Saturday, July 18, 2015

No 1001 "En mi opinion" Julio 18, 2015

No 1001 “En mi opinión” Julio  18, 2015
“IN GOD WE TRUST”  Lázaro R González Miño Editor

Lázaro R González candidato a Alcalde del Condado de  Miami  Elecciones de Noviembre del 2016 En la boleta en blanco.   
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AMENPER: Un Lobo Solitario fue el que asesinó a los Marines en Chatanooga
La Fiscal Federal Loretta Lynch el asesino de los marines fue un Lobo Solitario y que no fue un acto de terrorismo.
Como yo pensaba que había sido el musulmán Mohammod Youssuf Abdulazeez, ahora estoy preocupado porque el lobo solitario debe de estar por ahí todavía matando gente y hay que mantenerse vigilante.  También aclaran que el lobo solitario actuó por su propia cuenta y que esto no fue un acto de terrorismo, sino un incidente provocado por la falta de control de armas de fuegos y que esto es lo que hay que regular.
Me imagino que el Lobo debe de haber escapado en el tren de Chatanooga Chu Chu, que es un tres especial de ferrocarril tropical y difícil de alcanzar, y como es tropical, puede que ya esté por aquí en el trópico, así que hay que tener cuidado.
El nombre del lobo no lo han dado a conocer, pero me gustaría saber si el lobo es musulmán-
“EMO” Eso se lo cree Totoya, fue un Musulman, enviado por los enemigos de USA y entrenado para este tipo de ataque salvaje y con ventaja. QUE DIOS BEDIGA ESTOS MARTIRES DE LA GUERRA CONTRA LA CIVILIZACION Y LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS. LRGM

AMENPER: Inmigración Ilegal
Estaba hablando con un amigo mejicano, se me quejaba de que a pesar de que no era partidario de la inmigración ilegal, se sentía abrumado por la percepción de tantos contra la comunidad mejicana en general. 
Le traté de explicar mi punto de vista por mi experiencia cuando la inmigración del Mariel, no sé si me comprendió o si le sirvió de consuelo, pero a mi parecer, aquella fue una etapa peor que la que tienen los mejicanos sobre todos para los que hablábamos inglés y teníamos que oír esos programas de radio y televisión contra la comunidad cubana. 
Digo que es peor, porque la izquierda defiende a la inmigración mejicana, y también parte de la derecha es tolerante y entiende la situación.  En nuestro caso la derecha por la estructura política segregacionista remanente del sur, nos atacaba racistamente, y también la izquierda nos atacaba porque tuvieron una oportunidad de pasarnos la cuenta por nuestra política conservadora.
Además le voto cubano no era como lo es el voto mejicano de hoy, de mayor importancia para los políticos, fueron pocos los que nos defendían.
Todo era una situación que había que analizar, y eso es lo que traté de hacerle ver a mi amigo.  Sabíamos que todo era un plan de Fidel cuando forzó a los que fueron en barcos a buscar a su familia a que incluyera una cuota de delincuentes, y una estupidez política de Jimmy Carter que cayó en la trampa.  Fidel sacó de las prisiones, prostitutas, degenerados y como es claro, su cuota de espías, que usaban su estancia no sólo para espiar pero para crear situaciones que hacían parecer peor a la comunidad.
Esto creó una percepción negativa en la comunidad, también crearon el estigma para las personas decentes que vinieron por el Mariel, que tenían vergüenza de que los llamaran “marielitos”  un epíteto que se convirtió en una deshonra a su persona.
Todo fue cuestión de hacer una labor personal, cada uno tuvo que hacer ver con su conducta que había diferentes clases de cubanos, usar los medios de comunicación a nuestro alcance para hacer ver que significó la inmigración cubana para Miami.  Los primeros exilados eran los Batistianos y los de la clase económica más alta, trajeron millones de dólares a la economía de Miami, después la clase media en menor cuantía también pudieron extraer algún dinero que también se vertió en la economía de Miami.
Pero lo más visible fueron los profesionales, pudieron ver cómo los médicos, farmacéuticos, arquitectos, abogados, contadores, y obreros especializados como carpinteros, plomeros, se integraron a la sociedad.  Cuando vieron estos profesionales y comerciantes integrarse a la vida cotidiana, no les quedó más remedio que reconocer que era una sociedad cómo cualquier otra con todos tipos de personas, buenos y malos.
Esto es lo que traté de explicar, lo más importante es que tanto el Mariel, una inmigración sin control usada por un enemigo, como la inmigración ilegal de la frontera con Méjico, que permite que los traficantes de drogas y asesinos pueden entrar sin control, es algo perjudicial para los mejicanos decentes como lo fue el Mariel para los cubanos decentes.
Nadie mejor que un mejicano decente debe de ser un proponente del control de las fronteras, ellos son los más perjudicados cuando un mejicano ilegal asesino comete un crimen o cuando se descubre un cartel de drogas de Méjico.
La situación es fácil de entender, pero reconozco, por haberlo vivido, que la percepción generalizada sobre un grupo, puede ser abrumadora para una persona decente que no representa el estereotipo vilificado.

AMENPER: La Reunión con Taqiya
En el Islam chií, taqiya (تقیة  taqiyyah/taqīyah) es una forma de mentira religiosa,  o una dispensación legal por el que una persona creyente puede negar su fe o cometer otra manera ilegal o acto blasfemo,  especialmente mientras están en el miedo o en riesgo de persecución importante y cuando se otorga se le da un sombrero que es el taqiya que la persona usa como representación de la dispensación.
En otras palabras es una licencia para ser un hipócrita justificado por la religión. 
Este Mahoma era la candela, se las sabía todas, hay dulces para todos en el Islam.
En las reuniones para el glorioso acuerdo nuclear se desarrolló bajo la más estricta observancia de la ley Sharía, y todos llevaban taqiyas en sus cabezas, y todos se cagaban en la religión y en la verdad sin violar ningún principio religioso porque tenían puesta la taqiya.  Alá les permitía ser unos hipócritas mentirosos.
Pero al terminar la reunión todos estuvieron de acuerdo en otorgar el Premio de la Taqiya de Oro, al secretario de Estado de los Estados Unidos, que nunca está en los Estados Unidos pero siempre en otro lugar, el distinguido diplomático estadounidense recibió el trofeo por la excelencia en las negociaciones del tratado con el mayor grado de hipocresía.
"Nadie usa la Taqiya como Secretario Kerry", dijo un sonriente Hassan Roushani, jefe de estado iraní.
Secretario Kerry planea colocar este premio en la exhibición en la sala de  trofeos justo al lado del vestíbulo del Departamento de estado cuando en alguna ocasión venga a los Estados Unidos.
Él expresó su gratitud eterna a los imanes, pero parecía confundido sobre como los iraníes sirven la comida mexicana, solicitando que los jalapeños se sirvan al lado para evitar nuevos problemas gastrointestinales como los que ha sufrido durante las negociaciones, donde corrió a raudales la materia excremental.

Jose Y Marcia Caula:

Muslims My Ass...

I want to shake the guy's hand that wrote this...
Have you ever seen a Muslim hospital?
Have you heard a Muslim orchestra?
Have you seen a Muslim band march in a parade?
Have you witnessed a Muslim charity?
Have you shaken hands with a Muslim Girl Scout?
Have you seen a Muslim Candy Striper?

The answer is no, you have not. Just ask yourself WHY ???
Barack Obama, during his Cairo speech, said: "I know, too, that Islam has always been a part of America's history."


Dear Mr. Obama:
Were those Muslims that were in America when the Pilgrims first landed? Funny, I thought they were Native American Indians.
Were those Muslims that celebrated the first Thanksgiving day? Sorry again, those were Pilgrims and Native American Indians.
Can you show me one Muslim signature on the: United States Constitution?
Declaration of Independence? Bill of Rights? Didn't think so. Did Muslims fight for this country's freedom from England? No.
Did Muslims fight during the Civil War to free the slaves in America? No, they did not. In fact, Muslims to this day are still the largest traffickers in human slavery.
Your own half-brother, a devout Muslim, still advocates slavery himself, even though Muslims of Arabic descent refer to black Muslims as "pug nosed slaves."
Says a lot of what the Muslim world really thinks of your family's "rich Islamic heritage," doesn't it Mr. Obama?
Where were Muslims during the Civil Rights era of this country? Not present.
There are no pictures or media accounts of Muslims walking side by side with Martin Luther King, Jr. or helping to advance the cause of Civil Rights.
Where were Muslims during this country's Woman's Suffrage era? Again, not present. In fact, devout Muslims demand that women are subservient to men in the Islamic culture.
So much so, that often they are beaten for not wearing the 'hajib' or for talking to a man who is not a direct family member or their husband. Yep, the Muslims are all for women's rights, aren't they?
Where were Muslims during World War II?
They were aligned with Adolf Hitler. The Muslim grand mufti himself met with Adolf Hitler, reviewed the troops and accepted support from the Nazi's in killing Jews.
Finally, Mr. Obama, where were Muslims on Sept. 11th, 2001?
If they weren't flying planes into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon or a field in Pennsylvania killing nearly 3,000 people on our own soil, they were rejoicing in the Middle East.
No one can dispute the pictures shown from all parts of the Muslim world celebrating on CNN, Fox News, MSNBC and other cable news network's that day.
Strangely, the very "moderate" Muslims who's asses you bent over backwards to kiss in Cairo, Egypt on June 4thwere stone cold silent post 9-11. To many Americans, their silence has meant approval for the acts of that day.
And THAT, Mr. Obama, is the "rich heritage" Muslims have here in America ...
Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot to mention the Barbary Pirates. They were Muslims.
And now we can add November 5, 2009 - the slaughter of American soldiers at Fort Hood by a Muslim major who is a doctor and a psychiatrist who was supposed to be counseling soldiers returning from battle in Iraq and Afghanistan .
Also, don't forget the Boston Marathon bombing on April 15.2013 was done by 2 Muslim Brothers. That, Mr. Obama is the "Muslim heritage" in America
Muslim Heritage, my ass.
And if you don't share this message, you are part of the problem!

Gowdy Destroys This Cabinet Member…
·         Source: Western Journalism 
·         by: Norvell Rose “You are not willing to mandate federal detainers, but you are willing to mandate that state and local law enforcement cannot assist you in enforcing immigration laws.” That was just one way that Rep. Trey Gowdy publicly scolded Sec. Jeh Johnson, the head of Obama’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS). With a prosecutor’s punch, the South Carolina congressman came down hard on the DHS boss during a congressional hearing on sanctuary cities and the San Francisco shooting that left a young woman dead, allegedly at the hands of a five-times-deported illegal immigrant.

Western Journalism has reported a number of times on the tragic case involving the illegal alien Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez, charged with the shooting death of Kate Steinle as she was out walking with her father on a San Francisco pier. The suspect, who was a known “career criminal” as Rep. Gowdy described him, had been released from custody by the San Francisco Sheriff’s Department, despite a federal hold on him — a detainer — requesting that he be kept in lockup.

In its reporting on the congressional hearing aimed at exploring how Lopez-Sanchez could possibly have been free to allegedly commit the murder with which he is charged, the Washington Examiner noted what the ever-feisty Mr. Gowdy got DHS Sec. Johnson to concede.

Essentially, the top Obama official admitted that the administration doesn’t force governments like that in San Francisco to comply with federal immigration detention orders because, in Johnson’s words: “I think that would be a huge setback in our ability to work with state and local law enforcement, and I suspect that they would agree as well.”  
Source: Western Journalism

The Western Center For Journalism 5 Biggest Obama Lies On His Iran Deal

When Obama lies, he lies big and without equivocation. Here are the 5 biggest lies he just told in reference to his deal that puts Iran, the world's biggest state sponsor of terrorism, on the path to obtaining nuclear weapons...
Inspector will also be able to access any suspicious location… Were necessary, when necessary.
FALSE: According to this faux arms treaty, there is a potential window of up to 24 days from the time when a request is made to visit a suspicious location to the time when the visit may actually occur. Of course, such a window would give Iran more than enough time to conceal any violations of the deal. Also, an “independent commission” will be empowered to review all requests and the provisions of the faux treaty also allow Iran to contest the request and even reject it outright.
ABC News, hardly a bastion of conservative opinion confirmed that contention: “Any inspections at those sites would need to be approved by a joint commission composed of one member from each of the negotiating parties. The process for approving those inspections could take as many as 24 days, which critics will claim is enough time for Iran to cover up any non-compliance.”
Moreover, it would appear that only representatives from nations that are friendly to the rogue Iran Regime will be allowed to conduct these inspections. Gary Bauer with American Values reports; “[I]nternational inspectors must ‘come from nations that have diplomatic relations with Iran.’ That means there will be no American inspectors allowed into Iran. Why would we agree to that?”
Of course, Barack Obama isn’t the only one spinning tall-tales about the “inspection” provisions of the deal. Congressman Don Beyer (D-VA) says: “Iran’s nuclear program will be under lock, key and camera 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The eyes of the international community are on every centrifuge, every ounce of uranium, in all of Iran’s nuclear facilities.”
Bauer again: “Far from being under lock and key, we have to ask permission to inspect a site and then the Iranians have more than three weeks to scrub it. That’s not exactly the “anywhere, anytime” inspections that the administration was demanding in April.

OSHUAPUNDIT Posted: 14 Jul 2015 11:13 AM PDT A Digest and Commentary on the war against Jihad This is the commentary of my Canadian connection that was present at some of the meetings with the English delegation

Jorge A. Villalón

Tuesday, July 14, 2015
The New Iran Deal - the Stench of Appeasement
Over the weekend, I received Intel from some of my sources outlining the framework of the proposed deal by John Kerry and the P5+1 with Iran regarding its illegal nuclear weapons program, where I reported on here. It was so bad that I don't mind telling you that it took me a couple of days to get to a place where I could write about what was involved, and I hoped that for once my sources were exaggerating a bit or that the West might finally come to its senses and walk away. 

Today, the deal, known as the 'Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action' was announced, ad as usual, my notorious Little Birdies did not exaggerate at all, and the 'Plan of Action' is pretty much what they said it was with a few last minute minor changes, none of which mean much in practical terms.

Iran will be able to veto any IAEA inspections, and will be able to pick and choose where those inspections take place. It will likewise be able to delay any inspections through the mechanism of an 'arbitration system' giving Iran plenty of time to clean up and move anything they want to conceal while still technically being in compliance.

As I reported, the sanctions officially will not be lifted until 2016. In the real world, the sanctions have disappeared already and countries are already cutting deals with the regime. That includes the UN arms sanctions on Iran as a supporter and enabler of terrorism, which are supposed to remain in place for five years but will supposedly be lifted after certification of Iran's compliance. In the real world, Russia and China among other countries will cheerfully violate the sanctions, which they never approved of in the first place. Money talks and Russia especially is not going to take weapons sanctions seriously anymore. 

The Iranians have apparently agreed to reduce their centrifuges to 6,000 and to destroy most of their stockpile of enriched uranium. Since we only know approximately how much of each, they have and inspections are at Iran's discretion, this is a fairly meaningless concession on their part. Expect that many of the centrifuges Iran disposes of will be the old, first generation IR-1s, which the Iranians want to replace anyway, and as part of the agreement, the Western powers have also agreed to work with Iran to help it install and operate centrifuges that are more advanced. As far as the nuclear stockpile goes, again, we have no clue how much they really have, and there are technical ways to 'destroy' enriched uranium that allow it to be reprocessed at a later date.

There was also no mention in this 'plan' of Iran's heavy water reactor at Arak, which has no peaceful application and produces plutonium, a second route to nuclear weapons. Presumably, Arak will continue to operate.

I am not surprised at all Iran signed on to this. It provides this fascist regime with billions of dollars to keep it in power, develop nuclear weapons and expand its power in the region. And it demands nothing significant from them.

President Obama announced what a wonderful deal this was, saying that because of this deal, "We have stopped the spread of nuclear weapons in the Middle East." 

For a sitting president of the United States to say this is the very height of either ignorance, arrogance or sheer deception. Perhaps all three. Because of this president's 'diplomacy,' the Saudis have already announced that they will now obtain nuclear weapons and Egypt is working on a deal with Russia for a new reactor to enhance its own already existing nuclear program. And let us not even mention the almost certain Iranian bomb to come.

A second blatant lie in this morning's output by President Obama is that "the international community will be able to verify that the Islamic Republic of Iran will not develop a nuclear weapon.”

As I pointed out above, the exact opposite is the case. Before this was announced, I gave you what has turned out to be a pretty accurate preview yesterday of the sort of horse manure this president would use to sell this to the American people:

And here is another thought to consider. This dubious achievement is Obama's legacy. Even if Iran cheats, does anyone really think this president is going to be the one to admit he was wrong and take action? Anyone who has been paying attention to Barack Hussein Obama's conduct in office knows better. He will ignore it, claim plausible denial and leave it to be someone else's problem. Just like Bill Clinton did on North Korea and other fiascoes.

The president made a point of castigating the Republican controlled congress as 'playing politics' and letting them know that he will veto any attempts by congress to reject this ridiculous travesty.

Surprisingly, to me the best comment on this came from none other than Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush, who derided the agreement as a "dangerous, deeply flawed, and short sighted deal," saying that it still allows a path for Iran to develop a nuclear bomb. 

"A comprehensive agreement should require Iran to verifiably abandon – not simply delay – its pursuit of a nuclear weapons capability," Bush said in a statement. He added: "This isn't diplomacy – it is appeasement."

Winston Churchill had this to say after Neville Chamberlain came back from Munich in 1938 with his own version of peace in our time: “You were given the choice between war and dishonor. You chose dishonor and you will have war.”

It is very possible that having made the same choice, we will have the same result, and at a time of Iran's choosing, not ours. They remain committed to the destruction of the country they call the Great Satan, and that has not changed.

Jorge Alberto Villalón Y.

Eye Opening Article

Quintin George
·         Humberto Fontova

“We Are All Donald Trump,” Proclaims Hispanic Human-Rights Activist

Humberto Fontova | Jul 18, 2015
The human rights activist mentioned in this column title is also a Presidential Medal of Freedom winner. More fascinatingly still, he’s also black. Even more amazingly, he’s a foreign “Latino” human rights-activist from a nation where recent polls show over half the residents craving to emigrate to the U.S.
With this profile, what odds would Vegas give that he’s a current Donald Trump basher?
Instead Oscar Biscet (the activist’s name) is a Spanish-speaking Cuban dissident and current Trump backer, who seems to understand the English language better than many native-born, ruddy-cheeked, apple-pie eating Americans, from Karl Rove to Jeb Bush. He especially seems to understand the word “illegal.”
"Trespassing through any country's border without authorization is a crime punishable by law,” observed Biscet in a Spanish-language tweet from Cuba last week. “Today we are all Donald Trump.”
The anti-communist dissident Biscet was jailed and tortured by the Castro regime for peacefully protesting the Stalinist regime’s policy of forced late-term abortions via the drug Rivanol. "The umbilical cord was cut,” revealed the medical doctor Biscet back in 1998. “And they (the babies) were allowed to bleed to death or they were wrapped in paper and asphyxiated."
Not that most of you have ever heard of this abortion policy from the Castro-accredited U.S. media that “reports” from Cuba.
What most of you probably have heard from the Castro-accredited U.S. media--from CNN to NBC, from ABC to NPR, from the AP to CBS--is those miraculously low Cuban infant-mortality rates. That the Stalinist regime’s abortion policy plays an enormous role in these (nonetheless bogus) low infant-mortality figures is not something the Castro-accredited U.S. media would dare venture to investigate. That Castro-accreditation, you see, could suddenly go “POOF!” and vanish.
“From covering Havana’s night-life! -- to reporting on the Iowa caucus? No thanks!” react all those intrepid U.S. “investigative reporters.” So they dutifully keep parroting the Stalinist regime’s propaganda handouts--and comfortably remain in Cuba.
(By Biscet’s “backing” of Trump by the way, I simply refer to his support for Trump’s recent comments on immigration and his calling out the hypocrisy of Trump’s critics on this issue. Donald Trump as a viable U.S. president presents a totally different issue. For one, if he were made aware of it, Biscet would likely oppose Trump’s support of a woman’s “right to choose.”)
Cuba’s judicial system, lifted from Stalin’s during the Great Terror, sentenced Oscar Biscet to 25 years of prison, of which he suffered 11. honored by Amnesty international as one of its official “Prisoners of Conscience,”-- not that this has much induced the U.S. media to ever mention Biscet.
There’s just something about suffering communism in the flesh that makes a person recognize the swinishness and hypocrisy of fashionable and politically-correct western society. We saw the same thing with Alexander Solzhenitsyn and Vladimir Bukovsky. Initially these Soviet dissidents got some perfunctory “hear-hears” from the Western political and intellectual smart-set. In short order, however, both came to be shunned as reactionary cranks.
Biscet hasn’t even managed the perfunctory “hear-hears” but he’s already pointing out the smart-set’s swinishness and hypocrisy. “And just what's behind all the complicity and hypocrisy by NBC and Univision anyway?” he adds in last week’s tweet. “NBC and Univision mutilate freedom of expression. They denounce and censor Donald Trump but always promote the Castro-Communist dictatorship."
Amazingly again, it was Jeb’s brother George W. who awarded Oscar Biscet his Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2007 (in absentia.)
Cuba’s Oscar Biscet suffered longer in Castro’s Gulag than Alexander Solzhenitsyn suffered in Stalin’s Gulag—and for essentially the same “crime.” Both Solzhenitsyn and Biscet refused to renounce truth. “Live not by lies” famously advised Solzhenitsyn.
“When you know the truth, the truth will set you free. When you know the truth, you change,” Biscet explained during an interview with the Catholic News Agency.
That such a man is also unafraid to insult the insidious power of American political correctness and fashionable opinion when they trample truth--this should not be surprising.
This penchant for truth probably explains the virtual media black-out on Biscet’s suffering which took place 90 miles from our shores. Consider:
Anti-communist human-rights activist Oscar Biscet was jailed and tortured after a closed kangaroo trial by a Stalinist, terror-sponsoring regime that craved to nuke us. His “crime” was peaceful protest. All this took place 90 miles from U.S. shores in a locale absolutely lousy with international press bureaus and their intrepid “investigative reporters.”
This fiefdom, by the way, is responsible for the jailing and torture of the most political prisoners (many black) per-capita of any regime in the modern history of the Western hemisphere, more in fact than Stalin’s at the height of the Great Terror. But from the media all we learn is that it provides “free and fabulous healthcare” while bravely suffering a “cruel” and “archaic” embargo by a superpower.
Nelson Mandela, on the other hand, was convicted by the independent judiciary of a U.S. ally after a trial perfectly open to international observers and declared “perfectly fair” by many of these observers. Mandela’s crime was terrorism.
Can I venture to guess, dear readers, which one of these Black political prisoners you have heard most about in the U.S. media?
Thought so.
And regarding that poll showing half of Cubans currently crave to leave Cuba. This refers to a nation with a standard of living formerly higher than half of Europe's and swamped with more immigrants per-capita (primarily from Europe) than was the U.S--which Cubans treated as their tourist playground.
Wikipedia (no less!) points out that as of 1958 Cuba was “the sixth largest recipient of immigrants in the world.” Has the Castro-accredited U.S. media informed you of this fascinating (but highly embarrassing to their accreditor)historical datum?
Didn’t think so.
Yes, The Godfather II notwithstanding, in 1953 –owing to Cuba’s large middle-class--more Cubans vacationed in the U.S. (then voluntarily returned home, despite U.S. visas being available to them for the asking) than Americans vacationed in Cuba. When my parents and grandparents and uncles and aunts said “Adios, America!” they weren’t referring to Ann Coulter’s great book. They followed up with: “next time we also plan to see Rock City and Ruby Falls!”

Hillary’s Campaign Just Made A Huge Claim. Then The Facts Came Back To Haunt Them…

Talk about brazen, laughable hypocrisy...
The brazen hypocrisy, laughable distortions, and in-your-face deceptions foisted on the American people by the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign are something to behold. Case in point — a slam-dunk of a doozy — an email just sent to Hillary supporters by campaign chairman John Podesta, a long-time Democrat political consultant and ultra-liberal operative who founded the pro-Clinton Center for American Progress.
As The Daily Caller reports, Podesta’s email with the subject line, “A ferocious onslaught of dark money,” warns that Republicans vying for the presidency are out-raising the former secretary of state, who, Podesta claims, is funded not so much by fat cats as by small-dollar donors. However, TheDC’s investigation proves that those supporters who contributed a few bucks to the Clinton campaign represent only a fraction of the huge war chest Hillary has raised so far.


“The Clinton campaign took in $46.7 million in its first quarter of existence, no small sum,” reports TheDC. “Even NBC News called it a ‘Huge Fundraising Haul.'”
If each of Clinton’s 250,000 donors ‘chipped in’ all the low dollar amounts listed in the email — $1, $5, $10, for a total of $16 each — that would total $4 million. That leaves $42 million unaccounted for.
On top of that, The Washington Post notes: “Donations under $200 made up just under 17 percent of Clinton’s total raised.” That means the vast majority of the Clinton campaign cash has come from bigger individual donors, or so-called “bundlers.” This clearly shows the “grassroots,” small donor claim made by campaign chairman Podesta is far from an honest representation of the truth.


Clinton also released the names of 122 fundraisers who have bundled at least $100,000 for the campaign. In all, they have raised at least $12.2 million since April 12, 2015.
The Clinton bundler list included many familiar and longtime Democratic Party fundraisers, as well as some of the Clinton’s biggest long-time donors.
And here’s what you might call “the kicker” that shows John Podesta and the Hillary political machine to be so boldly, so brazenly, so laughably hypocritical.
Despite Podesta’s self-serving claim that big, sinister, “dark money” interests are backing Republican candidates with huge donations as opposed to the little guys who’ve “chipped in $1, $5, or $10″ to the Clinton campaign coffers, Podesta’s own brother — a big-time D.C. lobbyist and well-connected Democrat backer — is reportedly fully on board for Hillary’s White House bid with influence over wads of cash.
The Guardian discloses the revealing facts: “Another lobbyist playing an important role for Clinton is Tony Podesta, who has made millions from a family based empire and is considered one of the most influential Democratic lobbyists in the Beltway.”
The Guardian piece goes on to expose the network of fat-cat campaign donors whose power positions in Hillary Clinton’s bid for the presidency prove the email from her campaign chairman is as phony as many would argue the candidate’s qualifying credentials to be.

Defending Freedom In Cuba

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July 17, 2015
Dear Friends,
More than half a century ago, the United States ended diplomatic relations with Cuba because of the Castro regime’s dangerous actions which posed and continue to pose a serious threat to our national security.  Since then, the US, as the standard-bearer of freedom and liberty, has continued to stand against a tyrannical regime which has oppressed and abused its citizens. Today, as the President works to reopen an embassy in Havana, the situation in Cuba has not changed. The Castro brothers foment instability in our region by exporting their Cuban military and espionage apparatus across the Americas.  Furthermore, the Cuban regime continues to beat, imprison, and violate the basic human rights of those who dare to question it within Cuba.
There was little doubt that the Administration would pursue its goal of opening an embassy in Cuba no matter the sad reality on the ground. Since Obama's December 17th announcement, the State Department has missed many opportunities to condemn increased repression on the island now that the Castro regime feels emboldened to continue its attacks against the Cuban people. As the Ladies in White, Jorge Luis Garcia Perez Antunez, Yris Perez Aguilera, and other pro-democracy leaders such as Antonio Rodiles are routinely harassed, beaten, and imprisoned. Repression and violence against the people of Cuba have increased dramatically while the Administration negotiated with the communist regime. Beating activists committed to the return of democratic rights to the island, such as Rodiles and members of the Ladies in White, show that the Castro regime has no interest in changing.  I believe that the opening of a U.S. embassy in Havana demonstrates that the Obama administration is willing to turn a blind eye to the sadistic ways of this brutal regime in order to build a presidential legacy.
Furthermore, Cuba has one of the world’s most advanced espionage systems, which directly and openly targets our nation.  The Cuban regime has penetrated our own intelligence services with convicted Cuban spies such as Ana Belen Montes and Kendall Myers.  I firmly believe that the new embassy in Washington will become a nest of Cuban spies and will only make it easier for the Castro regime to infiltrate our nation and pose a threat to our safety.
For decades, the US has stood firmly against the tyranny of the Castro brothers and has led the way in the struggle for democracy and human rights in Cuba.  Now, half a century after the breaking of diplomatic relations, it appears to me that the President has failed to recognize the danger that the Castro regime represents.  I firmly believe that the recent concessions to the Castro brothers, including the opening of an embassy in Havana, only gives legitimacy to Castro and signals an acceptance of his brutal ways which goes against our ideals and which will allow his regime to undermine our nation and our interests around the globe.

Ileana Ros-Lehtinen
Member of Congress
Don't forget to follow me on Twitter @RosLehtinen. I send out live updates and links to recent videos!

Sr Gonzalez,

Muchas felicidades por su excelente
 trabajo. Su trabajo es un monumento 
a la libertad y un orgullo para los cubanos
Amantes del espíritu humano. 


Flavio Souza-Campos

Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 17, 2015, at 12:20 PM, Lazaro R Gonzalez <>

 “Rocinante continua cabalgando”
Hacer del día del número 1000 la despedida, como si nos hubieran derrotado, en lugar de celebrar todos los triunfos que hemos tenido sería un desperdicio de todo el trabajo que todos hemos hecho para mantener este periódico digital que tenemos el honor de hacerles llegar a ustedes. Las notas cartas y hasta alguna que otra palabra “no publicable” Me han hecho recapacitar. Si ustedes tienen razón. Reconozco que me deje llevar por la pobre respuesta inicial de ustedes a mi proposición de ser candidato a la alcaldía del condado para las elecciones del 2016.
¿Qué vamos a hacer?
1)  Bueno lo primero es que vamos a seguir publicando “En mi opinión”
2)  Si me presentare como candidato a la Alcaldía del Condado de Miami. En las elecciones de noviembre del 2016, En la boleta en blanco. No recogeremos dinero, haremos una campaña sin pedir dinero. Porque el político que acepta dinero se encuentra en deuda con quien lo financio. Yo deseo que si ustedes creen que yo soy la solución para acabar con el abuso contra los ciudadanos y creen que yo podre con la ayuda de DIOS y de ustedes a sanear este condado podrido hasta la medula y que despilfarra y se filtra mucho dinero a los bolsillos de los canallas. Yo soy la solución.
3)  Como lo vamos a hacer: La Campana empieza hoy. Yo Lázaro R González Es el candidato de ustedes para las próximas elecciones condales de Miami en el 2016. EN LA BOLETA EN BLANCO. Eso significa que tendrán que escribir mi nombre en el espacio de la boleta para votar por candidatos que no se inscribieron en el Departamento de Elecciones. No quiero que me envíen ninguna donación. Ustedes hablaran desde ahora con sus amigos, familiares, compañeros de trabajo, con todos que yo soy el candidato que va a acabar con el relajo que ahora tenemos. Haremos cada uno un pequeño cuadro para poner en el jardín, el carro, en la casa, donde se pueda; un letrero que diga más o menos.
4)   Lázaro R González
Para Alcalde del Condado Miami En la boleta en blanco
Elecciones de noviembre del 2016. 
Díganselo a todos sus amigos a sus vecinos, al basurero, al cartero, a la gente del mercado, en la gasolinera, en la consulta del médico, en las consultas espirituales, en todas partes. (Uno nunca sabe de dónde va a venir la ayuda. Siempre: Lázaro R González es el alcalde del Condado Miami en el 2016 porque estamos cansados de los abusos, en los peajes, en los impuestos y en los despilfarros el mal uso de nuestro dinero y de los cabilderos. NO QUEREMOS DINERO PARA LA CAMPANA, QUEREMOS QUE BOTEN ARA ACABAR CON EL DESPRESTIGIO. PODEMOS TENER POLITICOS BUENOS, PERO NO LOS PODEMOS COMPRAR. TENEMOS QUE PONERLOS A DEFENDER LOS CIUDADANOS.

Islamic Terrorists Strike America Again

·         Source: CBS News 
·         by: CBS News
A gunman unleashed a barrage of gunfire at two military facilities Thursday in Tennessee, killing at least four Marines and wounding a soldier and a police officer, officials told CBS News.

The shooter also was killed. Two law enforcement sources told CBS News that the shooting suspect was identified as Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez.

"Today was a nightmare for the city of Chattanooga," Mayor Andy Berke said. "As a city, we will respond to this with every available resource that we have."

U.S. Attorney Bill Killian said officials were treating the attacks as an "act of domestic terrorism," though FBI Special Agent in Charge Ed Reinhold said authorities were still investigating a motive. The first shooting happened around 10:45 a.m.; the attacks were over within a half-hour.  Source: 
CBS News
“EMO” El atacante es musulman y el president es musulman.  Quieren más explicaciones… LRGM

Lázaro R González es candidato a Alcalde del Condado de  Miami en las próximas elecciones de Noviembre del 2016 En la boleta en blanco.   No aceptamos donaciones monetarias.

En mi opinión

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