Wednesday, January 1, 2014

No 559 "En mi opinion" Enero 1, 2014

No 559 “En mi opinión”   Miercoles, Enero 1, 2014.
“IN GOD WE TRUST”  Lázaro R González Miño Editor.


M. alemán: No hay escándalos  ni fraudes graciosos.

Amenper: ¿Por qué Triunfa el Comunismo?  “EMO” MUY IMPORTANTE LRGM
Cuando leemos El Capital de Marx, y La Riqueza de las Naciones de Adam Smith, es evidente que el sistema de libre mercado es más lógico y eficiente que el socialismo.
 ¿Entonces por qué el comunismo a pesar de fracasar donde se implanta, sigue renaciendo? 
Para comprender esto tenemos que leer el Manifiesto Comunista, que es como el libro de instrucciones de cómo implantar el comunismo.  Vemos como todo es permitido, la mentira, la envidia, el odio, no importa cuán bajos son los sentimientos, todo se utiliza para el fin del triunfo de la causa..
Y tienen el tiempo y la paciencia que también está en las instrucciones.   En Cuba, desde el principio de la república fueron infiltrando su agenda, en el 1940, Juan Marinello y Blas Roca, tuvieron su mano en como constituyentes de la constitución del 40.  Pero si leemos los nombres vemos otros que no eran comunistas de carnet, pero que después colaboraron con el triunfo final del comunismo en nuestra patria.
En los Estados Unidos en los años 50s no se podía pensar en comunismo. Llego la década de los 60 y vimos como utilizaron la cultura de las drogas para infiltrar con las filosofías marxistas nuestras universidades con la revolución hippie.
 Y tenemos la cosecha de los 60.  Una  cosecha de hippies mariguaneros socialistas, en las cúpulas de nuestras administraciones, tenemos al Presidente Obama, los Clinton, John Kerry, todos drogueros hippies de los 60, con su corte de oficiales del mismo origen.
Cuba era el país más rico de Latinoamérica, los Estados Unidos eran los líderes del mundo libre, por eso fueron la presa codiciada y necesaria.laproxima presa es la religión.
La religión según dice Marx, es el opio de los pueblos, aunque yo diría que es el estimulante e para combatir el opio del comunismo.
Pero por eso hay que atacar a la religión, es la próxima presa,  y vemos los ataques diarios a nivel comunitario pero también y  como es lógico como en el caso de Cuba y de Estados Unidos, atacar a la institución más grande y visible que es la iglesia Católica Romana ,de la misma manera que atacaron a Cuba y a Estados Unidos, por una infiltración lenta y sistemáticaa, ha sido la agenda comunista por años.. 
Y para el que quiera mirar se están viendo los resultados.
Han habido personas de mente brillante que han visto esto desde antes que empezara.
Uno de ellos fue C.S. Lewis, profesor escocés de la Universidad de Oxford, y posiblemente el mayor apologista laico que haya existido en el cristianismo.
Voy a copiar aquí un párrafo de una carta que escribió a un amigo e1 17 de Enero de 1940, hace 74 años y tal parece que está hablando de la actualidad que estamos viviendo

El fascismo y el comunismo como todos los otros males son potentes por el bien que contienen o imitan... y por supuesto su ocasión es el fracaso de quienes abandonaron la humanidad sedienta de ese bien .
 Esto para mí no altera mi convicción de que ambas cosas son sin lugar a dudas bien malas.
 Una de las cosas de que debemos cuidarnos es la penetración de ambos en el cristianismo, aprovechando  y atribuyéndose a ellos mismos- esa verdad,- lo que usted ha sugerido y he admirado.-
Marque mis palabras: Eventualmente se verá una seudo-teología de ambos fascistas y comunistas que estarán en un lugar donde no deben de estar.
Fascism and Communism like all other evils are potent because of the good they contain or imitate….And of course their occasion is the failure of those who left humanity starved if that particular good. This not for me alter the conviction that they are very bad indeed.  One of the things we must guard against is the penetration of both into Christianity-availing themselves of that very truth you have suggested and I have admired.
Mark my words:    You will eventually see both a communist and fascist pseudo-theology developing-The abomination will stand where it ought not
 C.S. Lewis,  January 14th. 1940

Samitier: Otro Juez... Esta Vez En La Florida
Elimina Una Ley Hecha Por Los
Congresistas Electos...
La Ley de Florida que exige pruebas de drogas a los
Recipientes de ayuda del gobierno...
La Jueza Mary S. Scriven de la Corte de Distrito de
Estados Unidos en Orlando sostuvo que la pruebas
violaba la protección constitucional contra registros
irrazonables... En otras palabras los droga adictos

Ahora Son Los JUECES Los Que Ponen Y Quitan Leyes... Como Legisladores...
Ellos No Fueron “Nombrados” Para Hacer Leyes...  

Hillary Clinton Faces Criminal Charges In Egypt. DECEMBER 31, 2013 BY B. CHRISTOPHER AGEE 16 COMMENTS


According to a recent report by World Net Daily, expected 2016 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is embroiled in yet another international scandal. Still reeling from what many perceive as a botched response to the 2012 terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya, reports indicate the former secretary of state is being investigated by Egypt’s attorney general.
Hisham Barakat’s criminal complaint against Clinton alleges she conspired with the wife of former Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi – and the Muslim Brotherhood – to encourage rebels in the nation.
According to a translator, Morsi’s wife, Naglaa Mahmoud, reportedly claims to have a “treasure trove of secrets from the White House,” indicating Clinton “fears my wrath.”
Mahmoud goes on to confirm she “will not speak about Huma Abedin,” a former aide with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. Sources indicate Mahmoud works with Abedin’s mother, Saleha, as a leader of the Muslim Sisterhood.
As Morsi heads to trial, the actions of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton will likely be central themes. As the lamest of all presidential ducks, Obama’s sullied reputation can’t suffer much more as a result of charges filed against him.
The added controversy, however, is the last thing a fledgling Clinton campaign needs.
Mahmoud seems convinced Clinton will be “looking for the support of Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood” in her pursuit of the Oval Office.
“Hillary depends on us tremendously to help her succeed in the coming presidential elections,” Mahmoud reportedly confirmed, “just as we helped Barack Obama win twice.”
Clinton is obviously desperate to retain power despite the frequent missteps she made during her short tenure as secretary of state. Millions of outraged Americans will not let her scandalous behavior be forgotten in the years approaching 2016.
With the stage set for another big midterm win for Republicans, the continued derailment of the Democrat Party’s presidential frontrunner only makes the conservative cause that much more attractive to voters.
–B. Christopher Agee
Have an idea for a story? Email us at

Nelson Dans: Globalización


> Pregunta: ¿Cuál es la
> definición más correcta de
> Globalización?
> Respuesta: La muerte de
> la Princesa Diana
> Pregunta: ¿por
> qué?
> Respuesta: Una princesa
> inglesa, con su enamorado egipcio, tiene un accidente en un
> túnel francés, dentro de un coche alemán, con motor
> holandés, conducido por un belga, borracho de whisky
> escocés, que era perseguido por paparazzis italianos, en
> motos japonesas.
> La princesa fue tratada
> por un médico austriaco, que usó medicamentos suizos.
> Ahora estás recibiendo este mensaje escrito por un cubano,
> usando tecnología americana (Bill Gates), con programas
> (software) instalados de empresas europeas, y australianas,
> desarrollados en India y lo estás leyendo en un pc con
> chips hechos en Taiwan, con un monitor Coreano montado por
> trabajadores de Bangla Desh, en una fábrica de Singapur,
> transportados en camiones rusos, conducidos por tailandeses,
> robados por indonesios, descargados en los muelles por
> jamaicanos, reempaquetados por mexicanos, vendidos por
> judíos, através de una conexión
> paraguaya.
> Esto es la
> Globalización
> No os preocupeis, dentro
> de 5 años la globalización desaparecerá, todo será
> "made in china".  Entónces hablaremos de la
> "chingalización" y todos estudiaremos "Chino
> sin Barreras"

·         Fox News First -- ObamaCare: Countdown to coverage or confusion? | State Department stands pat on Benghazi| RNC rips Obama with resolution cards | de Blasio: bar horse-drawn carriages | Ring in 2014 with your Fox friends‏. Politics Editors (

Buzz Cut:
·        ObamaCare: Countdown to coverage or confusion?
·        State Department stands pat on Benghazi
·        RNC rips Obama with resolution cards
·        de Blasio: bar horse-drawn carriages
·        Ring in 2014 with your Fox friends

As “go-time” approaches for President Obama’s problem plagued entitlement program, trouble signs are surfacing for new enrollees, this time in filling prescriptions. Citing the myriad enrollment issues that have dogged the Web site and the fact that insurance companies have said they are not getting accurate information to be able to process required forms, 
Reuters reports that Walgreens, the country’s largest drug store chain, is trying to head-off a potential prescription stoppage for its customers. Walgreens said it will provide a month's supply of certain prescriptions at no upfront cost to U.S. participants who have not yet received a plan identification number under President Barack Obama's signature healthcare law.

Spin cycle - Another worrisome sign for ObamaCare: with the threat of coverage confusion and more criticism on the horizon, team Obama is organizing a feel good message effort. Politico 
reports, “White House, Democratic lawmakers and advocacy organizations will launch a campaign this week to highlight real-life experiences under the Affordable Care Act — tales so compelling that they help drive up enrollment, marginalize Republican repeal efforts and erase memories of this fall’s debacle.” The depth of chaos and confusion after Jan. 1 will ultimately determine the effectiveness of that effort.

Bolting after botched roll-out? - The No. 2 official at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services is retiring, administrator Marilyn Tavenner announced Monday. Michelle Snyder oversaw the problem plagued launch of the federal ObamaCare Web site. In a statement, Tavenner claimed Snyder planned to leave her job a year ago but was asked to stay on. House Oversight committee head Darell Issa blasted Snyder’s departure saying, “Documents and interviews indicate Michelle Snyder's involvement in bypassing the recommendation of CMS’ top security expert who recommended delaying the launch of after independent testers raised concern about serious vulnerabilities from a lack of adequate security testing.”  Fox News has 

Asked about the NYT’s weekend report claiming al-Qaeda was not involved in the Benghazi attack, the State Department continues to maintain there are “no indications, at this point, that core Al Qaeda directed or planned what happened in Benghazi” and an anti-Islamic YouTube video played a role in the attack. During a press briefing Monday, Spokeswoman Marie Harf said, “Much of what's in this in-depth investigation ... tracks with what the [State Departments internal review board] found and with our understanding of the facts.” Several lawmakers reject that conclusion citing conflicts with Congressional testimony provided by Greg Hicks, the deputy to ambassador Christopher Stevens, who was one of the four Americans killed in the attack. Hicks described the video as “a non-event in Libya” at that time, and consequently not a significant trigger for the attack. Fox News has

[“There is not a person who believes that's true. I traveled to Libya 21 days after the attack. The entire time I was there not a single person brought up the video.” –Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, on “Hannity”]

NYT editor rails against Republicans over Benghazi - NYT editor Andrew Rosenthal 
pushed back at Republicans criticism of the Time’s report on the Benghazi attack. Rosenthal claims Republicans are seeking to link al-Qaeda to the attack “to tarnish Democratic candidates by making it seem as though [President]Obama doesn’t take Al Qaeda seriously,” and to “throw mud” at former Secretary of StateHillary Clinton. The editor also sought to squash claims the piece was written to clear Clinton of wrong doing adding, “We have not chosen Mrs. Clinton. We have not chosen anyone. I can also state definitively that there was no editorial/newsroom conspiracy of any kind.”

[“The fact that the editor of the New York Times had to explain…that they haven't yet endorsed anyone for 2016, all you have to do is read the paper. And can you tell who they have endorsed and what political ideology they have endorsed.” – Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., to guest host Dana Perino, “On the Record with Greta Van Susteren”] 

Hillary in the dark? – Hillary Clinton spokesman Nick Merrill told the 
Daily Caller the former secretary of state did not have any prior knowledge of the Times report ahead of its publication saying, “…we learned about the story at the same time that the rest of America did, when it posted online on Saturday afternoon.”

[New Today on Fox News Opinion: CIA Analyst Fred Fleitz takes a 
deep dive in his analysis of the Time’s report and a possible agenda it may have had.]

Thirteen states will increase their minimum wage in the new year. New Jersey residents will see one of the largest increases at a dollar an hour to $8.25. Minimum wage workers will see a small cost of living increase in Ariz., Colo. Fla., Mo., Mont., Ohio, Ore., Vt., and Was. President Obama and Democrats are hoping to make a living wage an issue going into 2014 as they seek to raise the Federal minimum wage to just over $10.

From the 
Washington Times: “The Obama administration tried to edit a report on new coal regulations to lower analysts’ estimates of serious job losses, an official investigation has found, backing up reports that the Interior Department pressured a private contractor to change information in order to make the data more acceptable… Fox News reported in 2011 that a company claimed the Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement asked it to change variables in a calculation that showed new environmental regulations would lead to large job losses.”

Liberal columnist Richard Cohen explains why 2013 was 
Hillary Clinton’s unlucky year for WaPo. “If she’s the next Democratic presidential candidate, she will have to follow a Democratic president whose approval ratings — once as high as 76 percent — are now scraping 40. As a former member ofBarack Obama’s Cabinet, she has to defend the indefensible, kiss the ugly baby of Obamacare and smile for the cameras. She can do it — no one soldiers on better — but ugly is ugly, and the rollout of Obamacare has been just that… As in 2008, Barack Obama could wind up defeating her.”

Got a TIP from the RIGHT or LEFT? Email 

Real Clear Politics Averages
Obama Job Approval: Approve – 42.7 percent//Disapprove – 53.4 percent
Direction of Country: Right Direction – 30.4 percent//Wrong Track – 63.5 percent

For the sixth straight year, President Obama and Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton top 
Gallup’s poll of most admired Americans. However, the percentage naming “the one” as most admired has dropped from 30 percent in 2012, to just 16 percent this year.

[Ahem…President Obama earned the less than admirable distinction of holding WaPo’s “Pinocchio of the year Award” for his oft-repeated “you can keep it” pledge. –Watch Fox: Senior White House and Foreign and Affairs Correspondent Wendell Goler is tracking the president’s “pants on fire status” and other misleading statements.

The Republican National Committee is using its own brand of New Year’s Resolution cards to slam President Obama’s work ethic. A half-dozen 
E-cards are being offered by the GOP, with one reading, “I resolve to admit to admit you won’t be able to keep your plan...Or your Doctor”

With Republicans vying to wrest control of the Senate in 2014 from Democrats reeling from ObamaCare fallout, GOP party leaders are concerned about how next year’s primaries will unfold. –Watch Fox: Campaign Carl Cameron is tracking GOP primaries in Ga., Iowa, Alaska, and N.C.

Rep. Kristi Noem, R-S.D, said Monday she will continue to fight against federal regulations that only permit 2 ounces of meat in school lunches. That amounts to only “just three chicken nuggets for a high school student,” Noem said adding, “Simply put, bureaucrats in Washington shouldn't be able to dictate what goes on our kids' plates.” The Hill has 

Before you consult Google maps for that globetrotting adventure, consider this: In his new book, “A History of the World in 12 Maps,” Queen Mar University of London Professor Jerry Broton chronicles the fascinating evolution of mapmaking.  He told the Atlantic: “All cultures have always believed that the map they valorize is real and true and objective and transparent,” adding “All maps are always subjective.... Even today’s online geospatial applications on all your mobile devices and tablets, be they produced by Google or Apple or whoever, are still to some extent subjective maps.” Trace the history from Ptolemy’s first map in 150 AD to Google Earth’s launch in 2005, courtesy of the Atlantic

The National Park Service announced Monday it purchased over 4,200 acres of land in Northeast Arizona, following the discovery this summer of rare fossils and a pre-historic pond eco-system. Paleontologists recently unearthed the extinct remains of the Doswellia, a 7-foot-long carnivorous reptile with a boxy body, flat head, and long neck, on the land. The park service purchased the land for $1.3 million using royalties derived from offshore oil and gas drilling to buy land. National Journal has the 

It’s a romantic hallmark of New York’s Central Park, but if Democratic mayor-elect Bill de Blasio has his way horse-drawn carriage rides could be history. Charging the carriages are inhumane to horses de Blasio told the NY Daily News, “they are not appropriate for the year 2014. It's over. So, just watch us do it.” Fox News has 

The latest Fox News Poll 
shows 51 percent of respondents say 2013 was a good year for them, with 37 percent saying it was bad. Most are optimistic about the economic outlook for 2014 with 54 percent saying it will get better, up 49 percent from last year.

Count down to 2014 live from Times Square with Fox News Channel! Bill Hemmer and Elisabeth Hasselbeck host the ‘
All-American New Year’ tonight starting at 9 p.m. ET. Use the hashtag #foxnews2014 on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram right now and during the show to join in on the action.  They’ll be must-see performances by country music singer Rodney Atkins, rock band Blues Traveler and Scottish singer Susan Boyle. In a first and exclusive Fox News interview, anything goes when Duck Dynasty’s Willie and Korie Robertson join the party. FNC’s Bill O'Reilly, Charles Krauthammer, Megyn Kelly, Kimberly Guilfoyle and Bob Beckel join the festivities, sharing their resolutions for the New Year.

“What conservatives ought to do is to say if you can't feed a family on this, and as a result of our lousy recovery a lot of people are depending on this wage, then I think for people who are the bread winners in a family, [the federal minimum wage] ought to be raised. But I think what you want for entry level jobs -- it's really going to hurt teenagers, it's really going to hurt minorities because they are going to lose the jobs which would help them to get started. I would have a two-tiered system. And I think that probably would be a way… that Republicans and conservatives could offer. It's not heartless but it keeps in mind how this would hurt.”—Charles Krauthammer on “Special Report withBret Baier

[Ed note: The Fox News First team wishes our readers a Happy New Year!]

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Sara Palin: MSNBC Remarks about Romney Grandchild 'Holy Unbelievable' By Wanda Carruthers.

“EMO” These people are really stupid monsters…

Lázaro R González Miño Editor.

Sarah Palin blasted remarks by MSNBC panelists who mocked a photo of Mitt Romney and his family, calling the statements "holy unbelievable." 

"Holy unbelievable. The hypocritical leftist lamestream media should be shamed by every caring, child-loving American. It has once again reached a new low," the 2008 Republican vice presidential candidate wrote on her 
Facebook page Tuesday. 

The guests on MSNBC's "Melissa Harris-Perry" show on Sunday mocked a family photo of 2012 Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney. In the picture, Romney held his adopted grandchild, Kieran Romney, who is black.

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During the show, panelist Pia Glenn sang, "One of these things is not like the others," while fellow panelists laughed. 

Harris-Perry then pondered the idea of a marriage between Kieran and singer Kanye West's daughter. And, political comedian Dean Obeidallah sarcastically commented that the picture "sums up the diversity of the Republican party."

"Leftist media hounds are not expressing an opinion with this attack; they are expressing a prejudice that would never be accepted if it came from anyone else but the lib media," Palin wrote.

"You really need a conscience, yellow journalists. May your 2014 New Year's Resolution be to find one," she added.

The MSNBC panelists' comments were quickly condemned by fellow journalists. 

"I’m not even sure what the threshold anymore is for MSNBC going too far," Ann Navarro, Republican CNN contributor, 
said Monday on “Erin Burnett OutFront,”according to Politico. 

"Nothing is lower than humiliating a child. So, uhm, well done, MSNBC," 
John Nolte of wrote.

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Urgent: Should Obamacare Be Repealed?
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Gatria: Sr. Mariano Molina, descraciadamente y por motivos que desconozco
se ha mantenido practicamente secreto que desde el año 2001 Estados
Unidos le ha vendido y le sigue vendiendo a Cuba  todo lo que Cuba
quiera comprar en ALIMENTOS Y MEDICINAS, logicamente al contado,
por dos razones: Primero porque Castro confisco cientos de millones
de pesos al robarse todo lo que habia en Cuba . Robarselo porque 
hasta la fecha no ha pagado ni un dolar. Ejemplo : comienze a comprar
y no paque y trate despues que alquien le venda al credito. Segundo,
porque Cuba debe BILLONES de dolaresy no le paga a nadie.

Cuando Castro confisco todo lo que habia en Cuba perteneciente a Estados Unidos ¿ Sabe al final quien o quienes pagaron ?  pagaron los ciudadanos
estado-unidense ya que todas las compañias afectadas pusieron esas
perdidas al hacer sus TAXES.

Desde el 2001 USA.ha vendido a Cuba Billones de dolares en Alimentos
y Medicinas. Si revisamos el año 2008 vemos que se le vendio a Cuba
$71O,086,323.00 en alimentos mas lo que se le vendio en medicinas,
ese año USA. le vendio a Cuba mas de un BILLON de dolares en 
mercancias y medicinas. 

Cuba puede comprar todo lo que quiera en alimentos, equipos medicos
y medicinas, siempre que paque al contado. Tambien si algun pais o
cualquier persona economicamente solvente, o el mismo PAPA que tanto
critica , se hace responsible de que si Cuba no paga ellos pagan, problema
Si desea mas datos : U.S.-Cuba Trade and Economic Council, Inc
Telephone (212)246-1444
Sergio Gatria

“En mi opiniónLázaro R González Miño Editor ‘IN GOD GOD WE TRUST

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