Friday, September 27, 2013

No 492 "En mi opinion" Sept. 26, 2013

No 492  “En mi opinión” Septiembre 26, 2013.
Editor  Lázaro R González Miño  “IN GOD WE TRUST”


Sen. Ted Cruz has become well known over the past year for his fierce and unwavering defense of liberty and the Constitution. On September 24th, at 2:41pm, he took the Senate floor to voice his opposition to funding the "Affordable Health Care Act" (aka Obamacare). With the help of just a few Republican colleagues, he held the floor for the next 21 hours and 19 minutes. Sen. Cruz ended his time with "a call for all 46 Republicans to unite and stand against cloture on the bill."
While the battle wasn't won in one filibuster, we can be grateful that we have someone there to fight the battle. Sadly, very few of our Republican politicians are willing to take a stand and make a difference. For that, we, the American people, salute Senator Cruz.

Jorge Aguiar Doral, Florida: Why Congress, Congressional Staffers and others in the Federal Government, include the president and his family are exempt from obamacare.
The question that every American should ask themselves.  HOW AND FOR WHAT REASON can Congress pass laws and exempt themselves from them is beyond me and yet the American public accepts the practice.
Also is naive to think that those that do not pay federal income tax will pay for Obamacare in any form. But many of us will see our medical bills increase to cover the many that will not pay. Think only of the 47% that some say are in food stamp or think of the many young workers that are not presently paying because they feel is not necessary for them. Many also game the system and have all kind of federal benefits. This groups will never pay for Obamacare. DON'T BE AN IDIOT SOMEONE HAS TO PAY. THAT SOMEONE IS YOU.

Georgina López: Conozca la larga lista de personas que Maduro intentó introducir ilegalmente a EE.UU.
¡Un gentío! Conozca la larga lista de personas que Maduro intentó introducir ilegalmente a EE.UU. según

COLUNNA DE RICARDO SAMITIER: Obama Es El Presidente De Los Homosexuales...
Su Ultimó Nombramiento “De Por Vida” De Un “Orgulloso” Declarado Homosexual Fue Al Juez Federal De Apelaciones... Como Todos Sabemos EL SENADO Tiene Que Aprobarlo... Fue Aprobado Por 98 Senadores... Solo 2 Demócratas Se “Ausentaron” Para No Votar... Votaron a Favor Los Apoyados Por El “Tea Party” Rand Paul, Marcos Rubio y Ted Cruz... La Pregunta que hay  que hacerse...
Los Que Votan Un Homosexual Juez “De Por Vida” No Son Verdaderos Conservadores...  Esto es un claro ejemplo de cómo los SENADORES REPUBLICANOS
TRAICIONAN los principios conservadores y al pueblo americano CONSTANTEMENTE y CALLADAMENTE... Para EDUCAR a Los Recién Llegados y Los Que COOPERAN Con La Destrucción De La Sociedad Diciendo Ser “APOLÍTICOS” Nixon En 1976 Nominó A Carswell Para Juez...   Retiró La Nominación Cuando Se Descubrió Que Era Homosexual... A pesar De Estar Casado...
En 1976, Carswell fue declarado culpable de la ACOSO por los avances que hizo a un policía encubierto en un baño de hombres Tallahassee.  En septiembre de 1979,
Carswell fue atacado y golpeado por un hombre a quien había a tomar un trago en la habitación de hotel sin darle a conocer que deseaba tener sexo con el... Debido a estos
incidentes, Keith Stern, autor de “Maricones En La Historia” alega que Carswell  el primer homosexual o bisexual nominado a la Corte Suprema de Justicia.
Pruebas De Que Obama Ha Nombrado Más Homosexuales Que Ningún Otro Presidente De Los Estados Unidos… Siete jueces abiertamente homosexuales ya han sido confirmados Por el Senado en el SEGUNDO MANDATO de Obama... para formar parte de los tribunales de distrito, que ocupan un nivel por debajo de los tribunales de circuito. El primero fue, Deborah Batts en el Distrito Sur de  Nueva York, tomó posesión en abril de 2012, y los seis restantes fueron nombrados por Obama...
Embajadores Homosexuales Nombrados Por Obama El SENADO ha aprobado los nombramientos de Obama de 6 RECONOCIDOS HOMOSEXUALES en su SEGUNDO MANDATO, cinco de ellos el día 30 de julio. “EL GRUPO” incluía a cuatro embajadores: Dan Baer a la Organización para la Seguridad y la Cooperación en Europa, John Berry a Australia, Rufus Gifford Los otros dos eran Stuart Delery, fiscal general adjunto de la División Civil del Departamento de Justicia, y Elaine Kaplan como juez para el Tribunal de Reclamaciones Federales de EE.UU...
El presidente también ha nombrado a 13 Funcionarios AbiertamenteHomosexuales
este año que NO REQUIEREN CONFIRMACIÓN DEL SENADO, de acuerdo con la
Organización que se llama y PROMUEVE  la “Victoria Gay y Lesbianas”.
Para leer las noticias resumidas anteriormente:
Para poder comparar a ISRAEL debemos de conocer y ver esta PRESENTACIÓN . . . .
Un Periodista Le Preguntó A Ben Gurion En 1948 Entonces... Presidente Del Recién Creado País De IsraelPor Mandato De La ONU...
¿Cuando Usted Cree Que Israel Sea Un País Desarrollado?
Las Contesta Fue:
“Cuando Los Israelitas Acepten Que Existan “PROSTITUTAS JUDÍAS”
Hoy sin duda... MULTI MILLONARIA ayuda que han recibido de USA y de los judíos del mundo LA HAN INVERTIDO BIEN... y a pesar de 3 guerras... Han convertido a ISRAEL en un país que MARCHA IGUAL y en algunas cosas más avanzados que los países desarrollado Y también tiene PUTAS JUDÍAS...Como predijo Ben Gurion...  
Este Documental Da Una Idea Del Progreso Que Tienen Sobre Los Países Musulmanes.
No Son Todos Los Que Están... NI Están Todos Los Que Son
En Fox News También Hay Homosexuales
Que Son Los Que ORDENAN y MANDAN... Hay Que Hacer Una Limpieza General De Elementos Socialistas Que Además Todos Son PRO HOMOSEXUALES...
Esto sucedió en Fox:
El 30 de agosto de 2013, FOX Sports anunció que Craig James, el ex locutor de ESPN y CBS, y el ex SMU y NFL corredor, se uniría a su equipo de análisis de fútbol americano universitario.
Después de UN DÍA EN EL AIRE, James fue llamado a la oficina de FSSW GM Jon Heidtke y sumariamente despedido. Su delito? Al parecer, alguien más arriba en la organización descubrió  que James había hecho comentarios en relación el MATRIMONIO DEL MISMO SEXO durante su campaña para Senado en 2012.
Como este NORTE AMERICANO y MILES MAS Fueron Los Responsables De Construir Estados Unidos... "Shifty" By Chuck Yeager
Shifty volunteered for the airborne in WWII and served with Easy  Company of the 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment, part of the 101st Airborne Infantry. If you've seen Band of Brothers on HBO or the History Channel, you know Shifty. His character appears in all 10 episodes, and Shifty himself is interviewed in several of them.
I met Shifty in the Philadelphia airport several years ago. I didn't know who he was at the time. I just saw an elderly gentleman having trouble reading his ticket. I offered to help, assured him that he was at the right gate, and noticed the "Screaming Eagle," the symbol of the 101st Airborne, on his hat.
Making conversation, I asked him if he'd been in the 101st Airborne or if his son was serving. He said quietly that he had been in the 101st. I thanked him for his service, then asked him when he served, and how many jumps he made.
Quietly and humbly, he said "Well, I guess I signed up in 1941 or so,  and was in until sometime in 1945 ..." at which point my heart skipped.
At that point, again, very humbly, he said "I made the 5 training  jumps at Toccoa, and then jumped into Normandy . . . do you know where Normandy is?" At this point my heart stopped.
I told him "yes, I know exactly where Normandy is, and I know what  D-Day was." At that point he said "I also made a second jump into Holland , into Arnhem ." I was standing with a genuine war hero ... and then I realized that it was June, just after the anniversary of D-Day.
I asked Shifty if he was on his way back from France , and he said "Yes... And it 's real sad because, these days, so few of the guys are left, and those that are, lots of them can't make the trip." My heart was in my throat and I didn't know what to say.
I helped Shifty get onto the plane and then realized he was back in coach while I was in First Class. I sent the flight attendant back to get him and said that I wanted to switch seats. When Shifty came forward, I got up out of the seat and told him I wanted him to have it, that I'd take his in coach.
He said "No, son, you enjoy that seat. Just knowing that there are still some who remember what we did and who still care is enough to make an old man very happy." His eyes were filling up as he said it. And mine are brimming up now as I write this.
Shifty died on Jan. l7, 2012 after fighting cancer. There was no parade.
No big event in Staples Center . No wall-to-wall, back-to-back 24x7 news coverage. No weeping fans on television. And that's not right!
Let's give Shifty his own memorial service, on line, in our own quiet way. Please forward this email to everyone you know. Especially to the veterans. Rest in peace, Shifty. Chuck Yeager, Maj. General [ret.] P.S. I think that it is amazing how the "media" chooses our "heroes" these days...
Elvis, Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston & the like. "SHIFTY" - an incredible American hero.
No se Dejen Engañar Los Republicanos Pueden Cancelar El Obama Care  "Se necesitan 60 votos para que el CONGRESO NO DEBATA UNA LEY PROPUESTA...", Dijo Ted Cruz a Limbaugh. "La razón por la queimporta tener un DEBATE es que si Harry Reid obtiene 60 votos paraevitar el debate, él; entonces puede presentar una enmienda – PERO UNA SOLA ENMIENDA - que VA A SER ELIMINAR la resolución de la Cámara de quitarle los FONDOS al OBAMA-CARE  y DARLE LOS FONDOS al Obamacare.
"El republicano que vote por ELIMINAR EL DEBATE,  de echo votacon Harry Reid  los DEMÓCRATAS para dar a Harry Reid La Capacidad  de Financiar Obamacare Completamente en una votaciónpartidista de 51 votos de sólo demócratas...  Lea las últimas noticias de actualidad de
Los Senadores Han Sido Electos Para Debatir Las Leyes... Ese Es SU TRABAJO... El Obama Care Se Aprobó Sin Debate Y Ni Siguiera Leyeron Las 2,500 Paginas...  Los Senadores Que Voten Por NO DEBATIR Mañana No Solo Son UNOS VAGOS... Son Socialistas Infiltrados En El Partido Republicano y Traidores Al Capitalismo  Todos debemos de pasar esta CONSIGNA: Son Traidores Los Senadores Que No Voten.

COLUNNA DE ALBERTO PEREZ, amenper: Historia de las dos vacas (actualizado)
Obama tiene dos vacas pero dice que una que se llama Obamacare es un toro que va a resolver todos los problemas.
Lesbiana, tiene dos vacas, las une en matrimonio y adoptan un ternero.
Un Islámico, tiene dos vacas, le llena las ubres de dinamita y las usa como vacas suicidas en un ataque terrorista
Un ruso: Tiene dos vacas. Cuenta de nuevo y le parece que tiene cinco vacas. Cuenta otra vez y ve que tiene 10 vacas.  Para de contar y abre otra botella de Vodka.
Entonces da un viaje a Estados Unidos para aconsejarle a Obama sobre la industria bovina
Un ambientalista, tiene dos vacas, para salvaguardar el medio ambiente contrata a una compañía para procesar la mierda de la vaca y 10 personas cuidando de las vacas para evitar que contaminen el medio ambiente, no ganan dinero pero mantienen utilidades en el negocio con los subsidios del gobierno.
Fidel Castro tiene dos vacas. se toma toda la leche y le da leche de soja de Corea al pueblo, Pero reclama una productividad bovina y detienen a un  periodista independiente que informó sobre la operación. Contratan a otro periodista que escribe sobre los triunfos del socialismo cubano en el New York Times.
Una empresa brasileña: Tiene dos vacas. Entra en una alianza con una empresa del gobierno de Obama. Pronto tienen 1000 vacas y la empresa americana se declara en bancarrota
Joe Biden cree que  tiene dos vacas, una de las dos es una perra, pero no se da cuenta.
Nancy Pelosi tiene dos vacas, por fin el esposo se siente satisfecho.
Obama, tiene dos vacas y hace una conferencia de prensa y declara que son falsos los infundios de los republicanos de que son vacas musulmanas y no son americanas nativas .
Presenta un certificado del bautizo de las vacas por el pastor Jeremiah Rice que certifica que las vacas nacieron en Chicago y son cristianas..
Culpa de que las vacas no están dando leche porque se encuentran molestas por las falsas noticias de Fox y los problemas de los alimentos por los daños al medio ambiente originados durante la administración de Bush.
Un conservador, Tienes dos vacas. Su vecino no tiene ninguna. ¿Y qué importa? Si trabajé para comprarlas son mías.
繑Resolver敔o "Dignidad" la soluci髇 al problema de Cuba?
Los que abandonamos a Cuba con una situaci髇 econ髆ica sin mayores problemas, sin sufrir escases, cuando se pod韆 todav韆 ir a un restaurant y poder pedir y recibir cualquier cena igual que un pa韘 libre; los que abandonamos a Cuba porque nos sent韆mos ahogados por los ataques a nuestros principios m醩 que los ataque a nuestros bolsillos o nuestros estomagos, nos sentimos confundidos con la visi髇 de c髆o 搑esolver?los problemas de la Cuba de hoy tanto por parte del gobierno como de la oposici髇.
Abandonamos a Cuba porque no ten韆mos libertad, sin libertad no se puede vivir con dignidad,爊o se pod韆 discrepar no se pod韆 planificar para un futuro, porque el futuro nuestro y de nuestros hijos depend韆 de la direcci髇 que el gobierno en su camino al totalitarismo determinara para el individuo y la naci髇.
Abandonamos el pa韘 cuando todas las empresas extranjeras hab韆n sido nacionalizadas y las爀mpresas nacionales empezaban a intervenirse. Todo a nombre de lo que llamaban la explotaci髇 del hombre por el hombre que evolucion?en la explotaci髇 del hombre por el estado.
Hoy el discurso es diferente, piden que le levanten el embargo que eufem韘ticamente llaman el bloqueo, aunque la realidad es que no existe ni siquiera un embargo, Cuba puede comprar de todo en todos los pa韘es, y realmente los bienes de consumo, los alimentos y las medicinas que existen hoy en d韆 en Cuba en su mayor parte vienen del llamado embargador, los Estados Unidos, ya sea por las ayuda de los familiares en el extranjero o por爈o que爈levan en sus visitas a Cuba, o por lo que reciben por爐erceros pa韘es que comercian con Cuba..?De un pa韘 productor Cuba se ha convertido en un pa韘 par醩ito que clama por el sustento de otro organismo, en este caso del extranjero. En sus inciios se sustent鬆de lo que produc韆n los remanentes de la empresa privada.?Un parasito s髄o puede vivir de otros organismos que producen, por eso saltan de organismo a organismo, igual el gobierno de Cuba salta de protector a protector cuando acab?con los productores nacionales,爏e sostuvo por de la Uni髇 Sovi閠ica, despu閟燿e Venezuela, ahora燾uando爏e le parece secar el organismo sostenedor vuelve en un c韈lo aberrante a sustentarse de sus propios hijos en el extranjero y gime por爏ustento con la inversi髇 del capital proveniente de las entra馻s del monstruo por el levantamiento del embargo...
El levantamiento del embargo es para que vuelvan los que llamaron explotadores del pueblo, las empresas extranjeras para que los bancos internacionales les extiendan cr閐itos, porque la ineptitud del gobierno ha hecho que nadie quiera extender cr閐ito a Cuba y como dijo Marta燘eatriz Roque si no hay "financiamiento" Cuba no va a mejorar si no hay "financiamiento" no vamos a "resolver".
Todos coinciden en esta idea,, tanto el gobierno como los opositores, "contestatarios" y "disidentes"-.
Martha Beatriz Roque, economista disidente y directora de la Red Cubana de Comunicadores Comunitarios, dijo que lo m醩 importante para sanear la econom韆 y las condiciones de vida existentes es conseguir inversi髇 extranjera
Cuba est?necesitada de una inyecci髇 de ese tipo que actualmente no tenemos? indic?Roque. 揇esde el punto de vista del desarrollo econ髆ico que podamos tener el pr髕imo a駉 se basa en el financiamiento. Si no hay inversiones ni cr閐ito entonces indiscutiblemente esto no va a mejorar?
縋ero es esto lo que realmente necesita Cuba? 縈ejorar?la situaci髇 cubana con la inversi髇 extranjera??/span
Sin lugar a dudas si, esto es indiscutible, mejorar?la econom韆 y los cubanos no sufrir醤 tantas escaseces
Pero吙Qu?hay del sistema de gobierno y de la falta de libertad? Este sistemaabsolutamente disfuncional y totalitario que ha llevado la naci髇 al m醩 completo desastre y a la incierta dependencia de factores externos. Este sistema fue dise馻do para que en esencia siempre todo siga igual, y aunque reciba la inversi髇 extranjera, aunque reciba los cr閐itos, no conceder?la libertad.
Las empresas ser醤 mixtas y controladas por el estado como hasta ahora, para el cubano las autoridades seguir醤 evitando?/span?/spanlas 揷oncentraciones de riquezas??span class="Apple-converted-space"?/spanpara evitar que los ciudadanos, al alcanzar la libertad econ髆ica, deseen obtener la libertad pol韙ica. Eso se aprecia en la implantaci髇 de un elevado sistema tributario al nuevo sector emergente, mucho m醩 severo y limitante que el existente para las empresas estatales y las mixtas con capital extranjero 縋or qu?vamos a pensar que ser?diferente?
Esto es lo que es el socialismo de estado, el control del individuo a trav閟 del control econ髆ico no puede cambiar, si cambia entonces no es socialismo.
Lo vemos en los gobiernos democr醫icos como el actual de los Estados Unidos, en que los oficiales de la presenta administraci髇 son simpatizantes del sistema socialista.?/spanVemos como tratan de neutralizar a las empresas privadas castigando a los empresarios con impuestos y爎egulaciones 爉ientras crean燾ada vez爑n n鷆leo mayor de personas dependientes de los beneficios del estado para mantenerlos cautivos para con el control econ髆ico mantener el control del poder.
No hay nada nueve en el socialismo. El socialismo de por si, es predecible porque nunca cambia, es f醕il de identificar,aunque dificl de combatir.?Lo que cambia es la generaci髇 emergente que se convierten en los incautos que se dejan enga馻r por ignorancia, ambici髇 o envidia. Cuando aprenden es ya demasciado tarde..
Puede mejorar la econom韆 en un sistema socialista por diferentes medios, nunca al nivel de la econom韆 de libre comercio, pero puede mejorar爈o suficiente para mantener la estabilidad social, sobre todo en un pa韘 como en Cuba donde cualquier cosa es mejor y una mejor韆 es recibida con satisfacci髇, pero no puede permitir la independencia del individuo del estado. Esto es lo que nos dicen los opositores y el gobierno de Cuba.
Esto es lo que nos confunde a los que consideramos la libertad esencial en la vida?span class="Apple-converted-space"?/spanpor encima de?span class="Apple-converted-space"?/spanlas condiciones materiales. Lo que o韒os de los cubanos,爊os hace pensar que una mejor韆 en la condici髇 material de vida, permitir韆 al gobierno mantener su dise駉 totalitario.
Donde existe el socialismo, no puede existir la libertad y donde no existe la libertad el hombre pierde su dignidad. Vemos al hombre nuevo de Cuba con una total carencia de dignidad, y este hombre nuevo vender韆 lo que le queda de dignidad por un plato de lentejas-
La soluci髇 de Cuba no es tan simple como 搑esolver?m醩 o menos el sistema de vida que con poca cosa satisficiera a una poblaci髇 con generaciones que no han conocido los m醩 simples art韈ulos de consumo, lo que resolver韆 el problema de Cuba es un cambio total del sistema socialista, una vuelta a la econom韆 de libre mercado porque este es el 鷑ico sistema en que una sociedad puede vivir en plena libertad.con dignidad.

Ted Cruz - Great American Hero
By Onan Coca / 26 September 2013 /
On Tuesday, Senator Ted Cruz reached the climax of his recent journey to attempt to stop the Obamacare train wreck before fully demolishing our already struggling economy.He’s filibustering the move to bring the Defunding Obamacare bill to a cloture vote. At this moment, Republicans just don’t have the votes to pass the bill, so Cruz must stop the bill from coming to the floor to ensure its continued survival. It’s an odd move for a supporter of defunding Obamacare, but it’s the only way he can keep the issue at the forefront of the news cycle. If he was not to filibuster the bill, Senate Majority leader Harry Reid could simply bring the bill to a vote and shut the door on the defunding movement altogether.
Something else that Senator Cruz’s move does is draw a line between the moderate Republicans and the conservatives in the Party.
Over the last couple of days we have heard an aide to Senator John McCain (R-AZ) tell GQ that McCain, “… f*cking hates Cruz… He’s just offended by his style.”   McCain also enlightened us to why he would be voting against Cruz and Senators Lee, Paul and Rubio. “In the United States Senate, we will not repeal, or defund, Obamacare. We will not. And to think we can is not rational… I will again state unequivocally that this is not something that we can succeed in, and that’s defunding Obamacare, because we don’t have 67 Republican votes in the Senate, which would be required to override a presidential veto." While likely correct that Republicans didn’t have the votes to stop Obamacare, they do have the ability to work against the damaging healthcare law.
McCain isn’t the only one who has turned against Cruz. Senators McConnell, Cornyn, Collins, Kirk and others have voiced their opposition to the defund movement as well.
In their eyes, a battle that will likely be lost is not worth fighting. Which flies in the face of what recently retired Senator Jim DeMint of South Carolina recently said, “We need to keep bringing people back to the fact that this is devastating to American – maybe the most devastating thing in a generation as far as what it does to, not our healthcare system, but our economy, our culture how we think about ourselves as Americans. At the Heritage Foundation we look at the policy. We research what it’s going to do to the people of this country.  And when they say, ‘okay, you might lose,’ we say, ‘since when do Americans not fight for what’s right because they’re afraid they might lose?” (Emphasis mine)
Exactly. Since when do we not fight for what is right, simply because it looks tough?
Over the weekend, Fox News’ Chris Wallace reported something amazing. “Chris Wallace told Karl Rove that a number of Republicans in Congress had sent him opposition research on Ted Cruz once Fox announced Cruz would be on.” The Republican Party has turned on itself, and the establishment is attempting to consume or destroy conservative of principle like Cruz, Paul, Lee, Amash, Massie and others. This is not a recent development, of course, but no fight has been as important as the effort to defund Obamacare.
(For a reminder of the attacks on these men, look here, here, here. I’m sure there are other examples.)
The battle lines being drawn between Republicans on the Obamacare issues is the most important split in the party we’ve ever seen. Just reread the pessimism in Senator McCain’s quote about not repealing or defunding Obamacare. The moderates of the party have given up hope on the issue, because they just don’t care. How hard would it be for every Republican Senator to vote to defund Obamacare? Not hard at all. But the moderates don’t want to “waste” their political capital on the issue, because it’s just not that important to them. They’d rather keep that capital and use it later for their own pet issues.
What we are witnessing here is the division of two political parties – one that listens to the voices of conservatives, and one that listens only to political expediency.
Erick Erickson over at RedState has written a brilliant piece about this battle. I urge you to read the whole thing, here. I’d like to take just an excerpt of the piece to show a bit more of this divide.
“Senate Republicans have routinely leaked the proceedings of those meetings to the New York Times and Washington Post in ways designed to harm Cruz, Lee, and others who side with them… Absent the American people lending a loud, clear voice for Cruz and Lee, the Republicans will cave. They will not stand with Cruz and Lee unless dragged kicking and screaming against their will… In fact, Senate Republican Leaders have built up so much irrational hatred of Cruz, they want him to fail just so they can say they beat him — damn the Obamacare implications. Their pride comes before the nation… Like a light switch flipping on, Ted Cruz and Mike Lee are casting light on the scurrying of Republican roaches in and out of the Capitol. Republican congressmen and Senators are now openly attacking Cruz and Lee… Republican base voters have, for quite a while, distrusted their leaders. Now, thanks to Ted Cruz and Mike Lee, they know why and they know who, on the inside, they should be listening too.”
Did you wonder how in the world we lost the 2012 election? I did. Until I woke up to what was happening in Congress. We can’t beat the Democratic Party on the most important issues of the day, because we fight with one arm tied behind our back. That tied up arm is the moderate wing of the Republican Party. How can we win, when our own people sabotage the fight?
Folks, men like Ted Cruz (R-TX), Rand Paul (R-KY), Mike Lee (R-UT) are exactly the kind of people we’ve been begging for as Republican voters. Will we sit idly by and watch them be attacked and marginalized by our own party? We must stand with them and demand that our representatives to Congress give them their support or we will withhold our votes from them! Stand with Cruz. Do it now, because it won’t matter later.

EDDIE MUNIZ: Obama on Obamacare: “We did raise taxes on some things.”
During his Tuesday remarks at the Clinton Global Initiative, President Obama admitted that his health care law raises taxes:  “So what we did — it’s paid for by a combination of things. We did raise taxes on some things.”
“Some things” is an understatement. Below is just a partial list of Obamacare’s new or higher taxes on Americans:
Starting in tax year 2013:
Obamacare Medical Device Tax:  Medical device manufacturers employ 409,000 people in 12,000 plants across the country. Obamacare imposes a new 2.3 percent excise tax on gross sales – even if the company does not earn a profit in a given year.  In addition to killing small business jobs and impacting research and development budgets, this will make everything from pacemakers to artificial hips more expensive.

Obamacare High Medical Bills Tax: Before Obamacare, Americans facing high medical expenses were allowed a deduction to the extent that those expenses exceeded 7.5 percent of adjusted gross income (AGI).  Obamacare now imposes a threshold of 10 percent of AGI.  Therefore, Obamacare not only makes it more difficult to claim this deduction, it widens the net of taxable income.
According to the IRS, 10 million families took advantage of this tax deduction in 2009, the latest year of available data. Almost all are middle class. The average taxpayer claiming this deduction earned just over $53,000 annually. ATR estimates that the average income tax increase for the average family claiming this tax benefit will be $200 - $400 per year. To learn more about this tax, click here.
Obamacare Flexible Spending Account Tax:  The 30 - 35 million Americans who use a pre-tax Flexible Spending Account (FSA) at work to pay for their family’s basic medical needs face a new Obamacare cap of $2,500. This will squeeze $13 billion of tax money from Americans over the next ten years. (Before Obamacare, the accounts were unlimited under federal law, though employers were allowed to set a cap.) Now, a parent looking to sock away extra money to pay for braces will find themselves quickly hitting this new cap, meaning they would have to pony up some or all of the cost with after-tax dollars.
Needless to say, this tax will especially impact middle class families.
There is one group of FSA owners for whom this new cap will be particularly cruel and onerous: parents of special needs children.  Nationwide there are several million families with special needs children and many of them use FSAs to pay for special needs education. Tuition rates at one leading school that teaches special needs children in Washington, D.C. (National Child Research Center) can easily exceed $14,000 per year. Under tax rules, FSA dollars can be used to pay for this type of special needs education. This Obamacare tax provision will limit the options available to these families.
Obamacare Super Saver Surtax: A new, 3.8 percent surtax on investment incomeearned in households making at least $250,000 ($200,000 single). This tax hike results in the following top tax rates on investment income:
  Capital Gains Dividends Other*
2013+ 23.8% 43.4% 43.4%

*Other unearned income includes (for surtax purposes) gross income from interest, annuities, royalties, net rents, and passive income in partnerships and Subchapter-S corporations.  It does not include municipal bond interest or life insurance proceeds, since those do not add to gross income.  It does not include active trade or business income, fair market value sales of ownership in pass-through entities, or distributions from retirement plans. (Bill: Reconciliation Act; Page: 87-93)
Obamacare Medicare Payroll Tax Increase:
  First $200,000
($250,000 Married)
Employer/Employee All Remaining Wages
Pre-Obamacare 1.45%/1.45%
2.9% self-employed 1.45%/1.45%
2.9% self-employed
Obamacare 1.45%/1.45%
2.9% self-employed 1.45%/2.35%
3.8% self-employed

Starting in tax year 2014:
Obamacare Individual Mandate Non-Compliance Tax:  Starting in 2014, anyone not buying “qualifying” health insurance – as defined by President Obama’s Department of Health and Human Services -- must pay an income surtax to the IRS. The Congressional Budget Office recently estimated that six million American families will be liable for the tax, and as pointed out by the Associated Press:  “Most would be in the middle class.”
In addition, 100 percent of Americans filing a tax return (140 million filers) will be forced to submit paperwork to the IRS showing they either had “qualifying” health insurance for every month of the tax year or they obtained an exemption to the mandate.
Americans liable for the surtax will pay according to the following schedule:
  1 Adult 2 Adults 3+ Adults
2014 1% AGI/$95 1% AGI/$190 1% AGI/$285
2015 2% AGI/$325 2% AGI/$650 2% AGI/$975
2016 + 2.5% AGI/$695 2.5% AGI/$1390 2.5% AGI/$2085

(Delayed by Obama to 2015) Obamacare Employer Mandate Tax:  If an employer does not offer health coverage, and at least one employee qualifies for a health tax credit, the employer must pay an additional non-deductible tax of $2,000 for all full-time employees.  This provision applies to all employers with 50 or more employees. If any employee actually receives coverage through the exchange, the penalty on the employer for that employee rises to $3,000. If the employer requires a waiting period to enroll in coverage of 30-60 days, there is a $400 tax per employee ($600 if the period is 60 days or longer).
Obamacare Tax on Health Insurers:  Annual tax on the industry imposed relative to health insurance premiums collected that year.  The tax phases in gradually until 2018.  Fully imposed on firms with $50 million in profits.
Starting in tax year 2018:
Obamacare Tax on Union Member and Early Retiree Health Insurance Plans: Obamacare imposes
a new 40 percent excise tax on high cost or “Cadillac” health insurance plans, effective in 2018. This tax increase will most directly affect union families and early retirees, who are likely to be covered by such plans. This Obamacare tax will be levied on insurance policies whose premiums exceed $10,200 for an individual and $27,500 for a family.  Middle class union members tend to be covered by such plans in states like Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan.  Higher threshold ($11,500 single/$29,450 family) for early retirees and high-risk professions. CPI +1 percentage point indexed.

Sergio Gatria: OBAMA es el Principal Detractor del Obamacare. El no lo va a cojer.
El Presidente Obama ataca a todos los que no quieren este seguro pero ni élni Michelle, ni sus dos hijas van a estar en el Obamacare. Como todos los Izquierdistas Obama hace leyes para el pueblo pero se exime ély su familia de las mismas. En este caso y para poder lograr la aprobación de esta injusta ley, incluyó en la mismaa los  Senadores y a los Congresistas y de esta forma ninguno de éllos estará enel ObamaCare y al estar exentos, muchos de éllos (la mayoria Demócratas) votana favor del ObamaCare ,total el ObamaCare no es para éllos , ni para sus familias. El Presidente califica de Irresponsables y Desesperados a los que se oponenal ObamaCare.   IRRESPONSABLES, FALTOS DE RESPETO, ABUSADORES DE PODER, ECT.,ECT.,ECT., son él y el grupo de Senadores y Congresistas que aprobaron esta ley.Como es posible que se haga una ley para que la cumpla el pueblo pero no paraéllos. ¿ Quienes pagan sus salarios y todos lo que gastan y botan ?¿Cuando van a cesar estos Abusos , hasta cuando se va a seguirderrochando el dinero, sin control?. Estamos en una semi-dictadura , este Presidente ha roto todos los recordsen Ordenes Ejecutivas (o sea leyes que aprueba by-pasando al Congreso.Estamos en crisis económica y gasta millones de Dolares en vacaciones.Se vigila a los oponentes, se persige a las organizacones que no son de su agrado y cuando se descubren estas violaciones de la ley, no pasa nadala persona se retira , nunca va a juicio y no se sabe que tipo de arreglo le hacen.   DESESPERADOS, desesperados estamos nosotros al verque el Presidente no quiere respetar al Congreso, ni al pueblo dondela mayoria esta en contra del ObamaCare. Desgraciadamente hasta ahora son pocos los medios noticiosos queno estan parcializados. Una buena campaña seria : Preguntele a su Senador/Congresista si el  va a cojer el ObamaCarey por que si el ni su familia lo va a tener, por que quiere que ustedlo tenga obligatoriamente que tener. Por favor falta muy poco , tenemos que luchar para detener esta ley,si todos los quue reciben este correo lo re-envian aunque sea a solo 10 personas, podmos llegar a miles. RE-ENVIENLO.

MARGARITA SANCHEZ: Las creencias y el respeto mutuo
 Se puede convivir sin tener las mismas ideas, opiniones y creencias. Lo importante es que nadie nos falte el respeto.  Una pequeña anécdota de la vida en Londres:Taxista inglés en la parada;  un musulmán devoto entra en su taxi.
Una vez sentado, le pide al taxista que apague la radio para no oir música, tal cual lo decide su religión, y  porque en tiempos del profeta no había música, y menos música occidental, que es la música de los infieles.
El chofer del táxi educadamente apaga la radio, se baja del auto, se dirige a la puerta del lado del pasajero y la abre.
El árabe le pregunta: - "Qué está haciendo?"
Respuesta del taxista:    "En el tiempo de su Profeta no había taxis, por eso bájese y espere por el próximo camello".


Republicans Knife Their Own
Published Wed, Sep 25th, 2013   Floyd Brown, Chief Political Analyst
The dirty secret is out.
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, of Kentucky, and John Cornyn, the senior Senator from Texas, have stuck a big knife in the back of their colleague, Senator Ted Cruz.
While Cruz stands alone in his call to defund the Affordable Care Act, his two colleagues are working the Republican caucus to rescue Obamacare.
McConnell and Cornyn are doing what the so-called opponents of big government do best: Surrendering and tossing up the white flag. The socialists of the Obama administration can now breathe a deep sigh of relief. Senator Ted Cruz’s attempt to kill Obamacare’s funding was the final battle of an ineffective war that the Republicans have waged since the bill was passed.
How Did We Get Here?
Before the ‘90s, Congress ran properly, and spending was handled as part of the regular order of business. The budget was separated into its component parts, and hearings were held to discuss which programs worked and which programs needed to be cut or reformed.
But as government grew bigger and bigger, Congress quit reviewing programs and marking up individual appropriations bills. Now, programs no longer receive appropriate congressional oversight.
At the end of the year, congressional leaders present the Congress with gigantic spending bills called the Continuing Resolution (CR) that “keep the government running.” The problem with these bills is that they don’t allow for the discontinuation of programs. The spending bill is stuffed full of every broken, uneconomic program under the sun. Then, in the week before government is set to go broke, congressional representatives face the prospect of voting for every program or shutting the government down.
Can you imagine a private company that could never discontinue a product or close a factory? Well this is how the government is being run. Keep everything the same, no matter how poorly performing, or shut the entire enterprise down. Close the doors and go away.
Now, nobody believes the U.S. government is going away. Nobody believes that next year the IRS isn’t going to collect its pound of flesh, or that Barack Obama won’t be flying around in his private 747, campaigning for bigger government at the taxpayers’ expense.
Every year at budget time this charade goes on. Personally, I find it sickening.
A Glitch in the System
This year, though, we’re a surprising freshman senator by the name of Ted Cruz. He hasn’t yet been schooled in the ways of Washington. He hasn’t processed the lesson that we have to make this Hobson’s choice every fall. So he came up with a plan to not fund Obamacare in the CR.
His reward for thinking outside the box – behavior which would receive rich rewards in the private sector – is to be knifed then hung out to dry by his own party leaders.
We shouldn’t be surprised. The U.S. government has become an unmanageable, destructive giant that’s leading the country’s economy to ruin. When someone tries to make even modest corrections to balance the budget and rationalize behavior, they become the victim of a high-tech smear campaign launched by their false-flag friends.
I dare say that these egotistical maniacs running the asylum we call D.C. won’t change their tactics until they’ve so totally destroyed the country that we have no chance of renewal.
(Let’s face it… it’s not like they care. Even as the country burns, our politicians are busy using their privileged information to make huge profits. Heck, with political intelligence like that, anyone could make a killing. That’s where we come in. We’ve created Constitutional Wealth, our flagship newsletter, to help you profit alongside the political elite. You don’t have to be in the dark any longer. Just click here to find out more about this exclusive offer – and discover just how easy it is to go from policy to profit.)
If I was Senator Cruz, I’d dust my feet off and leave in disgust. Let’s hope he has more patience than I do and continues to fight. I personally salute him and the House Republicans desperately trying to kill this monstrosity called Obamacare before it’s too late. He offered up a valiant effort this time, and he should continue to fight to the status quo in Congress.
On the other hand, I have nothing but contempt for the two-faced Republican leaders such as John Boehner, Mitch McConnell and John Cornyn, who all deserve to lose their jobs for dishonesty and cowardly behavior.

ADOLPH HITLER: The Real Father of Universal Health Care. By Clash Daily / 26 September 2013 /
Otto von Bismarck, the Chancellor of Germany and a dictator in his own right, started socialized healthcare in 1883 with the Reichsversicherungsverordnung or Reich Insurance Act. However, only certain segments of the society were insured at that time. It was Adolf Hitler, who actually imposed socialized healthcare on the entire German population, as a part of nazification of the healthcare industry, and for that reason he should rightly be called the *real* father of universal healthcare. This collective universal healthcare concept was called “racial hygiene.” This is history that people have largely forgotten, because it is inconvenient for many to remember it.
Hitler also literally rolled out, via panzer, his now universal healthcare to occupied France, Belgium and the Netherlands — those countries with mainly “Aryan” populations. Hitler put universal healthcare in place in those very countries that he wished to aryanize and perfect by eliminating physical/mental defects in the populations via sterilization and medical killing.
The point is that universal healthcare givesany Government enormous power that can be misused, if the wrong people are in control, not that it is adminstered the same now as in Nazi Germany. This is too much power to centralize in the hands of the Government, because governments sometimes go bad.
The first mass murders of the Holocaust were carried out in the socialized German hospitals and the techniques for mass murder were developed there. Several hundred thousand handicapped and mentally ill persons were murdered in Hitler’s universal healthcare system. Retarded and mentally ill children were euthanized and the T4 project did the same for handicapped, mentally ill and elderly adults. In his orders permitting medical killing, Hitler called them “mercy killing” and “lives not worth living.” In this way Germany produced great savings in healthcare, not only due to the extermination of existing patients, but many ill persons (and their families) became afraid to even check into the hospitals.
Robert Jay Lifton, author of “The Nazi Doctors, points out that the extermination of the Jews and others of different ethnic groups was itself seen as a medical solution, a medical procedure for the collective healing of the Aryan race by elimination of the Jewish infection of Aryan blood. So, the entire Holocaust can be seen as an extension of Hitlercare. From that point of view, it is estimated that about 10 million people were murdered under Hitlercare, including six millions Jews. The Nazi plan was ultimately to exterminate about 25 million Jews and Slavs in Eastern Europe in fulfillment of the so-called “racial hygiene” principle of the the German universal healthcare system.
Because resources are limited, the concept of Universal Healthcare requires the Government to make decisions on the distribution of healthcare that will determine the survivability of different groups in society. That is, the welfare of the collective and government priorities are placed above that of the rights of any individual.
Once you have given the Government that much power, there is no natural barrier between you and the Holocaust of the Nazis. It is only a matter of degree, of how far they want to take this concept that social welfare trumps individual rights.
This is the inherent evil of universal healthcare. It gives Government the right to decide life and death for entire classes of society, as opposed to individuals contracting for their own healthcare. This is why Hitler liked universal healthcare so much that he imposed it on conquered countries, not because he was so concerned for the well being of the subjected peoples, but because it gave him the right over entire classes of people to decide, who lives and who dies. It gave him the power to engineer the composition of society to his own malicious requirements. Entire classes of people can be killed — or, allowed to die — with no judicial process being necessary. (This is death panels on steroids.)
This is also the reason that Obama and others in the Government want universal healthcare so desperately. The socialist elite need to be able to ignore the rights of the individual to engineer their new utopian society. For that purpose, the same kind of centrally-controlled healthcare system that Hitler used is required.

Media cover-up: Obama campaigned for Muslim who murdered Christians with machetes. By eaglerising / 26 September 2013 /
Don’t you remember?  Most of America, of course, doesn’t.  The mainstream media never told the masses.  They were too busy fawning over the fraud who wound up being awarded the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize.
Sick irony, that.  As the smoke clears and the body count mounts from the appalling Islamic terrorist attack on the shopping mall in Nairobi, Kenya, the fact that Obama had a personal hand in paving the way for groups like Al-Shabab to flourish in that part of Africa gets no coverage.
Those of us who pay attention to the real news know that in 2006, as a newly elected United States senator and rising star in the Democratic Party here, Barack Hussein Obama traveled to Kenya and illegally used his office (in violation of the Logan Act) to campaign for his cousin of the Luo tribe, Raila Odinga, who was running for president there.
Odinga wound up officially losing the 2007 election, but he and his socialist/Islamic Sharia platform hard-line supporters refused to accept the results.
Odinga’s faction already had an action plan in place in the event of their election defeat, and they carried it out with utter ruthlessness.  They waged violent jihad against Christians, hacking them to death with machetes, and conducted a prolonged campaign of “ethnic cleansing” and murder, riots, and all kinds of terror, including the burning and total destruction of at least 80 Christian churches.  The body count from that ”religion of peace” program was in the thousands, with a half a million people displaced by the violence.

Defending Food Stamps Ignores Reality
Posted on September 25, 2013 by Mark Horne
At the outset I should say I don’t understand why they are a priority for conservatives. Food stamps are a drop in the bucket compared to social security and Medicare. It seems to me that the food stamp program, because its spending has been increasing so horrifically in recent years, is an easy target. Meanwhile, the coming entitlement-driven fiscal apocalypse looms large.
But since food stamps are an issue right now, I might as well point out that they are not a good idea if you want economic growth, more jobs, and productive people. Jordan Weismann argues in the Atlantic that people can’t help that there are no jobs available or they have to take care or relatives or go to school—“taking away their meal tickets won't fix any of those problems.”
The fact that Weismann throws college in there as a legitimate reason to not get a job to support oneself makes me wonder if he even believes what he is saying. Weismann never mentions that people who qualify for food stamps often do so in order to keep their cable or satellite dish, or to continue their cigarette habit, or do anything else since money is fungible. The idea that people who get food stamps really can’t afford food is nonsense. They simply get to free up their budget for other things. People often face hard choices in how they make money and spend money. Why should the Federal government be utilized as a crutch to keep people from dealing with reality—especially since none of them are in danger of starving?
Weismann also doesn’t mention the growing amount of money devoted to advertizing food stamps to people who don’t know or care about them, including to illegal aliens.
But what bothers me most about Weismann’s piece is that he presents a vision of helpless people who have to sit around and wait for “the economy” to recover. But we are the economy. Unless all of us kick into gear there will never be a recovery. What is really horrific is that Weismann is in favor of the minimum wage law that is making it impossible to offer more jobs in this economy. No, that wouldn’t be pleasant, but it is the only way we can build a prosperous future. America never became wealthy by food stamps or minimum wage laws.
More people sitting on their behinds and getting food stamps means economic recovery will never happen.
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Would You Grant Obama Immunity For His All His Crimes?
Posted on July 25, 2013 by Dave Jolly Filed under Constitution, Crime, Ethics, Law, Liberalism  
Should the President, Vice President or any other political figure get preferential treatment if they’ve committed crimes?  Are they more deserving of pardons or immunity than you and I, just because of who and what they are?
I for one believe that the President and other political figures should not only be held to the same laws as everyone else, but that they should set the example for everyone and be above reproach.  If they commit a crime and are found guilty, then they should receive the same punishment that you or I would receive.  If that means jail time, then they should serve jail time and suffer all of the consequences of being a convicted felon.  I also believe that once they are convicted of committing a crime while in office that they lose their government pension.  After all, why should we pay them while they are serving time?  If you committed a crime at your job that led to your conviction and imprisonment, do you think you would receive your pension from the company?
When Richard Nixon was guilty of trying to cover up the Watergate investigation, he resigned and was subsequently pardoned by newly sworn in President Gerald Ford.  I know there were many Americans that felt he should have been brought to trial for his crimes and interfering with a federal investigation, but no, he got special privilege along with his pension for life.  Had he been tried and convicted, his pension would have ended.
Barack Obama is guilty of committing a number of crimes.  Among them he has willfully not enforced federal laws, like the Defense of Marriage Act and some of the Immigration laws.  He has used executive orders to bypass Congress and create law when he didn’t have the legal right to.  Congress stopped funding to Egypt at one point and Obama ordered it to continue and he did so without the legal power to override Congress.  He has acted more like a tyrant dictator than an elected president.  I’m sure if a legal expert, of which I am not, sat down and analyzed Obama’s presidency to date, he would probably fill notebook with a list of laws and crimes that he has committed.
So I’m asking you if Barack Obama should be pardoned or given immunity for all of his crimes committed while serving as President or should he be held accountable?  Sadly, a number of liberals, including some who openly smoke pot, not only believe Obama should get immunity from his crimes, but they’ll sign a petition to give him immunity for past, present and future crimes.
Think about it.  These people are willing to sign a petition that would give Obama immunity for FUTURE crimes as well as those he’s already committed.  Obama already believes he is above the law, but can you imagine what he would do if he was told that he had immunity for any future crimes he might commit?  The man would be totally unstoppable.  If you think he’s bad now, wait and see what would happen then.
Sorry to be so blunt, but those people in the video are idiots and have no understanding about the Constitution and what made America great in the first place.  No wonder our nation is going down the toilet and into the sewer!
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Boehner: No Funding Bill Without 1-Year Obamacare Delay Thursday, 26 Sep 2013 02:36 PM
Speaker John Boehner said Thursday the GOP-controlled House will not accept a temporary spending bill from the Democratic Senate if it is shorn clean of a tea party plan to "defund Obamacare."
"I don't see that happening," Boehner told reporters.
At the same time, the Ohio Republican said House GOP leaders would unveil legislation to lift the government's borrowing cap, but only if the new health care law is delayed for a year. He defended that measure's relatively modest spending cuts even as some rank-and-file conservatives pressed for more.

"It does not cut spending significantly. It does not fix the problem," Rep. Mo Brooks, R-Ala., said of the debt ceiling package. He said he was undecided about whether to support it. "We need to significantly cut federal government spending, or long-term have a balanced budget constitutional amendment," he said.
Obamacare: Massive New Rules Revealed for 2013
Pressure is building on fractious House Republicans as a partial government shutdown looms at midnight Monday if a bitterly-divided Congress can't send a temporary spending bill to President Barack Obama on time.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid immediately rejected Boehner's proposal. Meanwhile, the Senate trudged ahead toward a Friday vote on stripping the defund Obamacare provision from the House-passed stopgap funding bill.
Boehner's remarks mean the House will return the stopgap measure to the Senate over the weekend, but he declined to describe what measures Republicans might add to it.
A partial government shutdown would keep hundreds of thousands of federal workers off the job, close national parks and generate damaging headlines for whichever side the public holds responsible.
The timeline is daunting since delays in the Senate — where tea party favorite Ted Cruz, R-Texas, promises to filibuster any bill that doesn't block Obamacare — could mean the first partial shutdown since the 1995-96 government closures that bruised Republicans and strengthened the hand of Democratic President Bill Clinton.
A 21-hour talkathon by Ted Cruz whipped up the GOP's tea party wing even as it complicated efforts by House GOP leaders to assemble rank-and-file support for a temporary spending measure.
Cruz wants to derail the spending bill to deny Democrats the ability to strip out the anti-Obamacare provision, a strategy that has put him at odds with other Republicans who say the move won't work and fear it would spark a shutdown.
Many GOP senators, including the Senate's top two Republicans, have said they'll vote to advance the measure rather than filibuster it to death, a vote that promises to give Democrats controlling the chamber a procedural edge in a subsequent vote to kill the tea party's effort to use the must-pass bill to derail Obamacare.
Wednesday evening, Senate Majority Leader Reid, D-Nev., unveiled his version of the stopgap spending bill, which would keep the government running through Nov. 15. He set in motion a key vote on Friday that promises to expose the divide between Cruz and more pragmatic Republicans. Senate passage of the spending bill — stripped of the Obamacare provision — was expected no later than Saturday.
"Any senator who votes with Majority Leader Harry Reid and the Democrats ... has made the decision to allow Obamacare to be funded," Cruz told reporters after his marathon speech ended Wednesday at noon. Cruz himself has predicted that is exactly what the Senate will do, and he's already called on House Republicans to reject the bill when it comes back to them.
The simplest thing for Republicans to do would be to accept the Senate bill and send it to the White House for Obama's signature, a prospect that's unappealing to Republicans because it would make them look like they're surrendering. House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, originally preferred a plan to deliver to Obama a stopgap funding bill without the Obamacare provisions.
Now, GOP leaders are exploring adding face-saving options — like the repeal of a tax on medical devices, which many Democrats also oppose — to the stopgap spending bill. There's also sentiment to take away the health insurance subsidy awarded lawmakers now that they'll be required to purchase health care on Obamacare exchanges.
The House is expected to approve a measure this week allowing the Treasury to borrow freely for another year, although that legislation, too, would include a provision to carry out the Republican campaign against Obamacare. While no final decisions have been made, party officials said a one-year delay was likely to be added, rather than the full-fledged defunding that is part of the spending bill awaiting action in the Senate.
The GOP's demands on the debt limit involves far less dramatic spending cuts than Republicans demanded from Obama in a debt showdown two years. Then, Republicans extracted $2.1 trillion in cuts over a decade for a similar increase in the borrowing cap. Now, GOP leaders are mulling a 14-month borrowing increase that would increase the debt ceiling by almost $1 trillion but are considering only modest cuts, like an increase in the contribution federal workers make to their pensions.
Obamacare: Massive New Rules Revealed for 2013
Shutdown-averting stopgap spending bills traditionally have been steered clear of these kinds of battles for fear of a politically damaging shutdown. But with the new health care law poised to enroll millions of people into Obamacare starting Oct. 1, there's a new urgency among opponents to pull out all the stops to try to derail it.
Health and Human Secretary Kathleen Sebelius told reporters this week that consumers will have an average of 53 plans to choose from, and her department estimated the average monthly individual premium for a benchmark policy known as the "second-lowest cost silver plan" would range from a low of $192 in Minnesota to a high of $516 in Wyoming. Tax credits will bring down the cost for many.
Republicans counter that the legislation is causing employers to defer hiring new workers, lay off existing ones and reduce the hours of others to hold down costs as they try to ease the impact of the bill's taxes and other requirements.
"Obamacare is destroying jobs," Cruz said. "It is driving up health care costs. It is killing health benefits. It is shattering the economy."
© Copyright 2013 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
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MARLENEIN: Democrat Gun Control
In 1863 a Democrat shot and killed Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States .  In 1881 a left wing radical Democrat shot James Garfield, President of the United States, who died from his wound.  In 1963 a radical left wing socialist shot and killed John F. Kennedy, President of the United States.  In 1975 a left wing radical Democrat fired shots at Gerald Ford, President of the United States.  In 1983 a registered Democrat shot and wounded Ronald Reagan.  In 1984 James Huberty, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 22 people in a McDonalds restaurant.  In 1986 Patrick Sherril, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 15 people in an Oklahoma post office.  In 1990 James Pough, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 10 people at a GMAC office.  In 1991 George Hennard, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 23 people in a Lubys cafeteria. In 1995 James Daniel Simpson, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 5 coworkers in a Texas laboratory.  In 1999 Larry Asbrook, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 8 people at a church service.  In 2001 a left wing radical Democrat fired shots at the White House in a failed attempt to kill George W. Bush, President of the US.  In 2003 Douglas Williams, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 7 people at a Lockheed Martin plant.  In 2007 a registered Democrat named Seung-Hui Cho shot and killed 32 people in Virginia Tech.  In 2010 a mentally ill registered Democrat named Jared Lee Loughner shot Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and killed 6 others. In 2011 a registered Democrat named James Holmes went into a movie theater where he shot and killed 12 people. In 2012 Andrew Engeldinger, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 7 people in Minneapolis.  In 2013 a registered Democrat named Adam Lanza shot and killed 26 people in a school.  In 2013 Aaron Alexis, a mentally ill Democrat who voted for Barrak Obama,  shot and killed 12 people in the Navy Yard in Washington DC.   One could go on, but you get the point even if the media do not.  Clearly, there is a problem with Democrats and guns.  No NRA member, Tea Party member or Republican conservative is so irresponsible with guns.   SOLUTION: Make it illegal for Democrats to own guns.

George Washington Finally Gets His Presidential Library
Friday, 27 Sep 2013 12:43 AM By David A. Patten
Since Franklin Roosevelt, every modern U.S. president has opened his own presidential library.
On Friday, President George Washington, the nation’s first, finally will get his turn, as a state-of-the-art presidential library is christened in his honor.
Washington’s beloved Mount Vernon steps into a bold new era with the formal opening of The Fred W. Smith National Library for the Study of George Washington.
Some 800 dignitaries, officials, and VIPs will be on hand to witness the unveiling of a library purpose-built to preserve the original books and papers from Gen. Washington’s personal collection.
Noted historian and best-selling author David McCullough will be the keynote speaker.
The 45,000-square-foot library includes a residence for visiting scholars. The collection includes approximately 450 handwritten letters and manuscripts, including Washington’s personal diary. They will be housed in a secure area dubbed "The Vault."
The Mount Vernon Ladies’ Association — the organization that owns and maintains Washington’s stately, colonial-era manse on the banks of the Potomac just west of the Nation’s Capital — anticipates that the new library will trigger renewed scholarly study of America’s first president. It will host conferences, seminars, and educational programs available to every student in America via the Internet.
"I’m absolutely thrilled," says philanthropist Gay Hart Gaines, former chairman of the association’s board and a key planner and fundraiser who played an instrumental role in bringing the library to fruition. "It’s so wonderful. The grand opening of the library is now a dream come true."
The library represents the fulfillment of one of Washington’s personal dreams as well.
After enduring humiliating setbacks early in the war, Washington pummeled British Lt. Gen. Edward Cornwallis into submission at the Siege of Yorktown in 1781.
Washington was so popular after that battle, most historians believe, he could have made himself America’s king. Washington, said fellow Virginian "Light-Horse Harry" Lee, was "first in the hearts of his countrymen."
But Washington grew weary of the trappings of office after eight years as commander-in-chief, and in deference to the need to establish democratic traditions, he resigned his office and returned to his beloved Mount Vernon.
Washington harbored one last ambition when he left public life, however.
He confided to a friend that he wanted to build a place "for the accommodation and security of my military, civil, and private papers, which are voluminous and may be interesting." Not long after he wrote those words, however, Washington contracted a severe chill while inspecting his plantation in a cold downpour, fell sick, and died.
On Friday, some 214 years later, thanks to the generous support of donors, and the Ladies’ Association's staunch commitment to vouchsafing the legacy of the nation’s first president, Washington’s dream of establishing a library will finally be fulfilled.
As a matter of both tradition and principle, the Mount Vernon Ladies’ Association accepts no government funding. To build and operate the library, it raised more than $106 million from some 7,000 donors.
Many of them were among the 400 VIP guests who gathered Thursday evening at the mansion’s white-columned piazza for a once-in-a-lifetime reception. A gala dinner was followed by dancing and a memorable fireworks display — revelry that would have delighted Washington, say those who have studied his life.
The ceremony commemorating the grand opening of the museum will begin at 11 a.m. eastern time Friday. In addition to McCullough, speakers at Friday morning's grand-opening ceremony are Curtis G. Viebranz, president and CEO of George Washington’s Mount Vernon, who took office about a year ago; Regent Ann Bookout, representing the state of Texas; and Clare Edwards, the vice regent representing Connecticut, who also chaired the Library Task Force.
Grammy-winning artists Amy Grant and Vince Gill will provide entertainment.
The grand opening represents the culmination of more than five years of nonstop planning and fund-raising. The work of the Library Task Force that orchestrated the project was painstaking to the finest detail: The library’s decorative stones were selected to be reminiscent of the buff color that Washington favored in his vest and uniform.
Now that the library is a reality, Gay Hart Gaines, the regent who represents Florida, recalls its dubious beginnings.
She and former Mount Vernon President and CEO James C. Rees IV — who oversaw the preservation of the historic home for 29 years before his retirement in June 2012 — began talking about building a presidential library for the nation’s first president right after Mount Vernon opened its popular, 66,700-square-foot Ford Orientation and Donald W. Reynolds Museum & Education Center.
"We no sooner opened those in 2006 than Jim Rees and I said, 'You know, George Washington wanted a library,'" she recalls.
Rees was concerned the association might not be up to another major fund-raising campaign, so close on the heels of its $60 million expansion.
Gaines and Rees kicked around the idea for a year, and one day Rees said, "I’m going to try to get the seed money. Maybe if I can get that, we can talk everybody into it."
"The long and the short of it," said Gaines, "was we were able to get a large grant from the Donald W. Reynolds Foundation to provide the seed money."
Gaines then persuaded her fellow leaders in the Ladies’ Association to embark on a massive capital campaign.
"It was daunting," Gaines recalls, "because we’d just come off of a capital campaign one year before. But I said this is the time to do it because the education center is so exciting and everybody’s so thrilled with it. And while everybody is so proud of what they did, let’s ask them again."
Friday’s festivities represent the fulfillment of those ambitions.
Other major contributors to the library include Amway co-founder Rich and Helen DeVos; John and Adrienne Mars of the global confection and food-product company that bears their name; and David M. Rubenstein, co-founder of the Carlyle Group.
Gaines says the grand opening "marks a wonderful new beginning for George Washington’s home at Mount Vernon."
The library is designed to reflect Washington’s love of farming and the outdoors, with tall bay windows that allow sunlight and vistas of Northern Virginia landscaping to splash in from every direction. Its state-of-the-art conference and seminar rooms can stream live video presentations across the globe via the Internet.
The library’s priceless artifacts include a diary written in Washington’s own hand; a 1775 letter to wife Martha written just before his departure to lead the American troops at Cambridge; and the first Acts of Congress, including the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The latter volume was acquired from Christie’s at a price of nearly $10 million.
The estate also recently acquired eight more volumes from Washington’s original collection at an auction administered by Sotheby’s.
The two primary aims of Washington’s new library are to make Mount Vernon the global center of scholarship on America’s indispensable man and to expand the study of Washington’s life and times to schools across the nation around the world.
"We need to grab those kids who aren’t learning American history in school," Gaines explains, "and get them excited about our founding so they understand it really was unique and fabulous."
Gaines sometimes wonders how Washington might react if he were able once again to stride through the doorway of his beloved home in Mount Vernon and gaze around.
Says Gaines: "I think he would say, 'I married Martha Washington because she was a strong, intelligent woman. And I am delighted that you ladies have preserved our Mount Vernon home with such loving care. Today, thanks to your work, Mount Vernon is better than ever.'"
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“En mi opinión” Lázaro R González Miño Editor ‘IN GOD WE TRUST’

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