No 743
“En mi opinión” Martes
Septiembre 2, 2014
El peligro de ataque islamista contra USA está en la Casa Blanca. LRGM
“EMO” Ilegal imimigration is destroying America… Look what did to the
White house. LRGM
Ni loco a nadie se le ocurra apoyar Hacer un edificio para sustituir a “Cielito
lindo” (El edificio de la corte) y muchísimo menos esa berracada de hacer a
esta hora un museo para los negros. LRGM
Amenper: Obama
celebra el día del Trabajo
[¿?] EMO. ¿Como si Obama nunca ha trabajado? LRGM.
Todos nacemos receptivos
al amor, bondad, esperanza (HOPE) y el chocolate.
Pero a veces te encuentras con algunos individuos que parecen un poco...
Estos individuos alteran su percepción de la humanidad. Así se pierde no
sólo la bondad y la esperanza (HOPE) pero el amor al chocolate lo cual es bueno
para su dieta. Por eso si usted está buscando algo para vivir más saludable,
aquí encontrarán un patrón de conducta que implica a nuestro presidente que por
una redada de razones los hará perder la fe en la humanidad. Y hasta
el amor al chocolate lo cual es bueno para su salud.. .
La semana
pasada, el Presidente pronunció una frase que definirá su presidencia.
Preguntado sobre sus planes para la lucha contra el estado islámico, dijo:
"No quiero poner el carro delante del caballo". Luego, expuso su
incompetencia verdadera: "Aún no tenemos una estrategia."
No cabe
duda que el Sr. Obama no tiene idea de qué hacer con la invasión del Presidente
ruso Vladimir Putin a Ucrania (de hecho, la casa blanca se niega a usar el
término "invasión" y ha ofrecido sólo débiles sanciones en
represalia). Pero ahora, el Presidente ha reconocido que él
realmente no tiene idea de qué hacer en cualquier lugar del mundo.
No va a hacer una cosa contra sus amigos musulmanes. Él ha declarado favorecerá siempre el Islam porque es una fe de la paz. Así que nuestra nación pronto será atacada. Entonces como de costumbre, culpará a Bush y a los conservadores y nos llamarán racistas.
No va a hacer una cosa contra sus amigos musulmanes. Él ha declarado favorecerá siempre el Islam porque es una fe de la paz. Así que nuestra nación pronto será atacada. Entonces como de costumbre, culpará a Bush y a los conservadores y nos llamarán racistas.
Dudo que el organizador de la comunidad sepa realmente lo que es un duro
día de trabajo, sin embargo, hoy está celebrando el día del trabajo.
Hay una foto de Obama colgando una cortina en la casa blanca. Esa es su
idea de "trabajo duro"
Reagan y Bush fueron llamados por sus opositores en la prensa
"cowboys" debido a su actitud dura con los enemigos del país.
Quisiera que nos devuelvan nuestros vaqueros, los extrañamos.
"Una brecha en la armadura del país"
“Una revisión de los medios sociales ISIS mensajes
durante la semana que termina el 26 de agosto muestra que los militantes están
expresando un creciente interés en la noción que clandestinamente podría
infiltrarse en la frontera del sudoeste, para ataque terrorista," advierte
el Departamento de seguridad pública de Texas”
Durante las noticias del auge del terrorismo Islámico en el medio oriente,
y el peligro que esto trae en nuestro país, nunca pude definir cuál era la
mejor manera de enfrentar esa difícil situación.
Mirando lo que Obama ha hecho, no parecía mal el bombardeo de las tropas de
ISIS en Iraq como una respuesta algo adecuada. Se hablaba de que un
bombardeo en Siria sería más efectivo porque es donde estaba el cuartel general
de ISIS, pero realmente se sabía que eso no era la solución total del peligro.
Pero ahora el primer ministro del Reino Unido me ha hecho comprender que es
lo que intuitivamente percibía como una falta de un efectivo enfrentamiento a
la situación. Al comprender esto y ver la actitud de David Cameron,
también he comprendido mejor la flaqueza de nuestro presidente al enfrentar el
peligro de la nación. Una flaqueza que bordea con traición.
Nuestra preocupación es porque lo que está pasando en el medio oriente
puede afectar nuestras vidas en los Estados Unidos. Pero si
ignoramos a los que en nuestro suelo en sus mezquitas están conspirando y que
conspiradores entran diariamente en nuestras porosas fronteras para
destruirnos, de nada sirve bombardear a ISIS a miles de millas de nuestras
Lo que está haciendo David Cameron en el Reino Unido, es lo que tiene que
hacer Obama en los Estados Unidos. Atacar al enemigo en nuestras
ciudades, porque realmente en estos momentos este es el mayor
peligro. Mientras Obama siga diciendo que el Islam es una religión
de paz, y en vez de atacar a los que conspiran contra la nación, ataca a los
que denuncian a los conspiradores, nuestro futuro cada día será más incierto.
Abajo verán lo que ha determinado Cameron en U.K. Esto es lo que
Obama tiene que hacer en E.U.
¿Creen que lo hará? Si lo creen busquen un asiento cómodo para
sentarse a esperar.
Son necesarios nuevos poderes para apoderarse de pasaportes de sospechosos
de terrorismo y detener a extremistas de origen británico de regresar al Reino
Unido, dijo David Cameron..
Fue "aborrecibles" que ciudadanos británicos habían
"declarado su lealtad" a grupos como ISIS. Dijo:
La incapacidad para detener a los terroristas de UK de regreso a casa fue
"una brecha en la armadura del país"
El nnivel de amenaza terrorista del Reino Unido fue levantado a
"severo" de "sustancial" el viernes.
Dijo Cameron que todo el mundo había "asqueado y sorprendido" por
el asesinato del periodista estadounidense James Foley y otras atrocidades en
Irak. Sin embargo en el país de nacimiento del periodista, los
Estados Unidos no han levantado el nivel de amenaza terrorista, y el presidente
dijo en una convención para recoger fondos de su partido que no existía un
peligro inminente para los Estados Unidos.
Cameron dijo que era necesario un "enfoque forense" para impedir
que personas viajen al exterior en el primer lugar y tratar con los yihadistas
británicos regresar al Reino Unido de las zonas de conflicto.
Entre las medidas anunciadas:
Se sorteará la legislación para dar los poderes legales nueva policía
confiscar los pasaportes de sospechan de terroristas en las fronteras de UK
El Reino Unido retará a cualquier intento de suavizar estos poderes por los
Establecerá planes para bloquear a presuntos terroristas británicos de
regreso al Reino Unido basándose en los "partidos"
Medidas de prevención e investigación de terrorismo (especificadas) se
extenderá, para incluir el poder para reubicar a los sospechosos
Las aerolíneas tendrán que entregar más información sobre los pasajeros que
viajan hacia y desde las zonas de conflicto.
"Introduciremos legislación específica y selectiva... proporcionando
la policía con un poder temporal para apoderarse de un pasaporte en la
frontera, tiempo durante el cual serán capaces de investigar el individuo
preocupado", dijo.: "Los pasaportes no son un derecho
Cameron dijo que el Reino Unido hasta ahora era capaz de bloquear los
extranjeros y los que tienen doble ciudadanía de volver a entrar en el Reino
Unido pero no tenía la misma potencia para los nacionales UK considerados que
representan una amenaza para el país esta brecha será cerrada..
Añadió: "adhiriéndose a los valores británicos no es una opción o una
decisión. Es un deber para todos aquellos que viven en estas
islas lo haremos cumplir hasta la derrota final este extremismo y
nos asegurará nuestra forma de vida para las generaciones venideras."
¿Oiremos palabras parecidas en boca de nuestro comandante en Jefe?
Takes a Stand against U.S. Federal Government. Mark Horne —
It should surprise no one that Microsoft takes a stand. They are
fighting for their life as a company.
know some people who really despise Microsoft due to their use of intellectual
property. They will insist the company is untrustworthy. But their opinion is
based on specific knowledge that many others never bother to acquire. No matter
what betrayals they have gotten away with, if any, they cannot afford to appear
untrustworthy to their customer base.
Federal Government is directly attacking Microsoft’s viability as a business.
They are entrusted with private data by clients all over the world. Handing
that over to the Federal Government would have extremely costly consequences to
Thus, we read in Windows IT Pro:
“Microsoft Defies Court Order,
Will Not Give Emails to US Government.”
Despite a federal court order
directing Microsoft to turn overseas-held email data to federal authorities,
the software giant said Friday it will continue to withhold that information as
it waits for the case to wind through the appeals process. The judge has now
ordered both Microsoft and federal prosecutors to advise her how to proceed by
next Friday, September 5.
Let there be no doubt that Microsoft’s
actions in this controversial case are customer-centric. The firm isn’t just standing up to the
US government on moral principles. It’s now defying a federal court order.
“Microsoft will not be turning
over the email and plans to appeal,” a Microsoft statement notes. “Everyone
agrees this case can and will proceed to the appeals court. This is simply
about finding the appropriate procedure for that to happen.”
Judge Loretta Preska, the chief
of the US District Court in Manhattan ruled on July 31 that Microsoft was
required to hand over email messages stored in an Ireland data center to US
prosecutors investigating a criminal case. But she suspended the order
temporarily amid complaints from international companies—and tech companies in
the US—that argued that allowing US authorities to search and seize data held
internationally was illegal.
On Friday, however, she lifted
that suspension after prosecutors successfully convinced her that her order was
not appealable. The removal of the suspension legally requires Microsoft to
hand over the email immediately.
is the first time a technology company has resisted a US search warrant seeking
data that is held outside the United States.
legal basis for Microsoft’s refusal is simple: the U.S. Federal Government has
agreements with Ireland to appeal the Irish government when it needs to search
an Irish residence or business or any other part of Ireland. Microsoft does not
believe it can simply hand over data stored in Ireland because the Federal
government orders them to do so.
The NSA has already damaged American businesses abroad who are
trying to maintain and win more foreign customers. Trying to grab data from the cloud on the
basis of a U.S. warrant is not going to help American computer firms win trust.
more at
Haciendo trizas de Harry Reed: Haciendo TRIZAS a Harry REID. luis
guzman To
Amenper: Viajando bajo el Terror
Hoy salgo para New York para una convención.
Trato de no darle importancia a los peligros de New York y a montarme en un
Pero uno recuerda los tiempos en que disfrutábamos de los viajes sin miedo.
Esto es lo que la palabra “terror” significa y que ha cambiado nuestras vidas.
Todo empieza en el vuelo de hoy, esperamos estar en esas interminables
líneas en estos días de fiestas, el residuo del “Labor Day”.
Vemos todas esas medidas de seguridad que si uno las analiza racionalmente no
sirven para nada, a un costo enorme. Pero bueno, para eso tienen el dinero
que le pagamos con nuestros impuestos. La burocracia es especialista en
encontrar las cosas más triviales para gastar el dinero de los contribuyentes y
hacerle la vida un yogurt en el proceso..
Empezamos por quitarnos los zapatos, lo cual es algo inútil. "Es
como decir, la última vez los terroristas vestían camisas rojas, así que ahora
vamos a prohibir camisas rojas,". Si el T.S.A. se centra en los zapatos,
los terroristas pondrán sus explosivos en otros lugares. Centrándose en las amenazas
específicas como zapato-bombas o bombas en globos de cristal, simplemente
induce a los terroristas para hacer otra cosa. Terminan gastando mucho en la
proyección y no han reducido la amenaza total.
Un agente de T.S.A. moja las manos de uno con un trapo húmedo,
químicamente impregnado un “frotis”, una prueba para explosivos. Al parecer la
idea es que los terroristas nunca han oído de guantes de látex. La
inutilidad del trapito es un ejemplo de por qué los estadounidenses deben
desestimar el reclamo frecuente de la T.S.A. que se basa en "varios
niveles" de seguridad. Cualquier
terrorista puede comprar una caja de guantes de látex en cualquier botica
para usarlos mientras fabrican una bomba. Pero a los inocentes comemierdas
le hacen pasar por la incomodidad de separarlos y mojarles las manos.
Los oficiales del T.S.A. comenzaron registrando los suministros
médicos que sean líquidos de más de dos onzas, incluyendo botellas de solución
salina. Cualquier terrorista puede llenar uno de ellos con líquido explosivo.
Entonces conseguir aparatico de esos que le llaman shrink-wrap y sellarlo. El
T.S.A. no abre los paquetes sellados con plásticos.
El año pasado, el Departamento de seguridad nacional, que absorbió el
T.S.A. en 2003, comenzó a desplegar escáneres de cuerpo completo, que miran a
través de la ropa para producir imágenes casi desnudos de los pasajeros aéreos. Entonces nos
convertimos en estrellas de porno para los agentes de la TSA. Como si los
terroristas no supieran que los van a pasar por los escáneres y llevaran las
bombas en el bolsillo. También escogen a ciertas personas para
palparles físicamente buscando algo que todavía no se bien que es. He
notado que las mujeres con las tetas más grandes son las más “sospechosas” y
que las mujeres que las palpan tienen una figura no muy femenina. En cuanto a
los hombres, parece que los forros de los testículos es el lugar donde
piensan que llevamos las bombas y nos los aprietan sin compasión.
Otra cosa es el “equipaje positivo coincidente "— que asegura que la
gente no puede poner el equipaje en los aviones y entonces no abordarlos. Esto
pudiera resultar útil en tiempos anteriores, pero el asunto actual es que los
terroristas son suicidas, y no le importa montarse en el avión con el
equipaje con la bomba adentro. Su vida no le importa lo que le
importa es quitarnos la vida a nosotros. Esto es la actualidad de la
situación, no estamos tratando con personas normales, estamos tratando con
fanáticos esperando terminar el vuelo no en New York, pero en un paraíso con
vírgenes en el bacanal prometido por Mahoma.
Hay una
solución práctica y efectiva, pero no la hacen porque debido a que se aparta
de la conducta política correcta, por eso no lo pueden hacer. A
pesar de que esto es lo que realmente es efectivo, que es el perfil de los
viajeros para detectar al tipo de persona sospechosa.
que ocuparse de a un viejo cagalistroso como porque no pueden tocar a un
árabe con su vestimenta que pasó delante de mi en la cola.
Al árabe
no lo pueden tocar porque sería discriminación por perfil. Así que
pierden su tiempo con los pobres viajeros inocentes mientras que no pueden
tocar a los peligrosos. Pero son políticamente correctos.
Después llegaré si es que llego, a New York, y me hospedo como
siempre en el Hyatt Grand Central, arriba de la Grand Central Station, uno de
los puntos más considerados para un ataque terrorista.
Pero pienso que cualquier lugar en New York es un punto para un acto de
terror, así que para que cambiar.
Aunque espero que a pesar de las estupideces de los que se suponen que
nos protejan, no se le ocurra a ningún grupo terrorista escoger mi viaje para
su viaje al paraíso. Entonces los veo la próxima semana de vuelta en
Miami,completo. Pero si es en pedacitos, pasaré a ser su tema de
conversación en el velorio. Y contarán mi historia....bueno, el
tenía sus boberias pero en el fondo era bueno...pasaré al mundo de los
Columna de
Ricardo Samitier: Les
Resumen De Artículos Del New York
Time De Hoy… No Dice Nada…
Sobre La Noticia Más IMPORTANTE De Ayer Domingo…
Los Lideres Demócratas Criticaron
a Obama Por Su “Política Internacional…”
Pero; Ponen Un Editorial Titulado: “Obama Contra
Los Guerreristas”
Aquí lo tienen por si desean ver que NO
¿Usted Decide Si Hay o No Hay Manipulación De
Las Noticias? En Otras PALABRAS Bajo La Presidencia De Obama… Ya No Hay Libertad De
FABRICADO o NO Por el Gobierno?? ?
Hemos Visto (Inclusive
Uno En Miami) Como El FBI Fabricó
Los Casos De Terrorismo En Los EEUU… Usando Chivatos
Pagados Y Produciendo Falsas Organizaciones Con El Fin
De Llegar UN MOMENTO ANTES Y Detener Los Tontos
Que Se Dejaron RECLUTAR…
Esto fue revelado por muchos
periodistas hasta que el ORGANO OFICIAL
DEL COMUNISMO EN AMERICA el New York Times fue obligado
a comentar:
Terrorist Plots, Hatched by the F.B.I.
Published: April 28, 2012
Esta Semana, Tenemos 2 Casos Investigados Por El Mismo
FBI De "Ataques" Cibernéticos… que según aseguran fueron
Hechos desde RUSIA…
El primero fue a los bancos:
FBI probes JP Morgan 'cyber-attack'
El Segundo Fue Contra Los Actores Que Usan Apple:
ICLOUD HACK ATTACK NABS OVER 100 STARS' NUDE PICTURES Hollywood/2014/08/31/Apparent- Hollywood-hack-attack-nabs- stars-nude-pix
Cual es el proposito de estos
Quien se beneficia?
Pues logicamente, fue para
instigar el Terror cibernético!
Primero, tus cuentas bancarias
son vulnerables.
Segundo, tus datos mas intimos
son vulnerables.
¿Quien De Puede Protegernos?
El Gobierno Mundial....
Nuestros Ahorros Están En PELIGRO…Y Para formar escandalo…
Se robaron las FOTOS DESNUDAS de la ganadora de un OSCAR…
El Gobierno… Pide MAS PODERES… para detener
El ROBO cibernético… NO DEBEMOS darle al
Gobierno más poderes!!
No Se Dejen Manipular!!!
Joe García recibió donaciones de
organización radical musulmana
• Fuentes locales lo vinculan con la organización Emerge
USA cuyo vicepresidente es asesor legal de Hamas
DE 2014,—Ya en la recta final para las elecciones de Noviembre 4, salen
a relucir las primeras informaciones sobre los candidatos, principalmente dos
de los que van acaparar la atención de estas elecciones generals, Carlos
Curbelo y Joe Garcia.
La vinculación del
congresista demócrata Joe García con organizaciones radicales musulmanas
seguramente será uno de los temas de esta campaña, y debe ser analizado.
De acuerdo con algunas
fuentes, García ha aumentado su cuenta bancaria para sufragar los gastos de su
re-elección con dinero donado por la organización radical musulmana Emerge USA,
cuyo objetivo de acuerdo con su página web es dar a los musulmanes una voz
política en América.
Y una forma de hacerlo
es lograr que sus líderes sean colocados en puestos claves de poder, o haciendo
amigos entre los congresistas o políticos que ya están en el poder, siendo uno
de esos “captados” el congresista Joe García quien ha aceptado miles de dólares
de Emerge en su intento de re-elegirse en noviembre.
Claro está, de acuerdo
con algunas fuentes, el congresista Joe García ha ayudado a Emerge a
recaudar dinero para sus planes de expandirse en Estados Unidos.
En mayo pasado el
congresista Joe García acompañó a la dirigencia de Emerge USA en su convención
anual la finalidad es recaudar fondos en Miami, la velada tuvo lugar en el
hotel DoubleTree de la 72 avenida y el 836, junto a él estaba el destacado
profesor islámico de Inglaterra Sayed Ammar Nakshawani y devoto confeso del
fallecido líder terrorista de Irán Ayatola Rohollah Jomeini quien públicamente
ha pedido la destrucción de Israel.
Por su parte ha confirmado que el vicepresidente de Emerge USA es el
abogado Khuruum Wahid quien ha representado a connotados terroristas
incluyendo a miembros de Al Qaeda y es asesor legal de la filian de la
organización terrorista Hamas en Estados Unidos CAIR.
El miercoles 11 de
Mayo del 2011, Hafiz Muhammad Sher Ali Khan de 76 años fue detenido junto
a dos de sus hijos. Khan, y otros cuatro miembros de la familia así como un
paquistaní fueron acusados de conspirar para proporcionar “apoyo material” a
los terroristas, incluyendo el envío de miles de dólares a los talibanes
pakistaníes para armas y entrenamiento para destruir los intereses
estadounidenses en Pakistán.
Hasta el año 2011
Wahid estuvo colocado en la lista de los más vigilados del gobierno
Nakshawani dice de
acuerdo con una lectura encontrada en su página web y refiriéndose a Israel,
“es una barbaridad que este estado sionista se le permite que continúe.
Cabe destacar que hace
dos años, la presidenta del propio partido demócrata Debbie Wasserman Schultz,
canceló su discurso frente a la conferencia de Emerge, después de enterarse del
extremismo de Nakshawani, el congresista Alcee Hastings siguió el ejemplo de
Wasserman y canceló también su participación.
“Joe García no
solamente habló ante el grupo de musulmanes, sino que recibio miles de dólares
de la organización y sus líderes”, dijeron nuestras fuentes.
Historia del: "Día del
Trabajador" en Estados Unidos de América.
-Día festivo federal en Estados Unidos
de América-
Hoy celebramos el Día del
Por: Maria
Teresa Villaverde Trujillo
Día del Trabajador en Estados Unidos -Labor Day- empezó a celebrarse hace mas
de cien años. Se celebra el primer lunes de septiembre, -en vez de
celebrarse el primero de mayo- por decisión del presidente Grover Cleveland
quien, deseaba que se no
considerara esta celebración
estadounidense como parte del "día internacional del
trabajador" auspiciado por el Congreso Obrero Socialista
celebrado en Paris.
se celebra el Día del Trabajor como un nacional tributo a los
que, con sus contribuciones han hecho posible la fortaleza, prosperidad y
bienestar de Estados Unidos de Norteamérica. Aun persiste la duda sobre quién
fue la primera persona que lo propuso. Algunos registros muestran que
Peter J. McGuire, secretario general de la Hermandad
Unida de Carpinteros y Ebanistas de
América, y cofundador de la Federación
Americana del Trabajo, fue
el primero que sugirió un día para honrar a los trabajadores. Otros
consideran que fue el maquinista Matthew Maguire el fundador del Día del Trabajo. Investigaciones recientes apoyan que
fue Maguire quien propuso la celebración en 1882 cuando ocupaba el cargo en la Asociación Internacional de
Maquinistas, de Paterson,
N.J.; aunque muchos piensan que ambos contribuyeron a la creación de esta
El 5 de septiembre de 1882
miles de trabajadores marcharon por las calles de Broadway, N.Y., promovida
por la Central Labor
Union y auspiciados por la organizado Orden de los Caballeros del
Trabajo inspirados en un desfile que se efectuaba anualmente en
Los trabajadores en la
ciudad de New York portaban letreros que decían
"el trabajo crea toda
la riqueza"
"ocho horas para
trabajar, ocho horas para descansar, ocho horas para la recreación".
En 1884 fue seleccionado el primer lunes de septiembre como la fecha escogida por el
presidente Cleveland, originalmente propuesta por la Unión Central de Trabajadores, apoyada por otras organizaciones de
distintas ciudades norteamericanas celebrándose ya como día festivo del
trabajador en 1885. Los siguientes años la idea del festejo se fue
extendiendo de costa a costa y todos los Estados empezaron a celebrar el día del trabajo, aunque aun era algo regional…
…sin embargo no fue hasta
1894, -durante la segunda presidencia del demócrata Grover Cleveland-, que el
Congreso norteamericano lo estableció oficialmente como día festivo federal a
celebrarse el primer lunes de septiembre para honrar a toda la clase
trabajadora de esta nación.
Este dia de lunes feriado
se considera simbólicamente,
como el final de la
temporada de verano;
y a su vez mañana martes el
inicio oficial del curso escolar.
Todos Los Problemas Que Tiene Usa Son Sencillos De Resolver…
Pero Los politiqueros No Los
Desde su
origen, el Medicare es MEDICINA
Retirados… Siempre fue diseñada para el fracaso y la corrupción...
Después De 50 Años Va
Ser Añadido
El Obamacare… Mas Socialista Aun…
autorizado por otro “Traidor
el juez de la Corte Suprema Roberts…
Nombrado Por El Presidente Bush un Supuesto
Conservador Pero Confeso Ser Un “Socialista
Todo estos planes son actualizados Para terminar
de quebrar el sistema médico...
El plan de los Globlaistas, no a cambiado nada en
100 años... Rodear a los EEUU de problemas y
Desangrarlo… para que se entregue a la
Miren esta noticia…
Cardiologist Indicted For Making Millions Performing UNNECESSARY Medical Procedures
Read more:
Read more:
Para No Decir Que Los Policías Se Robaron Las
Armas Militares Que Les Dio OBAMA…
Dicen Que Se Perdieron… Esto, No
Se Lo Cree Nadie!
La Verdad Es que Hay
Gente Que Se Están Armando…
Lo que no sabemos es si son de IZQUIERDA o DERECHA…
El Que No Lo Vea Es Porque Esta Políticamente Ciego…O Es Un
Partidario Del “Gobierno Mundial”
Ya se puede ver venir la “Novorúsia”, creada del este de Ucránia, donde la mayoría de la gente habla
ruso y son ortodoxos.
Desde que el presidente democrata
Woodrow Wilson presentó sus
14 Puntos En Versalles En 1919 todos los pueblos han tenido el
Derecho De La Libre Determinación.
Czechoslovakia se separó
pacificamente y ahora ambos paises
son miembros de la Unión Europea.
Es más, EN SEPTIEMBRE, los
escoceses van a votar si se quedan
en unión con Inglaterra, después de
más de 300 años!
Entonces con que autoridad, pueden
decir que los escoseses si
tienen el derecho a separarse del
Reino Unido, Pero Novo Rusia,
no puede separarse de Ucránia
después de solo 25 años???
Eso se llama HIPOCRESIA o es que
Que lo apoyan… ¿TIENE
Haga lo que haga el Occidente, ni Ucránia, ni la Unión Europea
Tienen las fuerzas militares
para enfrentarse a Rusia.
El Pueblo
Norte Americano Esta Cansado que desde
1914 el
SOCIALISTA PRESIDENTE WILSON Con los partidarios de la
Después el Socialista presidente
Roosevelt, creador de la ONU…
convirtieron a USA en el POLICIA
del Mundo… y RECIENTEMENTE el
presidente Bush… hiciera
una guerra para según el
establecer El Nuevo Orden Mundial…
Que además de continuar como POLICIA…
Por todo el CANSANCIO del Pueblo
Norte Americano…
EEUU y Obama SE HAN VISTO FORZADOS a declarar que
No Se Contempla Acción Militar por Ucrania…
La Situación de Ucrania (país
quebrado desde hace más de 15 años)
no tiene nada que ver con Putín… El Pueblo rusos, están de acuerdo
con Su
Política Defensiva Y Nacionalista.
Hay algo que la gente en Occidente
no se da cuenta. La
distancia entre
Moscú, a la frontera de Ucránia es más o menos, la misma distancia de
Miami a Daytona Beach!
Putín no puede permitir que Ucránia
entre en la OTAN por las mismas
Razones Estratégicas! Que Estados Unidos tuvo para la Crisis
Octubre sobre
los cohetes en Cuba… Nadie quiere tener cohetes y tropas
enemigos a 250 millas de su capital!!
Subirle La Parada A Putín, Es Como
Jugar La “Ruleta Rusa”
La Unión Europea acaba de nombrar a
Donald Tusk, un polaco anti-ruso como
el nuevo Presidente del Consejo Europeo.
Como Es POSIBLE… ¿Cual Es La
Verdadera Razón Y Que Busca Occidente?,
Creando Una Confrontación Con Un
Europeo Desde Pedro El Grande…
Cuando El Verdadero Peligro Es Del
Mundo Musulmán… Que Tiene Una
“QUINTA COLUMNA” En Todos Los Países De Occidente… Incluyendo USA… Que Obama
Le Concedió 25,000 Visas a Los Palestinos En La Anterior Crisis Con Israel…
De Contra… HISTORICAMENTE Una Confrontación
Con Rúsia, No Se Pueden Ganar?
Napoleón lo intentó… Hitler lo intentó… Ambos
fueron derrotados… por el clima…!
¿La Unión Europea y USA va
cometer el mismo error???
Si el plan de los Globalistas, es
llevar Europa a la guerra, entonces
si se explica todas
La Realidad Es Que Pase Lo Que Pase… Rúsia, NO SE VA A RETIRAR.
Igual Que USA… No Podía Permitir
Los Cohetes En Cuba… Eso, Lo A
Dejado Claro Putín Con La Anexión De
Seguir Expandiendo Las Fronteras De
La OTAN Hacia El Este…
Significa El Fin De Rúsia o El Fin De La OTAN…
¿Que Están Pensando Nuestros
Politiqueros… Que
Nunca Han Trabajado y Se Han Hecho
¿Creerán Que Las Guerras Se Ganan
Igual Que Ellos roban en sus puestos?
Hikes Fee to Renounce Citizenship by 422 Percent to $2,350
By Newsmax Wires
The United States plans to hike the fees it charges American citizens
to give up their passports as the nation also tries to stem the tide of U.S.
businesses moving headquarters overseas.
The State Department has boosted the fee for renunciation of U.S. citizenship by 422 percent to $2,350 from $450.
The State Department claims the new fee is the actual cost of processing an application to lose citizenship.
The State Department has boosted the fee for renunciation of U.S. citizenship by 422 percent to $2,350 from $450.
The State Department claims the new fee is the actual cost of processing an application to lose citizenship.
“Demand for the service has increased dramatically, consuming far more
consular officer time and resources,” Under Secretary of State Patrick Kennedy
wrote, according to Global News.
“Documenting a U.S. citizen’s renunciation of citizenship is extremely costly, requiring American consular officers overseas to spend substantial amounts of time to accept, process, and adjudicate cases,” he wrote. “The department believes there is no public benefit or other reason for setting this fee below cost.”
The wait time for an expatriation interview has increased to as much as six months in some areas, while it is as short as two to four weeks in others, a State Department spokesman told The Wall Street Journal. He added that three-quarters of all renunciations are processed by consular offices in Canada, the U.K. and Switzerland.
In recent years, the United States has seen a 221 percent surge in Americans renouncing their citizenship, according to Forbes. “It isn’t exactly Ellis Island in reverse, but it’s more than a dribble. With global tax reporting and FATCA, the list of the individuals who renounced is up,” Forbes reported.
Meanwhile, the Canada Free Press reported that both U.S. citizens and American business want to free the home of the brave because of the double-pronged whammy of “high taxes and burdensome tax compliance” in foreign jurisdictions.
“Instead of facing the problems directly, the Obama Administration has resorted to punitive measures. The shame and blame tactic of calling out businesses who wish to relocate as “unpatriotic” was undignified. Perhaps realizing that using the same strategy with individuals would be even less well received, they went the more quiet, direct route,” the CFP’s Alan Joel wrote.
The new amount is "more than 20 times the average level in other high-income countries," according to the Isaac Brock Society, which describes itself as a group of "individuals who are concerned about the treatment by the United States government of US persons who live in Canada and abroad."
The United States has been battling a rising tide of tax inversion, commonly defined as the relocation of a corporation's headquarters to a lower-tax nation, or corporate haven, usually while keeping key operations in its higher-tax country of origin.
International Business Times reported that Burger King Worldwide Inc.'s plans to buy 51 percent of the Canadian coffee-and-doughnut chain Tim Hortons Inc. for $11.4 billion may have been about saving on taxes by moving to Canada.
“Documenting a U.S. citizen’s renunciation of citizenship is extremely costly, requiring American consular officers overseas to spend substantial amounts of time to accept, process, and adjudicate cases,” he wrote. “The department believes there is no public benefit or other reason for setting this fee below cost.”
The wait time for an expatriation interview has increased to as much as six months in some areas, while it is as short as two to four weeks in others, a State Department spokesman told The Wall Street Journal. He added that three-quarters of all renunciations are processed by consular offices in Canada, the U.K. and Switzerland.
In recent years, the United States has seen a 221 percent surge in Americans renouncing their citizenship, according to Forbes. “It isn’t exactly Ellis Island in reverse, but it’s more than a dribble. With global tax reporting and FATCA, the list of the individuals who renounced is up,” Forbes reported.
Meanwhile, the Canada Free Press reported that both U.S. citizens and American business want to free the home of the brave because of the double-pronged whammy of “high taxes and burdensome tax compliance” in foreign jurisdictions.
“Instead of facing the problems directly, the Obama Administration has resorted to punitive measures. The shame and blame tactic of calling out businesses who wish to relocate as “unpatriotic” was undignified. Perhaps realizing that using the same strategy with individuals would be even less well received, they went the more quiet, direct route,” the CFP’s Alan Joel wrote.
The new amount is "more than 20 times the average level in other high-income countries," according to the Isaac Brock Society, which describes itself as a group of "individuals who are concerned about the treatment by the United States government of US persons who live in Canada and abroad."
The United States has been battling a rising tide of tax inversion, commonly defined as the relocation of a corporation's headquarters to a lower-tax nation, or corporate haven, usually while keeping key operations in its higher-tax country of origin.
International Business Times reported that Burger King Worldwide Inc.'s plans to buy 51 percent of the Canadian coffee-and-doughnut chain Tim Hortons Inc. for $11.4 billion may have been about saving on taxes by moving to Canada.
AMENPER: La Naturaleza
A mediados a finales
del siglo XIX, los principios intelectuales del Marxismo fueron
inspirados por dos filósofos alemanes: Karl Marxy Friedrich Engels.
Estos principios fueron generadores de hambre y miseria en las naciones donde
se implantó. Pero en lo personal podemos ser consecuentes con estos
filósofos. Después de todo, eran tiempos tempestuosos, y
ellos escogieron navegar por una ruta desconocida, quizás pensando
sinceramente que era lo mejor para el mundo, probablemente no había maldad en
Pero con los que no se
puede ser consecuente, son con los socialistas del siglo XXI, porque ellos
conocen los fracasos del sistema, y tratan de revivirlo con una evidente
maldad para avanzar su agenda.
Ayer en el día del
trabajo, vimos a nuestro presidente subir a una tribuna en un acto sindical en
Vestía una camisa azul
de mezclilla representando al trabajador que nunca ha sido ni un día de su
Guardó en una gaveta su
camisa de golf para ponérsela mañana. Pero esto es parte de la
retórica y la demagogia de los socialistas. Nosotros también tuvimos
un máximo líder en Cuba que nunca había trabajado un día de su vida y se
convirtió en el adalid de los trabajadores vestido siempre con una camisa de
verde olivo..
Pero ayer, el
presidente Obama, nos habló con la retórica socialista, hablando de la
subida del salario mínimo.
Esta es una retórica
atractiva para los sindicatos, y que cambia la conversación de los
problemas internacionales y domésticos en que nos encontramos.
El salario mínimo es
atractivo a una mente lineal. Si ganan más los trabajadores, hay
más dinero circulando, es lo que piensa una mente simple y lineal. Pero
esta retórica muy usada por los socialistas, es reconocida como suicida en
tiempos de incertidumbre económica como los que estamos pasando. Sólo
en momentos de economía floreciente se debe subir el salario mínimo.
El propio presidente
Obama ha reconocido esto en años anteriores, pero ahora le conviene decir lo
contrario, con la esperanza de que no se acuerden lo que dijo antes.
En su retórica, arremetió
contra las grandes corporaciones. Esta posición demagógica también
es algo que él conoce, pero que es atractivo para las mentes simples. Las
grandes corporaciones no tienen nada que ver con la subida del salario
mínimo. Como son grandes, siempre pagan mejores salarios para
atraer a los mejores trabajadores, por eso todo el mundo quiere trabajar para
una corporación grande. Así que la subida del salario mínimo no cambia el
ingreso de la clase trabajadora en las grandes corporaciones.
Además, no son las
grandes corporaciones los mayores empleadores de la nación, y esto lo sabe
Obama, porque también lo ha dicho antes hablando de los pequeños negocios..
Los mayores empleadores
de la nación son los negocios pequeños y medianos. Las empresas
medianas y pequeñas son un mosaico diverso. Las hay que son exitosas y estas
pagan salarios superiores al mínimo como las grandes corporaciones para
obtener mejores trabajadores. No es el objetivo de las empresas
pagar salarios de miseria para ganar más esto es algo que la retórica
socialista repite para hacerlo parecer verdad, pero no lo es
Las empresas obtienen
las ganancias de su trabajo en la madeja del mercado de la compra y
venta. Pudiera haber una empresa que quisiera obtener las ganancias
pagando salarios de miseria a desafectos empleados, y vendiendo mercancía a
precios altos, pero esta nos dura mucho en la competencia del mercado y
pronto pasan al cementerio de la bancarrota.
Pero hay algo que anda
mal en estos momentos en el mosaico de ciertas empresas medianas,
y es precisamente producto de a una medida socialista, las
indiscriminadas subidas de los impuestos corporativos..
Los impuestos
corporativos de los Estados Unidos, han ido escalando hasta llegar a ser los
mayores del mundo. Ciertas empresas se ven en estos momentos entre
los altos impuestos y la competencia del lejano oriente y la cercana
Suramérica, bailando la cuerda floja para subsistir.
Algunos hacen las
maletas y se han ido a otros países, creando desempleo, otras siguen luchando,
y estas son las que se van a ver afectadas por el salario mínimo.
Se verán ante tres
O rebajan la nómina, o
cortan horas de trabajo o cierran las puertas.
Cualquiera de estas
disyuntivas es mala para la economía y peor para el índice de desempleo.
Pero como dije antes,
Obama ya sabe esto, sus asesores económicos también. ¿Por qué
entonces lo hace?
Puede ser por dos
razones, una para presentar algo agradable ante tantas situaciones
desagradables, y la otra que creo que es la principal, por su naturaleza
socialista…..simplemente, no puede evitarlo.
Siempre me asombro con
Esopo el fabulista, cómo pone en la naturaleza de los animales las virtudes y
los defectos del ser humano. En este caso la fábula del ratón y la
Eran un ratón y una avispa que se encontraban frente a un río, y la avispa
le propuso al ratón que le permitiera cruzar el río en su espalda mientras el
ratón nadaba. El ratón protestó y le dijo si te dejo posarte en mi
espalda me vas a matar con tu aguijón. La avispa le dijo, como
piensas eso, si te mato nos ahogamos los dos. Así que el ratón de le dejó
montarse en su espalda, y cuando iban por el medio del río la avispa le hincó
el agujón en el cuello del ratón. Cuando ambos se hundían el ratón
le preguntó a la avispa, ¿por qué hiciste esto si vas a morir tu misma?, te
estás suicidando. La avispa le contestó………, es que está en mi
El suicidio, cuando se
usa para dañar a otros, es solamente un demente consuelo de los que se
reconocen a sí mismos como de una naturaleza de cobardes y derrotados.
Y esto le viene bien
tanto a los terroristas suicidas, como a los socialistas suicidas
Amenper: El hombre más
viejo de Cuba cumple 134 años.
Chacón Martínez nació en la isla de "El Hierro" en las Islas
Canarias, el 19 de junio de 1880, según consta en su documento de identidad de
extranjero con residencia permanente en Cuba.
encuentra en un asilo de ancianos, pero dice sentirse tan bien que para él la
directora de esa institución geriátrica es "su mamá", la asistente
es "la novia" y una de las enfermeras, "la madrastra"-.
llegó a Cuba en 1925 junto a otros miles de emigrantes de las Islas Canarias y
se radicó en la zona más occidental de la isla, en la zona tabaquera de
“Vuelta Abajo” donde trabajó en las faenas de la agricultura, principalmente
en el cultivo del tabaco.
Luego se
instaló definitivamente en Ciego de Ávila, a unos 460 kilómetros al este de La
Habana, en la finca La Gloria, donde tiene su casa y hasta hace unos años
atendía personalmente cultivos de hortalizas y frutas, y criaba cerdos y aves.
había visitado a un médico hasta que en el año 2000 requirió de los servicios
de salud, sobre todo por afecciones reumáticas.
por su buena memoria, no ha necesitado nunca gafas, ni padece de la sordera
tan común en los ancianos de avanzada edad, pero padece de una malformación en
los pies por haber vivido descalzo más de cien años.
que bebía bastante café, fumaba mucho tabaco (todavía fuma dos puros al
día) y le encantaba el "ajiaco" criollo -un plato cubano
elaborado con diversas hortalizas, el lechón asado y los frijoles negros;
además, gustaba de tomar ron.
seguramente sorprenderá a los dietistas que nos presentan una alimentación
balanceada y el abstenerse de fumar y tomar mucho café y bebidas alcohólicas
si queremos tener una vida larga y saludable...
Así que
por eso me sigo fumando mi tabaquito y me doy un traguito de vez en cuando
para ver si llego a los 134 años. Con esa esperanza me siento como
un niño con mis 80 años. me quedan 54 años por vivir.
Americans Give Up Passports as Tougher Fatca Asset-Disclosure
Rules Start. The
number of Americans renouncing U.S. citizenship stayed near an all-time high
in the first half of the year before rules that make it harder to hide assets
from tax authorities came into force.
1,577 people gave up their nationality at U.S. embassies in the six months
through June, according to Federal Register data published Wednesday.
While that’s a 13 percent decline from the year-earlier period, it’s only the
second time there’s been a reading of more than 1,500, according to Bloomberg
News calculations based on records starting in 1998.
number of Americans renouncing U.S. citizenship stayed near an all-time high
in the first half of the year before rules that make it harder to hide assets
from tax authorities came into force.
1,577 people gave up their nationality at U.S. embassies in the six months
through June, according to Federal Register data published Wednesday.
While that’s a 13 percent decline from the year-earlier period, it’s only the
second time there’s been a reading of more than 1,500, according to Bloomberg
News calculations based on records starting in 1998.
asset-disclosure rules effective as of July 1 under
the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, or Fatca, prompted 576 of the
estimated 6 million Americans living overseas to give up their passports in
the second quarter. The appeal of U.S. citizenship for expatriates faded as
more than 100 Swiss banks turn over data on American clients to avoid
prosecution for helping tax evaders.
and the Swiss bank disclosure program has intensified the search for U.S.
nationals beyond all measure,” said Matthew Ledvina, a U.S. tax lawyer at
Anaford AG in Zurich. “It’s shocking the levels of due diligence they are
going through to ensure they have cleaned house.”
banks are trawling through records going back to the 1990s to find clients
with U.S. addresses and telephone numbers, and those who received schooling in
the country, Ledvina said. Those identified as U.S. persons are either being
asked to leave or placed in special U.S.-only sections of the institution, he
Imposing Tax
The U.S.,
the only Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development nation that
taxes citizens wherever they reside, stepped up the search for tax dodgers
after UBS AG paid a $780 million penalty in 2009 and handed over data on about
4,700 accounts. Shunned by Swiss and German banks and with Fatca looming,
almost 9,000 Americans living overseas gave up their passports over the past
five years.
requires U.S. financial institutions to impose a 30 percent withholding tax on
payments made to foreign banks that don’t agree to identify and provide
information on U.S. account holders. It allows the U.S. to scoop up data from
more than 77,000 institutions and 80 governments about its citizens’ overseas
financial activities.
establishing the 2010 Fatca law, Congress and President Barack Obama in effect
threatened to cut off banks and other companies from easy access to the U.S.
market if they didn’t pass along such information. It was projected to
generate $8.7 billion over 10 years, according to the congressional Joint Committee
on Taxation.
Voluntary Disclosures
The start
of Fatca was delayed by 18 months to give foreign banks time to comply with
the law, after financial institutions including Canada’s Toronto-Dominion Bank
and Allianz SE of Germany expressed concerns it was too complex.
More than
two-thirds of 400 U.S. expatriates surveyed in November by Zurich-based deVere
Group said they had considered giving up their passports.
As many
as 106 Swiss banks entered a U.S. Justice Department program to volunteer
information on how they helped clients hide money from the Internal Revenue
Service, in exchange for leniency. Those banks have discovered that thousands
of their clients have dual U.S.-Swiss or European citizenship, obliging them
to make voluntary disclosures, said Ledvina. To avoid prosecution for handling
undeclared American money, the banks must hand over account data and pay
30 was the deadline for turning over
information on Americans considered in breach of U.S. tax rules, while July 31 marked the end of the second wave of
deliveries and includes documents that show which American clients were
Compliance Costs
is the largest cross-border financial center with $2.3 trillion of assets.
About a
dozen banks, including Julius Baer Group Ltd. and HSBC Holdings Plc’s Swiss
unit, are excluded from the program as they are already under investigation in
the U.S. Credit Suisse Group AG, the second-biggest Swiss bank that was part
of the probe, was fined $2.6 billion in May after it pleaded guilty to aiding
tax evasion.
additional compliance costs for companies to ensure that Americans they hire
are filing the correct U.S. tax returns and asset-declaration forms are $7,000
per person, according to Ledvina. The U.S. accounting costs for individuals
opting for expatriation are typically about $4,000 per year, he said.
with a net worth exceeding $2 million and an average income tax of at least
$157,000 over the previous five years must pay an exit tax on unrealized
capital gains when they renounce U.S. citizenship.
citizens aren’t the only ones giving up their ties to America. The Treasury
Department is also trying limit the benefits from corporations adopting
foreign addresses to avoid taxes, a process known as a inversion
Romney: Obama's 'Mistakes' Allowed ISIS to Grow
President Barack Obama's mistakes enabled the rise of the Islamic State
(ISIS) and created the immigration crisis at the country's southern border,
his 2012 opponent, Mitt Romney, said Sunday in a roundtable radio discussion
hosted by John Catsimatidis.
"Mistakes were made and now we have ISIS," Romney told Catsimatidis on "The Cats Round Table" on New York City station WNYM-AM.
Romney argued that ISIS would not be gaining power if the United States has followed his plan back in 2012 for dealing with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.
"Mistakes were made and now we have ISIS," Romney told Catsimatidis on "The Cats Round Table" on New York City station WNYM-AM.
Romney argued that ISIS would not be gaining power if the United States has followed his plan back in 2012 for dealing with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.
"If you go back a few years when Syria fell into revolution and tumult, when rebels were pushing against Assad, I laid out what I thought was a prudent course for us to see stability in Syria," he said. "Had we followed that course, there's a good chance you would not see an ISIS today."
He said his plan would have done more to back revolutionaries in Syria while ensuring Assad's own tribe, the Alawites, that their future was secure even without him in power.
"These kind of actions would have stabilized Syria, at least I believe so, and would have prevented the growth of a group like ISIS," Romney said.
He also accused Obama of failing to heed American intelligence about ISIS, saying that the president was told a year ago that the jihadists planned to invade an Iraqi city.
"We saw ISIS roll into Iraq and, instead of attacking them immediately and knocking them in their convoy when they would have been easy to knock down, relatively easy to knock down, the president again watched," said Romney. "And now we're in a position where ISIS has run throughout major portions of Iraq. There have been horrific human rights abuses, tragedies."
In addition, Romney took Obama to task for his immigration policies.
"The president should have enforced our immigration laws from the very beginning," the former Massachusetts governor said. "His announcement of a form of amnesty only encouraged people to continue to flood over the border. The right answer to the immigration crisis would be to secure the border and enact a series of immigration policy reforms instead.
The government "can stop illegal immigration and also make the legal process more transparent and have one that meets the needs of America," said Romney.
Romney, who lost to Obama in 2012, insists he isn't running for office again, despite Catsimatidis calling him "President Romney" in the show.
An Iowa poll last week suggested Romney would be the party's odds-on favorite if he threw his hat in the ring for 2016.
Romney also addressed two domestic issues: the rioting in Ferguson, Missouri., and Burger King's decision to purchase the Tim Horton's restaurant chain so it can establish offices in Canada as part of a tax inversion plan.
While he refrained from taking sides in the Ferguson case, he said more information is needed before a judgment is reached about Officer Darren Wilson, who shot an unarmed 18-year-old Michael Brown, sparking the protests.
But Romney did defend Burger King's decision about moving its operations.
"If American companies are trying to get out of America, then something is wrong in America," he said. "If companies don't want to be here, then companies aren't gonna form here, either. They're gonna go elsewhere to start."
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¿Alguna vez te has enterado por los
medios que un político, un líder o un primer ministro de una nación islámica
hayan visitado Japón?
¿Has visto en las noticias que
algún dignatario de Irán o un príncipe de Arabia Saudita hayan visitado
Japón es un país que ha mantenido
el Islam a raya. Japón ha puesto restricciones estrictas sobre el Islam y a
TODOS los musulmanes.
a) Japón es la única nación que no da ciudadanía a los musulmanes.
b) En Japón no se da la residencia permanente a los musulmanes.
c) Hay una prohibición fuerte sobre la propagación del Islam en Japón.
d) En las Universidades de Japón, no se enseña el idioma árabe o la
religión Islámica.
e) No se puede importar 'El Corán' publicado en idioma árabe.
f) De acuerdo con datos publicados por el Gobierno japonés, se ha dado
residencia temporal a sólo 2 lakhs Musulmanes, los cuales deben seguir la ley
japonesa de la tierra. Estos musulmanes deben hablar japonés y llevar a cabo
sus rituales religiosos sólo en sus hogares.
g) Japón es el único país del mundo que tiene un número mínimo de
embajadas de países islámicos.
h) Los japoneses no son atraídos por el Islam.
i) Los musulmanes residentes en Japón son sólo los empleados de
empresas extranjeras.
j) Aún hoy, no se conceden visados a los médicos, ingenieros o
administradores musulmanes enviados por empresas extranjeras.
k) En la mayoría de las empresas, incluyen en sus políticas que
solamente los no-musulmanes pueden solicitar un empleo.
l) El Gobierno japonés es de la opinión que Los musulmanes son
fundamentalistas, y que incluso en la era actual de la globalización, no están
dispuestos a cambiar sus leyes musulmanas.
m) Los musulmanes no pueden ni siquiera pensar en alquilar una casa en
n) Si alguien llega a saber que su vecino es Musulmán, informa a todo
el barrio para estar alerta.
o) Nadie puede iniciar una célula islámica o árabe en Japón.
p) No hay ninguna ley (Sharia) personal en Japón.
q) Si una mujer japonesa se casa con un musulmán, será considerada un
paria para siempre.
r) De acuerdo con el Sr. Komico Yagi (Jefe Departamental de la
Universidad de Tokio) "Existe una percepción en los Japoneses de que el
Islam es una religión para mentes muy estrechas, y que se debe permanecer
lejos de ella".
s) El periodista Mohammed Juber recorrió muchos Países islámicos
después del ataque del 9/11, incluyendo Japón. Encontró que los japoneses
estaban seguros que los extremistas no podrían hacer ningún daño en Japón.
ISIS Is Internet Savvy.
A Los Angeles Times story reports on how well organized
ISIS is with respect to the Internet. It gets it story to its target
media-savvy militants in Iraq and Syria post graphic photos and slick
recruitment videos on Facebook and Twitter, and even developed a now-defunct
Android smartphone app that would automatically tweet from users’ accounts.
Fighters in the field answer questions from supporters on websites and chat
rooms that allow users to remain anonymous.
in the old days, jihadists would be depicted in recruiting photos with a rifle
or a bomb,” said Steven Stalinsky, executive director of the Middle East Media
Research Institute, a nonprofit group based in Washington. “Now the laptop and
hand-held device are just as important.”
sentiment is crystallized in a photo circulated on Twitter by pro-Islamic
State users that shows three rifle bullets, each with a different top.
“A bullet. A pen. A
thumb drive,” the message reads. “There is a different form of jihad.”
year ago was part of the American government’s system of allies in Syria. ISIS
was conducting a civil war against Assad’s Syrian government. ISIS was a freedom
fighting organization.
“Let’s bomb Syria.”
Now we
are assured by senior U.S. government officials that ISIS is the #1 terrorist
organization in the world.
“Let’s bomb Syria.”
when Obama stood on ISIS’s side against Assad? He drew a verbal line in the
sand. Remember when he refused to enforce it by refusing to bomb Syria? Now he
is ready to cross that line in the sand, turn around to face ISIS, and bomb
Syria. Maybe. He has not has his mind made up for him yet.
freedom fighters. ISIS = terrorists. Do you begin to suspect that either (1)
U. S. foreign policy in the Middle East is set by blithering idiots, or (2) U.
S. foreign policy is set by people who want to show America’s power by bombing
people, for whatever reason, wherever the American public can be whooped into
a “Bombs away!” frenzy — which is finally becoming difficult to engineer?
Is there
any bombing target in the Middle East that John McCain and Lindsey Graham
would not favor under any circumstances, excluding only Israel? They have now
been joined by Senator Cruz.
Has the
U. S. government had a major foreign policy success in the 21st century? I
keep waiting.
You can save your breath, frantic Obama
apologists. There is no
way to spin the unmitigated disaster of this hapless
President toddling to the podium yesterday and announcing to the world that he
doesn’t have a strategy for defeating ISIS yet. The pants-wetting terror
that immediately gripped everyone in the White House, and every dead-ender
Obama-worshiping pundit, tells the true tale of how epic a blunder this was.
It wasn’t just a “gaffe.” It was
nothing less than Barack Obama conceding victory to ISIS in Round One of the
new great war. Get it through your skulls, kids: the President of the
United States just ratified the existence of the Islamic State, admitted
they’re going to get away with murdering American hostages, and threw in the towel
on any hope of reversing their invasion of Iraq. He just told the enemy,
which most certainly does have
strategies and is not shy about advertising them, that they have
the initiative. They’re
calling the shots. The Golfer-in-Chief is still reacting, spinning, and
fidgeting like a little kid stuck in detention, because he really wants to get
back to the fun stuff - like handing out amnesty to illegal aliens,
maneuvering unconstitutional “climate change” treaties past Congress, picking
fights with his domestic political opponents, raising money for his Party, and
hanging out with his fawning admirers in the press corps. He’s really
bummed out that he has to keep dealing with head-chopping terrorists and
Russians who like to go for joyrides in armored fighting vehicles.
Watch the
visibly stunned folks at CNN wonder what three-dimensional chess game Obama
might have been playing by telling the enemy he’s got no plans to defeat them:
Let me help you out, CNN folks: the problem
here is not a lack of strategic planning at the Pentagon. The problem is political - the
howling void of leadership at the White House. The Pentagon has plans
for defeating ISIS. It has plans for defeating just about everyone tucked
in electronic filing cabinets, but rest assured the ISIS plans are spread out
on the table at the moment. The problem is that Obama doesn’t want to
take responsibility for any of them. His primary concern is the
political damage he and his Party will suffer if his Bush-hating kook base has
to watch him commit American ground forces to combat in Iraq. He won’t
do that until ISIS hits us harder, and leaves him with no choice.
Once again: the enemy has the initiative. They already knew that, but
it’s profoundly unhelpful to have the President of the United States admit it
to the entire world in a press conference.
When Obama wants to do something, he’s got his huge
staff of retainers working through the night to hammer out elaborate
strategies. There’s nothing but political cost involved in fighting ISIS,
especially since the intelligence community is looking pretty dour about the
possibility of using a few airstrikes to back up proxies – the Iraqi army, the
“moderate” Syrian rebels, the Kurds – while they mop up the Islamic State for
us. Notice how Obama rambled on about how he’s willing to order a few
zero-risk bombings here and there, when the “opportunity presents itself” (a
hilarious way to describe how globally-tramsitted footage of an impending
genocide finally brought Obama off the links to do something.)
That seems like a far cry from the big
speech he gave after his good friend “Jim” Foley was murdered on video, a
speech where he spoke in terms of erasing the Islamic State from history,
blowing them out of a 21st Century in which they have no place. But
remember, all of Obama’s ostensible “anger” in that speech was passive. He thinks the caliphate will
implode on its own, or be wiped out by its enemies, perhaps with a little
American support. His comments on Thursday were the ultimate humiliation
of the Obama supporters who insisted he gave a magnificent speech after
Foley’s killing. Like hell he
did. He didn’t put an enemy on notice and seize the initiative against
them. He punted. And he just told the
world he’ll punt again, if the enemy lets him have the ball back.
Josh Rogin at the Daily Beast writes
about the behind-the-scenes drama that led to Obama’s astounding declaration
of non-strategy:
After a week of talk of eliminating the
“cancer” of ISIS, President Obama said Thursday that he was not planning
to significantly expand the war against the Islamic extremist movement anytime
His remarks came after days of heated debate
inside the top levels of his own national security bureaucracy about how,
where, and whether to strike ISIS in Syria. But those deliberations – which
included a bleak intelligence assessment of America’s potential allies in
Syria — failed to produce a consensus battle plan. And so Obama, who has long
been reluctant to enter into the Syrian conflict, told
reporters Thursday that “we don’t have a strategy yet” for confronting
ISIS on a regional level.
Those inside the administration advocating
for going after ISIS in both Iraq and Syria were sorely disappointed – and
lamented their boss’s lack of urgency in rooting out a threat that only days
before was being described in near-apocalyptic terms.
“Senior strategists in the U.S. government
have been working hard all week to gather multiple options that the president
had asked for to strike ISIS in Syria. There was a deep rooted belief among
many — especially among military circles — that the ISIS threat can’t be kicked
down the road, that it needs to be confronted now, and in a holistic way,”
said one Obama administration official who works on the Middle East. “This
press conference is going to lead to even more doubt by those that thought
that this White House was ready to take meaningful action against ISIS across
the board.”
Oh, I don’t know about that, unnamed
Obama Administration official. I don’t think anyone really has any more
doubts about whether this White House is going to take “meaningful action
against ISIS across the board.” The terror state Obama permitted to take
root in Iraq is well-equipped, well-funded, and highly effective on the
battlefield, thanks to a combination of combat experience in Syria and
tactical support from former officers in Saddam Hussein’s military who have
joined up. (Imagine what ISIS would be like if Saddam was still in
power, and could put the full might of his military and economy behind their
efforts.) This is the most battlefield-capable jihadi force ever assembled.
That’s why serious planners are throwing cold water on the idea of
trashing them with a local military coalition and modest American air power.
The “moderate” Syrian rebels have no appetite for abandoning their fight
against Bashar Assad to serve as Obama’s foot soldiers; their leaders have
openly stated they don’t trust American leadership. The Iraqi army
hasn’t evolved into a force that can beat ISIS yet, if it ever will. The
Kurds are serious players, but they’re understandably more interested in
defending their home ground than launching an invasion.
The fourth potential
proxy against ISIS is Bashar Assad himself, and he’s got rather obvious
reasons to place little value on Obama bluster about red lines and the “wrong
side of history.” None of those potential proxies is going to be
inspired by the spectacle of Obama dressing up like a Century 21 realty agent
and giving a speech where he admits he doesn’t have a plan for victory.
Assad would like ISIS out of Syria, to be sure, but it’s debatable how
urgently he wants them gone, since they serve the useful function of keeping
his regime’s opponents divided, and supporters grateful for his protection.
The only strategy
Obama was willing to accept – helping other people wipe out the Islamic State
– appears to be a non-starter, so he’s going to roll the dice and hope the
enemy doesn’t do anything that would force him to act. They win the
first battle against Obama walking away; arguably they won on the day he
recklessly pulled American forces out of Iraq and refused to heed warnings
that a dangerous new enemy was coming across the border, a moment when
American air power very well might have prevented the Islamic State from
taking root. As much as anything else, Thursday’s press conference was
Obama telling the enemy they can have the field for now, as long as they don’t
back him into a corner. In the weeks to come, we’ll learn if they want
to shove him into that corner anyway.
Update: The United Kingdom is elevating its
defensive posture and warning of a “severe” terror threat this morning.
Hopefully the terrorists will have the good manners to hold off on doing
anything until Barack Obama wraps up his fundraisers of the day.
Update: I’d suggest modifying the Obama
Excuse-o-Meter to say that if the spinner lands on a black line, it means “No
Any Day Now, ISIS Could Cripple America With A Devastating Nationwide Attack
On This
"There is an imminent threat..."
happened in the nation of Yemen in early June, 2014 — terrorists knocked out
power to the entire country of 23 million people. Forbes reported:
country’s energy minister indicated that power lines were taken out,
cutting power to all provinces. A ministry spokesman was quoted as saying “The
act of sabotage at Kilometre 78 suspended the entire national power and energy
grid, including at Marib’s gas plant, and cut power in all provinces.”
It’s a
terror tactic that’s been effective not just in the violence-torn Middle
much likes to think about these things, but the threats are indeed real in
Yemen and elsewhere. Last October, the Knights Templar – a breakaway group
from Mexico’s Michoacan drug cartel – took out the power grid in
Michoacan state, attacking nine substations and leaving over 400,000 without electricity.
And now,
with the Islamic State reportedly trying to recruit terror operatives just
across our southern border (click here to see our recent post), one terrorism expert — an ex-CIA officer
— is warning of an “imminent threat” to the U.S. electric grid. From
Dr. Peter
Pry, a former CIA officer, is executive director of the Task Force on National
and Homeland Security and director of the U.S. Nuclear Strategy Forum, both
congressional advisory boards. He also served on the Congressional EMP
Commission, the Congressional Strategic Posture Commission, and the House
Armed Services Committee.
“There is
an imminent threat from ISIS to the national electric grid and not just to a
single U.S. city,” said Pry. Pry was speaking on “Aaron Klein
Investigative Radio” on New York’s AM 970 The Answer.
the threat, Pry recalled a leaked U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
report divulged this past March that coordinated terrorist attacks on just
nine of the nation’s 55,000 electrical power substations could provoke
coast-to-coast blackouts for up to 18 months.
an attack would mirror the devastating impact of an electromagnetic pulse
(EMP) attack without the need for any nuclear device or delivery system.
that leaked government study, the Wall Street Journal described the method and the effect of
such a life-altering attack in an article published in March of this year:
The study
by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission concluded that coordinated attacks
in each of the nation’s three separate electric systems could cause the entire
power network to collapse, people familiar with the research said.
The U.S.
could suffer a coast-to-coast blackout if saboteurs knocked out nine of the country’s
electric-transmission substations on a summer day, according to a previously
unreported federal analysis. National War College Professor Dr. Richard Andres
small number of the country’s substations play an outsize role in keeping power
flowing across large regions. The FERC analysis indicates that knocking out
nine of those key substations could plunge the country into darkness for
weeks, if not months.
In the article, former CIA operative Dr. Peter Pry
argues it wouldn’t take long for the well financed, heavily resourced ISIS to
put together a terror team to carry out a devastating attack on the nation’s
vulnerable power infrastructure:
can hire these criminal gangs that are south of our porous border. Or criminal
gangs that are already present here.”
also have Muslim terror cells already in this country that would be willing to
do anything for money and it’s very easy to attack the electrical grid,” he
What Was Just Found On This ISIS Laptop Shows They Are Plotting To Kill
An ISIS laptop discovered by moderate
Syrian rebel group reveals that...
biological weapons be next on ISIS’ list? An ISIS laptop discovered by moderate Syrian rebel group reveals that
they just might.
Abu Ali,
a commander of the Syrian rebel group, brought the laptop to Foreign
Policy‘s attention. He said about the laptop: “We found the
laptop and the power cord in a room. I took it with me. But I have no clue if
it still works or if it contains anything interesting.”
Dell laptop actually did work when Harald Doornbos and Jenan Moussa from Foreign
Policy turned it on.
Although the files at first seemed to be empty, there were a total of 146
gigabytes of “hidden files” containing documents in English, French, and
Arabic held on the laptop.
include material to be expected on a terrorist laptop, including videos of
Osama Bin Laden and how to make bombs; but they also reveal evidence that the
owner of the laptop was teaching himself about biological weapons.
owner of the laptop is one Tunisian man named Muhammad S., who studied
chemistry and physics in Tunisia.
is most shocking on the laptop is a nineteen page Arabic document about
creating biological weapons and how to weaponize bubonic plague from infected
animals. The document states that ” The advantage of biological weapons
is that they do not cost a lot of money, while the human casualties can be
Ranstorp at the Swedish War College commented: “The real difficulty in
all of these weapons … [is] to actually have a workable distribution system
that will kill a lot of people. But to produce quite scary weapons is
certainly within [the Islamic State's] capabilities.”
computer contains a 26 page fatwa, or Islamic ruling, on the use of weapons of
mass destruction. It reads: “If Muslims cannot defeat the kafir
[unbelievers] in a different way, it is permissible to use weapons of mass
destruction. Even if it kills all of them and wipes them and their descendants
off the face of the Earth.”
do you think? Will ISIS begin to develop biological weapons and other weapons
of mass destruction to employ against its enemies?
Any Day Now, ISIS Could Cripple America With A Devastating Nationwide Attack
On This
"There is an imminent threat..."
It happened in the nation of Yemen in early June,
2014 — terrorists knocked out power to the entire country of 23 million
people. Forbes reported:
country’s energy minister indicated that power lines were taken out,
cutting power to all provinces. A ministry spokesman was quoted as saying “The
act of sabotage at Kilometre 78 suspended the entire national power and energy
grid, including at Marib’s gas plant, and cut power in all provinces.”
It’s a
terror tactic that’s been effective not just in the violence-torn Middle
much likes to think about these things, but the threats are indeed real in
Yemen and elsewhere. Last October, the Knights Templar – a breakaway group
from Mexico’s Michoacan drug cartel – took out the power grid in
Michoacan state, attacking nine substations and leaving over 400,000 without
And now, with the Islamic State
reportedly trying to recruit terror operatives just across our southern border
here to see our recent post), one terrorism expert — an ex-CIA
officer — is warning of an “imminent threat” to the U.S. electric grid. From
Dr. Peter
Pry, a former CIA officer, is executive director of the Task Force on National
and Homeland Security and director of the U.S. Nuclear Strategy Forum, both
congressional advisory boards. He also served on the Congressional EMP
Commission, the Congressional Strategic Posture Commission, and the House
Armed Services Committee.
“There is an
imminent threat from ISIS to the national electric grid and not just to a
single U.S. city,” said Pry. Pry was speaking on “Aaron Klein
Investigative Radio” on New York’s AM 970 The Answer.
the threat, Pry recalled a leaked U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
report divulged this past March that coordinated terrorist attacks on just
nine of the nation’s 55,000 electrical power substations could provoke
coast-to-coast blackouts for up to 18 months.
an attack would mirror the devastating impact of an electromagnetic pulse
(EMP) attack without the need for any nuclear device or delivery system.
Citing that leaked government study,
the Wall Street
Journal described the method and the
effect of such a life-altering attack in an article published in March of this
The study by
the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission concluded that coordinated attacks in
each of the nation’s three separate electric systems could cause the entire
power network to collapse, people familiar with the research said.
The U.S.
could suffer a coast-to-coast blackout if saboteurs knocked out nine of the
country’s electric-transmission substations on a summer day, according to a
previously unreported federal analysis. National War College Professor Dr.
Richard Andres discusses.
small number of the country’s substations play an outsize role in keeping
power flowing across large regions. The FERC analysis indicates that knocking
out nine of those key substations could plunge the country into darkness for
weeks, if not months.
In the article,
former CIA operative Dr. Peter Pry argues it wouldn’t take long for the well
financed, heavily resourced ISIS to put together a terror team to carry out a
devastating attack on the nation’s vulnerable power infrastructure:
“…they can
hire these criminal gangs that are south of our porous border. Or criminal
gangs that are already present here.”
“We also
have Muslim terror cells already in this country that would be willing to do
anything for money and it’s very easy to attack the electrical grid,” he
Photo Credit: Oleg
Zabielin |
Jimmy Carter: “Principles of Allah” Are Key to Peace.
Former President Jimmy
Carter told attendees at the Islamic Society of
North America that “the principles of Allah” are the key to peace in the Middle
spoke to the group on Saturday.
terrorists believe they are also doing Allah’s will.
a speech at the annual convention for the Islamic Society of North America on
Saturday, former President Jimmy Carter said peace between Jews and Muslims in
the Middle East is a dream he still prays can be achieved.
“You can’t bring
peace to the Middle East without justice and human rights for the
Palestinians,” Carter
told a packed hall at Cobo Center. “When my prayers are answered and we
have peace in that Holy Land then the Israelis and all their neighbors will be
blessed to live in peace and prosperity.”
spoke mainly about preventing violence against women and girls, encouraging
all present to fight for equal rights for both sexes. “EMO” Por favor alguien rego abono
para que crezcan estúpidos a granel en
los Estados Unidos. Especialmente en la Casa Blanca. LRGM
Deny Watchdog Group’s Claim That Terror Group Is Operating In Juarez
While the UK raises their threat level
to ‘Severe’, the US is still in denial that ISIS would be planning a terror
attack in the near future. See below…
The Department of Homeland Security quickly denied claims
on Friday from a watchdog group that the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham
(ISIS) has militants stationed in Juarez, Mexico who plan an ‘imminent’ attack
against the United States.
A DHS spokesman was bewildered, telling MailOnline that ‘we
are aware of absolutely nothing credible to substantiate this claim’ made by
Judicial Watch, a center-right group.
‘In Mexico?’ the official said on the phone. ‘I haven’t
seen that at all.’
An hour before Judicial Watch’s report surfaced, Homeland
Security Secretary Jeh Johnson said publicly that his agency and the FBI ‘are
unaware of any specific, credible threat to the U.S. homeland’ from the terror
And during a late-morning media briefing, White House Press
Secretary Josh Earnest said flatly that ‘the most detailed intelligence
assessment that I can offer from here is that there is no evidence or
indication right now that [ISIS] is actively plotting to attack the United
States homeland. That’s true right now.’
But Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton said in an
interview that his sources were ‘golden’ and called the government’s
insistence ‘so dishonest.’
‘It’s a non-denial denial,’ he told MailOnline.
Citing Johnson’s use of words like ‘credible’ and
‘specific,’ Fitton said, ‘You could drive a truck bomb through that loophole.
DHS has not denied our story.’
Media so Focused on Shooting of Criminal
Michael Brown that They Ignore Murder of Border Patrol Agent by Illegals
For the
past few weeks most all of the national mainstream media have been focused on
is fueling the fires of racial hatred in the shooting of Michael Brown. The
media have already convicted Officer Darren Wilson of intentionally murdering
Brown, regardless of what the evidence says. They’ve ignored the fact that
Wilson suffered a fractured eye socket at the hands of Brown. They’ve ignored
the fact that Brown had just robbed a convenience store and physically shoved
the store clerk out of the way. They’ve ignored the autopsy report that
contradicts the eyewitness account and shows that Brown was shot from the
front while he was charging Wilson.
hatred and bigotry sells news and that’s all the media cares about. They don’t
care about justice or the truth.
shooting of Michael Brown took place on Saturday, Aug. 9. Six days earlier, US Border Patrol Agent Javier Vega Jr. was cold bloodedly murdered in front of this wife, children and
parents on his day off. The same liberal mainstream media that have been
feasting on Ferguson, Missouri have ignored that a United States peace officer
was brutally slain by two illegals.
Vega Jr,
his wife Paola, their three kids, and Vega Jr’s. parents Javier Sr and Maria
were on a Sunday fishing trip at a spot about 20 minutes north of La Feria,
Texas. The small Texas town is less than ten miles north of the Rio Bravo del
Norte River which serves as the border with Mexico.
the family was enjoying their day of fishing, illegal Mexicans Gustavo
Tijernia, 30 and Ismael Hernandez 40 pulled up in their car and tried to rob
Vega family. Instinctively, Vega Jr. reached for his gun but before he could
pull it to defend his family, the Mexicans shot him in the chest. Vega Sr.
grabbed his son’s gun and began to shoot at the Mexican robbers when they
returned fire, hitting him in the hip. Senior has since been released from the
hospital. Reportedly, Marie grabbed an AR-15 and shot at the murderers as they
drove off.
As the
illegals sped away, they crashed their car and took refuge in nearby home. The
home owner managed to notify Border Patrol and the house was soon surrounded
and the illegals captured. They have been charged with capital murder,
attempted capital murder, four counts of aggravated robbery and tampering with
to one report, Tijernia may be a gunman for the Gulf Cartel, an infamous drug
organization that has no regard for human life. Authorities believe that he
may also be involved in a number of similar armed robberies that have taken
place in the area over the past six weeks. One of Tijernia’s other robbery
victims was another US Border Patrol agent who also fishing on his day off.
has a record of entering the US illegally in July 2007 and again in Oct 2007.
The first time he was sentenced to 30 days already served and fined $10. The
second offense landed him 60 days in jail and another $10 fine. He was caught
again in Oct 2008 that cost him 90 days in jail and another $10 fine or
processing fee.
In Dec
2009, a grand jury indicted Tijernia for again entering the US illegally. The
indictment stated that Tijernia:
previously been denied admission, excluded, deported and removed, knowing and
unlawfully was present in the United States having been found near Edinburg,
After a
warrant was issued for his arrest which stated that he faced up to 20 years in
prison and up to $250,000 in fines, Tijernia was held without bond in Jan
2010. Instead of 20 years and quarter million dollar fine, he received a slap
on the hand of only 9 months in jail and a $100 fine.
the other illegal who murdered Vega Jr has also been deported twice and was
again roaming US soil.
murder of Vega Jr. should have made headlines across the nation. Americans
should be in an uproar over the border crisis and demanding the White House
take immediate action to protect American citizens from ruthless gunmen,
robbers and drug traffickers.
all, Obama was quick to call for justice in the Michael Brown shooting and US
Attorney General Eric Holder even made a trip to Ferguson to help stir up the
racial hatred. But when it comes to the senseless murder of a federal law
enforcement officer in front of his family, Obama and Holder remain silent.
The mainstream media remained silent. Most reports on the murder of Javier
Vega Jr. appeared on non-mainstream media and news from the United Kingdom.
Ask yourself why the US media ignored this news while the Daily Mail in the UK
did report on it?
reason is simple. Both murderers are an embarrassment to the Obama
administration and their failed immigration program. The administration lets
thousands of illegals with criminal records loose on our streets when they
should be in prison or deported. The administration leaves our border
virtually unprotected so these repeat offenders can just wade across the river
and carry out their attacks on US citizens. And who knows who else, such as
Muslim extremists, members of ISIS, the Taliban or al Qaeda are also just
walking over the border and free to carry out their evil destruction of
America and Americans.
more important for Obama to stir up racial divide in America than to protect
US citizens and acknowledge the murder of a federal officer.
While Obama Ponders ISIS Action, UK's David Cameron Takes Charge
While Great Britain's Prime Minister David Cameron
cut his vacation short to deal with the Islamic State (ISIS) crisis, President
Obama was golfing on Martha's Vineyard.
While Cameron took action, raising Great Britain's terror threat to "severe," Obama told Americans "We don’t have a strategy, yet."
So, while President Obama has spent Labor Day weekend raising money for Democrats, is it any wonder why some lawmakers and political analysts, including Red State's Erick Erickson are asking: "Can we borrow David Cameron?"
Vote Now: Do You Approve Or Disapprove of President Obama's Job Performance?
Even New York Rep. Peter King on Sunday said he wishes "our president was showing the same leadership David Cameron showed."
"What is President Obama waiting for?" King said in an interview Sunday on CBS News' "Face the Nation."
Story continues below video.
While Cameron took action, raising Great Britain's terror threat to "severe," Obama told Americans "We don’t have a strategy, yet."
So, while President Obama has spent Labor Day weekend raising money for Democrats, is it any wonder why some lawmakers and political analysts, including Red State's Erick Erickson are asking: "Can we borrow David Cameron?"
Vote Now: Do You Approve Or Disapprove of President Obama's Job Performance?
Even New York Rep. Peter King on Sunday said he wishes "our president was showing the same leadership David Cameron showed."
"What is President Obama waiting for?" King said in an interview Sunday on CBS News' "Face the Nation."
Story continues below video.
Cameron said on Friday that the terror level in the U.K. was raised to "severe" in response to more news of violence by ISIS in the two countries where the group is trying to establish a caliphate. Several members of the jihadist group may be British citizens, reported.
"This is not some foreign conflict thousands of miles away that we can hope to ignore," the U.K. prime minister said.
"The ambition to create an extremist caliphate in the heart of Iraq and Syria is a threat to our own security here in the U.K.," he said.
"We cannot appease this ideology," he added. "We have to confront it at home and abroad. To do this we need a tough, intelligent, patient, comprehensive approach to defeat the terrorist threat at its source."
Story continues below video.
While he did return to Washington briefly during his vacation and made formal statements from Martha's Vineyard, Obama was sharply criticized for hitting the golf course just minutes after making a statement about the beheading of American journalist James Foley.
Cameron had previously called the killing of Foley an act of murder, which was allegedly carried out by former U.K. rapper Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary. The prime minister returned from his holiday in Cornwall immediately after learning that Foley's executioner was British.
The U.S. has launched airstrikes and provided humanitarian aid in ISIS-captured regions of Iraq. But Obama has not mirrored Cameron's action on the terror alert, despite suspecting there are hundreds of Americans fighting for ISIS.
Meanwhile, the White House scrambled on Friday to explain comments Obama made on Thursday that his administration doesn't "have a strategy yet" for how to deal with ISIS.
White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said during an appearance on MSNBC's "Morning Joe" that the Obama administration does have a "comprehensive strategy" for confronting ISIS, adding that Obama was referring to military strikes in Syria and whether he will "seek congressional authorization to order military strikes inside of Syria."
King told Newsmax Friday that "there's no way any of us can excuse" Obama's admission that he doesn't have a strategy for dealing with ISIS, explaining that it makes the United States look weak to both our allies and our enemies.
The contrast between Obama's response to the ISIS threat to that of Cameron's was noted by conservative commentators and on Twitter.'s Cortney O'Brien wrote Friday that "unlike someone we know, it sounds like United Kingdom Prime Minister David Cameron has a strategy for defeating Islamic extremists."
Erickson tweeted Friday:
Obama is headlining several fundraisers over the Labor Day weekend.
Cameron on Monday said he will force airlines to share flight-lists with security services and give police the power to confiscate passports as he set out Britain’s response to the rise of Islamic State.
In a
statement to Parliament, Cameron also said the government will look at how it
can restrict the movements of suspected terrorists in Britain and stop those
who are British nationals returning to the U.K.
“What we
need is a targeted power to exclude British nationals from the United
Kingdom,” the prime minister told lawmakers in London today. “We need to
address any potential gap in our armory to keep our country safe.”
President Obama appeared to be downplaying the
Islamic State as well as Russia's threat against Ukraine while speaking to
Democratic donors at a New York fundraiser Friday, saying that this
"is not something that's comparable to the challenges we faced in the
Cold War."
"The world has always been messy," Obama said. "We will get through these challenging times just like we have in the past."
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"The world has always been messy," Obama said. "We will get through these challenging times just like we have in the past."
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Border Patrol Opens Fire On Militia In Texas
Shoot first ask questions later.
What we didn’t expect is that the first
shots fired at the militias weren’t from smugglers, Mexican military members
working for the cartels, or the Islamic terrorists the cartels are helping to
smuggle across the border as the Obama Administration refuses to stop them.
Instead, the first shots fired
were blue on blue.
A Border Patrol agent pursuing a
group of immigrants in a wooded area near the Texas-Mexico border on Friday
fired several shots at an armed man who later identified himself as a militia
Border Patrol spokesman Omar
Zamora said agents had been chasing a group of immigrants east of Brownsville
Friday afternoon when an agent saw a man holding a gun near the Rio Grande. The agent fired four shots, but did not hit
the man. The man then dropped his gun and identified himself as a member of a
militia. Zamora said no other details were immediately available.
Cameron County Sheriff Omar Lucio, whose
agency is involved in the investigation, said the incident occurred on private
property and it appeared the man had permission to be there. He was not
arrested, Lucio said.
- See more at:
¿Cuántas personas conoce
usted que dicen que no quieren beber algo antes de
irse a la cama, porque van a tener que levantarse durante
la noche.
usted que dicen que no quieren beber algo antes de
irse a la cama, porque van a tener que levantarse durante
la noche.
¡Yo no sabía eso!
Le pregunté a mi doctor por qué la gente orina mucho
durante la noche. El doctor me contestó que una gravedad cardíaca retiene el agua en la parte inferior del cuerpo y cuando se encuentra en posición vertical las piernas se hinchan.
Le pregunté a mi doctor por qué la gente orina mucho
durante la noche. El doctor me contestó que una gravedad cardíaca retiene el agua en la parte inferior del cuerpo y cuando se encuentra en posición vertical las piernas se hinchan.
Cuando te acuestes, la parte
inferior del cuerpo (Piernas,etc.) tiene la altura de los riñones, es
entonces cuando los riñones eliminan el agua porque es más fácil.
Yo sabía que se necesita el mínimo
de agua para ayudar a eliminar las toxinas del cuerpo.
El tiempo correcto para beber agua:
El agua potable en un momento
determinado maximiza su
eficacia en el cuerpo:
2 vasos de agua después de despertar - ayuda a activar los
órganos internos
1 vaso de agua 30 minutos antes de una comida - ayuda a la digestión
1 vaso de agua antes de tomar un baño - ayuda a bajar la presión arterial
1 vaso de agua antes de irse a la cama - evita derrame cerebral o ataque al corazón
eficacia en el cuerpo:
2 vasos de agua después de despertar - ayuda a activar los
órganos internos
1 vaso de agua 30 minutos antes de una comida - ayuda a la digestión
1 vaso de agua antes de tomar un baño - ayuda a bajar la presión arterial
1 vaso de agua antes de irse a la cama - evita derrame cerebral o ataque al corazón
También puedo añadir a esto, mi
médico me dijo que el agua a la hora de dormir también ayudará a
prevenir en la noche calambres en
las piernas. Los músculos de las piernas están buscando hidratación y de ahí que los calambres te despiertan.
las piernas. Los músculos de las piernas están buscando hidratación y de ahí que los calambres te despiertan.
El Dr. Virend Somers, es un
cardiólogo de la Clínica Mayo, quien es el autor principal del informe
del 29 de julio de 2008 en el Journal of the American College of
La mayoría de los ataques cardíacos
se producen en el día; por lo general entre las 6 am y el mediodía.
Sufrir uno en la noche, cuando el corazón debe estar en mayor reposo, significa que algo raro pasó.
Sufrir uno en la noche, cuando el corazón debe estar en mayor reposo, significa que algo raro pasó.
Somers y sus colegas han estado
trabajando durante una
década para demostrar que la apnea del sueño es la
década para demostrar que la apnea del sueño es la
Si usted toma una aspirina una vez
al día, tómela por la noche.
La razón: La aspirina tiene una
"vida media" de 24 horas, por lo que, si la mayoría de los
ataques cardíacos ocurren en las primeras horas
de la mañana, la aspirina sería más fuerte en su sistema.
de la mañana, la aspirina sería más fuerte en su sistema.
Algo que es bueno saber para poder
ayudarnos a nosotros mismos: Bayer está haciendo aspirina cristal para
disolver al instante en la lengua.
Esta trabaja mucho más rápido que
los comprimidos.
¿Por qué mantener aspirina junto a
tu cama? Por los ataques al corazón. Si esto sucede, disuelva
inmediatamente dos aspirinas en la boca y tráguelas con un poco de
Hay otros síntomas de un ataque al
corazón, además del dolor en el brazo izquierdo. También hay que tener
en cuenta un intenso dolor en la mandíbula, así como náuseas y mucha
sudoración; sin embargo, estos síntomas también pueden no ocurrir con
frecuencia. Tal vez no haya dolor en el pecho durante un ataque al
La mayoría de las personas
(aproximadamente 60%), que
tuvo un ataque al corazón durante el sueño no se despertó. Sin embargo, si éste se produce con dolor en el pecho, éste puede despertarlo de su sueño profundo.
tuvo un ataque al corazón durante el sueño no se despertó. Sin embargo, si éste se produce con dolor en el pecho, éste puede despertarlo de su sueño profundo.
Después: - Llame al teléfono
de un vecino o de un miembro de la familia que viva muy cerca.
Diga "ataque al corazón!".
Siéntese en una silla o en un sofá
cerca de la puerta principal; espere su llegada y... ¡no se acueste!
Un cardiólogo afirmó que si cada
persona después de recibir este e-mail, lo envía a 10 personas,
probablemente ¡una vida puede ser salvada!
Ya he compartido esta información.
¿Qué hay de usted?
Reenvíe este mensaje. ¡Puede salvar
vida es un regalo de solo una vez."
That is the last but not the least… 95 year old hero! Letter To Obama at Whitehouse Sent
from 95 year Old Pearl Harbor Survivor !! Fantastic!!
venerable and much honored WW II vet is well known in Hawaii for his
seventy-plus years of service to patriotic organizations and causes all over
the country.
humble man without a political bone in his body, he has never spoken out
before about a government official, until now. He dictated this letter to a
friend, signed it and mailed it to the President.
President Obama,
name is Harold Estes, approaching 95 on December 13 of this year. People
meeting me for the first time don't believe my age because I remain wrinkle
free and pretty much mentally alert.
enlisted in the U.S. Navy in 1934 and served proudly before, during and after
WW II retiring as a Master Chief Bos'n Mate. Now I live in a "rest
home" located on the western end of Pearl Harbor, allowing me to keep
alive the memories of 23 years of service to my country.
of the benefits of my age, perhaps the only one, is to speak my mind, blunt
and direct even to the head man.
here goes.
am amazed, angry and determined not to see my country die before I do, but you
seem hell bent not to grant me that wish.
can't figure out what country you are the president of. You fly around the world telling our
friends and enemies despicable lies like:
We're no longer a Christian nation"
" America is arrogant" - (Your
wife even announced to the world," America is mean- spirited. "
Please tell her to try preaching that nonsense to 23 generations of our War
dead buried all over the globe who died for no other reason than to free a
whole lot of strangers from tyranny and hopelessness.)
say shame on the both of you, but I don't think you like America, nor do I see
an ounce of gratefulness in anything you do, for the obvious gifts this
country has given you. To be without shame or gratefulness is a dangerous
thing for a man sitting in theWhite House.
9/11 you said," America hasn't lived up to her ideals."
ones did you mean? Was it the notion of personal liberty that 11,000 farmers
and shopkeepers died for to win independence from the British? Or maybe the
ideal that no man should be a slave to another man, that 500,000 men died for
in the Civil War?
hope you didn't mean the ideal 470,000 fathers, brothers, husbands, and a lot
of fellas I knew personally died for in WWII, because we felt real strongly
about not letting any nation push us around, because we stand for freedom.
don't think you mean the ideal that says equality is better than
discrimination. You know the one that a whole lot of white people understood
when they helped to get you elected.
a little advice from a very old geezer, young man.
up and start acting like an American. If you don't, I'll do what I can to see
you get shipped out of that fancy rental on Pennsylvania Avenue . You were
elected to lead not to bow, apologize and kiss the hands of murderers and
corrupt leaders who still treat
their people like slaves.
just who do you think you are telling the American people not to jump to
conclusions and condemn that Muslim major who killed 13 of his fellow soldiers
and wounded dozens more. You mean you don't want us to do what you did when
that white cop used force to subdue that black college professor in
Massachusetts , who was putting up a fight? You don't mind offending the
police calling them stupid but you don't want us to offend Muslim fanatics by
calling them what they are, terrorists.
more thing. I realize you never served in the military and never had to defend
your country with your life, but you're the Commander-in-Chief now, son. Do
your job. When your battle-hardened field General asks you for 40,000 more
troops to complete the mission, give them to him. But if you're not in this
fight to win, then get out. The life of one American soldier is not worth the
best political strategy you're thinking of.
could be our greatest president because you face the greatest challenge ever
presented to any president.
not going to restore American greatness by bringing back our bloated economy.
That's not our greatest threat. Losing the heart and soul of who we are as
Americans is our big fight now.
I sure as hell don't want to think my president is the enemy in this final
B. Estes
Snopes confirms as true: Letter to President Obama - Harold Estes
When a 95 year old hero of the "the Greatest Generation" stands up and speaks out like this, I think we owe it to him to send his words to as many Americans as we can. Please pass it on.
Snopes confirms as true: Letter to President Obama - Harold Estes
When a 95 year old hero of the "the Greatest Generation" stands up and speaks out like this, I think we owe it to him to send his words to as many Americans as we can. Please pass it on.
Lázaro R. González
“En mi opinión”
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