Friday, May 6, 2011

"Lazaro R Gonzalez" "Modern Don Quixote confronts the crooked political machine of Miami Dade County in the state of Florida”

Press Release

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March 31, 2011



Gerardo De Sola 786 426 7417

"Modern Don Quixote confronts the crooked political machine of Miami Dade County in the state of Florida

Modern Don Quixote confronts the crooked political machine of Miami Dade County in the state of Florida.

Mr. Lázaro R Gonzalez Chemist 65, graduated from the University of Havana, who also suffered the rigors of political imprisonment in Cuba for standing up to the communist dictatorship of Fidel Castro and as Medical Technologist dedicated to

health care and the life of the sick in the hospitals of the American nation for the past 22 years. Now is a candidate as a mayor of Miami Dade. Lázaro a man "of weapons to take" that last December 2009 led the first RECALL against the mayor of Miami Dade, one of the largest U.S. county, with nearly three million inhabitants. He began the campaign against Mayor Carlos Alvarez which was eventually dismissed from his position last March 15 by a vote of rejection of 88% of voters. The deposed Alvarez was accompanied on his fall by Commissioner Natacha Seijas, both were characterized by their ability to raise taxes, waste money and ruling capriciously back to the needs of citizens.

Lázaro dramatically demonstrated the effectiveness of the process against the political THE RECALL” and this has unnerved, not just Miami Dade and political scandal that has national outreach has impacted American countries like Mexico, Argentina and Colombia where they have interviewed him to learn more about the process to take its ossified political positions.

Lázaro is undoubtedly an innovator, is the only candidate who has written a plan for Miami Dade government when he be elected Mayor in the forthcoming elections in next May 24 called to order to cover the positions of mayor and commissioner, empty since last 15 March by the RECALL.
In this plan, he described as: Will lower taxes, reduce the size of county government, reduce the very high wages given by previous administrations, improve the poor police work in one of the most insecure areas of the nation, facilitating the industrialization and the creation of new business to increase the chances of more jobs, Stop the interference of unions in the work of county government, commissioners do work only for the county and cannot interfere with government business or preventing use of his friends to have best prices and service Requiring voter approval for large projects, require political access for voters to understand their needs directly, improve the systems in which citizens can criticize and challenge the rulers who do not meet their duties.
All politicians are in serious trouble no only at Miami Dade but if in every city, county, state and why not in the Congress.

Appears to mi Lázaro is telling us how Jesus said:

Lázaro, arise and walk!

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