No 629 “En mi
opinión” Marzo 27, 2014
R González Miño Editor
de crear una nueva petición que espero quieras firmar -- se
Este tema es tremendamente importante para mí,y juntos podemos hacer algo al respecto. Si firmas la petición y la compartes con tus amigos y contactos, pronto llegaremos a nuestro objetivo de MAS DE 100 firmas y con ello incrementaremos la presión para lograr la decision que queremos.
Haz clic aquí para leer más acerca de ello y para firmar: COMPRA DE PETROLEO A VENEZUELA
Campañas como ésta siempre empiezan de forma modesta, pero crecen cuando personas como nosotros se involucran. Por favor, toma un momento ahora mismo para contribuir firmando y compartiendo esta petición.
Muchas gracias, Olga Grinan. Y POR FAVOR, NO COMPRE GASOLINA CITGO
Este tema es tremendamente importante para mí,y juntos podemos hacer algo al respecto. Si firmas la petición y la compartes con tus amigos y contactos, pronto llegaremos a nuestro objetivo de MAS DE 100 firmas y con ello incrementaremos la presión para lograr la decision que queremos.
Haz clic aquí para leer más acerca de ello y para firmar: COMPRA DE PETROLEO A VENEZUELA
Campañas como ésta siempre empiezan de forma modesta, pero crecen cuando personas como nosotros se involucran. Por favor, toma un momento ahora mismo para contribuir firmando y compartiendo esta petición.
Muchas gracias, Olga Grinan. Y POR FAVOR, NO COMPRE GASOLINA CITGO
AMENPER: La Sabiduría de Cervantes
La libertad, Sancho, es uno de los más
preciosos dones que a los hombres dieron los cielos, con ella no pueden igualarse
los tesoros que encierran la tierra y el mar: por la libertad, así como por la
honra, se puede y debe aventurar la vida.
Wisdom of Cervantes
Freedom, Sancho, is one of the most precious gifts that heaven has given to
men, all the treasures encompassed by earth and sea are not its equal: for
freedom, like for honor, life can and must be laid down.
Samitier: Obama Es Hoy El “LÍDER” Más IMPOPULAR En Europa...
Por Respeto No Fue CHIFLADO Y
HOLANDA... Donde al Terminar su DISCURSO... solo
Fue aplaudido POR UNA SOLA
PERSONA... la cual al
Verse solo... dejo de hacerlo...
No se pierdan el video... mas
abajo tienen el video donde Putin es ovacionado Por todos los miembros del
parlamento ruso... Barack Obama Knows Now What It’s Like to Give a Speech Where Only One
Man Claps
Comparado con Putín
Amenper: Happy Taxes day. April 15th. is
coming, it is almost here.
This is a quote of one of the founders of
the country,to remember the coming day that lives in infamy in our hearts and
Abril 15 se acerca, casi esta en nuestra cerca.
Esta es una cita de uno de los padres de la patria para
recordar el día que viene y que vive en la infamia en nuestros corazones y
nuestros bolsillos.
gobierno sabio y frugal, deberá impedir que los hombres se dañen uno al a otro,
y les permitirá de otra manera, libre para regular sus propias actividades de
trabajo y progreso, y no tomará
de su boca el pan que se ha ganado por su trabajo.
Esta es
la suma de buen gobierno, y esto es lo necesario para cerrar el círculo de
nuestra felicidad.
Glenn Beck. The Blaze TV. President Obama arrives in
Brussels… with a 900-person entourage
While First Lady Michelle Obama enjoys
her $8,400/night suite at the five-star Westin Hotel in Chaoyang, President
Obama is running up quite the tab in Europe. According to The Guardian, the President’s trip to Brussels required a
900-person entourage and cost the city about $10.4 million – no word on how
much money the American taxpayer are on the hook for.
As Belgium’s capital and host to the EU
and Nato, Brussels is used to deploying heavy security when big names pop by.
But US President Barack Obama’s visit on Tuesday will strain the city like
never before with €10m ($10.4m, £8.4m) of Belgian money being spent to cover
his 24 hours in the country.
The president will arrive on Tuesday
night with a 900-strong entourage, including 45 vehicles and three cargo
planes. Advance security teams orchestrating every last detail have combed
Brussels already, checking the sewers and the major hospitals, while American
military helicopters were last week given the green light for overflights.
The city’s four-stage security scale
will be raised from two to three during the visit, Obama’s first to the
country. A tight cordon will surround The Hotel, the 27-storey former Hilton in
the Toison d’Or shopping district where the president will spend the night.
“That might be bigger than Puffy Combs,”
Pat joked of the President’s entourage.
Brussels mayor Yvan Mayeur explained
typical visits and summits run the city about $690,000 (€500,000) in extra
police, military and transport expenses. But “you can multiply that figure by
20” Mayeur said of President Obama’s trip.
To add insult to injury, the Secret
Service is once again making headlines for inappropriate behavior. TheWashington Post reports three agents were sent home ahead of President Obama’s
arrival in the Netherlands after one agent was found “drunk and passed out” in
an Amsterdam hotel.
“I have never in my life seen such
behavior from the Secret Service,” Glenn said. “We have seen it over and over
and over again in this regime – the Secret Service misbehaving and behaving
The agents sent home from Amsterdam were
placed on administrative leave, according to The Washington Post, which first
reported the disciplinary action. The newspaper said all three were on the
Counter Assault Team, which defends the president if he comes under attack, and
that one agent was a “team leader.”
One agent was discovered highly
intoxicated by staff at a hotel, who reported it to the U.S. Embassy, said a
person familiar with the situation, who wasn’t authorized to discuss the
alleged behavior on the record and demanded anonymity. The other two agents
were deemed complicit because they didn’t intervene despite being in a position
to assist the drunken agent or tamp down his behavior, the person said.
While Secret Service spokesman Ed
Donovan said the incident was prior to the President’s arrival and did not
compromise the his security in any way, Glenn believes this is a larger issue
that must be addressed.
“That puts our President in peril. It
puts the United States of America in jeopardy. This is a bell I have been
ringing before this guy was even elected. Secret Service, you’ve got to do your
job,” Glenn concluded. “This is a very, very bad thing. I think the Secret
Service has gone dark. I really do. I hate to say that. I love these guys. But
I fear they have gone dark… It’s not one bad apple. One bad apple does spoil
the whole bunch, girl. I’m sorry… Somebody has got to go in there and clean
that rat’s nest out.”
RICARDO SAMITIER: 80% De Los Soldados Ucranianos
En La Peninsula De Crimea... Cambiaron De
Uniforme... 15,000 Hoy Usan Uniforme
Rusos Solamente 4,000 Eligieron Regresar A Ucrania...
Los soldados ucranianos destinados en Crimea empiezan hoy su regreso a territorio de Ucrania después de que Rusia ondease su bandera en todas las bases militares de la península.
El jefe del Estado Mayor ruso, Valeri Gerasimov, ha anunciado unacuerdo para que los soldados ucranianos que quisieran seguirsirviendo al ejército de Ucrania pudiesen abandonar Crimea junto a sus familias de manera pacífica.
Según cifras del ya exministro de defensa de Ucrania, Igor Teniuj, que dimitió tras la rendición ucraniana sin oposición del fin de semana, son4000 de los 19000 los soldados del ejército ucraniano los que han preferido no pasar a servir a Rusia y seguir fieles a Ucrania. El resto, prácticamente un 80% del total, han cambiado al bando ruso o han abandonado el ejército.
Con la marcha de este contingente de militares ucranianos, la península de Crimea queda totalmente bajo soberanía rusa.
Los soldados ucranianos destinados en Crimea empiezan hoy su regreso a territorio de Ucrania después de que Rusia ondease su bandera en todas las bases militares de la península.
El jefe del Estado Mayor ruso, Valeri Gerasimov, ha anunciado unacuerdo para que los soldados ucranianos que quisieran seguirsirviendo al ejército de Ucrania pudiesen abandonar Crimea junto a sus familias de manera pacífica.
Según cifras del ya exministro de defensa de Ucrania, Igor Teniuj, que dimitió tras la rendición ucraniana sin oposición del fin de semana, son4000 de los 19000 los soldados del ejército ucraniano los que han preferido no pasar a servir a Rusia y seguir fieles a Ucrania. El resto, prácticamente un 80% del total, han cambiado al bando ruso o han abandonado el ejército.
Con la marcha de este contingente de militares ucranianos, la península de Crimea queda totalmente bajo soberanía rusa.
El Dr. Eladio José Armesto. La
omnipresencia de agencias federales en la vida privada de estadounidenses
FL - El Dr. Eladio José Armesto, editor de El Nuevo PATRIA y presidente de la Liga Demócrata de la Florida,
habla sobre la seriedad de la amenaza a las libertades de expresión y de prensa
por parte del actual desgobierno norteamericano.
Mientras los grandes medios de prensa entretienen a la poblacion con noticias tontas y desvian la atencion de los problemas serios, el gobierno de Barack Obama malgasta el erario publico y viola derechos fundamentales, no solo como los de la libertad de prensa, de expresión y de religión, sino también el mismo derecho al voto.
Mientras los grandes medios de prensa entretienen a la poblacion con noticias tontas y desvian la atencion de los problemas serios, el gobierno de Barack Obama malgasta el erario publico y viola derechos fundamentales, no solo como los de la libertad de prensa, de expresión y de religión, sino también el mismo derecho al voto.
La verdadera
riqueza de un país es la educación de su pueblo.
1 - ¿Sabías que los
niños japoneses limpian sus escuelas todos los días durante un cuarto de hora
con los profesores, lo que llevó a la aparición de una generación de japoneses
que son modestos y entusiastas en la limpieza.
2 - ¿Sabía usted que
cualquier ciudadano japonés que tiene un perro tiene que llevar saco y bolsas
especiales para recoger excrementos de perro. Higiene y su afán por abordar la
limpieza es parte de la ética japonesa.
3 - ¿Sabía usted que el
trabajador de limpieza en Japón se llama "ingeniero de la salud" y
puede ganar un sueldo de USD 5000 a 8000 por mes.
4 - ¿Sabía usted que
Japón no tiene recursos naturales, y está expuesto a cientos de terremotos al
año, pero eso no le impidió convertirse en la segunda economía más grande del
5 - ¿Sabía usted que
Hiroshima regresó a lo que era económicamente vibrante antes de la caída de la
bomba atómica, en sólo diez años?
6 - ¿Sabía usted que
Japón impide el uso de la telefonía móvil en los trenes, restaurantes y
7 - ¿Sabía usted que en
Japón los estudiantes del primer al sexto año de primaria debe aprender la
ética en el trato con la gente.
8 - ¿Sabía usted que los
japoneses a pesar de ser uno de los pueblos más ricos del mundo, no tienen
sirvientes. Los padres son responsables de la casa y los niños.
9 - ¿Sabía usted que no
existe un examen de primero a tercero de primaria, porque el objetivo de la
educación es inculcar conceptos y formación del carácter, y no sólo
conocimientos y adoctrinamiento. –
10 - ¿Sabía usted que si
usted va a un restaurante de buffet en Japón se dará cuenta la gente sólo come
todo lo que necesitan sin desperdicio alguno.
11 - ¿Sabía usted que el
promedio de impuntualidad de los trenes en Japón es de aproximadamente 7
segundos por año! Ellos aprecian el valor del tiempo.
12 -. ¿Sabía usted que
los niños de las escuelas deben cepillarse los dientes después de las comidas
en la escuela; Mantienen su salud desde una edad temprana –
13 - ¿Sabía usted que
los estudiantes toman media hora de descanso luego de terminar sus comidas para
garantizar una digestión correcta.
Estos estudiantes son el
futuro de Japón.
Ojalá aprendiéramos un
poquito de esta filosofía.
This Is How Obama’s Weakness In Ukraine Embarrasses
What happened to being the world’s only superpower?
My, how the
mighty have fallen under the stewardship of Barack Hussein Obama.
weekend on CNN’s State of the Union, President
Obama’s Deputy National Security Advisor, Tony Blinken, revealed a shocking
When asked
about the impact of U.S. military assistance in Ukraine, Blinken said, “It’s
very unlikely to change Russia’s calculus and prevent an invasion.”
Blinken is
warning that the United States, a country that was called the world’s only
superpower a few short years ago, is powerless to stop Russia from invading
Ukraine. Worse yet, that means the United States is incapable of holding up its
end of a treaty guaranteeing Ukraine’s territorial integrity.
situation is desperate, according to Sunday’s AFP reports. Russian troops have
consolidated Crimea’s annexation. A sweeping takeover of Ukrainian military
bases in Crimea is basically over. The Russians met very little opposition.
acting Defense Minister, Igor Tenyukh, lamented publicly about how his naval
forces were ready to surrender to Putin’s Black Sea Fleet: “You know that in
recent days, we have had our ships blockaded and seized, even though our
commanders had the authorization to use force,” Tenyukh said. “Unfortunately,
the commanders made decisions on the spot. They chose not to use their weapons
in order to avoid bloodshed.”
So Barack
Obama has decided to fly to Europe to huddle with leaders from Britain, France,
and Germany. Up to this point, the sanctions imposed by this merry band of
appeasers have elicited yawns and laughs from Russia. And wider economic
sanctions are off the table because Russia has the power to dim the lights and
lower the thermostats across all of Europe. Without Russian natural gas,
Europeans would almost certainly face energy shortages.
That means
the United States has no real options. If we actually airlifted troops into
Ukraine to counter the Russian buildup, we’d likely be defeated by a stronger
opponent on what is essentially its home turf.
A Plan of Action
an even more threatening development is taking place in our own hemisphere, and
it’s gone virtually unreported. Russia is moving advisors and arms, and
generally increasing its involvement in Cuba, Venezuela, and Nicaragua. Cuba
and Nicaragua were both flashpoints of contention with Russia during the Cold
Obama needs
to make it clear to the leaders of these three Latin American countries that
there will be grave consequences for deepening ties with Russia. If Russia
wants us out of its sphere of influence, the United States must demand that
Russia stays out of ours.
Next, we
should do what we can to bolster the current government in Ukraine. Any money
used to quickly strengthen the regime would likely be well spent. Yet Obama,
who has repeatedly used his power to act unilaterally in domestic affairs, has
let the bill to help Ukraine get bogged down in Congress over unrelated issues.
Commander-in-Chief, Obama has the power to move defense policy through. He
should order the Pentagon to immediately provide supplies to the Ukrainian
Finally, he
should let Russia continue overextending itself financially. Russia has its own
economic problems, and carrying Crimea won’t help. As Reagan administration
official Dr. Donald Devine wrote recently:
President Putin may seem to be riding high about now, he has made a terrible
economic mistake. Ukraine already subsidizes Crimea, and Russian
parliamentarian Leonid Slutsky estimates it will cost his country $3 billion
more in normal expenditures per year, and perhaps $20 billion over the next three
years, ‘maybe even $30 billion,’ although he thinks it is worth the cost
concluded that “a struggling Russia can’t afford it. Russian control of any
more of economically bankrupt Ukraine would be an unbearable burden. Removing
Crimea from Ukraine actually strengthens it. It saves Ukraine [from] paying the
subsidies and, more importantly, removes 2,000,000 Russian-speaking citizens
who normally vote against Western Ukrainian candidates, making it more likely
for an anti-Russia majority to prevail for the foreseeable future.”
Over the
longer run, America must get its own domestic and defense policies realigned.
Welfare and healthcare overspending has hurt our ability to keep our defenses
sound… And the first duty of the U.S. government is to keep
its people safe and free.
LOPEZ-BALVOA: Vacaciones en CHINA un país esclavo…
El mundo
no deja de ser un lugar curioso en estos días. China, un lugar que bien
conozco, no es más que una dantesca dictadura comunista, un país donde la
esclavitud de millones de seres enriquece de una manera grotesca a una panda de
ladrones y asesinos que detentan el poder al nombre del Partido Comunista
Chino. Es a esa nación a la cual la actual administración de los Estados Unidos
da más privilegios comerciales, y donde se exportan los trabajos cada vez más
ausentes en este país.
Oh, pero
China es una gran nación, tal y como me han dicho tantos intelectuales
norteamericanos, para los cuales la vida de un chino no vale nada. Ni la de un
cubano, ni la de un venezolano, porque se supone que el comunismo es un estado
paradisíaco al cual cada nación debe aspirar. Al menos, según ellos.
Es a esa
nación a la cual la escuela tan liberal a la que asisten las chicas Obama da un
lugar preferencial en sus intercambios estudiantiles, por lo cual no me
extrañaría que este viaje de diplomacia sin diplomáticos de la señora Michel
Obama a China fuera solo un viaje exploratorio para mandar a sus hijas a
estudiar en universidades de esa monstruosidad comunista. No crean ustedes que
aquí a esa escuela viene como estudiante “intercambiado” ningún hijo de
disidente chino. No, solo hijo de los nuevos millonarios del Partido Comunista
Chino. A esa escuela tan exclusiva, mandan sus hijos todos los de la élite
liberal de esta ciudad, todos millonarios de izquierda, vacaciones exóticas, y
autos de lujo. Tan comunistas como cualquier comunista con cuenta astronómica
en China.
No me
extraña nada de esto. Una persona que no hace más que hablar del racismo no
dice ni media palabra del racismo oficial chino. No dice nada de la esclavitud
en China, cuando aquí es un referente constante hasta en sus conversaciones
sobre cualquier tema. La señora Michelle Obama habla de libertad de expresión,
en China, a pesar de que en este país su señor esposo y presidente de la nación
por el momento se ha dedicado a espiar a los ciudadanos y a castigar con
acciones y amenazas a quienes disienten de sus políticas. Muy interesante, a mi
No está
claro cuánto costará al contribuyente americano estas nuevas vacaciones
–chinescas esta vez- de Michel Obama, su señora madre, y sus jóvenes hijas,
además del gran séquito que las acompaña.
No se ha
explicado cuál es el objetivo de ese viaje, ni cuál es la función de las hijas
ni de la madre de la señora Obama en ese viaje, como no sea de turistas. El
trabajador y el empresario americano pagan por estas vacaciones y estas
fiestas, pero no existe una transparencia en este gobierno que sea capaz de
explicar que hace cada una de las participantes en esa fiesta. Parece que es
como aquel viaje a España, placer, turisteo y gasto, solamente.
prensa norteamericana hasta le ha buscado equivalentes con la primera dama
de China. Y sí, tienen razón esta vez, ambas son esposas de presidentes que se
comportan de un modo autocrático, férreo, que espían a sus ciudadanos y que
actúan por encima de la ley sin un mínimo de transparencia con una prensa que
les adula.
aspecto que no se me escapa es que la mayoría de los agentes de la seguridad de
la señora Michelle Obama son Chino-Americanos. Para confundir a los empleados
del hotel donde se hospedan, para mantener alejados a los disidentes chinos –a
los verdaderos, porque a los disidentes millonarios a lo mejor los ve por ahí
de casualidad, uno nunca sabe- y sobre todo, para dar idea de control total con
un elemento culturalmente adecuado, lingüísticamente eficiente, y en total
colaboración con el régimen que la hospeda. Me pregunto si en un futuro viaje a
Cuba –que después del viaje a China tiene que estar ahí mismo- no iría la
señora Obama con una caterva de segurosos Americano-Cubanos o
Cubano-Americanos, que ya no sabe uno donde va cada palabra, solamente sabe uno
donde va el famoso guión. A lo mejor va con una serie de famosos de estos que
siempre están hablando de levantar el embargo y todo el mundo baila al final un
cha-cha-chá o un mambo, o una conga.
volviendo a China…
pregunto dónde está el feminismo de la señora Obama. No ha dicho ni una sola
palabra sobra la política de un solo hijo y del maltrato a las mujeres chinas.
Ni del asesinato de las niñas chinas, si tienen la desgracia de ser
primogénitas. Tampoco ha dicho nada de las condiciones horribles de los
orfanatos –ni de las prisiones- ni de los verdaderos disidentes que no tienen
acceso a trabajo o educación y que tienen que trabajar con carnet de identidad
falso o bajo cuerda o mendigar o prostituirse para sobrevivir.
pregunto también donde está la preocupación por la alimentación, de quién dice
estar tan preocupada por la alimentación de los americanos. No creo que haya
dicho nada del hambre que hay en China. Ni de la falta de derechos laborales.
No, porque el hambre y la falta de derechos laborales son una panacea para los
capitanes de la industria americanos, millonetas de izquierda que apoyan a los
Obama, que se aprovechan de la esclavitud china y enviando la producción a ese
país crean una clase desempleada y subempleada en los Estados Unidos que es
completamente dependiente de un gobierno que los controla económicamente.
En fin,
que aquí estamos pagando por una vida principesca y unos viajes de lujo
con nuestros impuestos, para que una caterva de políticos y sus familias,
comenzando con la del presidente, que cacarean tanto sobre igualdad social se
den la gran vida a costa del contribuyente estadounidense.
necesario recordar que la señora primera dama no fue jamás elegida para cargo
alguno, así que legalmente no tiene autoridad para representar a más
norteamericano que a sí misma. Y también vale la pena recordar que ninguna
consulta popular le ha conferido función alguna en el gobierno, y que cualquier
acuerdo que alcance ella en China con las autoridades chinas no tiene ningún
tipo de validez legal. Pero claro, los carneros aceptarán. La prensa aceptará.
Los senadores y congresistas aceptarán.
Y a los
que tengamos el valor de decir algo nos seguirán vigilando, al resto los
mantendrán entretenidos y anestesiados, y sometidos a la lobotomía intelectual.
to the Orwellian States of Amerika. Charlie Bravo.
Common Core Indoctrination: Where the
Second Amendment is Defined by Gun-Controllers and Dispersed in Different
Forums. GJWHG /
The idea of a standard in education sounds good at
first blush. You don’t want to have anyone fall behind. But the
problem arises when a few are allowed to dictate what is “Common” and their
views are allowed to indoctrinate the children of this country even if those
views are contrary to the truth.
Case in point, the textbooks and teaching materials
that are approved by the Common Core Standards have warped interpretations of
the 2nd Amendment.
Examples in textbooks on how the 2nd Amendment is
United States History: Preparing for the Advanced
Placement Examination:
The Second Amendment: The people have the right to keep
and bear arms in a
state militia.
The Americans (history textbook):
The Second and Third Amendments – grant citizens the
right to bear arms as
members of a militia of citizen-soldiers and prevent the
government from housing troops in private homes in peacetime.
This might have been acceptable (WRONG, but
acceptable) prior to Heller v DC and McDonald v Chicago but those cases were 6
and 4 years ago respectively. The issue is done, the Supreme Court has
ruled (twice) that individual people have the right to keep and bear arms.
These textbooks are doing nothing more than trying to brainwash students
into believing a lie; with hopes that they will grow up to be like minded gun
hating liberals.
This goes beyond the textbooks as well for Common Core
provides template worksheets to help teachers bring to bear, not only the
destruction of the 2nd Amendment but the cheapening and undermining of all the
Bill of Rights.
In Bryant, Arkansas the following “assignment” was
handed out to sixth graders.
I know
it’s a little fuzzy so I’ll highlight the important bits.
“The Government of the United States is currently
revisiting The Bill of Rights. They have determined that it is outdated
and may not remain in its current form any longer.”
It then
goes on to tell the kids, that basically, a poll is being taken to see what can
be cut out of the Bill of Rights. It even leads them into thinking that
they are participating in a task force called the National Revised Bill of
Rights Task Force.
“Your task as a member of the NRBR Task Force is to
prioritize, revise, prune two and add two amendments to The Bill of Rights.”
The kids
assignment was to cut the Bill of Rights, one of the most important and
defining documents in human history, like a drunken plastic surgeon and add
LOL’s and emoticons to it so it can be less “outdated.”
Since when is liberty EVER outdated?
the best part though, after parents complained it came to light that the students hadn’t been taught
ANYTHING about how ratifying the Constitution works.
Adam Smith: The Wealth of
"The most decisive mark
of the prosperity of any country is the increase of the number of its
And if this statement is true, then America is headed for more economic problems. You see, the population increase in America has come to a screeching halt.
According to figures recently released by the U.S. Census Bureau, population growth is crashing. During the last year, it was a depressed 0.71%, or barely 2.3 million people. This is the slowest growth since the Great Depression.
Two factors are slowing our population growth. One is that the baby boom population bubble is starting to deflate. The oldest baby boomers are now approaching 70 and, in the next decade, will see their mortality explode higher.
The other is that immigration is slowing because immigrants can't find the economic opportunity in the United States that they once did.
This was hammered home to me recently when I learned the story of an enterprising towel boy in Cabo San Lucas. As he presents a towel to his guests, he greets them in flawless English, which he perfected growing up in Los Angeles. Yet he makes more money and tips around the pool in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico than he could from any of a series of jobs he held in his hometown in California.
And if this statement is true, then America is headed for more economic problems. You see, the population increase in America has come to a screeching halt.
According to figures recently released by the U.S. Census Bureau, population growth is crashing. During the last year, it was a depressed 0.71%, or barely 2.3 million people. This is the slowest growth since the Great Depression.
Two factors are slowing our population growth. One is that the baby boom population bubble is starting to deflate. The oldest baby boomers are now approaching 70 and, in the next decade, will see their mortality explode higher.
The other is that immigration is slowing because immigrants can't find the economic opportunity in the United States that they once did.
This was hammered home to me recently when I learned the story of an enterprising towel boy in Cabo San Lucas. As he presents a towel to his guests, he greets them in flawless English, which he perfected growing up in Los Angeles. Yet he makes more money and tips around the pool in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico than he could from any of a series of jobs he held in his hometown in California.
The Problem With Population
At this point, you may be asking yourself, why should I care when a
population decrease will result in less traffic, lower competition for scarce
resources, housing, food, etc.?
Well, the reason you should care was summed up by Simon Smith Kuznets, who won the 1971 Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences for his theory of "tested knowledge."
As Kuznets explained, "More population means more creators and producers, both of goods along established production patterns and of new knowledge and inventions."
We directly benefit from the products and services created by people, and especially from the energy they direct toward solving the problems of life.
On the other hand, a declining population will exacerbate the problems America already faces. For example, we're nearing a point where Social Security insolvency becomes intractable. A declining population compounds this problem. If we need 10 workers to reasonably fund one retirement, what do you do when the number of retired workers grows and the number of new workers is in decline?
Our modern welfare state is predicated on a growing population paying the government's ever-expanding bills. If you don't grow the population, the growth of government becomes increasingly difficult. And with a declining population, the welfare state becomes unaffordable.
Since the 1970s, American women have aborted over 50 million children, but these lost people were replaced by immigrants. They willingly came to America because our free market system afforded them outstanding opportunities.
If Congress doesn't begin to reverse the Obama policies soon, we'll never regain our economic leadership. Our population growth, which has slowed to a trickle, will reverse and then begin to shrink with profoundly negative consequences for us all.
Your eyes on the Hill,
Floyd Brown
Well, the reason you should care was summed up by Simon Smith Kuznets, who won the 1971 Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences for his theory of "tested knowledge."
As Kuznets explained, "More population means more creators and producers, both of goods along established production patterns and of new knowledge and inventions."
We directly benefit from the products and services created by people, and especially from the energy they direct toward solving the problems of life.
On the other hand, a declining population will exacerbate the problems America already faces. For example, we're nearing a point where Social Security insolvency becomes intractable. A declining population compounds this problem. If we need 10 workers to reasonably fund one retirement, what do you do when the number of retired workers grows and the number of new workers is in decline?
Our modern welfare state is predicated on a growing population paying the government's ever-expanding bills. If you don't grow the population, the growth of government becomes increasingly difficult. And with a declining population, the welfare state becomes unaffordable.
Since the 1970s, American women have aborted over 50 million children, but these lost people were replaced by immigrants. They willingly came to America because our free market system afforded them outstanding opportunities.
If Congress doesn't begin to reverse the Obama policies soon, we'll never regain our economic leadership. Our population growth, which has slowed to a trickle, will reverse and then begin to shrink with profoundly negative consequences for us all.
Your eyes on the Hill,
Floyd Brown
CENTER FOR JOURNALISM: So Now That Barack Hussein Obama Has Declared Himself Dictator, What Are
You Going To Do About It?
In spite of the fact that Congress ALREADY has the Constitutional duty and authority (through both the purse and impeachment) to stop Obama's tyrannical usurpations of power, Congressman Trey Gowdy tried to take a more "moderate and reasonable approach."
And immediately after the House of Representatives passed Gowdy'sEnforce The Law Act of 2014 (a simple measure that would have affirmed that Congress has standing to sue Obama when he subverts the Constitution) Barack Obama actually had the nerve to say that "Congress may not assign such power to itself."
It's clear. As far as Obama is concerned, THE CONSTITUTION IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL, and there is only one course of action that can be taken to stop his dictatorial reign of tyranny. OBAMA MUST BE REMOVED FROM OFFICE and only an avalanche of faxes and call from grassroots Americans is going to make that happen.
The Only Thing Standing In The Way Of Article Of Impeachment is YOU.
So, if Obama can claim that the Constitution is now unconstitutional, what can be done? Michele Bachmann made the call when she said that"we must have the support of the American people in order to have impeachment."
And no matter what you may NOT hear from the lame-stream media, the sad and plain and simple truth is that Michele Bachmann is right...the ONLY thing prohibiting Congress from REMOVING Barack Obama TODAY is THEIR delusion that YOU WON'T SUPPORT IT.
Right after Barack Obama outrageously threatened to veto Gowdy'sEnforce The Law Act of 2014, even the spineless John Boehner took notice and feigned outrage over "the fact that the president would threaten to veto a measure requiring him to uphold his Constitutional obligations..."
If you're frustrated that Congress is not moving aggressively enough to remove Barack Obama, you can make it happen right now.
And don't just take our word for it. Take Bachmann's word for it. If you really want Barack Obama GONE... there's only one way to make him go... direct action.
In the last several days, we've sent almost 25,000 of your Blast Faxes to our so-called GOP leaders and Members of the House and Senate who are bona-fide Tea Party Members, and we need to double that number because only a massive uprising from grassroots Americans like you will make the impeachment of Barack Obama a reality.
You'll Never Guess Who Else Is Calling For Obama's Impeachment. What The Media Isn't Telling You.
"Never in my life did I ever believe that our country would be taken over by people, like the people who are running it at this day... I don't think that this man [Obama] will make it through his term. I THINK HE WILL BE IMPEACHED."
Hundreds of people broke into thunderous applause when movie actor Steven Segal uttered those heartfelt and spontaneous words during a dinner at the Western Conservative Conference.
And even though the liberal media was there in force, they didn't dare report it.
At the fourth annual Statesman of the Year dinner that was hosted by the Sarasota Florida GOP, a man in the audience yelled out to Senator Ted Cruz; "What does it take to impeach him?" When the massive applause finally died down, Cruz boldly stated: "It takes 218 votes in the House of Representatives."
And even though the liberal media was there in force , they didn't dare report it.
Former Congressman Tom Tancredo recently said: "The case for impeaching and removing President Obama grows stronger each week... His abuse of power has become so frequent and brazen that it is becoming recognized as the trademark of his presidency."
And again, even though the liberal media heard those words, they didn't dare report it.
Make no mistake, in spite of what you are not hearing, removing Barack Obama from the office he usurped is finally gaining major traction in Washington D.C. and the only thing that is prohibiting our elected officials from starting the ball rolling is a false impression that patriotic Americans, like you, will NOT support them if they remove him.
That's the reality of what we're facing but you can change that reality right now. If the vast majority of you who are reading this urgent alert take direct action right now, you will change that dynamic.
Yes... The Democrats Also Know That Mr. Obama's Days May Be Numbered.
As a matter of fact, staving-off the growing movement to remove Barack Obama from office has become a major component of the Democrats' internal fundraising efforts.
After listing a number of GOP notables who have gone on record as"supporting" impeachment, a panic-stricken email sent out to Obama for America supporters by the DNC issued the following call to action:"Remember, if we win just 17 more seats, we'll take back the House, and put an end to this kind of asinine behavior."
It's no gimmick, Barack Obama and the Democrats are actually campaigning on impeachment but you don't know about it is because you're not on the DNC's mailing list.
You don't know about it because the lame-stream media will not dare report it, and you don't know about it because far too many establishment Republicans are desperately trying to convince you thatTHEY'RE POWERLESS WHEN IT COME TO REMOVING BARACK OBAMA FROM OFFICE.
They're not. Dr. Alan Keyes put it another way: "Quietly a tide is rising in favor of taking the necessary constitutional steps to remove the danger by impeaching and removing Obama and his cohorts from office. But since the GOP's leadership has been and is acting in collusion with Obama, they refuse to provide a rallying point for this sentiment."
And Keyes added: "Nothing stands in your way except the shackles of the mind that are, in the end, the most effective bonds of tyranny. ... The answer is in our own hands."
In other words, the only thing prohibiting Congress from REMOVINGBarack Obama today is YOU. Will you remove the "shackles of the mind that are... the most effective bonds of tyranny" and do what must be done today?
Is Dr.
Keyes Right? Are Establishment Republicans Really In Collusion With Obama? Are
They Actually Trying To Make You Believe That They Are Powerless When It Comes
To Removing Barack Obama From Office?
The short answer is yes.
Case in point, at this very moment, the GOP is considering a measure that is allegedly meant to stem Barack Obama's dictatorial overreach of power.
The Washington Examiner reports that the Boehner-led House is considering a measure that "would allow the House to bring 'civil action' against the administration if it deems the executive branch is not enforcing the law."
Sounds tough, doesn't it? Of course there is one glaring problems with such a measure:
The Constitution already gives Congress the primary authority to curb the excesses of an out-of-control executive branch. Why punt that duty to the courts?
Are our elected officials trying to sound tough as they abdicateTHEIR responsibility to stop Barack Obama's abuses of power?
Well, we're not about to let them get away with it and the only way to let them know they can't get away with it is for thousands of patriotic Americans to flood their offices with calls and faxes and let them know, in no uncertain terms, that you won't let them get away with it.
Use the
hyperlink below to send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every Member of the
Republican Leadership and the 50 Tea Party Members in the United States Senate
and the United States House of Representatives. Or alternatively, send your
urgent Blast Faxes to each and every Republican Member of the U.S. Senate and
the U.S. House of Representatives.
If button above does not work, please use this hyperlink.
If button above does not work, please use this hyperlink.
mi opinión” Lázaro R González Miño
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