No 689 “En mi
opinión” Junio 16, 2014
“IN GOD WE TRUST” Lázaro R González Miño Editor
<o> Obama Could Be Facing 10 Years To
Life In Prison…
"No exception for the
President's behavior..."
Shepard Smith asked Judge Andrew Napolitano whether or not the Taliban
prisoner exchange was legal under the NDAA H.R. 1960 Statute. The judge
explained that the swap was illegal because taxpayer dollars were spent to
remove these prisoners from Guantanamo Bay without giving Congress 30 days
notice. However, Napolitano goes a step further by pointing out that
Obama has provided material assistance (human assets) to the Taliban,
which has been identified by Congress to be a non-state terrorist
organization. This is a crime punishable by imprisonment of 10 years to
life, which covers all Americans–including the President.
US Evacuates $750 Million Baghdad Embassy
15 Jun 2014 08:51 PM
The United States is beefing up security at its large, palatial embassy
in Baghdad and will move workers from behind its massive blast walls and out of
the Iraqi capital, the U.S. State Department said Sunday.
Expanded military support for security at the embassy will include fewer than 100 soldiers, a U.S. official told Reuters on Sunday. The enhanced security personnel will include Marines and other soldiers, a U.S. military official said on condition of anonymity.
A substantial number of the more than 5,500 embassy workers will be included in the evacuation, The New York Times reported.
Urgent: Who Is Your Choice for the GOP's 2016 Nominee?
The State Department said U.S. citizens in Iraq were advised to exercise caution and limit travel in five provinces including restive Anbar in the west and Kirkuk in the north.
The moves came as Iraqi government forces battled to hold off insurgents with the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, or ISIS, the Sunni militant group that has seized control of parts of northern Iraq and eastern Syria.
The State Department said the Baghdad embassy was reviewing staffing requirements but that a "substantial majority" of the embassy presence in Iraq would remain in place.
"Some additional U.S. government security personnel will be added to the staff in Baghdad; other staff will be temporarily relocated – both to our Consulate Generals in Basra and Arbil and to the Iraq Support Unit in Amman," the State Department said.
State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said that much of the U.S. embassy staff will stay in place even as parts of the country experience instability and violence, The Associated Press reported. She did not specify the number of personnel affected by the shift.
The embassy is within Baghdad's Green Zone and has up to 5,500 personnel, making it the largest U.S. diplomatic post in the world.
"Overall, a substantial majority of the U.S. Embassy presence in Iraq will remain in place and the embassy will be fully equipped to carry out its national security mission," Psaki said.
The $750 million embassy is the largest in the world, and boasts amenities for staff that include a six-lane swimming pool, regulation-size basketball court and what Business Insider described recently as a "palatial dining room."
It is completely self-contained with its own power supply, well water and sewage treatment. It is only 3/10ths of an acres smaller than Vatican City and is surrounded by blast walls to protect those inside from attack.
The Australian reported that Australia also has evacuated some staff from its Baghdad embassy.
The ISIS takeover of major cities in Iraq last week caught the United States by surprise. Republicans have blamed President Barack Obama for his failure to secure a status-of-forces agreement with Iraqi President Nouri al-Maliki as American troops were pulled out of the country after more than a decade on the ground.
Iraqi forces reportedly took off their uniforms, threw down their weapons and ran as ISIS forces advanced, leaving American-supplied weapons and vehicles in the hands of the terrorist group.
Militants posted graphic photos online boasting of executing 1,700 Iraqi soldiers, though the number could not be independently verified.
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Expanded military support for security at the embassy will include fewer than 100 soldiers, a U.S. official told Reuters on Sunday. The enhanced security personnel will include Marines and other soldiers, a U.S. military official said on condition of anonymity.
A substantial number of the more than 5,500 embassy workers will be included in the evacuation, The New York Times reported.
Urgent: Who Is Your Choice for the GOP's 2016 Nominee?
The State Department said U.S. citizens in Iraq were advised to exercise caution and limit travel in five provinces including restive Anbar in the west and Kirkuk in the north.
The moves came as Iraqi government forces battled to hold off insurgents with the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, or ISIS, the Sunni militant group that has seized control of parts of northern Iraq and eastern Syria.
The State Department said the Baghdad embassy was reviewing staffing requirements but that a "substantial majority" of the embassy presence in Iraq would remain in place.
"Some additional U.S. government security personnel will be added to the staff in Baghdad; other staff will be temporarily relocated – both to our Consulate Generals in Basra and Arbil and to the Iraq Support Unit in Amman," the State Department said.
State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said that much of the U.S. embassy staff will stay in place even as parts of the country experience instability and violence, The Associated Press reported. She did not specify the number of personnel affected by the shift.
The embassy is within Baghdad's Green Zone and has up to 5,500 personnel, making it the largest U.S. diplomatic post in the world.
"Overall, a substantial majority of the U.S. Embassy presence in Iraq will remain in place and the embassy will be fully equipped to carry out its national security mission," Psaki said.
The $750 million embassy is the largest in the world, and boasts amenities for staff that include a six-lane swimming pool, regulation-size basketball court and what Business Insider described recently as a "palatial dining room."
It is completely self-contained with its own power supply, well water and sewage treatment. It is only 3/10ths of an acres smaller than Vatican City and is surrounded by blast walls to protect those inside from attack.
The Australian reported that Australia also has evacuated some staff from its Baghdad embassy.
The ISIS takeover of major cities in Iraq last week caught the United States by surprise. Republicans have blamed President Barack Obama for his failure to secure a status-of-forces agreement with Iraqi President Nouri al-Maliki as American troops were pulled out of the country after more than a decade on the ground.
Iraqi forces reportedly took off their uniforms, threw down their weapons and ran as ISIS forces advanced, leaving American-supplied weapons and vehicles in the hands of the terrorist group.
Militants posted graphic photos online boasting of executing 1,700 Iraqi soldiers, though the number could not be independently verified.
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ALBERTO Medina Mendez: El desprestigio de la
Que la
actividad política ha perdido credibilidad ya no es noticia. Si bien la mayoría
admite que es un instrumento que puede generar cambios, los mas coinciden
también que sus habituales formas, los excesos y la inmoralidad, han convertido
a la política en un quehacer de pésima reputación.
No son meras afirmaciones. Tampoco suposiciones o prejuicios. Numerosos
estudios respaldan esta descripción. Es un fenómeno universal y no solo
doméstico, aunque se presenta con matices e intensidad singulares.
Ese desprestigio alcanza no solo a los dirigentes, a los que aparecen en los
medios de comunicación o en los actos públicos, sino que también incluye a los
burócratas del gobierno en cualquiera de sus estamentos.
Desde un ministro, a un legislador, pasando por un miembro de la justicia.
Nadie se salva. Pueden tener diferentes grados de responsabilidades, pero eso
no impide que sean vistos de igual modo.
Sin embargo, no todo es lo mismo. Están los honestos pero también los que
eligieron el camino del delito. Algunos se esmeran obrando correctamente y
otros buscan negociados usando sus cargos. Adicionalmente, están los que tienen
coraje y se animan, los que conviven no solo con los indecentes, sino con los
que adoptan la vergonzosa comodidad de la inacción.
Buena parte del servicio de justicia supone que esa imagen negativa no tiene
que ver con su labor cotidiana. Creen ser las víctimas de un esquema que
los condiciona y prefieren el tímido lamento a la heroica acción.
A lo largo de estos años transitaron múltiples gestiones de gobierno, de
distinto color partidario, impronta y estilo. Resulta poco creíble que luego de
tanto tiempo, los casos de corrupción denunciados sean tan escasos y los
encarcelados puedan ser contados con los dedos de una mano.
La corrupción es parte del presente. Muchos funcionarios públicos se han
apropiado del Estado como si les perteneciera. Usan los recursos de los
ciudadanos como si fueran suyos. Que muchos lo hagan, no lo convierte en
correcto. Que se haya naturalizado no lo transforma en un hecho legítimo.
Son demasiados años de impunidad, pero también de cobardía. Nadie desconoce que
el Poder Judicial es parte de la corporación política. Si no actúa como debe no
es por casualidad, sino porque se entremezclan evidentes intereses compartidos
y un sinnúmero de indisimulables presiones, a lo que se suma la necesaria
complicidad de la falta de valentía.
Alguna gente vive desinformada o no ha podido acceder a ciertos niveles
educativos, pero igualmente se da cuenta que frente a delitos menores, muchas
veces la Justicia actúa de oficio, sin siquiera ser convocada.
Sin embargo frente a la obscena actitud de ciertos personajes, que sin disimulo
ostentan poder, despliegan recursos que no le son propios y se enriquecen de
forma indebida, la justicia prefiere apelar a la infantil fórmula de
justificarse frente a la ausencia de denuncias formales concretas.
No se puede ser parte del sistema y pretender hacerse los distraídos como si
nada tuvieran que ver con lo que ocurre. Por acción u omisión son protagonistas
y el ingenuo rol de virtuosos no les queda elegante.
Es bueno saber que en esa "jungla" se pueden encontrar también otros
individuos, que resisten con hidalguía a la inercia, que combaten con
perseverancia para no ser más de lo mismo y así diferenciarse. La lucha es
dispar porque el sistema produce anticuerpos suficientes para disuadir a los
más rebeldes, a esos que no acatan sus perversas reglas.
No todo está perdido. Una larga lista de funcionarios probos intenta, desde
adentro, dar la batalla, con pocas posibilidades de lograr un final feliz. Es
probable que no consigan cambiar totalmente la historia, lo que no significa
que no deban mostrar el sendero, para así orientar a la próxima generación, esa
que tendrá la difícil labor de completar la gesta.
Si la justicia continúa en este derrotero, no logrará escaparse de las
críticas. Por mucho que se ofendan los miembros del Poder Judicial y pese a sus
explicaciones sobre las dificultades estructurales, el descrédito los roza.
Para sacarse de encima ese estigma, deberán animarse a hacer lo necesario. En
vez de quejarse de lo que ocurre, tal vez sea tiempo de revisar si están
haciendo lo suficiente para que algo del presente cambie.
Mientras unos pocos intentan dar el ejemplo, otros han preferido plegarse a la
dinámica impuesta, a esa cruel tradición del pasado, que no solo no cambia de
rumbo, sino que se profundiza agravando aun más la situación.
Nadie dice que sea tarea sencilla. Pero nada se transforma si antes no se asume
la realidad con honestidad absoluta. Luego será el tiempo de seleccionar una
estrategia que sea más audaz que solo entregarse a las despiadadas garras del
Hasta que la sociedad no perciba modificaciones importantes o giros
significativos, no se puede esperar que un milagro les devuelva el orgullo a
aquellos que deberían garantizar el pleno ejercicio de los derechos ciudadanos.
Mientras tanto se seguirá asistiendo a este patético espectáculo que muestra el
interminable desprestigio de la justicia.
Alberto Medina Méndez,
skype: amedinamendez
Warned Of The Dangers Of Liberalism, And He Couldn’t Have Been More Eerily
In this interview with 60 Minutes before he became President, Ronald
Reagan could only have been more prophetic about the future of government in
this country if he had literally stated, “Make sure you watch this during
mid-2014, because it will blow your mind, given what the state of the
country will be.”
In the course of the
interview, he said:
And what is Fascism? Fascism
is private ownership, private enterprise, but total government control and
regulation. Well, isn’t this the liberal philosophy?
The conservative, so-called,
is the one that says ‘less government, get off my back, get out of my pocket,
and let me have more control of my own destiny.’
Reagan’s words are very
provocative, especially as our federal government tries to take more and
more control of our way of life - in areas ranging from healthcare to gun control to how we use our own land. And the more
regulations Washington shoves our way, the harder it is for the average
American to get ahead.
When laws start making people
poorer and more reliable on government rather than increasing their freedoms
and opportunities, something isn’t right; Reagan’s warning that liberal
policies would lead to a fascist government is eerily coming to fruition. The
only question is: What are we doing to stop it?
Quisiera poder
dejar la misma herencia que mi padre, pero eso es imposible, cada
persona es especial y a cada uno Dios lo hace único.
No encuentro las
palabras adecuadas para describir a mi padre. Era muy culto, pero también era
muy sencillo, era un hombre humilde que no pretendió nunca sobresalir, su mayor
tesoro era la familia y fue para lo que trabajo siempre; y cuando digo trabajo,
no me refiero solo al trabajo que produce dinero, sino al que produce
felicidad: educar y darle amor a su familia.
Jamás tuvo
necesidad de castigarnos fisicamente, el imponía respeto, pero no miedo,
inspiraba confianza y fidelidad. Entre nosotros y el no habían secretos, era
nuestro padre, pero también era nuestro amigo.
De sus hijos,
todos somos diferentes y nunca hizo comparaciones en las cualidades o en los
defectos de cada uno.
A todos
nos quiso como somos, éramos sus hijos. ¡Que felicidad no sentir celos unos de
otros! No importaba cual era más o menos aventajado académicamente. A todos nos
pago el mismo colegio.
Cada uno de mis
hermanos tiene su experiencia personal. A grandes rasgos he narrado la
experiencia familiar de la fortuna que cada uno pudo recibir.
Me siento
privilegiado y muy amado por Dios al haberme regalado a ese padre a quien tanto
agradezco, pero de quien también me separo la tiranía fidelo-comunista. No lo
vi más, no lo vi morir; pero, respete aun en el dolor, las dos voluntades: la
de mi padre y la mía.
La dignidad, fue
parte de la herencia que recibimos, es una de esas herencias que no tienen
precio. Esas fueron las herencias que nos dejo Papa, las que no se pueden medir
por un numero. Nadie puede medir la dignidad, la moral, la honestidad, la
fidelidad ni la honradez, esas no caben en una cuenta de Banco, en una caja
fuerte o en un contenedor de mercancías, esas van dentro de cada uno de
nosotros, pudiéramos decir que en el alma o en los sentimientos, es algo
abstracto que solamente el “yo” interno reconoce y decide.
Cuando nos
despedimos de Papa, al salir de Cuba mi esposa, mi hijo y yo, nos dijo: Quizás
no podamos volver a vernos, mientras la causa por la que se van persista, aquí
no vengan a buscar nada, la frente siempre hay que mantenerla en alto, un
hombre solo se pone de rodillas ante Dios.
El era graduado
de la Escuela Normal para Maestros y curso estudios de Dr. En Pedagogía,
también poseía el titulo de la Escuela Profesional de Periodistas, pero nada de
eso llenaba su vocación. Su verdadera pasión fue ser investigador. Represento
dos compañías norteamericanas de investigaciones en Cuba: La American Foreign
Credit y The Commercial Company. Al transcurrir los años ambas fueron compradas
por Dunn & Bradstread y mi padre paso a ser parte de su elenco. Nunca nos
permitio a nosotros convertirnos en investigadores, siempre tenia argumentos
para que no penetrasemos en ese campo. Mi hermano mayor había podido terminar
sus estudios Universitarios, pero yo no, y él me inicio junto a un amigo suyo
en el campo de las ventas.
Recuerdo que en
esos años, para él sus años dorados, todos los días nos poníamos de acuerdo
para encontrarnos a media mañana en el Café El Europa para merendar juntos;
comíamos pastelitos de jamón o queso con un vaso de cerveza cada uno.
Era mi amigo,
prefería que el vaso de cerveza me lo tomara con él, así el ponía la medida,
también prefería que fumara en la casa y que no aceptara cigarrillos de nadie,
¡que sabiduría para un hombre tan sencillo!
Le gustaba
después de la cena una copita de Conde de Osborne, era de buenas raíces
asturianas, quizás por eso a mi también me gusta una copita de Brandy después
de la cena.
Mi Padre murió a
los 98 años, esperando a que Cuba fuera Libre para volvernos a ver y conocer a
sus bisnietos, murió feliz porque nuestra dignidad fue por encima de la
emoción, pero se fue con la esperanza que muchos cubanos han llevado a la
tumba, ver a Cuba Libre y Soberana.
Diego Quiros,
Miami, Florida
Exclusive: Joel
Richardson examines biblical basis of events in Mideast
If you are a student of Bible prophecy,
then I want you to get your Bible out and open it to Daniel chapter 8. Now, if
you consult nearly any commentary on the Book of Daniel, you’ll find they
nearly all interpret this prophecy as fulfilled in history. The prophecy begins
with a ram butting to the west, to the north and to the south, which most
believe refers to the historical conquests of the Medo-Persian Empire:
[B]ehold, a ram which had two horns was
standing in front of the canal. Now the two horns were long, but one was longer
than the other, with the longer one coming up last. I saw the ram butting
westward, northward, and southward, and no other beasts could stand before him
nor was there anyone to rescue from his power, but he did as he pleased and
magnified himself. (vv. 3-4)
After this, a male goat with a single
prominent horn charged from the east and crushed the ram. Most understand this
to refer to the historical conquests of the Greek armies (the goat) led by
Alexander the Great (the prominent horn):
While I was observing, behold, a male
goat was coming from the west over the surface of the whole earth without
touching the ground; and the goat had a conspicuous horn between his eyes. He
came up to the ram that had the two horns, which I had seen standing in front
of the canal, and rushed at him in his mighty wrath. I saw him come beside the
ram, and he was enraged at him; and he struck the ram and shattered his two
horns, and the ram had no strength to withstand him. So he hurled him to the
ground and trampled on him, and there was none to rescue the ram from his power
(vv. 5-7).
No sooner does the Greek goat defeat the
Persians and exalt itself that its great leader dies or “was broken.” After
this, four other horns grow up in its place. One of these horns in particular,
starts small, but eventually becomes great, controlling much of the Middle
East. Most interpret this little horn to refer to the historical Antiochus IV
Then the male goat magnified himself
exceedingly. But as soon as he was mighty, the large horn was broken; and in
its place there came up four conspicuous horns toward the four winds of heaven.
Out of one of them came forth a rather small horn which grew exceedingly great
toward the south, toward the east, and toward the Beautiful Land (vv. 8-9).
This is where the historical
interpretation begins to run into significant problems. For the “little horn”
that grows large is not only said to conquer the northern swatch of the Middle
East, it is also said to carry out some profound events in heaven:
It grew up to the host of heaven and
caused some of the host and some of the stars to fall to the earth, and it
trampled them down. It even magnified itself to be equal with the Commander of
the host; and it removed the regular sacrifice from Him, and the place of His
sanctuary was thrown down. And on account of transgression the host will be
given over to the horn along with the regular sacrifice; and it will fling
truth to the ground and perform its will and prosper (vv. 10-12).
Now, will anyone claim that Antiochus
caused some of the angels (stars) to fall from heaven? I certainly hope not. In
fact, the Book of Revelation describes precisely the same event, but there it
is Satan the dragon, who causes the angels to fall, and it is something that
takes place in the last seven years before the return of Christ:
Then another sign appeared in heaven:
and behold, a great red dragon having seven heads and ten horns, and on his
heads were seven diadems. And his tail *swept away a
third of the stars of heaven and threw them to the earth… the great
dragon was thrown down, the serpent of old who is called the devil and Satan,
who deceives the whole world; he was thrown down to the earth, and his
angels were thrown down with him (Revelation
12:3-4,7-9 emphasis mine).
Next two angels began explaining the
vision of the ram and the goat and the little horn, and Daniel is given some
profound information concerning the timing of these things. One angel standing
on the banks of the River Ulai (which is in modern day Iran) called to the
other angel and said, “Gabriel, give this man an understanding of the vision”
(v. 16). So Gabriel came to Daniel and said, “Son of man, understand that the
vision pertains to the time of the end” (v. 17).
Suddenly the idea that this was solely
about the historical Persian and Greek empires becomes very difficult. For
Gabriel himself told Daniel that the vision concerned the end times. He did not
say that part of the vision was historical and part of it was future. He simply
said that the vision concerned the time of the end. If it was not enough to say
it once, Gabriel then repeated his statement to really let it sink in again
stating: “Behold, I am going to let you know what will occur at the final
period of the indignation, for it pertains to the appointed time of the end”
(v. 19).
To be fair, Gabriel then went on to
explain that the ram represented “the kings of Media and Persia,” while the goat
represented “the kingdom of Greece.” The word there for Greece is actually
Javan, which included the west coast of modern day Turkey as well.
Now, I have always interpreted the
vision to pertain to the historical empires of Medo-Persia and Greece, and then
the little horn, while being partially fulfilled in the life of Antiochus
Epiphanes, to be ultimately fulfilled in the last days through Antichrist. Many
other commentators hold to this view as well. Although I have more than 100
commentaries on the book of Daniel, I had never really considered any other
view until I read “Daniel Revisited” by Mark Davidson. In that book, Davidson,
taking a radical futurist perspective, makes some excellent points that I had
simply never considered. When we actually read the explanation of Gabriel, the
truth is that he does not make any such break in the vision, placing some of it
in history and some of it the future. He simply says that the vision pertains
to the time of the end. And then he says it again.
If the ultimate meaning of the entire
vision is eschatological, pertaining to the time of the end, while it may
certainly maintain a historical partial fulfillment, it may also very well
speak of two forthcoming regional wars. The first war would be Iran “butting”
as it were to the west, the north and the south – into the nations of Iraq,
Syria, Lebanon and perhaps Bahrain, Azerbaijan and as far as Israel and Egypt.
But after this, Turkey in the east would launch a counter offensive. After this
time, it appears as though out of the ashes of these wars, in the region
stretching from Nineveh (Mosul) to Turkey, we should expect to see the
Antichrist arise, starting small but then gaining in power. With Iran already
declaring that it will enter the fray in Iraq to respond to the ISIS offensive,
the beginning of Daniel’s vision may very well be beginning to unfold right in
front of us. Am I saying that this is absolutely how it is going to happen and
that “this is that?” Not yet, but I think we can all acknowledge that what is
now unfolding in Iraq and Iran makes this all a very real possibility.
Obama Releases Another 12 Jihad Terrorists from US
Military Prison —
If the release of five top Taliban leaders for a deserter, who may also now be
a jihadist, did get you riled up, then perhaps this will. It was reported at
the end of the week that the Obama administration released a dozen non-Afghan
detainees to their respective homes from a US military prison in Afghanistan. Reuters
reports: The Obama administration has quietly repatriated a dozen detainees
from a small U.S. military prison in Afghanistan, moving a modest step closer
toward winding down the United States’ controversial post-9/11 detainee system.
Mississippi Named
Most Corrupt State in the Nation
study by researchers Cheol Liu from the City University of Hong Kong
and Indiana University’s John L. Mikesell found corruption in Mississippi was
tops among the states from 1976 through 2008. The study sized
up the effect of public corruption—measured
by convictions—on state spending. Data after 2008 for all of the
areas of their research was incomplete.
to the study, the 10 most-corrupt states could have reduced per capita spending
by an average of $1,308 if they had average corruption levels. The study found
states in the top 10 tend to focus spending on “bribe-generating” spending and
items directly beneficial to public officials such as capital projects,
construction, highways, borrowing and total salaries and wages.
to Jon Moen, chairman of the University of Mississippi’s economics
department, corruption has clear consequences for the state with wasteful
spending, misallocation of resources and lost productivity.
corrupt officials will encourage activities or businesses that will also
provide them with the most benefits, whether they are outright bribes or more
legal benefits like campaign contributions,” Moen said. “Rarely are these
activities that are true public goods, like elementary education, as they
provide few direct monetary benefits that can be appropriated by a politician
or private interest.”
top 10 most corrupt states, according to the study, are:
A climate of corruption or even a
perception of one can lead to serious economic effects. The study cited several
sources on how economic activity is depressed in nations riddled with
corruption. States are no different.
economic activity depressed because of corruption, states such as Mississippi
are forced to use more subsidies and tax breaks. This encourages companies
to engage in more rent-seeking behavior—spending wealth on political lobbying
to increase one’s share of wealth without creating wealth. This can build
an even more entrenched climate of corruption with companies constantly seeking
to maintain or even add to special privileges not afforded their competitors.
massive tax incentives to encourage companies such as Nissan, Toyota
and Yokohama Tire to relocate or, in the case of Cooper Tire, to remain in the
state, are some examples.
also results in less-secure property rights, and that makes smaller businesses
less likely to invest as much as they otherwise would or even avoid the corrupt
state altogether,” Moen said. “This depresses the overall level of economic
activity, but in ways that are not obvious. A few well-connected businesses
always will appear successful, and the politician can point to them as evidence
of his ability to produce economic success. No one ever knows which businesses
decided not to start-up in a corrupt state.”
Steve Wilson is a reporter for, a national network of
investigative reporters covering waste, fraud and abuse in government. is a project of the nonprofit Franklin Center for Government &
Public Integrity.
Obama Opens Borders To
Mexican Gang Members
Patrol officials are swamped by the number of minors crossing illegally into
the United States and frustrated that they can’t turn away known Mexican gang
Cabrera, vice president of the National Border Patrol Council Local 3307 in
the Rio Grande Valley, said that confirmed gang members in Mexico — including
those from Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13) — are coming into the country to be
reunited with their families, National Review reported Friday.
he’s a confirmed gang member in his own country, why are we letting him in
here? … I’ve heard people come in and say, ‘You’re going to let me go, just
like you let my mother go, just like you let my sister go. You’re going to let
me go as well, and the government’s going to take care of us,’” Mr. Cabrera
told the magazine. He said that
the only way to solve the problem was to implement harsher restrictions on who
can be allowed to cross.
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