No 690 “En mi
opinión” Junio 17, 2014
“IN GOD WE TRUST” Lázaro R González Miño Editor
<o> AMENPER: El Paso de Conga de los Desastres de
Me tengo que tomar el trabajo de traducir el escrito de Bret
Stephens hoy en el Journal.
Sólo traducir, no hay nada que añadir, Bret le da al clavo en la
cabeza, es una radiografía de los desastres de Obama en política exterior
El Paso de los Desastres de Obama
Bergdahl una semana, después Ucranía.. Ahora Iraq.
¿Que pudiera ser lo próximo?
¿No fue sólo hace 10 meses que el presidente
Obama capituló en Siria? Y hace ocho meses que nos enteramos de que él no tenía
idea de los EE.UU.había espiado a Angela Merkel? (se enteró por los
periódicos) Y hace siete meses que su administración completó su desastroso
acuerdo nuclear interino con Teherán? Y hace cuatro meses que Chuck Hagel
anunció que el ejército de Estados Unidos se reduciría a los números no vistos
desde la década de 1930? Y hace tres meses que Rusia se apoderó de Crimea? Y
hace dos meses que el esfuerzo de paz entre israelíes y palestinos de John
Kerry se esfumó en el vacío? ¿Y no fue el mes pasado que el Sr. Obama anunció
un calendario para la retirada total de Afganistán-una estrategia cuyos efectos
previsibles se puede ver ahora en Iraq?
Incluso el acuerdo Bergdahl de antesdeayer se está empezando
a sentir como la historia antigua. Al igual que los gansos, los estadounidenses
se ven obligados a tragar fiascos de la política exterior a un ritmo más rápido
de lo que podemos masticar, y mucho menos de digerir. Considere que estasmos
comiendo hígado todos los días..
El jueves, los tanques rusos rodaron a través de la frontera
hacia el este de Ucrania. El sábado, los separatistas rusos derribaron un avión
de transporte de Ucrania, asesinando a 49 personas. El lunes, Moscú dejó de
suministrar gas a Kiev. Todo esto es parte de la invasión de sigilo permanente
del Kremlin y la subyugación de su vecino. Y todo esto apenas en las noticias.
John Kerry llamó a Moscú para expresar su "preocupación fuerte". Kerry está muy preocupado, eso sí, no condena.
Si el presidente de los Estados Unidos tenía alguna idea
sobre el tema, que los guardó para sí mismo. Su programa semanal de radio se
dedicó a los papás que deseen de los Estados Unidos un día de padre feliz.
También la semana pasada, el Estado Islámico de Irak y Siria
se apoderaron de Mosul. Entonces ISIS tomó Tikrit. Luego fue Tal Afar. Con
ejecuciones en masa de chiítas en cada lugar. El gobierno está tomando su
tiempo para decidir lo que, eventualmente, ayudar a que ofrecerá el gobierno en
Bagdad. Pero está explorando la posibilidad de utilizar la angustia de Irak
como una oportunidad para abrir vías de cooperación con Teherán.
Así que debido a que la administración tiene una objeción
teológica a usar la fuerza militar en Irak para evitar que sea invadido por Al
Qaeda o disolver en una guerra civil potencialmente genocida, resulta que ahora
funcionará con Teherán, un estado patrocinador del terrorismo designado por 30
años y un régimen que continúa a armar a Hezbolá en el Líbano, la Yihad
Islámica en Gaza y Bashar Assad en Siria, pero vamos a aliarnos a ellos para
ayudar a "estabilizar" a Irak. Al menos que la Casa Blanca ha
descartado la cooperación militar con Irán. Pero dale tiempo.
Aquí, entonces, es la cobardía que ahora pasa por la
inteligencia en esta administración: ¿¿¿Hacer nos
amigos con de régimen terrorista para lidiar con una organización
terrorista.???? Entregar árabes chiítas
de Irak en manos de sus correligionarios persas, quienes no pierden el tiempo
girando el sur de Irak en una satrapía modelada del Líbano actual.
Se expresan con brusquedad con el primer ministro iraquí Nouri
al-Maliki, quien, a pesar de sus deficiencias se manifiesta como un líder, sin
embargo, quiere ser aliado-y obsequioso con un régimen iraní que pasó la mayor
parte de la última década, matando a soldados estadounidenses. Alejarsa aún más
de los aliados en pánico en Riad y Jerusalén para congraciarse con los mulás.
Entregan a los mullahs cierta ventaja estratégica adicional mientras se
dirigen a la siguiente ronda de negociaciones nucleares (supuestamente
"Estamos, me temo, a la deriva en un estado de semi-animación, como
un río que avanza hacia una cascadalos." Estas son las palabras de Hugh Dalton,
canciller de Clement Attlee , que describió el estado de Gran Bretaña en el
invierno de 1947-
En aquel entonces, el Reino Unido había gastado una cuarta parte de su
tesoro nacional la lucha contra la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Todavía estaba
gastando el 19% de su PIB en su presupuesto militar. El invierno más frío en su
historia había congelado las reservas de carbón del país, causando apagones de
electricidad y había puesto dos millones de personas sin trabajo.
Los EE.UU. no se enfrenta exactamente a este tipo de crisis en la
actualidad. Obama votó más dinero en su plan de estímulo en 2009 de lo que
habíamos gastado hasta entonces en las guerras de Irak y Afganistán combinadas.
El gasto en defensa en los EE.UU. asciende a un 4% del PIB. Nuestra economía es
lenta, pero no se está desmoronando.
Sin embargo, cuando se trata de liderazgo, tenemos nuestro propio
Clement Attlee en la parte superior, con ganas de restar el peso de la
responsabilidad internacional para que pueda seguir adelante con la única cosa
que realmente lo anima, que está construyendo la “justicia social” doméstica..
En realidad, la comparación es injusta para Attlee, que podía contar con un
aliado poderoso (los Estados Unidos) para recoger Inglaterra cuando cayeron las
riendas, para rescatar a Europa, para detener a los soviéticos. Pero nosotros
tenemos que vivir bajo el método del señor Obama que es ignorar una crisis por
el mayor tiempo posible, Mientras tanto nos entretiene con un discurso, sobre imponer una
sanción, el tema del
cambio climático o la desigualdad de ingresos.
El retiro de Estados Unidos no tiene por qué acabar en tragedia, e
incluso la presidencia de Obama es un evento de supervivencia. Pero los errores
estratégicos y desastres internacionales están acumulando a un ritmo
insostenible. Esto es lo que el mundo post-americano realmente luce..
ANGEL CUERVO: El caso de Colombia… ¿DE COLOMBIA?… Desgraciadamente, a mi me parece que los pueblos
son imbeciles y después de haber pesado la situación de Colombia a mi me luce que
los pueblos siguen creyendo que el comunismo es lo solución a la pobreza y que
el abuso es culpa de las clases pudientes que los creen culpables por ser
millonarios y vivir bien. Si es posible que el sistema capitalista tenga
algunas áreas grises pero en el comunismo todas las áreas son negras.
quisiera que todos mis amigos fueran poderosos y millonarios, algo me pudiera
tocar y además al menos tengo alguien conocido para pedirle prestado si lo
necesitase. A un comunista no pudiera pedirle prestado pues todos están
arrancados viviendo en la miseria.........entonces que????
son efectivamente, no imbéciles sino morones. Ahorita veremos los
resultados, Castro ha logrado lo que quería y de paso que Venezuela se olvide
de su libertad a menos que el pueblo se inmole en masa tirándose por los
balcones de sus magníficos condominios unos y otros envenenándose con
mata ratas en áreas de la libertad. AC.
“En mi opinión” Con todo el
respeto yo no creo que es el problema de
Colombia… Es el problema de Colombia, de
Cuba, Venezuela, Perú, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Bolivia, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Brasil,
Mejico y por su puesto Estados Unidos de América que por primera vez y
oficialmente han elegido un presidente comunista y no solo eso sino que lo han
reelegido. Amigo mío “Esto de jodio” Lázaro R González Mino
Tengo que
estar de acuerdo con este editorial de hoy del Wall Street Journal. Soy conservador hasta la médula,
creo que soy conservador de nacimiento, fui conservador en mi patria antes y
después de Fidel. El
populismo socialista reinaba en Cuba a todos los estratos sociales. Por eso a
Fidel lo financiaron los millonarios y las conspiraciones eran comunes en los
clubes sociales de los ricos.
Pero siempre
he sido pragmático además de ser conservador. Si entre nosotros los conservadores
tenemos diferencias, esta no es la hora para al discutir nuestras diferencias,
Tenemos que luchar unidos contra el que realmente es nuestro enemigo, no tratar
como un enemigo al que puede ser sino un aliado en potencia aunque discutimos
nuestras diferencian entre nosotros. Los
trapos sucios se deben lavar en casa, no enseñárselos al verdadero enemigo.
Presentar una
demanda a Obama por abuso de poder es algo que se “cae de la mata”, esto es lo
que dice el artículo. Y
añade que necesitamos a los que están en posiciones de poder, con los que hemos
tenido diferencias, pero que al final son de los nuestros. Recuerdo que Roosevelt refiriéndose a
Somoza dijo, “es un Hijo de Puta, pero es nuestro hijo de Puta”. Creo que eso fue lo más inteligente
que dijo Roosevelt en su vida. No
podemos dejar que discusiones vanas interfiera con el objetivo común, que es
librar al país de la peor plaga que ha sufrido desde la epidemia de viruela en
The Standing to Sue Obama
Members should
let Boehner take the lead against executive excess.
June 15, 2014 5:48 p.m. ET
President Obama is setting a dangerous
precedent by suspending his enforcement of laws on health care, immigration,
drugs, banking and so much else, but the courts may soon be asked to throw a
brushback pitch. That is, unless a rump group of backbenchers undermines the
legal challenge.
Mr. Obama's practice of unilaterally
waiving his duty to faithfully execute statutes has been abetted by a presumed
lack of legal "standing" to contest his suspension. To the extent
individuals have not suffered concrete injuries that the courts traditionally
redress, he feels he can act without consequence to create whole-cloth
regulatory regimes. This makes the inherent Article I powers of Congress
irrelevant, with perhaps permanent damage to the separation of powers and
political accountability. If Mr. Obama gets away with it, the next President
probably will too.
But Congress may yet have a way to
challenge this usurpation in court. The Washington constitutional litigator
David Rivkin and Florida International University law professor Elizabeth Price
Foley have developed a legal theory that would allow for judicial review to
resolve this dispute between the political branches on the merits. Members of
Congress as individuals cannot sue as individuals over passing political
disputes. But when the President is usurping core legislative powers, Congress
as an institution can sue to vindicate this constitutional injury.
Short of impeachment, there is no other
way for Congress to defend its rights, and the Rivkin-Foley case is narrow and
limited—and should survive judicial scrutiny. The idea has secured the interest
of the GOP leadership, which may soon authorize a House-led lawsuit.
The problem is that a handful of junior
Members may move to pre-empt the House challenge with their own claim in a way
that could undermine House leaders. As a legal matter, the formal imprimatur of
Congress is important and serves as a limiting principle. Institutional
challenges will be rare for only the gravest suspensions of law and keep sealed
the Pandora's box that would be the endless deluge of ad hoc political lawsuits
against the White House.
Backbench fervor may also get the better
of legal precision. The Rivkin-Foley theory would itself set a precedent and
depends on careful arguments. Mr. Rivkin was the legal innovator behind the
challenge to ObamaCare's individual mandate and his ideas persuaded a majority
of the Supreme Court, even if Chief Justice John
Roberts ultimately got cold feet and called it a tax.
But that case was harmed in the lower
courts—and in the court of public opinion—by sloppy reasoning from politically
ambitious litigators. Rump litigation could interfere by casting doubt on this
case too.
The courts have long turned back flailing
suits from individual legislators, from attempts in the 1970s to police the
conduct of the Vietnam war to more recent efforts by Dennis Kucinich and others
over Iraq. But personal pique as much as conviction seems to be a motivation in
this dispute. Some Members just don't like Speaker John
Boehner and prefer to sabotage him at every turn, even in this
case when he would be doing a public service by hazarding his own reputation
and office.
More judges are pushing back against Mr.
Obama's abuses when individuals with standing have sued, and the courts may be
open to a larger challenge that resolves the dispute in a constitutionally
peaceful way. But defending Congress's prerogatives
Watch Senator EXPLODE On Obama: “Stubborn-Headed,
Delusional, Detached”
Senator Lindsey Graham spoke his mind on CNN...
Lindsey Graham (R-SC) was on CNN’s State of the Union discussing the turmoil in Iraq, calling
Obama a “stubborn-headed, delusional, detached president.” Graham accuses Obama
of thinking he knows better than everybody else, and that the withdrawal of
U.S. troops has exposed America to the inevitable. “This is another 9/11
in the making” said Graham. “The FBI director has warned us in Congress that
Syria and Iraq present a direct threat to our homeland.” The Senator
advised that Obama “get into the game” with air power to stop the march toward
Baghdad, and to get a new government in place to bring the Iraqis back together
for a counter offense.
AMENPER: ¿Qué pasa en el medio oriente?
Osama Bin
Ladin era Sunni, Sadam Hussein era Suni, el gobierno de Iran es Shias.
Nos dicen
que Bush es el culpable de la desestabilización de Iraq porque no debía de
haber derrocado el gobierno de Sadam Hussein. Pero ahora los Sunnis
de Sadam Hussein están recuperando a Iraq por el vacío dejado por los Estados
Unidos al retirar las tropas. ¿que se le ocurre a Kerry?
Kerry nos dice que quizás llegue a un acuerdo con Irán….con Irán,
para que nos ayude contra los Sunís. Ahora Irán nuestro peor enemigo
en el medio oriente será nuestro aliado.
tanto Israel, la única democracia en el medio oriente, es realmente la nación
más criticada por esta administración.
Si Irán
nos “ayuda” y ocupa a Iraq, ¿Qué podemos esperar? ¿Un fiel aliado?
política de ayuda en ciertos momentos a Saddam Hussein se basaba en mantener un
balance entre los shias y los sunís, evitar que Irán ocupara a Iraq y se
convirtiera en una superpotencia en el medio oriente.
Cuando la
política exterior de los Estados Unidos abandonó a Iraq, se sabía lo que iba a
Los que
dicen que los Estados Unidos no tienen nada que hacer en el medio oriente, son
los mismos que no quieren que se perfore petróleo en los Estados Unidos, y que
no quieren que se construya en oleoducto de Keystone, lo cual nos deja a la
merced de los países del medio oriente y Rusia para el necesario combustible.
balance en el medio oriente nunca será posible, la prueba de que no son los
Estados Unidos los culpables de las guerras en las región no pueden ser más
evidente que en estos momentos.
La única
solución razonable hubiera sido que los Estados Unidos hubieran adquirido su
independencia energética para no depender de nuestros enemigos.
Pero esta
solución era muy fácil para que la izquierda lo aceptara. ¿Por qué? ¿Por
ignorancia? ¿O por diseño? Quizás es por diseño, el diseño de
destruir la civilización occidental como la conocemos.
Israel desaparecerá
del mapa del medio oriente, Rusia ocupará los territorios de la difunta Unión
Soviética, los países del norte de África están ya en manos musulmanas
incluyendo nuestro antiguo aliado Egipto, entonces ¡Apaga y vámonos!
El legado
de esta administración quedará en la historia en un capítulo de infamia.
Somehow we all
missed this one -- funny how that happens!!
‘Chickens Come
Home to Roost’ – Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s Daughter Convicted on 11 Counts of
Fraud Posted by Jim Hoft on Saturday, March 8, 2014, 7:54 PM
Jeri Wright and
Rev. Jeremiah Wright In September Jeri
Wright, daughter of Reverend “God Damn America” Wright, and 12 other Democrats
were charged with embezzling $16 million in Federal health grants that
should have gone to AIDS charities and other programs for the poor and needy.
More than one of the defendants had direct ties to President Barack
Obama. On
Friday Reverend Jeremiah Wright’s daughter was found
guilty of eleven
counts that included money laundering and lying to federal agents. Breitbart
reported: On Friday, a federal jury took less than two hours to convict the
daughter of President Barack Obama’s controversial former pastor, Jeremiah
Wright, of fraud.
Jeri Wright was
found guilty of a fraud scheme that siphoned thousands of taxpayer dollars
intended for a not-for-profit work and education program known as We Are Our
Brother’s Keeper. Prosecutor Timothy Bass
said Jeri Wright lied “over and over” and went on a “spending spree” that
included traveling to Las Vegas, buying vehicles, and remodeling her basement
with cash from the money laundering scheme. She was found guilty on all counts. “If
you take and misuse government money, and then lie about it, you will be held
accountable in a court of law,” said U.S. Attorney for the Central District of
Illinois, Jim Lewis.
“God Damn America”
AMENPER: This excerpt of
the book ‘The wealth of Nations” like the whole book, is more about the concept
of market economy than roads and bridges The mention of bridges and roads is
more like a metaphor, an allegory, to express the message that commerce and
free enterprise is the motor that generates the wealth of a nation and the
wellbeing of its citizens. That no wealthy nation can exist without market
economy. Even communist countries like China and Vietnam have
learned to accept it.
We had bad politicians in our country, but we
were blessed with exceptional entrepreneurs. When we speak about the
Cuba before Castro and its advances, we have to stop and think…Why? Was it
because of our political system?
After thinking it over, we realize that it was
not because of our political system before Fidel, but because of the ingenuity
of our entrepreneurs in spite of our politicians.
Adam Smith
on roads and bridges to nowhere.June 15,
2014 5:26 p.m. ET
From Adam Smith, "The Wealth of
Nations" (1776), on roads and bridges to nowhere:
When high roads, bridges, canals, &c. are in this manner made and
supported by the commerce which is carried on by means of them, they can be
made only where that commerce requires them, and consequently where it is
proper to make them. Their expences too, their grandeur and magnificence, must
be suited to what that commerce can afford to pay. They must be made
consequently as it is proper to make them.
A magnificent high road cannot be made through a desert country where
there is little or no commerce, or merely because it happens to lead to the
country villa of the intendant of the province, or to that of some great lord
to whom the intendant finds it convenient to make his court.
A great bridge cannot be thrown over a river at a place where nobody
passes, or merely to embellish the view from the windows of a neighbouring
palace: things which sometimes happen in countries where works of this kind are
carried on by any other revenue than that which they themselves are capable of
Nunca me ha gustado ver cuando una corporación americana emigra al
extranjero. Pero tampoco
puedo estar de acuerdo con los ataques virulentos que hacen a estos empresarios
que buscan pastos más verdes. La honesta ambición es parte del sistema de libre
mercado, es la fuerza que genera la economía y la riqueza de la nación,
siempre y cuando la ambición sea dentro de los cánones de la ley.
El éxodo de compañías no se debe como simplistamente se dice solamente a
que los empresarios quieran explotar a la mano de obra de esos
países. Realmente cuando uno piensa en las dificultades para operar en el
extranjero, la baja calidad de la mano de obra, y el transporte del producto de
nuevo a Estados Unidos, no creo que nadie que pueda tener la oportunidad de
operar su negocio desde este país, pueda pensar en mudar sus operaciones al
extranjero. El
problema gravita sobre los crecientes impuestos corporativos en los Estados
Unidos. Los impuestos en
las corporaciones son los que pasan desapercibidos y los políticos no sufren
cuando los imponen porque al público no le preocupan. Debieran preocuparles, los impuestos
corporativos se revierten en subida de precios al consumidor y la emigración de
trabajos al extranjero. Esto
es lo que nos explica el editorial de hoy en el Wall Street Journal. Fuera de los países declarados
comunistas pero que han adoptado el neocapitalismo socialista de estado, el
único país que tiene mayores impuestos corporativos que los Estados Unidos, son
los Emiratos Árabes.
Si leen detenidamente este artículo, quizás en el futuro se preocupen
cuando le suban de nuevo los impuestos a las corporaciones. No hay impuesto que caiga en el suelo,
todos nos golpean de una manera o de otra. El problema es que estos liberales
tienen un romance con los impuestos, no hay impuestos que no les guste, y todos
tenemos que pagar por ellos.
Obama's Corporate Exodus
Shhhh. Please don't mention tax rates when moving to Ireland.
What kind of country does this to itself? With Medtronic's MDT -1.10% planned acquisition of Covidien COV +20.45% and the announcement that the combined company will
be domiciled in Ireland, U.S. tax policy has encouraged one more business to
spend its money overseas. Medtronic, famous for its high-tech cardiac and
spinal devices, will pay $42.9 billion for Dublin-based Covidien, which makes
surgical tools and other medical supplies.
Medtronic is making a business case for the deal,
promising to find at least $850 million in annual cost savings by 2018. Some
analysts see a combined company that will have more leverage to defend prices
when negotiating with consolidating hospital and physician groups. Medtronic
adds that its technology, when combined with Covidien's overseas manufacturing,
research and development assets, will give the combined firm an edge in
emerging markets. Such markets also don't have the 3.8% ObamaCare tax on medical devices.
Perhaps learning from companies that have highlighted
the tax benefits of moving offshore only to be ridiculed by the same politicians
who created the incentives to move, Medtronic isn't talking much about taxes as
it sells the deal to shareholders. What Medtronic is talking
about are the promises it is making to U.S. politicians. The company pledges to
continue investing in the U.S.—$10 billion over the next decade. And while its
"principal executive offices" will be in Ireland, Medtronic says it
will keep its "operational headquarters" in Minneapolis.
Over the last year or so Sen. Carl Levin's
investigations subcommittee has been busy conducting show trials against
companies that legally seek to minimize tax bills. So we understand if
corporate officials have drawn the lesson that it's best not to discuss such
topics in polite political company.
But shareholders of all companies—including employees
who care about where economic growth will occur in the future—should know that
America's federal corporate tax rate is 35%, which when combined with state and
local levies rises to an average of nearly 40%. Ireland, where politicians
evidently care about economic growth and as far as we know don't seek to stifle
free speech on the topic, has a corporate tax rate of 12.5%.
Almost alone among civilized nations, Washington also
demands to be paid on a company's world-wide earnings, rather than on money
earned in the U.S. This tax is due whenever a company's overseas earnings are
returned to America. Medtronic has about $14 billion overseas and rather than
bringing it home and triggering the tax, the company will use the money to fund
most of the cash portion of its $42.9 billion purchase.
After Monday's market close, Medtronic spokesman Rob
Clark told us via email that "a benefit of the inversion structure is that
it provides us access to the cash of Covidien" and its foreign-generated
"free cash flow into the future. Being domiciled as an Irish company puts
us into a territorial tax system that provides us the most efficient access to
our cash meaning that we achieve tremendous balance sheet flexibility to deploy
that cash as necessary. In this case, we made it very clear that one use of
this cash is to invest in U.S. based technology and innovation in the form of
venture investment, acquisitions, R&D."
It seems that to have the cash to invest in U.S.
businesses—as opposed to being forced to invest in the U.S. government—the
company needs to move out of the U.S.
Ireland isn't the only place with a more competitive
tax policy. The near-40% U.S. average rate is almost double the 21% average in
the European
Union, or the 22% in
Asia, according to KPMG. As we noted recently, about the only place outside of
captive Marxist countries with a higher corporate tax rate than the U.S. is the
United Arab Emirates. But its top rate of 55% is generally applied only to
foreign oil companies.
A big reason why the U.S. economy isn't growing as
fast as it used to is that politicians not only don't want economic growth at
the top of the agenda. They
don't even want anyone to talk about it.
As Young Lawyer, Hillary Clinton Defended Child Rapist
She Knew Was Guilty
Back when Sen. Ted Cruz was a
practicing lawyer, the state of Texas appointed him the defendant for a man by
the name of Thomas Alfred Taylor, age 41. Cruz agreed to do it.Taylor had been
accused of luring a 12-year-old girl into his car and raping her. Being accused
of something does not mean you are guilty, of course. But according to newly
discovered audio recordings, Cruz had no doubt in his mind that his client was
guilty as sin.Taylor raped that 12-year-old, and Cruz admits he knew it fully
when he defended him in court. So his strategy to win the case was to attack
the character of the raped child. What you’ve just read is a true story, but I
have deliberately changed one of the names in it: Ted Cruz. This really did
happen to a lawyer-turned-politician, but it wasn’t the Texas senator.It was
Hillary Clinton.
You Won't Believe the
Latest Obama Administration Lie
The IRS is under intense scrutiny for apparently
bringing its power to bear on innocent conservative citizens, who were targeted
for extra IRS scrutiny simply for their political beliefs. For almost a year
and a half the Obama administration has been saying, “There is nothing to see
here, folks. This is a ‘phony’ scandal.”
Well, this phony scandal is starting to look more like
a conspiracy by the government to commit fraud on the American people. (If this
was a criminal case – Benghazi, the IRS, and the VA scandals would all come
together to show a PATTERN of illegal and malicious behavior by the Obama
The IRS is now telling Congress, and the special
committee investigating the IRS scandal, that they have “lost” years of Lois Lerner’s emails. The emails in
question are from the two year period Congress is most interested in
understanding what was happening at the IRS.
I know what you’re thinking. “They should’ve called my
kids to get a good excuse… or at least a believable one.”
Congress has been asking for these emails for over a
year – and now they’re lost? Weird.
Representative Dave Camp (R-MI) who is heading up the
IRS investigation had this to say about the news, ”The fact that I am just learning
about this, over a year into the investigation, is completely unacceptable and
now calls into question the credibility of the IRS’s response to congressional
inquiries.” Indeed.
CNN’s John King has the perfect response to the idea
that Lois Lerner’s emails could have just “disappeared.”
It is absurd. In the days of our modern technology the
idea that a government official as important as Lois Lerner could “lose” two
years of emails that just happen to be part of the most important Congressional
investigation in years (though the investigations into Benghazi and the VA
Scandal may soon rival it) is patently ridiculous. The government has the most
advanced data gathering technology the world has ever seen – in fact, shouldn’t
the NSA have all of this data on their servers somewhere? (I’m kidding, but
they do…)
Former CBS investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson has the
questions that
Congress should be asking now.
According to the House Ways and Means Committee, the
IRS reports having “lost” former IRS manager Lois Lerner’s emails to and from
other IRS employees sent between January of 2009 and April of 2011 due to a
‘computer crash.’
In light of the disclosure, these are some of the
logical requests that should be made of the IRS:
provide a timeline of the crash and documentation covering when it
was first discovered and by whom; when, how and by whom it was
learned that materials were lost; the official documentation reporting the
crash and federal data loss; documentation reflecting all attempts to
recover the materials; and the remediation records documenting the
fix. This material should include the names of all officials and
technicians involved, as well as all internal communications about the matter.
§ Please provide all documents and emails that refer to
the crash from the time that it happened through the IRS’ disclosure to
Congress Friday that it had occurred.
§ Please provide documentation showing the steps taken
to recover the material, and the names of all technicians who attempted the
§ Please explain why redundancies required for federal
systems were either not used or were not effective in restoring the lost
materials, and provide documentation showing how this shortfall has been
§ Please provide any documents reflecting an
investigation into how the crash resulted in the irretrievable loss of federal
data and what factors were found to be responsible for the existence of this
I would
also ask for those who discovered and reported the crash to testify under oath,
as well as any officials who reported the materials as having been irretrievably
(Attkisson has several other important questions (and
comments) that are well worth your time
to read.)
The Obama Administration has turned our nation into a
banana republic – where the government simply reacts to every new problem with
whatever solution they find at hand. We no longer have the right to a just and
honest representation, and the people that we have elected now act as our
betters. The bureaucracy cushions our politicians from the blows of scandal and
our watchdog media has instead become a lapdog media.
If justice is not served in these scandals – then “the
social contract” that politicians and government supporters love to crow about
has been broken. We’ve kept up our end; it’s our government who has broken the
contract. Which means we are duty bound to tear down that government and to
build a new one.
We want justice in the IRS Scandal. And we want it
To: Lazaro R Gonzalez
Dear Lazaro R, Did you see my email below? You see, I just filed my class-action lawsuit against the NSA. But that's not the only way to fight unconstitutional spying! I've also introduced the Fourth Amendment Protection Act in Congress to fight this battle on multiple fronts. Unfortunately, not enough Americans have signed the petition supporting this legislation. That's why, if you haven't already, please sign the petition right away! And if you've already signed, please forward it to as many people as you know. Without your help, and the help of people like you, we don't stand a chance. Thank you for all you've done, and continue to do for our Fourth Amendment rights.In Liberty, Senator Rand Paul |
Piden renuncia de Funcionarios del Hospital de Veterano de Miami
June 17th,
• Los acusan de no realizar sus funciones y hasta muerte de un veterano
por falta de atención
17 DE JUNIO DE 2014,—Después del escándalo dentro del Sistema de Salud
para Veterano del país y la renuncia del secretario de Asuntos de Veteranos,
Eric Shinseki, inmerso en el escándalo por las largas listas de espera en los
hospitales de excombatientes y donde se ha vinculado con la muerte de 40
veteranos que no recibieron tratamiento médico a tiempo, ahora el jefe de
gabinete del Director del Hospital de veteranos de Miami, declaró en las
últimas horas que no tiene la mas mínima intención de renunciar a su puesto.
En los
últimos días se han hecho infinidades de llamamientos por la renuncia de
Vincent DeGennaro, después que se revelara que en el 2009 el acordó que nunca
practicaría medicina en el estado de Nueva York y haber sido sancionado en el
estado de la Florida por presuntamente no proporcionar el cuidado adecuado a
uno de sus pacientes que tuvo una muerte horrible y dolorosa.
El Dr.
DeGennaro tiene un salario de $320,000 al año y sus funciones es supervisar la
atención de los pacientes en el Hospital de Veteranos de Miami-Dade, Broward y
Monroe, y sus críticos se quejan que su supervisión es solamente simbólica
dentro del Sistema de Salud para Veteranos de Miami Dade, de acuerdo con
algunas fuentes.
el Senador Marco Rubio pidió la renuncia de DeGennaro señalando que “Creo que
todas las novedades que rodea los escándalos sobre el sistema médico para
Veteranos, donde sus funcionarios como el de Miami, deben considerar
renunciar”, dijo.
Por su
parte muchos representantes en Washington se han preguntado ¿Por qué es que
alguien como DeGennaro se encuentran en una posición de autoridad en el
Hospital de Veteranos de Miami?.
ha respondido a esos ataques, imperturbable y más bien con una actitud
desafiante, de acuerdo con fuentes dentro del Hospital de Veteranos en Miami.
han dicho que DeGennaro y el Director del Hospital de Veterano de Miami, Paul
Russo se reunieron recientemente con el representante demócrata Joe García y
con los representantes Mario Díaz Balart e Ileana Ros-Lehtinen.
ha tratado de entrevistar a DeGennaro o Russo pero han reusado el encuentro con
Gov’t Seizes
Control of All Your Financial Accounts
Written by Damon Geller
Everyone knows that the United States has
bankrupt. As the U.S. government and the Fed poured trillions of dollars
of YOUR money into the banks and markets after the 2008 economic collapse, this
unprecedented level of money-printing is catapulting the U.S. debt to $28
trillion by 2018. But now, the U.S. government and the Fed are completely
out of ammo. They desperately need money to maintain their own power, and
taxes are no longer enough. So in order to keep the Ponzi scheme going,
the U.S. government has made several highly controversial moves to be in position
to seize control of all your financial accounts. And it’s becoming
clearer by the day, if you want to protect your savings and wealth from
government confiscation, you only have ONE choice.
The Bankrupt State
What happens when America goes bankrupt? The $17
Trillion question? Let’s be clear, America is already bankrupt.
“Bankrupt” is defined as “any insolvent debtor” – a debtor whose liabilities
exceeds its assets. The U.S. government, by its own admission, is a
bankrupt entity. Not bankrupt “soon,” bankrupt NOW. To the tune of
just OVER $17 trillion. In an attempt to fabricate the illusion of
“growth,” the Fed and their bank-owned politicians poured trillions of dollars
of YOUR money into big banks and the markets in order to prop up stocks, bonds
and real estate after the 2008 economic collapse. The idea was to “fix”
the economy by pouring 1,000 gallons of high-octane debt-gas on an already
ragging debt-fueled bond fire.
Of course, REAL growth never materialized.
Instead, all that these criminals managed to accomplish with their
money-printing was to blow up new bubbles, widen the income divide, and
dramatically increase the wealth of a select few at the expense of the rest of
us. The tragic result: the USA’s liabilities now exceed its assets
by an amount so astronomical it’s almost incomprehensible. And by its own
admission, that hole will be getting deeper each year until we reach $28
trillion in debt by 2018. Or until the Ponzi scheme blows up.
The questions now are, what happens now that America
is already bankrupt? How do broke governments survive as long as they
can? What are they capable of doing when they know their fate is at
hand? How do the Ponzi masters keep the Ponzi scheme going?
The answer to all these questions may shock you:
The U.S. government has made several highly controversial moves to be in
position to seize control of all your financial accounts! They’re using
legislation and authoritarian power in collusion with the modern financial
system to gain access to your private assets in the name of “protection”,
“security” or “national emergency.” But in reality, your savings & wealth
have become a prime
target for confiscation.
How can they do this? Well, the “beauty” of the
modern financial system – to a banker or an insolvent government – is the ease
at which they can access your wealth with the stroke of a computer or a new law
or tax. When you combine the digital banking & financial system with
the overreaching legislative power of an insolvent government, we citizens
don’t stand a chance. Unlike English soldiers breaking into the homes of
colonists, today’s government can be far more subversive. Just take a
look at these government regulations & initiatives that are right now in
the process of taking effect:
FATCA: As everyone
has heard by now, the July 1st FATCA
provision requires foreign financial institutions such as banks, stock brokers,
hedge funds, pension funds, insurance companies, and trusts to report
all U.S. citizens’ accounts directly to the IRS.
The government can’t put its paws on your money if it doesn’t know where
it is. The more information a government has on the movement, location
& size of global citizen wealth, the more efficiently and effectively it
can create legislation & systems to control that wealth. FATCA even
requires reporting to the IRS by foreign private companies on any income made
by a citizen of the U.S. whether they live here or not. And FATCA, once
implemented, will negatively impact the U.S. dollar, the global economy, and
our international relationships.
MyRA: In the State
Of The Union Address – and coincidentally just as soon as the Fed started
tapering their endless QE treasury-buying experiments – Obama announced the
creation of the MyRA – your
retirement money will now be used to pay for U.S. debt.
The MyRA is nothing more than an investment scam being sold to the American
people as a you-can’t-lose, zero-risk investment by the pitchman-in-chief
himself. The reality is, since the Fed can’t conjure up money from thin
air to buy the debt anymore, and our foreign friends don’t want our debt
anymore, Obama needs to sell it to John Q. Public. Since the federal
government has done so well at everything from delivering mail to affordable
healthcare, what could possibly go wrong with jumping into the investment
advisory business? Where do I sign up?
Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, which oversees how investments are
sold, proposed what it calls CARDS – Comprehensive Automated Risk Data System –
which is an electronic system that will regularly
collect data on balances and transactions in all 4100 brokerage accounts
nationwide. CARDS is disguised as a way to “protect” investors,
but the system is clearly designed to have detailed information on the
structure & location of every citizens’ investments. Since the
government needs us to support its debt (because outside interests no longer
do), wouldn’t it be convenient to know and control the structure or every
investment portfolio in America?
So for the first time ever, The U.S. government is
directing you where to invest your savings & retirement and has gained full
access to the activity in every single citizen’s bank accounts, retirement
accounts, brokerage accounts and trading accounts. The IRS will also have
full visibility on any oversees accounts, income, equity or other earnings,
effectively giving them access to all the wealth of every American citizen no
matter where they reside on earth. So now that we know what they’re doing
and why they’re doing it, the question for you is: what are you doing to safeguard
your savings & wealth?
There’s Only One Place to Hide
With our desperate government gaining unprecedented
access to your financial accounts everywhere in the world, you need to take action NOW to protect your savings &
retirement from possible capital controls. But if the government has its
hands in your bank accounts, retirement accounts and brokerage accounts, is any
place safe?
Absolutely. There’s ONE asset
class this sits outside the financial system and is completely secure from
government confiscation and global economic collapse: Gold & Silver.
Gold & Silver have been the best wealth protectors for over 5,000 years and
have survived every government & currency collapse in history. Today,
physical gold & silver are selling in record numbers around the
world. Central banks around the world and nations like China are
stockpiling gold as a hedge to any possible collapse of all the dollars they
The government has spent way beyond its limits.
And now you know that the government is seizing control of your financial
accounts. So the time is now. Protect your savings & retirement
with physical gold & silver before you have nothing left to protect. (Call
800-226-8106 to receive your free copy of Damon Geller's popular book,
"Rescue Your Money from the National Debt Disaster," or see below)
‘The People vs. Barack Obama’
On Sunday, Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) called for a
special prosecutor to investigate the mysterious missing emails from former IRS
charitable organizations head Lois Lerner between January 2009 and April 2011.
The IRS announced that the emails had gone missing on Friday, prompting House
Ways and Means Committee chairman Dave Camp to fume, “There needs to be an immediate
investigation and forensic audit by Department of Justice as well as the
Inspector General.” Cruz went further, tweeting out a call by Ron Fournier of
National Journal for a special prosecutor.
The IRS’ activity is surely criminal, under 26 US Code
Section 7212 and 5 US Code Section 7323. As I write in my book, The People vs.
Barack Obama: The Criminal Case Against The Obama Administration,
“the IRS and the Obama administration violated both the Hatch Act and the
‘omnibus’ provision of the Internal Revenue Code.”
But here’s the reality: the DOJ will not investigate,
and the Obama administration will never sanction a special prosecutor. In
March, Eric Holder denied Cruz’s request for a special prosecutor on the IRS
issue. Which means that, as usual, the executive branch is entirely
unanswerable for its crimes.
The Obama administration knows that. Which is why the
administration has no problem whatsoever abusing its power to grant access to
the United States to Mexican gang members. As the Washington Times reported
today, “Border Patrol officials are swamped by the number of minors crossing
illegally into the United States and frustrated that they can’t turn away known
Mexican gang members.”
Read More:
Obama Released Worst Terrorist Yet
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