Thursday, November 20, 2014

No 799 "En mi opinion" Noviembre 20, 2014

 No 799 “En mi opinión”  Noviembre 20, 2014

“IN GOD WE TRUST” Lázaro R González Miño   EDITOR

NBC/WSJ Poll: Nearly Half Oppose Executive Action on Immigration.

Nearly half of Americans disapprove of President Barack Obama’s expected plan to take executive action that would potentially allow millions of undocumented immigrants to stay legally in the United States, according to a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll.
Forty-eight percent oppose Obama taking executive action on immigration -- which could come as soon as later this week -- while 38 percent support it; another 14 percent have no opinion or are unsure.

Pence on Immigration: Congress Should Block President with 'Power of Purse'

Not surprisingly, these numbers largely break along partisan lines: 63 percent of Democrats approve of Obama taking executive action here, versus just 11 percent of Republicans and 37 percent of independents.
Latinos are divided, with 43 percent supporting the action and 37 percent opposing it. But the sample size here is small (just 110 Latino respondents), so the numbers have a high margin of error.
As NBC News has previously reported, the Obama White House is finalizing a set of proposals to allow as many as five million undocumented immigrants to stay in the country legally, including the parents of children who are American citizens and those with high-tech skills.
The new NBC/WSJ poll also finds a majority of Americans (57 percent) favoring a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants, and that increases to 74 percent when respondents are told that such a pathway requires paying fines and back taxes, as well as passing a security background check.
In June 2013, the U.S. Senate -- by a bipartisan 68-32 vote -- passed legislation creating this pathway for undocumented immigrants, plus bolstering security of the U.S.-Mexico border.
But the GOP-controlled House of Representatives declined to take up the legislation -- or even to pass its own bill.
And that is what has spurred President Obama's decision to take executive action.
The rest of the NBC/WSJ poll -- which was conducted Nov. 14-17 and has an overall margin of error of plus-minus 3.1 percentage points -- will be released at 6:30 pm ET.

Leaked Email Reveals Obama’s Sinister Plan That Will Enrage Millions Of Americans

...followed up with a second email asking the recipients to “please ignore” his previous message.

Amnesty supporters and detractors alike have long expected Barack Obama to announce unilateral action regarding immigration shortly after the Nov. 4 midterm elections. According to a Reuters report Wednesday, that announcement will come Friday during a stop in Las Vegas.
Early reports are based on a Las Vegas Review-Journal report confirming Obama has scheduled a stop in the city this week and a subsequent CNBC claim that he will share details of an executive order during the trip. While there are few confirmed details regarding the contents of his anticipated immigration plan, Reuters cited a source who advised the action will defer deportation of the illegal parents of legal American citizens.
Activist Dawn Le of the Alliance for Citizenship sent an email out to her contacts this week calling for the formation of “watch parties” Thursday evening and Friday in anticipation of a “celebratory” announcement regarding amnesty. BuzzFeed reported that labor union representative Jeff Hauser passed the correspondence along to several news organizations – apparently by accident.
The email, which was obviously sent to rally pro-amnesty activists, arrived in the inboxes of reporters from major outlets, including the New York Times and USA Today, before Hauser followed up with a second email asking the recipients to “please ignore” his previous message.
Obama will also likely allow immigrants currently in the U.S. illegally to remain in this country and could announce new border security measures. Reports suggest the only deportation efforts Obama is interested in pursuing involve illegals convicted of serious crimes.

Agradezco cualquier  sugerencia para mejorarla. Gracias
Senador marcos Rubio.
Washington DC.

Senador: Acabo de oír la infame noticia que de nuevo otra orden ejecutiva será presentada hoy por quien no cesa de tomar acciones con absoluto desprecio a la Constitución y  nuestros Representantes en ambas Cámaras. y por tanto ABSOLUTA  falta de respeto a  nosotros el pueblo de USA. Esta  será otra violación más de la ley de Inmigración que firmo el Ex Pte Ronald Reagan en el año 1886 y que un segundo después comenzó a ser violada por los Demócratas que no cumplieron su pacto de CERRAR las fronteras y después  todos los Pte Republicanos que han pasado y otros funcionarios han continuado con esa DESVERGUENZA, faltando todos al deber elemental de proteger a país en aras de una politiquería miserables con los que ilegalmente han entrado por el descontrol que se ha institucionalizado a propósito de nuestras leyes en cantidades incontables y en detrimento de nuestra Seguridad Nacional e intereses como Ciudadanos de USA . cosa que es la prioridad de cualquier Representante del pueblo en cualquier lugar del mundo. Uds estan en ese puesto porque le dimos  el voto para que nos representen a nosotros no a los que cruzan la frontera bajo la desidia de los que deben protegerla.

Espero  Senador oír su voz enérgicamente y tomando acciones para parar tantas violaciones de la Constitución de USA... porque el Barack Husein Obama no es ningún Dios que esta sobre ella para violarla a su antojo  y peor aún no oímos con un tono bien alto el repudio por parte de nuestros Representantes a cada una de ellas sin parar día a día  y las acciones para detenerlas por Ejemplo cerrándoles los fondos SIN NINGUN MIEDO,  COSA QUE NO HAN HECHO  para  PARAR sus implementaciones. CAPACIDAD QUE TIENEN LA CAMARA DE REPRSENTANTE Y ESTA HA SIDO UNA FIRMADORA DE CHEQUES EN BLANCO PARA NUESTRA DESTRUCCION.  Ya como pueblo estamos  HASTIADOS con el comportamiento sin control de B.H.O. Espero que Ud.  haya oído al pueblo de USA que le dio el voto a los Republicanos esta vez no porque estos hayan hecho un buen trabajo todo lo contrario le dio el voto para sacar a los que nunca han dejado de dañar a nuestro País los llamados de la extrema Izquierda o simplente Socialistas y que los Republicamos podamos tener la mayoría para PARAR cuantos actos de destrucción a USA continúe haciendo quien nunca se ha comportado como un Pte de USA sino como el peor de los tiranos de la antigua Esparta.

Espero que Ud. oiga la voz del pueblo que está cansado de Barack Husein su infame Obama Care destructora del mejor Sistema de salud del mundo para imponer  tiránicamente y bajo la mentira una ley anti Constitucional e  INMUNDICIA  SOCIALISTA, mientras que OTROS designados a dedos continúan teniendo COMO UN PRIVILEGIO SOBRE EL PUEBLO la MEDICINA DE USA  LO QUE CONSTITUYE OTRA VIOLACION MAS DE LA CONSTITUCION,  cansados de acciones contra USA, Escándalos y  desvergüenzas realizadas sin control y con absoluta planificación para la destrucción de USA.

Urgiéndole la toma de acciones que NOSOTROS EL PUEBLO DEMANDAMOS en la urnas en días pasados.

Luis E Guzmán
9553 SW 57 street
Miami FL, 33173

Rush: Obama Thinks He's an Emperor

By Cathy Burke
President Barack Obama thinks he's an "emperor" and will prove it Thursday with an expected plan to shield millions of undocumented immigrants from deportation, conservative commentator and radio host Rush Limbaugh says.

The president's declaration in February 2013
 that "I'm not . . . the emperor of the United States" and can't stop deportations that would tear immigrant families apart was just "buying time,"
Limbaugh said on his radio show Wednesday. 

Important: Watch Obama’s live address on Newsmax TV Thursday night 8PM ESTfollowed by analysis from the Newsmax team – on DIRECTV Ch. 349, DISH 223, or download your free APP on your smartphone.

"What he didn't say was, 'I don't care about any of that,'" Limbaugh said. "'The only thing stopping me is there's an election coming up, and, when the election's over, that's when I'll do it. But I'm not gonna do it before that because that will hurt my party and maybe me.'

"He should have just told them to be patient and wait until after the election, because he doesn't believe he's not an emperor," Limbaugh charged.

Obama, who is 
expected to outline a plan Thursday
to give temporary legal status to millions of undocumented immigrants, is doing exactly what he said he couldn't, Limbaugh said. "He lied," Limbaugh charged. "Obama knows everything he's doing. He knows who he lies to, he knows why he lies, and he knows he's going to get away with it. He knows he's not gonna be called on it."

But, Limbaugh said, "the point is much larger than Obama is a hypocrite. He is exactly what he claims that he is not."

"He knows the American people are not ready for a dictator or an authoritarian or a statist," Limbaugh said. "That's why he's gotta lie."

The president, Limbaugh said, "knows he's violating the Constitution — he's happy to do it, by the way."

The president's plan is expected to give relief from deportation to millions of undocumented immigrants who are parents of U.S. citizens or of permanent legal residents.

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BREAKING: Obama to Unveil Executive Amnesty on Friday in Las Vegas
Congress Must Act Immediately to Block Amnesty, No Matter What It Takes

Dear Lazaro R Gonzalez,

On Election Day, America sent a powerful message to Congress -- STOP OBAMA.  
Yet no less than two weeks later, Congress refuses to fight back against Obama's brazen abuse of executive power!  
It's almost as if the election never happened.
Because of the weakness of our Congressional Leaders, Obama is in fact more powerful than ever.
And he will NEVER back down.  Obama must be stopped.
On Friday in Las Vegas, Obama will effectively usurp the power of Congress and the will of the American people by granting "Executive Amnesty" to more than 6 million illegal immigrants.
Congress may be the last to know, but America now stands on the brink of a full-blown Constitutional crisis.
It is imperative for American citizens to immediately weigh-in hard and fast with Congress: BLOCK AMNESTY, no matter what it takes.                      Congress MUST immediately act by doing everything in their power to BLOCK Obama's lawless Executive Amnesty.  
Here is how you can help right now:
If you have NOT done so already, please sign the emergency petition to Block Amnesty.
If you've already signed, please post the petition over social media.
If you'd like to do even more, please support our campaign to BLOCK AMNESTY.
With your support, we'll continue to get the message out to millions of Americans -- while keeping the heat on Congress.
Please Donate Whatever You Can by Clicking Here
Thank you for all that you're doing.
Sign the Emergency Petition to BLOCK AMNESTY
Obama's Brazen Abuse of Executive Power Has Brought America to the Point of a Full-Blown Constitutional Crisis.

Dear Fellow American:
 On Friday in Las Vegas, Obama will announce an Executive Order granting amnesty to no less than6 million illegal immigrants.
America now stands on the brink of a full-blown Constitutional Crisis. 
It is a crisis America MUST win and Obama MUST lose.
He MUST be stopped.

Sign the Emergency Petition to BLOCK AMNESTY
                                                                                                                                                                    Congress must act immediately to BLOCK Obama's lawless EXECUTIVE AMNESTY for millions of immigrants who've entered our country illegally.  
After you sign, there's an option to donate to a public information campaign to BLOCK AMNESTY.
 Congress must act immediately by doing everything in their power to stop Obama's arrogant abuse of executive power -- BLOCK AMNESTY.
REVIVE AMERICA USA, INC, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's agent or committee. © Revive America USA, Inc. 2013 REVIVE AMERICA USA, INC operates as a social welfare organization organized under section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Amenper: Lo Inevitable de la Muerte y los Impuestos
Benjamín Franklin dijo que lo único inevitable en la vida era la muerte y los impuestos.
Pero vemos que ahora aunque la muerte sigue siendo inevitable, los impuestos pueden ser evitados según quien eres.
Al Sharpton debe millones al  estado de New York y gravámenes federales, según un informe del New York Times hoy sobre el activista y las finanzas del host de MSNBC.
Sharpton debe más de $ 4,5 millones y ha "regularmente soslayado" sus obligaciones financieras, el informe constata.
Su grupo de la red nacional de acción no ha pagado impuestos sobre la nómina federal durante años y ha "fallado reiteradamente" a pagar dinero usado para viajar y vivir.
El informe rastrea la historia financiera de Sharpton no solamente, pero su relación con el aumento de Sharpton de activista e influyente posición dentro del gobierno. También señala que los ingresos del grupo de Sharpton han recibido en los últimos años, viene de un montón de patrocinadores corporativos.
El informe del New York Times, va tan lejos como para notar que lo que hizo Sharpton está caracterizado por el inspector general del tesoro como "'abusivo', o 'potencialmente criminal' si la falla para entregar o recoger impuestos es voluntariosa o sea evadida de manera conocida.'"
Sharpton en su defensa hoy dijo que había pagado todos sus impuestos durante la administración de Obama, dando a entender que si debía algo era anterior.  Además dijo lo usual, que esto se trataba de un ataque político de sus enemigos.
Bueno, yo, como muchos siempre he pagado mis impuestos bajo presidentes Republicanos y Demócratas.  No me gusta pagarlos, pero lo hago porque es la ley.  No pago los impuestos estimados, por principio, creo que no debiera ser obligado a pagar los impuestos por ingresos antes de que esos ingresos sean declarados a fin del año.  Pago en Abril 15, por esto me ponen una multa cada año, multa que también pago. El IRS es muy cuidadoso en recordarme de mis impuestos, y amenazante cuando no hago mis impuestos estimados. 
¿Cómo es posible que alguien deba 4.5 millones hace años y no sea obligado por el IRS a que pague lo que debe?  Parece que tienes que ser un activista negro y amigo de Obama para poder no pagar impuestos.
Esto no es una acusación política, viene de uno de los periódicos más liberales de la nación.
El problema es sencillo, o pagaste los impuestos o no los pagaste, y si no lo pagaste, los que si los hemos pagados tenemos el derecho de preguntar ¿Por qué no? ¿Por qué el IRS es tan estricto con unos y no con otros?

Watch: This Mysterious, Jaw-Dropping “Celestial Event” Is Like Nothing You’ve Ever Seen

A sudden flash of light on a dark roadway over the...

A sudden flash of light on a dark roadway over the Sverdlovsk region in Russia on November 14 at about 5:40 pm was captured on a motorist’s dash-camera.  The mysterious red and yellow glow suddenly appeared in the sky for about 14 seconds and then faded away.  There is no confirmation of the source of this celestial event. 
Some local residents have suggested that it was a meteor similar to the one that fell in the Chelyabinsk region in February 2013, which exploded about 18 miles above the earth’s surface, causing damage to thousands of buildings and injury to 1,500 people from broken windows.  No damage or injuries have been reported.
An additional video filmed by a schoolboy in the town of Rezh shows a similar flash of red and yellow light. 
Although many theories have been trending on both social and traditional media about another meteorite, military exercise, or rocket launch, no cause of the blast has been confirmed.  Emergency services in the region has said that no injuries or accidents have been reported in connection with the sighting.  There have been no reports of a loud explosion.  The military press service reported that no exercise or training were underway at that time.

World Premiere of 'I Killed JFK' on Newsmax TV 

Marking the 51st anniversary of President John F. Kennedy’s assassination on Nov. 22, 1963, Newsmax TV will air the world premiere of the explosive one-hour documentary "I Killed JFK" on Thursday, Nov. 20, at 9 p.m. ET.
The documentary adds to the diverse programming featured onNewsmax TV, the news, information, and lifestyle channel that is currently ramping up to a formal rollout in 2015.
Produced by Barry Katz Entertainment, "I Killed JFK" features never-before-seen footage of the confessed killer of President Kennedy. The film presents compelling forensic and eyewitness evidence previously unavailable to the public. The documentary also includes interviews with the alleged assassin as well as two former FBI agents who found the assassin’s confessions credible.
"Until now, no one has ever confessed to the murder of JFK, and most people still believe that Lee Harvey Oswald was the killer. After the world sees this special, I am confident that the greatest mystery of our generation will finally be solved," said Executive Producer Barry Katz.
"As we ramp up Newsmax TV for our official launch, we're offering a range of provocative and original programming that interests a large and under-served audience, including the generation raised in the aftermath of that tragic day in Dallas," Newsmax Media CEO Christopher Ruddy said. "They’ll see a movie that adds to the scholarship and the debate surrounding the president's assassination."
"We are heartened by Newsmax TV's decision to bring this important and revealing program to the American public. We all deserve to know the truth behind what was truly one of the saddest moments in our country’s history," added Ernest Cartwright, co-executive producer for the project.
The Thursday evening premiere of "I Killed JFK" at 9 p.m. ET will be followed by repeat broadcasts that will continue through the date of the Kennedy assassination anniversary and weekend.
Tune in to Newsmax TV on DIRECTV Channel 349 or DISH 223.
You can also watch live on or download the free Newsmax TV smartphone app.

*          to Give Temporary Status to Millions of Illegals

By Melanie Batley and Newsmax Wires
President Barack Obama plans to describe the steps he will take to fix the immigration system in an address to the nation on Thursday at 8 p.m. ET , the White House said on its Facebook page on Wednesday.

"Everybody agrees that our immigration system is broken. Unfortunately, Washington has allowed the problem to fester for too long," Obama said in a video announcement posted to the website.

"So what I'm going to be laying out is the things that I can do with my lawful authority as president to make the system work better even as I continue to work with Congress and encourage them to get a bipartisan, comprehensive bill that can solve the entire problem," he said.

Obama also said he will travel to Del Sol High School in Las Vegas on Friday to discuss his action. The school was where he first laid out his ideas for immigration reform two years ago, he said. 

Republicans have been lining up a response strategy while activists are managing their expectations.

Under the executive action plan, Obama would ease immigration rules on millions of undocumented immigrants, a source familiar with White House deliberations, has told Reuters.
The order, which will set up a showdown between the White House and Republicans in Congress, would give relief from deportation to millions of undocumented immigrants who are parents of U.S. citizens or of permanent legal residents, according to the source, who asked not to be identified.

According to Politico, congressional leaders and potential Republican presidential candidates are preparing legislation and arguments to deploy an effective public offensive, while attempting to avoid turning off Hispanic voters.

Former, and possibly future, presidential candidate Rick Santorum said the party should focus on the negative economic impact of a policy that could give as many as five million illegal immigrants access to work permits.

"Is this a constitutional crisis? Yes," the former Pennsylvania senator told Politico. "But we have to put it in terms of … what it means to average working Americans. At a time when the economy is struggling and wages are stagnant, you're dumping 5 million people into the workforce."

Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, also a potential 2016 contender, has said the GOP should emphasize that unilateral action ignores the will of the people who voted against the Democrats in the midterm elections.

"The American people overwhelmingly rejected his policies all across the country," Jindal told Politico. "In previous cycles, he said elections have consequences. Talk about arrogance."

The Republican National Committee will likely focus on the contradictory messages the president has made about the scope of his authority to act in changing immigration law.
"We don’t know how far he'll go," RNC spokeswoman Kirsten Kukowski, told Politico. 

"But we do know it's always been about politics and we're going to make sure Americans know that Obama himself said the action he's contemplating 'would be very difficult to defend legally' just two years ago."

It was not yet clear which parents of citizens or permanent residents would be included, the source said, and the Obama administration had been looking at options including those parents who have been living in the United States for five years or 10 years.
The reported trip would come after a top Obama aide is scheduled to meet with Senate Democrats on Thursday. White House chief of staff Denis McDonough, who is likely to be pressed on the immigration issue in the closed-door luncheon.

Democrats, including Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, have been urging Obama to move quickly on immigration. Some have pointed to his failure to take executive action on the issue as costing Democrats votes in this month's congressional elections and setting up a Republicans sweep of congressional election earlier this month.

Obama has warned Republicans in Congress that he would act unilaterally if they continue to block comprehensive immigration legislation.

But, Congressional lawmakers, meanwhile, are considering piecemeal legislation to try to demonstrate that the party has its own strategic plan beyond simple opposition to the president's, Politico reported. 

One bill could focus on border security while another could center on expanding the number of high-tech visas. Other measures could try to defund the president's proposals or require Obama to enforce existing immigration laws.

Appearing on Newsmax TV on Monday, former U.S. attorney general Alberto Gonzales urged the president to engage Congress in hammering out an immigration deal instead of just issuing his own executive order.

"Even assuming that in fact he has the authority I don't think it's the right thing to do at this juncture," Gonzales said on "The Steve Malzberg Show." 

"It's a temporary solution to a very serious problem. It makes it more difficult to get comprehensive immigration reform in the future going forward."

Story continues below video.

Meanwhile, immigration rights activists are trying to manage their expectations about the scope of the president's plans after administration officials began prepping them in calls on Tuesday, 
The Hill reported. 

"They're setting expectations, making it clear he has the legal authority to do what he's going to do, but that he's not going beyond his authority, as some advocates would like," one source familiar with the calls told The Hill.

The White House has still not revealed any specifics of the president's planned action and White House domestic policy council director, Cecelia Munoz, said Obama was still making decisions about the content and timing of his announcement, The Hill said.

"He's going to go as far as he can under the law," Munoz told MSNBC, according to The Hill.
Sources have said Obama is expected to take actions to allow some undocumented people to live here at least temporarily without the threat of deportation and to hold jobs in the United States. Obama's executive order could also include further border security steps, they said.

Obama also is expected to stress that he wants to focus efforts on deportations of illegal residents with serious criminal backgrounds.

Related stories: 

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Leaked Email Reveals Obama’s Sinister Plan That Will Enrage Millions Of Americans

...followed up with a second email asking the recipients to “please ignore” his previous message.

Amnesty supporters and detractors alike have long expected Barack Obama to announce unilateral action regarding immigration shortly after the Nov. 4 midterm elections. According to a Reuters report Wednesday, that announcement will come Friday during a stop in Las Vegas.
Early reports are based on a Las Vegas Review-Journal report confirming Obama has scheduled a stop in the city this week and a subsequent CNBC claim that he will share details of an executive order during the trip. While there are few confirmed details regarding the contents of his anticipated immigration plan, Reuters cited a source who advised the action will defer deportation of the illegal parents of legal American citizens.
Activist Dawn Le of the Alliance for Citizenship sent an email out to her contacts this week calling for the formation of “watch parties” Thursday evening and Friday in anticipation of a “celebratory” announcement regarding amnesty. BuzzFeed reported that labor union representative Jeff Hauser passed the correspondence along to several news organizations – apparently by accident.
The email, which was obviously sent to rally pro-amnesty activists, arrived in the inboxes of reporters from major outlets, including the New York Times and USA Today, before Hauser followed up with a second email asking the recipients to “please ignore” his previous message.
Obama will also likely allow immigrants currently in the U.S. illegally to remain in this country and could announce new border security measures. Reports suggest the only deportation efforts Obama is interested in pursuing involve illegals convicted of serious crimes.

ISIS Creates Gold and Silver Currencies to Bring Down the US. by Gary DeMar

There’s not a lot to agree with about ISIS, but the organization’s call for currencies using gold and silver is the right move.
“Reports have emerged indicating that the Islamic State is planning to soon circulate its own form of currency in areas under its control, and plans to issue pure solid gold and silver gold dinar coins that it hopes will help devalue Western currencies.”
Even former Fed Chairman Allan Greenspan is talking up gold.
Presently, we are in a deflation trend because people are holding on to their cash. But that could change. Gold and silver are hedges against inflation (an increase in the money supply, which only governments can do, and a loss of its value). Inflation is theft.
There was a time in the United States that gold and silver were the coins of the realm. In fact, the Constitution required it:
“No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility.”
Gold and silver forced governments to live within their constitutional limits. With no legal restraints on governments, governments could manufacture money at will, give the perception of prosperity, buy political favors, create an obligatory welfare class through wealth transfer that came by way of tax levies and fiat currency, and fund unconstitutional programs and agencies simply by manufacturing money instead of digging it out of the ground.
The growth of government can be attributed to getting off the gold standard.
President Franklin Roosevelt, by Executive Order, made it illegal to own gold. Executive Order 6102 was signed on April 5, 1933, by FDR “‘forbidding the Hoarding of gold coin, gold bullion, and gold certificates within the continental United States.’ The order criminalized the possession of monetary gold by any individual, partnership, association or corporation.”
The government couldn’t expand its reach with the restraints placed on it if only gold and silver were legal tender:
“The main rationale behind the order was to remove the constraint on the Federal Reserve which prevented it from increasing the money supply during the depression; the Federal Reserve Act required 40% gold backing of Federal Reserve Notes issued. By the late 1920s, the Federal Reserve had almost hit the limit of allowable credit (in the form of Federal Reserve demand notes) that could be backed by the gold in its possession . . . . If gold can’t be legally owned, then it can’t be legally redeemed. If it can’t be legally redeemed, then it can’t constrain the central bank.”
When a government issues fiat money (Federal Reserve Notes) not backed by a commodity like gold and/or silver, the limiting commodity (gold and silver) is “driven out,” that is, people hold on to the good money because they perceive it to be more valuable.
That’s why during times of inflation (an increase of the money supply), the price of gold and silver go up. The Federal Reserve Notes are considered to be less valuable by others. As a hedge against economic uncertainty, people buy gold and silver to protect themselves against their government.
For example, silver coins were widely circulated in Canada (until 1968) and in the United States (until 1965 and 1971). The two governments debased their coins by switching to cheaper metals as the market value of silver rose above that of the face value. The silver coins disappeared from circulation as citizens retained them in anticipation of a rise in value in the future.
Silver dimes and quarters stopped being minted in 1964. The Kennedy half dollar was struck in 90% silver in 1964. The following year, this was changed to silver-clad, with the silver content lowered to 40%. In 1971, the circulation coinage composition was changed a final time, eliminating the silver, and using the copper-nickel clad standard common to the dollar, quarter, and dime.
Federal Reserve Notes depend on trust, trust that other people will accept them as money in the future. If the day ever comes when the world no longer trusts the “value” of our currency, it will no longer be worth the paper it’s printed on, and that’s what ISIS is hoping will happen.

Uh Oh: New York Times Calls Out Tax-Dodging Obama Ally Al Sharpton

On Tuesday, The New York Times took its readers inside the city’s exclusive Four Seasons Restaurant where Al Sharpton celebrated his 60th birthday party at what was dubbed his “party for a cause.”
“Mayor Bill de Blasio and Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo hailed him as a civil rights icon,” the profile of New York City-based activist and MSNBC began. “President [Barack] Obama sent an aide to read a message commending Mr. Sharpton’s ‘dedication to the righteous cause of perfecting our union.’ Major corporations sponsored the lavish affair.”
It is a spectacular raise for an agitator who began his career inciting race riots outside of Freddy’s Fashion Mart, ruining the lives of the men who were falsely accused of raping Tawana Brawley, and serving as an FBI informant after affiliating with the mafia and expressing interest in securing a hefty amount of cocaine.
Sharpton has been described as Obama’s “go-to man on race” by the well-connected Politicoreporter Glenn Thrush. He was contacted directly in August by Valerie Jarrett amid spiraling violence in Ferguson, Missouri, and was deployed to deescalate the situation. Well before Obama’s reelection, Sharpton emerged as one of the president’s most valued outreach figures. In 2010, The Wall Street Journal revealed that Sharpton was tasked to tamp down the “increasingly public criticism in the black community over his economic policy.”
The value Sharpton represented to the Obama White House perhaps made it easier to overlook the fact that, as The Times reported, the MSNBC host is a serial tax evader and violator of the public trust.

Por: German Hernández Vera UN FENOMENO NATURAL RECONOCIDO POR LA NASA. Enviado por: Clemente Sánchez

 Lo paso pero no estoy seguro de la información pero resulta muy interesante.
El mundo vivirá tres días de completa oscuridad (Diciembre 21-24)                          “EMO” Verdad o Mentira? “No se” Personalmente No creo en esto pero quiero que tengan la información. LRGM.
No se trata de una cábala de Nostradamus, el clarividente más famoso de la historia, ni de un pasaje bíblico, se trata de un fenómeno natural reconocido por la NASA. ¿Estamos preparados para vivir en tinieblas durante tres días? Faltan menos de dos meses para que el interesante fenómeno se presente.
El próximo 21 de diciembre, al finalizar la tarde, el cielo se oscurecerá y así permanecerá durante tres días. Extraño pero no hay razón para preocuparse. Se trata de un fenómeno natural que tiene muy expectantes a los científicos, que se da cada 26.000 años y que es denominado el "eclipse galáctico" o "las eternas 72 horas de oscuridad".
Y aunque muchos ya le están dando el tinte de predicción fatal, incluso como el preámbulo de lo que sería el fin del mundo, y hasta asociándolo con otros episodios de muerte como el ébola, entre otros, la verdad es que hay una explicación científica muy coherente que incluso ya fue avalada por la NASA y que varios expertos han tratado de explicar de la forma más simple y didáctica, con el objetivo que todos lo entendamos y sobre todo de no generar pánico alguno.
Científicamente lo explican de la siguiente manera: "Al pasar nuestro sistem a solar frente a la brecha oscura de la galaxia, probablemente esta brecha absorbería todos los fotones y al estar el sol entre la tierra y esta brecha oscura, evidentemente la luz del sol no llegaría a la tierra". En la explicación científica indican que solo dejaría de llegar a la Tierra la luz, pues el calor sí se sentiría, lo que significa que no habrá cambios climáticos que puedan afectar la vida en la Tierra..
Por estos días los expertos de la Administración Nacional de la Aeronáutica y del Espacio, más conocida como NASA (por sus siglas en inglés), entrega a los miles de visitantes que a diario llegan a sus instalaciones, información detallada sobre los tres días de oscuridad que afectarían la tierra en el mes de diciembre de este año.
El objetivo es entregar una ilustración científica y evitar así que se generalicen otras teorías que pueden inducir al pánico.
Pero ha sido inevitable que las hipótesis esotéricas y hasta religiosas le den explicación al importante fenómeno, especialmente en las profecías de Nostradamus, el clarividente más famoso de la historia, en los secretos de Fátima y hasta en el calendario Maya.
Para espiritistas y versados en lo paranormal, lo que sucederá es el "descanso" de la tierra. "Durante tres días la tierra descansará, en un profundo sueño de 72 horas a la espera de un "nuevo sol".
Otros dicen que es el inicio del fin. Lo asocian a todo el mal que le hombre le ha causado a la tierra y como el grito de auxilio de la tierra, el llamado a la preservación de los recursos naturales.
¿Pero qué podría cambiar si esto sucede?
Seguramente todos nos desubicaríamos. El cuerpo humano está acostumbrado a descansar con la oscuridad de la noche y al tener 72 horas de penumbra el cuerpo y la mente podrán experimentar algunos cambios y hasta transtornos.
Pero tal vez los más afectados serán los animales, como las gallinas y en general las aves, acostumbradas a dormir con la caída del sol y a despertar con su llegada. ¿Dormirán las aves durante 72 horas? ¿Morirán algunas de hambre? Todo lo que se diga en este instante es simple especulación, sin embargo, el tema es llamativo y merece el análisis de muchos, sobre todo que se c onozca desde el punto de vista científico para que de llegar a presentarse, estemos preparados.
Las plantas también presentarías cambios al no poder realizar los ciclos de la fotosíntesis (donde la luz del sol es imprescindible).
En este proceso de descubrir un tema que se ha convertido en obligado en las grandes reuniones de científicos, nace la teoría de Ashley Dale, un científico de la Universidad de Bristol, Reino Unido, que ha alarmado a medio planeta con su negra predicción: "Va a llegar de manera inminente antes de acabar el año 2014 una mega tormenta solar que golpeará muy duramente a nuestro planeta Tierra". La Nasa no cree en esta teoría y prefiere insistir en que si el fenómeno se da es por un efecto natural que no es otra cosa que un gran eclipse.
Desde la Iglesia Católica
El conocido Padre Pío, realmente Pío de Pietrelcina, nacido en Pietrelcina, en 1887, y fallecido en San Giovanni Rotondo, en 1968 dejó escrito algo al respecto.
Pio fue el primer sacerdote en llevar los estigmas, las sagradas llagas de Cristo, al igual que San Francisco de Asís. Supuestamente sanó a miles de personas, con la capacidad de leer almas. Pero también fue conocido por haber realizado una gran revelación a la humanidad: "Un castigo divino o una inminente gran catástrofe sobre la Tierra. Vendrá sin avisar, sin indicios y acabará con las tres cuartas partes de la humanidad. En ella todos los sistemas eléctricos dejarán de funcionar y traerá consigo grandes desastres naturales". Como eso encaja con los efectos de una posible tormenta solar de gran magnitud, la cual los expertos ven de manera inminente como una amenaza real sobre nuestro planeta, las piezas encajan y hay quienes creen que la profecía del Padre Pío se cumplirá en este diciembre.
Por el momento lo importante es la calma y esperar las alertas y explicaciones científicas y oficiales, sin poner atención a charlatanes y aprendices de esotéricos que pueden sugestionar con sus malos presagios.
Algunas teorías sobre el esperado fenómeno.
Existen 12 premoniciones, versiones científicas, y secretos esotéricos en torno a esta profecía:
1.- Princesa Kaoru Nakamaru: "E l 22 de diciembre la tierra pasará a una quinta dimensión. Cuando pasemos a un punto denominado "Noodle", habrán tres días y tres noches en los cuales no se podrá utilizar la electricidad y tampoco se verán las estrellas porque estaremos en una completa oscuridad".
Versiones oscuridad
2.- Lama tibetano: "Se trata del estado de espacio, donde no se difunde ningún tipo de energía, donde todos los objetos carecen de campos electromagnéticos. Habrá quienes tengan la impresión de que los muertos se hayan levantado de sus ataúdes, muchos se volverán locos, alrededor del 10% de la Humanidad morirá".
3.- Rasputín: "Durante tres días el sol desaparecerá del cielo, y durante treinta días una niebla de humo y de dolor hará de la tierra un gris sudario. El hombre vagará como un perro enloquecido en este mar de desesperación; su vida será una agonía, y su única esperanza será la muerte".
4.- San Gaspar de Búfalo: "Aquél que sobreviva a los tres días de tinieblas y de espanto, se verá a sí mismo como solo en la tierra. No se ha visto nada semejante desde el diluvio."
5.- María Julia Jahenny: "Vendrán estos tres días de grandes Tinieblas. Sólo las velas de cera benditas iluminarán durante estas tinieblas. Una vela durará los tres días. Durante estos tres días los demonios aparecerán en formas horribles y abominables y harán resonar el aire con espantosas blasfemias." "Una nube roja como la sangre, atravesará el firmamento. La tierra temblará desde sus cimientos. El mar lanzará sus espumantes olas sobre la tierra. Las tres cuartas partes de la raza humana perecerán. La crisis vendrá sobre todos repentinamente y el castigo será mundial".
6.- Indios Hopi: En su cultura pasaban sus perdiciones de forma oral de generación en generación, los Hopis predicen la llegada de la cuarta era del hombre, para la cual sería necesario una purificación, los Hopis, fechan los 3 días de oscuridad en el año 2222.
7.- Sor María de Jesús Crucificado: "Durante tres días de tinieblas, las personas entregadas a sus caminos depravados perecerán, de tal modo que sólo sobrevivirá una cuarta parte de la humanidad".
8.- Marie Julie Jahenny de la Faudais: "La oscuridad se iniciará cuando una nube roja como de sangre cubra el firmamento, provocando en la tierra un temblor como el del trueno, mientras las olas del mar se levantan con violencia. Las nubes se harán más espesas, los rayos destruirán muchos edificios y la gente que esté en el exterior morirá por gases tóxicos. El sol y la luna se apagarán y la oscuridad será absoluta y la gente sólo podrá iluminarse con velas. Cuando las nubes se dispersen, los muertos cubrirán el planeta y la mayoría de la humanidad habrá muerto"
9.- Pedro Gaete: "La luz perderá sus cualidades electromagnéticas al entrar en una marea mayor que es la denominada cuarta dimensión. Porque la tierra estará al interior de esta zona, acoplándose para entrar de lleno en esta dimensión, donde ocurrirán los tres días de oscuridad, fenómeno que traerá consigo no contar con acceso a electricidad lo que puede afectar a las centrales nucleares de forma peligrosa". "Este fenómeno es netamente científico y no es para nada religioso".
10.- Terrence Mackenna: "Finalmente el tiempo irá tan rápido que el resto del futuro (todo el futuro) pasará en unos pocos segundos. Es similar a la expansión del espacio y del tiempo en el nacimiento del universo. Habrá una contracción del espacio y del tiempo al final, que será similar al estallido de una burbuja. Eso es lo que creo que se encuentra en la base de aquello que tira de nosotros hacia sí mismo y que parece estar situado en los últimos meses de 2014" .
11.- Secreto de Fátima: "Esta guerra destruirá todo, la oscuridad caerá sobre la Tierra durante 72 horas (tres días). Apenas una tercera parte de la humanidad sobrevivirá a estas 72 horas de oscuridad terror. Asimismo, comenzarán a vivir en una era nueva las personas buenas. En una noche muy fría, 10 minutos antes de la medianoche, un gran terremoto sacudirá la Tierra durante 8 horas".
12.- Nostradamus: "La Luna oscurecida en profundas tinieblas, su hermano (el Sol) pasará a estar de color ferruginoso, el grande oculto largo tiempo bajo las tinieblas entibiará hierro en la presa sanguinolenta".
Datos tomados de diferentes textos de internet
Agustin Acosta.

Target for Confiscation: Your Savings & Retirement

The U.S. government and the Fed pumped trillions of dollars of YOUR money into the banks and stock market over the last several years, catapulting the U.S. debt to $28 trillion by 2018. But now, the U.S. government and the Fed are completely out of ammo, with the Fed no longer able to buy U.S. treasuries.  They desperately need money to maintain their own power, and taxes are not enough.  So in order to keep the Ponzi scheme going, the U.S. government has made several highly controversial moves to make your savings & retirement accounts a prime target for confiscation.  And it’s becoming clearer by the day, if you want to protect your savings and wealth from government confiscation, you only have ONE choice.
The Bankrupt Government's Motto: Feed Me. Damon Geller
Government officials don’t produce anything.  They only feed off of those who do. They certainly don’t produce wealth; they only redistribute YOUR wealth. And when government officials cannot meet their obligations or fulfill the promises they made to the public, they figure out ways to appropriate the public’s money to fund their projects.  Desperate government officials will always resort to expropriation, be it through inflation, debt accumulation or deficit.
With the Federal Reserve currently buying 90% of the U.S. Treasury market (and going insolvent doing so), who do you think the government will lean on to pick up the slack?  The answer is YOU.  In fact, the U.S. government has made several highly controversial moves to make your savings & retirement accounts a prime target for confiscation!  They’re using legislation and authoritarian power in collusion with the modern financial system to gain access to your private assets in the name of “protection”, “security” or “national emergency.” But in reality, your savings & wealth are being targeted as a revenue source.
So Here's the Plan
The government is already making moves to nationalize retirement accounts like IRAs, 401Ks, pensions, 403Bs, as well as savings accounts worldwide.  You will soon be forced to use a portion of your savings & retirement to purchase U.S. government debt – debt that will ultimately default, as it is not possible to sustain our astronomical debt nor the deficits that create it. How can they do this?  Well, the “beauty” of the modern financial system – to a banker or an insolvent government – is the ease at which they can access your wealth with the stroke of a computer or a new law or tax.
For starters, the July 1st FATCA provision requires foreign financial institutions such as banks, stock brokers, hedge funds, pension funds, insurance companies, and trusts to report all U.S. citizens’ accounts directly to the IRS.  FATCA even requires reporting to the IRS by foreign private companies on any income made by a citizen of the U.S. whether they live here or not.  Second, Obama announced the creation of the MyRA – your retirement money will now be used to pay for U.S. debt. The MyRA is nothing more than an investment scam being sold to the American people as a you-can’t-lose, zero-risk investment by the pitchman-in-chief himself.  And third, the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, which oversees how investments are sold, proposed what it calls CARDS – Comprehensive Automated Risk Data System – which is an electronic system that will regularly collect data on balances and transactions in all 4100 brokerages nationwide.
So for the first time ever, The U.S. government is directing you where to invest your savings & retirement and has gained full access to the activity in every single citizen’s bank accounts, retirement accounts, brokerage accounts and trading accounts.  The IRS will also have full visibility on any oversees accounts, income, equity or other earnings, effectively giving them access to all the wealth of every American citizen no matter where they reside on earth.  So now that we know what they’re doing and why they’re doing it, the question for you is:  what are you doing to safeguard your savings & wealth?
Confiscation Has Already Begun
Detroit’s bankruptcy destroyed many people’s pensions.  In Cyprus, the government raided people’s savings accounts in an example of outright theft.  And right here at home our too-big-to-fail banks, like BofA, Citigroup, HSBC, Goldman, Wells Fargo, JP Morgan Chase, Goldman Sachs and several others, are right now being investigated for robbing pensions via the rigging of interest benchmarks, among other investigations of fraud.  JP Morgan Chase, in the last two years, has paid $7 billion dollars in fines for fraud.
Yet these parasites remain in power, have had no further regulation placed upon them, and continue the same (or worse) risk tactics that led to the financial implosion of 2008 and subsequent taxpayer-funded bailouts.  These criminal organizations look more like organized crime syndicates than legitimate businesses.  Yes, these are the same folks who are in charge and in possession of your wealth.  Whether you have your savings & retirement funds in a money market, the stock market or the bond (debt) market, a bank or bank holding company controls your wealth.  This means that when the government commands Wall Street to hand over access to your money, it’ll be a simple as a keystroke.
There’s Only One Place to Hide
With our desperate government gaining unprecedented access to your financial accounts everywhere in the world, you need to take action NOW to protect your savings & retirement from possible capital controls.  But if the government has its hands in your bank accounts, retirement accounts and brokerage accounts, is any place safe?
Absolutely. There’s ONE asset class this sits outside the financial system and is completely secure from government confiscation and global economic collapse:  Gold & Silver.  Gold & Silver have been the best wealth protectors for over 5,000 years and have survived every government & currency collapse in history.  Today, physical gold & silver are selling in record numbers around the world.  Central banks around the world and nations like China are stockpiling gold as a hedge to any possible collapse of all the dollars they hold.
The government has spent way beyond its limits.  And now you know that the government is seizing control of your financial accounts.  So the time is now.  Protect your savings & retirement with physical gold & silver before you have nothing left to protect. (Call 800-226-8106 to receive your free copy of Damon Geller's popular book, "Rescue Your Money from the National Debt Disaster," or see below)

Critican comportamiento de la Comisión de Ética de Miami Dade

• Dicen que pudiera ser investigada por un panel independiente

MIAMI 20 DE NOVIEMBRE DE 2014,—Aparentemente la Comisión de Ética del Condado Miami Dade dirigida por Joseph Centorino será investigada también por un panel independiente de investigadores según fuentes le dijeron a
Esta agencia del condado ha estado metida en controversias en los últimos meses y muchos dicen que obedecen ordenes del piso 29, “cualquiera que Carlos quiera investigar la Comisión de Ética lo investiga”, nos dijo la fuente refiriéndose al alcalde Carlos Giménez.
“Porque no investigan al alcalde Giménez y su falta de ética, viaja con cabilderos, juega golf con ellos y acude a cenas en Joe’s Stone Crab, seguro que en esos eventos no se habla de las últimas películas”, nos dijo una de las personas indignadas con el Comité de Ética.
El último escándalo es la “bronca” con el alcalde de Hialeah, Carlos Hernández.
En una conferencia de prensa el pasado martes convocada en su oficina, Hernández responsabilizó al ex alcalde de Doral Juan Carlos Bermúdez de haber dado información a la prensa sobre una investigación a la que está siendo sometido el alcalde de Hialeah, después que se presentara una queja en su contra por haber admitido que cobró intereses del 36% anual sobre el dinero que le prestó al joyero convicto Luis Felipe Pérez.
Como se sabe, Hernández, durante su campaña de reelección negó haber recibido pagos de intereses por parte de “Felipito”, sin embargo, al  comparecer como testigo el pasado mes de abril tras ser citado por la fiscalía en el juicio contra, Julio Robaina y bajo juramento, Hernández aceptó que había recibido pago de intereses del 36% al año.
Sin embargo Bermúdez ya no es miembro del Comité de Ética, ya que se vio obligado a renunciar debido a que se involucro en la campana de la ex concejal de Doral Betthina Rodríguez Aguilera.
El propio alcalde Hernández está acusando al Comité de Ética, “es muy claro que buscan manchar mi integridad, no se explica cómo este organismo le informa primero a la prensa de que supuestamente existe una investigación en mi contra, antes de que se me informe a mi o antes que formalmente salga a la luz pública como debe ser y decir quién está detrás de esa queja”, dijo.
Nuestras fuentes nos dijeron que un grupo de personas que han sido blancos en el pasado del Comité de Ética, estarán en los próximos días contratando a una importante firma de investigadores para que investiguen cierta posible corrupción dentro del Departamento de Ética.

Encueta demuestra que los estadounidenses están en contra de la orden ejecutiva

• La encuesta esta realizada por la cadena de noticias NBC y el Wall Street Journal

MIAMI 20 DE NOVIEMBRE DE 2014,—Casi la mitad de los estadounidenses desaprueban la acción ejecutiva que el Presidente Barack Obama tomara hoy para proteger a los inmigrantes indocumentados de la deportación, según una encuesta realizada en las últimas horas por NBC News/ Wall Street Journal.
El 48 % se opone a la acción ejecutiva en materia de inmigración y el 38 por ciento da su apoyo, mientras que un 14 % no tienen ninguna opinión o no está seguro.
La encuesta también encuentra a un 57 por ciento de apoyo de los estadounidenses a un camino hacia la ciudadanía para los inmigrantes indocumentados y un 74 por ciento a favor de un camino que requiera pagar multas y los impuestos atrasados y pasar un chequeo de seguridad.
Según la encuesta, el 76 por ciento de los votantes cree que habrá “un cambio” como resultado de los exámenes. El 21 por ciento dice resultará en “una gran cantidad de cambio” o “un poco de cambio”. Asimismo, 32 por ciento de los encuestados señalan que tienen menos confianza que los políticos empezará a trabajar juntos, en comparación con el 26 por ciento que tienen más confianza.
Se espera que esta noche a las 8 pm, Barack Obama anuncie la firma de su orden ejecutiva favoreciendo a unos 5 millones de indocumentados, el anuncio será televisado solo en los canales de noticias por cable, además de Telemundo y Univision.

En mi opinión
No 799 Noviembre 20, 2014
“IN GOD WE TRUST” Lázaro R González Miño   EDITOR

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