Tuesday, April 22, 2014

No 643 "En mi opinion" Abril 22, 2014

No 643    “En mi opinión”    Abril 22, 2014

“IN GOD WE TRUST” Lázaro R González Miño Editor

SAMITIER: Los Matrimonios Politicos ARREGLADOS

 “MATRIMONIOS ARREGLADOS” es Justo recordarles a la gente... que cuando Napoleón era uno De los GENERALES  de la “Nueva Francia” se casó con una Viuda... seis años mayor que el... con dos hijos... quien no Era aceptada por su familia... de contra tenía fama de que
Era “FÁCIL de CONQUISTAR”  la mayoría de los historiadores Dejan sin aclarar ¿Por qué se caso?
La gente normal... la MAYORÍA  deducen que fue POR AMOR... Ya que los “historiadores” para quedar bien con DIOS y el DIABLO No dicen que “ROSA la FÁCIL”... A quien NAPOLEÓN obligo a Llamarse “JOSEFINA” era la RICA HEREDERA DE SU MARIDO... el mayor productor de AZÚCAR  de la isla de MARTINIQUÉS... producto que entonces era llamado el “Oro Blanco” y es muy posible que esa RIQUEZAS... influyeran en que NAPOLEÓN pasara
A ser el “Primer Cónsul” de la Revolución...  En El Senado de Estados Unidos Tenemos DOS SENADORES Que nunca han trabajado que son millonarios por MATRIMONIO  Uno es McCain  Y EL OTRO ES EL ACTUAL ministro de estado Antiguo “PACIFISTA” el Señor Kerry...   
Conozca Quien Desea Ser Nuevamente El Próximo Gobernador De La Florida...
1.      Nunca ha trabajado... SIEMPRE HA VIVIDO DE LA POLÍTICA...
2.      A los 23 años aparentemente cometió un error... SE CASÓ... Su matrimonio duro según algunos 4 meses... oficialmente la Petición de divorcio fue hecha a los 7 meses y confirmada a los 11 meses...
3.      Según dicen SU CAPITAL no llega al $1 Millón... cosa rara... Y que DUDO... pues cualquier comisionando de Miami sobre pasa los 5 millones... AHORA nos estamos enterando que los alcaldes de Hialeah SON MILLONARIOS... y de contra “GARROTEROS”
4.      Después de ese fallido matrimonio CRIST fue SOLTERÓN 29 AÑOS, no se le conoció ninguna Novia... por lo que hay que presumir que era uno esos RAROS BARONES que no tienen apetencias SEXUALES... también puede haber sido un MASTURBADOR CRÓNICO...
5.      A los 51 años... REPENTINAMENTE SE ENAMORO DE NUEVO... A PRIMERA VISTA en Nueva York de quien es su esposa ahora... Una mujer que VIVE COMO MILLONARIA y tiene un apartamento En Fisher Island en Miami valorado según la información en $4.1 Millones... SIN DUDA...una buena ALIANZA... para cualquier candidato...
6.      La Antigua Carole Rome le encanto la idea de CASARSE CON EL GOBERNADOR DE LA FLORIDA y dejar de ser una DIVORCIADA RICA MAS... A LA PRIMERA DAMA DE LA FLORIDA... 
7.      En su primer encuentro con la PRENSA declaró que encantaría trabajar
8.      por los Niños de la Florida...    Pero mientras eso sucedía... la corte de Nueva York LE ENTREGABA LA CUSTODIA de sus DOS HIJAS  de 10 y 12 años al padre ya que hacia DOS AÑOS QUE NO TENIA CONTACTO CON ELLAS...
10.  Como todos Sabemos CRIST perdió contra Marco Rubio y ENTONCES AMBOS SE VOLVIERON DEMÓCRATAS y SOCIALISTAS... y comenzaron e hicieron campaña por OBAMA...
 Los Politiqueros Son “Escaladores Sociales”  Unos Escalan Puestos Electivos... Otros Buscan Puestos Burocráticos... y Otros Especialmente Mujeres Ricas Se Casan Para Subir o Mantener Su Posición Social...
Ser la esposa de un GOBERNADO es convertirse en una de Las 50 PRIMERAS DAMAS de la NACIÓN... especialmente si El gobernador no es muy exigente sexualmente... y ha estado 29 años SOLTERO... y sin novia conocida...  
Este Señor y Esta Señora Son Los Que Aspiran A Ser El #1 De La Florida y Ella La  Primera Dama y Una De Las 50 Mujeres De Estados Unidos...

From: Breitbart News [mailto:noreply@breitbart.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 22, 2014 7:08 AM
To: ricardo samitier
Subject: The 13 common words that will get your email flagged by the NSA

Dear Concerned American,

It may have already happened.
All it takes is using these very simple and very common words in an email and then – BOOM – you’re on the blacklist. By the time you’ve read this email, you’ll have seen all 13 words.
That’s not even the scariest part.
No, what’s worse is that these words aren’t codes or threatening in the least.
(In fact, you’ve already seen 3 of them.)
These spying thugs don’t care what you’re talking about or whom you’re talking to, if you raise the flag, then you get put under the microscope. Our founding fathers must be spinning in their graves watching these jack-booted thugs use our Constitution as a dishrag. (Hint: I’ve used 9 of them now.)
Luckily, our friend and patriot ‘folk hero’ has found a loophole in their system. With this simple little trick, you can avoid those spying thugs and take control of your privacy FOR GOOD.
And you can talk to, or about, anyone you like without fear of retribution from Obama’s minions.
(P.S. Did you find all the words? Don’t worry, after watching my video to the end you won’t have to worry about what words you use or who’s listening ever again.)

AMENPER: Cuba and Venezuela uphill battle in their struggles with the communist regimes that oppress their people has been largely ignored by politicians and journalists of the U.S.A.
When we read the mainstream media in English it is hard to find an article denouncing the communist dictatorships, even by the conservative press.
Maria Anastasia O´Grady is an exception.  Her column in the editorial pages of the Wall Street Journal, regularly gives the American reader information about the situation in Cuba and Venezuela.
This is an article of Maria Anastasia in today´s Journal:
Easter No. 3 for a Prisoner of Castro. Bearing witness to Cuba's political persecution costs Sonia Garro her freedom. 
Christians the world over celebrated the resurrection of their savior on Sunday with worship services and family gatherings. Thirty-eight-year-old Sonia Garro shares the faith too, but she spent the holiday in a Cuban dungeon as a prisoner of conscience, just as she has for the past two years.
Ms. Garro is a member of the Christian dissident group Ladies in White, started in Havana in 2003 by sisters, wives and mothers of political prisoners to peacefully protest the unjust incarceration of their loved ones. It has since expanded to other parts of the country and added many recruits. The group's growing popularity has worried the Castros, and they have responded with increasing brutality.
Cuba's military government wants us to believe that the Brothers Fidel and Raul Castro are "reforming." To buy that line you have to pretend that Ms. Garro and her sisters in Christ don't exist. Of course that's often the impression one gets from Havana-based reporters working for foreign media outlets.
They've been invited into the country not to serve the truth but to serve the dictatorship. Fortunately, there are brave and independent Cuban journalists who continue to tell the Ladies' story, despite scant resources.
In the late winter of 2012, Cubans were looking forward to a visit from Pope Benedict XVIand the Ladies were lobbying the Vatican for an audience. Their relentless pleading was embarrassing the dictatorship, which had been beating them in the streets on their way to Sunday Mass for almost a decade. It was also making the Church, which had already cut its own deal with the regime on the terms of the visit, look bad. On the weekend of March 17 Castro sent the Ladies a warning by locking up some 70 of their members.
Most of those detained, including leader Berta Soler, had been freed by the time the pontiff touched down in Cuba nine days later, but Ms. Garro was not. Benedict celebrated some Masses, did photo ops with the despots and left.
It was a clever strategy: The world saw the release of the many Ladies, which obscured the continued detention of the one. That one—poor, black and not well known internationally—serves, to this day, as a constant reminder of the wrath Castro will bring down on anyone in the barrios who gets out of line.
By 2012 Ms. Garro already had experience with state violence. Her record of counterrevolutionary activities included running a recreation center in her home for troubled youths. For that she was twice beaten by government-sanctioned mobs. She suffered a broken nose in police detention in 2010.
Enlarge Image
When security agents took her home to put her under house arrest ahead of the pope's visit, she was met by a mob sent to harass her. Her husband, Ramon Alejandro Muñoz, had climbed to the roof and was chanting anti-dictatorship slogans. Two neighbors took the couple's side. Special-forces police were called in. They raided the home, shot Ms. Garro in the leg with rubber bullets and hauled the couple and two neighbors to jail.
Eighteen months later prosecutors charged Ms. Garro with assault, attempted murder and public disorder. Her husband and one neighbor, Eugenio Hernández, are accused of attempted murder and public disorder. The prosecution is seeking a 10-year prison sentence for Ms. Garro, 14 years for Mr. Muñoz, and 11 years for Mr. Hernández.
Anyone who has ever read about Soviet show trials will recognize the state's case. The prosecutors claim that Messrs. Muñoz and Hernández were both on the roof and knew a police officer could have been killed when they threw things to try to stop him from climbing a ladder to reach them.
The regime alleges that the couple had been planning street disturbances. The "evidence" confiscated from their home included bottles, machetes, rebar and cardboard protest signs. The state claims that containers with fuel found in the home were Molotov cocktails.
Every household item or piece of scrap found in a poor Cuban household is considered a weapon when the state wants to convict a prisoner. By its logic the frying pan and the iron should have been cited too. With good aim, they can be deadly. As to the combustibles inside the home, Ms. Garro's sister Yamilet Garro told independent journalist Augusto Cesar San Martín Albistur, "the items were for lighting during the blackouts that are quite common in the area." For Castro, the most dangerous items were the antigovernment signs.
Ms. Garro's real crime is her refusal to surrender her soul to the state. That makes her an exemplary Christian but a lousy revolutionary. The peril she presents is showing Cubans how to be both.
Write to O'Grady@wsj.com

AN INCONVENIENT RANCHER: BLM Docs Show Feds’ Solar Plan Targets Bundy For Elimination

Once upon a time there were more than fifty cattle ranches operating in the area of Southern Nevada where Cliven Bundy, with the help of numerous armed patriots from all over, is making his stand against the abusive, bankrupting tactics of the bullying federal government.
Now, there is only one rancher and his family left.
After several generations of his ancestors’ having use of the land in question, Bundy is literally the “last man standing” in what is, evidently, a long-range vendetta against ranchers by land-grabbing federal bureaucrats who, also literally, have gone power mad–that is, mad for solar power scams (among other things) and all the big-dollar green graft that comes with it.
By now we all know that the official claim, that the confrontation has to do with protecting desert tortoises, is mostly just steaming bull patties.

The Increasing Desperation of Democrats. Harry Reid isn’t backing down from his claim that rancher Cliven Bundy’s supporters are “domestic terrorists.”It’s astonishing rhetoric given the White House’s characterization of the mass shooting by a genuine terrorist, Major Nidal Hasan, who killed 13 Americans at the Fort Hood Army base after yelling “Allahu Akbar!” (God is great.) Rather than labeling Hasan’s actions “domestic terrorism,” the Obama administration is prosecuting him for having committed “workplace violence.” Democratic rhetoric is become ever more desperate and overheated as we approach the November midterm elections. Last week, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said that GOP positions on immigration were motivated by racism. She was followed by Representative Steve Israel, the head of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, who said, “To a significant extent, the Republican base does have elements animated by racism.” Even some leftists, such as Ruth Marcus of the Washington Post, have rebuked the excess of these attacks. Referring to Democrats’ use of the “equal pay” issue to buttress claims that Republicans are waging “a war on women,” Marcus wrote, “The level of hyperbole — actually of demagoguery — that Democrats have engaged in here is revolting.”
What is going on? Increasingly, journalists who cover the White House are concluding that the smears are part of a conscious strategy to distract voters from Obamacare, the sluggish economy, and foreign-policy reverses; the attacks are intended, the thinking goes, to drive up resentment and hence turnout among the Democratic base.

Fed Up With Federal Corruption Yet? Ready To Abolish The IRS?

If you are an American who is sick of the corruption and obesity of the federal government, the IRS Scandals and Lois Lerner’s refusal to answer the American people, then you will like what Nathan Mehrens is proposing. Nathan is president of Americans for Limited Government. He says it is time to abolish the IRS and move to a tax system that is simple and fair for all Americans…
Check out his article below featured on Fox News:
America marked a dubious milestone in its history last year – the 100th anniversary of federal taxes levied “on incomes, from whatever source derived.” Ensconced in the Sixteenth Amendment, the federal tax code totaled 400 pages when the income tax first took effect in 1913. Today this tax code is a staggering 74,608 pages long – and is administered by a bureaucracy of 90,000 employees at a cost of more than $11 billion annually.
Read the rest of this Liberty Alliance article:  

Ricardo Samitier: La Situación En Nevada Es Grave... El MILLONARIO Camarada Reid... Jefe De Los Demócratas De Senado...
Ante la RETIRADA DE LAS FUERZAS FEDERALES Enfrentada A CIUDADANOS algunos armados... otros NO... DECLARO:
Esos ciudadanos SON TERRORISTAS DOMÉSTICOS... Y La Guerra No Se Ha TERMINADO...  
Eso Es Muy Grave... Están Preparando La Opinión Publica... El Gobierno Está Preparado... han comprado Millones de balas y armas y hasta han ARMADO AL IRS...
Aquí tienen el Video de la Retirada... fíjense... que se Retiraron pues “Políticamente No Podían Atacar” Pero LOS BURÓCRATAS ESTÁN DISPUESTOS a MATAR PARA SEGUIR EN SUS PUESTOS...  
La Guerra es el PUEBLO trabajador contra los BURÓCRATAS que hoy Viven mejor que los que pagamos IMPUESTOS...  
Además Traten De Encontrar POR LA PINTA Un SOLO HOMOSEXUAL  o a un NEGRO... y No me traten de acusar de HOMOFÓBICO... Yo no Tengo La Culpa De Que Ellos  Sean Comunistas y Estén A Favor de DESÁRMANOS ... y De establecer una dictadura... Yo dejare de señalar esa condición
Cuando los vea a mi lado en la MISMA TRINCHERA a favor de la LIBERTAD...
Miren este video... y PONGAN LAS BARBAS EN REMOJO... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bD61YFxUga4
Igual Que En Cuba En 1959…
La Asociación De Ganaderos De Nevada
Le Dieron La Espalda A Bundy Y Pidieron
Que Se Dejara Que Los Tribunales Fueran
Los Que Decidan...
También El Resto De Las Asociaciones De Ganaderos De Los Otros 49 Estados... No Han Abierto La Boca... 
Para Los Cubanos Estamos Viendo Como Se Van Rindiendo La Clase Media...
Aquí Tienen La Noticia
El Terror Se Crea Dando Ejemplos Unas Veces Matando Y Ahora En Estados Unidos Desempleando...
Sé que hay muchos que lo NIEGAN... balbucean Que NO EXISTE EL TERROR a decir simplemente DOS PALABRAS en cualquier forma y cualquier Motivo... YA NADIE LAS DICE... y es por MIEDO Aunque lo nieguen a morirse... esas dos palabras son HOMOSEXUALES y NEGROS...  
Ya no las pueden decir no siguiera los PROFESORES Como todos sabemos los profesores GOZAN de Poder decir en las academias y universidades
Lo que quieran... ahí están los cientos por no Decir miles de profesores comunistas negando  A DIOS... LAS NAVIDADES... y hasta la Semana
Santa... pero a este profesor se le ocurrió decir... Estados Unidos No NECESITA Otro Presidente Negro... no solamente lo votaron... ahora piden
Que se le SUSPENDA el título que se ganó con Sus estudios... y que más nunca pueda ser Profesor... en ninguna parte...  
Este caso es un caso de los muchos que en los Últimos años han logrado PARA CREAR EL TERROR... aunque la LEY PERMITE que todos Expresemos con libertad lo que pensamos...  
Aunque lo NIEGUE TODO EL MUNDO... AQUÍ EN USA... ya nos tienen ACOBARDADOS... LOS NEGROS y los HOMOSEXUALES... Igualito que en la Cuba de Castro... Solo se habla cuando nadie escucha...  


La Observación Ha Sido Siempre La Que Ha
Logrado Todos Los Grandes Descubrimiento
Pero Aparentemente Los Hombres De Hoy
Miran Y No Ven...
Si Nos Ponemos A Observar Podemos Ver
Que Las Dos Minorías Gobernantes Están
Ausentes De Todas Las Protestas Que Se
Hacen Contra El Socialismo Y Los Impuestos
Me Refiero A Los Homosexuales Y Negros
He Participado En Múltiples Protestas Del
Tea Party Jamás Me Encontrado Con Un
Homosexual, O Un Negro... Ayer Miraba
Las Fotos De Los Que Protestaban En Nevada...
No Vi Ningún Negro Y Ningún “Partido”
De Esos Que A Diario Tenemos Que Soportar
Alardeando De Su Enfermedad...MASOQUISTA
Los Negros Que Vi En La Protesta De Nevada
Todos Estaban Uniformados...
Aquí Les Envió Una Foto De Muestra...
Por Cierto Para Ver Negros Y Homosexuales
Solo Hay Que Prender La Tv... Todos Los Anuncios
Y Programas Tiene Par De Ellos...

Jorge A Villalon: Who knows what the truth is? The story seems just that, a story. All of this becomes moot if the plane is found 4500 feet down on the floor of the ocean.

From a source in Israel via England....
Something to think about.   This has never happened to a new and special type of aircraft before.

As the Americans are withdrawing from Afghanistan; one of their command and control systems (used for controlling pilotless drones) was hijacked by the Taliban when an American transport convoy was moving down from one of the hill-top bases. The Taliban ambushed the convoy and killed 2 American Seal personnel, seized the equipment/weapons, including the command and control system which weighed about 20 tons packed into 6 crates. This happened about a month ago in Feb 2014.

What the Taliban wants is money. They want to sell the system to the Russians or the Chinese. The Russians are too busy in Ukraine. The Chinese are hungry for the system's technology. Just imagine, if the Chinese master the technology behind the command and control system, all the American drones will become useless. Sothe Chinese sent 8 top defense scientists to check the system and agreed to pay millions for it.

Sometime in early Mar 2014 the 8 scientists and the 6 crates made their way to Malaysia thinking that it was the best covert way to avoid detection. The cargo was then kept in the Embassy under diplomatic protection.  Meanwhile the Americans have engaged the assistance of Israeli intelligence and together they are determined to intercept and recapture the cargo.

The Chinese calculated that it would be safer to transport it via civilian aircraft so as to avoid suspicion. After all the direct flight from KL to Beijing takes only 4 and half hours and the Americans will not hijack or harm a civilian airliner. So MH370 is the perfect carrier.

There were 5 American and Israeli agents onboard who were familiar with Boeing aircraft operation. The 2"Iranians" with stolen passports could be among them.

MH370 was about to leave Malaysian air space and report in to Vietnamese air control when an American AWAC jammed their signal, disabled the pilot control system and switched over to remote control mode. That was when the plane lost altitude momentarily.

How can the AWAC do it?  Remember 911 incident?  After the 911 incident all Boeing aircraft (and possibly all Airbus) are installed with a remote control system to counter terrorist hijacking.  Since then all Boeing aircraft can be remote controlled by a ground control tower. The same remote control system used to control the pilotless spy aircraft and drones.

The 5 American/Israeli agents soon took over the plane, switched off the transponder and other communication systems, changed course and flew westwards. They dared not fly east to Philippines or Guam because the whole South China Sea air space was covered by Chinese surveillance radar and satellites.

The Malaysian, Thai and Indian military radar actually detected the unidentified aircraft but none reacted professionally.
The plane flew over North Sumatra, Anambas, South India and landed at the Maldives (some villagers saw the aircraft landing), refueled and continued its flight to Diego Garcia, the American Air Base in the middle of Indian Ocean. The cargo and the black box were removed. The passengers were silenced by natural means, lack of oxygen. MH370 with dead passengers took off again using remote control and crashed into South Indian Ocean to make it look that the plane eventually ran out of fuel and crashed.
The Americans have put up a good show. First diverting all the attention and search effort to the South China Sea while the plane made its way to the Indian Ocean.Then they came out with some conflicting statements and evidence to confuse everyone.

The amount of effort put up by China, in terms of the number of search aircraft, ships and satellites, searching first the South China Sea, then the Malacca Straits and the Indian Ocean is unprecedented. This shows that China is very concerned, not so much because of the many Chinese civilian passengers, but mainly for the high value cargo and the 8 defense scientists.

SAMITIER: El Alcalde Propuso Unas Elecciones Para Cambiarle El Nombre Al Pueblo Que Ahora Se Llama “MATA JUDÍOS”
Me Imagino Que El Próximo Pueblo
Que Va A Pedir Cambiar De Nombre
Para ver la información  

El gobierno Federal Mató Por Gusto Y Sin Razón Vacas De Bunfy En Nevada. Destruir Ha Sido Siempre El Placer De Los Comunistas

Los Burócratas Mataron Posiblemente Mas
De 100 Vacas De Bundy Durante Los Días
Que Las Tuvieron Secuestradas... Enterradas
En El Desierto Sin Ninguna Razón...
Hasta Ahora Han Hallado 37...
HE AQUÍ LAS FOTOS... más abajo la información completa

       Monday, April 21       

Bundy Family Posts Photo Of Dead Cow Euthanized By BLM
The Bundy Ranch Facebook page, run by Cliven Bundy's daughter Bailey, posted a photo late Saturdaynight with the caption: "Digging up 1 of the HUGE holes where they threw the cows that they had ran to death or shot. I feel that this NEEDS to be put out for the public to see."




“En mi opinión”    Lázaro R González Miño Editor.
Para contribuir con artículos, opiniones, sugerencias o recibir “En mi opinión”

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