several of our plastic surgeons who had
previously been commandeered to carry out the procedures. And with this
solution to the first issue I could turn to the second—namely, the practice of
surgically assigning femaleness to male newborns who at birth had malformed,
sexually ambiguous genitalia and severe phallic defects. This practice, more
the province of the pediatric department than of my own, was nonetheless of
concern to psychiatrists because the opinions generated around these cases
helped to form the view that sexual identity was a matter of cultural
conditioning rather than something fundamental to the human constitution.
Several conditions, fortunately rare, can lead to the misconstruction
of the genito-urinary tract during embryonic life. When such a condition occurs
in a male, the easiest form of plastic surgery by far, with a view to
correcting the abnormality and gaining a cosmetically satisfactory appearance,
is to remove all the male parts, including the testes, and to construct from
the tissues available a labial and vaginal configuration. This action provides
these malformed babies with female-looking genital anatomy regardless of their
genetic sex. Given the claim that the sexual identity of the child would easily
follow the genital appearance if backed up by familial and cultural support,
the pediatric surgeons took to constructing female-like genitalia for both
females with an XX chromosome constitution and males with an XY so as to make
them all look like little girls, and they were to be raised as girls by their
All this was done of course with consent of the parents who,
distressed by these grievous malformations in their newborns, were persuaded by
the pediatric endocrinologists and consulting psychologists to accept
transformational surgery for their sons. They were told that their child’s
sexual identity (again his “gender”) would simply conform to environmental
conditioning. If the parents consistently responded to the child as a girl now
that his genital structure resembled a girl’s, he would accept that role
without much travail.
This proposal presented the parents with a critical decision. The
doctors increased the pressure behind the proposal by noting to the parents
that a decision had to be made promptly because a child’s sexual identity
settles in by about age two or three. The process of inducing the child into
the female role should start immediately, with name, birth certificate, baby
paraphernalia, etc. With the surgeons ready and the physicians confident, the
parents were faced with an offer difficult to refuse (although, interestingly,
a few parents did refuse this advice and decided to let nature take its
I thought these professional opinions and the choices being pressed on
the parents rested upon anecdotal evidence that was hard to verify and even
harder to replicate. Despite the confidence of their advocates, they lacked
substantial empirical support. I encouraged one of our resident psychiatrists,
William G. Reiner (already interested in the subject because prior to his
psychiatric training he had been a pediatric urologist and had witnessed the
problem from the other side), to set about doing a systematic follow-up of
these children—particularly the males transformed into females in infancy—so as
to determine just how sexually integrated they became as adults.
The results here were even more startling than in Meyer’s work. Reiner
picked out for intensive study cloacal exstrophy, because it would best test
the idea that cultural influence plays the foremost role in producing sexual
identity. Cloacal exstrophy is an embryonic misdirection that produces a gross
abnormality of pelvic anatomy such that the bladder and the genitalia are badly
deformed at birth. The male penis fails to form and the bladder and urinary
tract are not separated distinctly from the gastrointestinal tract. But crucial
to Reiner’s study is the fact that the embryonic development of these
unfortunate males is not hormonally different from that of normal males. They
develop within a male-typical prenatal hormonal milieu provided by their Y
chromosome and by their normal testicular function. This exposes these growing
embryos/fetuses to the male hormone testosterone—just like all males in their
mother’s womb.
Although animal research had long since shown that male sexual
behavior was directly derived from this exposure to testosterone during
embryonic life, this fact did not deter the pediatric practice of surgically
treating male infants with this grievous anomaly by castration (amputating
their testes and any vestigial male genital structures) and vaginal
construction, so that they could be raised as girls. This practice had become
almost universal by the mid-1970s. Such cases offered Reiner the best test of
the two aspects of the doctrine underlying such treatment: (1) that humans at
birth are neutral as to their sexual identity, and (2) that for humans it is
the postnatal, cultural, nonhormonal influences, especially those of early
childhood, that most influence their ultimate sexual identity. Males with
cloacal exstrophy were regularly altered surgically to resemble females, and
their parents were instructed to raise them as girls. But would the fact that
they had had the full testosterone exposure in utero defeat the attempt to
raise them as girls? Answers might become evident with the careful follow-up
that Reiner was launching.
Before describing his results, I should note that the doctors
proposing this treatment for the males with cloacal exstrophy understood and
acknowledged that they were introducing a number of new and severe physical
problems for these males. These infants, of course, had no ovaries, and their
testes were surgically amputated, which meant that they had to receive
exogenous hormones for life. They would also be denied by the same surgery any
opportunity for fertility later on. One could not ask the little patient about
his willingness to pay this price. These were considered by the physicians
advising the parents to be acceptable burdens to bear in order to avoid
distress in childhood about malformed genital structures, and it was hoped that
they could follow a conflict-free direction in their maturation as girls and
Reiner, however, discovered that such re-engineered males were almost
never comfortable as females once they became aware of themselves and the
world. From the start of their active play life, they behaved spontaneously
like boys and were obviously different from their sisters and other girls,
enjoying rough-and-tumble games but not dolls and “playing house.” Later on,
most of those individuals who learned that they were actually genetic males
wished to reconstitute their lives as males (some even asked for surgical
reconstruction and male hormone replacement)—and all this despite the earnest
efforts by their parents to treat them as girls.
Reiner’s results, reported in the January 22, 2004, issue of
the New England Journal of Medicine, are worth recounting. He
followed up sixteen genetic males with cloacal exstrophy seen at Hopkins, of
whom fourteen underwent neonatal assignment to femaleness socially, legally,
and surgically. The other two parents refused the advice of the pediatricians
and raised their sons as boys. Eight of the fourteen subjects assigned to be
females had since declared themselves to be male. Five were living as females,
and one lived with unclear sexual identity. The two raised as males had
remained male. All sixteen of these people had interests that were typical of
males, such as hunting, ice hockey, karate, and bobsledding. Reiner concluded
from this work that the sexual identity followed the genetic constitution.
Male-type tendencies (vigorous play, sexual arousal by females, and physical
aggressiveness) followed the testosterone-rich intrauterine fetal development
of the people he studied, regardless of efforts to socialize them as females
after birth. Having looked at the Reiner and Meyer studies, we in the Johns
Hopkins Psychiatry Department eventually concluded that human sexual identity
is mostly built into our constitution by the genes we inherit and the
embryogenesis we undergo. Male hormones sexualize the brain and the mind.
Sexual dysphoria—a sense of disquiet in one’s sexual role—naturally occurs
amongst those rare males who are raised as females in an effort to correct an
infantile genital structural problem. A seemingly similar disquiet can be
socially induced in apparently constitutionally normal males, in association
with (and presumably prompted by) serious behavioral aberrations, amongst which
are conflicted homosexual orientations and the remarkable male deviation now
called autogynephilia.
Quite clearly, then, we psychiatrists should work to discourage those
adults who seek surgical sex reassignment. When Hopkins announced that it would
stop doing these procedures in adults with sexual dysphoria, many other
hospitals followed suit, but some medical centers still carry out this surgery.
Thailand has several centers that do the surgery “no questions asked” for
anyone with the money to pay for it and the means to travel to Thailand. I am
disappointed but not surprised by this, given that some surgeons and medical
centers can be persuaded to carry out almost any kind of surgery when pressed
by patients with sexual deviations, especially if those patients find a
psychiatrist to vouch for them. The most astonishing example is the surgeon in
England who is prepared to amputate the legs of patients who claim to find
sexual excitement in gazing at and exhibiting stumps of amputated legs. At any
rate, we at Hopkins hold that official psychiatry has good evidence to argue
against this kind of treatment and should begin to close down the practice
For children with birth defects the most rational approach at this
moment is to correct promptly any of the major urological defects they face,
but to postpone any decision about sexual identity until much later, while
raising the child according to its genetic sex. Medical caretakers and parents
can strive to make the child aware that aspects of sexual identity will emerge
as he or she grows. Settling on what to do about it should await maturation and
the child’s appreciation of his or her own identity.
Proper care, including good parenting, means helping the child through
the medical and social difficulties presented by the genital anatomy but in the
process protecting what tissues can be retained, in particular the gonads. This
effort must continue to the point where the child can see the problem of a life
role more clearly as a sexually differentiated individual emerges from within.
Then as the young person gains a sense of responsibility for the result, he or
she can be helped through any surgical constructions that are desired. Genuine
informed consent derives only from the person who is going to live with the
outcome and cannot rest upon the decisions of others who believe they “know
How are these ideas now being received? I think tolerably well. The
“transgender” activists (now often allied with gay liberation movements) still
argue that their members are entitled to whatever surgery they want, and they
still claim that their sexual dysphoria represents a true conception of their
sexual identity. They have made some protests against the diagnosis of
autogynephilia as a mechanism to generate demands for sex-change operations,
but they have offered little evidence to refute the diagnosis. Psychiatrists
are taking better sexual histories from those requesting sex-change and are
discovering more examples of this strange male exhibitionist proclivity.
Much of the enthusiasm for the quick-fix approach to birth defects
expired when the anecdotal evidence about the much-publicized case of a male
twin raised as a girl proved to be bogus. The psychologist in charge hid, by
actually misreporting, the news that the boy, despite the efforts of his
parents to treat him and raise him as a girl, had constantly challenged their
treatment of him, ultimately found out about the deception, and restored
himself as a male. Sadly, he carried an additional diagnosis of major
depression and ultimately committed suicide.
Ithink the issue of sex-change for males is no longer one in which
much can be said for the other side. But I have learned from the experience
that the toughest challenge is trying to gain agreement to seek empirical
evidence for opinions about sex and sexual behavior, even when the opinions
seem on their face unreasonable. One might expect that those who claim that
sexual identity has no biological or physical basis would bring forth more evidence
to persuade others. But as I’ve learned, there is a deep prejudice in favor of
the idea that nature is totally malleable.
Without any fixed position on what is given in human nature, any
manipulation of it can be defended as legitimate. A practice that appears to
give people what they want—and what some of them are prepared to clamor
for—turns out to be difficult to combat with ordinary professional experience
and wisdom. Even controlled trials or careful follow-up studies to ensure that
the practice itself is not damaging are often resisted and the results
I have witnessed a great deal of damage from sex-reassignment. The
children transformed from their male constitution into female roles suffered
prolonged distress and misery as they sensed their natural attitudes. Their
parents usually lived with guilt over their decisions—second-guessing
themselves and somewhat ashamed of the fabrication, both surgical and social,
they had imposed on their sons. As for the adults who came to us claiming to
have discovered their “true” sexual identity and to have heard about sex-change
operations, we psychiatrists have been distracted from studying the causes and
natures of their mental misdirections by preparing them for surgery and for a
life in the other sex. We have wasted scientific and technical resources and
damaged our professional credibility by collaborating with madness rather than
trying to study, cure, and ultimately prevent it.
Paul McHugh is University Distinguished Service
Professor of Psychiatry at Johns Hopkins University.
Sheriff Joe Arpaio Reveals A Surprising Reason Why He
Thinks Border Guards Aren’t Doing Their Job. Arpaio revisited the issue Monday
evening during an interview on the Fox News Channel.
As the Obama administration’s lax attitude
toward America’s immigration laws has led to a marked increase in illegal
border crossings, critics – especially throughout the southwest – have
expressed their outrage. Few have been as outspoken as the man often billed as
America’s toughest sheriff, Maricopa County, Ariz., lawman Joe Arpaio.
He recently weighed in on the influx of
unaccompanied minors and other illegals being transported to his state under
the direction of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Not only did Arpaio chastise government
officials whose policies encourage repeat offenders, he called to task those
illegals with the audacity to complain about their treatment upon arriving in
the U.S. as criminals.
Arpaio revisited the issue Monday evening
during an interview on
the Fox News Channel. He explained that, with the sharp rise in children
crossing the border, agents assigned to protecting America are suffering from
misplaced priorities.
“The Border Patrol is too busy changing
diapers and not going after dope peddlers and illegal immigrants,” he said.
Customs and Border Protection Commissioner
Gil Kerikowske seemed to bolster Arpaio’s position with a recent statement
regarding the border situation.
“I have been watching them do absolutely
heroic efforts,” he said of border agents. “Not only rescuing children but
taking care of them, way beyond some of the skill sets. They are doing
everything from making formula to bringing in their own children’s clothing to
taking care of these kids in a multitude of ways.”
With nearly 50,000 minors having illegally
crossed the border without adult supervision in just the past eight months,
authorities are scrambling to find temporary housing for them. In Arpaio’s
estimation, this result was all part of Barack Obama’s ultimate goal of
achieving amnesty.
“I think the president knew this was going
to happen,” he said, “so it’s going to help him on his executive orders if
Congress doesn’t take this mission up.”
Judging from reports of overcrowding and
generally inhospitable environments within these housing facilities, however,
Arpaio concluded the scheme could likely backfire.
He said that, if they were inclined to do
so, U.S. authorities could put a stop to the relentless assault on our
immigration laws.
“This is a great country,” he said.
“You’re trying to tell me we can’t keep people from coming into our country if
we really had the desire to do it? I don’t buy it.”
Tom Horne, Arizona’s attorney general, has
also gotten involved in the controversy by sending the Border Patrol official
notice that they are violating federal law.
Watch The Obama Analogy Made By Dinesh D’Souza That
Made This Fox Reporter Laugh Uncomfortably
America is a What?
Filmmaker and activist Dinesh D’Souza was
on Monday’s Kelly File on Fox News offering up his explanation of why Obama has
been transforming the Untied States.
He said, “In order to remake America, you
have to take down the America that’s here now.”
As the filmmaker sees it, Obama came out
of the 1960′s that had a different view than previous generations. “Its
view is that America is globally a force for evil.” This generation
believes that instead of America being exceptionally good, we are exceptionally
evil. D’Souza continued, “[Obama] in a sense views his job as one of
containing or curtailing the power of his own country.”
“It sounds like you’re accusing him of
being almost anti-American, “Kelly said to her guest. “If he were
anti-American, if he didn’t love his country, why would he want to be president
of it?”
That’s when the conversation went off the
deep end: “If I was in a family and I believed my dad was some kind of a
serial killer or a child molester, I would still love him. He would be
part of my family, but I’d do everything I could to prevent him from doing evil
actions. I would think that would be good for the world and for my
dad. So with Obama, he thinks he’s doing the world a favor by controlling
this rogue elephant that is the United States.”
“So America is the child molester in this
scenario?” Kelly started to laugh along with some laughter off camera. “I think
we may of jumped off the deep end.”
Will Liberals Disown Hillary After Her Unexpected
Comment About Illegal Immigrant Children?
Shocking for a liberal, anyway...
Hillary Clinton
was at a townhall event that was televised on CNN. She was asked by host
Christiane Amanpour about what the United States should do with the surge of
unaccompanied minors crossing the border everyday. The former Secretary
of State tried to dodge the question by blaming the immigration on increased
violence in Central America, but Amanpour was persistent in eliciting a direct
response about sending these kids back to their country of origin.
Does This New WSJ Poll Declare Obama’s Presidency
These numbers could hinder his leverage with Congress
A new
Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll shows that President Obama’s job approval
rating at just 41%.
foreign crises in Syria, Iraq, and Ukraine, as well as the Taliban prisoner
exchange for Bowe Bergdahl, have weighed down his approval on foreign policy to
a new low of 37%.
poll of 1,000 adults, conducted last week by telephone, shows that Americans
seem to be losing faith in the president’s ability to accomplish his goals,
with 54% saying they are no longer confident that “he is able to lead the
country and get the job done”–while 42% of the respondents said he could.
numbers could hinder his leverage with Congress. With the mid-term
elections less than 5 months away, it is possible that the GOP could take the
Senate and keep the House majority; and then the likelihood of his getting
any big things done will be drastically reduced.
When Asked If Congress Could Impeach Obama, Here’s How
This Congressman Responded…
Could articles
of impeachment pass?
Rep. Lou Barletta
(R-PA) said in a radio interview that he thinks that a vote to impeach
President Obama “probably could” pass in the House of Representatives.
Rep. Barletta was on the Gary
Sutton radio show on Monday when he said of Obama: “He’s just absolutely
ignoring the Constitution and ignoring the laws and ignoring the checks and
balances. The problem is, you know, what do you do? For those that
say impeach him for breaking the laws of bypassing the laws, you know, could
that pass in the House? It probably, it probably could. Is the majority
of the American people in favor of impeaching the president? I’m not
Gary Sutton replied, “I don’t
think so.” The radio host added that it puts representatives into
political purgatory, so it’s important for Republicans to be heard with plain
talk so that people get the message.
Senator: Every Reason To Believe Obama ‘Supporting The
Is Obama's
legacy to have Gitmo closed down? JUSTIN KOSKI
In an interview with the Family Research
Council’s Washington Watch,
Senator Jim Inhofe of Oklahoma speaks about the worsening condition of Iraq as
well as the Bergdahl exchange.
According to Inhofe, “President Obama’s
legacy is to have Gitmo closed down.”
“I’m not defending Bergdahl, but that’s
not the real crime. The real crime is Obama’s actions,” said Inhofe.
It will be interesting to see where
exactly Obama’s allegiance truly lies.
This Popular Comedian Just Ripped Apart Environmental
Extremism…And Obama!
“I believe
human life is more precious..."
While he might not disagree with its goal
in theory, comedian Paul Rodriguez has some harsh words for environmentalists
who place a higher premium on their pet cause than on the well-being of fellow
humans. In a recent podcast appearance, the entertainer explained how this
ideology has negatively affected his mother, who operates a small farm in
Due to water restrictions, he said, she needs to construct a dam in order to
maintain her crops. Environmentalists, however, are concerned about the
possible impact such a project could have on regional fish – and not about the
ability of local farmers to support their families and provide food to the
community and beyond.
He said these extremists “have gone too
far,” declaring that they are “not living in the real world” by embracing such
misplaced priorities.
“I believe human life is more precious
than these fish,” he said.
Though he said those on his mother’s side
of the debate are willing to compromise, the environmentalists involved in the
disagreement are not.
According to Rodriguez, those being
targeted are “mom and pop” farmers who are just looking for a way to maintain
their operation during the drought.
“It’s an honorable thing to do,” he said.
“Why cut them off?”
Rodriguez levied some even more serious
complaints against the environmental activists from the Earth First!
organization. He said the group threatened to kill him over his outspoken
disagreement with its radical mission.
His criticism goes beyond this particular
movement to include the left’s assertion that anyone who opposes the current
administration does so out of some inherent intolerance.
“Mr. Obama is difficult to criticize
without being accused of being some kind of bigot,” he asserted.
Of course, that did not dissuade Rodriguez
from criticizing him anyway.
“He’s not prepared for the job,” he
By Signing This One Law, Obama Could Have Very Well
Decapitated The U.S Dollar
Obama's attempt to bring in more money to
the government coffers will likely have unintended consequences...
Living in Moscow, I’ve seen first-hand the
seething anger over punitive economic sanctions and the American use of its
current financial hegemony to make life tough for money-in-motion in the former
Soviet Union. The Russians have a love-hate relationship with the dollar.
Historically, they have seen the currency as a safe haven of value and hoarded
dollars every chance they could in an attempt to maintain their wealth. Now
with everything American being thrown under the bus, the
dollar is out of favor.
The threats of further sector-wide
sanctions, which would have devastating, short-term effects on the Russian
economy, will only hasten the fall of the dollar as a vehicle for trade
settlement and a store of value in non-Western countries. The Russians are a
clever people; and over time, they will figure out a way to get out from under
American financial pressure.
However, there is another issue lurking in
the shadows that could cause an even faster decline of the US Dollar as a
reserve currency across the globe. The Foreign Account Tax
Compliance Act or FACTA is scheduled to go into effect on the first of July
this year. This overreaching piece of legislation is a direct result of the
out-of-control spending and inability of the American government to responsibly
manage its own finances. To put it simply, because we can’t stop spending
money, we are going to look for it under every rock all over the globe–and
damage our currency in the meantime.
FACTA will require any foreign-based bank
that deals with American citizens to report to the IRS. Yep, you heard it
right; they will have to provide data to the IRS or face dollar-based penalties
that would make it harder for the bank to deal in dollar-based transactions.
Right now, these penalties are a real problem for any bank, as most global
trade is based in dollars. Just ask the Iranians how they are hurting under
their current regime.
So what’s the obvious answer to this
arrogant and burdensome projection of American economic power? You guessed it!
Banks will simply stop using the dollar and look for other ways to settle trade
accounts and store economic assets. What most American politicians and
bureaucrats don’t realize, as they pile-on more and more silly legislation,
regulation, and monetary policy, is that the USD has a reserve currency bid, or
demand across the world. It’s a special privilege we have, and we enjoy plenty
of economic benefit from it.
As the bid goes away, and as the anti-USD
forces gather steam, we will suffer the consequences. Or better yet, our
children will. Vince Miller, senior market strategist with the Birch Gold
Group, puts it simply: “Over the years, the dollar has increasingly becoming an
albatross around the neck of foreign financial institutions. They were already
getting tired of having to play our games, and now FATCA may very well be the
last straw that pushes them to throw up their hands in disgust and walk away
from our imposed headaches.”
So if you look at what is going on from a
thirty thousand foot level, you have a multitude of factors pressuring the
reserve currency status of the USD. The Russians and the Chinese are leading
the BRIC countries to dump the dollar as a trade settlement vehicle. FACTA will
push countries all over the world to stop dealing with American clients and to
stop using the dollar altogether.
Our national debt is approaching twenty
trillion dollars, and the world wonders if we have the political will or
economic ability to make good on our financial obligations. And to top it all
off, the Federal Reserve Bank of the United States is printing money so fast
that they can’t build the printing presses fast enough. The Fed’s balance sheet
has ballooned to over four trillion dollars!
Birch Gold’s Vince Miller adds, “The
writing has been on the wall for quite some time now: The dollar is a fiat
currency that has been losing value since the very first day it went into
circulation. It will continue to lose value over time, and eventually it will
likely be replaced as the global reserve currency. With the implementation of
FATCA, that ‘eventually’ may be a lot sooner than we had ever thought.”
To put it bluntly, this story doesn’t have
a good ending. Throughout history, this has all happened before; it’s true that
history repeats itself. The Romans, the Spanish, and the English all devalued
their currencies and faced the consequences. It’s no different this time.
This article is brought to you by Birch
Gold Group which helps Americans protect their hard-earned savings from the
dollar’s ongoing loss in value with investments in physical gold and silver. To
learn how precious metals can help to safeguard your future from inflation and
geopolitical instability, visit
The views expressed in this opinion
article are solely those of their author and are not necessarily either shared
or endorsed by
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On Monday's broadcast
of "The O'Reilly Factor," host Bill O'Reilly used his opening
"Talking Points Memo" segment to urge President Barack Obama to take
a more hawkish approach in dealing with the unfolding situation in Iraq.
According to O'Reilly, it is necessary take military against the al Qaeda
affiliated ISIS because of the cost already incurred for the United States in
Iraq and it will a message to ISIS that the United States is a force with which
to be reckoned.
"We are not going to be be able to solve the internal problems of the Iraqis," O'Reilly said. "That being said, I fully expect President Obama to begin bombing the al Qaeda army very soon. If he does not do that, it would be an enormous dereliction of duty. He is the commander-in-chief. Al Qaeda wants to kill us, so he must send a message to them and to the largely cowardly world. We will not allow savages to disseminate the world. That is the message that must be sent."
"We are not going to be be able to solve the internal problems of the Iraqis," O'Reilly said. "That being said, I fully expect President Obama to begin bombing the al Qaeda army very soon. If he does not do that, it would be an enormous dereliction of duty. He is the commander-in-chief. Al Qaeda wants to kill us, so he must send a message to them and to the largely cowardly world. We will not allow savages to disseminate the world. That is the message that must be sent."
AMENPER: ¿Que importancia tiene eso?
Hillary "¿que importancia tiene eso?" Clinton, agrega una
nueva frase a su perfil personal.
Ahora podemos llamarla Hillary "no puedo comentar sobre eso"
Esta frase es la que usó cuando los periodistas le preguntaron lo que
pensaba sobre el oleoducto de Keystone. Hillary parece que
está siendo asesorada por su consorte "El resbaloso
Willy", y está dando las mismas respuestas resbalosas de
Willy. Las respuestas de Clinton cuando era presidente pasarán
como un legado de resbalones. Dijo "oigan bien, nunca he tenido
sexo con esa mujer", después con esa cara no tan dura como
lubricada, dijo que lo que lo que él quiso decir era que no consideraba el sexo
oral como sexo.
Como diría Cantinflas, "si estás bien achaparrado no cuenta lo
Volviendo a Hillary, ella no es secretaria de estado más, es
simplemente una ciudadana que tiene la libertad para expresar su
opinión. Pudiera ser aceptado con respecto a alguna información que
hubiera adquirido durante su mandato sobre algo de seguridad nacional. ¿Pero
qué carajo tiene que ver lo que ella piensa sobre el oleoducto con la seguridad
nacional? ¿Cual es el secreto que no se puede comentar?
Yo creo que
yo sé el secreto, y es que ella todavía no ha decidido qué posición tomar en
este caso durante la próxima campaña presidencial. Tampoco quiere hablar
sobre Bengazi porque "¿que importancia tiene eso?" Creo que
Hillary no volverá a Canadá por el momento, ella prefiere las preguntas de los
periodistas de la prensa tramitada, las entrevistas con montaje agradable, todo
lo que le pavimente su camino a la presidencia que ella considera que le
This Is Why Judge Jeanine Is Worried (And Thinks You
Should Be Afraid)
If you don't think that what happens there
matters to you, you're wrong!
Judge Jeanine Pirro warned Americans that we should be
worried over the crisis in the Middle East, regardless where you live.
“You know me, I’m fearless.” said the Judge in her opening statement. “I’ve
spent my life fighting, investigating, prosecuting, and sentencing the worst of
the worst. But tonight, I’m worried. If you don’t think that what happens there
matters to you, you’re wrong! You need to be afraid.” Judge Pirro went on to
blame Obama’s lack of foreign policy and political decisions for minimizing our
nation on the world stage to the point of being “neither respected nor feared.”
Sheriff Joe Arpaio Reveals A Surprising Reason Why He
Thinks Border Guards Aren’t Doing Their Job
Arpaio revisited the issue Monday evening during an
interview on the Fox News Channel.
As the Obama administration’s lax attitude
toward America’s immigration laws has led to a marked increase in illegal
border crossings, critics – especially throughout the southwest – have
expressed their outrage. Few have been as outspoken as the man often billed as
America’s toughest sheriff, Maricopa County, Ariz., lawman Joe Arpaio.
He recently weighed in on the influx of
unaccompanied minors and other illegals being transported to his state under
the direction of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Not only did Arpaio chastise government officials whose policies
encourage repeat offenders, he called to task those illegals with the audacity
to complain about their treatment upon arriving in the U.S. as criminals.
Arpaio revisited the issue Monday evening
during an interview on the Fox News Channel. He explained
that, with the sharp rise in children crossing the border, agents assigned to
protecting America are suffering from misplaced priorities.
“The Border Patrol is too busy changing
diapers and not going after dope peddlers and illegal immigrants,” he said.
Customs and Border Protection Commissioner
Gil Kerikowske seemed to bolster Arpaio’s position with a recent statement
regarding the border situation.
“I have been watching them do absolutely
heroic efforts,” he said of border agents. “Not only rescuing children but
taking care of them, way beyond some of the skill sets. They are doing
everything from making formula to bringing in their own children’s clothing to
taking care of these kids in a multitude of ways.”
With nearly 50,000 minors having illegally
crossed the border without adult supervision in just the past eight months,
authorities are scrambling to find temporary housing for them. In Arpaio’s
estimation, this result was all part of Barack Obama’s ultimate goal of
achieving amnesty.
“I think the president knew this was going
to happen,” he said, “so it’s going to help him on his executive orders if
Congress doesn’t take this mission up.”
Judging from reports of overcrowding and
generally inhospitable environments within these housing facilities, however,
Arpaio concluded the scheme could likely backfire.
He said that, if they were inclined to do
so, U.S. authorities could put a stop to the relentless assault on our
immigration laws.
“This is a great country,” he said.
“You’re trying to tell me we can’t keep people from coming into our country if
we really had the desire to do it? I don’t buy it.”
Tom Horne, Arizona’s attorney general, has
also gotten involved in the controversy by sending the Border Patrol official
notice that they are violating federal law.
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