Tuesday, November 11, 2014

No 792 "En mi opinion" Noviembre 11, 2014

No 792 “En mi opinión”  Noviembre 11, 2014

“IN GOD WE TRUST” Lázaro R González Miño   EDITORhttps://blu172.mail.live.com/ol/clear.gifhttps://blu172.mail.live.com/ol/clear.gifhttps://blu172.mail.live.com/ol/clear.gifhttps://blu172.mail.live.com/ol/clear.gif

“Saludos a los Veteranos en su día. Gloria a los héroes bravos americanos que han servido y sirven en las Fuerzas Armadas de los Estados Unidos. Gloria a nuestros héroes”

¿25 veteranos se suicidan diariamente en los Estados Unidos?  ¿Por qué? ¿No reciben apoyo del gobierno que los envio a la guerra? ¿Tendra algo que ver con el pésimo servicio que ha estado dándoles Los Hospitales para veteranos? 25 veteranos sicuidandose diariamente es mas que las bajas de una guerra…


“EMO” Quién fue el engendro diabólico y abusivo que creo La Autoridad de carreteras que ha puesto ilegalmente  todos esos “TOLLS” que le están acabando con la vida de los Ciudadanos, que les está robando una gran parte de sus salarios. Eso es un descaro y un abuso, e ilegal porque ya usted paga un impuesto en la gasolina y cuando paga la chapa del carro. Es ilegal que les estén cobrando tres veces. Todos a protestar contra estos abusos de los politicastros del Condado Miami Dade. En cualquier momento les ponen un tol para sentarse en su propia tasa del inodoro de su casa. “PROTESTA” “PROTESTA” “PROTESTA” “PROTESTA” Lázaro R González Miño.

 Is The Man In The White House Mentally Ill? President Obama is a sick, dangerous man.

I am not asking this with my tongue in my cheek. I am as serious as a judge. As I sit here and write, I am listening to Mr. Obama’s press conference. Something is very wrong with this guy.  He is either mentally ill or demon-possessed.  Either is a possibility. But something is definitely wrong with him.  He seems somehow inhuman.
I’ve lived my entire life in a world of athletic competition.  I understand the human emotion that is associated with winning and losing.  I grew up with the opening theme of ABC’s Wide World of Sports continuously playing in my head.  (If I close my eyes, I can hear the voice of Jim McKay bouncing around the corners of my brain.)
Spanning the globe to bring you the constant variety of sports… the thrill of victory… and the agony of defeat… the human drama of athletic competition… This is “ABC’s Wide World of Sports!”
The thrill of victory and the agony of defeat brings with it emotions. That is why we watch sports. We love the human drama of athletic competition. That’s why we have press conferences after games.  We love to hear the emotional reaction to winning and losing.
President Obama is a hollow man. He has no feelings. He feels no emotions.  The human drama of competition seems to have no outward effect on him.
Can I be blunt? He got his butt kicked. Every talking head on the tube is pointing the finger at his unpopularity.  “The bloom is off of the rose.  It is a direct repudiation of his policies.  The era of Obama is over.” It is as if everyone knows it but him.
Politics is nothing more than a beauty contest, and Obama has been voted off of the island. But he acts as if he still owns the island. There seems to be no agony in his defeat. It is not normal. His emotions do not line up with reality. He is either sick, or he is possessed.  I’m not laughing. I am serious.
His party rejected him. The American people rejected him. His fawning media has turned their affections in a different direction; yet he shows no emotion. I watch him on the TV. I watch him in his press conference. I watch his eyes as he responds to the media’s questions. I believe he is a sick, dangerous man.
I Googled the word ‘sociopath’. Here’s what I found: “A person with a psychopathic personality whose behavior is antisocial, often criminal, and who lacks a sense of moral responsibility or social conscience.”
Bingo. That’s him. That’s the guy living the life of President of the United States.
I went a bit further and Googled “Characteristics of a Sociopath.” Read it for yourself.  Permit me to summarize. You will recognize his mental illness by these traits:
-An oversized ego.
-Lying and showing manipulative behavior.
-Incapable of showing empathy.
-No lack of shame or remorse.
-Staying eerily calm in dangerous situations.
-Behaving irresponsibly or with extreme impulsivity.

Amenper: Obamacare Architect: Yeah, We Lied to The "Stupid" American People to Get It Passed
Katie Pavlich |
Meet Jonathan Gruber, a professor at MIT and an architect of Obamacare. During a panel event last year about how the legislation passed, turning over a sixth of the U.S. economy to the government, Gruber admitted that the Obama administration went through "tortuous" measures to keep the facts about the legislation from the American people, including covering up the redistribution of wealth from the healthy to the sick in the legislation that Obamacare is in fact a tax. The video of his comments just recently surfaced ahead of the second open enrollment period for Obamacare at Healthcare.gov."You can't do it political, you just literally cannot do it. Transparent financing and also transparent spending. I mean, this bill was written in a tortured way to make sure CBO did not score the mandate as taxes. If CBO scored the mandate as taxes the bill dies. Okay? So it’s written to do that," Gruber said. "In terms of risk rated subsidies, if you had a law which said that healthy people are going to pay in, you made explicit healthy people pay in and sick people get money, it would not have passed. Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really really critical to get for the thing to pass. Look, I wish Mark was right that we could make it all transparent, but I’d rather have this law than not."
A few points. 1. Notice how lying to the American people is completely justified by Obama administration standards so long as the ends justify the means. Gruber would "rather have this law than not," and therefore purposely lying about what the law actually is in order to get it passed is completely acceptable. regardless of the negative effects it has on the lives of Americans. 2. Lack of transparency might be a huge political advantage in the short term, but long term there are consequences from voters, which is exactly what we saw last week during the Democrat blood bath at every level of government across the country. 3. Insulting Americans as stupid and deceiving them is a really good way to lose your power on Capitol Hill, which is again exactly what we saw last week in the 2014 midterms. Twenty-eight Senators who voted for Obamacare are now out of the Senate for one reason or another. 4. Obamacare in its entirely was "sold" on lies. From the promise to keep your doctor to claims insurance rates would go down, not up -- to hiding that the legislation was in fact a tax until of course it was necessary to argue it was a tax to save the legislation at the Supreme Court. Government bureaucrats promising an expansion of care knowing care under Obamacare would be limited, etc. Hell, even the official name for Obamacare, "The Affordable Care Act," is a lie. Obamacare isn't affordable. 5. The process through which Obamacare was shoved through and down the throats of the American people happened as a result of Harry Reid changing Senate rules and without the support of voters. The legislation didn't receive a single Republican vote in the House or the Senate. Also, remember this?
Or this?
"Absolutely not a tax increase."
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Amenper: Hablando en Chino

BEIJING —Con su influencia en la Casa Blanca, rápidamente deteriorándose, el presidente
Barack Hussein Obama está mirando a China, la parada de una gira por tres países es para
 tratar de hacer ver ante el mundo que él tiene  capacidad para desempeñar un papel
dominante en el escenario mundial durante sus últimos dos años de su administración-
Una vez considerado como una superestrella mundial, Obama llegó el lunes en Pekín bajo
 circunstancias muy diferentes, con sus días más poderosos evidentemente llegados a su fin.
En casa, los republicanos siguen regocijados  de haber golpeado partido político de Obama
 en las elecciones legislativas, relegando a los demócratas a la minoría en ambas cámaras
Sus homólogos en Asia sin lugar a dudas lo han notado y están posicionados para tomar
 ventajas de un atribulado Barack Obama que va a enfrentarse con un seguro de Xi Jinping
A su llegada a la capital China, Obama caminó del Air Force One y sobre una alfombra roja,
 con una guardia de docenas de soldados chinos alineados en su camino a una limusina
 que lo esperaba.
Más bien parecía que estaba siendo tomado prisionero que recibido como un dignatario.
 Lo primero que hizo fue ir a una reunión con Presidente Joko Widodo de Indonesia,
 donde Obama vivió de joven.
Widodo, quien juró su cargo el mes pasado en medio de una victoria izquierdista con
 la promesa de un gobierno socialista, dijo que su elección demuestra que el Islam y
el socialismo pueden ir juntos y se comprometió a seguir luchando por el extremismo
 islámico y socialista en su país.
Obama fue efusivo, en su reunión con Widodos, llamando a su elección una "afirmación
 de la transición completa de que Indonesia ha hecho a una próspera democracia y un
modelo para la clase de tolerancia y pluralismo que queremos que todo el mundo".
 ¿Qué quiso decir, que quiere ese tipo de gobierno para Estados Unidos?
Obama sugirió que Widodo incluso podría visitar a Washington el año que viene.
Para revivir una fase de su juventud, Obama se dirigió a los periodistas allí reunidos en
Bahasa, la lengua oficial de Indonesia.
Más tarde, Obama fue a dar un discurso el lunes sobre lazos de Estados Unidos y China
 en una cumbre de cooperación económica al más alto nivel-
El viaje marca una de las oportunidades finales de Obama para tratar de cumplir un
objetivo de ampliar la influencia estadounidense en Asia.
"Esto va a ser un viaje difícil para el Presidente," dijo Ernest Bower, un experto de Asia
en el centro para estudios estratégicos e internacionales en Washington. Dijo que los
 líderes asiáticos estaban viendo el viaje de Obama con una pregunta clave en mente:
¿Quién es este Barack Obama después de las elecciones legislativas?
"¿Podrá ser capaz de discernir si tiene un compromiso a seguir? y ¿podrá ahora tener
 el poder político para cumplirlo?," dijo Bower.
En casa los empresarios simplemente quieren que se pueda contrarrestar la creciente
 influencia de China en el mercado de Estados Unidos.
La misión de Obama  se encuentra empañada con la débil posición contra el grupo estado
 islámico y la respuesta de Ebola de su gobierno hechos que han desviado recursos de
 Estados Unidos militares y financieros en otros lugares sin obtener resultados.
"El Presidente sigue profundamente comprometido con China y su plan y su
 implementación seguirá siendo una prioridad durante el segundo mandato,"
dijo la asesora de seguridad nacional de Obama, Susan Rice.
Obama está sumergido en problemas causados por su administración ahora,
durante sus dos últimos años en la oficina, cuando el foco en la próxima carrera
presidencial agota la energía de sus propios esfuerzos nacionales.
A raíz de las elecciones de la semana pasada, algunos  de los  funcionarios de
casa blanca aparentemente se mostraron optimistas sobre las perspectivas de
 Obama para el comercio que gestiona en China y otros lugares a pesar de que
ahora  los republicanos se establecen para controlar el Congreso y el Senado en Enero.
Pero otras naciones y sobre todo domésticamente, todos están cautelosas con
respecto a la capacidad de Obama para empujar un eventual acuerdo en el Congreso,
 donde los demócratas han sido extremandamente sensibles a las preocupaciones
de los sindicatos.
Los republicanos están en una posición de poder, las perspectivas de Obama son
tan complejas y débiles como han sido sus seis años en su administración, sin lugar
 a dudas en una posición de minoría en las cámaras legislativas, no pueden mejorar,
  así que un argumento diferente no tiene validez ni substancia.
Los republicanos tienden a apoyar los acuerdos de comercio como una manera de
 impulsar la economía de Estados Unidos, y los líderes del partido Republicano han
 hablado positivamente de algún tipo de acuerdo, pero han declarado en diferentes
 ocasiones que cualquier acuerdo se sometería  a una votación de arriba o abajo,
evitando las enmiendas de último minuto que podrían cambiar el tono del asunto.
 Además, los líderes chinos han visto enfoque de los Estados Unidos en Asia con
suspicacia, temiendo un intento de contener el crecimiento de China e influencia
en la región.
En una muestra del clima político que enfrenta Obama en China, y el poco respeto
 que los chinos le tienen, son los comentarios en los medios de comunicación estatales
 que han sido burlarse de él en los días antes de su visita.
"Obama siempre dice 'Sí,' para complacer las  expectativas que tienen de él, la gente"
 lee un editorial en el idioma inglés del Global Times. "Pero ha hecho un trabajo insulso,
 ofreciendo casi nada a sus partidarios.  La sociedad estadounidense se ha  cansado de
 su banalidad".  (Hasta los chinos lo han notado).
“En sus reuniones con Xi, Obama también planea abordar cuestiones de derechos
humanos, dijeron las autoridades, incluyendo el tratamiento de los periodistas, así
como las protestas pro-democracia en Hong Kong que estalló en septiembre para consternación de las autoridades chinas. El cambio climático — una preocupación clave en Beijing lleno de smog — y el comportamiento agresivo de China hacia sus vecinos también están en la agenda de Obama”
 Esta agenda para salvar cara, será recibida con el mismo humor y falta de respeto
que tuvieron las agencias de noticias de la prensa controlada de Beijing.
En otras palabras, el presidente de los Estados Unidos es tratado y considerado
como un payaso, pero cuando se trata de Obama, no podemos ofendernos, no se
trata de la nación, se trata que tengamos a un payaso de presidente.
Esto es un hecho evidente no importa cómo se diga, en Español, en inglés y hasta
hablando en Chino.


Bienvenida la mosca

Amenper: "Nature & Nurture"and the Cuban Phenomenon
The popular discussion about nature and nurture relates to the relative importance of an individual's innate qualities ("nature" in the sense of nativism or innatism) as compared to an individual's personal experiences ("nurture" in the sense of empiricism or behaviorism) in causing individual differences in physical and behavioral traits.
Until some years ago, I was and advocate of nurture, I believed only in  the environment and culture influence in the individual character. But watching some cases in persons close to me, in relation to adopted children, I somewhat have changed my perception.  I think that the genetic tracks and genes, also have to do with the character of the individual.  But I still think that the nurture, the culture in which the individual is raised, has a lot to do with what the individual becomes in his or her adult life.     I have to accept this as a fact, especially when we notice how many Cubans have raised from a minority among  minorities, to important positions in the public life, scientific and economic establishment.
When my first grandson celebrated his marriage in Chicago, Illinois last August, I was surprised when I noticed how small the Cuban community was, compared with the number of other sub ethnic Hispanic residents of Illinois.  But I also noticed that these few Cubans have prominent positions in the state.  I met people like Eliot Montenegro, owner of Genesis, the larger home Healthcare institution in the state, I met Ivan Fernandez, owner of one of the most important  Food and Pharmaceutical company in the state, I learned of several prominent citizens of Cuban origin that had raised to prominent positions in the state.  Among those Cubans there was a woman, Evelyn Sanguinetti. 
Last Tuesday, "a day that will live in glory", the citizens of Illinois elected Evelyn the first ever Hispanic  Lieutenant Governor of Illinois.,  

Losing The Senate Is The Least Of Harry Reid’s Worries After What Just Happened In Nevada

"...has some Republicans writing Reid’s political eulogy."

Last week’s election might signal the beginning of the end for Harry Reid.
While Nevada Republican Governor Brian Sandoval was re-elected in a landslide last week, his pick for Lieutenant Governor, Mark Hutchison, was also elected, defeating Democrat Lucy Flores 59 to 33 percent. The Governor and Lieutenant Governor run separately in the Silver State.
Flores has been described as Reid’s “hand-picked candidate for lieutenant governor” by the Las Vegas Review Journal.
What this means for Nevada is that Sandoval, a former federal judge, has been given the green light to challenge the outgoing Senate Majority Leader for his seat, which is up in two years. Defeating Reid would assure that Nevada’s governor’s mansion would stay in Republican control through 2018; and Hutchison did not rule out a run for the top job four years from now, according to the Reno Gazette-Journal:
“That’s a long way away and I am going to just to just do the very best I can to be lieutenant governor and work as hard as I can for the people of Nevada.”
In March, Jon Ralston wrote for Politico that Sandoval, a governor who has high approval ratings, would be the “anti-Harry Reid if he chose to run for Senate”:
“Which is why the prospect of Sandoval facing off against the occasionally dyspeptic, sharply partisan and manifestly unpopular Senate majority leader in the 2016 U.S. Senate race has some Republicans writing Reid’s political eulogy.”
Although The New York Daily News reported Wednesday that Reid does not expect to seek re-election in 2016, veteran Nevada GOP strategist Jim Denton told Western Journalism he disagrees with that assessment:
“There was a great deal of speculation that he would not run in 2010, too. I expect that Senator Reid will seek re-election just as I expected him to in 2010. Nothing in conversations I have had with him would lead me to believe otherwise.”
Reid brushed off a challenge from Sharron Angle four years ago.
Still, Sandoval is no stranger to the Reid family, defeating son Rory to win his first term in 2010. Reid recommended Sandoval to the U.S. District Court in Nevada in 2004, and he was confirmed in 2005.
Mark Peplowski, professor of Political Science at the College of Southern Nevada, acknowledges that even though Republicans are a “poorly organized party” in the Silver State, it would take something big to bring down the popular governor.
“The only thing that would seriously hurt Sandoval’s bid would be if: he screwed up [or] if a very strong woman candidate steps forward as a Democrat and runs along with Hillary. [That] could muster some moderate movement to the left.
Peplowski continued:
“Sandoval is not undefeatable, but it will take a major policy flub, [a] meltdown or second coming of FDR to slow down his momentum.”

Losing The Senate Is The Least Of Harry Reid’s Worries After What Just Happened In Nevada

"...has some Republicans writing Reid’s political eulogy."

Last week’s election might signal the beginning of the end for Harry Reid.
While Nevada Republican Governor Brian Sandoval was re-elected in a landslide last week, his pick for Lieutenant Governor, Mark Hutchison, was also elected, defeating Democrat Lucy Flores 59 to 33 percent. The Governor and Lieutenant Governor run separately in the Silver State.
Flores has been described as Reid’s “hand-picked candidate for lieutenant governor” by the Las Vegas Review Journal.
What this means for Nevada is that Sandoval, a former federal judge, has been given the green light to challenge the outgoing Senate Majority Leader for his seat, which is up in two years. Defeating Reid would assure that Nevada’s governor’s mansion would stay in Republican control through 2018; and Hutchison did not rule out a run for the top job four years from now, according to the Reno Gazette-Journal:
“That’s a long way away and I am going to just to just do the very best I can to be lieutenant governor and work as hard as I can for the people of Nevada.”
In March, Jon Ralston wrote for Politico that Sandoval, a governor who has high approval ratings, would be the “anti-Harry Reid if he chose to run for Senate”:
“Which is why the prospect of Sandoval facing off against the occasionally dyspeptic, sharply partisan and manifestly unpopular Senate majority leader in the 2016 U.S. Senate race has some Republicans writing Reid’s political eulogy.”
Although The New York Daily News reported Wednesday that Reid does not expect to seek re-election in 2016, veteran Nevada GOP strategist Jim Denton told Western Journalism he disagrees with that assessment:
“There was a great deal of speculation that he would not run in 2010, too. I expect that Senator Reid will seek re-election just as I expected him to in 2010. Nothing in conversations I have had with him would lead me to believe otherwise.”
Reid brushed off a challenge from Sharron Angle four years ago.
Still, Sandoval is no stranger to the Reid family, defeating son Rory to win his first term in 2010. Reid recommended Sandoval to the U.S. District Court in Nevada in 2004, and he was confirmed in 2005.
Mark Peplowski, professor of Political Science at the College of Southern Nevada, acknowledges that even though Republicans are a “poorly organized party” in the Silver State, it would take something big to bring down the popular governor.
“The only thing that would seriously hurt Sandoval’s bid would be if: he screwed up [or] if a very strong woman candidate steps forward as a Democrat and runs along with Hillary. [That] could muster some moderate movement to the left.
Peplowski continued:
“Sandoval is not undefeatable, but it will take a major policy flub, [a] meltdown or second coming of FDR to slow down his momentum.”

Is Obama Looking to Burn Down the House?

President Obama is a sore loser. He lost big on election-day 2014, even though he has said that it was not a rejection of his policies.
Everybody but those in the Democrat leadership and media sycophants knows better.
Obama, however, being the sore loser and narcissist that he is, will not stop with his unconstitutional and damaging policies.
He will use what’s left of his presidency to push through his agenda. The most dangerous period is the time before the new Congress is sworn in.
Obama would rather “burn down the house” than follow the will of the people and the Constitution. He’s never had neither the nation nor the American people in view. He’s only had himself. Even the Democrat Party is of no concern to him. There’s a good chance that he is a self-realized Manchurian Candidate. He has it in for America.
Before he leaves office, he wants to burn down the house that’s America:
Watch out you might get what you're after
Cool babies strange but not a stranger
I'm an ordinary guy
Burning down the house
Hold tight wait till the party's over
Hold tight we're in for nasty weather
There has got to be a way
Burning down the house.

200 Years Ago: Burning of the White House (1814)
He will move ahead in the destruction of the coal industry. He’s lost West Virginia to the Republicans. The state is no use to him.
He fought energy independence. The Keystone Pipeline is a no-brainer, and yet he opposed it at every turn.
Obama will go ahead with amnesty. This is the best way to dilute America’s founding principles. La Raza – “The Race” – will supplant what made America the envy of the world.
He’s going to do what he wants to do, and the 2014-mid-term election be damned:
“President Obama repeated Sunday that he intends to change U.S. immigration law through executive action, over Republican leaders’ repeated requests to wait and dire warnings about the consequences of sidestepping Congress.
“‘I’m going to do what I need to do,’ Obama told CBS’ ‘Face the Nation,’ in an interview taped on Friday.”
If burning down the house is the objective, objections have no relevance.
This is not to denigrate all immigrants, but our existing welfare system, created by unconstitutionalists from both political parties, will turn the United States into a breeding ground for government dependency. America will become another socialist State. “A record 20% of American households, one in five, were on food stamps in 2013, according to data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).” That’s more than 23 million households.
“In the past five years alone, the number of households on food stamps has greatly increased. In fiscal year 2009 – Oct. 1, 2008 through Sept. 30, 2009 – the number of households on food stamps was 15,232,115. Five years later, in 2013, that amount had increased by 51.3% to reach 23,052,388 households.”
I suspect that even Democrats are dismayed at the direction President ObamaEric Holder,  has taken. His radical agenda has sullied the Democrat Party. They now realize that he never had the Party’s long-term future in mind.
Obama has a vendetta against America.
Obama’s choice to replace Eric Holder may be a change in style, but it’s not a change in policy.
“In a speech given at Long Beach earlier this year, President Obama’s new nominee for Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, specifically called out voter ID laws as racist and schools as disproportionately using zero tolerance policies against minorities.”
Voter ID laws apply to everybody equally. If everybody is required to show an ID before voting, like every person has to show an ID at a bank or to get on an airplane, then how is that those who are voting to put people in power don’t have to show an ID? This makes no sense unless there is a political agenda in view.
Don’t think this latest election changes everything. Not only do we have to deal with the lame duck Congress, executive action by the President, but a Republican Party in transition.
We need to stay engaged. One battle does not mean the war has been won.
Update: we've just learned that President Obama is going to pursue "Net Neutrality," which in government terms means regulation of the Internet to force equality. Once the government gets its hands on something, its grip will be on everything.

Border Patrol: Obama Amnesty Talk Fuels Illegal Immigration

By Melanie Batley
President Barack Obama's insistence that he will sign an executive order that will allow as many as 6 million illegal immigrants to stay in the country will only create a new surge of illegal migrants across the U.S. border, says the National Border Patrol.

"We definitely see increases in illegal aliens coming across the border when there is national talk of an amnesty," Shawn Moran of the National Border Patrol Council told Newsradio 1200 
He said that Mexican and Latin American smuggling cartels seize on messages from the administration to recruit people who may be desperate to escape poverty and violent crime in their own countries.

"Under President Bush there was talk of immigration reform, and they would say, 'we're coming here for the amnesty,'" Moran said, adding that changes in the administration's immigration policy will create a new surge.

Moran used as an example the recent influx of minors from Central America.
"That was largely fueled by the idea that we were not enforcing our immigration laws, and if you got to this country, you could stay here," he said, according to WOAI.

President Barack Obama told congressional leaders at a meeting on Friday that he intended to take executive action on immigration even though he had been warned against the move by the GOP in the aftermath of their electoral victories.
Before the announcement, House Speaker John Boehner said the president would"poison the well" if he changes immigration policy without waiting for Congress to act, and incoming Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said executive action on immigration would be like "waving a red flag in front of a bull."

On Sunday, 
Obama defended his decision to act and said he was not trying to circumvent Congress, but that he had waited long enough for it to take action. 

"The minute they pass a bill that addresses the problems with immigration reform, I will sign it and it supersedes whatever actions I take," Obama said on CBS' "Face the Nation."

"And I'm encouraging them to do so . . . on parallel track we're going to be implementing an executive action.

"But if in fact a bill gets passed, nobody's going to be happier than me to sign it, because that means it will be permanent rather than temporary."

Just days before the election, the chairman of the Republican National Committee,
Reince Priebus
, promised that if the GOP won control of the Senate the party would do "everything we can do to stop" executive amnesty for illegal immigrants.

President Obama to FCC: Reclassify Broadband Service as Title II to Protect Net Neutrality

President Obama is urging the FCC to reclassify consumer broadband service -- to open it to broader government oversight and regulation -- with the goal of protecting the net neutrality principles that his administration has long supported.
In a lengthy statement that also included a video, Obama asserted "there is no higher calling than protecting an open, accessible and free Internet." He urged the FCC to reclassify broadband service as a Title II telecommunications service but with caveats that would shield it from some aspects of regulation for such services.
"The time has come for the FCC to recognize that broadband service is of the same importance and must carry the same obligations as so many of the other vital services do. To do that, I believe the FCC should reclassify consumer broadband service under Title II of the Telecommunications Act -- while at the same time forbearing from rate regulation and other provisions less relevant to broadband services. This is a basic acknowledgment of the services ISPs provide to American homes and businesses, and the straightforward obligations necessary to ensure the network works for everyone -- not just one or two companies," Obama said in a statement.

Story continues below.
FCC chairman Tom Wheeler has previously said the agency would consider reclassifying broadband under Title II -- a move staunchly opposed by Comcast, AT&T, Verizon and other Internet service providers as an unnecessary step that would impose undue burdens and decrease investment in high-speed networks.
ISPs oppose the reclassification of broadband under Title II, because it would give the FCC leeway to impose price regulations, conditions on wholesale access and other controls.
In response to Obama's statement Monday, Verizon said Title II would "apply 1930's-era utility regulation to the Internet," calling it "a radical reversal of course that would in and of itself threaten great harm to an open Internet, competition and innovation." The telco also suggested such a regulatory change wouldn't withstand legal challenges from ISPs and argued that the "light-touch regulatory approach" has been central to the Internet's growth over the past two decades. Verizon challenged the FCC's previous set of net neutrality rules, and the D.C. Circuit Court earlier this year struck down rules banning Internet providers from blocking or discriminating against certain types of content.
Comcast EVP David Cohen, at an investment conference in May, argued that Title II doesn't prohibit paid prioritization -- one of the hot-button issues in the FCC's revised net neutrality rules it proposed earlier this year. "The whole history" of Title II is that carriers are allowed to provide different levels of service at different prices, Cohen said.
Such an approach also would run into a buzzsaw of Republican opposition on Capitol Hill, where the incoming GOP Senate majority can be expected to place pressure on the FCC even though it is an independent agency. The commission includes three Democrats and two Republicans.
The National Cable and Telecommunications Assn., the lobbying group that represents the cable industry, said that it was "stunned that the president would abandon the longstanding and bipartisan policy of lightly regulating the Internet and calling for extreme Title II regulation.
The NCTA said that "this tectonic shift in national policy, should it be adopted, would create devastating results." It called on the FCC to leave the issue to Congress, which it said can "easily unravel the legal and jurisdictional knot that has tied up the FCC in crafting sustainable open Internet rules, without resorting to the rules of the rotary dial phone era."
Netflix has been among the most vocal content companies calling for broadband to be regulated under Title II. In a filing with the FCC this summer, the company argued that Title II provides the FCC with "a solid basis to adopt prohibitions on blocking and unreasonable discrimination by ISPs. Opposition to Title II is largely political, not legal."
Obama's announcement was greeted by public interest groups, which have been pressing the FCC to reclassify broadband.
"The president wasn't kidding when he said he'd take a back seat to no one on net neutrality," said former FCC commissioner Michael Copps, who is not serving as an adviser to Common Cause.
"As someone who has been pushing for Title II since 2002, when the FCC wrongly classified broadband, I am thrilled. Now the FCC must show the same kind of leadership and courage."
Demand Progress, which has led a vocal campaign for reclassification, also praised Obama's announcement.
"This is a huge victory for the millions of Americans who have called for Title Ii reform, and a huge blow for the cable companies that seek to establish fast and slow lanes on the Internet," said David Segal, executive director of Demand Progress.
In a statement, FCC chairman Tom Wheeler called Obama's statement "an important and welcome addition to the record of the Open Internet proceeding.
"As an independent regulatory agency we will incorporate the president's submission into the record of the Open Internet proceeding," he said. "We welcome comment on it and how it proposes to use Title II of the Communications Act."
Wheeler has been working on a "hybrid" approach to net neutrality -- which would reclassify the so-called "back end" of broadband service while applying a lighter regulatory touch to retail service. News of the proposal was greeted with skepticism by public interest groups, who argued that it still wouldn't prevent Internet providers from giving priority to certain types of content, like big media companies that pay for speedier access to the consumer.
"The reclassification and hybrid approaches before us raise substantive legal questions," Wheeler said. "We found we would need more time to examine these to ensure that whatever approach is taken, it can withstand any legal challenges it may face."
Wheeler's original proposal in April set out to establish rules that would survive legal challenges yet still would not reclassify the Internet. Public interest groups sounded the alarm over such an approach, saying that they would be too weak to prevent so-called "fast lanes," or paid prioritization by Internet providers.
After the outcry, Wheeler asked for public comment on his proposal as well as other approaches, like reclassification or banning paid prioritization outright.
The FCC has been inundated with more than 4 million comments, a record for an agency proceeding, with groups like the Writers Guild of America calling for reclassification. But there also has been a counter campaign by groups urging the FCC to take a lighter approach to regulation.
In his statement, Obama also said that the FCC should ban paid prioritization, saying that "kind of gatekeeping would undermine the level playing field essential to the Internet's growth." "No service should be stuck in a 'slow lane' because it does not pay a fee." he said. Wheeler also has said that he opposes Internet "fast lanes."
Obama also said that the rules should apply to mobile services as well. The previous set of net neutrality rules, passed in 2010, spared such services from some of the more significant restrictions.
Read Latest Breaking News from
Newsmax.com http://www.Newsmax.com/Headline/internet-broadband-service-obama/2014/11/10/id/606378/#ixzz3Ii0gGT6F 
Urgent: Should Obamacare Be Repealed?
 Vote Here Now!

Obama: ‘I’m going to do what I need to do’ on immigration

 by Cowboy Byte  Warming up his pen…..
Check it out: President Obama repeated Sunday that he intends to change U.S. immigration law through executive action, over Republican leaders’ repeated requests to wait and dire warnings about the consequences of sidestepping Congress.
“I’m going to do what I need to do,” Obama told CBS’ “Face the Nation,” in an interview taped on Friday.
As he has said before, the president said he would prefer that reform legislation come through Congress, but that he has waited for more than a year for House Speaker John Boehner to pass a bill like the Democrat-controlled Senate has done.
Read more at http://cowboybyte.com/34679/obama-im-going-need-immigration/

Olga Griñan: A TRABAJAR...

To: Lazaro Gonzalez,
Amigos de FB debemos llamar a Marco Rubio (Phone: (305) 418-8553 // 202-224-3041)  y a Curbelo (en Facebook) .  Curbrlo dice estar de acuerdo con una ley migratoria "limitada."   En nombre de quien esta hablando?  Y Marco Rubio ha dicho en Colombia que EEUU necesita profesionales que "no tenemos en EEUU"  Como es eso?  Y la cantidad de graduados universitarios sin trabajo?  Los politicos estan para hacer la voluntad de los votantes y no lo que les de la gana.  Hay que parar las visas de trabajo mientras tengamos el desempleo por encima del 3%.  Hay que proteger la frontera y fortalecer las leyes de inmigracion ya existentes. Todos los trabajos deben ser controlados por el E-Verify.  Quien contrate ilegales debe ser multado con mas de $10,000 por cada ilegal.  Ningun ilegal que haya recibido beneficios sociales debe ser premiado con licencia, estatus legal y mucho menos con ciudadania, y todos los que hayan cometido crimenes deben ser deportados inmediatamente.  El que quiera permanecer aqui tendra que estar limpio y someterse a un largo proceso.  Nunca tendra ventajas sobre los que esperan para entrar legalmente, ni siquiera los llamados dreamers.  Si no les gusta es su problema.  Los americanos tienen que respetar las leyes en todos los paises adonde van o pagar las consecuencias. Recientemente un soldado americano entro POR ERROR a Mexico y estuvo mas de 7 meses preso, hasta fue golpeado y torturado.  Basta ya de hacer el papel de tontos.  Nosotros, los taxpayers y los que hemos trabajado exigimos que los politicos nos pregunten antes de gastar nuestro dinero.  Son 13 billones de dolares invertidos anualmente en personas que con placer violan nuestras leyes y que no agradecen nada que hagamos por ellos. Toda persona que reciba ayuda social en dinero, alimento u otro y envie remesas al extranjero, debera suspendersele para siempre la ayuda.  Exigimos que se atienda primero a nuestros veteranos, a nuestros soldados, a los ancianos que han trabajado y a las familias de ciudadanos legales que han cumplido sus obligaciones ciudadanas trabajando y sosteniendo a sus hijos.  Cuando volvamos a tener un super-habit, entonces tal vez podriamos ayudar a los hijos del vecino. Ahora es tiempo de ayudar en nuestra casa...


Evelyn Sanguinetti
Lieutenant Governor of Illinois
Evelyn is the living embodiment of the American dream. A first-generation citizen, Evelyn’s been beating the odds her entire life. Evelyn’s father legally immigrated to the United States from Ecuador, and her mother entered the country as a Cuban refugee. Her parents were still teenagers when she was born in Miami, Florida, and Evelyn grew up with Spanish as her first language. Her parents often struggled to make ends meet, and her family moved frequently, whenever they could no longer afford rent. Evelyn found her way through her love of playing the piano and was able to attend a top public school for fine arts in Miami. Through this opportunity, she developed a love of learning and decided to attend college and pursue a better life. Evelyn received her bachelor’s degree in piano performance from Florida International University. She soon moved to Chicago to attend The John Marshall Law School, fell in love with Illinois and plans to never leave. Following law school, Evelyn worked as an Assistant Attorney General in the Illinois Attorney General’s Office under Jim Ryan before transitioning to private practice. She is also an Adjunct Professor of Law at The John Marshall Law School. In another turning point in her life, Evelyn suffered a slip and fall accident a few years ago and when being checked by doctors discovered that she has multiple sclerosis. Evelyn hasn't let it slow her down. After being given the green light from her doctor, she ran for City Council of Wheaton, and won in 2011. Evelyn currently lives in Wheaton with her husband, Raymond, and their three children. She has been involved in Franklin Middle School, Lowell Elementary School and Jefferson Preschool PTA’s. Evelyn is also a member of the Wheaton Chamber of Commerce and the Du Page County Bar Association. Evelyn and her family are active in Cub Scouts, the Community School of the Arts, Wheaton Briarcliffe Youth Baseball, and sports within the Wheaton Park District. Born into a family of immigrants with little means, Evelyn has combined talent, hard work and self-determination to achieve great things for herself and give back to the local community. She is committed to making sure all the people of Illinois have a similar opportunity to succeed.

Bruce Rauner picks Evelyn Sanguinetti to be Lieutenant Governor
“Evelyn is the perfect partner to shake up Springfield,” Bruce Rauner said. “She’s achieved the American Dream and will fight so more in Illinois can reach it too. She grew up in poverty, relying on public assistance, and worked hard to become an Illinois Assistant Attorney General, a City Councilmember, and a teacher at the very law school that gave her the opportunity to work for this state.”
“She has the talent and guts to take on the lobbyists, special interests, and career politicians that are destroying this state and eliminating opportunities for the next generation,” Rauner said.
“I’m proof that with hard work, a good education and an opportunity anyone from anywhere can make it,” Evelyn Sanguinetti said. “Unfortunately, too many in Illinois who have backgrounds that look a whole lot like mine aren’t being given access to a quality education or that opportunity to succeed. I understand firsthand how the policies pushed by the career politicians are failing us and that’s why I’m excited to bring back and transform Illinois.”
Vamos a sacudir, y  traer de vuelta a Illinois,” Sanguinetti concluded.


Your 2nd Amendment Rights, Fact Sheet and Video

KrisAnne Hall (thepastorjchall@gmail.com)
To: Lazaro R Gonzalez
Hi Lazaro,
Okay, I really hope you liked the videos and fact sheets on the 1st and 4th amendments. If you didn't get a chance to watch them here are the two links for your convenience:
·         1st Amendment Video & Fact Sheet, http://krisannehall.com/1st-amendment-rights/
·         2nd Amendment Video & Fact Sheet http://krisannehall.com/4th-amendment-rights/
Feel free to bookmark these pages if you want to go back and review later and print out the PDF. Make as many copies as you want. Carry them with you too. 
The 3rd video in our series and it's all about the 2nd amendment. You can watch the video and download the PDF fact sheet from this page. 

KrisAnne Hall
8229 25th Drive
Wellborn FL 32094




Jesús Angulo
Periodista , Presentador del programa ENTÉRESE, 
WLRN TV 17, domingo 6:00 PM
Productor y Director de TV PARA CUBA


1.- El italiano - tira la taza al suelo, grita a todos y se va lleno de rabia a tomarse un café en otra parte
2.- El francés - saca la mosca con dos dedos y se toma el café.
3.- El chino - se come la mosca y tira el café.
4.- El ruso - se toma el café con mosca y todo, siempre que no cobren por la mosca.
5.- El israelí - le vende el café al francés, la mosca al chino, se compra una nueva taza de café y con el saldo que le queda inventa y desarrolla un aparato para evitar que las moscas caigan en los cafés.
6.- El palestino - mira su taza, le echa la culpa al judío por la mosca en su café, protesta ante las Naciones Unidas por el acto de agresión israelí, toma un
préstamo de la Unión Europea para comprarse otro café, usa ese dinero para comprar explosivos y revienta la cafetería. Mientras el italiano, el francés, el
chino y el ruso tratan de convencer al israelí, de que él tiene la obligación moral de darle su nueva taza de café al palestino.
Pero para completar el cuento.  Hay moscas que le caen en el café a algunos políticos arrogantes que conocemos. Creo que esas moscas son necesarias, las debemos tratar de que ese político haga como el ruso del cuento, que se tenga que tragar la mosca y  el café, que es como si la mosca y el café lo botaran a él.
¿Que haría usted personalmente con esta mosca en este café?... 

En mi opinión
No 792  Noviembre 11, 2014

“IN GOD WE TRUST” Lázaro R González Miño   EDITOR

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