No 684
“En mi opinión” Junio 11, 2014
“IN GOD WE TRUST” Lázaro R González Miño
Estuve buscando información y encontré muy
poca, casi ninguna. Y por el artículo que está debajo encontré que los niños en
la frontera son 1,800. O sea que de acuerdo con lo que le otorgo el congreso a
estos pobres niños indocumentados, a cada uno les toca 111 millones. Porque si
mi matemática está bien Dos mil millones entre 1,800 ilegales toca a 1.11
millones a cada uno. Oye esto es tremendo premio y además un estímulo para todo
el que quiera entrar en los USA “Clandestinamente” o sea ilegal especialmente a
los niños y las mamas y papas que los traen con la complicidad del gobierno
descarado de México y el gobierno descarado de los USA. También dicen que
anualmente entran “ilegalmente” son 60,000 cada año, a ese ritmo habra que
otorgarles $66,600’000,000.00 cada año por el congreso de USA.
¿Pero qué cosa es esta, Yo estoy loco o el
congreso y el presidente también o es que son un bando de irresponsable?
Señores ustedes no se han dado de cuenta que México y los países de Centro
América les ha declarado la guerra secreta a los USA y el congreso y el
presidente obama la está sufragando esta guerra donde se pone en peligro la
vida de estos niños. Y nosotros los que pagamos los taxes estamos haciendo
nuestro mejor papel de comemierdas que hemos hecho en nuestras vidas. El gobierno americano no puede ser estúpido,
o por lo menos en este gobierno debe haber alguno que no sea estúpido y darse
cuenta que los han cogido de “mingo” Miren si el gobierno de Mejico permite
esto es que él está alentando todo este flujo delincuental, si delincuental,
porque estos no son ilegales son delincuentes masivos que invaden a los Estados
Ustedes se imaginan 60,000 niños con sus padre atravesando todo el país de
Mejico desde la frontera sur hasta la frontera norte con USA y que Mejico no
haga nada??? Oye el que no vea esto tiene que estar ciego. Es por eso que
Mejico permite que entren millones de libras de drogas por la frontera, porque
las drogan son uno de los renglones económicos que maneja el gobierno para
poder mantener y enriquecerse el gobierno de Mejico y los Capos de los
narcotraficantes y traficantes de delincuente ilegales. Y si son delincuentes
porque el que comete una ilegalidad es un delincuente, asi que si son
delincuentes. Son delincuentes todos los que hacen esto y son delincuentes los
que permiten esto. Tanto los guardias Mejicanos como los guardias Americanos
TODOS son delincuentes y culpables. La frontera sur de USA se ha convertido en
un prostíbulo de entrada de ilegales y de drogas. SI ES UN PROSTIBULO QUE NOS
“CALLADITOS QUE ASI SE VEN MAS BONITOS” La frontera sur de los USA es lo mismo
que tenía la prostituta “María Camión en su prostíbulo en la calle que pasaba
por debajo del puente del Rio Sagua. Pues
bueno ya no está ahí, ahora esta en la frontera sur de Los USA y en la Norte de
Crisis humanitaria en centros
de ayuda en EE.UU. por el aumento de indocumentados
(CNN Español) – El aumento
del número de inmigrantes indocumentados que cruzan la frontera sur de Estados Unidos causa problemas no solo a las autoridades de
inmigración, que buscan soluciones para albergar a quienes llegan.
También, es un inconveniente para
los centros de ayuda, que apenas dan abasto para responder a lo que ya se
considera una emergencia humanitaria.
El gobierno de EE.UU. enfrenta
así una crisis generada por el aumento de niños inmigrantes que cruzan solos la
frontera, que se calcula en más de 60.000 al año.
El Pentágono anunció este lunes
que ha abierto temporalmente tres bases militares, en Oklahoma, Texas y
California, para acoger a 1.800 niños indocumentados debido a la crisis
humanitaria provocada por la avalancha de menores sin acompañar, provenientes
en su mayoría de Centroamérica.
El número de africanos que entran
por la frontera sur también va en aumento, reportan funcionarios de los centros
de asistencia.
Los centros de detención
ahora cuentan con condiciones poco óptimas para tal cantidad de personas, por
lo que envían cada vez más indocumentados a albergues, que a su vez se ven
agobiados frente a la demanda de ayuda.
Muchas de esas personas son madres
con niños pequeños.
esencia de la democracia es el derecho a disentir"
Conclusiones emitirá el miércoles 11 de junio la segunda parte del
audio de Leopoldo López en la corte. Sintoniza CNN en Español a las 9:30pm
Venezuela / 10pm ET
(CNN Español) – Conclusiones revela en
exclusiva el audio de la audiencia de Leopoldo López, en el que el líder
opositor venezolano ejerce su propia defensa la semana pasada en un
tribunal de Caracas.
López, acusado de promover hechos
violentos en la capital venezolana el 12 de febrero, será enjuiciado
y permanecerá preso, según lo determinó la madrugada la semana
pasada la jueza 16 de Control de Caracas, Adriana López.
"Lo que plantea el
Ministerio Público, señora juez, honorable juez de la República, es querer
precisamente cortar la esencia de la democracia que es el debate y el derecho a
disentir", dice López en la grabación.
"Eso es lo que está
planteando el Ministerio Público con la acusación que me hace. 'No, usted no
puede acusar, usted no puede señalar al gobierno de corrupto, usted no puede
señalar al gobierno de ineficiente, usted no puede decir nada contra Maduro'.
¿Cómo se le va a plantear en democracia a alguien que no pueda criticar a
quien ejerce el poder?".
Además, López dice que es
"insólito" y "lamentable" que el Ministerio Público no haya
hablado en el caso sobre las muertes de Bassil Da Costa y de Juancho Montoya
—fallecidos el 12 de febrero—, mientras se les privó a la libertad a jóvenes
venezolanos que fueron torturados.
Según López, para la Fiscalía
"ellos no existieron". El opositor dijo que las muertes de estos
jóvenes fueron previas a las manifestaciones frente al Ministerio Público y
sugiere que la reacción en la calle fue respuesta a esos homicidios.
López dice que "nadie tiene
duda" que recibieron impacto de bala de efectivos del Sebin.
"¿No habrá sido la reacción
de los jóvenes al asesinato cometido por funcionario público? Allí hubo un
homicidio y una respuesta de jóvenes indignados".
En entrevista con Fernando del
Rincón, los abogados penalistas Alberto Arteaga y Carlos
Ramírez analizaron el audio y sus implicaciones.
Para Arteaga, el discurso de
López puso en evidencia la carencia de fundamento de las acusaciones en su
contra. El abogado explicó que pedir la renuncia de un mandatario —como lo hizo
Hugo Chávez con Carlos Andrés Pérez— es un derecho, y no puede considerarse un
Por su parte, Carlos Ramírez
aseguró que vale la pena destacar que López señaló que los asesinatos
de Da Cosra y Montoya fueron silenciados. Ramírez además manifestó que es
claro que no hay razón para que López esté preso y que es "obvio
que se trata de una persecución política en su contra"..
obtuvo el audio de una fuente confiable y que estaba en el recinto de la
audiencia. Por razones de seguridad la fuente es anónima. Los abogados de
López certificaron la autenticidad del audio.
Ralph Nader: Obama Should “Most Definitely” Be
"The reason why Congress doesn't want
to do it is because..."
Ralph Nader
recently wrote a book entitled,
“Unstoppable: The Emerging Left-Right Alliance to Dismantle the Corporate
State.” Nader regards such an alliance as not a fantasy, but rather as
actually emerging.”On Capitol Hill, I’m seeing more and more in Congress, left
and right,” said Nader.
“It was a vote in the House over a year ago over the
NSA snooping, it almost broke through … so we’re beginning to see formulations
that once they click together, they’re unstoppable.” The measure Nader is
referring to, known as the Amash amendment, narrowly failed by 12 votes after a
White House lobbying effort to halt the bill in its tracks.
The often outspoken Nader, political activist and five
time Presidential candidate, advocates the full decriminalization of
drugs, saying “Tobacco leads to the deaths of over 400,000 Americans; hard
drugs lead perhaps to 8,000.”
Nader went on to say that the success of his
envisioned alliance is dependent upon strong leaders. He cites Rand Paul as a
potential strong leader for the alliance, but then discusses what he sees as
Rand Paul’s shortcomings: “He’s a mixed bag, you know, he’s evolving. He’s
broadening his issues that he’s talking about and they’re beginning to
resonate. On the other hand.. he has problems dealing with people.”
Nevertheless, Nader views Rand Paul as the strongest
contender in the 2016 GOP Primary.
One thing is clear: Ralph Nader does not want to see a
match between the following two Establishment candidates, Jeb Bush and Hillary
Clinton.“You want a dull campaign? Try Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton in 2016,”
Nader states. “It’ll only be exciting for people who are interested in
dynasties and personalities.”
Nader goes on to say about Clinton, “She’s turned into
an international militarist. She’s far more hawkish than Obama.”
Nader puts forward a list of twenty billionaires that he’d would like to see run for President. “That’s where we’re at now: 20 billionaires with some enlightened background and I said run. Run! Run as an independent,” Nader states. “Just to shake up this two-party tyranny … So maybe one of them will run. We certainly have enough of them, don’t we?”
Nader puts forward a list of twenty billionaires that he’d would like to see run for President. “That’s where we’re at now: 20 billionaires with some enlightened background and I said run. Run! Run as an independent,” Nader states. “Just to shake up this two-party tyranny … So maybe one of them will run. We certainly have enough of them, don’t we?”
Nader believes that Obama has violated the
Constitution and deserves impeachment. “Oh, most definitely,” he replied when
asked whether Congress should put forward articles of impeachment on Obama.
“The reason why Congress doesn’t want to do it is because it’s abdicated its
own responsibility under the Constitution.”
El número
universal de emergencia para celulares es 112
Si usted
estuviera fuera del area de cobertura de su operador y tuviera una emergencia
marque 112 y el celular irá en busca de conexión con cualquier operador
posible para
enviar el número
para usted, y lo más interesante es que el 112 puede ser digitado lo
mismo si el
teclado está bloqueado. Experimente!
: *3370#
Vamos a imaginar
que la bateria de su celular estuviera baja, para reactivarla,
presione las
teclas *3370#
El celular
accionara su reserva y usted obtendra el 50% de carga de su bateria,
esa reserva será
recargada la próxima vez que usted recargue la bateria de su celular
(esa función es interna, no se ve en la pantalla del celular)
III :*#06#
Para conocer el
número de serie interna de su celular, presione los siguientes dígitos : *#06#
Aparecerá un
codigo de 15 ó más dígitos. Este código es único, anote y guarde en un lugar
Si su
celular fuera robado , comunique este código a su operador,
así ellos conseguirán bloquear su celular
y el ladrón no
podrá usarlo de ninguna forma, tal vez usted se quede sin su celular. Pero, por
lo menos, sabrá
que nadie más
podrá usarlo.
SI todos hicieran éso, no habria más robos de celulares
PS: Estas
informaciones no son conocidas, por eso pásela a sus familiares y amigos.
CLEMENTE SANCHEZ: Clásicos a lo Cubano… Haz click en la letras azules
Por razones ajenas a su voluntad, Strauss, Beethoven, Mozart, Bizet, Bach, Tchaikosvky y
otros grandes compositores nacieron fuera de Cuba. De lo contrario, sus obras
"Danubio Azul", "La 5ta. Sinfonía" y sus otras piezas
cumbres hubieran sonado de la siguiente forma:
(Para escucharlas, haz clic en el nombre)
Quinta Sinfonía: Beethoven’s
5th arr: Sverre Indris Joner
Basilón: Eine kleine nachtmusik - Mozart
Habanera en Habana: Bizet Carmen-suites
Salsaria: Air Bach arr: Sverre Indris Joner
Cuban Sugar: Sugarplum Fairy from Nutcracker.
Parents Of Soldier Killed Searching For Bergdahl Ask
Obama This One Simple Question
The parents of one of Bergdahl's platoon
mates who had been killed while on a mission to locate Bergdahl appeared on Fox
News Sunday with Chris Wallace. TOM HINCHEY
parents of one of Bergdahl’s platoon mates who had been killed while on a
mission to locate Bergdahl appeared on Fox
News Sunday with Chris
Wallace. Army PFC Matthew Martinek is one of the soldiers who was killed
searching for Bergdahl, yet Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel claims that he
doesn’t know of any “specific circumstance of U.S. soldiers dying as a result
of efforts to find and rescue Sgt. Bergdahl.” Ken Luccioni, Martinek’s
step-father, stated, “The American people know that this is not being handled
properly. The Army knows what went on, and what’s frustrating is, why not tell
the truth?….The truth is not that bad.”
The Endless Invasion Of America
How goes the Third World
invasion of the United States? PATRICK BUCHANAN
For 10 days, Americans have argued over
the wisdom of trading five Taliban senior commanders for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl.
President Obama handed the Taliban a
victory, critics contend, and imperiled U.S. troops in Afghanistan when the
five return to the battlefield. Moreover, he has inspired the Haqqani network
and other Islamists to capture more Americans to trade.
But which represents the greater long-term
threat to the safety and security of our people and nation: sending those five
Taliban leaders to Doha, and perhaps back to Afghanistan, or releasing into the
U.S. population last year 36,000 criminal illegal aliens with 88,000
convictions among them?
According to a May report from the Center
for Immigration Studies, of the 36,000 criminal aliens who, while awaiting
deportation, were set free by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, 193 had
been convicted of homicide, 426 of sexual assault, 303 of kidnapping, 1,075 of
aggravated assault, 1,160 for stolen vehicles, 9,187 for possession or use of
dangerous drugs, and 16,070 for driving drunk or drugged.
Those 36,000 criminal aliens are roughly
equivalent to three-and-a-half divisions of felons and social misfits released
into our midst.
And this does not include the 68,000
illegal aliens against whom ICE declined to press criminal charges last year,
but turned loose.
How goes the Third World invasion of the
United States?
According to the AP, the U.S. Border
Patrol’s Rio Grande Valley sector made 148,017 arrests from Oct. 1 to May 17,
while 62,876 were caught in the Tucson sector, the second-busiest crossing
That is almost 211,000 illegal aliens
caught in just over half a year in just two sectors of the border. And that
figure only tells us how many were caught, not how many got in, or how many of
those caught were released and now reside among us.
Among those caught crossing into Texas
these last seven months were 47,000 unaccompanied children. Border Patrol
estimates that by Sept. 30, apprehensions of children and teenagers in this
fiscal year could reach 90,000.
According to Gov. Jan Brewer, the feds
have begun shipping illegal aliens (adults as well as children) from Texas to
Arizona, “dumping” them into her state.
“This is a humanitarian crisis and it
requires a humanitarian response,” says Maryland Sen. Barbara Mikulski of the
surge in children from Central America across the U.S. border.
Attorney General Eric Holder has risen to
the crisis. The U.S. will now provide lawyers for children who enter illegally,
to fight their battle in U.S. courts to stay.
“We’re taking this historic step,” says
Holder, “to protect the rights of the most vulnerable members of our society.
How we treat those in need — particularly young people who are fleeing
violence, persecution, abuse or trafficking — goes to the core of who we are as
a nation.”
Somehow, the core contention of James
Burnham’s “Suicide of the West,” out 50 years ago this year, comes to mind.
“Liberalism,” wrote Burnham. “is the
ideology of Western suicide.”
America and the West must face up to what
is happening to our countries and our civilization. Or we are going to lose
them both forever.
AMENPER: El Costo de la Educación Superior
La educación universitaria en los
Estados Unidos, nunca ha sido un paseo. Siempre después de la
primaria y la secundaria, sólo las personas con motivación, interés y
responsabilidad personal seguían los estudios superiores. No
era como dicen los comunistas imposible para una persona pobre tener estudios
universitarios. Los comunistas dicen y repiten sus mentiras, y los
que no viven en el sistema, pueden creer sus sofismas. Pero igual que no puedo
creer en la mentira que en la economía de libre mercado el rico se vuelve más
rico y el pobre se vuelve más pobre, porque en Cuba y aquí vi como hubo pobres
que se hicieron ricos y ricos que pasaron a la pobreza, y fueron muchos, así la
posibilidad de completar una educación superior siempre fue posible en un
sistema de libre mercado.
Pero no era un regalo, había que
tener la responsabilidad, tanto los padres como los estudiantes, de con su
trabajo e interés tomar las oportunidades que el sistema le ofrecía.
Cuando mis hijos llegaron a la edad
universitaria, era un momento de mi vida que se pudiera considerar como extrema
pobreza. Mi ingreso no me permitía pagar por las matrículas y el
mantenimiento de mis hijos mientras estudiaban. Estudiamos las oportunidades
que se ofrecían en aquellos tiempos. Mis hijos eran buenos
estudiantes, pero su nivel no los hacia elegibles para becas
especiales. Lo que ofrecían era planes conjuntos, un “´package” que
incluía “grants” que eran regalos de filántropos y compañías privadas, “work study”
que era trabajo para el estudiante, en la librería, la cafetería o en otros
trabajos en el campus de la universidad. Después para completar el
“package” estaba los préstamos que garantizaba el gobierno a los bancos y que
había que pagarlo al completar la carrera.
Esto era
accesible para todo el que se tomara el trabajo de hacerlo. No te lo
empujaban, tenías que trabajar para pedirlo, pero estaba a la disposición de
todos sin importar el color o el origen. Estabas a la disposición de
un negro de Liberty City, un cracker del Panhandle o un refugiado de
Cuba. Nadie puede culpar el sistema porque pida un mínimo de
responsabilidad. Mis hijos completaron su carrera y pagaron su préstamo
completo. Si no hubieran pagado no hubiera habido dinero para los que
venían despues de ellos ¿Por qué esto es tan difícil de entender?.
caímos en la revolución de los 60, la revolución de los hippies que no
querían la responsabilidad ni de bañarse, y en su mundo de piojos, drogas y
gonorrea, consideraban que no tenían que pagar las deudas de los préstamos para
los estudios. El sistema comenzó a fallar, no había dinero
para los préstamos, la generación del “me” había cambiado la responsabilidad
personal que era realmente lo que había creado el sistema americano.
El mesías
Obama ha salido as rescate, un rescate que costará 7 billones a los
contribuyentes, expandiendo el plan de emergencia que ya se había establecido
de “pague según gane” que en realidad era “no tienes problemas no pagues
nada”. Ahora todavía es más flexible, es un welfare, y veremos las
universidades llenas de turistas que van a gozar el ambiente no realmente para
completar la carrera, de todos modos pasear por el campus por un par de años
con los gastos pagados es mejor que trabajar. Los costos de los
estudios aumentarán al aumentar los estudiantes más los pseudo
estudiantes y recibir los beneficios y los altos salarios los
profesores adoctrinadores de la izquierda que se encuentran en una élite de la
burbuja intelectual que se han creado. Los profesores y los gobernantes
de hoy son los hippies de ayer, una clase que está ahogando a la nación
simplemente es un microsoma del problema social que tenemos, el punto común y
total es la pérdida de la responsabilidad personal.
dame, dame más, este es el nuevo lema de la sociedad, y cada día serán menos
los que produzcan para dar. Cuando se acabe el jugo de la naranjas
que dan el jugo, se comerán los hollejos, y después se comerán las cáscaras,
después las matas de naranjas, las hojas y el tronco, y terminarán como han
terminado en Cuba y en todos los países socialistas, comiendo lo que queda que
es la tierra. Pido a Dios que mis nietos no tengan que comer tierra
en este país.
Paul Krugman vs.
Reality: The VA Hospitals. Written by Gary
The Department of Veterans Affairs on
Monday shed light on the depth of the VA scheduling scandal and substantiated
claims that rank-and-file employees were directed to manipulate records.
The agency said more than 57,000 new
patients have waited at least 90 days for their first appointments and that
about 13 percent of VA schedulers indicated they were told to falsify
appointment-request dates to give the impression that wait times were shorter
than they really were.
The information comes from the agency’s
internal audit of 731 VA medical centers, which the VA released Monday.
The report said that complicated scheduling practices created confusion
among clerks and supervisors, contributing to the problems. It also said the
VA’s goal of providing an initial appointment within 14 days of a request was
unattainable because of the growing demand for care among veterans.
Here is the assessment by Nobel Prize winning
Keynesian economist, Paul Krugman. He offered this assessment in 2011. The
article was “Vouchers for Veterans,” in which he attacked a variant of Milton
Friedman’s voucher plan for government-run schools, but applied to medicine.
(The public has never adopted Friedman’s voucher idea for government-supplied
services.) Krugman prefers socialized, government-run medical care. He likes
his socialism straight, not some sugar-coated “Let’s make coercion workable”
version from Friedman. This appeared in the New York Times.
What Mr. Romney and everyone else should
know is that the V.H.A. is a huge policy success story, which offers important
lessons for future health reform.
Many people still have an image of
veterans’ health care based on the terrible state of the system two decades
ago. Under the Clinton administration, however, the V.H.A. was overhauled, and
achieved a remarkable combination of rising quality and successful cost
control. Multiple surveys have found the V.H.A. providing better care than most
Americans receive, even as the agency has held cost increases well below those
facing Medicare and private insurers. Furthermore, the V.H.A. has led the way
in cost-saving innovation, especially the use of electronic medical records.
What’s behind this success? Crucially, the
V.H.A. is an integrated system, which provides health care as well as paying
for it. So it’s free from the perverse incentives created when doctors and
hospitals profit from expensive tests and procedures, whether or not those
procedures actually make medical sense. And because V.H.A. patients are in it
for the long term, the agency has a stronger incentive to invest in prevention
than private insurers, many of whose customers move on after a few years.
And yes, this is “socialized medicine” — although some private systems,
like Kaiser Permanente, share many of the V.H.A.’s virtues. But it works — and
suggests what it will take to solve the troubles of U.S. health care more
In the choice between Nobel Prize-winner Milton
Friedman’s voucher system and Nobel Prize-winner Paul Krugman’s socialist
medicine, count me out. I prefer Nobel Prize-losing economist Murray Rothbard’s
assessment in 1994, the year
before he died.
We have to remember a crucial point about government as against business
operations on the market. Businesses are always eager for consumers to buy
their product or service. On the free market, the consumer is king or queen and
the “providers” are always trying to make profits and gain customers by serving
them well. But when government operates a service, the consumer is transmuted
into a pain-in-the-neck, a “wasteful” user-up of scarce social resources.
Whereas the free market is a peaceful cooperative place where everyone benefits
and no one loses, when government supplies the product or service, every
consumer is treated as using a resource only at the expense of his fellow men.
The “public service” arena, and not the free market, is the dog-eat-dog jungle.
Want proof? The VA hospitals are the poster child.
Continue Reading on
WATCH: Hillary Blames Benghazi Victim In Boneheaded
ABC News Interview
She is facing significant backlash as a
result of comments she made during an ABC News interview...B. CHRISTOPHER AGEE
The ballyhooed favorite among many Democrats
looking toward the 2016 presidential election is facing significant backlash as
a result of comments she made during an ABC News interview with Diane Sawyer
this week.
On Monday, an advance clip of the
interview aired in which Hillary Clinton claimed she and her husband were “dead broke” upon
leaving the White House as she attempted to justify charging up to $200,000 for
a single speech.
The fact that the couple received a $1.7
million loan from current Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe and went on to earn
more than $100 million between 2000 and 2007 naturally struck many Americans as
incongruent with her assertion.
When the entire interview aired, Clinton faced even more criticism –
specifically for her allegation that Ambassador Chris Stevens played a part in
his own death during the 2012 Benghazi terrorist attack. She stated he was at
the embassy “of his own choosing” and would not confirm whether there was
anything she could have done that might have changed the outcome.
“I take responsibility,” she said of her
response as Secretary of State; “but I was not making security decisions.”
To top it off, Clinton claimed the
Benghazi ordeal is the primary reason people should vote for her. Beyond that,
she had little compelling evidence suggesting she would be an effective
Clinton did, however, manage to interject
some talking points into the conversation – including her apparent assumption
that the world is full of sexist men. She used questions stemming from the fact
that she will be a grandmother during the 2016 election cycle as a catalyst for
her diatribe.
Suggesting she could have been more
effective in combating the supposed hurdles women face in politics, she said
that “men have been serving [as president] as fathers and grandfathers since
the beginning of the Republic.”
Furthermore, she used the opportunity to
criticize Russian President Vladimir Putin for comments he made recently that
many individuals considered sexist. She concluded that he was “not the first”
influential man to make such statements.
Clinton also subtly attacked the belief by some that she is too old for
the presidency by seizing on the fact that her interviewer is even older,
concluding that it is “good to be our age.”
Sawyer brought up the Monica Lewinsky
scandal that ultimately led to impeachment proceedings against her husband.
While Clinton said she is “not going to comment on what I did or did not say in
the late ‘90s,” she ultimately concluded that she would likely not repeat her
claim that the entire controversy was the result of a “vast right-wing
She did, however, confirm her suspicion
that a “concerted political effort” exists against both her husband and Barack
Poll Of Black Americans Absolutely Destroys This
Liberal Talking Point
Liberals’ efforts to drive a racial wedge
didn't work… LA SHAWN BARBER
Despite liberals’ efforts to drive a
racial wedge between Americans, it hasn’t been completely successful when it
comes to showing a government-issued form of photo identification before
voting. According to a recent Fox News poll, 51 percent of black Americans support voter ID.
One might think blacks would resent the
implication that they’re too “poor,” lazy, or dumb to go down to the DMV like
everybody else and obtain a driver’s license or non-driver’s photo ID. But
that’s exactly the way Democrats present the issue…minus the politically
incorrect words, of course.
Project 21, a black conservatives policy group,
issued statements on the poll.
“This poll shows there may be strong black
support for Obama as a politician, but not necessarily as a policymaker,” said
Cherylyn Harley LeBon, Project 21 Co-Chairman and former senior counsel to the
U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee. “And a prime example are voter ID laws.
Although the Obama Administration, its legislative and judicial supporters, the
media and left-wing activists continue to oppose voter ID laws and claim they
marginalize minorities, the black community is still quite supportive of
efforts to protect polling place. After relentless warnings they could be
denied the right to vote, a majority of black Americans in this particular poll
still recognize the need to protect legal voters against identity theft.”
A majority of Americans in general
supports voter ID. Proving identity is a common-sense measure to ensure the
integrity of the voting process. And it’s not a hardship. People use some form
of photo ID in personal and business dealings all the time. Why is it suddenly
a hardship when it’s time to vote?
“A majority of black Americans in this
poll found nothing inherently racist about showing an ID to vote. It discredits
the progressive talking point that black Americans uniformly see voter laws as
racist and an attempt at voter suppression,” said Kevin Martin, a Navy veteran
and small business owner. “It also shows that progressives who claim to
represent the black community are not listening to us on this issue. Perhaps it
is because they only seek to use our community to further their own agenda.”
Editor’s note: This
article first appeared at Black Community News
Rand Paul: Mr. President, Instead of 5 Taliban, Let’s
Trade 5 Democrats
"Mr. President, you love to trade
people..." DANIEL NOE
At the Texas GOP convention in Fort Worth
on Friday, Senator Rand Paul got some laughs with this line.
“Mr. President, you love to trade people.
Why don’t we set up a trade. But this time, instead of five Taliban, how ‘bout
five Democrats?”
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